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TNA: Can it overcome and ECW Talent Raid?!?

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[CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Can [COLOR="Red"]TNA [/COLOR]overcome a talent raid from [COLOR="Black"]ECW!?!?[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.mainevent.com.au/content/images/TNA-logo_large.jpg[/IMG] As the year 2006 ends and 2007 begins the wrestling world is in a frenzy. WWE's new version of Extreme Championship Wrestling with Paul Heyman in full creative control has become more and more popular each week. Due to the rise in popularity of ECW Vince McMahon has allowed Heyman a much higher salary cap then originally expected. Therefore, Paul Heyman decided to dip into the TNA talent pool and offer all the past ECW superstars offers that they were unable to refuse. Even the wrestlers such as Rhino, Team 3D, and Shane Douglas who originally declined offers and even mocked the possibilities in the past decided to jump ship and head back to ECW. Will the loss of former ECW talent send TNA into a downfall? Or will the X-Division and new stars that TNA has continued to groom through the five years of business be able to overcome the odds and one day compete with Vince McMahon or at least one of his three brands? The Jarrett's and Dixie Carter have promised to step up with more X-Division action to keep the fans on the edge of their seats! However, without the popularity and drawing power of some of the former ECW stars it will be difficult.[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following statement was released earlier today on TNA.com:[/b] [I]Earlier today there was a company meeting held behind closed doors. Those who attended the meeting included every on and off air talent who has been a part of TNA Wrestling both part time and full time. The meeting was held after rumors about an ECW talent raid ran through the TNA locker room. Apparently the rumors were true because as a result of the meeting the following members of the TNA roster have officially been allowed to part ways with TNA despite contract obligations:[/I] [B][U]Raven [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/raven/normal_32.jpg[/IMG][/U] [U]Team 3-D [IMG]http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1510/dudleyswn3.png[/IMG][/U] [U]Jerry Lynn [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/lynn/normal_jerrylynn1.jpg[/IMG] [/U] [U]Shane Douglas [img]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/franchise/37.jpg[/img][/U] [U]Rhino [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/rhino/normal_rhino11.jpg[/IMG][/U] [U]"Father" James Mitchell [img]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/mitchell/30.jpg[/img][/U] [U]Simon Diamond [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/diamond/normal_02.jpg[/IMG][/U] [/B][/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This Thursday night January 4th marks a new era in TNA. Jim Cornette has promised that all questions regarding the rumors of the so-called talent raid will be answered this Thursday night on Spike TV. Jim Cornette has also promised that both the X-Division and Tag Team Championships will be on the line Thursday Night. You can't miss the first Impact of the year 2007. It's a new era in TNA and that doesn't mean we are any less extreme![/I] [/center]
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[B]From August 1st 2006 to January 1st 2007[/B] Since I've fast fowarded time from August of 2006 to 2007 I figured I'd give somewhat of a quick reflection of what has happened in this "dream world" of mine. [I]- Jeff Jarrett has held the World title since August always finding ways to steal victories to retain. In the months leading to 2007 he defeated Sting, Christian Cage, and the now ECW superstars Raven and Rhino in Title matches. - Samoa Joe did recieve a World Heavyweight Title match and got his shot at Bound For Glory in a triple threat match featuring himself, Rhino, and Jeff Jarrett. However, Jarrett defeated Rhino again leaving Joe technically undefeated. - TNA is officially on the road both weeks and monthly for Pay Per Views. - Sting and Christian have hinted at a fued for several months however nothing has come of it officially. - Team Canada managed to find a loophole in their having to disband and won a match against the Dudleyz at Bound For Glory allowing them to reunite; however, Eric Young is no longer a part of the group and is a fan favorite. - Senshi went back to his Low-Ki personality but was temporarily injured and stripped of his X division title, however, he ended up returning and winning a tournament to become the champion yet again after title was vacated. - Daniels and AJ have taken on several opponents, proving their dominence as current tag champions.[/I] Other than that most things are going to be sorta just moving along from the start. I know I fast fowarded to 2006, but in reality it shouldn't be much difference.
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Actually, I didn't plan on it. Really I'm just going to continue TNA from here without the ECW guys. Basically, its TNA with a little less star power and a small overall storyline to evolve from. You'll see what I mean with the first show. Basically, just TNA 2007 without former ECW talent, if that makes sense.
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Sounds good so far brother. I like the same backstory and you cant help but think that this could have been a real possibility. I have my own TNA Diary over at [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15410[/url] if you want to give it a look. TNA is my favorite wrestling promotion (followed by ROH and the WWE in DISTANT third) and I like to see everybodies version of them. So I'll be givin this a read over.
