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TNA: Can it overcome and ECW Talent Raid?!?

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Thanks for the tip. I'll find a way to incorporate it into the next shot for sure. For some reason I just thought ratings DURING the entire show were kinda distracting. Especially since I am building a lot of the less popular guys, like Team Canada and such and they get horrible ratings. Still, I'll post them. Also, with Nash. Everyone bashes Nash, and I agree that he shouldn't be a Main Eventer or anything like that. But he still has the charisma and stuff to put some of the younger guys over. Then again, as a Tag wrestler almost anyone can prosper. (The Outsiders were my favorite tag team for a LONG TIME) :) Thanks for the feedback again.
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I reckon Kevin Nash with someone like Lance Hoyt would be good, great way of helping out someone who is lost in the TNA roster at the moment. As for the diary so far, I like the simple/easy format you use as its easy to read and pics are a nice addition, just hope you have a nice big collection.
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We'll have to wait and see who Nash will choose for a partner. As far as the collection of pictures, I'll have tons as I have the net at my fingertips;) Also, I realize I already used a few of them twice, but that's just because I was in a hurry while adding pics on the last show. I'll keep them fresh.
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] The Show opens up with the usual fireworks and the fans going nuts. However, this time it doesn't stop there. After the fireworks, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner is standing in the middle of the ring and he has a microphone.[/I] [I][B][U]Big Poppa Pump Demands an Answer[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/1971/steiner1oh9.png[/IMG] First off Steiner starts things off by telling everyone to shut up. He says that over the last few months a lot has happened in TNA, but one thing that HASN'T happened is the Big Bad Booty Daddy getting a title shot. Steiner says he's been breaking workers necks and Honeys backs for over a decade now, and he doesn't feel he is in a stage in his career where he should have to earn ANYTHING. However, since Cornette has come up with this little tournament he's going to go ahead and give him the benifit of the doubt and win his little title tournament. Steiner says that on Impact! he was promised an answer by tonight. So, later since Cornette didn't want to come out now, he is going to go break his door down and get his answer. Cornette just better hope it the right answer. Before leaving he says... "Big Poppa Pump is your hookup, Holla if ya hear me!" [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B][/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]The Naturals vs Diamonds in the Rough[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1328/naturals1we0.png[/IMG] As the Naturals make their way down to the ringside area the Diamonds in the Rough are already inside the ring. Already, even before the match they seem to be losing focus and bickering a bit. It even comes to a point where Elix slaps Young in the face and tells him to get ready. Whats interesting about this match-up is that both Teams lost their managers to EcW recently and the results since then have been negative as neither team has won a match. As soon as the Naturals enter the ring Chase Stevens squares off with Elix Skipper. Skipper manages to get the upperhand with a back-kick to the back of the head followed by a suplex. He keeps control of the match for the next few minutes with some high points being a half boston crab, which Stevens, reversed, and Elix shooting back with another big kick to the head. Next, Skipper puts Stevens in a headlock which is eventually reversed into an irish whip an a dropkick. From there, Stevens makes the tag. Douglas and Stevens connect with a back breaker leg drop combo for a two count. Douglas works over Skipper for a few seconds, until Skipper connects with a low blow and a revese suplex. From there, Skipper goes to tag in David Young, who just jumps down from the mat refusing the tag. As David Young exits the arena, Skipper turns around to both members of the Naturals in the ring and they hit the Natural Disaster for the VICTORY! [B]Winner: The Naturals[/B] [B]Match Rating: C-[/B][/I] [I][B][U]World Title Match Hype[/U][/B] Another hype video focusing on Final Resolution that will take place in just a week from Sunday shows over the TNA-Tron. This one focuses mostly on the turmiol between Sting and Christian Cage that took place this past Thursday Night on Impact with both men thinking they were attacked by the other during the course of the night. Of course, the video ends with a Sting and Christian arguing and Jeff Jarrett closing it with a HUGE evil smile on his face. [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown Ready for Action[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/1909/montybrown1gs8.png[/IMG] Monty Brown is in the middle of the ring and he says that on Impact he did exactly what he said he was going to do and take out Killings, kicking his off the sarangetti. Brown says that tonight he figured he'd make it two for two by beating another "Great" TNA superstar. Monty promises that at Final Resolution we are looking at the #1 Contender and future World Heavyweight Champion here in TNA. [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown vs Shark Boy[/U][/B] In what seemed to be no surprise whatsoever Monty Brown toyed with Shark Boy only for a few minutes before destroying him with not only one, but two POUNCES sending him flying across the ring twice. It was a very easy victory to say the least for Monty Brown. [B]Winner: Monty Brown[/B] [B]Match Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Kevin Nash Recap[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/650/nash1rl1.png[/IMG] A video package recap of Kevin Nash's return and announcement from Impact plays over the TNA-tron. The fans seem to be very excited about just show Kevin Nash is going to be tagging with in the future. Will it be a former TNA Superstar? How about one of the current members of the TNA Roster? Or, will Kevin Nash use his "phone a friend" card and call one of his many friends from the past to bring in to TNA. Lord knows he has many, HUGE SUPERSTARS, on speed dial. We'll have to wait and see. [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Low Ki Hype[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7529/lowki1ev7.png[/IMG] Following the break, yet another video plays. This time its for Low-Ki, TNA X-Division Champion. The video shows clips from his journey from TNA's start until now as Current X-Division Champion. The video ends with him hitting the "Warriors Way" from the top rope on several current X-Division superstars one by one. "Low-Ki, will be victorious.....ALWAYS" He says in his abnormally deep voice. [B]Segment Rating: D[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Jim Cornette's Final Answer[/U][/B] Jim Cornette is outside his office backstage with Jeremy Borash. He says that he is sick of everyone bitching and moaning about wanting their shot in the #1 Contenders tournament. He says...if Steiner wants in...go for it. He wants nothing more than to see Steiner get fed to the wolves anyways. As for the rest of the participants in this tournament he has the final list in his hand right now. The next and final entries to the #1 Contenders tournament that will end a week from Sunday at Final Resolution will be the following... Team Canada's Bobby Roode.... Scotty Steiner..... LAX's Leader Konnan, just because Cornette wants to see him get put back in his place... And none other than the RETURNING....JEFF HARDY! [IMG]http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/1171/jeffhardy1th3.png[/IMG] From there Cornette announces that not only are those the four men, but two more matches will be taking place this upcoming week on Impact. From there, the semi-finals will be announced. Tune in to Impact next week to find out which two sets of men will be squaring off. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada...Ready For Final Resolution[/U][/B] In what seems to be a weekly event since their return to TNA as a unit. Team Canada is backstage going over strategy and celebrating over the recent events. As for now, they are celebrating that Bobby Roode will get his shot at being the #1 Contender for the NWa World Heavyweight Title on Impact next week. However, the celebrating is cut short when in some way a bucket of water, which was set above their lockers, comes crashing down atop everyone's heads. The entire team looks at one another and says one word before storming out of the locker room. "ERIC!" From there, Eric Young is seen lurking in the shadows with a huge smile on his face as "Don't Fire Eric" echoes throughout the crowd. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Alex Shelley Isn't Scared![/U][/B] Backstage, Jeremy Borash is standing next to Alex Shelley who will be taking on Chris Sabin later tonight. Borash asks Shelley what importance tonight's match has on his career. [IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/1389/shelley2ne1.png[/IMG] Shelley just laughs. "My Career" he asks? "HA". Instead of answering the question Shelley dodges it and says tonight he is going to prove to the world what he has known for years now. He is better than Chris Sabin, period. Not only that but he is tired of taking the back seat to his. Tonight, things change...for the better! [B]Segment Rating: C[/B][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/9453/sabin1ho5.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/5748/shelley1ws9.png[/IMG] Both men enter the ring and while Sabin gets a great ovation from the crowd Shelley gets a mixed reaction which should be no surprise, as he has his cult following. This fast paced match-up starts with a collar an elbow tie-up, with Sabin being sent to the ropes as a result. He comes back and drives Shelley down to the mat with a standing elbow. Next, Sabin goes for a moonsault, but Shelley moves out of the way and shows his submission skills by quickly applying a headlock. The headlock didn't last long as Sabin mounted a base and got to his feet. He picked Shelley up and set him on the top rope before connecting with a running jumping dropkick that sent Shelley outside the ring. From there, Sabin bounced off the opposite ropes and came crashing down atop Shelley with a suicide dive. Moments later, back in the ring Sabin goes for the cover, but comes up short. Soon after the pinfall Shelley reverses and german suplex, and gets on offense. He controls the match for a few minutes with a suplex, and a few more submission holds including a Japaneese Armbar. After Sabin gets Shelley to release the armbar, the match goes back and forth for a few minutes with several reversals and counters. The fans are on the edge of their seats due to the fast paced action. The finish comes when Sabin connects with a Hurricanrana, but Shelley rolls through win a pinning variation. However, it was Shelley's feet on the ropes that played the deciding factor. Shelley, got got the victory via rollup with help from the ropes for the 1...2...3! [b]Winner: Alex Shelley[/b] [B]Match Rating: C+[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Sting has a Message![/U][/B] In what seems to be a huge surprise from the crowd following the Main Event here on Xplosion, Sting's face filled the TNA-Tron. With the arena lights out and everyone's attention focused on Sting. He just stares their quietly for a minute thinking to himself. From there, he only speaks one sentence.... [IMG]http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/4789/sting1ma3.png[/IMG] "Christian, we need to TALK...I'll see you at Impact!" [B]Segment Rating:A[/B][/i] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/12/07 Location: Nashville, Tenn Attendence: 1,000 (Sellout) Rating: C[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]Next Thursday Night is turning out to be the most jam-packed Impact! broadcast of the new year. Jim Cornette announced that Scott Steiner, Bobby Roode, Konnan, and even Jeff Hardy will pair off in some way to form to singles matches for the #1 Contenders Tournament. That means Jeff Hardy will return to TNA Live on Spike TV next week on Impact. Not only that but reports indicate that LAX want to step in the ring with AJ/Daniels. Plus, Sting wants to speak with Christian Cage. With this being that last television broadcast before next Sunday's Final Resolution there is no telling what can happen. [U]Rumored Matches[/U][/I] -Two #1 Contenders Matches featuring Jeff Hardy, Scott Steiner, Konnan, and Bobby Roode - LAX vs AJ Styles/ Christopher Daniels [/center]
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oooooooo, not good brother if you are asking this question. From my experence it only gives you a few weeks, maybe 3 or even less if the ratings are bad enough. What you need to do is have blockbuster main events to rais your pop. Sting vs. Steiner, Sting vs. Jarrett, Sting vs. Monty Brown (yes I keep saying Sting becasue he is your biggest star right now and you need to not only use him, but abuse him). I like how things are going in your game right now and it will be interesting to see how you deal with this. Will TNA be forced to go back to its Wednesday Night PPV's or will they scramble to get back on the air. Tune in to find out!
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Thanks man. I'm interested to see what I do myself. I do have some pretty big matches booked for the next card...well at least one I guess...with Jeff Hardy's return we'll see what happens. As for the next show, its going to be a little while because I have family in town all this week. But I am definatley not bailing I swear that true. I'm having a lot of fun with this and I think everyone that has left feedback. ------------- Also, just as a poll type thing, I was wondering if there is anyone in particular you guys would like to see in MY TNA? Let me know and we'll see what we can do.
