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TNA: Can it overcome and ECW Talent Raid?!?

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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]This week Xplosion will be home to a bunch of Tag Team Action. As The Naturals, Team Canada, AMW, and the James Gang will all be in action. Not only that but TNA officials have promised an announcement on the status of TNA's Impact as far as Spike TV is concerned. Rumors have been running all week about TNA's timeslot, and Xplosion will answer at least some of those questions. Check out Xplosion this week for more information. [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] The Naturals vs Kazarian/Bentley vs Hoyt/Cassidy Riley Team Canada vs Eric Young/Shark Boy America's Most Wanted vs The James Gang[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for TNA's syndicated Xplosion Event:[/b] [I]This week Xplosion will be home to a bunch of Tag Team Action. As The Naturals, Team Canada, AMW, and the James Gang will all be in action. Not only that but TNA officials have promised an announcement on the status of TNA's Impact as far as Spike TV is concerned. Rumors have been running all week about TNA's timeslot, and Xplosion will answer at least some of those questions. Check out Xplosion this week for more information. [U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] The Naturals vs Kazarian/Bentley vs Hoyt/Cassidy Riley Team Canada vs Eric Young/Shark Boy America's Most Wanted vs The James Gang[/I] [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Special Announcement Regarding the Future of TNA![/i][/u][/b] Before Xplosion's opening, Jeremy Borash is shown on the TNA-tron with a sheet of paper in his hand. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/726/11jblw2.jpg[/IMG] Borash says that in his hand he is holding a message from TNA President Dixie Carter herself. He said that as everyone may know, both Spike TV, and RDS overseas have pulled the plus on TNA's flagship program Impact. Therefore, Dixie Carter has had to make several decisions in the last few days. Borash says that TNA officials along with TNA President Dixie Carter have come to a conclusion involving the future of TNA. Starting next Wednesday some TEMPORARY changes will be made. TNA's Impact will return to LIVE action on Wednesday Nights. This action will be televised on National Television VIA Pay Per View just as they have done in the past. Not only that, but starting this Wednesday the show will be held in an hour and a half format instead of the usual sixty minutes that the broadcast has usually recieved. The first broadcast however, will be a special two hour event! Again, this change will only be temporary and sooner than later TNA hopes to return to National broadcast television. Until then TNA hopes that fans will continue to support TNA by ordering the WEEKLY Pay Per Views for the time being. Borash then says that he has been asked to announce the following matches leading into the first broadcast on the returning TNA to Pay Per View: Low Ki vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) AMW vs Naturals (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) AJ/Daniels vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) LAX vs The James Gang Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs Abyss/??? Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting Borash says everyone better tune into Impact Next week...because its going to be one hell of a DEBUT! [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B][/i] Xplosion opened up as it always does. Fireworks, and the TNA crowd going nuts. The cameras panned the crowd to find signs such as "Lesnar is GOD!", "Team Canada Sux!", and "WHATS UP!". After a new video package highlighting the stars TNA, the camera cuts to the ring where we are ready for some action. [I][B][U]Matt Bentley/Frankie Kazarian vs The Naturals vs Lance Hoyt/Cassidy Riley[/U][/B] All six members of this match-up are already in the ring. It's obvious that Hoyt/Riley are the underdogs since they haven't teamed together much. In the same breathe, The Naturals would have to be the favorite being their multiple Tag Team Title reigns, but one cannot count Bentley and Kazarian out even though they haven't caught a break since their return to the Tag Division. Either way The Naturals are going into Impact for a #1 Contenders shot, and a victory here would obviously send them into that match will momentum. The match starts out with a free-for-all as most six man tag matches do. Bentley/Kazarian have Riley in one corner and the Naturals have thier former partner cornered on the opposite side of the ring. Cassidy Riley is sent outside the ring by Bentley & Kazarian, and somehow Hoyt manages to send both members of the Naturals out on the other side of the ring. The next few minutes saw Hoyt face off against both members of the team of Bentley/Kazarian. The two on one factor should've helped the Tag Team, instead it worked against them. Hoyt ducked a right hand causing Bentley to get sent out of the ring by his own partner. Next, Hoyt dropped Kazarian with a pump handle slam and managed to get a two count. At that point Hoyt tagged in his partner Riley who worked off Kazarian for a few seconds and actually mounted some offense by connecting with a pretty moonsault for a two count of his own. The next few minutes saw lots of tags. However, nobody got the distinct advantage. Each time somebody would gain momentum, either a tag would be made to put a stop to it, or a teammate would break things up. This was the case, until the end of the match. The finish saw Bentley and Kazarian outside the ring. Riley connected with a praying moonsault, but he was caught in mid-air by the Team of Kazarian and Bentley. Just as they thought they outsmarted everyone, Lance Hoyt came soaring over the top rope atop all three men. This left the Naturals in the ring where they could've just waited for a victory via countout. Instead, Chase Stevens climbed to the top rope and came crashing down on EVERYONE outside the ring with his patenent SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Cassidy Riley was the first one who recovered from the move and he went to re-enter the ring. He stood to his feet only to be hit with a variaion of a FALLING DDT that took him out cold for the ... 1....2....3. The Naturals take the victory and gain momentum going into next week first Impact broadcast on Pay Per View. [B]Winner: The Naturals[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Four Way X-Division Match for IMPACT![/U][/B] Following the match-up, the fans glared up at the TNA-tron for a video package highlighting X-Division stars Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, and of course X-DIvision Champion Low Ki. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2550/11alexzx4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6606/11peteywx6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/3213/11sabincq6.jpg[/IMG] The video promotes the four-way match-up that will take place on TNA's debut episode of Impact on Pay Per View. The video ends with Low Ki standing tall with the X-Division title. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/3080/11senshiak8.jpg[/IMG] "I'll take on all comers....AT ONCE!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Team Canada Hype[/U][/B] Following the break, yet another hype video plays on the TNA-TRon. This one also features Petey Williams. THe hyped video features all members of Team Canada. The video highlights the reunion of Team Canada over the last month. It shows Christian Cage turning heel on Sting and joining the group as well as Bobby Roode and Petey Williams getting victories over different superstars this month. Including Petey's #1 Condership win at last Month's Pay Per View. The video ends with Scott D'Amore laughing an evil laugh and saying Team Canada is the greatest team in the history of TNA. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada (Bobby Roode/Petey Williams) vs Shark Boy/Eric Young[/U][/B] The next match actually has a lot of history to it. Eric Young, a former member of Team Canada would be stepping in the ring against his former teammates Roode and Williams. Williams actually defeated Young to become #1 Contender last month at Final Resolution. Team Canada have been hit and miss the last few weeks as far as victories are concerned, so this week they really need the victory. [IMG]http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/3731/11rooderzr7.jpg[/IMG] Team Canada were already in the ring as their opponents ran out to the ring. Just as Sharky and Young slid in the ring they were cut off by Team Canada. Petey and Roode stomped away at their opponents with some massive boots to the head. Eric Young was quickly sent outside the ring leaving Shark Boy to fend off both members of Team Canada. Shark Boy was hit with a double suplex before Rudy Charles forced Bobby Roode to exit the ring allowing only Petey to be the legal man. Petey got a two count following the suplex and then controlled the match for the next few minutes. He worked over Shark Boy with some mat wrestling, but quickly went back to his cheating tactics with his top rope "Oh Canada" stance. The referee quickly broke up the move, but the damage had been done. Petey went for the sharpshooted, but Eric Young broke it up. Seconds later, Eric Young was tagged in. He came in the ring in rare form. He countered a few right hands by Petey and then dropped Petey on his chest with a gut buster allowing Sharky to connect with the Shark Bite. Petey broke free and made the tag. Roode and Young locked up, and from that moment it was all over. Roode used his power to toss Young in the corner. Next, Roode blasted Shark Boy with a right hand knocking him off the apron. Roode then connected with a simple German suplex on Young for the victory. [B]Winner: Team Canada[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The Truth Runs into "Da Bad Guy"[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is backstage talking with some fans and reporters. They are joking around and "The Truth" starts showing off his current rap. Everyone seems to enjoy the performance, and Truth seems to be in good spirits. Moments later Truth says that he has to go and turns around to head to his locker room. When he turns around however, he bumps into "Da Bad Guy" Scott Hall who was walking with Nash and DDP. Unfortunatley for Killings, Hall had a cup of coffee in his hand and spilled it all over himself. Hall was irate. He stars downgrading the Truth saying that he's lucky he doesn't take him out. Nash and DDP stop Hall from getting physical, and Truth apologizes. Hall was having none of it though. He just kept yelling at Truth trying to get him fired up. At this time, Jim Cornette noticed what was going on. He says that these two are not going to make a mockery of his authority and destroy the backstage area as result of a fight back here. Instead, he says the two will meet in the ring tonight as Xplosion's Main Event! As Truth was walking away he yelled at Hall who did his trademark "Ohh...I'm scared taunt". Killings obviously allowed Hall to get under his skin. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Speaks on Abyss[/U][/B] Jeff Hardy is backstage with J.B. Hardy says that it was announced earlier tonight that he and Elix Skipper will be taking on Abyss and...well...somebody else next week on Impact. Hardy says that it's obvious that Abyss doesn't intimidate him, and from the looks of it Elix Skipper hasn't been intimidated either. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/193/11jeffhardynm8.jpg[/IMG] Therefore, if they aren't intimidated by the Monster Abyss, it shouldn't matter who his partner is. Jeff says that he's done a lot of things in his life, and next Wednesday he is going to add something new to that list. Because on Wednesday he is going to KILL a Monster with his bare hands. Next, Hardy DARES Abyss to try and do the same to him. Hardy says that the Last Man Standing match at the Against All Odds Pay PEr View won't mean anything, because it won't take place. Because just like he said, he is going to KILL THE MONSTER on Wednesday leaving nothing left for Against ALL ODDS! [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted...Tag Champs!?!? Not Really.[/U][/B] Following the Hardy interview a video hyping the AMW Tag Team Title steal from Impact this past week. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2408/11amead3.jpg[/IMG] The video highlights the recent battles between Daniels/AJ including the beatdown with AMW standing above AJ/Daniels will the Tag Titles in their hands. Next, it the video shows clips of the interview with AMW saying they felt different with the Tag Titles in their hands, and they loved it. Then, Finally the video showed AMW taking the Tag Titles from the bags of AJ/Daniels on Impact. The Clip ends with AMW holding the Tag Team Titles high above their heads and then a marquee scrolling across saying AMW vs The Naturals....#1 Contendership Match...NEXT WEEK ON IMPACT! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted vs The James Gang[/U][/B] America's Most Wanted verses the James Gang is a Pay Per View quality match-up that the fans will get to see for free tonight. Two of the most dominent Team in the history of this company. It will prove to be a hard hitting match-up with both men NEEDING THE VICTORY going into next weeks big show. Harris and Storm were already in the ring looking on at the video package on the TNA-TRon. The nodded as they watched and held the TNA Tag Team Titles above their heads. Even if they didn't belong to them, they were obviously proud. [IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/6943/11jamesgnagbb8.jpg[/IMG] The James Gang made their way to the ring and did their usual mic work on the way. The entered the ring and taunted a bit. However, when the bell rang fun and games were over. This one started off clean, BG James and Chris Harris stayed in the ring as the legal men. They locked up and Harris took early control of the match by taking him in the corner. Harris worked over BG with some brawling techniques including some clubbing fists and a forearm to the back of the neck. Harris kept control after dropping BG James with a forearm he hooked on a sleeper hold. That is when things changed, BG got to his feet out of the sleeper and dropped Harris down with a backdrop. From there, Kip entered the ring and they connected with a double suplex as the ref was distracted by Storm. BG and KIP made the tag sound despite not making the Tag and Kip became the legal man. Kip worked over Harris for a few minutes. He stomped away at Harris before mounting him with some punches and then hooking him in a DDT position. Harris managed to push Kip to the corner and tag in his partner. AMW turned the momentum with some illegal double team techniques. They took turned blasting away at Kip with closed fists and this time the ref was distracted with BG. AMW planted Kip James with a double DDT, but couldn't get the pinfall due to the refs continous distracted by BG. From this point on AMW controlled most of the match. They tagged in and out working over Kip James exhusted their opponent. Evenetually though, Kip did managed to get the tag. BG came in swinging. First Storm and then Harris. He did his punch combo as he alwayd does connecting on both men. Before BG can finish the combo though, both member of AMW flee to the outside of the ring. BG and the ref both yell for the members of AMW to get in the ring. However, they have other ideas. Chris Harris grabbed a steel chair on one side of the ring and went to enter the ring. As the referee tried to stop Harris from cheating with the chair, Storm entered the ring on the opposite side and had a chair of his own. He hit BG in the back with it and tossed it out of the ring. As the ref turned around he made the count....1.....2.....3 [B]Winner: Americas Most Wanted[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Styles/Daniels Attempt to Get Revenge[/U][/B] Following the match-up, as AMW are celebrating with titles in their hands, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels hit the ring. Both men bounce off the ropes and attempt to connect with spinning Heel kicks on both members of AMW. However, Americas Most Wanted manage to outsmart the Tag Champs. As the champs go to kick them, Harris and Storm both duck and both members of The James Gang are blasted with the kicks. AJ and Daniels realize what happened, but keep their attention on the Champs. A brawl ensues between AMW and Daniels/AJ. Just as Daniels and AJ get the upperhand on AMW and are ready to connect with their finishers. The James Gang clobber them from behind. The James Gang were obviously upset about being kicked in the face. They stomp away at AJ and Daniels as AMW flee the ring with the Tag Team Titles in their possession. AMW laugh as they exit the ringside area. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]"The Truth" Backstage[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is backstage getting ready for his match-up with Scott Hall that will take place next. Ron Killings says that he didn't have any problem with Scott Hall when the night started. He said if you want to know the truth, he respects Hall, and all three members of Da' Pack for that matter. Killings says that he watched all three of those men as he was training to be a wrestler, and aspired to achieve their popularity. However, after the ignorance that Hall showed earlier following a little accident, he has changed his mind. Tonight he is going to show Scott Hall WHATS UP! He said if the other members of Da' Pack get involved they'll see WHATS UP AS WELL! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Ron "The Truth" Killings vs Scott Hall [/U][/B] Scott Hall was angered following the altercation earlier tonight which led Cornette to sign this match-up. It's unfortunate because Killings didn't want any problems with Da' Pack, but obviously things changed. Killings isn't intimidate by Hall, but it doesn't seem as Hall takes Killings seriously either. Da' Pack being ringside could decide the result of this one though. [IMG]http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/9894/11hallpn5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/2738/11truthto5.jpg[/IMG] Ron Killings and Scott Hall were both in the ring. Da' Pack, Kevin Nash & DDP were both outside. Killings and HAll locked up early on and Hall was thrown into the corner. Instead of letting it bother him he just mocks Killings and tried to get under his skin. Bad mistake. Killings clobbered Hall with a closed fist and took control of the match. Killings actually dominated most of this one using all of his trademark moves including the dancing. Killings dropped Hall on several different occasions with some spin kicks, and even connected with his suplex into a jaw breaker. However, he was only able to get a two count. Later in the match, HAll actually blocked a right hand and took the momentum away from Killings. Hall went for the fallaway slam, but quickly Killings reversed by landing on his feet. Killings was one step in front of Hall during this entire match-up. Hall was obviously getting frustrated. Hall turned around following the faulty Fallaway slam to be kicked in the gut. It was obvious Killings was ready to finish HAll of with his famous spinning axe kick. However, as Killings hit the ropes both members of Da' Pack grabbed his legs from outside. Killings wasn't hurt, but it did start an arguement between he and the two additional members of Da' Pack ringside. DDP and Nash both just smiles and laughed at Killings. As Killings turned around from dealing with Da' Pack outside, Scott Hall was waiting for him. Hall connected with a boot to the midsection and then an OUTSIDERS EDGE! From there is was over... 1.....2......3! Da' Pack stole a victory from Ron Killings! [B]Winner: Scott Hall[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Sting Speaks on Christian Cage![/U][/B] Just as all the superstars involved in the Main Event exit the ringside area the lights beging to flicker. After a bit of flickering, Sting's music blasts over the PA system. However, Sting is no where to be found. Or so we thought. After a few moments Sting is spotted up in one of the high corners of the building in the rafters. On one of the video screens is a picture of Christian Cage, and Sting points at the photo with his trademark baseball bat. As he points to the picture he speaks. [IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7274/11stingrf7.jpg[/IMG] "Christian Cage, on Impact I showed you what I'm capable of. However, I've yet to see what you are capable of. Next week, yet again you will get your chance. While I doubt you'll prove yourself, I'll be waiting. Christian Cage...I DARE YOU...to prove yourself to me. Next week Live On Pay Per View....IT WILL AGAIN BE SHOWTIME FOLKS!" From there Sting fades into the darkness of the rafters. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Zamora Temple (Southest) Attendence: 2,000 SELLOUT Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT][/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [I][B][U]Special Announcement Regarding the Future of TNA![/i][/u][/b] Before Xplosion's opening, Jeremy Borash is shown on the TNA-tron with a sheet of paper in his hand. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/726/11jblw2.jpg[/IMG] Borash says that in his hand he is holding a message from TNA President Dixie Carter herself. He said that as everyone may know, both Spike TV, and RDS overseas have pulled the plus on TNA's flagship program Impact. Therefore, Dixie Carter has had to make several decisions in the last few days. Borash says that TNA officials along with TNA President Dixie Carter have come to a conclusion involving the future of TNA. Starting next Wednesday some TEMPORARY changes will be made. TNA's Impact will return to LIVE action on Wednesday Nights. This action will be televised on National Television VIA Pay Per View just as they have done in the past. Not only that, but starting this Wednesday the show will be held in an hour and a half format instead of the usual sixty minutes that the broadcast has usually recieved. The first broadcast however, will be a special two hour event! Again, this change will only be temporary and sooner than later TNA hopes to return to National broadcast television. Until then TNA hopes that fans will continue to support TNA by ordering the WEEKLY Pay Per Views for the time being. Borash then says that he has been asked to announce the following matches leading into the first broadcast on the returning TNA to Pay Per View: Low Ki vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) AMW vs Naturals (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) AJ/Daniels vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) LAX vs The James Gang Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs Abyss/??? Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting Borash says everyone better tune into Impact Next week...because its going to be one hell of a DEBUT! [I][B][U]Opening[/U][/B][/i] Xplosion opened up as it always does. Fireworks, and the TNA crowd going nuts. The cameras panned the crowd to find signs such as "Lesnar is GOD!", "Team Canada Sux!", and "WHATS UP!". After a new video package highlighting the stars TNA, the camera cuts to the ring where we are ready for some action. [I][B][U]Matt Bentley/Frankie Kazarian vs The Naturals vs Lance Hoyt/Cassidy Riley[/U][/B] All six members of this match-up are already in the ring. It's obvious that Hoyt/Riley are the underdogs since they haven't teamed together much. In the same breathe, The Naturals would have to be the favorite being their multiple Tag Team Title reigns, but one cannot count Bentley and Kazarian out even though they haven't caught a break since their return to the Tag Division. Either way The Naturals are going into Impact for a #1 Contenders shot, and a victory here would obviously send them into that match will momentum. The match starts out with a free-for-all as most six man tag matches do. Bentley/Kazarian have Riley in one corner and the Naturals have thier former partner cornered on the opposite side of the ring. Cassidy Riley is sent outside the ring by Bentley & Kazarian, and somehow Hoyt manages to send both members of the Naturals out on the other side of the ring. The next few minutes saw Hoyt face off against both members of the team of Bentley/Kazarian. The two on one factor should've helped the Tag Team, instead it worked against