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] The show opens up with thousands of fans going crazy in the place that made TNA what it is today, The Impact Zone. That's right, the Orlando crowd is hot as fireworks go off in the Impact! Zone at Universal Studios, Florida. However, the cheering crowd is silenced as Jeff Jarrett's music echoes throughout the Impact Zone. Jarrett steps from the backstage area and the fans boo him immediately. However, despite the boos he makes his way towards the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/8178/jeffjarrettopeningeg3.png[/IMG] [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett Addresses the Talent Raid and More! [/U][/B] In the ring Jeff Jarrett doesn't posses usual ****y smile. Instead he has a stern look on his face as he begins to address the TNA audience. As the crowd quiets down Jarrett speaks softly and slowly. Double J seems very serious with his response to the ECW "traitors" as he put it. He says that it's obvious that some people are and will always be about one thing and that is money. To keep his image as a "heel" he also throws in comments about being in the business for only the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Jarrett goes on to say that TNA was built on the shoulders of the men that are still backstage, and while he doesn't get along with all....OR MOST...of them he respects them for what they do. He says that tonight TNA continues it's rise to the top of the wrestling world and they will do it without "Those washed up HAS BEENS from ECW" as he put it. Jarrett says that ECW has already been killed once, and sooner than later it will happen again, only this time TNA won't welcome it's remaining roster with open arms. Now, Jarrett goes on. It's time to get down to what is most important. The NWA World Heavyweight Title. He says that Jim Cornette told him this morning that with all the talent changes that have taken place there will be a match up tonight and next week that decides who exactly will get a shot at the World Title. From there, Jarrett complains about Cornette trying to work behind his back to give Christian or Sting the World Title, but he says it won't happen. That's because he is the King of the Mountain and not to mention the only guy who has held the strap on numerous occasions..[/I] [I][B][U]LAX Won't Stay Quiet![/U][/B] [IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8787/laxww6.png[/IMG] At the Spanish broadcast table the Latin American Exchange have the airwaves. Konnan gets on the mic first and says that despite what people are saying the real reason that everyone jumped shipped to ECW is because they were intimidated by LAX. He then puts over Homicide as the future of Professional Wrestling. Homicide gets on the mic next and says that he is about to step in the ring with some pathetic vanilla vato and he'll show K-Dawg and the rest of the world that he is in fact that future of the wrestling business. The interview ends only after several spanish vulgarities and hand gestures.[/I] [I][B][U]Homicide vs. Matt Bentley[/U][/B] The opening contest of the night showed off what the X-Division is all about. Kazarian was ringside with Bentley, but the LAX stayed over at the Spanish announce table. The match up started with Homicide slapping Bentley in the face, and then treating him like he was nothing with closed fists and boots to the gut. Homicide kept control early on for a few minutes eventually sending Bentley in the corner and catching him with a running swift dropkick. Following the dropkick Homicide connected with a running DVD type move, but only managed a two count. This was only the beginning. Homicide brought Bentley back to his feet for an exchange of right hands. Bentley came out on top and connected with a standing hurricanrana. From there he kept control for a few minutes and dominating Homicide with a DDT followed by an attempted superkick which came up short. Homicide ducked the superkick and from there kicked Bentley in the gut and connected with a double underhook piledriver for a SICK finish. 1....2.....3 [B]Winner: Homicide[/B][/I] [I][B][U]LAX Celebration?[/U][/B] Following the match-up, Homicide continue to beat down his fallen opponent. Kazarian jumps in and pushes Homicide off his partner. Homicide then goes to exit the ring and as Frankie Kazarian turns his back all of LAX jump in the ring and attack him from behind. The end result is both Kazarian and Bentley lying in the middle of the ring lying in a pool of their own blood following a beatdown with the slapjack.[/I] [I][B][U]Cornette to Address status of TNA[/U][/B] Backstage Jeremy Borash stops Jim Cornette as he exits his office. J.B. asks Cornette about TNA's future after the talent raid from ECW, and also about the current World Title picture. Cornette replies with ****y remarks such as "What do you want to know about the World Title picture? Jarrett is the champ, correct?" Cornette does promise that later tonight he will address several things in the ring.[/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada Reunion?[/U][/B] As Cornette walks away Coach Scott D'Amore approaches J.B. The Coach says that tonight the world is going to witness something spectacular because after winning there independence back last week on Impact in seperate qualifying match-ups, there will in-fact be a Team Canada reunion tonight. As D' Amore exits the scene Eric Young is seen hiding in the backround. He has a huge smile on his face and does hand gestures as if the TNA audience can see his "secret sign", and a "Don't Fire Eric" chant starts up.[/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Lost their Crown Jewel?[/U][/B] As cameras come back from Commercial Break, David Young and Elix Skipper are in the ring. They seem to be arguing a bit before they get on the mic. They speak on how they can't believe Simon Diamond ditched them, and begin to argue about what they do next. Skipper says that up next he gets and X-Division title shot, and from there they'll see how things go. Young agrees, and stands ringside for the match.[/I] [I][B][U]X-Division Title Match Low-Ki vs Primetime Elix Skipper[/U][/B] The fans were behind this very fast paced match-up from the beginning. Low-Ki dominated the entire match-up, and it seems that every time Elix Skipper would start to take control something would happen and Low Ki would catch him with one of his lethal kicks. There was just something missing in Skipper, and it seemed that "something" may have been Simond Diamond. Elix Skipper managed to duck one of Low Ki's deadly kicks late in the match and connect with a spin kick of his own. However, the finish came when David Young's interference backfired and he planted Primetime with a right hand. Low-Ki quickly used the mishap to his advantage and took SKipper to the top for the Ki-Krusher for the victory. [b]Winner: Low-Ki[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Diamonds Looking Pretty Rough![/U][/B] Following the match-up, David Young entered the ring to help Primetime to his feet. However, Primetime pushed him away and then after a short argument kicked Young in the gut and caught him with a double underhook suplex.Next, he took his "Diamonds" jacket and tossed it atop Young as if he was done.[/I] [I][B][U]Christian & Sting= Greatness? Maybe.[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9589/stingchristiantg6.png[/IMG] Backstage, Christian Cage enters Sting's locker room. Sting doesn't seem surprised but before he can say anything Christian begins to speak. Christian says that in the past several months he and Sting have had an on again and off again relationship. Together they are unstoppable, but that is where the problem lies. He says in reality they are not a team, but two guys who want the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Christian throws in one comment about winning the NWA Title last year trying to make Sting jealous, but Sting doesn't respond. Instead, when Christian is done ranting Sting hesitates for a second and says that he respects Christian for everything he has done, but it's time...time....SHOWTIME. Sting says that sooner or later he is going to in fact bring the NWA World Heavyweight Title home, but until then he has no problem with Christian. The two nod at one another before Christian exits the locker room. After Christian exits Sting says one thing..."These young guys just don't get it! It's Showtime FOLKS!"