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] The show opens up with the usual fireworks and the fans going nuts as cameras pan the entire arena. From there cameras cut backstage to Jeff Jarrett with Big Poppa Pump.[/I] [I][B][U]Jarrett has his pick! [/U][/B] Jeremy Borash is backstage with The World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett along with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. Borash starts to question the two superstars about both of thier upcoming matches...Steiner's tonight and Jarrett's at the Pay Per View. Before he can finish Jeff Jarrett cuts him off, grabs the mic, and pushes him out of the way. [IMG]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/6290/jarrettzn1.jpg[/IMG] From there Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner seem to have somewhat of a hype session. Jeff Jarrett said he called Steiner to TNA several months ago for one reason and one reason only, to get his back. However, in the last few months things have changed around here and he has proved that he is World Heavyweight Title material. Jarrett says that if anyone deserves to get a shot at him and his World Title it is Steiner. Friends or not, greatness needs to be respected and as far as he is concerned Scott Steiner is the best candidate for the #1 Contender. If Jarrett has anything to do about it that is exactly what will happen later tonight. Steiner then gets on the mic and says that Jarrett is right and he is the only one in this company that speaks the truth. Basically, Steiner kisses Jarrett's butt for a few minutes and then hypes his match-up tonight. Steiner says that he don't care if his opponent tonight is Roode, Konnan, or the great returning Jeff Hardy himself. Steiner declares himself the #1 Contender before the match even takes place and says his opponent doesn't stand a chance against the largest arms in the world. [IMG]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/1903/steineruu2.jpg[/IMG] When Steiner finishes Jarrett takes the mic back and says that before tonight he was just a little worried about The World Title match at Final Resolution and the fact that Cornette has stacked the odds against him. However, now that he sees that Sting and Christian are starting drama with one another like little girls he has nothing to worry about. He says he is, and will continue to be the best NWA World Heavyweight Champion the World has ever seen. When Jeremy gets the mic back and asks if he's going to be ringside for the Christian/Sting confrontation later tonight Jeff Jarrett laughs. "Ringside? I won't be in the building...I'm done with dealing with them. I've got more important things to do tonight. Ain't that right Scotty?" From there he winks at Steiner and then they both storm away. [B]Rating: B-[/B][/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]An Icon Lurking in the Background?[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/4748/stingqw5.jpg[/IMG] Backstage there is a television monitor in a dark room showing the interview that Jeff Jarrett and Steiner just completed minutes before. The camera pans out and Sting is watching the monitor shaking his head. "Jarrett, you have no idea my friend. Final Resolution...it'll be showtime folks!" [B]Rating: A[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Who will it be?[/U][/B] Jim Cornette is in the ring with a mic. He says that he promised the World that there will be two #1 Contendership matches for the tournament that has been going on here in TNA. He says that the first match-up of the two will take place...RIGHT now. From there he introduces both Konnan and Bobby Roode as the first two men. Obviously, that leaves the Jeff Hardy vs Scott Steiner match-up for later tonight. Roode and Konnan hit the ring both with their respective teammates, Team Canada and LAX. The bell rings and things get started. [B]Rating: B-[/B][/I] [I][B][U]#1 Contenders Tournament (Round One) Konnan vs Bobby Roode[/U][/B] Konnan and Bobby Roode circle around the ring and from there they lock up. Roode uses his shows his power by pushing Konnan to the corner and driving a few knees to his gut. From there Roode connected with a takedown followed by a sleeper hold. While Konnan is in the sleeper hold, both Team Canada and LAX go crazy outside the ring either cheering for Roode or Konnan respectively. Eventually, Homicide manages to grab Konnan's leg and he put it on the ropes causing the break. Team canada went nuts, but were unable to catch Homicide or Hernandez. In the ring Roode continued to dominate the veteran with his almost flawless wrestling ability. However, after a low blow during a german suplex attempt Konnan took control. Konnan dropped Roode with a DDT and then a half boston crab. This time, Team Canada managed to get involved and get Roode to the ropes quickly. From there it got intense. Right hand after right hand Roode and Konnan exchanged closed fists. The fans started to get into the match a bit as Roode managed to work his way into a SUPERPLEX from the top rope for a two count. From there both teams tried to get involved yet again. However, the referee was sick of it. He demanded that BOTH TEAMS be banned from ringside. Both teams were irate. Konnan and Roode were both on their feet and yet again got things started. However, Homicide tossed in a slapjack to Konnan before leaving rinside. Konnan hit Roode with the slapjack, but the referee was still yelling at LAX to exit the ringside area. In the meantime, Chris Daniels and AJ Styles hit the ring and hit Konnan with chairs at the same time. The fans went nuts as AJ and Daniels put Roode atop Konnan for the pinfall. The referee turned around and counted the 1...2........3 [IMG]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/606/bobbyroodebi6.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Bobby Roode[/b] [B]Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Team Champions Speak[/U][/B] Following the match-up, both AJ and Daniels re-enter the ring as Bobby Roode leaves. The Tag Champs yells at Konnan a bit before tossing him over the top rope. From there they get on the mic and address the fans and LAX. Tonight, Daniels and AJ promised victory yet again. They say there is not a team in TNA that can take their Tag Team titles away, and if anyone thinks there is just challenge them because as far as they are concerned they are taking on all comers. AJ and Daniels say tonight the Latin American Exchange, Homicide & Hernandez, will have the same fate as Konnan. That's right they will be LOSERS! "The Gospel has Spoken" says Daniels following AJ's comments. [B]Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]#1 Contenders Tourney Hype[/U][/B] A video package showing highlights of the #1 Contender Tournament matches that have already taken place from last week. It also shows hype for Jeff Hardy vs Steiner later tonight. At the end of the video package, the World Heavyweight Title is shown with a picture of Sting/Christian/Jarrett around it as if the winner of the tourney won't know their opponent. Also, the package specifically highlights Samoa Joe, Monty Brown, and Bobby Roode advancing. [B]Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Nash's Partner Is....[/U][/B] Backstage Kevin Nash is standing next to Jeremy Borash. Nash picks at Borash's hair and gives him bunny ears as Borash opens up the interview. Nash is having fun at Borash's expense when J. B. asks "Big Sexy" if he can give away any hints about who his partner will be in the coming weeks. Nash says that he won't give away any hints, but he can promise you one thing. Next Sunday at Final Resolution, not only is he going to introduce his partner to the world, but at the same time he and his new partner are going to compete. Jim Cornette has already promised him a match-up. He and his new partner are going to start a new era in tag team wrestling starting this Sunday night live on Pay Per View! He says that Sunday, Big Sexy Will be in the HIZZOUSE! [B]Rating: B[/B][/I] [I][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Titles LAX vs AJ Styles/Daniels[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/1752/danielsgi1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1756/ajur2.jpg[/IMG] All four men start off in the ring throwing insults at one another for the first few seconds of the match-up. Konnan seems to be missing from ringside as he was obviously hurt earlier in the night. The refere forces two men to exit the ring, and Hernandez decides to start things off with Styles on the other side. Hernandez tries to use his power to press AJ following an Irish whip, but AJ sends him to the ropes with a flipping dropkick followed by a flying clothesline. From there, AJ connects with a dropkick, but Hernandez manages to get the tag to Homicide. Homicide comes in a quickly takes control of the match after ducking a clothesline and connecting with a flying spinning heel kick. Homicide manages to keep control of the match for the next few minutes, periodically using Hernandez to distract the ref and using underhanded double team tactics. Homicide gets the tag to Hernandez who destroys AJ with a big boot. Next, he brings AJ into the powerbomb position. However, AJ flips to his feet out of the powerbomb position and then makes the tag. Following the tag AJ and Daniels connect with a sweep/dropkick combo which sends Hernandez off his feet. Homicide quickly jumps in the ring, but the two members of the opposing team send him right out on the other side. With Homicide out of the way, Daniels and AJ bring Hernandez to his feet and connect with a double suplex followed by a splash/leg drop combo from the top rope for the victory. [b]Winners: Daniels/AJ Styles[/b] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The Monster...Alone?[/U][/B] The Monster Abyss is lurking backstage alone yet again. In the last few weeks it's very obvious he is distraught without any guidance with help from a manager. As Abyss trashes the backstage area he comes across Alex Shelley who is getting a cup of coffee. Shelley tries to give Abyss a high five, but instead Abyss grabs the coffee, tosses it on him, and gives him a black hole slam through the table holding refreshments. Abyss then storms away breathing heavily and tearing more stuff up on the way. [B]Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Non Title Eric Young vs Low Ki[/U][/B] Eric Young goes to lock up with Low Ki but already is met with a kick to the side of the head. Next, Young is sent to the ropes where he is sent sailing straight up in the air and he comes crashing down chest first on the mat for a flap jack type move. From there Low Ki mounts Young and puts him in a version of the dragon sleeper. Eric Young is struggling to say the least. After a few seconds Low Ki broke the hold and let Young get to his feet yet again. This time, Low Ki charges at Young, but Young ducks a thrusting fist and kicks Low Ki in the gut and then connects with a suplex. Young goes for a cover, but only manages to get a quick two count. From there Eric brought Low Ki to his feet in an attempt at a Pile-Driver. However, Low Ki reveses it and sends him over his head with a back body drop. As Eric Young goes to bring himself to his feet he is destroyed with a crazy kick to the face which is quickly followed up by the Warrior's WAY! for the victory. [IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/4038/lowki2nj1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Low Ki[/b] [B]Rating: C[/B][/I] [I][B][U]Petey Williams Loves IT![/U][/B] As Low Ki exits the ring with his X-Division title Petey Williams makes his way to the ring along with Scott D'Amore. Williams enters the ring and claps his hands at Young mocking him for his shortcoming in the previous match-up. After slapping Eric around a little bit Petey Williams kicks him in the gut and attacks him with a CANADIAN DESTROYER! The fans go nuts at the site of the move. [IMG]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1003/peteywilliamsjm1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: D[/B][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Another Match for Final Resolution[/U][/B] With Williams still beating on Eric Young in the center of the ring, Jim Cornette appears on the TNA-Tron. He says that Petey Williams vs Eric Young Canadian Grudge Match will take place at Final Resolution. He says that the winner will get a shot at the X-Division Title the next night on Impact! Cornette says he realizes Young just got beaten, however, he feels that Eric has made great strides recently in TNA and he thinks he deserves another shot. [/I] [I][B][U]Jeff Hardy...Ready for Action[/U][/B] Jeff Hardy is backstage in his locker room area stretching and getting ready for his main event match-up that is up next. He seems pumped and he points towards the television camera. He says..."TNA Get Ready for the Return of the ENIGMA. I'm back...and I'm here for GOLD!" [B]Rating: C[/B][/i] [I][B][U]#1 Contenders Tournament (Round One) Scott Steiner vs Jeff Hardy[/U][/B][/i] [IMG]http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/1863/jeffhardy1jo2.jpg[/IMG] Scott Steiner and Jeff Hardy are both in the middle of the ring as Borash goes over the stats of both men. Following the opening bell both Steiner and Jeff Hardy stand face to face in the middle of the ring. Hardy starts to mock Steiner, but is quickly met with a slap to the face. From there Hardy bounces off the ropes behind him and runs right into a clothesline by the much bigger Scott Steiner. Pump then drops an elbow and shows off by doing push ups in the middle of the ring and then making a non chalant cover on Hardy. 