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TNA: Can it overcome and ECW Talent Raid?!?

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Final Resolution Feedback (writing as reading...) [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Good opening segment with D'Amore, already my mind is guessing forward to what spectacular thing will take place. On the steroid note, did D'Amore forget about a certain Canadian sprinter. :rolleyes: Nice to see Bobby Roode dominating the match and being very intense with it. For me I think Scott Steiner was the correct choice to win, you made Roode look good and now give Joe the bigger test once he wins through in final. Nice start. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Nice little Nash, Joe and Brown segments to help build up the following action. I tend to agree, to an extent, with Monty about Joe but I still think Joe is the right man to win through. Still not sure about Nash's partner. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Interesting to have the match between Joe & Brown finish a draw, although it kind of does good things for you as everyone comes out looking credible and is definately something Steiner would do. The only question is does TNA matches include a count rule as the outside action must have gone longer than ten seconds or is this double ko draw? I'm not completely down with the TNA match rulings. Good match though and am glad you didn't make Monty Joe's b***h. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Typical Jarrett words, which is good as its pretty much spot on in what Double J is likely to say in real life. No Christian is interesting and makes me wonder about certain things. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] The Monster Abyss and The James Gang is a weird but good combination and this was a good way of getting them on the show without doing random run ins or the like. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Although predictable it makes sense and is a good decision for Jim Cornette to put all three men in the final. As for Cornette making a mistake, yes he did, I thought where's the X div title match when making predictions but forgot to ask. Anyway i'm not a huge fan of massive amounts of X'ers thrown into a match together, just seems somewhat lazy. I'd like some sort of proper feuds over the title instead. Anyway out of those I'd replace Strong as well. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] I don't like Shelley going first, especially to Dutt, who I really dislike for some reason, he just bugs me. Yes, Sonjay gone and Lethal getting the pin fall is good. Hopefully that could lead to a little feud between the two friends, maybe a Dutt heel turn could be in order, but with Lethal coming out on top in the nd of it all. Nice little sequence with Sabin, Ki, Lethal and Aries leading to the double elimination. I liked that, wise choice to have Sabin and Low-Ki left. A good recovery in this match, as to be honest it felt a bit on the fly before hand with Ki replacing Strong, but you pulled out a match that could create plenty of feuds and was actually more interesting than I expected. I don't like Strong much as he is bland as the weather (in south of England). Ending did make sense mind. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] AMW needed to make the challenge heard again, just increase anyone missed it on impact and to make them come across as desperate for the belts again. I like the way you fill the inbetween matches with backstage segments, good work. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] D'Amore afirming a FEW chances and ENTIRE team Canada leads me to thinking some sort of interfence/additional member later tonight, very intriguing and did hype it as a huge deal, so hopefully it isn't a non event. Eric Young came across as he should do and is a good undercard underdog type character. Good for morale but the Canadian Destroyer is always Petey's get out clause. The only thing is Petey vs Low-Ki is fairly heel vs heel, although Ki could be seen as tweener like, but this is something that bugs me with TNA, they blurr the line a bit too much sometimes with face/heel structure. Anyway it would be a good match, though maybe throwing in Sabin into the eventual match would help for fan reaction, if that makes sense. [COLOR="Red"]<>[/COLOR] A couple of main event hype segments, keeps the flow and the storyline going throughout the night. The only thing wrong is that Jarrett Final Thoughts isn't said to be a video hype, so was a bit confused with it saying [I]"Before the show ends"[/I] & [I]"Jarrett say only a few days away from FR"[/I]. Anyway I guess it was a replay from last Impact, just needs to be explained as such. [COLOR="Red"]<>[/COLOR] Nash picking DDP as his partner is something I like, really like and think they will be good for tag div. Oh, not totally sold on Nash bringing back Hall as well or being in a group/stable. Just seems too re-hashed, not that it couldn't work and i'm sure you'll make it work but just think it wasn't really needed. Da' Pack is certainly something they'd come up with but i'm personally not a fan of the name. I'd have liked one or the other together (Insiders or Outsiders) but not both despite the fact I see some great potential segments with them. Anyway after introducing such big names they weren't going to lose to LAX and the match sounded fun. But you've got a little bit of work to win me around on this one just yet. :p [COLOR="Red"]<>[/COLOR] The tag match, with added AMW, was how I expected and made the champs look great. Shame the Naturals took the loss but I'd personally like to see Douglas losing for the team turn into an eventual split, as Chase in the X Title scene would be great, fresh and interesting. Anyway good match up, nothing ultra special but I like the three teams and good tag team wrestling always sparks my interest. [COLOR="Red"]<>[/COLOR] Cage & Steiner's bkstage segments fill the show well and fit them nicely. I just realised how long this show is, which is a good thing as its got a PPV feel. I must admit to scrolling a bit too far down the page to accidently see the outcome of main event through the pic. It explains alot and I for one think it was a road TNA should have gone down. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] The final of the contenders tournament was a good read, you let all three show they're strength which can only be a good thing and Joe winning, while being not hard to predict was done well. [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Okay, the next big thing in TNA is a huge piece of news that will require a huge amount of explaining, if you want to tick the strict realism box. Either way Lesnar in TNA is a great addition, just for me though, someone who likes the strict side of realism considered when doing a TNA or WWE diary would like to see some sort of reason to how this came about. I mentioned the same thing to Stallion about Angle in his diary and he explained through a Tenay sit down talk, maybe something similar would just clear up Lesnar's situation with his much talked about no-compete clause. Anyway should create some massive encounters though which I'd very much like to see. [COLOR="Red"]<>[/COLOR] And finally the main event.....well that was a long read (good mind) and as I spoiled the finish for myself earlier I knew the outcome, however it was still great. A Team Canada with Christian Cage as the top wrestler is great as Roode wasn't ready for headlining PPV's yet, although I hope this means Roode won't be forgotten, maybe as he lost earlier he'll either walk or get kicked out. Roode as a face with Traci or someone wouldn't be bad at all. Turning it into a no dq is weird as I doubt Cornette would risk Jarrett pulling something, so I'm slightly against that decision despite it helping with the match and finish. Steiner being involved works of course and I liked the D'Amore throwing guitar/missing Jarrett bit, I can just imaging D'Amore going crazy on the outside. Cage turning on Sting is good and the added touch of joining Team Canada is great. Jarrett retaining I predicted which makes me god, just joking, its best thing for TNA as it set ups the right feuds; Joe vs Jarrett and Sting vs Christian. ================================================== [COLOR="red"]<>[/COLOR] Overall I think you've done a great job on this PPV, many surprises and good decisions. Hope you don't mind the feedback, didn't realise it would end up that long, much like the PPV. Hopefully some of it is useful, although I think you've got a good grasp of your roster and TNA's style anyway. I'm giving you a B+ for Final Resolution, which is very good in my books, only a few things stopped it from getting an A. :) Looking forward to Impact and eventually Lesnar's first real feud.
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Man, Berrysi.... I just have one word to say. "WOW!" Thanks for the feedback man and I'll reply to a few of your questions/comments a bit here. Keep in mind I'm finishing up the ratings and stuff for the show as we speak, and later I'll be posting an Impact Preview as well. Before I go on THANKS A LOT MAN, and anytime you want to breakdown a show like that its fine in my book;) lol I'm going to take all your stuff into consideration....:) -------------------- DDP/Nash/Hall group? Well, too be honest I was always a WCW/NWO mark back in the day and with this diaries there is always a spot in my heart for being able to bring some form of them back...lol So I did. Plus, these are three men who obviously can give the rub to the lower guys, especially in the tag division. Not to mention bring some ratings and funny segments can come our way due to these three. With the absencse of the Dudleyz I needed another known tag team to take their place, and this Definatley worked IMO. THAT IS UNTIL NASH GETS HURT;) Next, the Lesnar thing. The reason I didn't explain a lot is because it was supposed to be one of those big PPV surprises that keep fans tuned in to the next show to see what happens. Also, I didn't want Lesnar's debut to take away from everything already booked on a jam packed show. Everything will be explained in the next week or few weeks on Impact, trust me:) Christian Cage and his Team Canada turn. To be honest, I can't believe this didn't happen in real life. First, TNA breaks up one of the most dominent teams, Team Canada, (I don't like them as far as a mark, but they were an important part of the TNA roster as a group), and then turned Christian heel weeks later. Just makes sense to me to keep them together...lol Jarrett's "Final Thoughts" were a bit of a mistake. THat's it for now. Again, thanks for all the feedback. Stuff like this is what makes these diaries fun. ITs MUCH APPRECIATED
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[center][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [B][U][U]Final Resolution Quick Results:[/U][/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett def Sting & Christian Cage to Retain NWA World Heavyweight Title Samoa Joe def Monty Brown & Scott Steiner to become #1 Contender Petey Williams def Eric Young The Outsiders def LAX Low Ki def Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Aries, Jay Lethal, & Chris Sabin to Retain X-Division Championship AJ/Daniels def AMW & The Naturals to Retain Tag Team Championships Samoa Joe & Monty Brown go to a DRAW Scott Steiner def Bobby Roode [B][I]Additional PPV notes:[/I][/B] [I]- Kevin Nash brought both DDP and Scott Hall back to TNA officially declaring the three man group "Da Pack" - Roderick Strong was taken out of the X-Division match only to make his presence felt in the end costing Sabin the match-up on accident when trying to attack Low-Ki - BROCK LESNAR SIGNS WITH TNA! - Christian Cage turned his back on Sting and TNA fans by joining Team Canada and allowing Jeff Jarrett to retain his World Heayvweight Title[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]Tune into Impact! this week for the fallout of Final Resolution. Christian Cage will comment on his union with Scott D'Amore. We'll here from the STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarret, Da' Pack will be in the house, not to mention TNA fans will get their first chance to hear from BROCK LESNAR, TNA's newest signee. Brock is said to have a lot of explaining to do, and he'll do just that this week on Impact. Already signed for Impact is The James Gang & Abyss in action against Jeff Hardy & The Naturals as well as Ron Killings vs Team Canada's Bobby Roode....PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] - Bobby Roode vs Ron Killings - James Gang & Abyss vs Jeff Hardy & The Naturals [/center]
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The PPV was great brother! Glad you got Lesner to sign, he is still with NJPW in my game and I am just waiting for his contract to come up. berrysi, your feedbacks rule by the way, however I do have to say this once again. Anything can happen in wrestling. Do you think for one minute that Spike TV would not fit the bill if Jarrett starting talking to Brock. Plus I dont think Brock would go back to the WWE (much like Goldberg I think he does not much like Vince McMahon). Plus with TNA getting bigger (and they are), plus the upside of them not having the rigorous road time that the big E has, many WWE superstars could see TNA as another rout to go. Especially if they can get more TV time, TNA could very well get up their and compete with the WWE. All they need is one BIG name to sign with them and they will be thrust into the spotlight. Christian was big, but since he was only a mid card guy in the WWE, not many people tuned in to see Captain Charisma. Sting was also a big signing, however a lot of the current era viewers, the ones who only know the WWE, dont know who Sting is, sad but true. If TNA could make that one BIG sign, like lets say Brock Lesner, they could jump right into the main stream. Just me opinion brother. Sorry for going on so long, I always get a bug up my butt whenever somebody says that would not happen in real life. This is professional wrestling my friends, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! Good show again brother. The whole thing did have a very good TNA feel to it. Great job!