[/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]A Reunion...of the Canadian Sort.[/U][/B] Coach Scott D'Amore makes his way to the ring alone. He then starts a speech on how the last five months have been the worse months of his life. He says that there has been a void in his life since Team Canada broke up, and after tonight that void would be filled once again. [IMG]http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6859/teamcanada1at8.png[/IMG] He then goes on to announce the reunited Team Canada. Bobby Roode, Petey Williams, and A-1. No Eric Young. D'Amore gives a speech much like the speeches he gave when Team Canada broke up many months ago hyping each individual worker. D'Amore then states that the difference between the new Team Canada and the Team Canada from the past is one very important thing...NO ERIC YOUNG HOLDING THEM DOWN. Next, he announces that up next Petey Williams will take part in a four-way X-Division match-up, and he won't let Team Canada down. BUT FIRST, he says everyone should rise for the Canadian National Anthem. As the music plays, though, Jay Lethal's music interrupts.[/I] [I][B][U]Petey Williams vs Jay Lethal vs Alex Shelley vs Roderick Strong[/U][/B] All four men enter the ring at the same time. Williams and Lethal squared off on one side of the ring with Shelley and Strong on the other side. Williams and Lethal went back and forth with Lethal eventually being thrown out of the ring with a clothesline over the top. Moments later, Strong was hiptossed over as well. With Shelley and Williams left in the ring Petey Williams charged at Shelley. However, Shelley sent him over his head with a back body drop to the outside of the ring. Somehow, Williams managed to land atop Lethal outside catching him with a falling hurricanrana. The fans went nuts with a "TNA" chant. The chant continued when Shelley connected with a suicide dive. After a few moments outside, everyone re-entered the ring. In some fast paced moments that finished the match, Lethal connected with a German suplex on Strong only before being dropped on his head with a DDT from Shelley. However, it was the Canadian Destroyer on Shelley the ended the match leaving the fans in awe after the 1....2.....3 [b]Winner: Petey Williams[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The Canadian Flag Bandit?[/U][/B] Following the match-up Coach D'Amore and the rest of Team Canada go to enter the ring to celebrate their first victory since they were reunited. [IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/1984/ericdj9.png[/IMG] AS they go to celebrate though, Eric Young comes out from under the ring and steals their Canadian Flag and returns under the ring. As Team Canada goes to look for their flag for their celebration it is no where to be found. That is until they spot E. Y. walking up the entrance ramp with it. Once he gets to the top he swings the flag claiming that he is a TRUE Canadian and they are just..."Stupid Canucks". The fans laugh out loud at Eric walking back and forth posing with the flag.[/I] [I][B][U]Abyss, Alone? [/U][/B] [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2931/abysslv4.png[/IMG] Abyss is spotted walking through the dark empty hallways alone. With James Mitchell being one of the guys to turn their back on TNA, Abyss is alone for the first time in over two years. Abyss walks back and forth backstage destroying everything in his path, but still he seems to be confused on what to do next. [/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Da' Boss Speaks[/U][/B] Following the break Jim Cornette is in the ring. The Director of Authority says that he is going to make it short and sweet because he has lots to cover in little time. [IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/6276/cornetteva1.png[/IMG] First, he says as far as the ECW-traitors go, forget about them. He says those scumbags are dead to TNA and sooner or later they'll try to crawl back here, but they definitely will not be welcomed. Not only that but when Vince McMahon is done with them their morale will be so low that there is no telling what they'll do. Because "up north" as he put it, they chew you up and spit you out like your nothing. The worse part about it is that every guy that turned their back on TNA have been there before, and last time TNA was there for them to fall back on. However, that won't be the case again. Now, onto what is important. The HERE AND NOW! Cornette announces that starting tonight there will be a tournament for the number one contender ship to the NWA World Heavyweight Title. And the man who wins that opportunity will face the winner of Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, and Sting which will take place at Final Resolution in two weeks. Cornette says that with all the talent that left, there are many chances from the superstars to prove themselves to be the "Next Big Thing", and he is giving them that chance with this tournament. As for next week, Cornette says as part of the tournament he spoke of Abyss will be taking on...the undefeated SAMOA JOE! The fans go nuts as Cornette pauses. [IMG]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5557/jarrett2de9.png[/IMG] As Cornette stops speaking only for a minute, Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring. He moans about Cornette "screwing" him by putting both Christian and Sting in the same match with him. He also says that Cornette is stacking the odds against him with this #1 contenders tournament. Cornette says he doesn't have time to deal with Jarrett right now and what he said is final. As of right now...there is a Tag Title Title match that is scheduled to take place...and that happens NEXT![/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]NWA Tag Team Titles AJ/Daniels vs Americas Most Wanted[/U][/B] All four men are in the ring as cameras come back to commercial. Each men stares at the next, and you can cut the tension with a knife knowing the history between these two teams. AJ and Harris started things off with Harris using his strength to keep AJ in his corner for illegal tactics with his partner James Storm. Harris and Storm kept AJ on their side of the ring tagging in and out quickly and using double team moves including a double suplex to keep AJ grounded. The beating of AJ Styles went on for several minutes until he managed to make the tag to Daniels. The Fallen Angel entered the ring swinging taking down both Storm and Harris with respective right hands. He knocked Harris out of the ring with a smooth dropkick and then he and AJ connected with a reverse sitdown powerbomb, DDT, combination with was received well by the crowd. However, they only managed to get a two count. The finish came later on when Harris grabbed AJ's leg and pulled him out of the ring only after tosses Storm a beer bottle. Storm swung the Bottle at Daniels, but Daniels countered and connected with an enziguri knocking Storm senseless. It was just enough for Daniels to connect with the Angel's Wings...and get the cover.....1....2.....3 [b]Winners: AJ/Daniels[/b][/I] [IMG]http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/2950/ajdanielstk2.png[/IMG] The Show ends with the Tag Champions Celebrating. [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 01/04/2007 Location: The Impact Zone! Universal Studios, Orlando Florida Attendence: 1,000 (Sellout) Rating: C+ Television Audience: TBD[/b][/LEFT]
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Good show brother, I like the way you use the pics. The writing was very good too and I like how you are building on the current roster. Question, how long is your show? Did youchange it from the hour format, or are your matches short to fit them in the 1 hour. Good job regardless.