them. Hoyt ducked a right hand causing Bentley to get sent out of the ring by his own partner. Next, Hoyt dropped Kazarian with a pump handle slam and managed to get a two count. At that point Hoyt tagged in his partner Riley who worked off Kazarian for a few seconds and actually mounted some offense by connecting with a pretty moonsault for a two count of his own. The next few minutes saw lots of tags. However, nobody got the distinct advantage. Each time somebody would gain momentum, either a tag would be made to put a stop to it, or a teammate would break things up. This was the case, until the end of the match. The finish saw Bentley and Kazarian outside the ring. Riley connected with a praying moonsault, but he was caught in mid-air by the Team of Kazarian and Bentley. Just as they thought they outsmarted everyone, Lance Hoyt came soaring over the top rope atop all three men. This left the Naturals in the ring where they could've just waited for a victory via countout. Instead, Chase Stevens climbed to the top rope and came crashing down on EVERYONE outside the ring with his patenent SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Cassidy Riley was the first one who recovered from the move and he went to re-enter the ring. He stood to his feet only to be hit with a variaion of a FALLING DDT that took him out cold for the ... 1....2....3. The Naturals take the victory and gain momentum going into next week first Impact broadcast on Pay Per View. [B]Winner: The Naturals[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Four Way X-Division Match for IMPACT![/U][/B] Following the match-up, the fans glared up at the TNA-tron for a video package highlighting X-Division stars Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, and of course X-DIvision Champion Low Ki. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2550/11alexzx4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6606/11peteywx6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/3213/11sabincq6.jpg[/IMG] The video promotes the four-way match-up that will take place on TNA's debut episode of Impact on Pay Per View. The video ends with Low Ki standing tall with the X-Division title. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/3080/11senshiak8.jpg[/IMG] "I'll take on all comers....AT ONCE!" [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Team Canada Hype[/U][/B] Following the break, yet another hype video plays on the TNA-TRon. This one also features Petey Williams. THe hyped video features all members of Team Canada. The video highlights the reunion of Team Canada over the last month. It shows Christian Cage turning heel on Sting and joining the group as well as Bobby Roode and Petey Williams getting victories over different superstars this month. Including Petey's #1 Condership win at last Month's Pay Per View. The video ends with Scott D'Amore laughing an evil laugh and saying Team Canada is the greatest team in the history of TNA. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Team Canada (Bobby Roode/Petey Williams) vs Shark Boy/Eric Young[/U][/B] The next match actually has a lot of history to it. Eric Young, a former member of Team Canada would be stepping in the ring against his former teammates Roode and Williams. Williams actually defeated Young to become #1 Contender last month at Final Resolution. Team Canada have been hit and miss the last few weeks as far as victories are concerned, so this week they really need the victory. [IMG]http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/3731/11rooderzr7.jpg[/IMG] Team Canada were already in the ring as their opponents ran out to the ring. Just as Sharky and Young slid in the ring they were cut off by Team Canada. Petey and Roode stomped away at their opponents with some massive boots to the head. Eric Young was quickly sent outside the ring leaving Shark Boy to fend off both members of Team Canada. Shark Boy was hit with a double suplex before Rudy Charles forced Bobby Roode to exit the ring allowing only Petey to be the legal man. Petey got a two count following the suplex and then controlled the match for the next few minutes. He worked over Shark Boy with some mat wrestling, but quickly went back to his cheating tactics with his top rope "Oh Canada" stance. The referee quickly broke up the move, but the damage had been done. Petey went for the sharpshooted, but Eric Young broke it up. Seconds later, Eric Young was tagged in. He came in the ring in rare form. He countered a few right hands by Petey and then dropped Petey on his chest with a gut buster allowing Sharky to connect with the Shark Bite. Petey broke free and made the tag. Roode and Young locked up, and from that moment it was all over. Roode used his power to toss Young in the corner. Next, Roode blasted Shark Boy with a right hand knocking him off the apron. Roode then connected with a simple German suplex on Young for the victory. [B]Winner: Team Canada[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]The Truth Runs into "Da Bad Guy"[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is backstage talking with some fans and reporters. They are joking around and "The Truth" starts showing off his current rap. Everyone seems to enjoy the performance, and Truth seems to be in good spirits. Moments later Truth says that he has to go and turns around to head to his locker room. When he turns around however, he bumps into "Da Bad Guy" Scott Hall who was walking with Nash and DDP. Unfortunatley for Killings, Hall had a cup of coffee in his hand and spilled it all over himself. Hall was irate. He stars downgrading the Truth saying that he's lucky he doesn't take him out. Nash and DDP stop Hall from getting physical, and Truth apologizes. Hall was having none of it though. He just kept yelling at Truth trying to get him fired up. At this time, Jim Cornette noticed what was going on. He says that these two are not going to make a mockery of his authority and destroy the backstage area as result of a fight back here. Instead, he says the two will meet in the ring tonight as Xplosion's Main Event! As Truth was walking away he yelled at Hall who did his trademark "Ohh...I'm scared taunt". Killings obviously allowed Hall to get under his skin. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Hardy Speaks on Abyss[/U][/B] Jeff Hardy is backstage with J.B. Hardy says that it was announced earlier tonight that he and Elix Skipper will be taking on Abyss and...well...somebody else next week on Impact. Hardy says that it's obvious that Abyss doesn't intimidate him, and from the looks of it Elix Skipper hasn't been intimidated either. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/193/11jeffhardynm8.jpg[/IMG] Therefore, if they aren't intimidated by the Monster Abyss, it shouldn't matter who his partner is. Jeff says that he's done a lot of things in his life, and next Wednesday he is going to add something new to that list. Because on Wednesday he is going to KILL a Monster with his bare hands. Next, Hardy DARES Abyss to try and do the same to him. Hardy says that the Last Man Standing match at the Against All Odds Pay PEr View won't mean anything, because it won't take place. Because just like he said, he is going to KILL THE MONSTER on Wednesday leaving nothing left for Against ALL ODDS! [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Americas Most Wanted...Tag Champs!?!? Not Really.[/U][/B] Following the Hardy interview a video hyping the AMW Tag Team Title steal from Impact this past week. [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2408/11amead3.jpg[/IMG] The video highlights the recent battles between Daniels/AJ including the beatdown with AMW standing above AJ/Daniels will the Tag Titles in their hands. Next, it the video shows clips of the interview with AMW saying they felt different with the Tag Titles in their hands, and they loved it. Then, Finally the video showed AMW taking the Tag Titles from the bags of AJ/Daniels on Impact. The Clip ends with AMW holding the Tag Team Titles high above their heads and then a marquee scrolling across saying AMW vs The Naturals....#1 Contendership Match...NEXT WEEK ON IMPACT! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted vs The James Gang[/U][/B] America's Most Wanted verses the James Gang is a Pay Per View quality match-up that the fans will get to see for free tonight. Two of the most dominent Team in the history of this company. It will prove to be a hard hitting match-up with both men NEEDING THE VICTORY going into next weeks big show. Harris and Storm were already in the ring looking on at the video package on the TNA-TRon. The nodded as they watched and held the TNA Tag Team Titles above their heads. Even if they didn't belong to them, they were obviously proud. [IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/6943/11jamesgnagbb8.jpg[/IMG] The James Gang made their way to the ring and did their usual mic work on the way. The entered the ring and taunted a bit. However, when the bell rang fun and games were over. This one started off clean, BG James and Chris Harris stayed in the ring as the legal men. They locked up and Harris took early control of the match by taking him in the corner. Harris worked over BG with some brawling techniques including some clubbing fists and a forearm to the back of the neck. Harris kept control after dropping BG James with a forearm he hooked on a sleeper hold. That is when things changed, BG got to his feet out of the sleeper and dropped Harris down with a backdrop. From there, Kip entered the ring and they connected with a double suplex as the ref was distracted by Storm. BG and KIP made the tag sound despite not making the Tag and Kip became the legal man. Kip worked over Harris for a few minutes. He stomped away at Harris before mounting him with some punches and then hooking him in a DDT position. Harris managed to push Kip to the corner and tag in his partner. AMW turned the momentum with some illegal double team techniques. They took turned blasting away at Kip with closed fists and this time the ref was distracted with BG. AMW planted Kip James with a double DDT, but couldn't get the pinfall due to the refs continous distracted by BG. From this point on AMW controlled most of the match. They tagged in and out working over Kip James exhusted their opponent. Evenetually though, Kip did managed to get the tag. BG came in swinging. First Storm and then Harris. He did his punch combo as he alwayd does connecting on both men. Before BG can finish the combo though, both member of AMW flee to the outside of the ring. BG and the ref both yell for the members of AMW to get in the ring. However, they have other ideas. Chris Harris grabbed a steel chair on one side of the ring and went to enter the ring. As the referee tried to stop Harris from cheating with the chair, Storm entered the ring on the opposite side and had a chair of his own. He hit BG in the back with it and tossed it out of the ring. As the ref turned around he made the count....1.....2.....3 [B]Winner: Americas Most Wanted[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Styles/Daniels Attempt to Get Revenge[/U][/B] Following the match-up, as AMW are celebrating with titles in their hands, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels hit the ring. Both men bounce off the ropes and attempt to connect with spinning Heel kicks on both members of AMW. However, Americas Most Wanted manage to outsmart the Tag Champs. As the champs go to kick them, Harris and Storm both duck and both members of The James Gang are blasted with the kicks. AJ and Daniels realize what happened, but keep their attention on the Champs. A brawl ensues between AMW and Daniels/AJ. Just as Daniels and AJ get the upperhand on AMW and are ready to connect with their finishers. The James Gang clobber them from behind. The James Gang were obviously upset about being kicked in the face. They stomp away at AJ and Daniels as AMW flee the ring with the Tag Team Titles in their possession. AMW laugh as they exit the ringside area. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]"The Truth" Backstage[/U][/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings is backstage getting ready for his match-up with Scott Hall that will take place next. Ron Killings says that he didn't have any problem with Scott Hall when the night started. He said if you want to know the truth, he respects Hall, and all three members of Da' Pack for that matter. Killings says that he watched all three of those men as he was training to be a wrestler, and aspired to achieve their popularity. However, after the ignorance that Hall showed earlier following a little accident, he has changed his mind. Tonight he is going to show Scott Hall WHATS UP! He said if the other members of Da' Pack get involved they'll see WHATS UP AS WELL! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Ron "The Truth" Killings vs Scott Hall [/U][/B] Scott Hall was angered following the altercation earlier tonight which led Cornette to sign this match-up. It's unfortunate because Killings didn't want any problems with Da' Pack, but obviously things changed. Killings isn't intimidate by Hall, but it doesn't seem as Hall takes Killings seriously either. Da' Pack being ringside could decide the result of this one though. [IMG]http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/9894/11hallpn5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/2738/11truthto5.jpg[/IMG] Ron Killings and Scott Hall were both in the ring. Da' Pack, Kevin Nash & DDP were both outside. Killings and HAll locked up early on and Hall was thrown into the corner. Instead of letting it bother him he just mocks Killings and tried to get under his skin. Bad mistake. Killings clobbered Hall with a closed fist and took control of the match. Killings actually dominated most of this one using all of his trademark moves including the dancing. Killings dropped Hall on several different occasions with some spin kicks, and even connected with his suplex into a jaw breaker. However, he was only able to get a two count. Later in the match, HAll actually blocked a right hand and took the momentum away from Killings. Hall went for the fallaway slam, but quickly Killings reversed by landing on his feet. Killings was one step in front of Hall during this entire match-up. Hall was obviously getting frustrated. Hall turned around following the faulty Fallaway slam to be kicked in the gut. It was obvious Killings was ready to finish HAll of with his famous spinning axe kick. However, as Killings hit the ropes both members of Da' Pack grabbed his legs from outside. Killings wasn't hurt, but it did start an arguement between he and the two additional members of Da' Pack ringside. DDP and Nash both just smiles and laughed at Killings. As Killings turned around from dealing with Da' Pack outside, Scott Hall was waiting for him. Hall connected with a boot to the midsection and then an OUTSIDERS EDGE! From there is was over... 1.....2......3! Da' Pack stole a victory from Ron Killings! [B]Winner: Scott Hall[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Sting Speaks on Christian Cage![/U][/B] Just as all the superstars involved in the Main Event exit the ringside area the lights beging to flicker. After a bit of flickering, Sting's music blasts over the PA system. However, Sting is no where to be found. Or so we thought. After a few moments Sting is spotted up in one of the high corners of the building in the rafters. On one of the video screens is a picture of Christian Cage, and Sting points at the photo with his trademark baseball bat. As he points to the picture he speaks. [IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7274/11stingrf7.jpg[/IMG] "Christian Cage, on Impact I showed you what I'm capable of. However, I've yet to see what you are capable of. Next week, yet again you will get your chance. While I doubt you'll prove yourself, I'll be waiting. Christian Cage...I DARE YOU...to prove yourself to me. Next week Live On Pay Per View....IT WILL AGAIN BE SHOWTIME FOLKS!" From there Sting fades into the darkness of the rafters. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Zamora Temple (Southest) Attendence: 2,000 SELLOUT Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT][/center]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] [I]- As announced on TNA's Syndicated Xplosion broadcat this week, TNA Wrestling will indeed go back to their roots and start running weekly pay per view shows this upcoming Wednesday. While TNA officials claim the move is temporary rumors indicate they are unsure of their future as far as a television timeslot is concerned. While they would love to get another decent television deal nothing is as permanent and reliable as their weekly pay per views. - For those who missed Xplosion TNA announced a HUGE JAM PACKED card for their first weekly Pay Per View broadcast. This show will be two hours long and the week after the show will go to an hour and a half broadcast time. - For those who have seen David Young in the last few weeks are surprised. In just a short time his look has done a COMPLETE 180. Young actually wrestled a dark match on Impact early this week and while the qualitiy of the the match wasn't the best, Young seemed to be in great shape and ready to return to television. Still, his look will shock most when he does return. More information on this situation will be posted as it becomes available. - TNA knockout Jackie Gayda has been offered a deal with an independent promotion. TNA has no use for Gayda at this point and has expressed that they don't care rather she stays or goes. - TNA officials hope that the Jam Packed Card for next weeks Impact will draw lots of Pay Per View buys. It's not secret that the company lost money each week on their last weekly Pay Per View run. Hopefully they will be able to come through this time. - TNAwrestling.com has promised an interview with Petey Williams later this week. Williams seems to be very upset with the Four WAy X-Division Match-up next week because he feels he should get a one on one match witih Low Ki. Stay tuned for more updates. - Overall, it seems the Wrestling World is in a frenzy. With ECW and TNA Wrestling both losing their timeslots on the Nationally Broadcasted shows there is no telling what could happen now. Wrestling populaity is obviously on a downward spiral and there needs to be something BIG to happen to cause a rise in popularity. [/center][/I]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] [I]- As announced on TNA's Syndicated Xplosion broadcat this week, TNA Wrestling will indeed go back to their roots and start running weekly pay per view shows this upcoming Wednesday. While TNA officials claim the move is temporary rumors indicate they are unsure of their future as far as a television timeslot is concerned. While they would love to get another decent television deal nothing is as permanent and reliable as their weekly pay per views. - For those who missed Xplosion TNA announced a HUGE JAM PACKED card for their first weekly Pay Per View broadcast. This show will be two hours long and the week after the show will go to an hour and a half broadcast time. - For those who have seen David Young in the last few weeks are surprised. In just a short time his look has done a COMPLETE 180. Young actually wrestled a dark match on Impact early this week and while the qualitiy of the the match wasn't the best, Young seemed to be in great shape and ready to return to television. Still, his look will shock most when he does return. More information on this situation will be posted as it becomes available. - TNA knockout Jackie Gayda has been offered a deal with an independent promotion. TNA has no use for Gayda at this point and has expressed that they don't care rather she stays or goes. - TNA officials hope that the Jam Packed Card for next weeks Impact will draw lots of Pay Per View buys. It's not secret that the company lost money each week on their last weekly Pay Per View run. Hopefully they will be able to come through this time. - TNAwrestling.com has promised an interview with Petey Williams later this week. Williams seems to be very upset with the Four WAy X-Division Match-up next week because he feels he should get a one on one match witih Low Ki. Stay tuned for more updates. - Overall, it seems the Wrestling World is in a frenzy. With ECW and TNA Wrestling both losing their timeslots on the Nationally Broadcasted shows there is no telling what could happen now. Wrestling populaity is obviously on a downward spiral and there needs to be something BIG to happen to cause a rise in popularity. [/center][/I]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Pay Per View:[/b] [I]TNA is going back to its roots this Wednesday Night as they start broadcasted the weekly Pay Per Views that got them where they are today. TNA has promised it's first show back on weekly Pay Per View will be memorable in tons of different ways. The first show back will be two hours and the card is jam packed featuring all of TNA's biggest stars. Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Sting, Lesnar, Brown, AJ, Daniels, Joe, Stars of the X-Division, AMW, The James Gang, and many more will be in action. If your a wrestling fan this will be one show you cannot MISS! [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] -Low Ki vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) -AMW vs Naturals (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) -AJ/Daniels vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) -LAX vs The James Gang -Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs Abyss/??? -Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Pay Per View:[/b] [I]TNA is going back to its roots this Wednesday Night as they start broadcasted the weekly Pay Per Views that got them where they are today. TNA has promised it's first show back on weekly Pay Per View will be memorable in tons of different ways. The first show back will be two hours and the card is jam packed featuring all of TNA's biggest stars. Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Sting, Lesnar, Brown, AJ, Daniels, Joe, Stars of the X-Division, AMW, The James Gang, and many more will be in action. If your a wrestling fan this will be one show you cannot MISS! [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] -Low Ki vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) -AMW vs Naturals (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) -AJ/Daniels vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) -LAX vs The James Gang -Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs Abyss/??? -Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/center]
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Xplosion Review - I noticed that you had the Impact banner over your Xplosion show. Was that a mistake, or something else? - Good move going back to PPV, however I would make it longer, at least 2 hours. - Predictions for Impacts return to weekly PPV’s [B]Low Ki [/B]vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) – Lo Ki to win this one. As much as I love the other guys I don’t see any of them being strong enough to beat Ki. AMW vs [B]Naturals[/B] (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) – I am a naturals fan and I think they will go far. [B]AJ/Daniels[/B] vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) – This one is a no brainer unless you pulloutan upset. [B]LAX[/B] vs The James Gang – LAX are too good to lose this match. Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs [B]Abyss/??? [/B]– Whomever the surprise partner will be will be the deciding factor. Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs [B]Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/B]– Now if this is not a blockbuster match then I don’t know what is. I say Joe over Jarrett to put more heat onto this feud between them. - I really like how you matched up both Hall and Killings for the main event. It’s a good way to give the younger guy the rub even though Hall does not have the popularity that he once did. I would have given that match to Killings however, perhaps to start a feud or something. Good show overall and it’s painfully obvious why you got only a C+. However I like the fact that you focused mainly on the young guys, giving them some much needed ring time. - I always thought David Young was under rated. He never was bad in the ring and had a devastating Spine Buster. He could be a breakout star is paired with a decent manager. Overall a good way to head into this new weekly PPV. Again I say it should stay as a 2-hour show, and then try to get a 2-hour slot on a new network. Just my opinion brother.
