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Ring of Honor: From a Fans Perspective

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[quote][center][img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/4043/rohfa2.jpg[/img][/center] Hello all. I am your average wrestling fan and I live in New Jersey. I started to get really into wrestling towards the beginning of 2001. It hit me big starting at WrestleMania X-7 which was basically my first real event I watched fully. I continued on watching the WWF and occasionally went to a few shows. Such as the last show before the 2002 Split, 2002 Survivor Series, and a few more. I was really never into Indy Wrestling at all, but that was until 2004. I started to hear about this promotion called Ring of Honor. I wasn’t to sure on what it was, but all I wanted to do was watch it. That finally happened when I went to ROH Reborn: Completion on July 17 of 2004. It was at the Rex Plex and I saw some great action. I didn’t really know any of the names except for Ricky Steamboat, but from this point on, the names stuck with me. I continued following ROH, but I wasn’t a huge fan. I occasionally looked up results for them, but then I heard about the next event at the Rex Plex. Glory By Honor II on September 11 of 2004. This was my second ever ROH Show and this really got me into ROH. After this night, I was a changed man; I would look for every event of ROH and look for every match result. I continued going to each show at the Rex Plex until it got shut down. I couldn’t believe what happened. So then I said to myself, I can’t let this happen. So, I started going to every ROH event in the Tri State area, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Then came 2006 and I wanted a change. I didn’t just want to go to ever Tri State show, but I wanted to go to every show. So I did and to this date I still do. 2006 has been a great year for ROH, but it did have it’s up’s and down’s. Still no title changes to this date, but now CZW is done as is July and I am ready for August as this weekend’s double shot looks to be amazing. Here are the previous results from July for those of you who aren’t up to date. [b][u][color=red]Death Before Dishonor IV[/color][/u]: July 15th, 2006 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania[/b][list=1] [*][b]Six Man Mayhem[/b]: Rhett Titus defeated Derrick Dempsey, Bobby Dempsey, Mitch Franklin, Antonio Blanco & Alex Payne [*][b]Top Of The Class Trophy[/b]: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the trophy (2nd Defense) [*]Delirious defeated Seth Delay [*]Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro defeated Colt Cabana & Jay Lethal [*][b]ROH Pure Wrestling Title[/b]: Nigel McGuinness defeated Roderick Strong by Count-Out to retain his title (15th Defense) [*]Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe defeated Jake Crist & Dave Crist [*]AJ Styles defeated Davey Richards [*][b]ROH Heavyweight Title[/b]: Bryan Danielson defeated Sonjay Dutt to retain his title (26th Defense) [*][b]Cage Of Death Match[/b]: Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer, Adam Pearce, , Ace Steel & Homicide defeated Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb & Eddie Kingston [/list][b][u][color=red]War of the Wire II[/color][/u]: July 28th, 2006 – Dayton, Ohio[/b][list=1] [*]Bobby Dempsey, Egotistico Fantastico & Rhett Titus defeated Conrad Kennedy III, Shane Hagadorn & Nick Braxton [*]Jimmy Jacobs defeated Trik Davis [*]Davey Richards & Jerrelle Clark defeated Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro [*][b]ROH Pure Wrestling Title[/b]: Nigel McGuinness defeated Colt Cabana by Count-Out to retain his title (16th Defense) [*]Matt Sydal defeated Christopher Daniels [*]Jake Crist & Dave Crist defeated Pelle Primeau & Alex Payne [*]Austin Aries defeated Bryan Danielson, Homicide & Delirious [*]Jay Brisoce & Mark Briscoe defeated Roderick Strong & Jack Evans [*][b]No Ropped Barbed Wire Match[/b]: BJ Whitmer defeated Necro Butcher [/list][b][u][color=red]End of a Generation[/color][/u]: July 29th, 2006 – Cleveland, Ohio[/b][list=1] [*]Alex Payne, Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey defeated Trik Davis, CJ Otis & Pelle Primeau [*]Shane Hagadorn defeated Egotistico Fantastico [*]Delirious defeated Claudio Castagnoli [*]Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro defeated Colt Cabana & Ace Steel [*]Jay Briscoe defeated Jimmy Jacobs [*]Homicide defeated Mark Briscoe [*]Davey Richards, Jerrelle Clark, Jake Crist & Dave Crist defeated Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal & Jack Evans [*]BJ Whitmer defeated Chris Cage [*]Christopher Daniels defeated Christian Cage [*][b]ROH Heavyweight Title[/b]: Bryan Danielson defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain his title (27th Defense) [/list][/quote] OOC: Not the best backstory, but whatever. Right now my NWA:TNA Diary is on hold. It isn't done for good. So this is my diary I plan to actually keep for a while. It will be told in my point of view so I hope everyone likes this way. Next I will be getting up other backstory stuff and then the card for my first show.
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[center][b][u][color=red]Current Champions[/color][/u][/b]: [b][u]ROH World Heavyweight Champion[/u][/b]: [img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/5060/bryandanielsonzg8.jpg[/img] [b]Bryan Danielson – September 17, 2005[/b] [b][u]ROH Pure Champion[/u][/b]: [img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/1825/nigelmcguinnessnq0.jpg[/img] [b]Nigel McGuinness – August 27, 2005[/b] [b][u]ROH World Tag Team Champions[/u][/b]: [img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/5969/ariesandstrongak0.jpg[/img] [b]Austin Aries and Roderick Strong – December 17, 2005[/b] [b][u][color=red]Result Archive[/color][/u][/b]:[/center] [url=http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=137382&postcount=6][b]ROH Going Out In Style[/b][/url] Check out AJ Styles last match in ROH for four months as he faces off against Samoa Joe. Plus Ultimate Endurance returns as does NOAH superstar KENTA as he teams with Davey Richards to face The Briscoe Brothers, Delirious battles Nigel McGuinness for the Pure Title and more!
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[center][img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8355/roh1uu9.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Going Out In Style[/color][/u]: August 4, 2006 – Long Island, New York[/b] [b]Main Event[/b] Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles KENTA and Davey Richards vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe [b]Non-Title[/b] Bryan Danielson vs. Jack Evans [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match [u]Fall 1[/u][/b]: Tap Out Rules [b][u]Fall 2[/u][/b]: Tag Team Scramble Rules [b][u]Fall 3[/u][/b]: Regular Tag Team Rules ROH World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer vs. Homicide and Ricky Reyes (The Rottweilers) Jimmy Rave and Sal Rinauro (The Embassy) [b]Pure Title Match[/b] ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. Delirious [b]Challenge Match[/b] Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal vs. Dave and Jake Crist (Irish Airborne)[/center]
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[img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8355/roh1uu9.jpg[/img] Show Review [b]ROH Going Out in Style[/b] (08/04/06) Results & Thoughts [i]By Jacob Baron[/i] -- Ring of Honor returned to Long Island, New York, on August 4, 2006, for “Going Out in Style,” featuring AJ Styles last ROH Match for the next four months. -- The countdown was going and I was ready right in my front row seat right near the entrance area. Right when it hit zero and the music started the crowd erupted like usual. Once everyone came down to the ring, Bobby Cruise did his usual talking welcoming everyone back to Long Island, New York in Sports Plus Entertainment Center. Finally after everything was settled the action was ready to begin. [b]1. Shane Hagadorn defeats Rhett Titus at 7:41 to retain the ROH Top of the Class Trophy.[/b] Shane Hagadorn was back and finally making more defenses with his trophy as this is only his third after holding the trophy for over two months already. This was your basic student match, nothing too exciting at all. The crowd was all over Hagadorn telling him he sucks and such weird comments as he has bad hair. The match continued, though, as Hagadorn continued to try and be boring only to annoy the fans. Finally, Titus got moving and nailed the trophy holder with a huge Dropkick, but to only piss Hagadorn off even more. After a few more boring minutes, Hagadorn, who worked on Titus’ arm the whole match got him to tap out after locking in a messily Arm Bar. After Titus worked his way to this match by winning a Six Man Mayhem at DBD, it was worthless as he barley got any offense in against Hagadorn and just couldn’t pull off a victory. 1/2* [b]2. Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal defeats Dave and Jake Crist (Irish Airborne) at 10:55.[/b] This was a good entertaining match, much better then the curtain jerker. Irish Airborne seemed like they had a tough time getting over here even though I still think they are impressive. They didn’t impress me enough as Daniels and Sydal are just a genius booking by Gabe for putting them together. They worked perfectly together and seemed like they have been working together for a few years now. Irish Airborne was trying to fly around and win the match, but that wouldn’t work as they just hurt themselves more because their aerial attacks backfired. After Daniels got rid of Jake Crist after he hit a Splash Mountain, I believe, Daniels and Sydal went crazy on Dave Crist. The ending was amazing and very exciting. Sydal got the crowd exploding from their chairs after he hit Dave with a back flip Belly to Belly Suplex. I couldn’t believe what I just saw and I thought it was over, but it wasn’t. Daniels did his thing and nailed Dave with the Best Moonsault Ever and then Sydal jumped on Dave and gave them the victory. A very exciting victory it was for Daniels and Sydal. ** -- After the match was over, Chris Daniels just wanted to give his partner a little praise. So he got on the microphone and told everyone that him and Sydal connected perfectly together and told everyone that the team of Daniels and Sydal will make it far. Daniels said maybe as far as the ROH Tag Team Titles. I would love to see that happen, especially a match between Aries and Strong against Daniels and Sydal. That would be godlike. -- It was time for some more ROH vs. CZW battle, but before Colt could kick Claudio’s ass, Claudio had to say his two cents. Claudio of course put down ROH and said that he doesn’t want to work here, but has to because of his contract. Claudio then compared Colt Cabana, his opponent, with ROH, they are both crap which got the crowd rallied up. They were booing at Claudio like crazy, but he didn’t care because he was here to do one thing win, which isn’t going to happen! [b]3. Colt Cabana defeats Claudio Castagnoli at 12:54.[/b] Man was this exciting or what. This was amazing interaction between the fans and Claudio and the fans and Colt. Right when the bell rang the crowd chanted for a dance off which got Claudio laughing. Colt started doing his thing, but stupid Claudio had to ruin the fun. Double C somehow controlled this whole match which really pissed me and the rest of the crowd off. Thank god things turned around late in the match when Cabana fought back with European Uppercuts of his own while Claudio was hitting them on Colt. The crowd then started chanting “Colt Cabana” followed by “Claudio Sucks” making Colt the ultra face. The end looked like it was near for Claudio as Colt was looking for the Colt 45, but somehow Claudio fought out of it! Roll ups back and forth then went on and there were so many near falls. That finally stopped and Claudio went for the Ricola Bomb, but Colt slipped out of it and rolled Claudio back up to get a pinfall. Cheap? It may be, but CZW got shut down again, just like they did the last three out of the four shows! This was a very good match even if it had the traitor of Double C. A lot of technical action going on, but it was exciting. **3/4 [b]4. Bryan Danielson defeats Jack Evans at 13:16.