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Thanks man. It's an hour show. Actually, though, I'm doing things backwards. Writing the show first, and then simming it. I'll cut time where need be, and update with ratings and such soon. Thanks for the feedback. UPDATE: I did have a hard time cutting the time down, and I'll keep that in mind for the next show. Thanks for the tip Stallion.
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] TNA Xplosion opens up with Jeremy Borash standing next to Samoa Joe who will be challenging Abyss in the first round of the #1 Contendership Tournament next week on Impact!. Jeremy asks Joe if he feels confident about his match with Abyss, and also asked if he feels confident about that tournament as a whole. [IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/5746/joerd3.png[/IMG] Joe pushes Jeremy off screen and speaks for himself. He says that not only is he confident that the #1 Contendership will belong to him, but he feels as if the Tournament is a joke because he already proved that he deserved to be in the World Heavyweight Title match. He says he's been undefeated for a year and a half now, and that should be enough in itself to get him a World Heavyweight Title shot. Soon enough, Samoa Joe will be World Heavyweight Champion! From there Joe storms off and Jeremy Borash is left to announce the first match-up which will consist of Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy taking on Team Canada.[/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada vs Shark Boy/Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B] Scott D'Amore and Petey Williams stood outside the ring as the A1 and Roode pose on the ring before the match. After all the posing, the action begins with A1 and Shark Boy. A1 shows off his strength by tossing Shark Boy around like a rag doll. After a snap suplex A1 uses some basic submission holds such as a headlock, and a knee to the lower back to keep Shark Boy grounded. These tactics work until Shark Boy lands on his feet after a German suplex attempt and then bites A1 on the behind. These leads both A1 and Sharky to make the tag. Bobby Roode and Sonjay Dutt are in the ring next, and they lock up in the middle of the ring. Roode takes the upperhand by tossing the much lighter Dutt backwards. However, Dutt quickly ducks a right hand attempt and connects with an enziguri. Sonjay manages to keep control of the match and he connects with a sprinkler armbreaker off the top, and then a standing shooting star press. However, Petey Williams pulled Roode out of the ring before he could be pinned. From there, Team Canada took control of the match and by using some underhand tactics, ala using the tights, pinned Sonjay Dutt for the victory. [B]Winners: Team Canada [/b][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada Attacks[/U][/B] Following the match-up, all three members of Team Canada brutally attack Shark Boy and Sonjay Dutt. However, none other than Eric Young quickly runs down to the ring carrying a steel chair forcing Team Canada to flee from ringside. Young seems very proud of himself and has a goofy grin planted on his face. The fans chant "Don't Fire Eric"[/i] [IMG]http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/3076/eric1qj3.png[/IMG] [I][B][U]NWA World Title Review[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/9007/nwatitlevu4.png[/IMG] A video plays hyping the three way NWA World Heavyweight TItle match at Final Resolution that Jim Cornette announced this past Impact! The video shows videos of Sting, Jarrett, and Christian, including footage from last year's Final Resolution where Sting returned to TNA![/I] [I][B][U]Ron Killings Attacked?[/U][/B] Backstage, Ron Killings approached Jim Cornette's office. On Cornette's door seemd to be the list of men entered in the #1 contenders tournament that starts next week on Impact. Fortunatley for Killings, he is one of them entered in the tournament. However, as Killings turns around after looking at the list he is sent flying into the wall after being on the recieving end of a POUNCE by Monty Brown. Brown looks at Killings and then laughs and checks the list for his name. He is also on the list. Brown points down at Killings and says "I'll see you later...PUNK!"[/I] [I][B][U]The James Gang: Open Challenge[/U][/B] Back in the ring The James Gang are on the mic and they through they usual routine. Afterwards though, they issue and open challenge to any tag team in the back that have the guts to take them on in a tag match here and now. [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/535/jamesgangcu1.png[/IMG] It didn't take long for Austin Aries and Alex Shelley to step out from the backstage area and take them up on their challenge.[/I] [I][B][U]The James Gang vs Shelley/Aries[/U][/B] The match starts out with Kip James and Austin Aries going at it. After a collar and elbow tie-up Kip overpowered Aries and tosses him in the corner. After some mounted punches Kip kept the advantage with some power moves such as a suplex, and a backdrop. However, after ducking a right hand and connecting with a swinging DDT Aries tagged in Shelley. Alex took control of the match with some unique submission holds working on all sorts of different parts of Kip's body. After a lethal backbreaker, he went for a cover but only managed a two count. Soon enough, BG was tagged in and the who atmospher of the match-up changed. BG took control and cleared the ring of both Shelley and Aries. When the two returned inside the ring it was a free for all resulting in a FAME-ASSER and Powerbomb at the same time by Kip and BG. They easily got the three count for the victory. [b]Winners: James Gang [/b][/i] [I][B][U]Daniels/AJ Hype Video[/U][/B] A video plays hyping Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles. Many images of their Tag Team Title defences over the last several months are show and it ends with their victory over AMW this past week on Impact. [IMG]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/26/ajdaniels1gg6.png[/IMG] [/I] [I][B][U]The Need to Rely on Natural Ability[/U][/B] The Naturals are in the ring ready for action. However, first they get on the mic to address the Shane Douglas situation. [IMG]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/8366/naturalsjq3.png[/IMG] The Naturals say that they are hurt that the one guy that cared about their success in TNA turned his back on them and they are going to make it a point to become the greatest Tag Team in TNA history just to prove that "LOW LIFE" Shane Douglas wrong![/I] [I][B][U]Naturals vs Sabin and Lethal[/U][/B] From the beginning this match-up is very fast paced. Lethal and Stevens locked up on one side of the ring with