1.... Only a one count for Steiner. Steiner keeps control of the match for the next few minutes using his strength as an advantage and letting Hardy gain no offense for several minutes. One high spot from Steiner consisted of spinning belly to belly suplex for a two count. Steiner then brought Hardy to his feet once again and tossed him to the corner. Steiner pounded away at Hardy and connected with a few shoulders to the gut. Steiner then stepped back and charged in for a fierce shoulder block. However, Hardy managed to move out of the way and Steiner went shoulder first into the turnbuckle. As Steiner sold the hurt shoulder, Hardy jumped to the top rope and came crashing down atop Steiner with a big leg drop. 1...2...However, Hardy only managed to get a two count. Hardy waited for Steiner to get to his feet and sent him sailing over the tope rope. Next, Hardy came crashing down atop Steiner with a somersault to the outside. Both men fell to the floor outside as the referee started the mandetory ten count. Both men got up on the ring apron at about an eight count. However, moments later Jeff Hardy ducked a right hand and the ref was taken down with a thunderous closed fist by Steiner. Accidental, yet punishing. Steiner looks at the ref and then looked back at Hardy who sent him to the floor yet again with a crazy dropkick off the ring apron. From there Hardy sent Steiner into the ring and jumped to the top rope for the Swanton Bomb. The fans were going nuts. HOWEVER...out of no where...Jeff Jarrett runs to the ringside area and smashes his guitar over the head of Jeff Hardy. Hardy hits the ring mat hard and Steiner gets to his feet and hooks him in the Steiner Recliner. After a few moments the referee gets a second wind just in time to see that Hardy is out and he calls for the bell. [IMG]http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3562/steiner3sg8.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Scott Steiner[/b] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I][B][U]Post Match Craze![/U][/B] Following the match-up Christian Cage's music blasts over the PA system. As Jarrett and Steiner see that Christian is on his way to the ring they flee to the backstage area. The cameras backstage continue to follow Jeff Jarrett and Steiner who enter a car and flee the whole arena while they celebrate. It was obvious that Jarrett and Steiner had this planned from the very beginning. With Christian Cage in the ring however, the Cage/Sting confrontation is up NEXT![/i] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [B][U]Christian Cage & Sting MEETING![/U][/B] Christian Cage is in the ring and he says that it is indeed time for the Christian/Sting confrontation. HOWEVER, before he gets Sting out there he wants to show the World the truth before he is excused of doing something that he didn't plan to do. From there Christian requests that the production people run the footage from last week of Christian accidentally hitting Sting with a weapon. Christian says that it was obviously an accident and it sucks that Sting is holding it against him. He just wanted to show the world that despite the accusations he is in TNA for one reason, and thats the World Heavyweight titie. Now, if Sting wants to come out thats fine. Sting hits the ring and the fans go nuts cheering for him. Sting says that while Christian is in TNA for the World Heavyweight Title, he is in TNA for several reasons. Getting rid of Jeff Jarrett, Wrestling in front of the best wrestling audience in the world, and proving to the World that the legacy of Sting will never die are some of those reasons. However, with the NWA World Heavyweight Title at his fingertips there is nothing that he'd like better than to put that title around his waiste. Which causes a problem. Jeff Jarrett is not the only man that Sting has to go through to get to that Title, the other man is Christian Cage. Sting says that he just wanted to approach Christian with an idea. He says that tonight he wants to make their alliance official. While they both want the NWA World Heavyweight title, it obvious that they both want Jarrett to lose the title even more than winning it themselves. Therefore, if they form an alliance then when the time comes either Christian or himself will be crowned World Heavyweight title because there is no way Jarrett can beat those odds. [IMG]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/8361/stingchristianug0.jpg[/IMG] Christian laughs and then re-iterates what Sting just said almost asking if he was serious. From there he extends his hand and they shake hands. Before they leave the ring, Christian asks Sting one question. "So, when the time comes, who makes the cover? You...or ME!" Sting just smiles and points his bat at Christian. He didn't really answer the question but he let Christian think whatever he wanted. [B]Rating: A+[/B] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 01/08/2007 Location: BJ Civic Center Attendence: TBD Rating: C[/B][/LEFT] ---------------------------- All segment ratings and info will be posted tomarrow night.... OOC: Check out the Steiner pic...I'm the kid standing behind him with the blue and white hat with the Jordan Jersey:)
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Ah I hate you dude. I have yet to be able to go to a TNA show (I live in CT). Hopefully they start coming down here more often. However good show and I am interested to see if you were able to bumb your ratings to get Spike off of your back. Good show though, I like how Bobby Roode went through in the tournament, the guy can be a future star.
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]In that last television broadcast going into Final Resolution this Sunday Night, TNA Xplosion is going to be jam packed. Already announced for the show is The James Gang vs Bentley & Kazarian vs The Naturals in a contenders match for the Tag Team Titles. Not too mention Alex Shelley, Austin Aries & Roderick Strong will be taking on the team of Sabin, Dutt, and Jay Lethal. All this plus final words from Christian Cage, Sting, Monty Brown, Samoa Joe, among others leading into this Sunday's final Resolution. This will be on episode of Xplosion you better not miss! [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] The James Gang vs The Naturals vs Bentley & Kazarian Contenders Match Alex Shelly/Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs Sabin/Dutt/Lethal[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I]The Following is the Confirmed Card for this Sunday's Final Resolution[/I][/b] [B][U][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U][/U][/B] Christian Cage vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Winner of Joe/Brown vs Winner of Roode/Steiner #1 Contendership Match Petey Williams vs Eric Young X-Division Contenders Match Kevin Nash w/ Mystery Partner will be in Action Monty Brown vs Samoa Joe (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) Bobby Roode vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) [B][U]More Matches To Be Announced This Week![/U][/B] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] Xplosion opens up with fireworks at both ringside and up on the entrance ramp. From there the camera pan the crowd highlights a "Joe is Gonna Kill You" sign, as well as "If Jarrett wins at Final Resolution We Riot!" sign. As the opening stops cameras go backstage.[/I] [I][B][U]Samoa Joe/Monty Brown Confrontation[/U][/B] Samoa Joe and Monty Brown seem to cross paths backstage. After a quick staredown the two start to brawl but are quickly pulled apart by security and referees. It's obvious the two have a strong dislike for one another.[/I] [b]Segment Rating: B[/b] [I][B][U]Tag Team Champions Hype[/U][/B] A video plays hyping the NWA Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. The video shows highlights from their matches in the last few weeks including title defenses against Americas Most WAnted and LAX. The end of the video shows them giving each other a high five and holding the belts above their heads.. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]Austin Aries/Roderick Strong/Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin/Sonjay Dutt/Jay Lethal[/U][/B] In the first official match-up of the night all six men entered the ring. Obviously, Sabin/Dutt/Lethal got the better or at least more positive reaction of the two teams. The match starts of choatic with all six men brawling. Lethal and Shelley square off with one another at one corner, which results in Shelley being dropkicked over the top rope after some brawling. [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/2922/sonjaykf7.jpg[/IMG] In another corner, Roderick Strong is sent sailing over the top with a springboard Hurricanrana by Sonjay Dutt. The last member of the heel team, Austin Aries, was sent flying over the top rope with a powerbomb by Sabin. Aries ended up crashing down on both of his other teammates resulting in all three men hitting the ground hard. In the ring, Lethal, Sabin, and Dutt all celebrate their temporary control in the match-up. However, the celebrating is short lived as they decide to go ahead and continue the assault. First, Sonjay bounces off the ropes and both Sabin and Lethal launch him over the top rope in a back body drop type form and he crashes down atop Roderick Strong. Next, Lethal and Sabin fly out of the ring with variations of baseball slides at the same time taking out the remaining two men. With all six men now outside, the referee starts the mandetory ten count. However, it doesn't make it far as the Austin Aries is tosses back in the ring by Sabin. Sabin stomps Aries a bit before hooking him in some type canadian backbreaker. Aries manages to revese it to a submission of his own. However, Jay Lethal springboards in the ring and connects with a legdrop atop Aries breaking the hold. From there, yet again all six men hit the ring. Everyone seems to hit their finishers in the next minute or so. First Roderick connected with a super backbreak on Lethal, only before getting hit flipping reverse ddt by Sonjay. Sonjay is then hit with a variation of a double underhook piledriver by Aries. However, the finish comes when Sabin connected with a spinning ddt where he launches off of Aries and DDT's Shelley for the win. [IMG]http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/1831/sabinja0.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Sabin/Dutt/Lethal[/B][/I] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b] [I][B][U]Another Match Signed[/U][/B] Following the bout Jim Cornette appears on the TNA-Tron. Cornette announces that after seeing the following match he thinks that the six men involved deserve a match-up at Final Resolution. Therefore, he announces that there will be a six man elimination match-up including all six men. Cornette says that although the winner won't be the actual number one contender...he will get an X-Division Title shot sometime in the near future. [b]Segment Rating: D[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The James Gang Promise Tag Titles[/U][/B] Cameras cut backstage where Jeremy Borash stands between Kip and BG James. Borash asks their thoughts on the upcoming contenders match-up for the Tag Team Titles. BG James gets on the mic first. He says that it's been far too long since the James Gang have been in the Tag Team Title scene, and tonight they get the oppurtunity to get right back in there. That is exactly what they are going to do... He say then comments on all the teams involved in the match. "Naturals? No Guidance! Bentley & Kazarian...WHO? It's obvious that the James Gang are the most dominent team in this match-up and as far as we are concerned we are the next Tag Team Champions!" From there Kip James gets in the mic. He acts as if he is going to speak but then just says the following. "What he said...Oh yea...and if your not down with that we got two words for ya!" From there Kip looks at BG as if he was going to say something different but after thinking about it he continues. " Ah, t he HELL WITH IT......If your not down with that I have two words for ya....SUCK IT!" [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]World Title Match Hype[/U][/B] A video package hyping the World Heavyweight Title match-up this Sunday at Final Resolution. The video shows clips of the happening in the last few weeks plus comments from each men. First, Christian Cage speaks..."The NWA World Heavyweight Title...I've had it before and it's coming home!" [IMG]http://img315.imageshack.us/img315/6143/christiancagepv2.jpg[/IMG] Next, Jeff Jarrett speaks..."The King of the Mountain, The NWA World Heavyweight Champion, I've held this title longer and more times than anyone...obvious theres a trend here!" [IMG]http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/8402/jeffjarrettca4.jpg[/IMG] Finally, Sting. "Sunday at Final Resolution Jeff Jarrett...IT WILL BE Showtime! No matter what happens Jeff, you will no leave Final Resolution with that NWA World Heavyweight Championship!" [IMG]http://img433.imageshack.us/img433/3922/sting2jx1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b] [I][B][U]Elix Skipper vs David Young[/U][/B] Skipper and Young go at it in this one because of their last few weeks of turmoil. Skipper and Young lock up, and Young uses his strength and pushes Skipper to the corner. Young knees Skipper in the gut a few times before climbing atop the top rope and starting the trademark ten punches. However, Skipper counters and sends him down with a powerbomb. From there Skipper jumps to the top rope and comes crashing down with a leg drop and a pinfall attempt. He only manages a two count however. Next Skipper brings Young to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Young comes back only to be hit with a spinning back leg kick. Young stumbles backwards and it hit with a suplex and then another pinfall attempt that came up short. Skipper seems to be getting a bit irritated and he sends Young to the ropes. This time though, Young reveses