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Impact Predictions Bobby Roode vs [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ron Killings[/COLOR] [I]- I reckon Killings will get the win due to a "mistake" by D'Amore or Petey. Then they will kick Roode to the curb as him and Christian can't both fit into Team Canada. Although maybe Lance Storm could become TC's new tag team with Roode, that could work. I dunno, i'm waffling here, many options. [/I] [COLOR="darkorange"]James Gang & Abyss[/COLOR] vs Jeff Hardy & The Naturals [I]- Nice six man match up for Impact, I think Abyss is the key to this match. Too strong for the others and will back up why James Gang wanted him as a friend. [/I] Stallion my point on the realism with the huge signing of Brock wasn't because I can't see him wanting to join etc... but more based around Lesnar's much talked about no-compete clause, if that can be explained then I'm all for it. If Spike TV payed off Vince to allow Lesnar's usage or whatever then i'm cool with that, only meant to say to make sure its explained. Nothing more, maybe I overly stated it though, my bad. I like the idea of Lesnar in TNA and think its not something that couldn't ever happen, just that little clause in the way.:)
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Brock Lesnar's no complete cause is probably the only thing keeping TNA from negotiating with him right now. Rather or not I would LIKE to see Lesnar in TNA I'm not sure. I'm not a HUGE fan of Lesnar, but then again I'm talking about the Lesnar that was watered down by the WWE and not the Lesnar that I heard is great in the ring including doing shooting star presses, and other decent moves in the ring. WWE turned Lesnar into a complete brawler like they have done to many other men in the past. I'll explain how Lesnar got away from the no complete cause this week on Impact. Thanks for the feedback guys, and stay tuned.
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] Impact! opens up with fireworks and the usual panning of the crowd going nuts. Tonight signs such as "Why Christian Why?" and "Joe-Next World Champ" were show throughout the crowd. After the fireworks a video package highlighting the pay per view from Sunday night is shown on the TNA-Tron. "Final Resolution..." [IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] The package opens up with a clip of Scott Steiner defeating Roode to reach the finals of the #1 Contenders tournament. Next, it shows the hard hitting-Monty Brown/Joe match which resulted in a double DQ. Kevin Nash announcing the debut of both DDP and Scott Hall was shown including the victory over LAX. Highlights from the Tag Team Title and X-Division matches were shown including the interference of Roderick Strong, and the shooting Star press from Chase Stevens. Next, Brock Lesnar was shown along with a "COMING TO TNA SOON" message next to him. Samoa Joe winning the #1 Contenders Match was next followed by the World Title Match highlights. The video ended with Christian Cage screwing Sting and basically giving Jeff Jarrett his World Heavyweight Title victory. Christian put on a Team Canada shirt and the rest is history.... [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Christian Cage...Lots of Explaining to Do. [/U][/B] As the video of Christian Cage come to a close, "Captain Charisma's" music blasts over the P.A. system. However, it doesn't finish. Instead it is replaced by the Team Canada theme. Christian Cage makes his way down to the ring with Scott D'Amore by his side. Christian has a ****y smile on his face and it seems as if he was having a blast. Christian enters the ring and starts to speak over the booing crowd. [IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5240/christian3jc8.jpg[/IMG] Christian said that he knows what everyone was thinking and that he must have a lot of explaining to do. However, he says he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. He did what he did because quite frankly it was in his blood. What good is a Canadian stable without the greatest wrestler to ever come out of Canada anyways? Christian says that since his debut here in TNA someone has been getting in the way of his spotlight week in and week out. Rather it be Sting, Kevin Nash, or that monster Abyss somebody seems to have gotten his spotlight every week. Quite frankly he was sick of it. Therefore, he decided to go out and join forces with the most dominent Team in TNA history, Team Canada. Not to mention the greatest wrestling manager in the history of TNA, Scott D'Amore. Now that leaves you with more questions I'm sure. Why would I risk not winning the NWa Title just to get back at Sting for stealing the limelight? That's easy. When your a star like Christian Cage there is always another day. However, when your nearing a hundred years old like Sting each and every title shot you get could be your last. So, TNA Fans. Tonight starts a new era here in TNA. The era of TEAM CANADA! Oh, and Sting... I know you couldn't make it here tonight buddy. However, I have something to say to you. I'm sorry...Sorry that the era of the Stinger in professional wrestling is nearing an end. From there Christian Cage goes to exit the ring but hesitates and returns. "Oh yea, TNA fans? Christian Cage and Team Canada are going to raise hell here in TNA and do you know why? Cuz that how I....I MEAN WE ROLL!" Christian Cage and Scott D'Amore then leave to an irate crowd. [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]The Champion has Arrived[/U][/B] NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett pulls up to the arena in a limo in the parking lot. He steps out wearing a white suit and a huge smile. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder he mutters just a few words. "The NWA Champion has Arrived...and a Celebration is definatley needed!" From there he enters the arena ****y as ever. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jay Lethal vs Frankie Kazarian[/U][/B] Matt Bentley was ringside watching on as Kazarianand Lethal started thing off with a tie-up. Lethal took the early advantage with a hiptoss followed by the cartwheel dropkick that he has made famous in recent months. Lethal went for the early cover, but only managed a two count. Lethal kept control of the match during the first few minutes with some great wrestling. He outwrestled Kazarian move for move with a series of hiptosses, arm drag takedowns, and then finally a snap suplex headlock combo. Lethal was easily getting the crowd behind him. That was until Kazarian managed to turn the headlock into a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge. Kazarian only managed to get a two count, but did put the momentum of the match in his favor. Kazarian worked Lethal over with some boots to the back of the head. Next he brought Lethal to his feet and destroyed him with some chops and boots in the corner. Just as it seemed Kazarian was ready to finish Lethal off, Kazarian charged into the corner at Lethal, but Lethal flipped over his head with a sunset flip and a quick two count. Matt Bentley, who was standing outside the ring, realized that his partner was in a bit of trouble. Therefore, he tossed in a pair of brass knuckles to Kazarian and then distracted the ref long enough for Kazarian to use them. Lethal hit the mat hard after the shot with the brass knuckles, and he then made the cover. 1...2....3 Kazarian steals the victory in this opening contest. [B]Winner: Frankie Kazarian[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Alex Shelley Doing his best to Cause Drama[/U][/B] Da' Pack, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, & Diamond Dallas Page are all backstage fooling around having some fun. Kevin Nash mentions something about Konnan biting off more than he could chew at the pay per view, and DDP and Hall agree saying that his little Mexicano group didn't have a chance against...Da' Pack. Out of nowhere Alex Shelley makes his presence felt. Shelley says Hi to Nash and welcomes him back to TNA and says that he missed him. Shelley then makes a comment about Diamond Dallas Page and his wife, asking where Kim Page has been the last few years. This irritates Page to a point where he goes to attack Shelley, but the Outsiders hold Page back from jumping on the younger Shelley. (For those who don't know, DDP and Kim Page have been split for a while) Alex Shelley laughs and says that Page shouldn't get so jumpy because as far as he is concerned he isn't welcomed here in TNA. Nash and Hall tell DDP that there is a time and place for everything and right now this "punk kid" is lucky because they have some celebrating to do. DDP keeps his cool and says that he realizes Shelley is just trying to get under his skin. He tells Shelley that sooner or later he will FEEL THE BANG, but tonight he has much more important things to do then to deal with him. Shelley walks away proud of himself for getting under the skin of the veteran. [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada: New and Improved[/U][/B] Cameras backstage show Scott D'amore pacing back and forth in front of Bobby Roode, and the newest member of Team Canada, Christian Cage. [IMG]http://img343.imageshack.us/img343/9770/roodenk4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/5334/christiantm6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/7526/scottka8.jpg[/IMG] D'Amore says that he is standing in front of the two men that are going to take Team Canada to the promise land. He says that Bobby Roode and Christian Cage are both great singles stars that apart can take on all comers, and when working together they can take on the world. D'Amore says that tonight Bobby Roode shows Ron Killings that he is the future of TNA. At the Pay Per View Christian Cage showed the World what things are most important. Scott D'amore says TNA fans...your looking at the leaders of the greatest stable in the world...TEAM CANADA! [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]"The Truth" Speaks[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is in the ring ready for his match-up with Bobby Roode. However, before the match-up he has some things to say. [IMG]http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7068/killingsax8.jpg[/IMG] "WHATS UP!" Truth starts his interview as he always does with his popular rap hook. From there he says that a few weeks ago he came up short in his quest to be #1 contender. However, he'll get another shot down the line. As for tonight he is going to make his country proud. He says that Christian Cage made a HUGE mistake by joining forces with that fatso Scott D'Amore and that loser Bobby Roode. Killings says that after he takes out Bobby Roode tonight if Christian Cage wants to step in the ring with him he'll show him exactly WHATS UP! [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Bobby Roode vs Ron "The Truth" Killings[/U][/B] Bobby Roode made his way to the ring with both Scott D'Amore and Christian Cage by his side. Roode seems confident as he steps in the ring with "The Truth". These two have met in the ring several times in the past, both winning at different times so the match-up will be interesting. Roode takes early control of the match by hitting Truth from behind as Truth yells down at Scott D'amore who is ringside. Roode plows Truth with a charging forearm from behind and then works over Truth for several minutes with his power and technical skill. During this time Roode takes Killings to the mat with a snap mere takeover followed by some knees to the back. Next, Roode take Truth down with a standing blockbuster type move. He goes for the cover, but only manages to get a two count. Bobby Roode actually control most of the match-up. Everytime it seemed that Ron Killings would get some offense, either Scott D'Amore or Christian Cage would get involved from outside to turn things around. The finish came when Ron Killings planted Bobby Roode with a reverse suplex. At this time, Scott D'Amore distracted the referee and Christian Cage slid in the ring with a chair. He planted Killings with the chair and pulled Roode atop him. The referee turned around at just the right moment to make the three count..1....2....3. Bobby Roode gets the victory. [b]Winner: Bobby Roode[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Post-Match Beatdown on the Truth[/U][/B] Following the match-up, Christian Cage grabbed the same chair that he used on Killings moments earlier and continued the assault. Ron Killings was busted open in the middle of the ring and Christian Cage showed no remorse. He laughs and Scott D'Amore lifted his hands in the air. Bobby Roode was just now getting to his feet and seemed dumbfounded about what had just gone down. Christian and D'Amore assured him he had won the match, but Bobby Roode didn't seem to happy about how things had gone down. Either way, Team Canada was victorious. Before they left the ring Christian Cage motioned towards the camera..."Sting, you see that?" HE points towards Killings. "That is all your fault. You are the reason I did what I did!" The three men then exited the ring to tons of boos by the fans. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]James Gang Hype Abyss[/U][/B] Backstage we see Kip and BG James trying to talk some sense into The Monster Abyss. BG and Kip speak to Abyss about their match-up with Jeff Hardy and The Naturals later tonight. While Abyss has his attention focused on The James Gang, it doesn't seem that he is paying any attention. BG tells Abyss that he'll see him in the ring later tonight. He then pats Abyss no the back. Abyss jumps and then looks at BG as if he is going to attack, but The James Gang flee the scene. With Abyss alone, he tilts his head sideways and looks at the James Gang walking away. Next, he shakes his head and does his usual scary yell. [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar...Missing in Action!?![/U][/B] Jim Cornette is backstage in his office. He says that at Final Resolution it was announced that Brock Lesnar has infact sign with TNA wrestling. However, tonight he was unable to make it to Impact due to pre-scheduled commitments. [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2416/lesnarwg3.jpg[/IMG] BROCK LESNAR is a member of the TNA Roster, and sooner than later he'll be stepping foot in the six-sided ring. However, tonight that is not going to happen. Cornette says that Brock Lesnar sends his apoligies for not being there tonight and he promises he is going to explain every question the fans have been asking. Stay tuned to TNA for more information. Cornette doesn't stop there. He says that in addition to the matches already signed tonight on Impact...there is going to be one more. He says that since Diamond Dallas Page was unable to compete in the Tag Team bout at Final Resolution he will be in action tonight. On that note, DDP won't be competing in just any match. No, tonight he'll be taking on The Alpha Male, MONTY BROWN! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The James Gang & Abyss vs The Naturals & Jeff Hardy[/U][/B] The James Gang hit the ring first and then personally announced Abyss. Abyss hit the ring and again despite the James Gang speaking to him and trying to hype him up he just ignored them. Abyss just kept to himself in the corner as the Naturals and Jeff Hardy made their way to the ring. BG James started things off with Andy Douglas of the Naturals. BG took early control of the match-up with a few right hands, and this his trademarks dancing with right hands which put Douglas down hard on the mat. Douglas brawled with BG back and forth for a bit but BG always seemed to come out on top. Eventually, Andy made the tag to his partner, Chase Stevens. Stevens came in the ring on fire. He ducked a right hand, bounced off the ropes and took BG down with a flying forearm. However, BG fell in his own corner and made the tag to Kip. Kip James entered the ring, but was quickly hit with a boot to the gut and sent to the ropes. Chase leapfrogged Kip and then connected with a dropkick that sent him to the corner. While in the corner, Chase started the ten punches. After he got to about five though, KIP James lifted him in the air and sent him crashing down to the mat with a powerbomb. Kip went for the cover, but only managed a two count. Jeff Hardy was tagged in by Chase following the near fall. As Jeff hit the ring the fans went nuts. Jeff kicked Kip in the gut and then dropped him with a knee to the face. Hardy then knocked BG off the ring apron, and went to do the same to Abyss. However, Abyss didn't fall. Hardy decided to forget about Abyss and then focused his attention back on Kip James. Hardy connected with a double legdrop on the midsection of Kip and then went for the cover, but only managed a two count. Hardy kept control of the match by bringing Kip to his feet, kicking him in the gut, and then connecting with a Twist of Fate. However, as Hardy went to the top rope, He was sent crashing to the mat by Abyss from the ring apron. Kip tagged in Abyss and the Monster entered the ring. With Abyss in the ring, the Naturals came in swinging. However, Abyss countered a cross body block by Chase and caught him. He then connected with a big boot on Andy knocking him out of the ring. From there Abyss brought Chase over his head and sent him crashing down atop Andy Douglas with a military press slam to the outside. By this time Jeff Hardy was back to his feet. He climbed to the top rope and attempted to take Abyss down. However, Abyss caught him in mid air with a BLACK HOLE SLAM. Abyss made the cover for the 1.....2.......3! [b]Winner: The James Gang & Abyss[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Isn't Safe Yet![/U][/B] Following the match, The James Gang entered the ring as if they were going to celebrate with Abyss. However, as they turned Abyss around he almost attacked until they begged him off. When Abyss realized who they were he indeed stopped. [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/8236/abysshardycs6.jpg[/IMG] Instead, Abyss focused his attention back on Jeff Hardy. He brought Hardy to the Torcher Rack position before sending him crashing down with a sick back breaker. Next, Abyss lifted Jeff Hardy over his head and sent him sailing over the top rope. Hardy ended up landing on his partners The Naturals outside the ring. The James Gang tried to celebrate with Abyss, but he didn't want any part of it. Instead he stood there just taunting and staring at Jeff Hardy outside the ring. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]What does Sting have to say about Christian Cage? [/U][/B] A video featuring Sting starts to play on the TNA-Tron. The video shows nothing but Sting's face. [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/1723/stingly4.jpg[/IMG] The segment only lasts for a minute or two with most of it just Sting staring at the camera. He says one thing before the camera stops rolling footage. "Christian Cage, at Final Resolution you did the unthinkable. Sooner than later your fate will be sealed. Jeff Jarrett should be thanking Christian Cage. Not because he kept his title, but because as of this point on I'm not worried about Jarrett. However, Christian Cage, BEWARE. It's Showtime! Are you ready?!?" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Still World Champion...JEFF JARRETT![/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett is in the ring with a bit of a celebration going on. He has some wine and a cigar. Again, with the World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder. Jarrett says that at Final Resolution he did exactly what he said he would do. He left the building with the TNA World Title. He says that the fact that Christian Cage joined forces with Team Canada has nothing to do with his victory. Jarrett says that he didn't need Cage to win, and tonight its CELEBRATION TIME! He says that he thinks fans should now bow down to the King of the Mountain & NWA World Heavyweight Champion, JEFF JARRETT! [IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/6670/joeuu3.jpg[/IMG] From there the music of the Samoan Submission Machine hits over the PA system. Joe is on the entranceramp and he has a mic. Joe says that as far as he is concerned the celebration needs to be postponed. Joe says that Jarrett has yet to defeat him in the middle of the ring, and at Final Resolution Jarrett is not the only person to win a big match. Joe said at the next Pay Per View the fans are going to witness a new era in TNA because he is going to take the title away from Jarrett. "And do you know why?" Joe asks...."Because...." The fans start chanting...."JOES GONNA KILL YOU!" [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/5535/jarrettchampmn3.jpg[/IMG] Joe then runs to the ring to attack Jarrett, but the King of the Mountain flees with his World Heavyweight Title. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]DDP Backstage with Da' Pack[/U][/B] Diamond Dallas Page is backstage with the two other members of Da' Pack, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall. DDP says that he didn't expect to compete tonight, however, he's never been known to back down from a fight. DDP says that he misses being in the ring and tonight is somewhat of a homecoming for himself. He says that tonight Monty Brown, the big up and coming star of TNA, will have no chance because when it comes down to it...He'll FEEL THE BANG!?!? [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown Speaks[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4210/monty2da3.jpg[/IMG] Monty Brown is in the ring awaiting his opponent. He said that at Final Resolution he was screwed out of his #1 Contenders match. However, he isn't going to do what everyone else does and cry about it. Instead, he says tonight he'll take out DDP witht he POUNCE and there is nothing that DDP, Scott Hall, or that Big Dumb idiot Kevin Nash can do about it. Brown then starts to speak on Brock Lesnar. Monty says that it's pathetic that Lesnar bailed on his first appearence here in TNA. He says that a matter of fact, BROCK LESNAR himself is pathetic. Therefore, Monty says that when Lesnar finally decides to show up, if he ever does for that matter, he DARES him to attempt an F-5 on him. He says that tonight DDP will feel the POUNCE! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Diamond Dallas Page vs Monty Brown[/U][/B] DDP & Monty Brown circled the ring getting ready to attack one another. Outside the Outsiders are there for morale support for DDP. Brown and DDP clash in the middle of the ring exchanging blows. Monty Brown gets the better of brawl blocking a right hand and sending Page to the mat with a short clothesline. Brown stomped away at DDP before leaning over the top rope and taunting Nash and Hall. The Outsiders just start taunting Brown long enough for Page to roll Brown up in the middle of the ring. 1....2...Kickout. Page and Brown then both jump of to their feet and smile at one another as if they were trying to one up on another. Then again, they start to brawl in the middle of the ring. This time, DDP got the better of the brawl. He kneed Brown in the gut and then connected with an atomic drop before bouncing off the ropes and taking Brown down with a falling clothesline. From here, DDP, put a sleeper hold on Brown. It didn't last long though. Brown quickly fought to his feet and sent DDP down with a back drop. Brown then dropped a few elbows on Page and went for a cover. 1.....2...kickout. Monty Brown brought DDP back to his feet and quickly tossed him in the corner. [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/9113/ddpactionkx8.jpg[/IMG] Brown connected with a few back elbows and then took DDP to the top rope for a superplex. However, DDP pushed Monty Brown from the rope rope and then he connected with an elbow from the top rope. DDP goes for another cover, but yet again only manages a two count. At this point, Alex Shelley made his way from the backstage area. Shelley, who taunted Page earlier actually had the Adult Magazine featuring Kimberly Page from several years ago. DDP starting getting mad much like earlier in the night and he starts yelling at Shelley who was outside the ring. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall both go after Shelley outside, but Shelley flees to the backstage area. When DDP finally turns around he is hit with a thunderous POUNCE! Brown goes for the cover.....1......2.......3! [b]Winners: Monty Brown[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3355/monty1mo1.jpg[/IMG] The Show ends with Monty Brown standing over DDP victorious. Brown mouths the words...."F-5? Ha, F-U Lesnar!" [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/19/07 Location: Atlanta, GA Attendence: TBD Rating: B-[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B] Impact! opens up with fireworks and the usual panning of the crowd going nuts. Tonight signs such as "Why Christian Why?" and "Joe-Next World Champ" were show throughout the crowd. After the fireworks a video package highlighting the pay per view from Sunday night is shown on the TNA-Tron. "Final Resolution..." [IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1746/finalresolutiongp6.jpg[/IMG] The package opens up with a clip of Scott Steiner defeating Roode to reach the finals of the #1 Contenders tournament. Next, it shows the hard hitting-Monty Brown/Joe match which resulted in a double DQ. Kevin Nash announcing the debut of both DDP and Scott Hall was shown including the victory over LAX. Highlights from the Tag Team Title and X-Division matches were shown including the interference of Roderick Strong, and the shooting Star press from Chase Stevens. Next, Brock Lesnar was shown along with a "COMING TO TNA SOON" message next to him. Samoa Joe winning the #1 Contenders Match was next followed by the World Title Match highlights. The video ended with Christian Cage screwing Sting and basically giving Jeff Jarrett his World Heavyweight Title victory. Christian put on a Team Canada shirt and the rest is history.... [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Christian Cage...Lots of Explaining to Do. [/U][/B] As the video of Christian Cage come to a close, "Captain Charisma's" music blasts over the P.A. system. However, it doesn't finish. Instead it is replaced by the Team Canada theme. Christian Cage makes his way down to the ring with Scott D'Amore by his side. Christian has a ****y smile on his face and it seems as if he was having a blast. Christian enters the ring and starts to speak over the booing crowd. [IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5240/christian3jc8.jpg[/IMG] Christian said that he knows what everyone was thinking and that he must have a lot of explaining to do. However, he says he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. He did what he did because quite frankly it was in his blood. What good is a Canadian stable without the greatest wrestler to ever come out of Canada anyways? Christian says that since his debut here in TNA someone has been getting in the way of his spotlight week in and week out. Rather it be Sting, Kevin Nash, or that monster Abyss somebody seems to have gotten his spotlight every week. Quite frankly he was sick of it. Therefore, he decided to go out and join forces with the most dominent Team in TNA history, Team Canada. Not to mention the greatest wrestling manager in the history of TNA, Scott D'Amore. Now that leaves you with more questions I'm sure. Why would I risk not winning the NWa Title just to get back at Sting for stealing the limelight? That's easy. When your a star like Christian Cage there is always another day. However, when your nearing a hundred years old like Sting each and every title shot you get could be your last. So, TNA Fans. Tonight starts a new era here in TNA. The era of TEAM CANADA! Oh, and Sting... I know you couldn't make it here tonight buddy. However, I have something to say to you. I'm sorry...Sorry that the era of the Stinger in professional wrestling is nearing an end. From there Christian Cage goes to exit the ring but hesitates and returns. "Oh yea, TNA fans? Christian Cage and Team Canada are going to raise hell here in TNA and do you know why? Cuz that how I....I MEAN WE ROLL!" Christian Cage and Scott D'Amore then leave to an irate crowd. [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] - Commercial Break - [I][B][U]The Champion has Arrived[/U][/B] NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett pulls up to the arena in a limo in the parking lot. He steps out wearing a white suit and a huge smile. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder he mutters just a few words. "The NWA Champion has Arrived...and a Celebration is definatley needed!" From there he enters the arena ****y as ever. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jay Lethal vs Frankie Kazarian[/U][/B] Matt Bentley was ringside watching on as Kazarianand Lethal started thing off with a tie-up. Lethal took the early advantage with a hiptoss followed by the cartwheel dropkick that he has made famous in recent months. Lethal went for the early cover, but only managed a two count. Lethal kept control of the match during the first few minutes with some great wrestling. He outwrestled Kazarian move for move with a series of hiptosses, arm drag takedowns, and then finally a snap suplex headlock combo. Lethal was easily getting the crowd behind him. That was until Kazarian managed to turn the headlock into a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge. Kazarian only managed to get a two count, but did put the momentum of the match in his favor. Kazarian worked Lethal over with some boots to the back of the head. Next he brought Lethal to his feet and destroyed him with some chops and boots in the corner. Just as it seemed Kazarian was ready to finish Lethal off, Kazarian charged into the corner at Lethal, but Lethal flipped over his head with a sunset flip and a quick two count. Matt Bentley, who was standing outside the ring, realized that his partner was in a bit of trouble. Therefore, he tossed in a pair of brass knuckles to Kazarian and then distracted the ref long enough for Kazarian to use them. Lethal hit the mat hard after the shot with the brass knuckles, and he then made the cover. 1...2....3 Kazarian steals the victory in this opening contest. [B]Winner: Frankie Kazarian[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Alex Shelley Doing his best to Cause Drama[/U][/B] Da' Pack, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, & Diamond Dallas Page are all backstage fooling around having some fun. Kevin Nash mentions something about Konnan biting off more than he could chew at the pay per view, and DDP and Hall agree saying that his little Mexicano group didn't have a chance against...Da' Pack. Out of nowhere Alex Shelley makes his presence felt. Shelley says Hi to Nash and welcomes him back to TNA and says that he missed him. Shelley then makes a comment about Diamond Dallas Page and his wife, asking where Kim Page has been the last few years. This irritates Page to a point where he goes to attack Shelley, but the Outsiders hold Page back from jumping on the younger Shelley. (For those who don't know, DDP and Kim Page have been split for a while) Alex Shelley laughs and says that Page shouldn't get so jumpy because as far as he is concerned he isn't welcomed here in TNA. Nash and Hall tell DDP that there is a time and place for everything and right now this "punk kid" is lucky because they have some celebrating to do. DDP keeps his cool and says that he realizes Shelley is just trying to get under his skin. He tells Shelley that sooner or later he will FEEL THE BANG, but tonight he has much more important things to do then to deal with him. Shelley walks away proud of himself for getting under the skin of the veteran. [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada: New and Improved[/U][/B] Cameras backstage show Scott D'amore pacing back and forth in front of Bobby Roode, and the newest member of Team Canada, Christian Cage. [IMG]http://img343.imageshack.us/img343/9770/roodenk4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/5334/christiantm6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/7526/scottka8.jpg[/IMG] D'Amore says that he is standing in front of the two men that are going to take Team Canada to the promise land. He says that Bobby Roode and Christian Cage are both great singles stars that apart can take on all comers, and when working together they can take on the world. D'Amore says that tonight Bobby Roode shows Ron Killings that he is the future of TNA. At the Pay Per View Christian Cage showed the World what things are most important. Scott D'amore says TNA fans...your looking at the leaders of the greatest stable in the world...TEAM CANADA! [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]"The Truth" Speaks[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is in the ring ready for his match-up with Bobby Roode. However, before the match-up he has some things to say. [IMG]http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7068/killingsax8.jpg[/IMG] "WHATS UP!" Truth starts his interview as he always does with his popular rap hook. From there he says that a few weeks ago he came up short in his quest to be #1 contender. However, he'll get another shot down the line. As for tonight he is going to make his country proud. He says that Christian Cage made a HUGE mistake by joining forces with that fatso Scott D'Amore and that loser Bobby Roode. Killings says that after he takes out Bobby Roode tonight if Christian Cage wants to step in the ring with him he'll show him exactly WHATS UP! [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Bobby Roode vs Ron "The Truth" Killings[/U][/B] Bobby Roode made his way to the ring with both Scott D'Amore and Christian Cage by his side. Roode seems confident as he steps in the ring with "The Truth". These two have met in the ring several times in the past, both winning at different times so the match-up will be interesting. Roode takes early control of the match by hitting Truth from behind as Truth yells down at Scott D'amore who is ringside. Roode plows Truth with a charging forearm from behind and then works over Truth for several minutes with his power and technical skill. During this time Roode takes Killings to the mat with a snap mere takeover followed by some knees to the back. Next, Roode take Truth down with a standing blockbuster type move. He goes for the cover, but only manages to get a two count. Bobby Roode actually control most of the match-up. Everytime it seemed that Ron Killings would get some offense, either Scott D'Amore or Christian Cage would get involved from outside to turn things around. The finish came when Ron Killings planted Bobby Roode with a reverse suplex. At this time, Scott D'Amore distracted the referee and Christian Cage slid in the ring with a chair. He planted Killings with the chair and pulled Roode atop him. The referee turned around at just the right moment to make the three count..1....2....3. Bobby Roode gets the victory. [b]Winner: Bobby Roode[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Post-Match Beatdown on the Truth[/U][/B] Following the match-up, Christian Cage grabbed the same chair that he used on Killings moments earlier and continued the assault. Ron Killings was busted open in the middle of the ring and Christian Cage showed no remorse. He laughs and Scott D'Amore lifted his hands in the air. Bobby Roode was just now getting to his feet and seemed dumbfounded about what had just gone down. Christian and D'Amore assured him he had won the match, but Bobby Roode didn't seem to happy about how things had gone down. Either way, Team Canada was victorious. Before they left the ring Christian Cage motioned towards the camera..."Sting, you see that?" HE points towards Killings. "That is all your fault. You are the reason I did what I did!" The three men then exited the ring to tons of boos by the fans. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]James Gang Hype Abyss[/U][/B] Backstage we see Kip and BG James trying to talk some sense into The Monster Abyss. BG and Kip speak to Abyss about their match-up with Jeff Hardy and The Naturals later tonight. While Abyss has his attention focused on The James Gang, it doesn't seem that he is paying any attention. BG tells Abyss that he'll see him in the ring later tonight. He then pats Abyss no the back. Abyss jumps and then looks at BG as if he is going to attack, but The James Gang flee the scene. With Abyss alone, he tilts his head sideways and looks at the James Gang walking away. Next, he shakes his head and does his usual scary yell. [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar...Missing in Action!?![/U][/B] Jim Cornette is backstage in his office. He says that at Final Resolution it was announced that Brock Lesnar has infact sign with TNA wrestling. However, tonight he was unable to make it to Impact due to pre-scheduled commitments. [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2416/lesnarwg3.jpg[/IMG] BROCK LESNAR is a member of the TNA Roster, and sooner than later he'll be stepping foot in the six-sided ring. However, tonight that is not going to happen. Cornette says that Brock Lesnar sends his apoligies for not being there tonight and he promises he is going to explain every question the fans have been asking. Stay tuned to TNA for more information. Cornette doesn't stop there. He says that in addition to the matches already signed tonight on Impact...there is going to be one more. He says that since Diamond Dallas Page was unable to compete in the Tag Team bout at Final Resolution he will be in action tonight. On that note, DDP won't be competing in just any match. No, tonight he'll be taking on The Alpha Male, MONTY BROWN! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The James Gang & Abyss vs The Naturals & Jeff Hardy[/U][/B] The James Gang hit the ring first and then personally announced Abyss. Abyss hit the ring and again despite the James Gang speaking to him and trying to hype him up he just ignored them. Abyss just kept to himself in the corner as the Naturals and Jeff Hardy made their way to the ring. BG James started things off with Andy Douglas of the Naturals. BG took early control of the match-up with a few right hands, and this his trademarks dancing with right hands which put Douglas down hard on the mat. Douglas brawled with BG back and forth for a bit but BG always seemed to come out on top. Eventually, Andy made the tag to his partner, Chase Stevens. Stevens came in the ring on fire. He ducked a right hand, bounced off the ropes and took BG down with a flying forearm. However, BG fell in his own corner and made the tag to Kip. Kip James entered the ring, but was quickly hit with a boot to the gut and sent to the ropes. Chase leapfrogged Kip and then connected with a dropkick that sent him to the corner. While in the corner, Chase started the ten punches. After he got to about five though, KIP James lifted him in the air and sent him crashing down to the mat with a powerbomb. Kip went for the cover, but only managed a two count. Jeff Hardy was tagged in by Chase following the near fall. As Jeff hit the ring the fans went nuts. Jeff kicked Kip in the gut and then dropped him with a knee to the face. Hardy then knocked BG off the ring apron, and went to do the same to Abyss. However, Abyss didn't fall. Hardy decided to forget about Abyss and then focused his attention back on Kip James. Hardy connected with a double legdrop on the midsection of Kip and then went for the cover, but only managed a two count. Hardy kept control of the match by bringing Kip to his feet, kicking him in the gut, and then connecting with a Twist of Fate. However, as Hardy went to the top rope, He was sent crashing to the mat by Abyss from the ring apron. Kip tagged in Abyss and the Monster entered the ring. With Abyss in the ring, the Naturals came in swinging. However, Abyss countered a cross body block by Chase and caught him. He then connected with a big boot on Andy knocking him out of the ring. From there Abyss brought Chase over his head and sent him crashing down atop Andy Douglas with a military press slam to the outside. By this time Jeff Hardy was back to his feet. He climbed to the top rope and attempted to take Abyss down. However, Abyss caught him in mid air with a BLACK HOLE SLAM. Abyss made the cover for the 1.....2.......3! [b]Winner: The James Gang & Abyss[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Isn't Safe Yet![/U][/B] Following the match, The James Gang entered the ring as if they were going to celebrate with Abyss. However, as they turned Abyss around he almost attacked until they begged him off. When Abyss realized who they were he indeed stopped. [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/8236/abysshardycs6.jpg[/IMG] Instead, Abyss focused his attention back on Jeff Hardy. He brought Hardy to the Torcher Rack position before sending him crashing down with a sick back breaker. Next, Abyss lifted Jeff Hardy over his head and sent him sailing over the top rope. Hardy ended up landing on his partners The Naturals outside the ring. The James Gang tried to celebrate with Abyss, but he didn't want any part of it. Instead he stood there just taunting and staring at Jeff Hardy outside the ring. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]What does Sting have to say about Christian Cage? [/U][/B] A video featuring Sting starts to play on the TNA-Tron. The video shows nothing but Sting's face. [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/1723/stingly4.jpg[/IMG] The segment only lasts for a minute or two with most of it just Sting staring at the camera. He says one thing before the camera stops rolling footage. "Christian Cage, at Final Resolution you did the unthinkable. Sooner than later your fate will be sealed. Jeff Jarrett should be thanking Christian Cage. Not because he kept his title, but because as of this point on I'm not worried about Jarrett. However, Christian Cage, BEWARE. It's Showtime! Are you ready?!?" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Still World Champion...JEFF JARRETT![/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett is in the ring with a bit of a celebration going on. He has some wine and a cigar. Again, with the World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder. Jarrett says that at Final Resolution he did exactly what he said he would do. He left the building with the TNA World Title. He says that the fact that Christian Cage joined forces with Team Canada has nothing to do with his victory. Jarrett says that he didn't need Cage to win, and tonight its CELEBRATION TIME! He says that he thinks fans should now bow down to the King of the Mountain & NWA World Heavyweight Champion, JEFF JARRETT! [IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/6670/joeuu3.jpg[/IMG] From there the music of the Samoan Submission Machine hits over the PA system. Joe is on the entranceramp and he has a mic. Joe says that as far as he is concerned the celebration needs to be postponed. Joe says that Jarrett has yet to defeat him in the middle of the ring, and at Final Resolution Jarrett is not the only person to win a big match. Joe said at the next Pay Per View the fans are going to witness a new era in TNA because he is going to take the title away from Jarrett. "And do you know why?" Joe asks...."Because...." The fans start chanting...."JOES GONNA KILL YOU!" [IMG]http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/5535/jarrettchampmn3.jpg[/IMG] Joe then runs to the ring to attack Jarrett, but the King of the Mountain flees with his World Heavyweight Title. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]DDP Backstage with Da' Pack[/U][/B] Diamond Dallas Page is backstage with the two other members of Da' Pack, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall. DDP says that he didn't expect to compete tonight, however, he's never been known to back down from a fight. DDP says that he misses being in the ring and tonight is somewhat of a homecoming for himself. He says that tonight Monty Brown, the big up and coming star of TNA, will have no chance because when it comes down to it...He'll FEEL THE BANG!?!? [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Monty Brown Speaks[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4210/monty2da3.jpg[/IMG] Monty Brown is in the ring awaiting his opponent. He said that at Final Resolution he was screwed out of his #1 Contenders match. However, he isn't going to do what everyone else does and cry about it. Instead, he says tonight he'll take out DDP witht he POUNCE and there is nothing that DDP, Scott Hall, or that Big Dumb idiot Kevin Nash can do about it. Brown then starts to speak on Brock Lesnar. Monty says that it's pathetic that Lesnar bailed on his first appearence here in TNA. He says that a matter of fact, BROCK LESNAR himself is pathetic. Therefore, Monty says that when Lesnar finally decides to show up, if he ever does for that matter, he DARES him to attempt an F-5 on him. He says that tonight DDP will feel the POUNCE! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Diamond Dallas Page vs Monty Brown[/U][/B] DDP & Monty Brown circled the ring getting ready to attack one another. Outside the Outsiders are there for morale support for DDP. Brown and DDP clash in the middle of the ring exchanging blows. Monty Brown gets the better of brawl blocking a right hand and sending Page to the mat with a short clothesline. Brown stomped away at DDP before leaning over the top rope and taunting Nash and Hall. The Outsiders just start taunting Brown long enough for Page to roll Brown up in the middle of the ring. 1....2...Kickout. Page and Brown then both jump of to their feet and smile at one another as if they were trying to one up on another. Then again, they start to brawl in the middle of the ring. This time, DDP got the better of the brawl. He kneed Brown in the gut and then connected with an atomic drop before bouncing off the ropes and taking Brown down with a falling clothesline. From here, DDP, put a sleeper hold on Brown. It didn't last long though. Brown quickly fought to his feet and sent DDP down with a back drop. Brown then dropped a few elbows on Page and went for a cover. 1.....2...kickout. Monty Brown brought DDP back to his feet and quickly tossed him in the corner. [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/9113/ddpactionkx8.jpg[/IMG] Brown connected with a few back elbows and then took DDP to the top rope for a superplex. However, DDP pushed Monty Brown from the rope rope and then he connected with an elbow from the top rope. DDP goes for another cover, but yet again only manages a two count. At this point, Alex Shelley made his way from the backstage area. Shelley, who taunted Page earlier actually had the Adult Magazine featuring Kimberly Page from several years ago. DDP starting getting mad much like earlier in the night and he starts yelling at Shelley who was outside the ring. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall both go after Shelley outside, but Shelley flees to the backstage area. When DDP finally turns around he is hit with a thunderous POUNCE! Brown goes for the cover.....1......2.......3! [b]Winners: Monty Brown[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [IMG]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3355/monty1mo1.jpg[/IMG] The Show ends with Monty Brown standing over DDP victorious. Brown mouths the words...."F-5? Ha, F-U Lesnar!" [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/19/07 Location: Atlanta, GA Attendence: TBD Rating: B-[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I][U]News and Rumors:[/U][/I][/b] [I]- Head Management of TNA are very angry at the booking committee and about the current situation regarding Brock Lesnar. When Lesnar signed, it seems as if TNA officials did NOT make sure that Lesnar would be avaialble for the Impact! tapings this week especially after Lesnar was slated to debut on tha TNA Program. - It seems as if Diamond Dallas Page was unhappy to do the J-O-B to Monty Brown this week on Impact!. TNA officials brought in Page to help promote the younger stars, however, at this point it doesn't look as if Page has the same ideas. - The TNA locker room is said to be somewhat in shambles as there is no one backstage taking control and leading the locker room in the right direction. TNA officials are said to be looking for some former superstars and road agents to bring in to help with the situation backstage. - While the overall quality of this week's Impact seemed to be better, it seems as if Spike TV have just about had it with TNA. Normally this would be a huge downfall for TNA, but with the Television Opening for the next season coming up TNA might be able to make a positive out of it by signing with another company with better privelages. - Direct TV also has been contacting TNA in regards to the ratings they recieved for this Month's Final Resolution Pay Per View. It seems as if TNA doesn't draw more fans as soon as Next month they may lose the Direct TV PPV account as well.[/I] ----------------------------- TNA Impact Quick Results: - Frankie Kazarian def. Jay Lethal - Bobby Roode def Ron "The Truth" Killings - The James Gang & Abyss def The Naturals & Jeff Hardy - Monty Brown def Diamond Dallas Page Additional Notes from the show: - Alex Shelley got under the skin of DDP and "Da Pack" not once but twice during the night. Particularly DDP, who he got personal mentioning Page's former on air partner Kimberly Page. - Three members of Team Canada, Christian, D'Amore, and Roode all made their presence felt. Cage mocked Sting. - Abyss attacked Jeff Hardy after their match - Brock Lesnar was NOT in the building due to prior commitments. Therefore, Monty Brown bad mouthed him. - Sting promised revenge on Christian Cage - Jeff Jarrett surprise party was cut short by Joe [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I][U]News and Rumors:[/U][/I][/b] [I]- Head Management of TNA are very angry at the booking committee and about the current situation regarding Brock Lesnar. When Lesnar signed, it seems as if TNA officials did NOT make sure that Lesnar would be avaialble for the Impact! tapings this week especially after Lesnar was slated to debut on tha TNA Program. - It seems as if Diamond Dallas Page was unhappy to do the J-O-B to Monty Brown this week on Impact!. TNA officials brought in Page to help promote the younger stars, however, at this point it doesn't look as if Page has the same ideas. - The TNA locker room is said to be somewhat in shambles as there is no one backstage taking control and leading the locker room in the right direction. TNA officials are said to be looking for some former superstars and road agents to bring in to help with the situation backstage. - While the overall quality of this week's Impact seemed to be better, it seems as if Spike TV have just about had it with TNA. Normally this would be a huge downfall for TNA, but with the Television Opening for the next season coming up TNA might be able to make a positive out of it by signing with another company with better privelages. - Direct TV also has been contacting TNA in regards to the ratings they recieved for this Month's Final Resolution Pay Per View. It seems as if TNA doesn't draw more fans as soon as Next month they may lose the Direct TV PPV account as well.[/I] ----------------------------- TNA Impact Quick Results: - Frankie Kazarian def. Jay Lethal - Bobby Roode def Ron "The Truth" Killings - The James Gang & Abyss def The Naturals & Jeff Hardy - Monty Brown def Diamond Dallas Page Additional Notes from the show: - Alex Shelley got under the skin of DDP and "Da Pack" not once but twice during the night. Particularly DDP, who he got personal mentioning Page's former on air partner Kimberly Page. - Three members of Team Canada, Christian, D'Amore, and Roode all made their presence felt. Cage mocked Sting. - Abyss attacked Jeff Hardy after their match - Brock Lesnar was NOT in the building due to prior commitments. Therefore, Monty Brown bad mouthed him. - Sting promised revenge on Christian Cage - Jeff Jarrett surprise party was cut short by Joe [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]This week on Xplosion we see the continued fall-out from last Sunday's Final Resolution. We see X-division Champion Low Ki take on Roderick Strong who got involved in his match-up at the Pay Per View. Also on Xplosion we hear comments from #1 Contender Samoa Joe. Alex Shelley will be in action against the #1 Contender to the X-Division Title, Petey Williams. All this plus Monty Brown promises a surprise for Brock Lesnar, who has yet to make his debut in TNA . Tune in to Xplosion for all of this and more. [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Alex Shelley vs Petey Williams Roderick Strong vs Low Ki[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]This week on Xplosion we see the continued fall-out from last Sunday's Final Resolution. We see X-division Champion Low Ki take on Roderick Strong who got involved in his match-up at the Pay Per View. Also on Xplosion we hear comments from #1 Contender Samoa Joe. Alex Shelley will be in action against the #1 Contender to the X-Division Title, Petey Williams. All this plus Monty Brown promises a surprise for Brock Lesnar, who has yet to make his debut in TNA . Tune in to Xplosion for all of this and more. [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Alex Shelley vs Petey Williams Roderick Strong vs Low Ki[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B][/i] Xplosion opens up with fireworks and cameras panning the arena in Atlanta, Ga. Signs such as "Christian is a sellout!" and "Where is Brock" are shown on camera. As the fireworks come to a hault, Team Canada's music hits and Petey Williams makes his way to the six-sided ring. [I][B][U]Petey Williams vs Alex Shelley[/U][/B] Petey Williams hit the ring first followed by