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"New Era in Wrestling History"

Guest TDubTNA

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Guest TDubTNA
[CENTER][B][I]*Breaking News* PWTorch.com[/I][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]PWTorch is reporting that Eric Bishoff is currently in a meeting with Vince McMahon at Titan Towers...We are not sure the extent of the meeting but rumors are flying around...The word going around is that Eric Bishoff wants to come back and be GM of Smackdown, as Teddy Long is supposed to be taking a break sometime down the line...We will update you later on what the meeting is about but the latest rumor right now is Eric Bishoff might be coming back to the WWE as the new Smackdown General Manager...[/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
Update [CENTER][B][I]Update News from PWTorch.com[/I][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Sources are saying that Eric Bishoff is not alone in his meeting with Vince McMahon...sources are saying that he was followed by an accomplice who goes by the name Tim Woods...The rumors going around now are that Eric is trying to get the man a job and isn't really there for himself...Other sources are saying that Eric still wants a job back in the WWE and that he is trying to get Tim on the creative team...We'll continue with our updates as we get more news...[/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
Latest Update [CENTER][B][I]Latest Update from PWTorch.com[/I][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]We have breaking news that the meeting between Vince McMahon, Eric Bishoff and Tim Woods is over...We have yet to find out what the meeting was about but sources say that Eric Bishoff is going to hold a press confrence tomorrow so we'll definitely giving you breaking news as to what the meeting was about...The latest rumor is that Eric Bishoff is going to announce something very big that could change the wrestling world forever...I would throw the GM position away that we thought the meeting was about...Tomorrow will be the big announcement Eric Bishoff is going to make...Stay tuned for more updates...[/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
Press Confrence [B][I][CENTER]*Breaking News* from PWTorch...Eric Bischoff makes Huge Announcement![/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/e334f20e94.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] Here is the Press Confrence in full.... [QUOTE]Eric Bischoff: Well, thank you for coming everybody...I have an absolutely huge announcement...I know there were rumors going around that I wanted to come back to the WWE and be a general manager for a show...That was not true...Not to disrespect the WWE and Vince McMahon but I hated my time when I was there...Now I'm sure everyone wants to know why I had a meeting with Vince McMahon...First though I'd like to introduce the mystery person that accompanied me...My good friend and business partner...Tim Woods... Tim Woods: Hello everyone, again thank you for coming...This announcement is going to absolutely rock the wrestling world...I've known Eric for a few years now and we've been working on a few other business ventures but we always had a burning for what were going to announce...We're both huge wrestling fans and we had both talked extensively about what were going to announce...So I'll stop talking and let Eric talk... Eric Bischoff: So without further ado...I'd like to announce that me and my partner Tim who make up the new Fusient Media Ventures are proud to announce that we have bought out all trademarks, logo's and title's from Vince McMahon....I'm sure your asking which trademarks, title's and logo's... well let me show you...I'm proud to announce that we've purchased all the rights to.... [CENTER] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/df7525c2f0.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] That's right folks...World Championship Wrestling is back and it's going to be better than ever...We may not be able to get all the old stars back but I've been in talks with a whole bunch of old WCW talent and in the next few days I'll update it on the WCW.com website...I will be the owner of WCW and the Authority Figure on TV and my partner Tim Woods will be the Head Booker of the company...Expect huge announcements soon on not only the roster but on which network is going to pick up Nitro and which PPV provider will pick us up...Take care everyone and updates will be coming in tomorrow I promise...Thank you for your time... [/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
haha Hopefully man...I love your diary and I've been wanting to do a WCW diary and now I finally have some time to do it...I'm gonna do in a different direction than you are though...I'm gonna try to go real old school with the roster and a few young guys...Hopefully more people will read my diary...