Sabin and Doulgas on the other side of the ring. It went back and forth with Lethal and Stevens exchanging right hands until Stevens caught Lethal with a DDT. On the other side of the ring Sabin eventually got the advantage and connected with a snap suplex. With Lethal and Douglas taken out at least temporarily, Sabin and Stevens glared at one another. Sabin hesitated, but then charged at Stevens who ducked and sent him over the top rope with a back body drop. Lethal jumped to his feet but recieved the same fate. With Stevens and Douglas inside the ring and their opponents outside the Naturals looked at one another and smile. Douglas ran at Stevens as he was going to attack, but instead Stevens tossed Douglas out of the ring onto his opponents in suicide dive fashion. This allowed Stevens to go to the top with his amazing shooting star press, and the fans went NUTS! However, it was Lethal and Douglas who ended up getting the least damage due to the move and they re-entered the ring first. Somehow, Lethal managed to block a superplex after being put up top and he tossed Douglas off. In seconds, he came crashing down atop Douglas with a great headbutt for the victory. [b]Winners: Lethal/Sabin [/b][/i] [I][B][U]Natural Disaster?[/U][/B] Following the match the Naturals seem devestated. They start to argue a bit but then realize that the reason they loss is because the man that got them where they are is no longer with them. However, instead of getting upset they get focused. They give each other a high five and promise to start fresh next week![/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown vs Frankie Kazarian[/U][/B] In what seems to be normal Monty Brown fashion; he destoryed the much smalled Frankie Kazarian pretty easily. Kazarian mounted little offense against the much larger man and there was nothing he could do after being nearly destroyed with the POUNCE! [IMG]http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/9899/montyki7.png[/IMG] [b]Winner: Monty Brown[/I][/b] [I][B][U]Ron Killings vs Monty Brown @ Impact?[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/3695/killingsxe6.png[/IMG] Following the match-up, Ron Killings stumbled out on the entrance ramp. His ribs were taped because of the beating he took at the hands of Monty Brown earlier in the night. Killings says that he talked to Cornette, and since Cornette had already planned on putting both of them in the tournament for the #1 contendership I figured since you have a problem you and I could go at it in the first round. Monty Brown looked around at the crowd until Ron Killings yelled at him. "Well? WHATS UP!" Brown then answered with only two words. "Your on!" The Show ends with a staredown between the two superstars.[/i] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/5/07 Location: The Impact Zone! Universal Studios, Orlando Florida Attendence: 1,000 (sellout) Rating: C+ Television Audience: TBD[/B][/LEFT]
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[B]News and Notes[/b] -------------------------------- [I]- In a stunning turn of event, Extreme Championship Wrestling has offered TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and part-owner Jeff Jarrett a spot on the ECW roster. Of course, Jarrett should quickly object. However, we'll have more on that as news becomes available. - Earl Hebner was also offered an ECW contract recently. Due to the fact that TNA doesn't feel he is worth what they are paying him they may just let him go. - With the missing ECW wrestlers, the TNA roster has a lack of lockerroom leadership backstage. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. - The following is the brackets so far for the NWA World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Tournament. Abyss--------------- VS --------------------Semi-Finals Samoa Joe---------- Monty Brown--------- VS -------------------Semi Finals Ron Killings----------- OF COURSE, 4 other men will be taking place in the tournament. However, every name has yet to be announced. Both of the aforementioned matches will take place this week on Impact! - Also rumored for Impact is a rematch between AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels and AMW. However, that is not yet confirmed. [B][U]QUICK RESULTS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] Date:1/4/2007 Homicide Defeated Bentley Low Ki Defeated Elix Skipper to retain the X-Division Title Petey Williams Defeated Lethal, Shelley, & Strong in a 4-Way AJ/Daniels Defeated AMW to Retain Tag Team Titles [IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] Date:1/5/2007 Team Canada Defeated Shark Boy/Sonjay Dutt The James Gang Defeated Aries/Shelley Lethal/Sabin Defeated The Naturals Monty Brown Defeated Kazarian [/I]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This Thursday night on Impact Jim Cornette has promised at least two #1 Contendership tournament matches. Not to mention it has been rumored that Sting, Christian Cage, and Jeff Jarrett will all come face to face in the middle of the ring to finalize the aspects of the NWA World Heavyweight Title match at Final Resolution. All this plus the continuous fallout of the ECW talent raid, the Team Canada turmoil, and not to mention the return of Big Sexy Kevin Nash. Also, there have been rumors that the Tag Team Title will be on the line yet again this week. Overall, tune in this Thursday night for a jam packed edition of TNA IMPACT! [U]Rumored Matches[/U][/I] Monty Brown vs Ron Killings (Tournament Match) Samoa Joe vs Abyss (Tournament Match) AJ/Daniels vs AMW (Tag Team Title rematch) [/center]
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Monty Brown vs [B]Ron Killings [/B](Tournament Match) [B]Samoa Joe [/B]vs Abyss (Tournament Match) [B]AJ/Daniels[/B] vs AMW (Tag Team Title rematch) Again I love how you are building on the roster but its got to be hard with just 1 hour of TV time a week. Are yu getting the warning messages from Spike yet. When I started I knew I had to do a little modding so I made my show 2 hours (which is likley to start in real life here soon anyway) and things went much better from there. I bet your big name guys are upset about being let off of the show this week huh? I hope youare able to expand soon so you can start building more. Just a word of advice, put one big match on for each show. This will up the ratings and up your pop. I have done this and in just two months I have been able to reach International! Then again I was also able to sign Rock and Jericho. Monty Brown vs. Ron Killings should be good and Joe vs. Abyss should be awesome. Your writing is very good and you seem very knowledgeable about wrestling. Another good show and I am looking foward to the rest of the tournament!