[/b] Can’t get any better then having the ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Bryan Danielson in action. It can get worse, though, as Danielson wasn’t defending the title so the match wasn’t as meaningful for Dragon. It still was a good match, though, as Evans wanted to pin Dragon so he could actually get the title shot. Both men were really over with the crowd chanting for both men. One huge spot happened early on when Evans nailed Dragon with a huge Hurricanrana, followed up with a Corkscrew 450 Splash. Jack wasn’t done, though, but Dragon thought he was. The World Champ rolled out of the ring to regain his breath only to hear the crowd chanting “Please Don’t Die” as Jack is up high flying right towards Dragon nailing him with a Corkscrew 630 Splash, I believe it was. The crowd was going nuts for what they just saw. Everyone figured Jack would pin the Champion after that, but that didn’t happen as I was a little upset because I would have loved to see another one of these matches. Anyway, Dragon battled his way back into this and was able to connect with a Dragon Suplex, but he couldn’t bridge it well and it was almost a Double Pinfall. Dragon then flipped over, though, and locked in the Cattle Mutilation. It was obviously over after that as I don’t think I remember seeing anyone really breaking out of it unless they got to the ropes. Jack didn’t get to the ropes, but instead tapped out. It was a very good match, though, even though I was for Dragon, I believe Evans deserves another shot at Dragon some other time down the line. *** [b]5. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeats Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer, Homicide and Ricky Reyes (The Rottweilers) and Jimmy Rave and Sal Rinauro (The Embassy) at 18:34 in an Ultimate Endurance Match to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles.[/b] This was a real exciting one just like the others. The ROH World Tag Team Champions had two of these going into tonight and tomorrow night. I was thinking they would lose them in one of these Ultimate Endurance Matches, but the way they performed tonight, they showed everyone how good they really are. The first fall of the match was for a team to tap out and I was thinking to myself who can make someone tap out. The only person I had in my mind was Roderick Strong with the Strong Hold. Ricky Reyes was then another thought as well, but my first though was correct. Aries and Strong dominated the field early by knocking most of the teams out of the ring. The first elimination finally happened at the 9:02 when Roderick Strong flipped Rave to the mat and locked in the Strong Hold. Rave’s new partner had a chance to help out Rave, but he totally f**ked up as he went to break up the submission, but slipped on the mat and fell short to break it up. The comedy came in after The Embassy was eliminated as the way up the ramp, Rave, Nana and Haze started screaming at Rinauro. I guess it hasn’t been a good start for Sal. Back with the match, though, the next elimination came a few minutes later at 12:46. The second fall was settled by Scramble Tag Rules. This part was chaos as Homicide really wanted Pearce. Both men really battled rough back and forth. Homicide chants were getting louder and louder, but then out of nowhere, BJ Whitmer attacked Adam Pearce! Whitmer, I guess, had enough of Pearce’s s**t and he wants to help Homicide battle against Pearce and Cornette. Pearce wound up nailing Ricky Reyes with a chair getting him and Whitmer disqualified. Whitmer wasn’t so much worried and Pearce was just happy he got away from Homicide. It was now down to the ROH World Tag Team Champions and The Rottweilers, but Ricky Reyes was knocked out with a huge steel chair shot. Homicide was on his own for a good three minutes until Reyes got up. It was back to a two on one, though, when Pearce tripped up Reyes and brought him out of the ring. Homicide was sick of Pearce’s actions and went for him on the outside. Whitmer went to help as well and now it was a two on one on the outside. Meanwhile, Reyes got back in the ring and got nailed with a huge Backbreaker from Strong and then the 450 Splash by Aries to let the Tag Champions to retain in a great match. This wasn’t an amazing Ultimate Endurance Match, but it still was very exciting. *** -- I was thinking it was time for Intermission, but not exactly as Adam Pearce was able to escape from Whitmer and Homicide and get a microphone somewhere in the crowd. He stood on a chair and told Homicide that tomorrow night he has a big surprise for him as he will enjoy what the surprise will be. Pearce added that Whitmer won’t get off easy, though, as he will also be involved tomorrow night. -- It was now time for Intermission and Bobby Cruise announced that ROH would be back in Long Island, New York on November 24 and tickets were now on sale near the door. So during the 25 minute Intermission, I first went towards the door and bought a front row ticket for the show on November 24. I saw Cary and shook his hand and said a few friendly words. I was a bit hungry so I grabbed a freaking five dollar sub that was like the size of my hand. After that I went to the Merchandise Table. I got my next DVD’s for my collection which was How We Roll and Ring of Homicide. After I did everything I needed, I had about a minute to spare out my seat. The music then started up and the crowd started getting loud again. The action was about to start back up. [b]6. Chad Collyer defeats Pelle Primeau at 2:55.[/b] A simple squash match starting the action back up. The thing surprised me, though, was Chad Collyer wrestling back on the East Coast. No one really cared as people still took this as Intermission. Not entertaining at all as I really think Collyer is boring. Collyer won with his usual Texas Cloverleaf on Pelle. To short of a match to be rated, though, nothing exciting. -- Out came one of my ROH favorites, Nigel McGuinness. He had his regular McGuinness Shirt on with the Pure Title around his waist. He cut a promo first on Delirious saying that in England it is a rule that the competitor must be able to speak English, which Delirious can’t do, to be able to wrestle. The crowd got a kick out of that, but Delirious just stayed squatting down in the corner. Nigel then went onto talking about Bryan Danielson and told him that the first time they faced he won. Then last week they faced and Danielson cheaply won. Nigel said that next week in Liverpool it will be Nigel vs. Danielson III. He also noted that the match will be a two fall match with the first fall being for the ROH Pure Title and the next fall for the ROH World Heavyweight Title. Nigel said this time he will keep his Pure Title and also take the ROH World Heavyweight Title proving Danielson why he is the Best Wrestler in the World. I really loved this promo, as I do with all of Nigel’s. I really can’t wait until Nigel vs. Dragon III. [b]7. Nigel McGuinness defeats Delirious at 13:54.[/b] Another exciting match here, basically like the rest on the card. Delirious was into this match just like the way he faced Bryan Danielson. Delirious wanted to finally get a title in ROH, but I knew in my head he had no chance because I knew we were seeing Champion vs. Champion against in Liverpool. Delirious had a quick start taking control pretty early. He really impressed most of the crowd and had them behind him. Delirious blew the chance basically when he fell for the head stand in the corner by Nigel. After Nigel did that, he was cruising the rest of the way. I thought it was over after Nigel nailed Delirious with a huge Lariat, but somehow the lizard man kicked out. The crowd was back behind Delirious and he fought back. He went and threw Nigel in the ropes this time, but Nigel went in-between the ropes and bounced back with another Lariat. Nobody could believe it. Just when Delirious seemed to get the control once again, Nigel came back out of nowhere. I knew the finish was coming as Nigel put Delirious onto the turnbuckle. He then locked his head and nailed a sick Towers of London. It was all over after that and Nigel made another title defense. This means Nigel will be for sure Champion going into Liverpool. I enjoyed this match. Not the best match, but I really like Nigel and Delirious. *** [b]8. Davey Richards and KENTA defeated Jay and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) at 14:50.[/b] One of my favorite overall tag teams against a great rising star and the ever so popular, KENTA. What a match this was. This really got the crowd pumped up the match before the main event. KENTA was really over like always and Davey kept on getting into the crowds head. Early on the advantage was towards the team who has been tagging for a much longer time, The Briscoes. They took advantage of the inexperienced team of Davey and KENTA. However, Davey and KENTA wouldn’t give up as these two men were fighters who wouldn’t quit. KENTA got a hot tag from Davey towards the midway point of the match. He was striking both Briscoes back and forth really entertaining the crowd. KENTA nailed his Running Knee Strike on Jay as well as a few huge kicks to the chest on Mark. The ending, though, saw Davey Richards getting double teamed by The Briscoes. With KENTA down on the outside everyone thought it was ending with The Briscoes winning. KENTA stopped that, though, when Mark went up high when they looked for a Spike Jay Driller. KENTA pushed Mark off the top and tripped up Jay. Davey once again made another hot tag to KENTA and it was done from there. Everyone was on their feet screaming KENTA’s name as he nailed Jay with the Running Knee Strike. KENTA then nailed the Go 2 Sleep which I saw perfectly, which was amazing. KENTA covered and that was all. So far the match of the night, but with Joe vs. Styles coming up next, I think this could be topped. ***1/2 [b]9. Samoa Joe defeats AJ Styles at 23:50.[/b] Just like I thought, this match topped the previous. Joe and Styles put on a classic which no one will probably forget. This was Styles last match before leaving ROH for four whole months. He left on a high note even though he came up with the loss. Dueling chants started off the match with the crowd going back and forth chanting, “Let’s go Styles, Let’s go Joe!” I, of course, was chanting for Joe, who is my favorite ROH wrestler. Joe took the early advantage with some stiff strikes and then grounding Styles. Joe got some stiff kicks to the back of Styles, but AJ came back grounding Joe and doing the same to him. After about five minutes of action, both men stood face to face in the middle of the ring. The action then started back up again and this time AJ took control. AJ stayed with it for a while, but he did not bore down the crowd. He was trying to weaken Joe while also running around nailing Joe from all different angles. Styles seemed to be losing control, but then he was able to connect with one of my favorite moves, the Pele Kick. Styles thought it was over then, but I knew it wasn’t. It was now time for Joe to take control a little later, though, and this got me out of my seat. Joe started smacking the leaving hell out of Styles, but Styles started slapping back. The crowd was on their feet and started the chant again. Joe took down Styles, though, and Joe was looking to lock in the Rear Naked Choke. I knew if Joe got it locked in it was over, but AJ didn’t allow it. Finally the match was nearing its end when AJ just nailed Joe with a Roaring Elbow from the top rope. Joe was down and AJ went up high. He flew with the Spiral Tap which got the crowd back on their feet to stay for good. Joe got his knees up, though, and Styles had a rocky landing. Both men got up about the same time, though, and AJ went for another Pele Kick. I thought I would see it again, but Joe instead nailed Styles with a huge kick in the gut! Joe then lifted AJ up onto the turnbuckle and then picked him up from the corner and planted AJ with the Muscle Buster. Joe covered Styles, but he got his foot on the rope! I couldn’t believe, neither did anyone else. Joe lifted Styles up, but Styles out of nowhere lifted Joe and got him in position for the Styles Clash! It looked as if he was going to hit it, but Joe slid through it and then ground AJ and this time locked in the Rear Naked Choke. AJ was down for and wound up tapping out. What a classic this put on like I said and deserves and very high rating. **** -- After the match ended, Samoa Joe helped up AJ Styles and grabbed a microphone. Joe thanked all the fans for coming and then thanked AJ for the wonderful match they just put on. Joe called down the roster with most of the faces coming down. I think they played this off a bit to much as it wasn’t Styles last match ever in ROH only for the next four months. Anyway, Styles was able to talk and just thanked the fans and said that he appreciates them. He also said that when he comes back in four months he will be going after something he really wants, the ROH World Heavyweight Title. Now I can’t wait until he comes back so I can see a classic match between AJ and Dragon for the Title if Danielson is still Champion. [b]Overall Thoughts[/b]: My thoughts overall is that this was a really good show. Not one of the best of this year, but it was up there. I really enjoyed most of the card except for the Top of the Class Trophy Match and the boring, Chad Collyer match. Besides those, it was a fun night. Now I can’t wait until tonight, as it 3:30 over here. As we got Joe vs. Danielson, KENTA vs. Davey, Ultimate Endurance, Four Corner Survival, and much more. I can’t wait. Once again this was a great night. For about the 300 fans in attendance at the Sports Plus Entertainment Center in Long Island, New York, I believe most of them enjoyed this ROH Event.
