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Suggestion: Locations and Venues

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Since AI favors venues over locations, why not separate them?
That way, you could expand them even further.

Different types such as: Arena, stadium, hall, room, beach or field - this could bring in some pros and cons.
Is it a wrestling audience → Very hot and vocal crowds.

Each region should already exist, such as: Great Lakes, then you just select the region and add the different locations. You could add something like what product is popular in each location and how popular and important wrestling is in general, which in turn affects the popularity.

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I'll just hijack this topic to add that I'd also like Venue attributes that add factors like:

  • Low Ceiling - unable to do Ladder/X-Wire/Scaffold matches, can't use High Spots aim
  • Music Hot Spot - boost to production due to in-house sound gear
  • No Locker Room (i.e. sports bars, night clubs) - lowers Backstage Morale because nobody likes to change in a random tent
  • Sports Venue (i.e. school gyms, sports arenas) - increases Backstage Morale because it has a dedicated backstage/locker room area
  • Highly Moral Owner - can't be rented by risque, edgy, hardcore products
  • Outdoors - closed during winter (temporary soft close that occurs every year)

Having such things would make Venues more realistic because these things are important in real life. Plus, it would be more interesting than just auto-selecting whatever the button picks as 'best'. I might have to pick the lesser evil between 'venue I'll probably sell out, but can't do my High Spots title match in' vs. 'venue that costs more, won't be a sellout, but I can do the planned match' and such. Venues & Locations feel very generic as they are and there's often no real reason to pick one over the other because it's mainly attendance max based.

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