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Guest TDubTNA
All right All right man thanks...I got all the PPV logo's so far except for Great American Bash because I'm just going to part with that PPV since WWE has it...Down the road I have a stable in mind I might need a logo for...thanks though
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Guest TDubTNA
Roster [B][I][CENTER]Report from WCW.com[/CENTER][/I][/B] [B]WCW has signed it's first 10 wrestlers...here is the list of superstars...[/B] 1. Bill Goldberg 2. Billy Kidman 3. Juventud Guerrera 4. Jushin "Thunder" Lyger 5. Scott Hall 6. Perry Saturn 7. Diamond Dallas Page 8. Kanyon 9. Lex Luger 10. Vampiro [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/0b155c6a06.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/9ae80344fe.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/14bcb626fe.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/935a8d1599.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/572743f07d.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/17a0f16681.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/08f5238948.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/64afa9f2dd.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/c5dc816450.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/51950dc4c2.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]WCW.com also is reporting that it has signed 2 color commentators and they will not only be the commentators but they'll help with storylines and other business...They are[/B] 1. Vince Russo 2. Ed Ferrera [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/a2eb06b3e4.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/3e040a6820.jpg[/img][/url]
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Guest TDubTNA
n/a [CENTER][B][I]News from WCW.com - WCW has signed it's first tag team...the team of Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke...Kronik...[/I][/B] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/0b2dcf902c.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/8121465fee.jpg[/img][/url] [B][I]WCW has also signed 2 more stars to it's cruiserweight division...Sean Waltman and Taka Michinoku...[/I][/B] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/7151ba497c.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/88ef8d91dd.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
*Breaking News* [B][CENTER][B][I]*Breaking News from WCW.com*[/I][/B] [B][I]*TNA Star Raven leaves TNA to join WCW's Tag Team Division*[/I][/B] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/f76c92dcc7.jpg[/img][/url] Former TNA star Raven to join the roster of WCW to team up with friend Perry Saturn who will go by the name...The Eliminators...so WCW now has it's first 2 tag teams in The Eliminators and Kronik... [B] Also Breaking News...Randy Savage has signed a deal with WCW to become a part of the roster...[/B] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/44a29f0984.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
WCW Update [B][I]Roster Update from WCW.com[/I][/B] [B]WCW has made a lot of signings today here's the list of superstars signed today...First signing of the day is Sid Viscous[/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/630f924d7a.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]Second signing of the day is former TNA superstar Bobby Roode...[/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/4f7eda82ef.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]The third and fourth signings are both tag teams...First we have a great tag team on the independent circuit and there the Briscoe Brothers...[/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/efd972ce3c.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/7c8579a2b0.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]The Fourth signings are very good wrestlers...one is a young guy and the other is a great veteran of the sport...The first man is Petey Williams of TNA fame and the second is Lance Storm...The team will be called The Canadian Destroyers...[/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/2acd34d3ca.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/84c829ff98.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] [I]The rest of the signings are going to be a part of the Cruiserweight Division which is getting very strong...Here's the list...[/I] [B]1. Puma 2. Abismo Negro 3. Jack Evans 4. LA Park 5. Elix Skipper with manager Simon Diamond[/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/011b0090cc.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/5d273d33ab.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/6ba509db8a.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/f9ca1674c4.jpg[/img][/url] [B]and [/B] [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/732f41a095.jpg[/img][/url] w/ [url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/a0f183b272.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
Updated Roster [I]Here is the current roster of WCW...This will likely be the roster going into the first Monday Nitro...[/I] [Center][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/df7525c2f0.jpg[/img][/url][/Center] [B][I]Regular Roster[/I][/B] 1. Goldberg 2. Scott Hall 3. DDP 4. Kanyon 5. Lex Luger 6. Vampiro 7. Randy Savage 8. Bobby Roode 9. Sid Viscous [B][I]Cruiserweight Division[/I][/B] 1. Billy Kidman 2. Juventud Guerrera 3. Jushin "Thunder" Lyger 4. Sean Waltman 5. Taka Michinoku 6. Puma 7. Abismo Negro 8. Jack Evans 9. LA Park 10. Elix Skipper w/ manager Simon Diamond [B][I]Tag Team Division[/I][/B] 1. The Eliminators (Raven and Perry Saturn) 2. Kronik (Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke) 3. Canadian Destroyers (Lance Storm and Petey Williams) 4. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) [B][I]Commentators[/I][/B] 1. Vince Russo (also Booker) 2. Ed Ferrera (also Booker) [I]OOC: Well, this is likely going to be the final roster I have going into the first Monday Nitro...If anyone can think of any other wrestlers that I should try and pick up let me know...whether it be the cruiserweight division or the heavyweight division or the tag team division...Let me know if I should grab anyone up...[/I]
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Guest TDubTNA
WCW Slamboree Card [CENTER][B]News from WCW.com[/B][/CENTER] [I]WCW.com has learned that TNT is giving WCW a Special this coming Monday show they can showcase there roster before Monday Nitro starts in 2 weeks...The Special will be called Slamboree...Here is the card for Slamboree...It will be a 2 hour show and the regular Nitro will be 3...[/I] [CENTER][url=http://www.storage4all.com][img]http://www.storage4all.com/uploads/4d6e5527f0.gif[/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]6 Way Cruiserweight Division Match[/B] Elix Skipper vs. Puma vs. LA Park vs. Sean Waltman vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Abismo Negro [B]Tag Team Match[/B] The Briscoe Bros. vs. Kronik [B]Tag Team Match[/B] The Eliminators vs. The Canadian Destroyers [B]3 Way Cruiserweight Division Match[/B] Billy Kidman vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Jushin "Thunder Lyger [B]4 Way Dance[/B] DDP vs. Kanyon vs. Lex Luger vs. Vampiro [B]*Main Event - 4 Way Dance*[/B] Goldberg vs. Randy Savage vs. Scott Hall vs. Sid Viscous [I]OOC: Predictions are welcomed...There are no one on one matches because I wanted to showcase a lot of the roster in one night after this show there will be more one on ones...I will post the results once I get some predictions...Tell me how you like the diary and what additions to the roster you guys would like to see...[/I]
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