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[center][img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8355/roh1uu9.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Fight Of The Century[/color][/u]: August 5, 2006 – Edison, New Jersey[/b] [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title Match[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe [b]Challenge Match[/b] KENTA vs. Davey Richards [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match [u]Fall 1[/u][/b]: Tag Team Scramble Rules [b][u]Fall 2[/u][/b]: Tap Out Rules [b][u]Fall 3[/u][/b]: Regular Tag Team Rules ROH Tag Team Champions Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. Dave Crist and Jake Crist (Irish Airborne) vs. Jack Evans and Matt Sydal vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) [b]Four Corner Survival[/b] Nigel McGuinness vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Sterling James Kennan vs. Claudio Castagnoli [b]ROH Top Of The Class Trophy Match[/b] Shane Hagadorn vs. Bobby Dempsey [b]Challenge Match[/b] Colt Cabana vs. Sal Rinauro[/center]
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[img]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8355/roh1uu9.jpg[/img] Show Review [b]ROH Fight Of The Century[/b] (08/05/06) Results & Thoughts [i]By Jacob Baron[/i] -- Ring of Honor returned to Edison, New Jersey, on August 5, 2006, for “Fight Of The Century,” which it just might be as the ROH World Heavyweight Champion faced off against Samoa Joe. The Inman Sports Club was packed, more than I have ever seen, probably up to 1,000 people in attendance. A lot of people wanted to see this Fight Of The Century. [b]1. Colt Cabana defeats Sal Rinauro at 8:52.[/b] This match was basically all comedy. Cabana got a huge pop and Sal Rinauro came down with everyone from The Embassy. So right when Rave got in the ring, the TP’s flew. But Rave quickly pussied out and left. The match got underway with a dance off, but Nana got Rinauro to snap out of it and start wrestling. Cabana basically just played around with Sal all match. Cabana kept on doing comedy lockups which pissed off Nana and Haze. The two members of The Embassy at ringside decided to try and distract Cabana, but instead they distracted their own man somehow. This lead to Sal turning right into a huge Lariat. Cabana backed away Nana and Haze and covered Sal for the easy victory. Was some comedy, but even though Sal didn’t really do much, Cabana entertained the crowd. * [b]2. Shane Hagadorn defeats Bobby Dempsey at 7:54 to retain the ROH Top of the Class Trophy.[/b] Another Shane Hagadorn match, two in two nights is rough. Again was a boring encounter, but this time his opponent got in some offense. The crowd was all for Bobby as the haircut chants once again started up at Hagadorn. Dempsey had early control, but things turned around when he went and charged at Hagadorn in the corner and the Top of the Class Trophy holder moved out of the way. Hagadorn hit a Clothesline on Bobby nearing the end, but he wouldn’t go down. He tried two more times, but Bobby just wouldn’t go down. So Hagadorn came running once again and just nailed Bobby with a Dropkick to the knee. Hagadorn then locked in a boring arm bar submission hold to make Bobby Dempsey tap out. A very boring match here, just like his one last night. 1/2* [b]3. Nigel McGuinness defeats Christopher Daniels, Claudio Castagnoli and Sterling James Kennan at 15:48.[/b] Jay Lethal was suppose to return to ROH tonight since it was back near his hometown of Elizabeth, but Lethal cancelled late and instead of him we got Sterling James Kennan. I knew it wasn’t going to be him, but the other three all had a chance. Sterling James Kennan came out impressing everyone early while Claudio acted like a ***** every time getting tagged in tagging back out or when someone looks for a tag he jumps off the apron. Nigel was over in this match, but not as much as the Fallen Angel. Claudio of course had major heat with Kennan not really getting a response. Daniels got the crowd even more into it, though, when he took Claudio, who wasn’t a legal man, and nailed his head into the turnbuckle. He was dangling on the apron when Nigel tagged him in. This lead to having Claudio to almost stay in for the rest of the match to basically embarrass himself. Claudio was finally able to tag in Nigel coming down to the finish. It was Nigel and Kennan in the ring with Daniels on the apron and Claudio taking a rest on the outside. Nigel cleared Daniels off the apron, though, with a comedy poke to the eyes. Kennan tried to get a sneaky victory then over Nigel with a rollup, but Nigel kicked out and locked Kennan right into some sort of submission. I believe it was some modification of the Anaconda Vice, but anyway, Kennan tapped out to give Nigel the victory. This was an exciting match with a victor who makes sense to give him more momentum going into Liverpool. *** -- After the match was over Nigel rolled to the outside and grabbed his Pure Title as well as a microphone. He then rolled back in the ring and lifted up his Pure Title saying that the title is a symbol. And the symbol means that he is the best Pure Wrestler in the World. He then said at Liverpool, he will show everyone that he isn’t just the best Pure Wrestler in the World, but the Best Wrestling in the World, even better then Danielson. Nigel finished up saying, “I am the best there is, the best there was, and the………well, well you know the rest” giving the crowd a chuckle. [b]4. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeats Dave and Jake Crist (Irish Airborne), Jack Evans and Matt Sydal and Jay and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) at 19:17 in an Ultimate Endurance Match to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles.[/b] This was just nonstop action here. The first fall was Tag Team Scramble Rules to make everything just a little bit crazier. Next was Tap Out Rules which slowed things down, but not to much and finally was normal tag action which was still exciting. Each team was out of control and it is hard to remember what went on during the first fall. Each team had a quick pace at this point to tire everyone down early. So the first elimination came a bit early which was at the 6:02 mark when Mark Briscoe just took out everyone in the match, except for Jay Briscoe and Jake Crist who were still fighting in another spot on the outside, with a Shooting Star Press to the outside. Jay and Jake made it back into the ring where Jay connected with the Jay Driller on Jake Crist elimination him and Dave Crist of the Irish Airborne. It was now three teams left and the next fall was Tap Out Rules only. Things calmed down a bit as teams started working on others bodies a bit more rather then flying around. After a bit of time, at 14:49 the next elimination came. Jack Evans just nailed Mark Briscoe with a Falcon Arrow and Austin Aries nailed Jay Briscoe with a Sidewalk Slam. Aries and Evans then got involved with each other while Sydal locked in a Reverse Chinlock on Mark Briscoe while Strong locked in the Strong Hold on Jay Briscoe. Mark was the first to tap and it was now down to two teams. It was down to former stable mates, but now they had to compete against each other. It was now a normal tag team match, but these two teams were getting tired and couldn’t last for so much longer. Sydal tried to end it on Aries by again hitting that Belly to Belly Moonsault Slam, but Strong was there to break it up and then Strong tried to break the back of Sydal. Evans came and broke it up, but he would get met with a couple of huge slaps. Strong then held Jack up and Aries got up and they hit the Hart Attack! Then Aries got up Sydal and went for a Brainbuster, but instead Strong came and slapped Sydal in midair for a Double Team Move. Aries and Strong called for the finish as Aries went up high while Strong picked up Jack. Strong hit a Tiger Driver on Jack while Aries hit the 450 Splash on Sydal. The ROH World Tag Team Champions pinned their former stable mates at the same time to pick up another victory in the Ultimate Endurance. What a match this was just to make Aries and Strong even better as tag champs. *** -It was now time for Intermission and Bobby Cruise announced that ROH would be back in Long Island, New York on November 25 and tickets were now on sale near the door. It was about a 23 minute Intermission, shorter than usual, but I wasn’t complaining one bit. [b]5. Delirious defeats Mitch Franklin at 3:44.[/b] Nothing better to see Delirious in action unless it is Delirious is in action getting a victory. This was a basic squash match following Intermission which ROH tends to do nowadays. Mitch Franklin got fed to the Lizard Man and this got the crowd back into things after Intermission. Delirious finished off the young Mitch Franklin quickly with the amazing Chemical Imbalance #2 which the crowd went crazy for. This match was way to short to rate, but it did get the crowd into it. -- Down came Adam Pearce to the ring getting a chorus of boos. He grabbed a microphone and said that last night he told everyone he has a surprise for Homicide as for Whitmer. Pearce said that as Lt. Commissioner he has booked a match tonight. He said it would be Homicide and BJ Whitmer facing two men in tag team action. Pearce called down Homicide and Whitmer and down came both men with the crowd chanting Homicide’s name. They got in the ring and Homicide snatched the microphone out of Pearce’s hand getting a pop. He asked Pearce what it would be. 3 on 2? 4 on 2? 5 on 2? Thinking it would be a Handicap Match. Pearce politely took the microphone back and said that he said it before; it would be a regular tag team match. Pearce announced that it would be Homicide and BJ Whitmer against himself and……all of a sudden the music of Steve Corino hit! The crowd got on their feet with quite a few chanting Corino’s name. Homicide had a weird smile on his face as he was happy to see Corino. So right now, one wish has been granted for Homicide. [b]6. BJ Whitmer and Homicide defeats Adam Pearce and Steve Corino by Disqualification at 11:04.[/b] This was just an all out brawl which all four men basically disobeyed the referee. Homicide and Whitmer were really over and Corino was a bit too as it was his return. This match wouldn’t end until someone had to put a stop to it and that is exactly what happened. It started off as a Tornado Tag Match even though those weren’t the rules, but referee, Paul Turner couldn’t control the four men so it remained like that the rest of the match. Homicide and Corino were basically going at it at all the time unless Pearce would try and jump in and jump Homicide from behind. Steve Corino tried to make the match hardcore by bringing a chair into the ring and went after Homicide. Paul Turner tried to make Corino drop it, but he wouldn’t listen. This winded up to Homicide ducking the chair shot and Corino nailing Turner leaving the match with no referee. While Turner was down the match was absolute chaos. The match suddenly turned hardcore and it was like Steve Corino and Homicide from past ROH encounters, but with Pearce and Whitmer involved. The match got real dangerous late with Turner still down when Corino got a 2X4 wrapped in barbwire. He brought it into the ring, but the tides turned when Homicide was able to capture the 2X4 barbwire. He did drop it, though, and instead nailed Corino with an Ace Crusher then picked the 2X4 back up waiting for Corino to get to his feet. While Corino was recovering so was Turner without anyone noticing. After Pearce shook Whitmer off outside of the ring, he came in with a chair. Right when Corino got to his feet Homicide was about to whack the 2X4 wrapped in barbwire over the head of Corino, but Pearce out of nowhere nailed Homicide with a steel chair! The crowd couldn’t believe it, but referee, Paul Turner saw it and called for disqualification giving Homicide and Whitmer the victory. A very exciting brawl here which really got the crowd pumped up. ***1/2 -- After the match ended, Pearce and Corino couldn’t believe it and threatened to attack Turner. They didn’t, though, but instead Pearce got on the microphone once again. Pearce told Homicide that he wasn’t done with him and that on August 25 in St. Paul it would be Pearce against Homicide in an Anything Goes Match! Pearce wasn’t done and said on August 26 in Chicago Ridge, it would be Corino against Homicide in a Falls Count Anywhere Match! Pearce and Corino wished Homicide with luck and then left the ring to a chorus of boos. [b]7. KENTA defeats Davey Richards at 14:40.