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[I]Galaxy 102.2 Midlands Radio Transcript[/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "Todays guest is the owner of Ring Of Fire, British Samurai. Thank you for joining us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"No problem"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "I know your gonna want to plug the show next week but we have had a couple of emails that i would like to run past you"[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]"Anything for the fans"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Ok. This one is from Remianen. He asked this: I heard on the internet that you had a massive bust up with your former booker. Whats the story"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Ah thats an easy one. We didn't like the direction he was taking the company and needed a change. And i think our shows now prove we made the right choice"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Ok. Second email is from NinjaSpecter, im assuming thats just his email name. He asks how come for the last 6 weeks you have had Tim Reed face Martyn Staddon and beat him everytime. You also have Jeff Nova Vs Ryan Death on 2 of your last 3 shows with Nova winning each time and to top it off, The main event on the last 3 shows has been you Vs Stevie Stoat"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Well by the sounds of it, he needs to be watching SWF or something. Ring of Fire has always been about putting our best athletes against each other. The names he mentioned work well and our fans love seeing them face off"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "Ok and finally. This is from undertaker666, he says that he has heard that Stevie Stoat has a lot of power backstage and managed to get his friend Justin Blackham hired as your announcer again"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Let me just say this once, for the record. Justin Blackham is a great announcer. His release was the fault of our previous booker and its one i very quickly fixed upon his departure"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Alright. Thanks for answering those for us. Join us after we play The Steaks new song where we will talk about what you will See at ROF Featured Attraction"[/COLOR]
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[I]Galaxy 102.2 Midlands Radio Transcript[/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "Todays guest is the owner of Ring Of Fire, British Samurai. Thank you for joining us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"No problem"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "I know your gonna want to plug the show next week but we have had a couple of emails that i would like to run past you"[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]"Anything for the fans"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Ok. This one is from Remianen. He asked this: I heard on the internet that you had a massive bust up with your former booker. Whats the story"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Ah thats an easy one. We didn't like the direction he was taking the company and needed a change. And i think our shows now prove we made the right choice"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Ok. Second email is from NinjaSpecter, im assuming thats just his email name. He asks how come for the last 6 weeks you have had Tim Reed face Martyn Staddon and beat him everytime. You also have Jeff Nova Vs Ryan Death on 2 of your last 3 shows with Nova winning each time and to top it off, The main event on the last 3 shows has been you Vs Stevie Stoat"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Well by the sounds of it, he needs to be watching SWF or something. Ring of Fire has always been about putting our best athletes against each other. The names he mentioned work well and our fans love seeing them face off"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] "Ok and finally. This is from undertaker666, he says that he has heard that Stevie Stoat has a lot of power backstage and managed to get his friend Justin Blackham hired as your announcer again"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Let me just say this once, for the record. Justin Blackham is a great announcer. His release was the fault of our previous booker and its one i very quickly fixed upon his departure"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Alright. Thanks for answering those for us. Join us after we play The Steaks new song where we will talk about what you will See at ROF Featured Attraction"[/COLOR]
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Due to British Samurai's comments I will no longer be attending ROF, although it's not like I really need to since I've already seen all their tricks. Go PWA! :D That made me laugh out loud, especially seeing my name there. That was unexpected. Did the CPU actually book Tim Reed vs Martyn Staddon with the same result six straight weeks? That makes anything that WCW did it's last few years look genius. :rolleyes:
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Due to British Samurai's comments I will no longer be attending ROF, although it's not like I really need to since I've already seen all their tricks. Go PWA! :D That made me laugh out loud, especially seeing my name there. That was unexpected. Did the CPU actually book Tim Reed vs Martyn Staddon with the same result six straight weeks? That makes anything that WCW did it's last few years look genius. :rolleyes:
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It's actually not that unrealistic considering ECW had the same Big Show vs. Sabu match for months at house shows, and ECW has a much larger roster. But I imagine these events are all being held rather close together in terms of distance, and if this was real life ROF would probably be getting like 5 people going to their shows.