Shelley. However, both men came to the ring alone and ready to fight. Shelley and Williams locked up early on. Shelley shows his unique wrestling ability by taking Williams down with a leg sweep followed up by three different armbar variations. It was more of a "one up" one Williams then to inflict pain as both men quickly got to their feet once again as Shelley released the hold. From there, they locked up yet again. This time though, it was Williams who proved to be the better technician as he went behind Shelley and then quickly took him down with his trademark russian legsweep. Petey got a quick two count, and then brought Shelley back to his feet. From there Petey worked over Shelley for a few minutes with some brawling techniques and eventually a bridged German suplex for another two count. From this point of the match it went back and forth. As soon as one man would turn the momentum it seemed the other would do the same. Some high points came when Shelley revesed a superplex into a hurricanrans for a two count, and then Williams connected with his "Low Blow" oh Canada trademark. The finish came when Williams ducked a clothesline by Shelley and connected with the CANADIAN DESTROYED for the victory. [IMG]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/412/peteyyt7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Petey Williams[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Diamond Dallas Page Confronts Shelley[/U][/B] Following the match-up, with Alex Shelley still laid out in the middle of the ring, Diamond Dallas Page makes his way ringside. DDP doesn't rush, and slides in the ring pretty casual. From there, he stands and waits for the fallen Alex Shelley to get to his feet. It's obvious that Page is confronting Shelley on his comments about his wife this past week on Impact. Shelley pulls himself to his feet not knowing that DDP is standing behind him. DDP taps Shelley on the shoulder and when Shelley turns around he nearly pisses himself. Shelley begs DDP off, but DDP isn't there to fight, at least not yet. DDP brings Shelley to the middle of the ring and stares to him face to face. "You got a problem with me, rookie?" Page asked and Shelley did nothing but shake his head in fear. DDP pushes Shelley. The crowd goes nuts and Page looks out at the crowd for a split second. When he looks back, Shelley is gone. Alex Shelley was on his way up the entrance ramp with a smile on his face as if he outsmarted the veteran. [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1905/shelley3bu4.jpg[/IMG] DDP doesn't seem to mind too much. He just points at Shelley and says that sooner or later, he'll feel the BANG! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Joe has a Request[/U][/B] The Samoan Submission Machine is backstage. He is watching the footage of Jeff Jarrett vs Sting vs Christian Cage at Final Resolution. As the finish comes to a close Joe shakes his head in disgust and then looks at the camera. [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1729/joe33jj9.jpg[/IMG] Joe says that he's been thinking and he thinks that he and Jarrett should do something special for their upcoming match. He says that he doesn't think it should just be any old match and that there should be a stipulation involved. He says he doesn't want to give anything away just yet, however, he is going to go and talk to Cornette soon about having some stipulations put into affect for his World Title match that ensures Jarrett doesn't allow anyone to get involved. Joe says Jarrett better get ready...because the time is coming. When JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU! [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Team Champions Hype[/U][/B] A video hyping the current TNA Tag Team Champions plays on the TNA-Tron. The video shows AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels appearence at Final Resolution against America's Most Wanted and The Naturals. The clip is longer than the usual hype video and at the end of the video it reads the new team name of Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles. [IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1839/danielsajpj5.jpg[/IMG] " The Current NWA-TNA Wrestling Tag Team Champion, Simply Phenomenal!" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Brown Succeeded Where Lesnar Failed![/U][/B] As the cameras go back to the ringside area, Monty Brown is in the ring with a mic. However, Monty isn't dressed in his usual attire. Instead, he is wearing a football helmet. For trademark purposes the helmet says "TNA Wrestling" on it, but Brown is wearing it nonetheless. Monty Brown taunts a bit and then starts to speak. He says that for those who didn't know, not only is the Alpha Male one of the most dominent men in the wrestling business. No, he is also a former NFL star. He says that he has Super Bowl rings and there aren't many men who can claim that! Brown says that one men who he knows doesn't have a superbowl ring...is Brock Lesnar. Brown laughs before continuing about Lesnar's failed football career. Monty says that Brock Lesnar is the only guy in history who would throw millions away to go and fail miserably at trying to become a football star. Monty Brown says that he twice the man that Lesnar wil ever be. He says that if Lesnar EVER has the guts to show up in TNA as promised he is going to prove it. Brock Lesnar is nothing but a failure in wrestling...a failure on the field....and a FAILURE PERIOD! Sooner or later, Monty promises that Lesnar will feel the POUNCE...PERIOD! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Tries to Get Revenge[/U][/B] Cameras go back to the backstage area where Abyss is leaving the Locker room of the James Gang. Just as Abyss takes about three steps out of the locker room he is stopped with a steel chair across the forehead. The man swinging that steel chair? Jeff Hardy. The same man Abyss attacked after his match during Impact this week. Jeff Hardy stomps away at Abyss after smacking him with the chair. Next, he goes to whip Abyss into the concrete wall. However, Abyss reverses and sends Hardy crashing to the concrete with a BLACK HOLE SLAM! With Hardy lying on the floor bleeding internally, the James Gang exit their locker room and BG speaks. " Damn man, we can't leave you alone for a minute!" From there The James Gang urge Abyss to flee before security comes. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Roderick Strong vs Low Ki[/U][/B] Low Ki taunted with his title a bit before Roderick made his way to the ring. Roderick was very ****y and yelled things at Low Ki blaming him for taking his spot in the gauntlet six man match at Final Resolution. The match start off in the favor of Roderick Strong since he attacked Low Ki from behind as he was taking off his title. Roderick worked on Low Ki's back during the early part of the match up with some short back breaker and then a surfboard type backbreaker submission. However, the champion wasn't going to submit under those terms. After some failed submissions, Roderick Strong whipped Low ki to the ropes. Low Ki flipped onto Roderick's shoulders and into a powerbomb positiion, but Roderick kept control and kept working on the back by dropping Low Ki like a powerbomb onto his knee for another varitiation of a back breaker. The fans cringed as the referee count. However, yet again it was only a two count. From that point on it seemed as if Roderick had this match in the bag. He continued to work over Low Ki's back throughout this match including at one point bending his back surfboard style with help from the ring post. It seemed as if the only offense Low Ki got was at the end of the match-up. Roderick Strong tried to put him on the rope for a superplex, however, Low Ki reversed and tossed him foward for a front suplex. He then came crashing down atop him for the warriors way and the victory! [IMG]http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7867/lowki4pf1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Low Ki[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Sting...He's Coming Back![/U][/B] Fans are glued to the TNA-Tron where another video of Sting starts to play. This one is a little different however, as it doesn't feature Sting's face. Instead several dark and demented scenes of darkness, crows, and bloody Sting masks are shown. The eventual scream frieghtens the young children in the audience as well. A strobe light effect occurs towards the end of the video showing clips of the Final Resolution match as well as his alliance with Christian Cage ending with the guitar shot by Cage. Then one sentence is heard... "Christian, I'm coming back, for you. You won't know when...you won't know where...but the Stinger will get his revenge!" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted Attack The Naturals[/U][/B] The Naturals are getting some coffee backstage when both members of AMW rush them from behind. Chris Harris throws Douglas over the table of coffee obviously burning him in the process. Then both men pick up Chase Stevens for a double powerbomb through the entire table. Harris and Storm stand over their fallen foes with evil smiles on their faces. "Sorry about your damned luck!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Cornette Sets Up Hardy vs Abyss[/U][/B] Jim Cornette is in his offices backstage. He seems to be torn about something. However, after thinking to himself for a second he glares at the camera. Cornette says that he is unhappy with everything that has been going on around here in TNA. He says that all the foolishness and backstage attacks need to stop. He's always been one who likes a fight, but he prefers for the fight to be in the ring. Therefore, he announces that on Impact next week we will see Abyss vs Jeff Hardy. During that match everything will be legal. That's right NO DQ. However, to keep things on a level playing field, The James Gang will be banned from ringside just in case they get any ideas. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The Canadian Union [/U][/B] Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, and Scott D'Amore are all backstage in their Team Canada locker room. Scott asks the two men if they saw Petey Williams earlier in the night. They said they did and that he did great. D'Amore says that guy in like a son to him and when he wins the X-Division title Team Canada is going to be just that much stronger. Christian then says that although Petey Williams is great, nothing compares to his talent. D'Amore and Roode both look at him funny and Roode seems very offended. However, Scott D'Amore just seems to change the subject pretty fast. D'Amore says that he's looking at the best two superstars to come out of the wrestling business in years. He says there is nobody, not Sting, not Ron Killings, and definatley not Jeff Jarrett that can change that. Christian steps in and says that he'd rather not D'Amore mention Sting. Christian says that the video that played earlier was a fluke. Sting is gone from TNA....and he's gone because CHRISTIAN Sent him packing...CUZ Thats how I ROLL! From there D'Amore put his arms around both men and they walked together away from the camera. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The James Gang Issue a Challenge![/U][/B] Cameras cut back to the James Gang locker room. This time, Abyss is lurking, pacing, back in the shadows as Kip & BG James watch video footage of "Da Pack" versus "LAX" from Final Resolution. BG and Kip agree that they can't believe they teamed with that guy (Konnan). Next they start talking amongst themselves about how if they beat LAX they would probably get a tag team title shot being that LAX recieved a shot a few weeks back. Therefore, The James Gang issue an official challenge to LAX. They say that if LAX have any "Cahones" as they put it they'll get in the ring with tha James Gang! They state that if LAX accept that will give them something to do to keep out of Abyss's business since Cornette has banned them from ringside. Before they finish they hear Abyss scream behind them and toss over a table. They look at one another and say..."He's GOT TO QUIT DOING THAT!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]World Title Match Hype[/U][/B] Another hype video from Final Resolution. This time it's a hype video covering the NWA World Heavyweight TItle match featuring Jeff Jarrett, Sting, and Christian Cage. The video shows the highpoints of the match-up including the alliance of Christian Cage & Sting up to the point where D'Amore makes his presence felt sending in a guitar ment for Jarrett but recieved by Christian. The video ends showing Christian cracking Sting over the head with the guitar over and over and over again. Then Jeff Jarrett holding the World Title over his head. [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4535/christian3kq3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted Hit the Ring[/U][/B] It's main event time, and AMW hit the ring as they seem pumped for their match-up. However, instead of waiting for Sabin & Sonjay Dutt to come out to the ring, AMW have mics in their hand and obviously have something important to say. [IMG]http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/3856/stormdi2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/5170/harriswv0.jpg[/IMG] Harris gets on the mic first and says that at Final Resolution they were robbed. He says that if it wasn't for the Naturals they would be standing in the six-sided ring tonight as Tag Team Champions. He also says that earlier tonight they showed the Naturals what happens when you get in their way. Next James Storm says that after tonight since the Naturals are out of the picture, there is only one team left to take out. That's right, "Simple Phenomenal". Storm says that at the Pay Per View since AJ and Daniels got the pin on the Naturals that AMW doesn't consider themselves losers. Therefore, sooner than later, AJ and Daniels will be getting a visit from AMW! [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted vs Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B] Sabin and Sonjay jolt their way down to the ring and quickly started brawling. Harris and Sabin was on one side of the ring with Storm and Sonjay on the other side of the ring. In the beginning the match Sonjay and Sabin ended up being back to back as both members of AMW charged in. Sonjay & Sabin ducked and AMW almost collided but caught themsevles before they did. However, this did allow Sonjay and Sabin to both roll up their respective opponents. 