[/b] One of the disappointing matches of the night, but it still showed how good these guys are to still make it good. Everyone was expecting a little bit more, but the two performed very well. It actually seemed the two didn’t work well together as they both seemed a bit off of their game. With all of that mentioned, it still was one of the better matches, though. The match kicked off with Davey Richards impressing everyone grounding KENTA with some big kicks, but it didn’t take long until KENTA got some control and got his huge stiff kicks in. The crowd was on fire when KENTA started going crazy with some kicks and chops. After KENTA stiffed up Davey for so long, referee, Todd Sinclair had to stop KENTA to make sure Davey was okay. Davey continued on and took it like a man. Davey was able to fight back, though, and soon took control when he nailed KENTA with a huge Lariat out of nowhere to make another spark in the match. Davey tried ending it after the Lariat as it seemed he was going for the Shooting Star Press, but KENTA was able to get up in time. KENTA tried to toss Davey off the top, but Davey impressively nailed KENTA with a Hurricanrana. Coming down towards the finish it seemed Davey might pick up the upset victory as he just connected with a huge Enziguri. Davey then got KENTA up and nailed a Lungblower. It seemed Davey was in full control, but he wasn’t. Davey went for the finish with the Shooting Star Press, but KENTA got his knees up. KENTA took back the advantage with a couple of stiff kicks. He then nailed his huge Running Knee Strike. KENTA went for the Go 2 Sleep, but Davey avoided it, but Davey still walked into a huge Fisherman’s Buster. Amazingly, KENTA kept the leg hook and rolled back to his feet still holding Davey over his head. KENTA then dropped to the mat with a Fisherman’s Suplex and kept the bridge picking up the victory of Davey Richards. Like I said, it wasn’t as good as expected, but it still was a good match. *** [b]8. Bryan Danielson drew with Samoa Joe in a Time Limit Draw at 60:00 to let Bryan Danielson retain his ROH World Heavyweight Title.[/b] A really amazing match here between the current ROH World Heavyweight Champion and the longest reigning ROH World Heavyweight Champion. These two men gave it their all and they made it a Match of the Year Candidate. Danielson made sure Joe wouldn’t become the first two time World Heavyweight Champion in ROH history as he made sure he made no mistakes, but Joe did the same as he wanted to be the one to end Dragon’s reign. The chants started up the match with the crowd chanting back and forth, “Let’s go Joe! Let’s go Dragon!” Early on, Dragon gets a rollup for a nearfall and Danielson mocks Joe, telling him how close he came to winning it. There are lots of armbars, headlocks and reversals in the first 15 minutes, and it’s obvious this one is going to be long. About 10 minutes in, Joe suddenly gets free from a headlock and lays in some hard chops that jolts the crowd. Dragon fought back, though, and immediately got back a headlock in. A little later on Dragon trying to get Joe down onto the mat with some Shoulder Blocks, but it doesn’t affect Joe at all. Joe then comes back with a Shoulder Block of his own knocking down Danielson. There was then a few more quick nearfalls by each man, before the Champion rolled out of the ring to the floor. Joe followed Dragon, though, and now they started battling on the floor. Joe got the upper hand with many slaps to the face and set up for the huge Ole Kick. The crowd got into it and Joe smashed Dragon’s face into a ROH sign in front of the barriers. Joe then rolled Dragon back in the ring, but that wasn’t enough for Joe to take the victory. About halfway through the match both men are showing some signs of tiredness, but they continue to go back and forth. Dragon tried to slow the pace down a bit and that is what he did as he locked in many different holds on the upper body of Joe. Danielson tried to get Joe into the Cattle Mutilation, but every time Joe would break away from it. Once Joe got back onto his feet for good, he took back the advantage after a few Kawada Kicks and then a huge Enziguri. Joe then locked in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring, but Dragon was able to slide his way across the ring to the ropes. Around the 40 minute mark, Joe called for the finish and pointed to the corner. Joe lifted Dragon up and set him up on the turnbuckle. Joe tried to set Danielson up for the Muscle Buster, but the Champion fought out of it and pushed Joe away. Joe came charging back, though, and jumped up nailing Dragon with a kick to the side of the head. Joe then lifted Danielson up and dropped him with the Muscle Buster! Everyone thought it was over, but Dragon was close enough to the ropes to get his foot on the bottom rope! Joe couldn’t believe it and took his eye of Dragon. This allowed the Champion to recover and get up and nail Joe with a Dragon Suplex out of nowhere. He held Joe down, but forgot to bridge so it almost was a Double Pin, but at the last second Danielson let go. The last 10 minutes was the most exciting, of course, with the crowd not quieting down. Dragon was able to lift Joe up and spun him around and around with an Airplane Spin which lasted for about 15 spins, which isn’t bad with the factor of Joe’s weight and they have been going at it for 50 minutes already. When they both shook the dizziness off, Dragon came charging at Joe and nailed him with a Roaring Elbow Smash, but Joe stayed on his feet. Danielson then grabbed Joe and started to nail him with repeated Elbow’s to the head. He was able to hit at least 20 in a row until Joe fought out of it hitting Dragon with a Back Body Drop. With about 5 minutes left, Danielson was able to lock in the Cattle Mutilation. It seemed Joe was about to give up, but he was able to fight out of the hold, without getting to the ropes. Both men got to their feet and they started slapping each other back and forth. Joe then exploded with a large number of slaps on Dragon. Joe then came charging and nailed Danielson with a huge Yakuza Kick making him fly back into the corner. Joe then lifted Dragon up and nailed another Muscle Buster on Dragon, this time in the middle of the ring. There was about a minute left and Joe rolled on top of Danielson. At the last tenth of a second possible, Dragon kicked out. For the final few second each man struggled to get to their feet and once they did get up straight it was all over at the 60 minutes has elapsed. Like I said before, it was an amazing match, but I just wish it had a finish. I guess it makes sense with no real finish to set up another match, but either way, it still is a Match of the Year Candidate. ****1/2 [b]Overall Thoughts[/b]: Another great show by Ring of Honor to end a great weekend. I say this night was a little better then the first as do the 1000 fans in attendance, I believe. The last three matches after the squash match after Intermission were the best three. Number one goes to of course, the main event between Danielson and Joe. Both of these put on a fantastic classic and no wonder why it was called the fight of the century. It is up there near Joe vs. Punk II, but I don’t think it was as good as they had a little bit more something then tonight. But I am excited that we can be expecting another classic between these two men. My runner-up goes the huge brawl between Homicide and Whitmer against Pearce and Corino. I know for those of you who don’t like hardcore won’t like it as a runner-up, but it is also great when we see Corino and Homicide in the same ring again. I can’t wait until the Falls Count Anywhere between the two in Chicago Ridge, but the match between Homicide and Pearce the night before should be a good one as well. My bronze goes to KENTA and Davey Richards. I don’t think this was Davey’s best showing in ROH as I believe he has done better things with Jimmy Rave. I hope Davey can get another dream match like this soon, against someone like Joe or Daniels. Now I just can’t wait until England, but the only thing is I won’t be going…it’s in England! I don’t have that much money. But hearing about Nigel vs. Danielson III should be awesome. I can’t wait.
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[img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5300/rohnewsfr0.jpg[/img] [b]ROH Newswire August Week 2[/b] -- This coming Saturday and Sunday there is a Double Shot in England, Saturday in Liverpool and Sunday in Broxbourne. In Liverpool the Main Event will be a Double Fall Match as it will be ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Bryan Danielson facing ROH Pure Champion, Nigel McGuinness. The first fall will be for the ROH Pure Title and the second fall for the ROH World Heavyweight Title. In Broxbourne the Main Event will be the ROH World Tag Team Champions facing either Team Noah or Team England. -- The current card for Liverpool is: Danielson vs. Nigel; Aries and Strong vs. Briscoes; Whitmer vs. Claudio; Team NOAH vs. Team England; Four Corner Survival; Davey vs. Rave; and also more. -- The current card for Broxbourne is: ROH World Tag Team Champions vs. Team England or Team NOAH; ROH World Heavyweight Champion vs. Out of Promotion Talent; ROH Pure Champion vs. Out of Promotion Talent; Cabana vs. Rave; and also more. -- Two more matches have been announced for Liverpool. It will be FWA Heavyweight Champion, Robbie Brookside defending his title against Chad Collyer. Also, the winner of the match will face the ROH Pure Champion in Broxbourne the next night. And, Dragon Gate talent, Shingo Takagi returns to ROH as it will be a DG vs. FWA Match as Takagi faces Mark Sloan. -- On Glory By Honor V weekend The Briscoe Brothers will be in action. On Night 1, The Briscoe Brothers will face KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji in a dream tag team match. More to come soon for The Briscoe Brothers for Night 2. -- Survival of the Fittest will return for ROH on October 6 in Cleveland, Ohio. Three competitors have already been announced with two more coming now. Already announced were Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong. Now in are Austin Aries and BJ Whitmer just to make this years even better. -- That is it for this short newswire. England is getting closer and closer and things only get better and better.