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Yea, everything you said is pretty much right. I might fix things and make them two hours and then also knock Xplosion down to 30 minutes. Right now I'm getting two hours of TV as you can see from my first two shows. One hour Xplosion and 1 Hour of Impact. Anyways, thanks for the feedback, and I hope some other people might start reading down the line. Also, there will be another show up soon. I've been busy the last few days with some work stuff, but I got time now.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;134789] Again I love how you are building on the roster but its got to be hard with just 1 hour of TV time a week. Are yu getting the warning messages from Spike yet. When I started I knew I had to do a little modding so I made my show 2 hours (which is likley to start in real life here soon anyway)[/QUOTE] There is a possibility that it would stay as 1 hour and they bring Explosion to the Saturday Replay Slot and use that as the lower workers to get more exposure.
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] The show opens up with the usual fireworks and the crowd going nuts as the camera pans across the arena. With the crowd still cheering the music of Jim Cornette is heard over the P. A. system.[/I] [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/5092/cornette2df3.png[/IMG] [I][B][U]Meeting of the Minds [/U][/B] After entering the ring Jim Cornette says that just like last week there are few more announcements he wants to make tonight. He says first of all the rumors are true and Kevin Nash will be returning to Impact tonight after a few months of being out of action. Next, he says that there are also rumors going around that Jeff Jarrett has been offered a deal by the newly former Extreme Idiots up North. Now, rather or not that is true Jeff Jarrett will have to answer. However, for right now he wants Jeff Jarrett, Sting, and Christian Cage to all come down to the ring. [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/8386/christian2nn5.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3161/sting2gf8.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/3610/jarrettbz0.png[/IMG] Each men make their way to the ring all with their own special entrances. Of course, it was World Champ Jeff Jarrett that decided he'd be last. After making his way to the ring he gets on the mic and starts yelling at Cornette. "So, what is it Slapnutz? Are you adding another four people in the match to make sure I lost this title?" Cornette responds to Jarrett with some ****y remarks referring make to his leaving TNA. Jarrett denies being in contact with ECW and then the subject is changed back to the world title match. Cornette says that he has been thinking and he has a feeling that if he doesn't do something Jeff Jarrett is going to weasle his way into victory at Final Resolution. Therefore, instead of just being a normal match, he says there are going to be two stipulations. First, if Jeff Jarrett, or anyone for that matter has any type of interference throughout the match-up rather the referee sees it or not, he will LOSE the World Heavyweight Title. Second, if Jarrett uses anytype of weapon or does anything that would result in a DQ finish he'll also lose the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Cornette says for now, that is all he has to say, however don't you dare turn the channel because the Tag Team Titles are up first! As Cornette is leaving, Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic and starts bad-mouthing both Sting and Christian. They listen for about a minute or two until things get heated and all four men brawl in the middle of the ring. Eventually, Sting held Jarrett's arms and Christian Cage took the title belt and attempted to smack Jarrett in the head with it. However, somehow Jarrett managed to get out of the way and Sting was the victim instead. Cameras cut to commercial with Christian helping Sting back up and Jarrett laughing on the entrance ramp.[/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]AMW Speak Before the Chance at Gold[/U][/B] Americas Most Wanted are both in the ring along with their valet, Gail Kim. As always James Storm has a beer in one hand. Harris is on the mic and he says that tonight they get yet another shot at "Their" tag team titles. He says that AJ and Daniels lucked out last week, but tonight their luck runs out. Storm then gets on the mic and says that despite the fact that AJ and Daniels are the tag team champions everyone knows who the most dominent team in TNA history is. He says that it ain't LAX, it ain't the James Gang, and it damned sure ain't The Naturals or AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, and they'll prove that again tonight. He continues saying that tonight their bringing the gold home, and "AJ and Daniels, SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMNED LUCK!"[/I] [I][B][U]NWA Tag Team Championship Match AJ/Christopher Daniels vs Americas Most Wanted[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/9427/harrisby1.png[/IMG] AJ and Daniels get a huge reaction from the crowd as they make their way to the ring. As they are posing for the camera with the tag team titles though, AMW attack from behind. Daniels is sent outside with a forearm to the back of the head, and Harris starts things out inside with a back drop. The Wildcat Chris Harris uses his strength and brawling skills against AJ in the beginning. He pummels him with closed fists and boots to the midsection. However, his offense doesn't stop there. He controls the match with a snap suplex and then rams his knee into the lower back of the Phenomal One. After a few seconds, AJ fights to his feet and threw some elbows to the midsection of Harris to get out. Both men ended up getting the tag and their partners came in fighting. Daniels ducked a right hand and came flying across the ring with a flying clothesline. Next he dropped a fist on his opponent and then bounced on the top for an attempt at the BME. However, Gail Kim got involved and sidetracked him allowing Storm to connect with a back drop from the top rope. The thunderous road of Impact echoed throughout the crowd. However, Storm only managed a one count. From that point there were several tags back and forth with no one really getting a huge advantage. Some high spots included a double suplex from AMW on Daniels, and later AJ and Daniels with a dropkick powerbomb combination. The finish came though, when Gail Kim distracted the ref and AMW tried to use the Tag Team Titles as a weapon. It backfired, and the team of AMW were hit with a Styles Clash and Angel's Wings at the same time ON the Tag Team Titles to retain. 