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It's actually not that unrealistic considering ECW had the same Big Show vs. Sabu match for months at house shows, and ECW has a much larger roster. But I imagine these events are all being held rather close together in terms of distance, and if this was real life ROF would probably be getting like 5 people going to their shows.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwasmallcopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][U]May 2008[/U][/B] [B]PWA May – 17 Attendance at the Guildhall[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Kelvin McCoist Vs Evil Henchman #2[/B] Kelvins debut match in PWA. Henchman #2 got a number of close calls early on only to be hit by a stunning face crusher reverse leading to a pinfall at 5:40 [B]Winner: Kelvin McCoist Match Rating: F[/B] [B]Dublin Destroyer Vs Evil Henchman #1 [/B] Dublin requested this match after the double count out at last months show. Put up much more of a defense than his twin but was caught by a death valley driver and pinned. [B] Winner: Dublin Destroyer Match Rating: F[/B] [B] Special Appearance by Nina the Pyscho Ballerina[/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd again. This month its a french maids outfit that shes barely wearing. [B]Angle Rating: B-[/B] [B]Harry Wilsons Introduction[/B] Harry Wilson cuts a promo in the ring. He promises that he will win the belt for the fans. And that he is just like them. Same hopes and dreams. He dedicated this match to the fans. [B]Angle Rating: D[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"][B]Round 2 of the PWA Championship Tournament[/B][/COLOR] [B]Harry Wilson Vs "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] "Bullet" Bob comes down to the ring with The Minor Annoyance who constantly tries to interfere in the match. Cronin "inadvertently" bumps the referee allowing Annoyance to hit Wilson over the head with a steel chair. Cronin rests onto of the prone Wilson whilst the ref comes to and gives the 3 count. [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin Match Rating: F Final Rating: F[/B] [I][QUOTE][B]Quick results for PWA May[/B] Kelvin McCoist defeated Evil Henchman #2 in 5:40 by pinfall. The Dublin Destroyer defeated Evil Henchman #1 in 6:06 by pinfall. Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Harry Wilson in 6:08 by pinfall [COLOR="Sienna"]in Round 2 of PWA Tournament[/COLOR][/QUOTE][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwasmallcopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][U]May 2008[/U][/B] [B]PWA May – 17 Attendance at the Guildhall[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Kelvin McCoist Vs Evil Henchman #2[/B] Kelvins debut match in PWA. Henchman #2 got a number of close calls early on only to be hit by a stunning face crusher reverse leading to a pinfall at 5:40 [B]Winner: Kelvin McCoist Match Rating: F[/B] [B]Dublin Destroyer Vs Evil Henchman #1 [/B] Dublin requested this match after the double count out at last months show. Put up much more of a defense than his twin but was caught by a death valley driver and pinned. [B] Winner: Dublin Destroyer Match Rating: F[/B] [B] Special Appearance by Nina the Pyscho Ballerina[/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd again. This month its a french maids outfit that shes barely wearing. [B]Angle Rating: B-[/B] [B]Harry Wilsons Introduction[/B] Harry Wilson cuts a promo in the ring. He promises that he will win the belt for the fans. And that he is just like them. Same hopes and dreams. He dedicated this match to the fans. [B]Angle Rating: D[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"][B]Round 2 of the PWA Championship Tournament[/B][/COLOR] [B]Harry Wilson Vs "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] "Bullet" Bob comes down to the ring with The Minor Annoyance who constantly tries to interfere in the match. Cronin "inadvertently" bumps the referee allowing Annoyance to hit Wilson over the head with a steel chair. Cronin rests onto of the prone Wilson whilst the ref comes to and gives the 3 count. [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin Match Rating: F Final Rating: F[/B] [I][QUOTE][B]Quick results for PWA May[/B] Kelvin McCoist defeated Evil Henchman #2 in 5:40 by pinfall. The Dublin Destroyer defeated Evil Henchman #1 in 6:06 by pinfall. Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Harry Wilson in 6:08 by pinfall [COLOR="Sienna"]in Round 2 of PWA Tournament[/COLOR][/QUOTE][/I]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwasmallcopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]June 2008 PWA June – 16 Attendance at Paddington Club[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B]Nina The Psycho Ballerina's Debut[/B] Once Nina had finished parading around in the ring, all eyes were on the entrance way to see who she would face. There were a few cheers when Ultra Fly came down to the ring. He then proceeded to use underhanded tactics to secure a pin and a good few secret gropes. [B]Match Rating F[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"] [B]Handicap Match[/B][/COLOR] [B]Evil Henchman #1 Vs Northerners (Dublin Destroyer/Scotsman)[/B] After the beating that he got last week by the Dublin Destroyer and the inability to beat them in tag action you would think that a handicap match would be a bad idea but Evil Henchman #1 held his own throughout the match. However things spiralled out of control and out of the ring several times and the referee finally called for a double disqualification [B]Match Rating F Puffy's Promo[/B] Puffy came to the ring and said that many hardcore wrestling fans would know him as a bitter golfer known for breaking his clubs. However since reading the "Little book of calm" he has been playing a lot better. Even getting holes in one. He says that