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[center][img]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4986/roh1213mq9.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Title Clash[/color][/u]: August 12, 2006 – Liverpool, England[/b] [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title vs. ROH Pure Title Match[/b] [b][u]Fall 1[/u][/b]: ROH Pure Title [b][u]Fall 2[/u][/b]: ROH World Heavyweight Title ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) [b]FWA Title Match[/b] Robbie Brookside vs. Chad Collyer [b]Winning Team Gets Tag Title Match On 8/13[/b] Doug Williams & Jody Fleisch (Team England) vs. Go Shiosaki & SUWA (Team Japan) [b]FWA vs. DG[/b] Mark Sloan vs. Shingo Takagi [b]ROH vs. CZW[/b] BJ Whitmer vs. Claudio Castagnoli [b]Four Corner Survival Match[/b] Colt Cabana vs. Matt Sydal vs. Jonny Storm vs. Spud [b]Challenge Match[/b] Davey Richards vs. Jimmy Rave[/center]
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[img]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4986/roh1213mq9.jpg[/img] Show Review [b]ROH Title Clash[/b] (08/12/06) Results & Thoughts [i]By Jacob Baron[/i] -- This review will be a bit different as I wasn’t at the show. I am basically just compiling all the reviews on rohwrestling.com and making it into one big, not really as it will probably be shorter, review. So I give credit to everyone on rohwrestling.com who did a review. -- Ring of Honor made its first ever appearance in Liverpool, England, on August 12, 2006, for “Title,” which states what exactly happened; it was ROH World Heavyweight Champion against ROH Pure Champion with both titles clashing. Liverpool Olympia was packed, one of the biggest ROH crowds ever, probably around 1,500 people in attendance. A lot of people wanted to see the ROH Champions Clash. [b]1. Davey Richards defeats Jimmy Rave at 20:47.[/b] It was a great match to start off the night with the UK crowd going crazy on Jimmy Rave and Prince Nana. Rave really got TP’d hardcore as the whole ring was basically covered. Crowd was really behind Davey as most of the fans in attendance weren’t too familiar with his work. They did fall in love with Davey soon enough. These men already knew each other very well as this was their fourth encounter in the past few months. Davey got out to the early advantage, but with Nana in Rave’s corner, he was able to distract Davey giving Nana control. During the middle of the match the pace slowed down, but the finish got the crowd going. Rave went for the Greetings From Ghana, but Davey reversed it with some sort of facebuster. Rave was rocking back and forth while Davey climbed up high. Davey flew through the air and took down a standing Rave with a Shooting Star Press. The UK crowd erupted as Davey Richards defeated Jimmy Rave once again. One of the best encounters between these two men. ***1/2 [b]2. Colt Cabana defeats Matt Sydal, Jonny Storm and Spud at 13:32.[/b] This was a very fast pace match with a lot of high flying and exciting action. Of course Jonny Storm and Spud were over with the UK crowd, but Sydal and Cabana got some very respectful pops as well. The match started out comedy like a lot of Four Corner Survival Matches in ROH do, but it got serious real quick. Storm and Spud decided to team up early on, but that didn’t really work out at all. After Storm turned away from Spud, Spud attacked actually getting a bit of heat. When the finish came near, everyone was going crazy. Cabana and Spud were the legal men at the time of the finish. Spud went was looking for a Tornado DDT while sitting on the top rope. Cabana reversed it with some sort of Belly to Belly Suplex from the top. Storm tried to fly into the ring, but he was met with a Dropkick from Cabana. Sydal tried to do the same, but Cabana caught Sydal with a huge Clothesline when he came down. Then Spud got up and he walked right into Cabana who hit the Colt 45 for the victory. A very fun and entertaining match here. *** -- Claudio Castagnoli came out getting major heat from the UK crowd. He went to talk on a microphone, but could barley be heard from the crowd as just about every person was chanting, “ROH!” Claudio was heard to be saying that Whitmer will go down as will ROH because he has a surprise for everyone. Everyone was wondering what Claudio was talking about, maybe some sort of a full roster invasion or something? [b]3. BJ Whitmer defeats Claudio Castagnoli at 12:57.[/b] This was an interesting match which started out very technical, but once it went to the outside it was more like both men just wanted to be the crap out of each other. Whitmer was super over in this match since Claudio was from CZW and Claudio was just getting major heat. Once they got on the outside both men were throwing each other into the barricades and just wouldn’t stop beating the hell out of each other. When the finally made their way back in the ring, Claudio hit a cheap low blow on Whitmer without the referee seeing. Everyone thought Claudio was going to take the cheap victory as he went for the Ricola Bomb, but Whitmer reversed it with an amazing Exploder Suplex. Whitmer then lifted Claudio up and put him on the top and finished him with an amazing Top Rope Exploder Suplex. The start was okay, but once they two started to brawl on the outside, the match got much more intense. *** -- Right after the match finished, though, down came Chad Collyer for some reason. Collyer got in the ring and shook Whitmer’s hand. But he then turned around and helped up Claudio when Whitmer turned away. Collyer then held a two on one beat down on Whitmer. It seems as if Collyer has join sides with CZW! Then all of a sudden down came running FWA Champion, Robbie Brookside. He helped out Whitmer and cleared out the ring. -- Brookside said that he wanted Collyer right here and now with his title on the line. Before the match could start, though, James Tighe came down to the ring. He got a decent reaction from the UK crowd as he is pretty well known in FWA. He got on a microphone and told everyone that Brookside won’t only be facing Collyer, but he as well as he will be taking the FWA Title tonight then the ROH Pure Title tomorrow night. [b]4. James Tighe defeats Chad Collyer and Robbie Brookside by Disqualification at 12:27 to let Robbie Brookside retain his FWA Heavyweight Title.[/b] This wasn’t the best match on the card at all, but it still wasn’t the worst. It was basically an all technical bout which kind of got the crowd out of a good mood as each man went back and forth locking in submissions. Collyer got major heat from his recent actions and both Tighe and Brookside weren’t that so over. Things heated up a bit when Claudio Castagnoli came back down. He was going to interfere in the match as he got on the apron, but BJ Whitmer came back down and pulled Claudio off the ropes. Whitmer and Claudio went at it on the outside while Brookside and Collyer started to brawl in the ring as Tighe just looked on. Collyer wound up tossing Brookside out of the ring and Claudio was able to take down Whitmer. Claudio then slid a chair in the ring for Collyer and he bashed it over the head of James Tighe. So Tighe won the match and gets the Pure Title Shot tomorrow night, but Brookside is still Champion and the only two men standing were ROH turncoats. Overall it was a pretty boring match that didn’t really involve the crowd at all. ** [b]5. Doug Williams and Jody Fleisch (Team England) defeats Go Shiosaki and SUWA (Team Japan) at 19:35.[/b] There was some very good fast pace action going on here trying to get the fans back on their feet from last match. Both teams were battling for a shot at gold tomorrow night so they wouldn’t just lay down for the three count. Williams and Flesich were working perfectly as if they were actual partners all the time while Go and SUWA were having trouble from the beginning, but they did fight through it. SUWA got stiff early on and started slapping, punching and kicking everyone that got in his way. SUWA then rolled to the outside and got his signature kendo stick, but referee Mike Kehner took it away. SUWA got pissed and threatened to hit the ref, but with SUWA distracted gave Team England the advantage. They stayed in control for quite some time until SUWA could finally tag in Go for the hot tag. Go started clearing house and nailed Doug with a German Suplex and then Jody with a Fisherman’s Suplex. Go went to finish both men off to connect with a Moonsault, but both men rolled out of the way and Go came up with nothing. SUWA saw what happened and couldn’t believe it. This gave Team England an advantage to take control. After a few more minutes, Doug hit a huge Tornado DDT and was able to cover Go without SUWA caring to break it up. This was a pretty exciting match, but nothing to impressive. **1/2 -- Right after the match ended, SUWA grabbed his kendo stick and got in the ring. He waited for Go to get up and when he did, he whacked the kendo stick over the head of Go. Team England just left as they didn’t want to get involved. While Go was down, SUWA repeatedly nailed him with shots until the kendo stick broke. SUWA made a point and we can see a big grudge match tomorrow night. -It was now time for Intermission and Bobby Cruise announced that ROH would be back in England after all! On March 10, ROH would return to Liverpool and then on March 11, ROH would return to Broxbourne. Looks like ROH found a second home, in England. It was about a 30 minute Intermission. [b]6. Mark Sloan defeats Shingo Takagi at 9:33.[/b] In probably the worst match of the night, we saw the hugest upset. Even though ROH was in England and Mark Sloan was the fan favorite, Shingo Takagi was expected to easily take a victory. But with the crowd behind Sloan, he just wouldn’t give up. Takagi basically dominated all match as he was named Rookie of the Year for 2005 on the Wrestling Observer for a reason. Nearing the end Takagi nailed Sloan with a Wrist Clutch Suplex and then locked in an Anaconda Vice. Sloan looked to be dying down, but he was able to reach the ropes. Takagi then got Sloan up and threw up him towards the ropes, but Sloan came back with a huge Yakuza Kick! Sloan then locked in a Texas Cloverleaf and amazingly Takagi tapped. Nothing really special here, as it wasn’t to exciting until the finish. *1/2 [b]7. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeats Jay and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) at 21:48 to retain their ROH World Tag Team Titles.[/b] This was an amazing tag team match, the best the two had. This was the last chance for The Briscoe Brothers to get a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Titles while Aries and Strong were Champions so they didn’t want to blow this one as they did in the past. The match started out slow like most of their matches, but the intensity picked up quick when Mark Briscoe flew to the outside early on taking out the other three guys in the match with a Shooting Star Press. This took a big toll on Mark as he did this and took a lot out of him early on when it was still about 20 more minutes until the match finished. While Mark was trying to recuperate for so long, Jay had to try and fight of the Tag Champs himself. It did work for a bit, but he could only hold of both men for so long. The crowd kept getting louder and louder for the tides to turn and they finally did. Jay went for the Jay Driller on Strong, but Aries saved his partner by jumping onto Strong’s back and then nailing Jay with a huge Dropkick. This got the crowd fired up because it was such an athletic move. The ROH World Tag Team Champions were rolling from then on until Mark was finally ready to get back in for some action and so Jay made the hot tag. Mark was sending down the Champs to the canvas over and over again, but soon enough Strong ducked an attack and came back with a huge Backbreaker. Strong was basically controlling the match from there and went and finished off Mark with a Half Nelson Backbreaker followed by the Crucifix hold into the Cutter which I believe is the CX ’02. Basically at the same time, though, Jay Briscoe hit Aries with a Jay Driller. The ref never saw that happen, though, and even though Jay covered Aries first, referee, Todd Sinclair counted Strong’s pinfall over Mark. Kind of an odd way to really end this feud as they won’t have any more matches with the titles, but it can be said that these two teams put on a show. **** [b]8. Bryan Danielson drew with Nigel McGuinness at One Fall Each at 28:38 to let Bryan Danielson retain his ROH World Heavyweight Title and Nigel McGuinness retain his ROH Pure Title.[/b] Nigel McGuinness faced Bryan Danielson twice before and got one victory over him and lost once to him. But he never had a match against Dragon like this. The title that Nigel held for a little bit less than a year and the title that Danielson held for a little less than 11 months were both on the line. It was just title vs. title, though, it was a two fall match where both men gave it their all. The match started out slowly and seemed to be another long one, just like Dragon’s previous match, but it was nothing compared to it. The first fall was for the ROH Pure Title and Nigel McGuinness wanted to make sure that he would do whatever he had to, to keep his title. The only thing was any disqualification or countout he would lose the belt. As the first fall moved on, the action got a bit more fast. Dragon nailed Nigel with a huge Roaring Elbow out of nowhere at one point and then was able to lock in the Cattle Mutilation. A little more than half the crowd was chanting, “Please don’t tap”, but the rest wanted Dragon to take the fall. Nigel was able to get his feet on the rope and continue to try and retain his title with Nigel using his third rope break, with Dragon only using two. The thing was Dragon just stayed on top and wouldn’t give in on anything. Finally, Nigel caught Dragon which he is known for. Danielson went for a Dragon Suplex it seemed, but Nigel fought out of it and wrapped around Dragon and rolled him up. Amazingly, Kehner counted three and Nigel won the first fall with a Small Package, something that Dragon is really use to doing to other people. Danielson couldn’t believe it, but he had to continue on. The first fall took 13:53 with such a surprising ending. With Dragon losing the first fall, that means that Nigel deserves another World Title Shot if he doesn’t win the belt. The second fall started out slow like the first, but remained like it for some time as both men were a bit tired from the previous fall. The crowd continued getting more behind Nigel and soon enough basically everyone was chanting his name. Dragon was able to shut the crowd up around the 20 minute mark, though, when Dragon started nailing Nigel with repeated elbow shots. Danielson won like that before, but Nigel was smart enough to grab the ropes to make Danielson stop. Nearing the finish Danielson tried to take a cheap victory like Nigel did with a Small Package, but Nigel was able to kick out. They then went back and forth trading pinfalls until they both stood up and had a staredown. The crowd got louder and louder as Danielson threw Nigel towards the ropes. Nigel slid threw the ropes, though, but his feet saved him and Nigel came charging back with a huge Lariat. With Dragon down Nigel called for the finish and went and picked the ROH World Champion up. Danielson fought, though, and won the battle by tossing Nigel towards the ropes again. Nigel slid threw the ropes again and came back charging with another Lariat, but this time Danielson ducked. Dragon then turned back and nailed Nigel with a Dragon Suplex. And just like that, Nigel was down for the count. The crowd couldn’t believe it, but once again, Bryan Danielson walked out, still ROH World Heavyweight Champion. An outstanding match this one was, with the sounds of it we seeing one more between these two. **** -- After the match ended Danielson and Nigel held another staredown, but then Dragon grabbed a microphone. He announced to everyone, “And I, Bryan Danielson, am still your ROH World Heavyweight Champion AND…Best Wrestler in the World Today!” The crowd was half and half there, but then Nigel grabbed the microphone and said back to Dragon, “And I, Nigel McGuinness, am still your ROH Pure Champion AND…Best Pure Wrestler in the World Today!” That got a little bit bigger pop from the crowd, though. Danielson took the microphone back, though, and proposed a challenge to Nigel. Danielson said on October 7 in Detroit, Michigan, No Disqualifications, No Rules, Title vs. Title, one last time! Nigel leaned and just gave Dragon, “See you there……Champ!” [b]Overall Thoughts[/b]: Sounded like a pretty good show, but can’t really call that as I wasn’t able to attend. Once again I won’t be able to attend tomorrow night, but after that I am looking good. Seems the last two matches of the night were the two best from what I heard. Now I just want to know, when will Aries and Strong’s reign end and who will be the first ever Double Champion in ROH? Bryan Danielson or Nigel McGuinness?