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Xplosion Review - I noticed that you had the Impact banner over your Xplosion show. Was that a mistake, or something else? - Good move going back to PPV, however I would make it longer, at least 2 hours. - Predictions for Impacts return to weekly PPV’s [B]Low Ki [/B]vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) – Lo Ki to win this one. As much as I love the other guys I don’t see any of them being strong enough to beat Ki. AMW vs [B]Naturals[/B] (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) – I am a naturals fan and I think they will go far. [B]AJ/Daniels[/B] vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) – This one is a no brainer unless you pulloutan upset. [B]LAX[/B] vs The James Gang – LAX are too good to lose this match. Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs [B]Abyss/??? [/B]– Whomever the surprise partner will be will be the deciding factor. Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs [B]Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/B]– Now if this is not a blockbuster match then I don’t know what is. I say Joe over Jarrett to put more heat onto this feud between them. - I really like how you matched up both Hall and Killings for the main event. It’s a good way to give the younger guy the rub even though Hall does not have the popularity that he once did. I would have given that match to Killings however, perhaps to start a feud or something. Good show overall and it’s painfully obvious why you got only a C+. However I like the fact that you focused mainly on the young guys, giving them some much needed ring time. - I always thought David Young was under rated. He never was bad in the ring and had a devastating Spine Buster. He could be a breakout star is paired with a decent manager. Overall a good way to head into this new weekly PPV. Again I say it should stay as a 2-hour show, and then try to get a 2-hour slot on a new network. Just my opinion brother.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;153815]Xplosion Review - I noticed that you had the Impact banner over your Xplosion show. Was that a mistake, or something else? - Good move going back to PPV, however I would make it longer, at least 2 hours. - Predictions for Impacts return to weekly PPV’s [B]Low Ki [/B]vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) – Lo Ki to win this one. As much as I love the other guys I don’t see any of them being strong enough to beat Ki. AMW vs [B]Naturals[/B] (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) – I am a naturals fan and I think they will go far. [B]AJ/Daniels[/B] vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) – This one is a no brainer unless you pulloutan upset. [B]LAX[/B] vs The James Gang – LAX are too good to lose this match. Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs [B]Abyss/??? [/B]– Whomever the surprise partner will be will be the deciding factor. Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs [B]Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/B]– Now if this is not a blockbuster match then I don’t know what is. I say Joe over Jarrett to put more heat onto this feud between them. - I really like how you matched up both Hall and Killings for the main event. It’s a good way to give the younger guy the rub even though Hall does not have the popularity that he once did. I would have given that match to Killings however, perhaps to start a feud or something. Good show overall and it’s painfully obvious why you got only a C+. However I like the fact that you focused mainly on the young guys, giving them some much needed ring time. - I always thought David Young was under rated. He never was bad in the ring and had a devastating Spine Buster. He could be a breakout star is paired with a decent manager. Overall a good way to head into this new weekly PPV. Again I say it should stay as a 2-hour show, and then try to get a 2-hour slot on a new network. Just my opinion brother.[/QUOTE] Well, I'm doing two hours for the first show. However, this is because I'm wanting it to be a big deal. The reason I don't want to go two hours all the time is it'll be hard to write all that. If I get a regular Television deal then I'll go two hours and do without Xplosion altogether I think.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;153815]Xplosion Review - I noticed that you had the Impact banner over your Xplosion show. Was that a mistake, or something else? - Good move going back to PPV, however I would make it longer, at least 2 hours. - Predictions for Impacts return to weekly PPV’s [B]Low Ki [/B]vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley (X DIVISION TITLE) – Lo Ki to win this one. As much as I love the other guys I don’t see any of them being strong enough to beat Ki. AMW vs [B]Naturals[/B] (#1 Contenders Match for Tag Titles) – I am a naturals fan and I think they will go far. [B]AJ/Daniels[/B] vs Bentley/Kazarian (Non Title) – This one is a no brainer unless you pulloutan upset. [B]LAX[/B] vs The James Gang – LAX are too good to lose this match. Jeff Hardy/Elix Skipper vs [B]Abyss/??? [/B]– Whomever the surprise partner will be will be the deciding factor. Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett/Monty Brown vs [B]Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe/Sting [/B]– Now if this is not a blockbuster match then I don’t know what is. I say Joe over Jarrett to put more heat onto this feud between them. - I really like how you matched up both Hall and Killings for the main event. It’s a good way to give the younger guy the rub even though Hall does not have the popularity that he once did. I would have given that match to Killings however, perhaps to start a feud or something. Good show overall and it’s painfully obvious why you got only a C+. However I like the fact that you focused mainly on the young guys, giving them some much needed ring time. - I always thought David Young was under rated. He never was bad in the ring and had a devastating Spine Buster. He could be a breakout star is paired with a decent manager. Overall a good way to head into this new weekly PPV. Again I say it should stay as a 2-hour show, and then try to get a 2-hour slot on a new network. Just my opinion brother.[/QUOTE] Well, I'm doing two hours for the first show. However, this is because I'm wanting it to be a big deal. The reason I don't want to go two hours all the time is it'll be hard to write all that. If I get a regular Television deal then I'll go two hours and do without Xplosion altogether I think.
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[QUOTE=mikeyg32118;153862]Well, I'm doing two hours for the first show. However, this is because I'm wanting it to be a big deal. The reason I don't want to go two hours all the time is it'll be hard to write all that. If I get a regular Television deal then I'll go two hours and do without Xplosion altogether I think.[/QUOTE] I know the feeling. I currently have 2 2-hour shows going on and it gets to be a hassle, however you can feature a lot more guys that way.
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[QUOTE=mikeyg32118;153862]Well, I'm doing two hours for the first show. However, this is because I'm wanting it to be a big deal. The reason I don't want to go two hours all the time is it'll be hard to write all that. If I get a regular Television deal then I'll go two hours and do without Xplosion altogether I think.[/QUOTE] I know the feeling. I currently have 2 2-hour shows going on and it gets to be a hassle, however you can feature a lot more guys that way.
