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LTWB (1995 Scenario Update)

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I released this many many months ago, and it was pretty small. Well, I started the process of updating this completely. My thinknig is I want this updated so that when TEW2007 comes around, I can do a mod on that the way I always wanted it to be. I have gone through the process of adding a bunch of promotions. * All Star Wrestling in the UK * American Wrestling Federation led by Tito Santana and other veterans * Catch Wrestling Association in Germany led by Otto Wanz * East Coast Wrestling Association * IWA: Japan the garbage fed that had Terry Funk and Cactus Jack * JWP Project: the second best joshi promotion in Japan * WAR in Japan That will bring it up to 22, which is close to the Cornell verse which has 24. I will also be redoing the popularities completely. TCP's has a great system that I am lifting. With the new prmotions I will be added a ton of new people into the game. It's over 500 now, I want it alteast to 900. I basically want to add anyone that is known at all to the game that were working in 1995. Including enough referees and staff and all that jazz. I also redid all the money, prestige and populairty of promotions to better mimmick the real world and the Cornellverse. This is an ongoing project, that will take time. Smokey Mountain Wrestling is the only promotion that is done to perfection, as of now.
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It is nice to see that you are still working on this despite releasing an old version so you can make it even better, I admire the commitment you have for this. Keep up the good work and I look forward to playing the finished results.
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Sounds great. Ive been wanting a 1995 scenario for ages. I never knew one existed, but now I here your updating your old one I will wait for that. It's ganna be tough for you, but Im guessing as you've done so much already you won't be giving up. Stick to it! :)
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