and SKipper comes back and is sent to the mat with the furious Spinebuster that Young is famous for. Young goes for the pinfall but Skipper gets his foot on the rope. Young glares at Skipper and then shows an evil smile. David Young slides to the outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair. As Skipper goes to get to his feet, Young swings the chair, but somehow manages to hit the ropes and the chair bounces back and hits him in the face. From there Skipper rolls him up for the victory. Following the match Skipper laughs at Young who just basically costed himself the match-up. [IMG]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/4605/primetimexj8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/7238/youngft5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Elix Skipper[/B][/I] [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b] [I][B][U]A little of the mystery is revealed![/U][/B] Kevin Nash is walking backstage when he approaches Konnan. K-Dawg gives Nash a dirty look as Nash holds out his hand for a handshake. After cussing Nash with some dirty spanish Konnan tells Nash that nobody cares about him and his mystery opponent this Sunday. Konnan tells Nash he's overrated and injury prone and as far as he is concerned he doesn't even know why he is in TNA. Nash looks as if he is going to get mad, but instead he just starts laughing. He just shakes his head and tell Konnan "Nice match on Impact Man..HA!" As Nash goes to walk away all three members of LAX attack him with Nash laying on the ground backstage unconcious Konnan speaks. "I'll see you Sunday...in the ring...Essa Vato!" [/I][b]Segment Rating: C[/b] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Bentley & Kazarian Speak[/U][/B] Frankie Kazarian and Bentley are on the mic backstage with Christy Hemme. They say that tonight people have been saying they are the underdogs since The James Gang and Naturals are multi-time NWA Tag Team Champions. [IMG]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/8666/bentleykazarianti3.jpg[/IMG] HOWEVER, Bentley and Kazarian continue. WE are former co-X-division champions. There is nobdy else in TNA that can say that. Next, they say they are going to prove all the doubters wrong. They say they are no longer the Future...they are the HERE AND NOW of the Tag Team Division. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown is Ready for Final Resolution[/U][/B] Monty Brown is backstage. He says that this upcoming Sunday he doesn't care if he's in the ring with Joe, Roode, or Scott Steiner. [IMG]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/4282/monty2ze9.jpg[/IMG] He says that no matter what your name is...when you step in the sarangetti you are forced to step toe to toe with the alpha male. When that happens, there is nothing for you to do but step back and watch as your future is eliminated. That's right, Sunday Night at Final Resolution not only is the Alpha MAle going to win the Contenders Tournament, but he is going to destroy his opposition...and he'll do it with the pounce.....PERIOD! [/I][b]Segment Rating: B-[/b] [I][B][U]Abyss Strikes Again[/U][/B] As Kazarian and Bentley stretch and make their way to the entranceway for their main event match-up their plans change when Abyss attacks them from behind. [IMG]http://img318.imageshack.us/img318/1449/abyss1oi3.jpg[/IMG] Bentley charges Abyss but is taken down to the concrete with a big boot. Next, Abyss hits Kazarian with the black hole slam on the concrete and then screams and yells as he awkwardly makes his way away from the scene of destruction. Unfortunatley for Bentley & Kazarian they will be unable to compete in the main event here on Xplosion![/I] [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b] [I][B]The Naturals vs The James Gang[U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://img318.imageshack.us/img318/7049/jamesganglv7.jpg[/IMG] Chase Stevens and Kip James stand tall in the middle of the ring. Stevens extends his hand as to be asking for a handshake before the match-up...James laughs but then goes ahead and does it. From there, they circle the ring. James then sends Stevens crashing to the mat with a hip toss...then another. Following the hiptoss Kip grabs the head of Stevens and then tags out. Kip holds Stevens and BG kicks him in the gut. From there BG works over Stevens with some right hands, and eventually an Irish whip followed by a clotheline and the shakey legs kneedrop for a one count. Stevens quickly makes the tag to Douglas. Andy Douglas comes in the ring on fire. He takes BG down with a dropkick that sends him to the corner. From there, Douglas starts the trademark ten punches in the corner. Next, Douglas jumps down and connects with a headlock takeover followed by a sleeper hold to slow things down. Douglas tags back out to Stevens and they connect with a double suplex. Stevens continues to work BG over for a few minutes cutting the ring in half making sure that BG doesn't make the tag...however...after an Irish whip BG manages to get the tag to Kip. Kip comes in and quickly takes Stevens down with a Full Nelson type powerbomb. Kip James goes for the cover, but Andy breaks thing up. Kip is sent to the ropes by Andy Douglas, and the referee is accidentally bumped. As the referee tries to get back to his feet, both members of America's Most Wanted slide in the ring. Kip James and Andy Douglas are both standing in the middle of the ring. Harris goes to hit Douglas with a chair as Storm goes to hit Kip James. Unfortunatley for Kip, Andy ducks and he gets hit with both chairs. BG JAmes is also blasted with both steel chairs and sent to the outside. The referee finally gets a second wind and he sees that Andy Douglas is atop Kip James...he makes the count... 1....2.....3! [b]Winners: The Naturals[/b][/I] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b] [I][B][U]AMW Make a Challenge[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/3413/amw12or2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/3286/amw3xp7.jpg[/IMG] Following the match, AMW continue the assault by destroying the remaining men in the ring with the chair. Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens are both sent outside the ring following a pair of chairshots. Alone in the ring. Americas Most Wanted speak. The say that since tonight they pretty much eliminated all Tag Teams associated with TNA, they should be added to the Tag Team Title match-up this Sunday Night. They say there is NO TAG TEAM in TNA that have been more dominent then AMW...and that's enough to get the title shot. Americas Most Wanted then say that they will be awaiting a response from AJ and Daniels between now and Sunday at the PPV![/i] [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b] [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett's Final Thoughts![/U][/B] Before the show ends, cameras cut to Jeff Jarrett who is alone in his locker room. Jeff Jarrett says that we are only days away from Final Resolution where he will prove to the World YET AGAIN that there is no one in TNA more worthy of holding the NWa World Heavyweight Title then him. [IMG]http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/3584/jarrett34fj7.jpg[/IMG] Jeff then says that he doesn't care what type of an alliance Sting and Christian Cage claimed to have made. When it comes to his World Title, there are no friends. He says there is no way Sting and Christian are going to co-exist during the Main Event on Sunday and that is a PROMISE![/I] [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date:1/12/07 Location: BJ Civic Center Attendence:9,049 Rating:C[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I]The Following is the Confirmed Card for this Sunday's Final Resolution[/I][/b] [B][U][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U][/U][/B] Christian Cage vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Winner of Joe/Brown vs Winner of Roode/Steiner #1 Contendership Match Petey Williams vs Eric Young X-Division Contenders Match Kevin Nash W/??? vs LAX Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Roderick Strong vs Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley The Naturals vs Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles Tag Team Championship* Monty Brown vs Samoa Joe (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) Bobby Roode vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) [I]*Keep in Mind Americas Most Wanted have issues a challenge to be added into this match-up. The challenge has yet to be answered.[/I] [B][U]Card Subject to Change![/U][/B] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I][U]News and Rumors:[/U][/I][/b] [I]- Sources indicated that TNA Wrestling have been in contact with several "Major Stars" over the last couple weeks. Names that have been thrown around include former WCW and WWF World Heavyweight Champions as well as some stars from the past that have been all but forgotten. - One Major Star TNA was in contact with was Lance Storm. Sources actually indicate that Storm verbally agreed to a TNA Contract, however, before anything was finalized WWE's ECW Wrestling offered him a ridiculous amount of money and changed his mind rather quickly. There are still rumors running wild about Lance Storm maybe making one appearence for TNA before his ECW debut due to a promise he made to Jeff Jarrett, however, nothing else is known at this time. - A Couple of current TNA stars are also trying to be lured away with promises of big cash payouts. Those men haven't made any decisions, but time will tell rather or not they will do what so many others already have. One major TNA Star that is reportidly in talks with ECW is LAX's Homicide, who while is a great wrestlers couldn't hurt TNA's overall popularity too bad. - Speaking of Popularity, backstage sources from TNA have been struggling to come up with a new plan to get the ball rolling once again as far as ratings are concerned. Lately, Spike TV have issued complaints about TNA not being able to bring in the audience they did this time last year. There is no telling how long TNA will last on the network before the plug is pulled on the program. From that point, TNA will have several decision to make. - As far as Kevin Nash's mystery opponent at the upcoming Final Resolution is concerned there are several possibilities. As stated above TNA is in talks with several big names. However, in the beginning the company was said to want to pair him with one of the up and coming stars. Was Lance Storm a possibility? You'll have to tune into TNA this Sunday to find out.[/I] ----------------------- [B][U]Monday Night Raw Results:[/U][/B] Mickie James def Ashley Flair and Triple H def Snitsky and Goldust Danny Basham def Hulk Hogan ?!?!? Val and Big Vis def Conway and Shane McMahon Trish and Masters def Victoria and Lita Cena def Edge to Retain World Title [B][U]ECW Results[/U][/B] Johnny Parisi def Lynn & Diamond Test def Sabu RVD def Raven Brother Devon def Brother Ray[/center]
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Christian Cage vs [B]Sting [/B]vs Jeff Jarrett NWA World Heavyweight Title Match - Sting needs to win this and feud with a lot of the roster to give them the rub. [B]Joe[/B] vs Roode #1 Contendership Match - A Joe vs Sting match is the way to go [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Eric Young X-Division Contenders Match - as much as I love Eric Young, Petey is way more talented then he is. [B]Kevin Nash W/???[/B] vs LAX - The mystery partner is the key Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Roderick Strong vs [B]Austin Aries [/B]vs Alex Shelley - Aries is the sh*t The Naturals vs [B]Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles[/B] Tag Team Championship* - This team is just too good. Unless The Naturals turn heel and do something underhanded, AJ & Daniels to win. Monty Brown vs [B]Samoa Joe[/B] (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) - Joe is just too good [B]Bobby Roode[/B] vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals) - Roode is the future of TNA There you go brother. The PPV is shaping up nicely!
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[U][B]Final Resolution[/B][/U] [B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Christian Cage vs Sting vs [COLOR="Red"]Jeff Jarrett[/COLOR] [I]- I just think JJ will come out on top, Cage/Sting and Joe/Jarrett to feud after this PPV.[/I] [B]#1 Contendership Match[/B] [COLOR="red"]Samoa Joe[/COLOR] vs Scott Steiner [I]- Joe to go on to take the title off Jarrett.[/I] [B]X-Division Contenders Match[/B] Petey Williams vs [COLOR="red"]Eric Young[/COLOR] [I]- I'm going with the semi-upset victory.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Kevin Nash W/???[/COLOR] vs LAX [I]- With rumors of major stars and Homicide possibly leaving, i'm going with Nash & ???.[/I] Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin vs [COLOR="red"]Jay Lethal[/COLOR] vs Roderick Strong vs Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley [I]- I think any out of Sabin, Lethal, Shelley or Aries could win, I like Lethal though.[/I] [B]Tag Team Championship*[/B] The Naturals vs [COLOR="red"]Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles[/COLOR] vs AMW [I]- I reckon the champs will pull out the victory, despite adding AMW to match.[/I] [B]#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals[/B] Monty Brown vs [COLOR="red"]Samoa Joe [/COLOR] [I]- Joe isn't going to lose this one.[/I] [B]#1 Contendership Tournament Semi-Finals[/B] Bobby Roode vs [COLOR="red"]Scott Steiner[/COLOR] [I]- I like Roode but Steiner is a better choice for Joe to beat in final before going on to Jarrett.[/I] Its a good line up and very interesting PPV with many decent match ups, I especially like the Contendership Tournament pairings and am keen to see who Nash's partner is.
