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Career Management

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I am now at renewing a few of my contracts and I am wondering which approach to go about in the negotiation and career planning. First. In the early stages of the game, when the wrestlers improve the most (raings of 1 to 5 is 500% increase). How do you approach contract length? I have found that I can get it to increase and reduce its length. Do you negotiate to reduce it knowing that the wrestler will improve and so as to get a wage increase as quickly as possible, or do you increase it as to gain more job security?... even if its a verbal deal. Second. In th middle stages of the game... after you move from opener in a small fed but before you sign your first written contract with a global fed. Do you focus on one region as to increase your overness there as quickly as possible, or do you go for the most contracts anywhere in the world? I.e. You have a PPA deal with a national level fed in Canada and a PPA deal with a regional or cult level in USA, and both feds have a show on the same day. And assume your objective is to become a star in one of the two US global feds. Do you go to Canada where the pay will be higher (and are expected to go by the booker), or do you go with the US regional/cult fed where you will receive a lower pay but will increase your overness in the states much faster.
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First Question: I always try to get the shortest length deal out of the smaller feds when starting out. The reason being, as you say, is that your guy may improve over time and get kicked up higher on the roster in that 3-6 months. To get paid for Enhancement talent wages while Midcarding is to be avoided. Second: I am coming to the conclusion that it all boils down to self-restraint. I tend to stick to one or two promotions at one given time all the time. But I also tend to roleplay my guys a bit more than some would. I figure that your wrestler is showing loyalty by sticking with the smaller promotions - the ones that get you were you are, so to speak. If I get hired to a verbal deal by a more 'known' promotion and am making good strides, I will always stick around that one regional promotion that 'got me there'.
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