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[center][img]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4986/roh1213mq9.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Broxbourne Blitz[/color][/u]: August 13, 2006 – Broxbourne, England[/b] [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title Match[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Jonny Storm [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/b] ROH World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Doug Williams and Jody Fleisch (Team England) [b]ROH Pure Title Match[/b] ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. James Tighe Davey Richards and Matt Sydal vs. Jay and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) [b]Challenge Match[/b] Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Rave [b]Grudge Match[/b] BJ Whitmer and Robbie Brookside vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Chad Collyer [b]International Triple Threat Match[/b] Mark Sloan vs. Shingo Takagi vs. Spud [b]Grudge Match[/b] Go Shiozaki vs. SUWA[/center]
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[img]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4986/roh1213mq9.jpg[/img] Show Review [b]ROH Broxbourne Blitz[/b] (08/13/06) Results & Thoughts [i]By Jacob Baron[/i] -- This review will be a bit different as I wasn’t at the show. I am basically just compiling all the reviews on rohwrestling.com and making it into one big, not really as it will probably be shorter, review. So I give credit to everyone on rohwrestling.com who did a review. -- Ring of Honor made its first ever appearance in Broxbourne, England, on August 13, 2006, for “Broxbourne Blitz,” which is basically saying ROH is roaring into Broxbourne. The Broxbourne Civic Hall was packed and sold out, around 600 or more people in attendance. A lot of people wanted to see the debut of ROH in Broxbourne. [b]1. SUWA defeats Go Shiosaki at 14:45.[/b] A pretty good match to start of the night, but not what everyone expected from these two. A hard hitting contest it was, but it just wasn’t good enough. SUWA and Go went back and forth chopping at each other early on to only let Go take the advantage. He stayed in control for a good part of the match, but it all turned around when SUWA reversed the Fisherman’s Suplex. SUWA dominated the last few minutes of the match, but down at the finish, Go just wouldn’t give up. SUWA just about brought everything out on the table, except for the FFF or the Pedigree. Once he finally hit the FFF everyone thought it was over except for Go. He just got the shoulder up only to last a few more seconds as he fell victim to a top rope Jumping Lariat. Not the best on the card by a long shot, but did its job as an opener. ** -- After the match ended, SUWA helped Go Shiosaki up and wouldn’t let him leave the ring without the two men shaking hands and celebrating together. After everyone saw the two go crazy on each other last night, they made up fine tonight. [b]2. Shingo Takagi defeats Mark Sloan and Spud at 12:44.[/b] Worst match of the night, but that didn’t stop Shingo Takagi to get back from what happened last night. Shingo absolutely dominated this match with Mark Sloan just getting buried. Spud had some nice spots here and there, but Shingo Takagi was the big name in this match. Spud wound up trying to fly around the ring to much, though, as soon enough Takagi saw a few aerial attacks coming and wouldn’t let them happen. Spud a little later walked right into the Last Falcony I believe it is called to take him out. Takagi then went over to Sloan and locked in the Anaconda Vice making him tap out this time without letting him get to the ropes. *1/2 -- Claudio Castagnoli came out getting major heat once again from this time a different UK crowd. Claudio said that bringing in Chad Collyer wasn’t the only surprise, but he has more. Claudio said that everyone will find out that ROH will be going down soon enough. [b]3. Chad Collyer and Claudio Castagnoli defeats BJ Whitmer and Robbie Brookside at 13:53.[/b] This was Collyer’s first official match as apart of CZW and he did work pretty well, but locked in a few boring submissions just to piss the UK crowd off. Collyer and Claudio didn’t work to bad at all as to Whitmer and Brookside not working that well together since Whitmer was doing most of the work. At one point in the match, Whitmer had to push Brookside just to wake him up and get him focused. Whitmer and Brookside did fight back at the end, though, and basically had the match won. Brookside was the legal man with Claudio. Brookside was looking to put Claudio away and sat him up on the turnbuckle. He went for the Iconoclasm, but Claudio did a total front flip and landed on his feet only to take Brookside to the mat and lock in some sort of modified Camel Clutch. Whitmer tried to get in the ring and break it up, but Collyer stopped Whitmer with a Butterfly Suplex following up by locking in the Texas Cloverleaf. Basically at the same time, Brookside and Whitmer tapped giving CZW the victory. Wasn’t the best match of the night, but it is building some good storyline. **1/2 -- Prince Nana and Jimmy Rave of The Embassy come down to the ring and just like the night before, Rave got TP’d hardcore. These people in UK sure can use the toiler paper well. Nana got a microphone and told everyone that last night, the reason Rave lost to Richards was because he had food poisoning from the stupid country of England. Nana got a lot of heat, but went on by saying that Rave is feeling better and will beat Cabana right now and show why he deserves another shot at the World Title, not Cabana. [b]4. Colt Cabana defeats Jimmy Rave at 16:48.[/b] This was one of the better matches of the night as Cabana had to look strong going into the next set of shows since he was getting a title shot and Rave just wanted to get a title shot. These two men battled back and forth non-stop until they couldn’t go any more as they really wanted this victory. Early on, Rave was getting major heat as he was trying to avoid getting in the ring and facing Cabana as he was complaining he still was feeling sick. While this was going on, Cabana was dancing around and making fun of Rave in the ring. Rave finally got in the ring and the action was on and it wasn’t stopping for any reason. The finish was finally getting closer and Rave was looking dominant. Nana just distracted Cabana and Rave was calling for the finish. Rave went for the Greetings from Ghana, but that got blocked. Then he went for the Ghanarhea, but Cabana blocked that only to nail Rave with a Colt 45 out of nowhere. Cabana couldn’t recover in time to pin Rave, though, so both men were able to get up around the same time. Rave charged for a Spear, but missed and Cabana then charged and almost took Rave’s head off with a huge Lariat for the victory. Amazing match by these two just to show how much they want gold. ***1/2 [b]5. Nigel McGuinness defeats James Tighe at 14:57 to retain his ROH Pure Title.[/b] Another solid title defense by Nigel and a good way to get back on track after he was unsuccessful at the try for the ROH World Heavyweight Title again. James Tighe continued to impress again, though, and wouldn’t give up as he wanted to take the Pure Title back to FWA, but you can tell Nigel wouldn’t let it happen. All of Nigel’s tricks wouldn’t work in this match, like the headstand in the corner or the ropes slid through bounce back. Tighe was well scouted for a lot of Nigel’s moves, so Nigel came down to old school wrestling, just like Tighe. They battled back and forth until Tighe finally grounded Nigel and went to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf, but right when he did Nigel used his last rope break just like Tighe. Tighe then went to try and ground Nigel again, but he dodged the attack then rolled up Tighe with a Small Package getting the victory just like Bryan Danielson once again. A good technical match here, it seems every match Tighe has in ROH he impresses everyone. *** -- It was now time for Intermission and Bobby Cruise announced that ROH would be back in England once announcing the dates again, March 10 and 11. The Intermission tonight was about 25 minutes, a bit shorter then the night before. [b]6. Jay and Mark Briscoe (The Briscoe Brothers) defeats Davey Richards and Matt Sydal at 20:13.[/b] This was another amazing tag team match for The Briscoe Brothers, two in two nights. This was most likely the match of the night as these two teams performed amazingly in front of the UK crowd. Davey and Sydal were pretty over with the UK crowd as was The Briscoes even if they were acting on the heel side for a while now. The match started out fast paced and basically stayed like that for the whole match. Sydal really impressed the crowd in this match as he was hitting all different kinds of amazing moves on The Briscoes with Davey just following up with more. Mark slowed the duo down though, when he took both men out with the Shooting Star Press to the outside. Unlike last night, Mark recovered quickly from it. Jay and Mark stayed in control for a long period of time after the SSP and they were looking like they were heading towards victory. It didn’t come so early, though, as when Mark went for the Cut Throat Suplex on Davey, but Sydal made the save by Dropkicking the legs of Mark. Both teams stayed pretty even until the finish. Matt Sydal was still looking impressive and was looking to put The Briscoes away. Sydal just hit Mark with a Dragonrana which he just kicked out. Sydal then took Jay up high and was looking for the Moonsault Belly to Belly Suplex. Jay fought out of it, though, and amazingly nailed a top rope Ace Crusher just flatting Sydal. Mark then got up and hit the Cut Throat Suplex on Sydal while Jay nailed a Yakuza Kick on Davey knocking him out of the ring. Sydal was finished after the Cut Throat. A very good match between these two teams who seemed to work very well. **** -- After the match, Jay Briscoe called for a microphone and he told everyone that he and Mark talked to Adam Pearce last night. Pearce understood what happened in the past with The Briscoes and Homicide and he was wondering if The Briscoes would join Pearce and Corino take Homicide out of ROH. Jay and Mark said that they didn’t need to think about, just on one condition, they get all the Tag Title Shots they can possibly have until they win the belts. Jay told everyone that Pearce agreed and that soon enough Homicide will be out of ROH once and for all. -- Bryan Danielson came down to the ring wondering who his opponent was, as I guess he didn’t read the card from earlier on. Down came Jonny Storm with the crowd going nuts as Dragon still looked confident. Storm got in Danielson’s face saying he is the Out of Promotion Talent and ready to kick his ass. [b]7. Bryan Danielson defeats Jonny Storm at 18:41 to retain his ROH World Heavyweight Title.[/b] Jonny Storm fought his heart out in front of all ok the UK fans trying to take the ROH World Heavyweight Title home with him. Danielson had a tough night last night just barley keeping the gold so made sure tonight he would keep it again returning to America still Champion. Storm took Dragon to the end of the line, but it wasn’t enough as Dragon was just able to overcome defeating Storm. Early on Storm was on fire as well as the crowd. Dragon couldn’t do anything as he was just getting dominated by Storm. Soon enough, though, things turned around when Storm missed the Wonder Kick and Dragon jumped on Storm from there. Danielson really controlled the rest of the match slowing down the pace a bit. Dragon was calling for the finish and went for a Dragon Suplex, but Storm fought out of it and this time hit the Wonder Kick out of nowhere. Storm was tired, though, so he couldn’t take full advantage. Soon enough, Dragon locked in the Crossface Chickenwing and Storm was dying down. Referee, Todd Sinclair lifted Storm’s arm three times, but they fell three times giving Danielson the victory. A very well contested match by the two, Storm just couldn’t get the edge. ***1/2 [b]8. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeats Doug Williams and Jody Fleisch (Team England) at 24:33 to retain their ROH World Tag Team Titles.[/b] Not quite the match of the night, but these two teams definitely gave it their all as it was the last match the UK was going to see of ROH in a while. Williams and Fleisch really wanted this one so they could be the only one taking ROH Gold, but Aries and Strong didn’t want their long title reign to end in England. The match started out a bit slow, but pace got a bit faster when Aries and Strong to an early advantage. The Tag Team Champions were working perfectly together, just like they always do. Team England started to fight back, though, and soon enough they were in control. Williams and Fleisch had the crowd on their side so they just would give up so easily. Halfway through the match, Team England took a big bump. Jody Fleisch flew to the outside taking down the Champs with a Phoenix Splash. Aries and Fleisch went rolling away, while Strong was just lying prone on the outside. Doug Williams then took a huge risk by jumping over the ropes to the outside looking for a Diving Knee Drop, but Strong rolled out of the way and Doug Williams was in total pain. Soon enough, he had to be helped backstage. Now it was two on one with Fleisch all by himself against the Tag Team Champions. He fought his heart out, but there was no way he could win the belts by himself. Just when Aries went and finished Fleisch off, Team England got some help. Aries just hit the Brainbuster and was heading up high for the 450. Down came running, Jonny Storm, Fleisch’s actual tag partner and the man who just had a match against Bryan Danielson. Storm pushed Aries off the top and referee, Mike Kehner let it go as a replacement. Team England still didn’t last to long as Storm was still tired from the previous match and he fell victim to a Brainbuster/Chop Combo. Right after that, Aries and Strong hit the Hart Attack on Fleisch which lead to him getting hit with the Tiger Driver to end the match. A very good match and a surprise with Jonny Storm coming in just to make things better. ***3/4 -- After the match ended, Aries and Strong helped up Fleisch and Storm and started celebrating together. Then down limped Doug Williams and he joined the four. Each man embraced in a hug as ROH said their goodbyes to England. [b]Overall Thoughts[/b]: Once again, it sounded like a pretty good show. Finally I will be back with the ROH Shows starting in two weeks at St. Paul. I say the best performers of the weekend go to The Briscoe Brothers as they have performed two **** matches. Even though they are after Homicide now, I still have to give them credit with two great performances.