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[center][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] Final Resolution opens first with an explosive video package highlighting the month leading up to this month's Pay Per View. The video clip mainly hypes the three way NWA World Heavyweight Title match-up between Sting, Christian Cage, and Jeff Jarrett and the #1 Contenders Tournament that will finish up tonight. Following the video fireworks blast and the fans are going nuts as the camera pans the entire crowd. The cameras focus on a few signs including a "Jeff Jarrett- King of the Mountain, and KING OF TNA" sign as well as a "Joe- Next World Champ" sign. As the cameras cut to ringside everyone is ready for the opening contest.[/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada at it's Finest?[/U][/B] The Canadian Nation Antheme blasts over the PA System and Bobby Roode with Coach Scott D'amore by his side makes his way to the ringside area. [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/4419/roode1ly1.jpg[/IMG] D'amore gets on the mic in the ring and starts of by welcoming TNA fans to the Pay Per View that Team Canada WILL MAKE FAMOUS...And that's a promise. D'Amore says that by the end of the night TNA fans will witness something spectacular take place. At the same time, TNA fans will witness Bobby Roode defeat "Steroid" king himself, Scott Steiner. D'amore says it's obvious that real atheletes...CANADIAN ATHLETES don't need steroids...and they are going to prove it right now![/I] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Bobby Roode vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contenders Tournament)[/U][/B] Scott Steiner made his way to the ring with his usual taunts and such. He slides under the bottom rope and taunts a bit in the ring. However, to a surprise from the fans Bobby Roode attacks him from behind as he taunts on the top rope. Roode connected with a right hand before dropping Steiner backwards off the top rope. The fans are in shock as Roode drops a knee on Steiner not once but twice before making the pinfall attempt. He comes up short, but its obvious he isn't going to lie down and take a loss in this one. Roode keeps control of the match by out-brawling Steiner during the early course of this match-up. He actually sends Steiner over the top rope at one point with a standing dropkick. Following the dropkick Roode connected with a perfect baseball slide that again connected and sent Steiner outside. While outside, Roode kept to advantage for the first few seconds. However, as Roode charges Steiner for a clothesline, Steiner moved out of the way and Roode connected head first with the steel ring post outside. From there, the momentum of the match-up took a complete 180. Steiner grabbed Roode and tossed him in the ring. With Roode lying on his back, and his head hanging over to the outside of the ring, Steiner connected with a few elbows right to the face. Next, Steiner enters enter the ring and works over Roode with a few very slow submission holds as well as a couple of belly to belly suplexes. Steiner shows off by doing some push ups and then goes for a cover, but only managed to get a two count. Steiner then brought Roode to his feet, and they brawled some more. The two men exchanged right hands over the course of the next few seconds. However, it was Steiner that took the advantage yet again when Roode charged in at Steiner, but Steinr caught him in a bear hug. Steiner then proceeded to walk to the corner and drop Roode face first on the turnbuckle post...not pad. Roode was out cold and bleeding badly as Steiner locked on the Steiner Recliner! The referee was forced to call for the bell when he seen that Bobby Roode was out cold. It's unfortunate, but Bobby Roode's mistake had cost him the match up. Steiner taunted following the match, saying "One Down, One to Go!" [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3199/steiner3pk4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Scott Steiner[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [I][B][U]Kevin Nash has Arrived...Alone?[/U][/B] In the parking lot backstage, Kevin Nash steps out of a stretch limo already wearing his wrestling gear, and not to mention a huge smile. When Nash notices the camera he pauses and begins to speak. "Now, I know what your thinking TNA-ites. Wait...BIG SEXY IS IN DA HOUSE! Now, I know you are wondering where my partner is. I assure you later tonight he'll be here. A matter of fact I just left a nearby training facility where we were going over some moves. And I have to say...We ARE Ready tonight!" From there Nash walks toward his locker room which is right down the hallway. [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Samoa Joe Hype Video[/U][/B] A video plays hyping Samoa Joe. The video shows Joe's talent in TNA and his many victories over the last two years. Joe has had a few runs with the X-Division Title, and has had victories over several men including Jeff Jarrett himself. Tonight, he gets his chance to go to the big time when he has a shot at being number one contender. He'll have to go through Monty Brown and then Steiner, two huge strong men. Joe is ready and from this point on those two men have to think of only one statement... "Joe's Gonna Kill You!"[/I] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Monty Brown has Other Ideas![/U][/B] Monty Brown is backstage and he just finished watching the same hype video for Samoa Joe that everyone else did. Monty Brown shakes his head and then looks toward the camera. Brown says that he is sick of this stupid Samoa Joe hype. He says Joe is nothing but an overatted, overweight, piece of meat that TNA are finally sending in for the slaughter tonight. Brown says for the last two years everything has been, Joe this, Joe that, Joe is undefeated....WHO CARES. He says he's been here longer then Joe and as far as he is concerned has done more here. Tonight, Joe is going to feel the....POUNCE! PERIOD![/I] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [I][B][U]Monty Brown vs Samoa Joe (#1 Contenders Tournament)[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/4426/joe1yc4.jpg[/IMG] Both Joe and Brown meet in the middle of the ring with a staredown. For almost a minute the two men just stare into one another eye's awaiting the other superstar to make the first move. Eventually that is exactly what happens when Monty Brown throws the first punch. The punch rocked Joe, but Joe just bounced off the ropes and came back with a right hand of his own. Brown just smiled before the two started swinging right hands like they were out of style. Joe hit Brown, Brown hit Joe. It was back and forth for nearly a minute until Monty Brown grabbed the Samoan Submission Machine and tossed him over the top rope with a belly to belly type move. The fans gasped at the strength of Brown. From there, it was the same as in the ring. Brown started to tear up Joe with some Brawling tactics, but it didn't last long as Joe eventually came back with some brawling of his own. Joe reversed an Irish whip into the guard rail outside and Brown went crashing into the steel. From there, Joe used one of his trademark moves as he set a steel chair where the two guard rails meet one another. Monty Brown was placed in the chair, and from there Joe charged in with a big boot. At the last second though, Brown stood up and grabbed Joe. Brown sent Joe backwards into the crowd with a variation of a t-bone suplex. While the fans scattered, they were there long enough to save Joe from smacking concrete. Now out in the crowd, Brown picked up Joe and planted him with a kick to the gut before bouncing his head off the side of the bleachers a number of times. Next, Brown grabbed a steel chair from a fan and swung it at Joe. Samoa Joe managed to duck the chairshot and Monty connected metal to metal with the bleachers. Joe then kneed Brown in the midsection from behind and hooked on the Submission hold that he has made famous over the last few years. It seemed that there would be nothing to get Joe to release the hold at this point. That was however, until Scott Steiner made his presence felt. He made his way through the crowd and stomped away at Joe's head forcing him to break the hold. As Joe went to get to his feet he was BLASTED with a steel chair by Scott Steiner and he fell backwards into the fans yet again. From there, Steiner exited the scene and both Joe and Monty Brown lied out cold amongst the fans at ringside. Referee Rudy Charles sees that both men are out cold on the concrete floor and decides that there is nothing else he can do but to call for the bell as neither man is capable of continuing this match. The fans start a "Bullsh**" chant as both men are taken to the back with help from security. The false finish leaves fans bewildered on who will go into the finals of the #1 Contenders Tournament Later tonight! [B]Winner: THE MATCH IS CONSIDERED A DRAW![/B][/I] [/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]The King of The Mountain Promises Victory Yet Again[/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett is seen backstage watching what had just taken place during Joe versus Monty Brown. Jeff Jarrett shakes his head and says that it's a shame that neither of those men will be able to compete tonight. He says that it's obvious that the only decision that should be made would be Scott Steiner be declared the winner and the new #1 Contender for HIS NWA World Heavyweight Title. From there, Jarrett goes from being serious to smiling like never before. He says that the time has come...and tonight...TNA Wrestling is going to witness yet ANOTHER successful title defense by YOUR Champion, The King of the Mountain himself JEFF JARRETT! Jarrett says that for some reason, he has been informed that Christian Cage is nowhere to be found tonight. Is the big fan favorite going to dissapoint both his fans and his new "friend" Sting tonight and not show up. Jarrett says Christian Cage or not, tonight the result will be the same. The King of the Mountain leaving the building with the very same title that he entered it with, the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Jarrett says that as for Sting, for some reason he doesn't think he has ANYTHING to worry about with Sting. He has beaten Sting in the past, and tonight he will beat him again. As far as Jeff JArrett is concerned the NWA World Heavyweight Title should just be considered his permanently because quite frankly he doesn't believe ANYONE WILL EVER TAKE IT FROM HIM! And thats a PROMISE![/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]Abyss...Making "Friends?!?!?!"[/U][/B] Cameras then cut to a corridor closeby. The Monster Abyss is walking back and forth alone in a hallway. Every few seconds, he yells and breaks something nearby. As Abyss flips over a table, The James Gang are passing by. BG whispers something to Kip James. Kip says "No Way", but BG talks him into something. Seconds later they head in Abyss's direction. While keeping a safe distance, Kip and BG James start to yell things at Abyss. They tell him that they know latley he has been missing some sort of a "Keeper" of sorts. BG says that if Abyss wants, the James Gang think they can handle that job. Next, Kip speaks. He says that he thinks there is a trend going on in TNA. Neither Abyss nor the James Gang were booked for tonight's card, and he thinks he knows why. Kip says that he thinks that Abyss should join forces with the James Gang and together they could do great things in TNA. All the time while they are talking, Abyss just stares at them occasionally ****ing his head in a different direction. He seemed stunned, but understanding what they are saying. Kip and BG continue to try and talk Abyss into aligning themselves with them. As Cameras cut away, it seems Abyss is really listening to the James Gang. All three men walk together in the opposite direction as the cameras cut back to ringside. [/I] [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [I][B][U]Cornette with a Change of Plans![/U][/B] Jim Cornette is shown on the TNA-tron, and he says that before the show continues he has a few announcements to make. He says that due to the happening earlier in the night he has no choice but to make it official. Samoa Joe vs Monty Brown will be considered a DRAW...HOWEVER...that does not mean neither man will compete later tonight. Actually, On the Contrary. Instead, tonights #1 Contenders match-up will consist of ALL THREE MEN going at it in a three way and the winner will get a World Heavyweight Title shot when the time is right. Next, Cornette says that he has made a mistake. He said that on Xplosion he decided there would be a six man match-up. He says that tonight that will indeed take place. However, since he feels that he screwed the X-Division Champion by not giving him a match tonight, that the X-Division Title will be on the line in this one as Low Ki will replace Roderick Strong in the match-up. Not only that, but that match-up will happen....NOW![/I] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [I][B][U]Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Austin Aries vs Sonjay Dutt vs Low Ki Elimination Match(X Division Championship Match)[/U][/B] After all six men entered the ring they had to decide which two men would start things off. The fans started several chants, but it was obvious they wanted to see Low Ki start things off against Sabin, and that is exactly what happened. The X-Division champ flipped out of a wrist lock by his challenger, Sabin. From