he is on a roll and that he will beat Brilliant White tonight. [B]Angle Rating C- Nina's T-Shirt Shoot[/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Still wearing her wrestling outfit and not looking very happy [B]Angle Rating C+[/B] [COLOR="sienna"][B]Round 3 of the PWA Tournament[/B][/COLOR] [B]Brilliant White Vs Puffy[/B] Probably the best match of the night and the crowd seemed to agree. Brilliant White had the upper hand for the first half of the match and seemed certain of the win. However Puffy countered him and began a mass offense getting numerous 2 3/4 pins. But luck was not on Puffy's side when White caught him coming to pick him up in a small package. [B]Match Rating E Final Rating F[/B] [QUOTE][B]Quick Results from PWA June[/B] [I]Ultra Fly defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina Evil Henchman #1 drew with Northerners Brilliant White defeated Puffy[/I][/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwasmallcopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]June 2008 PWA June – 16 Attendance at Paddington Club[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B]Nina The Psycho Ballerina's Debut[/B] Once Nina had finished parading around in the ring, all eyes were on the entrance way to see who she would face. There were a few cheers when Ultra Fly came down to the ring. He then proceeded to use underhanded tactics to secure a pin and a good few secret gropes. [B]Match Rating F[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"] [B]Handicap Match[/B][/COLOR] [B]Evil Henchman #1 Vs Northerners (Dublin Destroyer/Scotsman)[/B] After the beating that he got last week by the Dublin Destroyer and the inability to beat them in tag action you would think that a handicap match would be a bad idea but Evil Henchman #1 held his own throughout the match. However things spiralled out of control and out of the ring several times and the referee finally called for a double disqualification [B]Match Rating F Puffy's Promo[/B] Puffy came to the ring and said that many hardcore wrestling fans would know him as a bitter golfer known for breaking his clubs. However since reading the "Little book of calm" he has been playing a lot better. Even getting holes in one. He says that he is on a roll and that he will beat Brilliant White tonight. [B]Angle Rating C- Nina's T-Shirt Shoot[/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Still wearing her wrestling outfit and not looking very happy [B]Angle Rating C+[/B] [COLOR="sienna"][B]Round 3 of the PWA Tournament[/B][/COLOR] [B]Brilliant White Vs Puffy[/B] Probably the best match of the night and the crowd seemed to agree. Brilliant White had the upper hand for the first half of the match and seemed certain of the win. However Puffy countered him and began a mass offense getting numerous 2 3/4 pins. But luck was not on Puffy's side when White caught him coming to pick him up in a small package. [B]Match Rating E Final Rating F[/B] [QUOTE][B]Quick Results from PWA June[/B] [I]Ultra Fly defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina Evil Henchman #1 drew with Northerners Brilliant White defeated Puffy[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwasmallcopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]PWA July 2008– 15 Attendance at Princess Theatre[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/center] [B][COLOR="Purple"][B]Minor Annoyance's Debut Match[/B][/COLOR][/B] The Minor Annoyance came out to the ring all stoked for his match. Harry Wilson followed shortly behind and the match got underway. Wilson proceeded to open up on Annoyance to the point of taunting. Wilson kept offering his chin for Annoyance to hit but moved before getting hit. Suddenly Annoyance just smiled and Wilson turned around to see "Bullet" Bob Cronin standing behind him. Cronin hit his finisher and told Annoyance to cover Wilson for the victory. After the bell rang, Cronin went to the announcers table and took a chair. He began laying into Wilson again and again until Wilson wasn't moving and then left the ring with the Minor Annoyance in tow. [COLOR="purple"][B]Winner: Minor Annoyance[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"][B]Nina shoots[/B][/COLOR] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Today she comes out in just a Torquay United football shirt and very little else. [COLOR="purple"][B]Brilliant White Vs Ultra Fly[/B][/COLOR] Ultra Fly was really off his game tonight and White took major advantage of that fact. Pretty much a glorified squash match. White irish whipped Ultra Fly who went over the ropes and just couldn't get back in time for the 10. [COLOR="purple"][B]Winner: Brilliant White[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"][B]Post Match Celebration[/B][/COLOR] The cameras take us to the ring, where Brilliant White had taken a microphone. "I dont really think that the next match should really take place. In fact why not just give me the championship belt already. Im gonna kick the ass of anybody that wants that belt. Im just that darn good." He then drops the mic and leaves the ring [B][COLOR="sienna"]Round 4 of the PWA Tournament with Toby Juans PWA Career on the line[/color][/B] [color="purple"][B]Craig Walker Vs Toby Juan Kanobi[/B][/COLOR] A solid main event from the pair of them. And the crowd seemed to be enjoying it. Toby Juan was giving it his all until Craig Walker got him in the submission for the victory. When the referee signalled for the bell, the crowd let out a massive "NOOOOO!!!!" ala Luke Skywalker in Star Wars [COLOR="Purple"][B]Winner: Craig Walker[/B][/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: E[/B] [I][B]Coming up next time: "Bullet" Bob Cronin Vs Arthur T Turtle + Brilliant White Vs Craig Walker in the Semi Finals of the PWA Tournament.[/B][/I]
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