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[img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5300/rohnewsfr0.jpg[/img] [b]ROH Newswire August Week 3[/b] -- What a weekend it was last week. We saw some great title defenses by the Champions as well as great matches. We also learned a few more matches that will be happening in the future, one in a final battle between Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness. -- The next shows are set in two weeks on Friday and Saturday of Week 4. Night 1 will be in St. Paul, Minnesota while Night 2 will be in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. -- The current card for St. Paul is: Aries and Strong defend against Joe and Whitmer, Daniels vs. Claudio, Sydal vs. Delirious, Pearce vs. Homicide and much more. -- The current card for Chicago Ridge is: Danielson vs. Cabana, Aries and Strong vs. Daniels and Sydal, Joe vs. Claudio, Whitmer vs. Jacobs, Corino vs. Homicide and much more. -- Adding to the St. Paul card is a huge Four Corner Survival Match. It will be Colt Cabana facing Nigel McGuinness, Jimmy Rave and Steve Corino. A win for any of these men can earn themselves another title shot. -- Bryan Danielson still doesn’t have a match for St. Paul, but make sure to check back next week on who Danielson will be facing. One thing for sure is that his ROH World Heavyweight Title will be on the line. -- Survival of the Fittest, as you know, returns October 6 in Cleveland, Ohio. Currently there are five men scheduled for Survival of the Fittest, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer. One more has been announced and that is the young and rising star in ROH, Davey Richards. -- Speaking of Davey Richards, he will be in action in St. Paul. He got challenged by Jimmy Jacobs as he thinks Davey is trying to rise to the top to fast and take everyone’s spotlight so Jacobs will be trying to slow him down. -- Also coming up is Glory By Honor V Weekend. It will be occurring in the middle of September, but not so much is planned so far. Like we said, The Briscoe Brothers would be in action. Well, Night 1 they are facing off against KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji in what seems to be a Dream Match. Night 2 they will start to go after Homicide once again as it will be The Briscoes facing Homicide and BJ Whitmer, the same man who might walk out Tag Champion in St. Paul. -- Going back to Naomichi Marufuji, he will also be in action on Night 2 at Glory By Honor V Weekend. One Night 2 he will be in some sort of Dream Match as he will be facing The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. KENTA and Marufuji seem to be in a Dream Match Night 1 and now both of them seem to be in one Night 2 with their opponents being Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels. [img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5300/rohnewsfr0.jpg[/img] [b]ROH Newswire August Week 4[/b] -- Last week we announced a huge Four Corner Survival for St. Paul between Colt Cabana, Nigel McGuinness, Jimmy Rave and Steve Corino. Well, things have changed. The match will now be an elimination match with the winner proving everyone who the better man is as he will go on to face ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Bryan Danielson later that night. -- As everyone knows, in St. Paul, Samoa Joe will be trying once again at trying to become the first ever Triple Crown Winner in ROH. He has successfully won the ROH World and Pure Title, but could never become a Tag Team Champion. This week in St. Paul, Joe hopes for his dream to come true teaming with BJ Whitmer. -- This Friday’s card for St. Paul is now set with all matches being announced before the show. This Saturday is not fully completed as there will be an extra Special Attraction Match between Davey Richards and Delirious. Both of these men have been hot lately in ROH, but now it is time for one of them to cool down. So both cards are set, but always be prepared for more matches to happen through out the night. -- Davey Richards was announced to be joining Survival of the Fittest 2006 last week. Well this week, two more competitors are announced. More rising stars are announced as Matt Sydal and Delirious will be joining Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, BJ Whitmer and Davey Richards. Now only four more people are left to be announced. -- Adding to Glory By Honor V Weekend, on Night 1, Homicide will be in tag team action as well. This night he will be teaming with fellow Rottweiler member, Ricky Reyes to face Adam Pearce and Steve Corino. -- That is it for this short newswire, but make sure you don’t miss this weekend as ROH returns to St. Paul and Chicago Ridge!
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[center][img]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5229/header1gp8.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Unstoppable[/color][/u]: August 25, 2006 – St. Paul, Minnesota[/b] [b]Number One Contender's Match-Four Man Elimination Match[/b] Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Steve Corino [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title Match[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Winner of Four Man Elimination Match [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/b] ROH World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. BJ Whitmer and Samoa Joe [b]Special Challenge Match[/b] Christopher Daniels vs. Claudio Castagnoli [b]Rematch From Reborn Stage One[/b] Delirious vs. Matt Sydal [b]Anything Goes[/b] Adam Pearce vs. Homicide [b]Challenge Match[/b] Davey Richards vs. Jimmy Jacobs[/center]
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[img]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5229/header1gp8.jpg[/img] Show Review [b]ROH Unstoppable[/b] (08/25/06) Results & Thoughts [i]By Jacob Baron[/i] -- Ring of Honor made its return to St. Paul, only its second appearance ever as the first was Reborn Stage 1 in April of 2004. We were in St. Paul on August 25, 2006, for “Unstoppable,” which is stating which man is unstoppable heading into the Title Match with Bryan Danielson. The St. Paul Armory was filled with ROH fans, about up too 500 or more. People wanted to see a special Four Man Elimination followed by a Title Shot or to see if Joe can become the first ever Triple Crown. [b]1. Davey Richards defeats Jimmy Jacobs at 11:50.[/b] This was a good contest to start things off here tonight really getting the St. Paul crowd into things early. Davey Richards seems to be the curtain jerker as a single’s wrestler, but the way he impresses everyone, he should be moving up pretty soon. Jimmy Jacobs was looking to shut down Richards as he thinks Richards is moving just a bit to fast. Jacobs had a great start taking it right to Richards before Bobby Cruise could even announce his name. Jacobs stayed in control for quite sometime and went for an early Contra Code, but Davey reversed it by just tossing Jacobs off of him. Davey took a distinct advantage after that and now there was no looking back. Soon enough Davey hit the DR Driver, but he said that he wasn’t finished as you can tell he wasn’t happy with Jacobs on what he said. So Davey went up high and connected with a Shooting Star Press finishing Jacobs off as Lacey looked on with a pissed off look on her face. A good way to get things going again in St. Paul. **1/2 -- Christopher Daniels came out to the ring with Allison Danger. Danger got Daniels a microphone and The Fallen Angel didn’t look happy. Daniels said that he is sick and tired of hearing Claudio Castagnoli running his mouth about how CZW is better than ROH. Daniels simply just said that ROH beat CZW and now it’s over. Daniels said that after this Double Shot, he wants Claudio gone! Claudio came out and responded to saying that he understands that ROH defeated CZW, but what he is looking at is something different. Claudio said that he got Chad Collyer for a reason. He said that he has another surprise for a reason. Finally, he said that the reason was to make an impact and show something to Ring of Honor that ROH hasn’t seen in a very long time. [b]2. Christopher Daniels defeats Claudio Castagnoli at 14:27.[/b] Claudio was without Collyer tonight so he was just on his own and it was a good idea. Daniels really wanted to hand Claudio a beating and that is exactly what he did. Daniels stood up for Ring of Honor. Claudio tried his best in defending CZW, but it just wasn’t his night. The St. Paul crowd was all over Claudio and they just wouldn’t stop chanting, “Fallen Angel!” Early on they traded off move for move, but soon enough Claudio took control with a bunch of Swiss Uppercuts. Daniels was in trouble and looking to by dying down as Claudio was looking for the UBS Neckbreaker, but Daniels reversed it by landing onto his feet and then dropkicking Claudio. A little bit later in the match, Daniels entertained the crowd by hitting back to back BME’s, but different types. One was on the actual ropes and the other in the turnbuckle. That wasn’t enough to put Claudio away, but the Last Rites was a little later on. Claudio comes up with another loss, but still performs to his best. *** -- After the match ended, Claudio Castagnoli, with a pissed off face took a microphone. He told everyone and Daniels that Daniels is right. Claudio said that this will be his last appearances in ROH if he cannot defeat Samoa Joe tomorrow night. The crowd went wild and chanted, “Joe’s gonna kill you” while he left the ring as Daniels just nodded his head with a smile on his face. [b]3. Steve Corino defeats Jimmy Rave, Nigel McGuinness and Colt Cabana at 22:41.[/b] This was a fantastic match as all four men put on a classic. They all wanted a title shot equally, especially Corino and Rave since they didn’t have any coming up in the future. So, both men gave it their all and wanted a piece of Dragon later on tonight. Unfortunately, only one man can get a shot at Dragon. The first man to be eliminated from the Four Man Elimination Match was the Crown Jewel of The Embassy, Jimmy Rave. Prince Nana ordered Sal Rinauro to get in the ring and help Jimmy Rave out. So in went Rinauro and went to Spear Nigel, but Rinauro missed and connected with his partner, Jimmy Rave! Referee, Mike Kehner let it go as Rinauro attacked his own partner. This led into Nigel almost taking Rave’s head off with a huge Lariat and letting Nigel McGuinness eliminate Jimmy Rave because of Sal Rinauro. The next man out was the ROH Pure Champion, Nigel McGuinness. It was down to the two men earned Title Shots and Steve Corino, but Corino played it smart and just watched Cabana and Nigel go at it themselves. It soon lead to a ducked Lariat by Cabana and then lead to Cabana nailing Nigel with the Colt 45 for the elimination. So now Cabana gets a shot at the ROH World Heavyweight Title tomorrow night and the ROH Pure Title in the future. It was just down to Steve Corino and Colt Cabana. They went back and forth for the last few minutes until Cabana hoisted Corino up for the Colt 45, but Corino just slid out of it. Corino then went Old School Bomb, but Cabana slid out of that. Both men didn’t know what to do and how to finish each other off. Finally, Cabana came charging at Corino for a Lariat, but Corino ducked and Cabana turned right into an Old School Kick and that was it. Steve Corino was going to be facing Bryan Danielson later tonight. A great match as all four men performed their best I believe. ***1/2 -- Steve Corino would get a shot at the ROH World Heavyweight Title, if he could get there. Right after the match ended Homicide’s music hit, but a second in, Homicide was in the ring. Corino was on his ass in shock as Homicide took out his ghetto fork. He was going right after Corino, but all of a sudden down came Adam Pearce and the Anything Goes Match was on right now. [b]4. Adam Pearce defeats Homicide in an Anything Goes Match at 13:43.