there, Low Ki connected with a kick to the calf and then a front suplex taking Sabin face first on the ground. Low Ki went for the cover, but only managed a two count. Alex Shelley made the tag to the back of Low Ki tagging himself in the match-up. Shelley worked over Sabin, who was already hurt, with some great ground technique. He started things off with a crossface, but eventually worked Sabin into a Canadian backbreaker, and then a surfboard stretch. While Sabin was in the surfboard stretch though, Sonjay Dutt tagged himself in. He bounced off the ropes and jumped for an attempt at a standing shooting star press, but Sabin moved and he connected to Shelley. The referee made the THREE count and the fans went nuts for Sonjay. [b]Alex Shelley has been Eliminated[/b] Following the elimination of Alex Shelley, Austin Aries hit the ring and sent Sonjay flying across the ring with a dropkick. Aries then connected with his trademark elbow drop and he went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. From there, Aries brought Sonjay back to his feet and then took him up for a stalling suplex. In the meantime, Jay Lethal tagged himself in and went to the top rope and connected with a crossbody to Sonjay Dutt who was still up in the suplex. The referee counted the three and Lethal actually eliminated his buddy Sonjay Dutt. [b]Sonjay Dutt has been Eliminated[/b] With Dutt eliminated, Austin Aries was once again the legal man. He quickly takes advantage of the oppurtunity to drop an elbow on Lethal who was still atop Sonjay. Aries grabbed Jay Lethal and irish whipped him to the ropes. As Lethal came back he caught Aries with a hurricanrana that sent Aries outside the ring. With Aries outside the ring, Low Ki made himself the legal man. Lethal leapfrogged Low Ki, who ran under his legs, but as Lethal landed back on his feet he was sent to the mat hard with a crazy kick to the back of the head. Next, Low Ki snapped on a variation of the dragon sleeper on Lethal. Lethal seemed as if he was ready to tap out, that was until Chris Sabin made his presence felt by bouncing off the ropes and connecting with a dropkick to the face of Low Ki that sent him outside the ring. From there, Sabin helped his buddy Jay Lethal to his feet. They shook hands and nodded at one another before bouncing off opposite ropes and charging one another. Lethal connected with a hurricanrana, but Sabin got to his feet and connected with one of his own. At this point Lethal and Sabin went to lock up, but Aries and Low Ki were both back in the ring. Low Ki spun Lethal around, and Aries did the same to Sabin on the opposite side of the ring. Low Ki quickly blasted Lethal with another deadly kick to the face which sent him to the mat hard. Aries, however, was not as lucky. As he turned Sabin around...SAbin blocked a right hands and sent Aries down to the mat with the CRADLE SHOCK! Just as Sabin hit the CRADLE SHOCK, Low Ki came crashing down atop Lethal with a WARRIORS WAY! The referee makes the count for both sets of men.... 1..... 2.... 3..... [b]Jay Lethal is Eliminated[/b] [b]Austin Aries is Eliminated[/b] With both men eliminated there were only two men left...Chris Sabin and X-Division Champion, Low Ki. The two men were face to face and the fans started going nuts with dueling chants. The next fews minutes the two men exchanged fists as well as back and forth offense. Some high spots included Sabin reversing a back body drop, landing on his feet and then connecting with a spinning DDT for a two count. Moments Later though, Low Ki reversed a suplex attempt and downed Sabin with a spinning suplex for a two count. Yet again both men were on their feet. They locked up in the middle of the ring and Sabin managed to connect with a knee to the gut and then put Low Ki up for an attempt at the CRADLE SHOCK! Low Ki fought out with a knee to the back of Sabin's head. At this time, Roderick Strong, the man who had been taken out of this match-up makes his way to the ring with a STEEL Chair in hand. Low Ki went to Irish whip Chris Sabin to the ropes, but Sabin Reversed. At that time, Roderick Strong swung the steel chair and crashed it into X-Division Champion Low Ki's head. Low Ki was out cold and the referee called for the bell. Roderick Strong was obviously upset that Low Ki replaced him in the Six MAn Pay Per View Match-up tonight, therefore he took things into his own hands. However, Chris Sabin seemed very upset about the finish of this match-up since Roderick Strong cost him the match-up. [IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/9625/lowkiiw2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner by DQ: LOW KI[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted Re-Iterate Their Challenge![/U][/B] America's Most Wanted are backstage, and yet again they say they want to be added to the Tag Team Title Match-up that shouold be taking place later tonight. They say that they realize that AJ and Daniels may be a little scared because they'd be stepping in the middle of the ring with two of the best tag team specialist in the last decade. They say they realize that the fact that they are the longest reigning TNA Tag Team Champs ever might be a little scary. However, they are asking yet again, if AJ and Daniels would grow some balls and accept their challenge to be added to the Tag Title match tonight. If not...So be it. If they are however, they say they will leave the building just as their buddy Jeff Jarrett...with GOLD AROUND THEIR WAIST![/I] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Team Canada; Take Two[/U][/B] Scott D'amore is backstage with Petey Williams. D'Amore is hyping Petey up saying that Eric Young is nothing but a little twerp that was once a member of the best faction that has graced the wrestling industry. D'amore says that although Roode lost earlier Team Canada still has A FEW chances to redeem themselves tonight. D'amore says that Petey Williams has the chance to make Team Canada winners tonight. Petey Williams says he's a sure thing tonight against Young and that Eric is nothing but a cult favorite that will never get anywhere in this business. As Petey Williams walks away and heads towards the ring, Scott D'Amore speaks a bit more. He says that tonight not only will Williams take out Eric Young and leave the building a winner, but by the end of the night he promises that the ENTIRE Team Canada will leaving as a group of winners tonight...You'll SEE! From there he quickly exits the area.[/I] [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [I][B]Eric Young vs Petey Williams (#1 Contender for X-Division Title)[/B] [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/5715/peteypk5.jpg[/IMG] Petey Williams and Eric Young are both standing in the middle of the ring as Eric Young starts his "Don't Fire Eric" chants with help from the fans. With the fans going nuts, Eric Young gets excited and starts dancing around the ring. Petey Williams laughs at Eric a little, but when he realizes Eric Young barely even realizes where he is, he plows him from behind with a stiff right hand. Eric Young falls into the corner, and Petey sets him up for the Tree of Woe and goes to the top screaming "OH CANADA..." and stepping on his goods. Following the move, Petey snaps a headlock on Eric Young and slows things down a bit. With the fans going nuts for Eric Young yet again, he manages to fight his way to his feet. Next, he connects with a few elbows to the gut of Petey and then tries to send him to the ropes. However, it doesn't happen since Petey Williams doesn't release the headlock. As Petey applies more pressure to Eric's head, Eric tries to break the hold again, but yet again he comes up short. Eventually though, Eric Young manages to take Petey down with a back drop to break the hold. Young goes for the cover, but only manages a quick two count. Petey is quickly to his feet and claps a bit as if he underestimated Eric Young. From there, the two men lock up and Eric Young whips Petey to the ropes. As Petey comes back Eric hits the floor and Petey runs over him. Eric then jumps back to his feet and pokes Petey in the eyes. The fans go nuts as Eric Young rolls up Williams. 1....2...Yet another two count. However, no Eric Young has momentum behind him. He brings Petey to his feet and after a knee to the face Eric goes for a Piledriver attempt. Petey blocks the piledriver, and takes Eric down with a back body drop...HOWEVER...Eric rolls through for another rollup. 1....2....And another kick out. Petey is now irate. He charges in at Eric Young, and Eric boots him in the gut. He then attempts a move not unlike "THe Alabama Slam", however, Petey fights his way out and turns it into the CANADIAN DESTROYER!!! Petey Williams makes the cover and gets the easy pinfall! [b]Winner: Petey Williams[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Sting Getting Worried?[/U][/B] Backstage, Sting has recieved word that Christian Cage still hasn't made his way to the arena tonight. Sting seems pretty worried that Christian isn't going to show for his chance at the World Heayvweight title, and he gets out his cell phone. He dials up Christian Cage, however, there is no answer. Sting then stands up from him seat and ponders for a second. He then utters one sentence before leaving his locker room. " Ah, I smell a rat. That's right...you Jeff Jarrett. I know you've pulled something like you always do. Right now, I'm coming to find out!"[/i] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett's Final Thoughts![/U][/B] Before the show ends, cameras cut to Jeff Jarrett who is alone in his locker room. Jeff Jarrett says that we are only days away from Final Resolution where he will prove to the World YET AGAIN that there is no one in TNA more worthy of holding the NWa World Heavyweight Title then him. Jeff then says that he doesn't care what type of an alliance Sting and Christian Cage claimed to have made. When it comes to his World Title, there are no friends. He says there is no way Sting and Christian are going to co-exist during the Main Event on Sunday and that is a PROMISE![/I] [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [I][B][U]Nash Reveals his Partner...Partners????[/U][/B] Back in the ring "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash is on the mic. [IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3712/nash1pd7.jpg[/IMG] Nash says that the moment has come when he has to reveal his so-called "Mystery Partner" for tonight. However, he states that he has put himself in quite a pickle. Why you ask? Well, Nash says that over the last several years he has teamed up with so many great men that he sorta put his foot in his mouth when he said that he could choose just one person as his new tag team partner. Therefore, he has an important decision to make. Ah, what the hell...lets do this. Nash says that he'd like all the TNA fans to welcome his Tag Team Partner for tonight.... D-D-P! Diamond Dallas Page! [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1173/ddp1vn4.jpg[/IMG] On that note DDP makes his way to the ring with a pretty positive reaction from the crowd. Page taunts for a bit and then gets on the mic. He says that tonight he is going to make someone....FEEL THE BANG!!! Next, Nash gets back on the mic. He says that before they get ahead of themselves he has a confession to make. Nash says that back in the day he and DDP wrestled under the tag team moniker "THE INSIDERS"...However, there is also a guy he knows who he tagged with in a similar name...That's right...."THE OUTSIDERS"! Next, Kevin Nash says he'd like to welcome SCOTT HALL back to TNA! Scott Hall makes his way to the ring and joins DDP and Kevin Nash. All three men give one another the old "NWO" sign just to show that they are all friendly. [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/1467/hall1qj1.jpg[/IMG] Hall gets on the mic and says the following: "Hey YO! Tonight, Big Kev over there needs a Tag Team Partner. Now, Page and I are both here tonight ready for action, but we figured we'd let you decide which of us would step in the ring with those Mexicans tonight. So whaddaya say? Insiders....OR Outsiders?" From there it seems that the Outsiders mention got the most applause. Kevin Nash gets back on the mic and says it's final. Tonight it'll be the OUTSIDERS versus LAX. However, since we know there are no hard feelings with DDP over here, he will be ringside to watch our backs and make sure that the third member of LAX doesn't get involved. DDP cuts in and says...By the way...Nash...Hall...and Myself...from this point on...refer to us as Da' Pack![/i] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [I][B]LAX (Konnan & Homicide) vs The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash)[/B] After LAX make their way to the ring and everyone gets settled Homicide does his trademark gun motion towards Hall. Scott Hall laughs and does his trademark "I'm scared" taunt back at Homicide before the two lock up. Hall quickly drives a knee to the gut of the smaller man and then takes him up for his patenent FALLAWAY SLAM! Homicide flies across the ring and comes crashing down in his own corner following the move. This allows Konnan to tag himself in. K-Dawg circles the ring with Hall a bit before he charges in. Hall side steps him and K-Dawg ends up in The Outsiders Corner. Hall makes the tag and holds Konnan in the corner which allows Nash to choke him with the big boot. The chemistry definatley still exist between Nash and Hall. Nash irish whips Konnan to the ropes, however, Hernandez, who is outside grabs Nash's legs allowing Konnan to come back and hit Nash with a right hand. Nash falls to the outside of the ring on his opponents side, and all three members of LAX beat him down stomping away at him before tossing him in the ring. DDP tries to make his way over there, but Hernandez flees before Page manages to help. Nash goes to re-enter the ring after Page helps him to his feet. As Nash enters the ring, Konnan continues the underhand tactics by stomping on Nash's fingers. Konnan then tags in Homicide and yet again they stomp away at Nash. Next, Homicide grabs Nash's leg and hooks him in a half Boston Crab. In only lasted a second though, as Nash easily powered out. With Nash struggling to his feet, Homicide calls for a chair from Hernandez. However, as Hernandez goes to grab a chair DDP is waiting for him shaking his head with a smile. Then in one split second, DDP connected with the DIAMOND CUTTER ON HERNANDEZ outside the ring. Next, DDP grabs the chair Hernandez was going for and pretends to hand it to Homicide. Homicide seems confused but reaches for the chair. However, as he leans outside the ring DDP BLASTS him with it. Homicide stumbles backwards and as the referee continues to argue with Konnan...Nash connects with a JACKNIFE POWERBOMB! Nash tags in Hall and allows him to connect with the OUTSIDERS EDGE. Both Hall and Nash stand atop Homicide for the cover. Konnan goes to break things up, but DDP grabs his leg from outside as the referee makes the count. 