1....2... Both members of AMW kicked out after a two count. They were both very angry though. Harris charged at Sonjay, but Sonjay ducked and Harris ended up outside the ring. Sonjay soared over the top and came crashing down atop him putting both men out of action for a few minutes. Still in the ring, Sabin went to do a running cross body block on Storm. However, the Cowboy caught him and sent him sailing with a fallaway slam. Storm went for the cover but only managed a two count. Storm controlled the match for the next few minutes with brawling techniques. It wasn't until he connected with a superplex that he went for another cover. Yet again Sabin kicked out. From here, Storm tagged in Harris who was back up on the ring apron. Harris charged SAbin who was now in the corner, but Sabin jumped out of the corner and connected with a dropkick to the ankle forcing Harris in the corner. Next, Sabin came crashing down with a flying dropkick from half way across the ring. He went for the cover but Storm pulled him away. Sabin then made the cover to Sonjay who still seemed hurt from earlier. Sonjay and Sabin sent Harris down with a double suplex and Sonjay managed to get a two count but that was it. From there, AMW took control. After a illegal chokehold by Storm who grabbed Sonjay from outside the ring it the momentum shifted. The ref stopped Sabin from getting in the ring and AMW took advantage by Double teaming Sonjay with a double powerbomb for the victory. 1...2.....3 [b]Winners:America's Most Wanted[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] The show ends with AMW standing tall in the middle of the ring. [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/20/07 Location: Atlanta, GA Attendence: 8,018 Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B][/i] Xplosion opens up with fireworks and cameras panning the arena in Atlanta, Ga. Signs such as "Christian is a sellout!" and "Where is Brock" are shown on camera. As the fireworks come to a hault, Team Canada's music hits and Petey Williams makes his way to the six-sided ring. [I][B][U]Petey Williams vs Alex Shelley[/U][/B] Petey Williams hit the ring first followed by Shelley. However, both men came to the ring alone and ready to fight. Shelley and Williams locked up early on. Shelley shows his unique wrestling ability by taking Williams down with a leg sweep followed up by three different armbar variations. It was more of a "one up" one Williams then to inflict pain as both men quickly got to their feet once again as Shelley released the hold. From there, they locked up yet again. This time though, it was Williams who proved to be the better technician as he went behind Shelley and then quickly took him down with his trademark russian legsweep. Petey got a quick two count, and then brought Shelley back to his feet. From there Petey worked over Shelley for a few minutes with some brawling techniques and eventually a bridged German suplex for another two count. From this point of the match it went back and forth. As soon as one man would turn the momentum it seemed the other would do the same. Some high points came when Shelley revesed a superplex into a hurricanrans for a two count, and then Williams connected with his "Low Blow" oh Canada trademark. The finish came when Williams ducked a clothesline by Shelley and connected with the CANADIAN DESTROYED for the victory. [IMG]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/412/peteyyt7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Petey Williams[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Diamond Dallas Page Confronts Shelley[/U][/B] Following the match-up, with Alex Shelley still laid out in the middle of the ring, Diamond Dallas Page makes his way ringside. DDP doesn't rush, and slides in the ring pretty casual. From there, he stands and waits for the fallen Alex Shelley to get to his feet. It's obvious that Page is confronting Shelley on his comments about his wife this past week on Impact. Shelley pulls himself to his feet not knowing that DDP is standing behind him. DDP taps Shelley on the shoulder and when Shelley turns around he nearly pisses himself. Shelley begs DDP off, but DDP isn't there to fight, at least not yet. DDP brings Shelley to the middle of the ring and stares to him face to face. "You got a problem with me, rookie?" Page asked and Shelley did nothing but shake his head in fear. DDP pushes Shelley. The crowd goes nuts and Page looks out at the crowd for a split second. When he looks back, Shelley is gone. Alex Shelley was on his way up the entrance ramp with a smile on his face as if he outsmarted the veteran. [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1905/shelley3bu4.jpg[/IMG] DDP doesn't seem to mind too much. He just points at Shelley and says that sooner or later, he'll feel the BANG! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Joe has a Request[/U][/B] The Samoan Submission Machine is backstage. He is watching the footage of Jeff Jarrett vs Sting vs Christian Cage at Final Resolution. As the finish comes to a close Joe shakes his head in disgust and then looks at the camera. [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1729/joe33jj9.jpg[/IMG] Joe says that he's been thinking and he thinks that he and Jarrett should do something special for their upcoming match. He says that he doesn't think it should just be any old match and that there should be a stipulation involved. He says he doesn't want to give anything away just yet, however, he is going to go and talk to Cornette soon about having some stipulations put into affect for his World Title match that ensures Jarrett doesn't allow anyone to get involved. Joe says Jarrett better get ready...because the time is coming. When JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU! [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Team Champions Hype[/U][/B] A video hyping the current TNA Tag Team Champions plays on the TNA-Tron. The video shows AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels appearence at Final Resolution against America's Most Wanted and The Naturals. The clip is longer than the usual hype video and at the end of the video it reads the new team name of Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles. [IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1839/danielsajpj5.jpg[/IMG] " The Current NWA-TNA Wrestling Tag Team Champion, Simply Phenomenal!" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Brown Succeeded Where Lesnar Failed![/U][/B] As the cameras go back to the ringside area, Monty Brown is in the ring with a mic. However, Monty isn't dressed in his usual attire. Instead, he is wearing a football helmet. For trademark purposes the helmet says "TNA Wrestling" on it, but Brown is wearing it nonetheless. Monty Brown taunts a bit and then starts to speak. He says that for those who didn't know, not only is the Alpha Male one of the most dominent men in the wrestling business. No, he is also a former NFL star. He says that he has Super Bowl rings and there aren't many men who can claim that! Brown says that one men who he knows doesn't have a superbowl ring...is Brock Lesnar. Brown laughs before continuing about Lesnar's failed football career. Monty says that Brock Lesnar is the only guy in history who would throw millions away to go and fail miserably at trying to become a football star. Monty Brown says that he twice the man that Lesnar wil ever be. He says that if Lesnar EVER has the guts to show up in TNA as promised he is going to prove it. Brock Lesnar is nothing but a failure in wrestling...a failure on the field....and a FAILURE PERIOD! Sooner or later, Monty promises that Lesnar will feel the POUNCE...PERIOD! [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Tries to Get Revenge[/U][/B] Cameras go back to the backstage area where Abyss is leaving the Locker room of the James Gang. Just as Abyss takes about three steps out of the locker room he is stopped with a steel chair across the forehead. The man swinging that steel chair? Jeff Hardy. The same man Abyss attacked after his match during Impact this week. Jeff Hardy stomps away at Abyss after smacking him with the chair. Next, he goes to whip Abyss into the concrete wall. However, Abyss reverses and sends Hardy crashing to the concrete with a BLACK HOLE SLAM! With Hardy lying on the floor bleeding internally, the James Gang exit their locker room and BG speaks. " Damn man, we can't leave you alone for a minute!" From there The James Gang urge Abyss to flee before security comes. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Roderick Strong vs Low Ki[/U][/B] Low Ki taunted with his title a bit before Roderick made his way to the ring. Roderick was very ****y and yelled things at Low Ki blaming him for taking his spot in the gauntlet six man match at Final Resolution. The match start off in the favor of Roderick Strong since he attacked Low Ki from behind as he was taking off his title. Roderick worked on Low Ki's back during the early part of the match up with some short back breaker and then a surfboard type backbreaker submission. However, the champion wasn't going to submit under those terms. After some failed submissions, Roderick Strong whipped Low ki to the ropes. Low Ki flipped onto Roderick's shoulders and into a powerbomb positiion, but Roderick kept control and kept working on the back by dropping Low Ki like a powerbomb onto his knee for another varitiation of a back breaker. The fans cringed as the referee count. However, yet again it was only a two count. From that point on it seemed as if Roderick had this match in the bag. He continued to work over Low Ki's back throughout this match including at one point bending his back surfboard style with help from the ring post. It seemed as if the only offense Low Ki got was at the end of the match-up. Roderick Strong tried to put him on the rope for a superplex, however, Low Ki reversed and tossed him foward for a front suplex. He then came crashing down atop him for the warriors way and the victory! [IMG]http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7867/lowki4pf1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winner: Low Ki[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Sting...He's Coming Back![/U][/B] Fans are glued to the TNA-Tron where another video of Sting starts to play. This one is a little different however, as it doesn't feature Sting's face. Instead several dark and demented scenes of darkness, crows, and bloody Sting masks are shown. The eventual scream frieghtens the young children in the audience as well. A strobe light effect occurs towards the end of the video showing clips of the Final Resolution match as well as his alliance with Christian Cage ending with the guitar shot by Cage. Then one sentence is heard... "Christian, I'm coming back, for you. You won't know when...you won't know where...but the Stinger will get his revenge!" [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted Attack The Naturals[/U][/B] The Naturals are getting some coffee backstage when both members of AMW rush them from behind. Chris Harris throws Douglas over the table of coffee obviously burning him in the process. Then both men pick up Chase Stevens for a double powerbomb through the entire table. Harris and Storm stand over their fallen foes with evil smiles on their faces. "Sorry about your damned luck!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Cornette Sets Up Hardy vs Abyss[/U][/B] Jim Cornette is in his offices backstage. He seems to be torn about something. However, after thinking to himself for a second he glares at the camera. Cornette says that he is unhappy with everything that has been going on around here in TNA. He says that all the foolishness and backstage attacks need to stop. He's always been one who likes a fight, but he prefers for the fight to be in the ring. Therefore, he announces that on Impact next week we will see Abyss vs Jeff Hardy. During that match everything will be legal. That's right NO DQ. However, to keep things on a level playing field, The James Gang will be banned from ringside just in case they get any ideas. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The Canadian Union [/U][/B] Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, and Scott D'Amore are all backstage in their Team Canada locker room. Scott asks the two men if they saw Petey Williams earlier in the night. They said they did and that he did great. D'Amore says that guy in like a son to him and when he wins the X-Division title Team Canada is going to be just that much stronger. Christian then says that although Petey Williams is great, nothing compares to his talent. D'Amore and Roode both look at him funny and Roode seems very offended. However, Scott D'Amore just seems to change the subject pretty fast. D'Amore says that he's looking at the best two superstars to come out of the wrestling business in years. He says there is nobody, not Sting, not Ron Killings, and definatley not Jeff Jarrett that can change that. Christian steps in and says that he'd rather not D'Amore mention Sting. Christian says that the video that played earlier was a fluke. Sting is gone from TNA....and he's gone because CHRISTIAN Sent him packing...CUZ Thats how I ROLL! From there D'Amore put his arms around both men and they walked together away from the camera. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The James Gang Issue a Challenge![/U][/B] Cameras cut back to the James Gang locker room. This time, Abyss is lurking, pacing, back in the shadows as Kip & BG James watch video footage of "Da Pack" versus "LAX" from Final Resolution. BG and Kip agree that they can't believe they teamed with that guy (Konnan). Next they start talking amongst themselves about how if they beat LAX they would probably get a tag team title shot being that LAX recieved a shot a few weeks back. Therefore, The James Gang issue an official challenge to LAX. They say that if LAX have any "Cahones" as they put it they'll get in the ring with tha James Gang! They state that if LAX accept that will give them something to do to keep out of Abyss's business since Cornette has banned them from ringside. Before they finish they hear Abyss scream behind them and toss over a table. They look at one another and say..."He's GOT TO QUIT DOING THAT!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]World Title Match Hype[/U][/B] Another hype video from Final Resolution. This time it's a hype video covering the NWA World Heavyweight TItle match featuring Jeff Jarrett, Sting, and Christian Cage. The video shows the highpoints of the match-up including the alliance of Christian Cage & Sting up to the point where D'Amore makes his presence felt sending in a guitar ment for Jarrett but recieved by Christian. The video ends showing Christian cracking Sting over the head with the guitar over and over and over again. Then Jeff Jarrett holding the World Title over his head. [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4535/christian3kq3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted Hit the Ring[/U][/B] It's main event time, and AMW hit the ring as they seem pumped for their match-up. However, instead of waiting for Sabin & Sonjay Dutt to come out to the ring, AMW have mics in their hand and obviously have something important to say. [IMG]http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/3856/stormdi2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/5170/harriswv0.jpg[/IMG] Harris gets on the mic first and says that at Final Resolution they were robbed. He says that if it wasn't for the Naturals they would be standing in the six-sided ring tonight as Tag Team Champions. He also says that earlier tonight they showed the Naturals what happens when you get in their way. Next James Storm says that after tonight since the Naturals are out of the picture, there is only one team left to take out. That's right, "Simple Phenomenal". Storm says that at the Pay Per View since AJ and Daniels got the pin on the Naturals that AMW doesn't consider themselves losers. Therefore, sooner than later, AJ and Daniels will be getting a visit from AMW! [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted vs Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B] Sabin and Sonjay jolt their way down to the ring and quickly started brawling. Harris and Sabin was on one side of the ring with Storm and Sonjay on the other side of the ring. In the beginning the match Sonjay and Sabin ended up being back to back as both members of AMW charged in. Sonjay & Sabin ducked and AMW almost collided but caught themsevles before they did. However, this did allow Sonjay and Sabin to both roll up their respective opponents. 1....2... Both members of AMW kicked out after a two count. They were both very angry though. Harris charged at Sonjay, but Sonjay ducked and Harris ended up outside the ring. Sonjay soared over the top and came crashing down atop him putting both men out of action for a few minutes. Still in the ring, Sabin went to do a running cross body block on Storm. However, the Cowboy caught him and sent him sailing with a fallaway slam. Storm went for the cover but only managed a two count. Storm controlled the match for the next few minutes with brawling techniques. It wasn't until he connected with a superplex that he went for another cover. Yet again Sabin kicked out. From here, Storm tagged in Harris who was back up on the ring apron. Harris charged SAbin who was now in the corner, but Sabin jumped out of the corner and connected with a dropkick to the ankle forcing Harris in the corner. Next, Sabin came crashing down with a flying dropkick from half way across the ring. He went for the cover but Storm pulled him away. Sabin then made the cover to Sonjay who still seemed hurt from earlier. Sonjay and Sabin sent Harris down with a double suplex and Sonjay managed to get a two count but that was it. From there, AMW took control. After a illegal chokehold by Storm who grabbed Sonjay from outside the ring it the momentum shifted. The ref stopped Sabin from getting in the ring and AMW took advantage by Double teaming Sonjay with a double powerbomb for the victory. 1...2.....3 [b]Winners:America's Most Wanted[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] The show ends with AMW standing tall in the middle of the ring. [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Date: 1/20/07 Location: Atlanta, GA Attendence: 8,018 Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I][U]News and Rumors:[/U][/I][/b] [I]- TNA Wrestling have decided to try moving Impact/Xplosion Tapings to Wednesday Nights. The reason behind the move is that a few superstars who were unavailable on Monday Nights will now be available. One of those particular superstars are a huge star in TNA. - Being that TNA wrestling has changed it's television tapings, there will also be two tapings this week for both Xplosion and Impact. More on that as we get information. - In HUGE NEWS Extreme Championship Wrestling has lost it's television deal with the USA Network. Will the same fate come for TNA in the coming weeks with Spike TV? Time will tell. - Reports Indicate that TNA officials have cleared Brock Lesnar for the next TNA Impact. Lesnar says there is nothing going to keep him from a TNA ring this week. [/I] ----------------------- [B][U]Xplosion Quick Results:[/U][/B] Petey Williams def Alex Shelley Low Ki def Roderick Strong AMW def Sabin/Dutt Addition Notes on Xplosion Broadcast: -Jim Cornette signed Abyss vs Hardy for Next Week's Impact. -DDP Confronted Alex Shelley only for Shelley to Flee -Sting is Returning Soon, but Christian is doubtful -AMW Want AJ/Daniels Soon -The James Gang Challenged LAX[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [I][U]News and Rumors:[/U][/I][/b] [I]- TNA Wrestling have decided to try moving Impact/Xplosion Tapings to Wednesday Nights. The reason behind the move is that a few superstars who were unavailable on Monday Nights will now be available. One of those particular superstars are a huge star in TNA. - Being that TNA wrestling has changed it's television tapings, there will also be two tapings this week for both Xplosion and Impact. More on that as we get information. - In HUGE NEWS Extreme Championship Wrestling has lost it's television deal with the USA Network. Will the same fate come for TNA in the coming weeks with Spike TV? Time will tell. - Reports Indicate that TNA officials have cleared Brock Lesnar for the next TNA Impact. Lesnar says there is nothing going to keep him from a TNA ring this week. [/I] ----------------------- [B][U]Xplosion Quick Results:[/U][/B] Petey Williams def Alex Shelley Low Ki def Roderick Strong AMW def Sabin/Dutt Addition Notes on Xplosion Broadcast: -Jim Cornette signed Abyss vs Hardy for Next Week's Impact. -DDP Confronted Alex Shelley only for Shelley to Flee -Sting is Returning Soon, but Christian is doubtful -AMW Want AJ/Daniels Soon -The James Gang Challenged LAX[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This week's Impact! one that you can't miss. Already signed is Abyss vs Jeff Hardy in a No DQ match. Not to mention Brock Lesnar will make him Impact debut after false impressions last week. How will Lesnar reply to what Monty Brown has been saying? Tune it to find out. All this plus The James Gang have challenged LAX, plus Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, and Monty Brown will all be in the house. Tune in this week on Spike TV. [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] - Abyss vs Jeff Hardy (No Disqualification) [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This week's Impact! one that you can't miss. Already signed is Abyss vs Jeff Hardy in a No DQ match. Not to mention Brock Lesnar will make him Impact debut after false impressions last week. How will Lesnar reply to what Monty Brown has been saying? Tune it to find out. All this plus The James Gang have challenged LAX, plus Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, and Monty Brown will all be in the house. Tune in this week on Spike TV. [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] - Abyss vs Jeff Hardy (No Disqualification) [/center]
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The simple fact that the future has Brock Lesner vs. Monty Brown in it makes me drool. Love that fact brother and I cant wait for Joe to take that World Title from Jarrett. I can tell that you have a soft spot for Team Canada (I wonder if your Canadian). Christian Cage in Team Canada is a good fit, now you just need to build up the rest of the group as personalities. I like the Abyss Jeff Hardy thing you have brewing, even though it has been done before. Abyss with The James Gang is pure comedy gold by the way. Good couple of shows and the build up to Final Resolution is going very well.
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The simple fact that the future has Brock Lesner vs. Monty Brown in it makes me drool. Love that fact brother and I cant wait for Joe to take that World Title from Jarrett. I can tell that you have a soft spot for Team Canada (I wonder if your Canadian). Christian Cage in Team Canada is a good fit, now you just need to build up the rest of the group as personalities. I like the Abyss Jeff Hardy thing you have brewing, even though it has been done before. Abyss with The James Gang is pure comedy gold by the way. Good couple of shows and the build up to Final Resolution is going very well.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;145670]The simple fact that the future has Brock Lesner vs. Monty Brown in it makes me drool. Love that fact brother and I cant wait for Joe to take that World Title from Jarrett. I can tell that you have a soft spot for Team Canada (I wonder if your Canadian). Christian Cage in Team Canada is a good fit, now you just need to build up the rest of the group as personalities. I like the Abyss Jeff Hardy thing you have brewing, even though it has been done before. Abyss with The James Gang is pure comedy gold by the way. Good couple of shows and the build up to Final Resolution is going very well.[/QUOTE] Lesnar vs Brown is a must if you have Lesnar in TNA. However, I'm not sure if you know, but Brown is leaving TNA for now in real life. Maybe for good. Same with Killings. I'm not Canadian, I live in Florida;) Hence the reason I go to the TNA Tapings. I've never been a "mark" for Team Canada, but I think they are an imperative group in TNA and Christian being the ****y heel genious that he is it works good. I put Hardy in the fued with Abyss because I didn't know what to do with either of them. The James Gang with Abyss is funny, and I'm trying to keep it that way:):) Thanks for the feedback again.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;145670]The simple fact that the future has Brock Lesner vs. Monty Brown in it makes me drool. Love that fact brother and I cant wait for Joe to take that World Title from Jarrett. I can tell that you have a soft spot for Team Canada (I wonder if your Canadian). Christian Cage in Team Canada is a good fit, now you just need to build up the rest of the group as personalities. I like the Abyss Jeff Hardy thing you have brewing, even though it has been done before. Abyss with The James Gang is pure comedy gold by the way. Good couple of shows and the build up to Final Resolution is going very well.[/QUOTE] Lesnar vs Brown is a must if you have Lesnar in TNA. However, I'm not sure if you know, but Brown is leaving TNA for now in real life. Maybe for good. Same with Killings. I'm not Canadian, I live in Florida;) Hence the reason I go to the TNA Tapings. I've never been a "mark" for Team Canada, but I think they are an imperative group in TNA and Christian being the ****y heel genious that he is it works good. I put Hardy in the fued with Abyss because I didn't know what to do with either of them. The James Gang with Abyss is funny, and I'm trying to keep it that way:):) Thanks for the feedback again.
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