[/b] This was a very entertaining brawl which got out of control very quickly. Pearce just wanted to beat the living hell out of Homicide while Homicide just wanted to get his hands on Steve Corino. Pearce and Homicide went punch for punch early on, though, until Steve Corino entered the action by nailing Homicide in the back with a steel chair. This was all allowed as Anything Goes. Pearce and Corino were just beating the living hell out of Homicide and no one was coming down for any help. Corino then hit the Old School Bomb and Adam Pearce hit the Piledriver. Every time Pearce would go for a cover, though, he would come up at two. Finally, someone came down, but it was The Briscoe Brothers, just more armory for Pearce’s army. Amazingly, though, Homicide started fighting back and took his ghetto fork and was stabbing everyone. By the end of everything, everyone was busted open that was in the ring except for the referee. Homicide finally got shut down, though, when Mark Briscoe nailed him with a Chop Block from behind. The Briscoe Brothers finished Homicide off for Pearce as they together hit a Spike Jay Driller onto a seated chair breaking the chair and basically Homicide as well. Pearce then did a little ****y cover and Homicide was beaten down and defeated. **3/4 -- After the match, though, the four men weren’t done. They continued a beat down until finally, Ricky Reyes came down with a chair in hand scaring the four men out of the ring. Reyes checked on Homicide and he saw he was hurting and he needed some help. -- It was now time for Intermission and Bobby Cruise announced that ROH would be back in St. Paul on April 20, 2007. The Intermission tonight was about 30 minutes, a long one. [b]5. Shane Hagadorn defeats Mitch Franklin at 5:46 to retain his ROH Top of the Class Trophy.[/b] This was again one of the basic squash matches after intermission. Instead of a big name squashing a nobody, it was the ROH Top of the Class Trophy holder squashing Mitch Franklin. Franklin really had no chance here. Shane Hagadorn basically bored the crowd for the whole time and quickly won with a huge Lariat. A very boring match, ROH needs new guys to go after this Trophy. 1/2* [b]6. Delirious defeats Matt Sydal at 15:50.[/b] These two men came into ROH facing each other in St. Paul a little bit more than two years ago. They battled back and forth for about 7 minutes with Matt Sydal coming out on top, but the rematch from that match was much different. Sydal took the early advantage picking up from where he left off from the last time they faced in St. Paul. Sydal was totally dominating early on, but Delirious soon turned it around with a huge Enziguri. Delirious held the advantage for quite some time, but Sydal wound up fighting back and soon enough after Sydal nailed a huge Enziguri Headscissors out of nowhere. Sydal went to finish off Delirious and hit the Here It Is Driver at the finish of the match, but that wasn’t enough to finish Delirious off. Sydal then took Delirious up high and Sydal was looking for the Moonsault Belly to Belly Suplex, but Delirious fought Sydal off and pushed him down to the mat. Delirious then flew off the top rope and nailed Sydal with the Shadows Over Hell, but Delirious thought it wasn’t enough. So he picked Sydal up and then hit the Chemical Imbalance II for the finish. A very good match between these two, much better then their first and Delirious tied up the series between them in ROH. ***1/4 -- After the match, Delirious got up and helped up Matt Sydal. He pointed at Sydal and put up one finger, mentioning one more match. Sydal shook his head yes followed by Delirious offering a handshake to Sydal. Sydal accepted the handshake and the two men shook hands in the middle of the ring seeming as there might be one more between the two as both men took a win between the two not counting their match at Do or Die. [b]7. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeats BJ Whitmer and Samoa Joe at 20:54 to retain their ROH World Tag Team Titles.[/b] This was a very good match between the World Tag Team Champions against Joe and Whitmer. Joe was looking to become the first ever ROH Triple Crown Winner, but as well as trying that, he put on the match of the night with his partner with Whitmer against the Tag Team Champions. Early on Joe, who the crowd was of course behind, dominated the action with his partner BJ Whitmer. It seemed that Whitmer and Joe have been working for quite a while at the start of this match as they were trading moves off back and forth with quite a few tags. Things turned around though, when Whitmer took a little bit to long when he went for an Exploder Suplex and it allowed Aries to reverse it. The Tag Champions were now in control and they didn’t give anything up as they just stayed right on top of Whitmer. Finally, Whitmer reversed a Brainbuster and was able to flip over onto his feet. Whitmer then dove towards Joe and made the hot tag to get him and Whitmer back into this bout. Joe wound up tossing Strong out of the ring and then nailing Aries with a huge kick to the face knocking him out of the ring. Joe then flew out of the ring with a Suicide Dive, but with knocking down Aries and Strong, Joe also accidentally landed on his head on the outside. Joe was down for quite some time leaving everything up to Whitmer and he did good for a little bit, but it was to much for him with a two on one attack. The crowd started getting louder and louder for Joe to get up and finally he did and rolled into the ring. Joe, who was a bit dizzy, tried fighting of Aries and Strong, but Strong nailed Joe with a huge Half Nelson Suplex making Joe roll back out of the ring. Aries then nailed Whitmer with a Brainbuster followed by Strong locking in the Strong Hold making Whitmer tap out. Joe had another chance to become Triple Crown Winner, but Whitmer wasn’t the right partner either, but either way they teamed pretty well in a good match, but they just came up short. ***3/4 [b]8. Bryan Danielson defeats Steve Corino at 23:46 to retain his ROH World Heavyweight Title.[/b] Steve Corino, who already fought for 23 minutes early tonight against three other men earned this shot and didn’t want to waste it. Corino already faced Danielson once for the title and that came up short and once again he did not want to waste this shot. Early on Corino was fired up and had good control early on. Corino tried to make the match a quick one and tried to work a fast paced match and get Danielson off of his game, but that didn’t work out to well in the long run. Corino worked on the upper body of Danielson basically all match as he really didn’t lock in any submissions and just hit high impact moves. Everything turned for the worst on Corino as he went for an Old School Kick, but it was ducked and Danielson lifted Corino up and started up his airplane spin. After a good amount of spinning, Danielson let Corino down, but couldn’t really cover as he was a bit dizzy himself. Danielson was the first to his feet still and went for a Diving Headbutt, but Corino rolled out of the way gaining advantage once again. Coming down to the finish, Corino was calling for the finish and went for the Old School Bomb, but Danielson dropped back to his feet and went for a school boy, but Corino just kicked out. Then down came The Briscoe Brothers trying to distract Danielson by getting onto the apron, but Danielson nailed a Lariat on Jay and then a huge Roaring Elbow on Mark knocking both men off the apron. Danielson though, then turned around towards Corino who went for another Old School Kick, but Danielson ducked it again and this time went for a crucifix pin, but Corino kicked out. Dragon followed right up with at least 15 elbows to the side of the head making Mike Kehner call for the bell giving Danielson the victory. Corino and Danielson put on a great match, but Corino couldn’t come up with the victory after fighting early tonight. ***1/2 -- After the match ended, Colt Cabana came out and held a staredown with his opponent for tomorrow night. Finally, Cabana got a microphone and congratulated Danielson on his impressive victory and said he will be ready for him tomorrow night. Cabana extended his hand for a handshake and Danielson reached in, but then took it back and just swiped his hand through his hair and rolled out of the ring making a smirk at Colt Cabana. [b]Overall Thoughts[/b]: Like always, another great show by Ring of Honor to start of an amazing weekend. The last three matches after the squash match after Intermission were the best three along with the Four Man Elimination Match. Number one goes to, the ROH World Tag Team Title Match between Austin Aries and Roderick Strong against BJ Whitmer and Samoa Joe. Both of these teams put on an amazing match just showing how prestige’s the Tag Belts in ROH are. Samoa Joe is still looking to become Triple Crown Winner, but I believe it will come soon after a great match here. My runner-up goes to the Four Man Elimination Match to see who would face Bryan Danielson in the main event. Each man really wanted this match bad, but along with that it set up a lot of things in the future. I believe one of these four guys will be getting gold in the near future. My bronze was a toss up between the Main Event and the rematch from the last St. Paul Show, Delirious vs. Matt Sydal. I will give it to the Main Event as I feel as it meant something a little bit more than the match between Sydal and Delirious. Now I just can’t wait until tomorrow night as it will be Bryan Danielson against Colt Cabana in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match which should be amazing after what happened tonight after the Title Match between Dragon and Cabana.
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[center][img]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5229/header1gp8.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Two Falls To A Finish[/color][/u]: August 26, 2006 – Chicago Ridge, Illinois[/b] [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title Match-2 Out Of 3 Falls[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/b] ROH World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal [b]Falls Count Anywhere[/b] Homicide vs. Steve Corino [b]Grudge Match[/b] Claudio Castagnoli vs. Samoa Joe [b]Grudge Match[/b] BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs [b]Special Attraction[/b] Davey Richards vs. Delirious[/center]
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[center][img]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5229/header1gp8.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=red]Two Falls To A Finish[/color][/u]: August 26, 2006 – Chicago Ridge, Illinois[/b] [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title Match-2 Out Of 3 Falls[/b] ROH World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana [b]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/b] ROH World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal [b]Falls Count Anywhere[/b] Homicide vs. Steve Corino [b]Grudge Match[/b] Claudio Castagnoli vs. Samoa Joe [b]Grudge Match[/b] BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs [b]Special Attraction[/b] Davey Richards vs. Delirious[/center]
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