1....2.........3 [b]Winners: The Outsiders[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [I][B][U]The Fun Continues[/U][/B] Following the match-up, all three members of Da' Pack Celebrate in the middle of the ring. They each give each other the hand signal that the NWO once used. As all three men taunt to the camera, Konnan enters the ring with a chair and blasts HALL from behind with it. Konnan's offense is short lived though because as Nash realizes what happened he connected with a big boot and DDP hits Konnan with a DIAMOND CUTTER! All three men continue celebrating with all three members of LAX laid out at different areas of ringside![/i] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [I][B][U]Sting Confronts Jarrett[/U][/B] Backstage Sting seems to have caught up with Jeff Jarrett. Sting yells at Jarrett claiming that somehow he sabotaged Christian Cage's ride to get here tonight. Jeff Jarrett laughs and says that Sting is naive. He says that if he were Sting he'd be more worried about himself and less worried about relying on somebody else for tonight's match up. Jarrett says Sting is a stupid stupid little man and tonight he is going to shut Sting up once and for all. Sting goes to attack Jarrett but referees and security keep them from brawling.[/i] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]AJ Styles and Daniels Don't Back Down from a Fight[/U][/B] AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels make their was to the ring ready for their Tag Team Title defense. However, before the referee announces their opponents Daniels get on the mic. Daniels says that over the last several months he and AJ have retained their tag team titles against all comers. Rather it be AMW, LAX, or anyone else they have made sure never to step down from a fight. Therefore, tonight they accept AMW's challenge to be added to the World Tag Team Championship Match-up. They say tonight they are going to show the world yet again why the Tag Team Titles are around their waist. [/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B]AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs AMW vs The Naturals (Tag Team Championship)[/B] All three teams made their way to the ring with respective reactions. While AMW got a huge heel reaction, AJ Styles and Daniels got their usual ridiculous reaction from the crowd. After everyone got settled it seemed as if Chris Harris would start things off with Christopher Daniels. The two locked up in the middle of the ring and Harris took the momentum with a knee to Daniel's midsection. From there, Harris whipped Daniels to the ropes and sent him flying with a backbody drop. [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3288/danielsct3.jpg[/IMG] After wrenching the neck of Daniels, Harris makes the tag to Storm. The two men double team on Daniels with a backbreaker elbow drop combo. Storm went for the cover, but Styles came in to break up the count. Storm smacked the mat and started yelling across the ring. From there, he went to bring Daniels back to his feet. However, on the way up Daniels pushed Storm backwards and connected with a nice dropkick that sent Storm to the corner. Daniels made the tag to Andy Douglas who came in and splashed Storm who was still in the opposite corner. Following the splash Douglas goes to the top rope and starts the usual ten punches from the top rope. Once he hit about three punches though, Chris Harris climbed to the second rope and sent Douglas crashing to the mat with a "heartbreaker" type move. Despite not being the legal man Chris Harris pounded Douglas with some boots to the face as he laid on the mat. At that time, Christopher Daniels entered the ring and both he and Harris went flying over the ropes to the outside with a running clothesline. Storm makes the cover on the still downed Andy Douglas....1....2..However, he only manages the two count. He grabs Douglas by the head and bring him to his feet for a headlock. However, AJ Styles tags himself in by slapping Storm's back. AJ enetered the ring and bounced off the ropes before taking Storm out with a flipping dropkick. Storm fell outside and came crashing down atop both Christopher Daniels and Chris Harris. In the meantime, Andy Douglas tagged in his partner, Chase Stevens. Stevens entered the ring, but was quickly irish whipped by AJ. Stevens reversed and hit the ropes just as James Storm pulled down the top rope from the outside of the ring. AJ flew over the rope rope and hit the floor hard along with the remaining men from the match. With four out of the six competitors outside the ring, Chase Stevens climbs to the top rope and connects with his trademark SHOOTING STAR PRESS from the top rope. He connects with all men involved except for AJ Styles who managed to move out of the way. [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/2040/chase1fs4.jpg[/IMG] With everyone else out of it outside of the ring, Styles slides back in the ring where Andy Douglas was made the legal man by default. Douglas charges AJ, but somehow AJ manages to bounce off the ropes and connect with his flipping backflip reverse DDT. Following the DDT, AJ quicky brought Douglas back to his feet and sent him crashing to the mat with a STyles Clash for the victory.....1...2....3 [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3759/tagchampsno2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winners: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [I][B][U]Christian Cage Shows Up Fashionably Late[/U][/B] A limo pulls up in the parking lot backstage. Out of the limo steps World Heavyweight Title contender Christian Cage. Christian Cage stands up straight and takes a whiff of the air. From there he has a huge smile on his face. "It's definatley Showtime tonight!" From there Christian Cage goes to enter the building but before he is able to enter he is approached by Jeremy Borash. Borash asks Cage why it is that he is so late tonight. Cage just laughs and says that tonight it's all about Final Resolution. He says that he is running a bit late because he ran into some....Road Blocks so to speak. However, Cage, continues, all is alright because Christian Cage has arrived. In a matter of minutes Christian Cage, Sting, and unfortunatley Jeff Jarrett are going to tear the house down in a show stealing match. Why is that? Because Christian Cage is involved. Anyways, Christian Cage continues. Tonight I will be leaving this very building NWA World Heavyweight Champion....Why? "Because thats HOW I ROLL!!" [/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]Big Poppa Pump is Confident[/U][/B] "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner is backstage lifting weights and getting ready for his #1 Contenders match-up that will take place in a matter of minutes. Steiner looks pumped and very confident. However, there is no Jeff Jarrett in sight. Steiner drops the weights and then stares into the video. Tonight, Steiner says, I'm stepping in the ring with two chumps. Fat Joe and that washed up failure as a football player Monty Brown shouldn't even be involved as far as I'm concerned. Steiner says they both lost in double DQ earlier tonight therefore TNA officials should just declare him winner by default. Since that isn't happening though, those two losers will be going up against the LARGEST ARMS in the WORLD. Steiner says when you go up against the largest arms in the world there is only one finish possible, thats him going on to be the #1 Contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Title! Steiner flexes a few times before walking away from the cameras view. [/I] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [U][I][B]Samoa Joe vs Monty Brown vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contender Tournament Finals)[/B][/U] Samoa Joe, Monty Brown, and Scott Steiner all stood at seperate sides of the ring as the announcer announced their weights and heights and the fact that this if the first of tonight's double main event. [IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9034/steinerjoeie5.jpg[/IMG] Steiner and Joe go face to face in the middle of the ring before things get starts. The face off doesnt last too long as Joe quickly faces off with Brown next. Before the announcer is finished, Monty Brown and Samoa Joe charge one another and start brawling right where the left off earlier in the night. As they brawl Scott Steiner sits up on the top rope across the ring and just lets them fight amongst themselves. [IMG][IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/6198/montyez0.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] Joe and Brown landed punch after punch, but neither man backed down. Eventually Joe blocked a right hand and then sent Brown to the corner with a shoulder block. Joe then drives a shoulder into Brown's midection a few times until Brown lifted his knee and Joe went face first into Brown's knee. From there Monty Brown charged in and sent Joe to the mat with a flying shoulder block. With Joe down on the mat, Monty Brown goes for the cover. After a two count, Scott Steiner makes his presence felt by dropping an elbow atop Brown breaking up the two count. Steiner does a few push-ups before connecting with several fists to the back of Brown's neck. Next, Scott Steiner hooks both Monty's arms for a double underhook suplex; however, Joe was back on his feet and he bounced off the ropes and connected with his flying dropkick. With Steiner on the ground, Samoa Joe hooked him in a crossface type move. However, before he managed to get Steiner to tap out, Monty Brown stomped on Joe making him break the hold. Monty Brown brought Joe to his feet and kneed him in the gut before whipping him to the ropes. Monty Brown tried to take Joe down with a shoulder block, but came up short when Joe overpowered him and sent Brown down to the mat hard. As Joe stood over Brown looking down at him with dominence, Scott Steiner, charged him from behind and dropping him with a clubbing clothesline to the back of the head. Joe stumbled foward and ended up falling outside the ring. Steiner dropped an eblow on Brown who was still lying on the mat, and went for the pinfall attempt. However, he only managed to get a two count. With Monty Brown still lying on the mat, Scott Steiner bounces off the ropes, but Samoa Joe grabs his legs from outside of the ring. Steiner freezes and then turns around to confront Joe. AS he turns around though, Monty Brown jumps to his feet and send Steiner outside the ring with a right hand to the back of the head. Scott Steiner actually lands on Joe outside the ring and both men hit the ground hard outside. In the ring, Monty Brown, gets on the top rope and does his usual "punching the turnbuckle" taunt as he looks down at both of his opponents lying on the floor below. After awaiting his opponent to re-enter the ring for a few seconds, Monty Brown gives up and decides to go out there with them. He stomps Steiner and then Joe. Next, he tosses Joe in the ring. However, before he can re-enter the ring himself Steiner grabs his foot. Brown struggles to get away, and eventually stomps away at Steiners head. Monty Brown turns around to enter the ring, but before he get the chance Samoa Joe comes crashing down atop both men with a suicide dive to the outside. All three men hit the ground hard outside and the fans go nuts. The referee starts the mandetory ten count, but after he gets to three he realizes that with the ten count all three men might be DQ'd yet again. Therefore, he just throws the ten count out the window and waits for the three men to get to their feet. Eventually, that is exactly what happens. All three men struggle to their feet at the same time. Brown stands up and is standing between both Joe and Steiner. Which ends up being a negative thing since Steiner smacks him with a right hand then Joe smacks him. Back and and forth Steiner and Joe take turns planting Brown with right hands back and forth. This happens until Joe steps back and goes to connect with the running kick on Brown and Brown moves. From there Steiner is taken down hard outside the ring. Monty Brown knees Joe in the gut and tosses him in the ring. Monty Brown enters the ring right behind Samoa Joe and in the ring Brown starts choking Joe out. Next, Monty Brown brings Joe to his feet and picks him up in the Fallaway Slam position. Instead though, Brown drops Joe straight down with a variation of a powerslam. Brown goes for the cover, but only manages to get a two count. As Monty Brown gets to his feet following the two count, Scott Steiner slides back in the ring. Steiner and Brown once again exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Steiner connects with a belly to belly supex on Brown. Steiner goes for the cover, but Joe breaks up the count. From here, Joe clotheslines Steiner into the corner. Next, he picks up Brown and puts him in an opposite corner. Joe takes a few seconds and blast Steiner with a right hand and then does the same to Brown. Joe then takes Steiner from the corner and sends him to the ropes for an Irish whip. However, from the corner charges Monty Brown who goes to take Joe down with the POUNCE! Joe moves out of the way and Scott Steiner is sent out of the ring with the deadly pounce. The dumbfounded Monty Brown then turns into the quick powerslam by Samoa Joe and then he is hooked in the Submission hold Joe has made famous. Brown tries to fight Joe off, but it is impossible. Monty Brown never taps out, but after a minute or so Monty Brown passes out and the referee calls for the bell declaring Samoa Joe the winner and number one contender! [b]Winner: Samoa Joe[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [I][B][U]BROCK LESNAR SIGNS WITH TNA!?!?