1...2....3 [IMG]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/26/ajdaniels1gg6.png[/IMG] [B]Winner: AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Turmoil Backstage[/U][/B] Backstage LAX are standing and looking the monitor of the Tag Team Champions Celebrating in the ring. All three men agree to go attack and they turn around and head toward the ring. However, before they make it to the ringside area they come across the James Gang. BG asks LAX where they are going and Konnan says that whitey needs to mind his own business. Kip then says that he knows LAX want Daniels/Styles but for now he is challenging them to a match-up. However, if they are afraid, he understands. Konnan agrees to the match and then LAX start to walk away. However, as The James Gang turn their backs they are beatdown with slap jacks. From there LAX just laugh and promise there is more where that came from.[/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada Meeting[/U][/B] Backstage, Scott D'Amore is hyping up Team Canada. He says that before they set their sights on any gold here since their return he wants to do something else first. And that's RID TNA of that miserable little pest, Eric Young. D'Amore says that since Team Canada's return last week Eric Young has already got in their business twice and starting now...THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. Before the camera cuts away Eric Young is seen in the shadows of the background with his usual grin on his face. Yet again he gestures to the fans and a "Don't Fire Eric" chant starts.[/I] [I][B][U]Ron Killings #1 Contender?[/U][/B] "Whats UP!" Ron Killings yells and the fans react in the same manner. Jeremey Borash is backstage with Killings, who will be taking on Monty Brown later tonight. Borash asks Killings if he thinks he is ready to get back in the World Title picture. Killings just laughs and says that he is always ready. However, tonight he settles some personal issues between himself and Monty Brown at the same time. He says that tonight not only will he beat Monty Brown, but his victory tonight will start the short journey to his next NWA World Heavyweight Title. He says he's done it twice already and he can do it again. Jeremy goes to ask another question but Killings just cuts in with a "WHATS UP!" and walks away.[/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The Monster...Alone?[/U][/B] Backstage, Primetime Elix Skipper is talking on a cell phone when David Young approaches him. Young asks Primetime about last week and if they can settle their differences. Before Primetime can even answer Young, Young accidentally walks backwards into Abyss. At first, Abyss is hesitant as if he didn't know what to do. However, after a slight pause he beats the hell out of Young giving him a Black Hole Slam through a nearby table. Abyss then looks over at Primetime who has a smile on his face after seeing the beating. It only took a second for Abyss to scoop up Skipper and give him the same fate as his former partner. From there Abyss wanders aimlessly backstage alone.[/I] [I][B][U]#1 Contenders Tournament (Round One) Ron Killings vs Monty Brown[/U][/B] Monty Brown hit the ring first doing his usual taunting begging for Killings to enter the ring. Killings obliged and after his "Whats Up" presentation hit the ring. The two locked up early on and Monty Brown showed the world that he was much stronger than Killings by pressing him over his head. However, the very agile "Truth" somehow flipped to his feet and connected with a spin kick. From there he attempted a pinfall but came up short. Killings kept the momentum of the match for the first few minutes connecting with some fists and punches alone with a suplex and a couple near falls. However, when Killings attempted a powerbomb he was sent flying over the top rope with a back body drop. From there the action ended up outside for several minutes, as Brown would re-enter the ring to re start the mandetory ten count about every five seconds. He destroyed Killings by tossing him into every guard rail around the ringside area. Next, he tossed him in the ring for a two count. The finish came when Killings reversed a superplex and tossed Brown on his back in the center of the ring. However, before Killings could leap from the top rope Brown charged in and connected with the POUNCE just as "Truth" came from the top rope. Killings was out cold and the referee counted three. Monty Brown would advance in the tournament. [IMG]http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/9899/montyki7.png[/IMG] [b]Winner: Monty Brown[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Poppa Pump Wants his Spot![/U][/B] [IMG]http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/6966/steinermf2.png[/IMG] Scott Steiner is seen backstage watching the television monitor of Monty Brown taunting following his match-up with Killings. Steiner speaks to himself saying that he should've been the number one entry in the tournament. From there he storms off headed to Cornette's office to demand a spot in the tournament.[/I] [I][B][U]Big Sexy...In Da' House![/U][/B] Backstage, Kevin Nash enters the building. After entering he walks past many X-Division stars that only a few months before he had battled with. These stars include Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal. All of the superstars just shrug Nash off.