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/williams/normal_peteywilliams46.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]TNAwrestling.com's One on One with Petey Williams:[/B] [i] Mike Tenay: I'm sitting here with former X-Division & TNA Tag Team Champion, Petey Williams. Petey, how is it going? Petey Williams: It's going fine. It could be better, but I guess it could be worse too. Mike Tenay: Would you care to elaborate on that statement? I figured since you are going into TNA's Return to Pay Per View Extravaganza next Wednesday with an X-Division title shot you'd be happy. Petey Williams: Sure, I get a title shot on Wednesday night. However, I should've gotten it a long time ago. And not against three men. No, I should've been one on one with Low Ki because quite frankly I earned it. If you remember right Mike, last month at Final Resolution I beat that LOSER Eric Young for a #1 Contenders shot at that title. Mike Tenay: I understand where you're coming from, but technically you are getting your shot. Petey Williams: Technically? Technically I've been screwed yet again. I sense a short of pattern here in TNA, Mike. As a member of Team Canada I think I've been held back. Mike Tenay: Are you saying the TNA officials are predujice? Petey Williams: That's exactly what I'm saying. Every since Team Canada's return we've been held back? Mike Tenay: No offense, but in my opinion since Team Canada's return you guys have all had tons of Television time and matches. Most of which were very entertaining. Petey Williams: Whatever Mike. You work for TNA, and you say what you are paid to say. Mike Tenay: Anyways, speaking of Team Canada. Since your reunion a lot has changed. We've seen Eric Young not welcomed back, we've seen the addition of Christian Cage to the alliance, and lately we've seen less and less of A-1. Petey Williams: That's right. We're striving to make Team Canada pure greatness. Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, Petey Williams and most importantly Scott D'Amore. That spells greatness. Mike Tenay: Are you saying A-1 has been kicked out? Petey Williams: I'm just saying...Have you seen A-1? Actions speak louder than words Mike. Just like my Canadian Destroyer! Mike Tenay: Speaking of the Canadian Destroyer. It seems to be the most popular finishing move in Pro Wrestling these days. What do you think about that Petey? Petey Williams: I'm not here as a popularity contest. I'm here to wrestle. And again, it's obvious actions speak louder than words. Mike Tenay: One last question. Christian Cage and Bobby Roode...I've sensed a little turmoil here. It seems as if each man believes he is the leader of Team Canada. While nothing has technically been said, it seems that there is some jealousy stirring here. Petey Williams: Do I look like Bobby or Christian? I'll tell you one thing Mike, Scott D'Amore...He's the leader. What he says goes...Period. You'll see that sooner than later. If Christian and Bobby get into it it'll be because he said so, not because they don't agree. Mike Tenay: I hate to doubt you, but there is no way that Christian Cage is taking orders from Scott D'Amore. Petey Williams: Oh Yea? Is Christian wearing a Team Canada shirt or isn't he? There is your answer. Anyways Mike, lets stop beating around the bush here. Next week Petey Williams is going to go through Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and yes even Low Ki to become the new TNA X Division Champion. And I'm going to do it with the Canadian Destroyer. Mike Tenay: There you have it folks, one of the X-Division's best, and a member of Team Canada, Petey Williams. Thanks Petey. Petey Williams: Yea, whatever. [/center][/I]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tnapics.com/albums/superstars/williams/normal_peteywilliams46.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]TNAwrestling.com's One on One with Petey Williams:[/B] [i] Mike Tenay: I'm sitting here with former X-Division & TNA Tag Team Champion, Petey Williams. Petey, how is it going? Petey Williams: It's going fine. It could be better, but I guess it could be worse too. Mike Tenay: Would you care to elaborate on that statement? I figured since you are going into TNA's Return to Pay Per View Extravaganza next Wednesday with an X-Division title shot you'd be happy. Petey Williams: Sure, I get a title shot on Wednesday night. However, I should've gotten it a long time ago. And not against three men. No, I should've been one on one with Low Ki because quite frankly I earned it. If you remember right Mike, last month at Final Resolution I beat that LOSER Eric Young for a #1 Contenders shot at that title. Mike Tenay: I understand where you're coming from, but technically you are getting your shot. Petey Williams: Technically? Technically I've been screwed yet again. I sense a short of pattern here in TNA, Mike. As a member of Team Canada I think I've been held back. Mike Tenay: Are you saying the TNA officials are predujice? Petey Williams: That's exactly what I'm saying. Every since Team Canada's return we've been held back? Mike Tenay: No offense, but in my opinion since Team Canada's return you guys have all had tons of Television time and matches. Most of which were very entertaining. Petey Williams: Whatever Mike. You work for TNA, and you say what you are paid to say. Mike Tenay: Anyways, speaking of Team Canada. Since your reunion a lot has changed. We've seen Eric Young not welcomed back, we've seen the addition of Christian Cage to the alliance, and lately we've seen less and less of A-1. Petey Williams: That's right. We're striving to make Team Canada pure greatness. Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, Petey Williams and most importantly Scott D'Amore. That spells greatness. Mike Tenay: Are you saying A-1 has been kicked out? Petey Williams: I'm just saying...Have you seen A-1? Actions speak louder than words Mike. Just like my Canadian Destroyer! Mike Tenay: Speaking of the Canadian Destroyer. It seems to be the most popular finishing move in Pro Wrestling these days. What do you think about that Petey? Petey Williams: I'm not here as a popularity contest. I'm here to wrestle. And again, it's obvious actions speak louder than words. Mike Tenay: One last question. Christian Cage and Bobby Roode...I've sensed a little turmoil here. It seems as if each man believes he is the leader of Team Canada. While nothing has technically been said, it seems that there is some jealousy stirring here. Petey Williams: Do I look like Bobby or Christian? I'll tell you one thing Mike, Scott D'Amore...He's the leader. What he says goes...Period. You'll see that sooner than later. If Christian and Bobby get into it it'll be because he said so, not because they don't agree. Mike Tenay: I hate to doubt you, but there is no way that Christian Cage is taking orders from Scott D'Amore. Petey Williams: Oh Yea? Is Christian wearing a Team Canada shirt or isn't he? There is your answer. Anyways Mike, lets stop beating around the bush here. Next week Petey Williams is going to go through Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and yes even Low Ki to become the new TNA X Division Champion. And I'm going to do it with the Canadian Destroyer. Mike Tenay: There you have it folks, one of the X-Division's best, and a member of Team Canada, Petey Williams. Thanks Petey. Petey Williams: Yea, whatever. [/center][/I]
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Hey brother, you know I love your stuff, and I would like to see it continue (I really want to see where the Brock/Monty thing goes). Just post whenever you get the chance. However I know that writing a diary is a lot of work and sometimes there just is not enough time in the day. Im going to be going threw this myself once I report to my new command. Do whatever feels right to you brother, cause at the end of the day, the diary writing is about one thing, entertaining yourself.
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Hey brother, you know I love your stuff, and I would like to see it continue (I really want to see where the Brock/Monty thing goes). Just post whenever you get the chance. However I know that writing a diary is a lot of work and sometimes there just is not enough time in the day. Im going to be going threw this myself once I report to my new command. Do whatever feels right to you brother, cause at the end of the day, the diary writing is about one thing, entertaining yourself.
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I have a proposition for someone. I'm still interested in my current TNA and do want to still post replies. However, I was wondering if someone would like to work with me on this. Take another promotion and run with it so it seems like there are more shows and stuff despite us both doing less updates. Anyone understand what I mean? :) Hit me back.
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I have a proposition for someone. I'm still interested in my current TNA and do want to still post replies. However, I was wondering if someone would like to work with me on this. Take another promotion and run with it so it seems like there are more shows and stuff despite us both doing less updates. Anyone understand what I mean? :) Hit me back.
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The boards seem to be pretty quite as of late as far as the big boys of diary writing goes. Not sure if you are going to get any takers on this brother. I would but as you know I have one going on with Nevermore. Just do it when you get the time and people will read it. Hey the next time you go to the Impact tapings you have to hold up a sign or something that indicates that its you. This way I can say "Hey thats the other TNA writer on the boards!"
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