[/U][/B] As the fans sit and wait for the main event World Title Match that should be taking place anytime now...the building goes dark and the TNA-Tron then flashes in strobe light form for a few seconds. Following the strobe light affect, the shadow of a man is seen from a distance. Moments later...the camera zooms up on that mans face. The man? BROCK LESNAR! Brock Lesnar utters a few words before the TNA-Tron goes dark... [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2416/lesnarwg3.jpg[/IMG] "TNA...I hope your ready. Because this week on Impact you see the TNA debut of the man who has created more controversy in the wrestling business then Vince Russo himself. BROCK LESNAR. Not only will I be at Impact, but I promise here and now that someone will be victim to an F-5!!!" Following the video the fans at ringside are going nuts. There seem to be mixed reactions for Lesnar, but eiter way everyone is being vocal about it. [/I] [I][B][U]Sting with a Few Final Words[/U][/B] Backstage, Sting goes to enter Christian Cage's locker room before heading to the ring for the Main Event. However, Christian Cage is nowhere to be found. Instead of worrying about it, Sting notices a camera man nearby a give one final promo before heading towards the ring. " Jeff Jarrett...Your time has come. In just a few moments your going to be stripped of the very thing that you live for. That's right it's come time for you to relinquish that NWA World Heavyweight Champion. That's right Jarrett, because...ITS SHOWTIME FOLKS!" [/I] [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [I][B][U]World Title Match Hype[/U][/B] The same video package that played on Xplosion this week played. The video shows clips of the happening in the last few weeks plus comments from each men. First, Christian Cage speaks..."The NWA World Heavyweight Title...I've had it before and it's coming home!" [IMG]http://img315.imageshack.us/img315/6143/christiancagepv2.jpg[/IMG] Next, Jeff Jarrett speaks..."The King of the Mountain, The NWA World Heavyweight Champion, I've held this title longer and more times than anyone...obvious theres a trend here!" [IMG]http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/8402/jeffjarrettca4.jpg[/IMG] Finally, Sting. "Sunday at Final Resolution Jeff Jarrett...IT WILL BE Showtime! No matter what happens Jeff, you will no leave Final Resolution with that NWA World Heavyweight Championship!" [IMG]http://img433.imageshack.us/img433/3922/sting2jx1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [U][I][B]Jeff Jarrett vs Christian Cage vs Sting NO DQ(World Heavyweight Title)[/B][/U] The fans were on their feet awaiting the arrival of all three men involved in the World Heavyweight Title match-up. World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett was the first to make his way to the ring, and as would be expected. Jarrett came to the ring alone, which is unusual with all of his known alliances here in TNA. Jarrett stepped in the ring and taunted corner to corner making sure to piss off every fan who was screaming at the ringside area. From there, he dropped his guitar and awaited his opponents. [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/6964/jarrett1rc5.jpg[/IMG] Next out was The Man they Call Sting. Like always Sting got a HUGE reaction from the crowd. Sting, Jarrett's arch nemesis, slowly made his way to the ring. He looked confident, but everyone knew that he was thinking about his alliance with Christian Cage in the back of is head. Sting entered the ring and his eyes were glued on Jarrett the entire time. He gave the ring girl his bat and trench coat and awaited the arrival of Christian Cage. It didn't take long. There he was. Christian Cage's music blasted over the P.A. system and "Captain Charisma" himself made his way to the ring slowly but surely. Cage was met with about the same applause as Sting was moments earlier. Christian looked more confident then either of his two opponents. Then again, he always did. With all three men in the ring, the ring announcer, Jeremy Borash, announced each of their heights and weights and claimed that this following bout will be for the NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Not only that, but in a last minute decision Borash claimed that the bout will be deemed NO DISQUALIFICATION! And then...THE BELL RINGS. The match is official. Christian Cage and Sting make eye contact and then give each other a high five before things start off. It's obvious at this point both men are on the same page. This makes things a bit difficult for Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett backs himself into a corner as both Christian Cage and Sting go in for the attack. With Jarrett in the corner, it's easy to do. Sting connects with a right hand on Jarrett, and then Christian does the same thing. Back and forth the two faces take turns beating the hell out of Jarrett with right hands. Eventually, Jeff Jarrett falls to his knees and begs both men to back up and give him a chance at some offense. Sting and Christian both look at each other and start to chuckle; however, they made a mistake in taking their eyes off The King of the Mountain since Jarrett quickly leaned foward and connected with a low blow on both men. Christian Cage and Sting both hit the ring mat hard holding their goods. Jarrett was smart and slid outside the ring to grab a steel chair. Jeff re-entered the ring with steel chair in hand, and in a matter of minutes he put it to good use. First Jarrett brought Christian Cage to his feet only long enough to send him back to the mat via steel chair shot. Jarrett then taunts over Christian holding the steel chair above his head. Next, it was Sting's turn for a chairshot. Jarrett brought Sting to his feet much as he did Christian Cage moments earlier. However, when Jarrett went to smack Sting with the chair, the Stinger moved out of the way and Jarrett caught nothing but turnbuckle pad with the chair. From there, Sting rolled Jarrett up for a pinfall attempt. 1.....2....Jarrett kicked out after only a two count. Jeff Jarrett quickly got back to his feet and pointed to his head as if he outsmarted Sting once again by kicking out. Jarrett laughs at Sting, but when Sting does his usual taunt flexing and screaming at Jarrett, Jeff backs off and goes outside the ring to take a few seconds to himself. During this time, Sting helps Christian Cage back to his feet. With Sting and Christian standing strong in the middle of the ring yet again, Jeff Jarrett walks back and forth outside the ring pacing not knowing what to do next. After a few minutes, the decision is easy. He calls for the troops. Or at least one of them. Jeff Jarrett motions for someone to come down to the ring. Instead of coming out on the same side as Jarrett however, Scott Steiner makes his way to the ringside area from the opposite entranceramp. From there, he grabs Sting's legs from behind and pulls him outside of the ring. Steiner starts beating Sting down with various boots to the face. As Christian realizes whats going on he turns to go help Sting out. However, Jeff Jarrett quickly slides back in the ring from the other side and charges at Christian with a clothesline. Christian is then sent to the ropes with an irish whip and then hit with a atomic drop. Following the atomic drop Jarrett h its Christian with a falling clothesline, and then a pinfall attempt. 1....2....Christian gets the shoulder up after the two count. Jarrett quickly makes sure that Sting is still down outside, and he is. Steiner has Sting in the Steiner recliner outside as Jeff Jarrett goes for the figure four leg lock in the ring. The figure four works out fine for Jarrett, and he puts pressure on Christian trying to get him to tap out. However, just when it seems as if Christian Cage is going to tap out he gets a sudden burst of energy and turns the figure four over on Jarrett. With Jarrett writhing in pain, Scott Steiner realizes whats going on and breaks up the hold. Steier stomps away at Christian for a few seconds and then helps Jarrett to his feet. In the meantime, outside the ring Sting makes his way over to his bat. He slides in the ring with bat in hand and goes to work on Steiner knocking him outside the ring. Jarrett is backing off yet again much like earlier in the match-up. This time however, Sting throws away the bat saying that he doesn't need it. Instead, he sends Jarrett to the corner and comes crashing down atop him with a STINGER SPLASH! One Stinger Splash wasn't good enough however, as it took two more before Sting let Jarrett fall down to the mat. Instead of making the cover, Sting made sure Christian Cage was OK. He helped Christian to his feet once again and yet again Christian and Sting were standing tall with Jeff Jarrett laying on the mat. Instead of attacking though, Christian Cage and Sting allowed Jeff Jarrett to get to his feet. With Sting and Christian on one side of the ring and Jarrett on the other it seemed as if the odds were stacked against Jeff Jarrett. HOWEVER...Scott D'Amore of Team Canada makes his way to the ringside area. It seems as if Jeff Jarrett has alittle more hope of winning the match when D'Amore goes to toss Jeff Jarrett one of his trademark guitars. Somehow though, D'Amore misses Jeff when throwing in the guitar and none other than Christian Cage himself catches the guitar. Sting and Christian both have huge smiles on their faces as they taunt with Jarrett's guitar that Scott D'amore tossed in. In the meantime, D'Amore is going crazy outside the ring punishing himself for tossing the guitar to the wrong man. After the taunting it was ready for action. Sting and Christian head towards Jeff Jarrett. Sting goes to attack, but instead tells Christian Cage to go ahead and smack JArrett with his own guitar. CHRISTIAN PULLS BACK...and SWINGS...THE GUITAR SMASHES INTO PIECES AS IT HITS THE MIDSECTION OF......STING!?!?!? Christian CAGE HIT STING WITH THE GUITAR! [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4535/christian3kq3.jpg[/IMG] The fans don't know what to think. Christian Cage looks at Sting who stumbles around holding his midsection and then glares at Jarrett. Christian tells Jarrett "Happy New Years, Jeff" before exiting the ring. Jeff Jarrett grabs Sting, and connects with the STROKE before making the pinfall attempt. 1..... 2..... 3..... JEFF JARRETT retains the NWA World Heavyweight Championship thanks to Christian Cage! [IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3465/jarrett2jx3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Jeff Jarrett[/b][/I] [B]Segment Rating: A+[/B] [I][B][U]Christian Cage...TEAM CANADA?[/U][/B] Christian Cage looks on as Jeff Jarrett celebrates in the middle of the ring. Christian Cage and Scott D'amore both have smiles on their faces as Christian Cage peals off his "Captain Charisma" t-shirt uncovering a new and improved Team Canada T-shirt. [IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/6058/christianteamcanadalb4.jpg[/IMG] Christian Cage is now officially a member of Team Canada. Jeff Jarrett continues the beatdown of Sting in the middle of the ring as Christian Cage just looks on with his new "partner in business" Scott D'amore. From there the PPV goes off the air.[/I] [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/20/2007 Location: New Orleans Attendence: 15,000 (Sellout) Rating: A[/B][/LEFT]
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Well guys there it is. I got a little carried away with length, but I wanted to make the ppv something special. Feedback would be appreciated. Also, ratings, and all that will be posted either later tonight or tomarrow. I wanted to worry about getting the show up first. Also, I'll be posting a small recap of the show sometime as well breaking things down on a much simplier basis. It was a jam-packed show with lots of surprised, let me know what you all think.
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