[/I] -Commercial Break- [I][B]Nash In the Ring[U][/U][/B] Coming back from Commercial Break, Big Sexy Kevin Nash is standing in the middle of the ring. Nash says that he's been gone for a few months, and he has done some thinking. As a result of that thinking...he has decided that things are going to change here in TNA...because "HE'S TAKING OVER!". From there Nash smiles and starts to laugh as he was joking of 96' and his days of starting the NWO. However, Nash says. He is back, and he's ready for action. When he says action he is not speaking of the X-Division either. He says while it was fun, obviously, the X-Division is not the place for Kevin Nash. [IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/2853/nashqv0.png[/IMG] Instead, Nash says, he is back to his roots. He says that in the next few weeks he and his partner, who sooner than later, everyone will get to see, are going to make TNA's Tag Division huge. He says that in World Championship Wrestling he and Scott Hall had some historic battles with such men as the Steiners and Harlem Heat among many others. He says those were some of his favorite times in the business, and he wants that back. Therefore, he repeats again, in a matter of weeks he will be bringing in a mystery partner so to speak, to start on the road to the Tag Team Titles. Until then...Big Sexy's OUTTY! [/I] [I][B][U]Samoa Joe...Next World Champ?[/U][/B] Joe is backstage with Christy Hemme. Hemme asks Joe if he's ready to get in the ring with Abyss in only a matter of seconds. Joe pauses. Abyss, alls I have to say is listen to them.... The fans chant "Joe's Gonna Kill You!". From there, Joe just walks away.[/i] [I][B][U]#1 Contenders Tournament (Round One) Samoa Joe vs Abyss[/U][/B] Abyss makes his way to the ring first, and he is obviously missing his former manager, James Mitchell. He doesn't taunt, instead he just slowly walks down to the ring and puts his hands over his ears as the fans yell at him. Joe is next, and the fans go nuts. He makes his way to the ring and without any hesitation starts landing right hands on the Monster, Abyss. At first, Abyss does nothing but take fist after fist. However, once Joe slapped him in the fan Abyss "snapped" and grabbed Joe by his face and pushed him all the way in the corner. Abyss then goes to work on Joe with elbow to the face and then charges in for a running body avalanch in the corner. However, as his offense continues he seems to be losing focus yet again. Every few seconds he looks over at ringside where James Mitchell once stood, and hesitates. Abyss actually manages to control most of the match. However, Joe does gain some more momentum. He is tossed to the ropes by the Monster and comes back with his trademark flying boot to the face followed by a standing senton. However, he only manages to get a two count. Joe then beats Abyss down where he is lying on the mat with his head rested on the bottom turnbuckle. Joe taunts and then charges at Abyss to try and plow into his face. Abyss simply grabs the foot of Joe and tosses him backwards. Next, Abyss gets to his feet and tosses Joe to the ropes and connects with a big boot. From there, it seems as if Joe is ready to finish things off. However, when he looks over at ringside where James Mitchell would usually yell..."Doomsday!" He is not there. Instead, Abyss it met with remarks from the fans at Ringside. Abyss loses focus and covers his ears. As he turns around he is hit with a knee to the back of the head followed by Joe's famous submission body lock. After fighting to get out of the hold for a minute or two for the first time in recent history Abyss actually TAPS OUT![/I] [IMG]http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/8133/joe1yk6.png[/IMG] [b]Winner: Samoa Joe[/b] [I][B][U]Abyss...GOES NUTS![/U][/B] Following the match-up Samoa Joe exits the ring and goes backstage. The fans are still surprised that they actually just seen ABYSS tap out. In the ring, Abyss, is on his feet pacing around the ring holding his ears as the fans chant "YOU TAPPED OUT!". Abyss just continues to pace back and forth until security enters the ring to remove him from holding up the show any longer. [IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3496/abyss2zr7.png[/IMG] Just as security start to grab Abyss, he snaps. He tosses each of the eight security guards out of the ring one by one. From there he rolls out of the ring and continues to hold his ears as he exits the arena to a "You tapped out Chant"[/I] [I][B][U]Christian Unexpected Surprise![/U][/B][/i] [i]Backstage, Christian Cage walks up to a locker room with "Sting" written on it. He shakes his head and walks in the locker room. "Sting, I just wanted to apologize...." Christian starts before realizing that Sting isn't even in his locker room. From there, Christian just shakes his head and exits the locker room. Just as he walks out of Sting's locker room...WHACK! He is hit with a steel chair before he could even see who did it. Jeff Jarrett, the culprit of the chairshot leaves the area with a huge smile on his face just as STING arrives. Sting picks up the chair as he puts two and two together and mouths off at Jarrett as he walks away. As Christian Cage comes back to conciousness he sees Sting with the steel chair in his hand. Christian gets to his feet and says "Did you..." Before storming off mad before even letting Sting respond. Impact goes off the air with Sting holding the steel chair and Christian Cage storming away.[/i] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/11/07 Location: Nashville, Tenn Attendence:TBD Rating: B[/B][/LEFT]
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I'll post something following the shows listing a breakdown of ratings starting the NEXT Impact. The reason I don't put now is because I actually write the show before I run it through TEW. If that makes sense. I'll try to incorporate ratings more and more through the weeks though. How do you like the shows so far Nick?
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]This week on Xplosion we see some great X-Division action with Chris Sabin going one on one with Alex Shelley. Also, the Diamonds in the Rough are going to give their union one more chance as they step in the ring with the Naturals. All this plus interviews with Scott Steiner and Monty Brown. Not to mention the announcement of the remaining Tournament entries for the #1 Contenders tournament! Tune in this Friday Night! [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Diamonds in the Rough vs The Naturals Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley[/I] [/center]
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Here a tip for you brother. The way I do my shows is that I write up my shows and leave spots for the ratings. Once I sim it in the game I add the ratings in then. Glad you are not putting Nash in the Heavyweight Title picture. I think he would make a good addition to the Tag division and I am looking foward to seeing who will be his partner. Good show!
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