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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwadcopy.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]PWA January – Bedford Corn Exchange – Attendance 9[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Brilliant White comes to the ring[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White slowly struts to the ring, carrying the PWA Championship belt. He claims that he did nothing unfairly during the title match and that no proof has appeared to counter his version of events. However since the match, he has constantly been hassled by Arthur T. Turtle about cheating and claimed Turtle needed to get over it. [B][COLOR="purple"]Youth Bandits Vs Everton + Jenkins[/COLOR][/B] Testing the water between these 4 in the hopes of some good chemistry. While nothing good appeared, there wasn't anything bad. Chris Everton and Curtis Jenkins beat Youth Bandits in just over 5 minutes [B]Winner: Everton + Jenkins[/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Evil Inc. Backstage[/COLOR][/B] We find Evil Henchman #1 and Evil Henchman #2 arguing about The Northerners. At first they blame each other for not being able to win but suddenly Evil Henchman has an idea. He spots the camera and say's he will explain more later [B][COLOR="purple"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="purple"]Glen Ward tries to stop Bullet Bob[/COLOR][/B] Glen Ward actually looked like he might have been an even match to Cronin, but interference by Annoyance cost him the victory [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Brilliant White Backstage[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White is shown with a big suitcase of money. He says that he is tired of having Arthur T. Turtle constantly hounding him, so he is putting up a large bounty for anybody who can take out Turtle permanently. 2 people agree but the camera never shows who they are. [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Tonights Main Event for the PWA Championship Belt[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Brilliant White Vs Vic Walker[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White defeated Vic Walker in 5:06 by pinfall. Good match between the 2 of them [B]Winner: Brilliant White[/B] [B]Next time at PWA:[/B] [I]We are 1 years old and are heading back to where we begun[/I] [QUOTE]Quick Compare against ROF [B]PWA January VS ROF No Pain No Gain[/B] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Chris Everton and Curtis Jenkins defeated Youth Bandits (F) Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Glen Ward (F) Brilliant White defeated Vic Walker (E)[/I] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon defeated Ryan Death (C-) British Samurai defeated Walter Morgan to retain the #1 Contendership (C-) Jeff Nova defeated Leo Price (C+) Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain the ROF Championship (C+)[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwadcopy.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]PWA January – Bedford Corn Exchange – Attendance 9[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Brilliant White comes to the ring[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White slowly struts to the ring, carrying the PWA Championship belt. He claims that he did nothing unfairly during the title match and that no proof has appeared to counter his version of events. However since the match, he has constantly been hassled by Arthur T. Turtle about cheating and claimed Turtle needed to get over it. [B][COLOR="purple"]Youth Bandits Vs Everton + Jenkins[/COLOR][/B] Testing the water between these 4 in the hopes of some good chemistry. While nothing good appeared, there wasn't anything bad. Chris Everton and Curtis Jenkins beat Youth Bandits in just over 5 minutes [B]Winner: Everton + Jenkins[/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Evil Inc. Backstage[/COLOR][/B] We find Evil Henchman #1 and Evil Henchman #2 arguing about The Northerners. At first they blame each other for not being able to win but suddenly Evil Henchman has an idea. He spots the camera and say's he will explain more later [B][COLOR="purple"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="purple"]Glen Ward tries to stop Bullet Bob[/COLOR][/B] Glen Ward actually looked like he might have been an even match to Cronin, but interference by Annoyance cost him the victory [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Brilliant White Backstage[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White is shown with a big suitcase of money. He says that he is tired of having Arthur T. Turtle constantly hounding him, so he is putting up a large bounty for anybody who can take out Turtle permanently. 2 people agree but the camera never shows who they are. [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Tonights Main Event for the PWA Championship Belt[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="purple"]Brilliant White Vs Vic Walker[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White defeated Vic Walker in 5:06 by pinfall. Good match between the 2 of them [B]Winner: Brilliant White[/B] [B]Next time at PWA:[/B] [I]We are 1 years old and are heading back to where we begun[/I] [QUOTE]Quick Compare against ROF [B]PWA January VS ROF No Pain No Gain[/B] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Chris Everton and Curtis Jenkins defeated Youth Bandits (F) Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Glen Ward (F) Brilliant White defeated Vic Walker (E)[/I] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon defeated Ryan Death (C-) British Samurai defeated Walter Morgan to retain the #1 Contendership (C-) Jeff Nova defeated Leo Price (C+) Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain the ROF Championship (C+)[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwastanding.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]PWA Still Standing – Buckland Community Centre – Attendance 33[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B] [COLOR="Indigo"]Tag Team Action[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jenkins + Manchester Vs Youth Bandits[/COLOR][/B] A second attempt to find good chemistry for the youth bandits without much luck. Mercifully short match won by the Youth Bandits [B]Winner: Youth Bandits[/B] [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Youth Bandits cut a promo.[/COLOR][/B] Ian Vincible had some problems due to the language barrier but managed to get across to the fans that unlike other tag teams, the Youth Bandits have no problems winning their matches [B][COLOR="indigo"]Managerial Hype[/COLOR][/B] The Minor Annoyance comes out to the podium, along with Bullet Bob Cronin. Annoyance hypes his client as the second coming of pestilence and says its disgraceful that his client hasn't had a shot at the title yet. But today Cronin will prove just how good he is by destroying The Scotsman. [B][COLOR="indigo"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs The Scotsman[/COLOR][/B] Can anyone beat Cronin. Certainly doesn't seem so. The Scotsman was the next on Cronins list to get pinned [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] [B][COLOR="indigo"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. All of a sudden, the machine jams up. As the fans sound their boos, Nina attempts to correct the problem by sticking her hand into the barrel of the machine. A loud roar of an explosion mixes with the screams of Nina... [B][COLOR="indigo"] PWA Championship Rematch[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Arthur T. Turtle Vs Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] Who would have thought that a year on from beginning PWA and we would only just have got a champion. So for the birthday show i thought a rematch would be in order. Solid match between the 2 won however by White by using the ropes on a pin[B] Winner: Brilliant White[/B] [QUOTE][I]Quick Compare against ROF[/I] [B]PWA Still Standing Vs ROF One More Time[/B] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon + Ryan Death defeated The Exiles (C-) Jeff Nova defeated Don Henderson (C+) Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain the Ring of Fire Championship (C+)[/I] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Youth Bandits defeated Curtis Jenkins and Manchester Fly Boy (F) Bullet Bob Cronin defeated The Scotsman (F) Brilliant White defeated Arthur T. Turtle (D)[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwastanding.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]PWA Still Standing – Buckland Community Centre – Attendance 33[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B] [COLOR="Indigo"]Tag Team Action[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jenkins + Manchester Vs Youth Bandits[/COLOR][/B] A second attempt to find good chemistry for the youth bandits without much luck. Mercifully short match won by the Youth Bandits [B]Winner: Youth Bandits[/B] [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Youth Bandits cut a promo.[/COLOR][/B] Ian Vincible had some problems due to the language barrier but managed to get across to the fans that unlike other tag teams, the Youth Bandits have no problems winning their matches [B][COLOR="indigo"]Managerial Hype[/COLOR][/B] The Minor Annoyance comes out to the podium, along with Bullet Bob Cronin. Annoyance hypes his client as the second coming of pestilence and says its disgraceful that his client hasn't had a shot at the title yet. But today Cronin will prove just how good he is by destroying The Scotsman. [B][COLOR="indigo"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs The Scotsman[/COLOR][/B] Can anyone beat Cronin. Certainly doesn't seem so. The Scotsman was the next on Cronins list to get pinned [B]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/B] [B][COLOR="indigo"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. All of a sudden, the machine jams up. As the fans sound their boos, Nina attempts to correct the problem by sticking her hand into the barrel of the machine. A loud roar of an explosion mixes with the screams of Nina... [B][COLOR="indigo"] PWA Championship Rematch[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Arthur T. Turtle Vs Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] Who would have thought that a year on from beginning PWA and we would only just have got a champion. So for the birthday show i thought a rematch would be in order. Solid match between the 2 won however by White by using the ropes on a pin[B] Winner: Brilliant White[/B] [QUOTE][I]Quick Compare against ROF[/I] [B]PWA Still Standing Vs ROF One More Time[/B] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon + Ryan Death defeated The Exiles (C-) Jeff Nova defeated Don Henderson (C+) Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain the Ring of Fire Championship (C+)[/I] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Youth Bandits defeated Curtis Jenkins and Manchester Fly Boy (F) Bullet Bob Cronin defeated The Scotsman (F) Brilliant White defeated Arthur T. Turtle (D)[/I][/QUOTE]
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[I]From Port-South's Local News Show:[/I] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Going Out Special[/COLOR] [B]STARTING FROM NOTHING: THE INTERVIEW [/B] [I][COLOR="Green"]"It all started September 2006. With a lost phone and an offer of work for a small wrestling promotion. Now 3 and a half years later you have your own company. Run us through what happened Adam"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well like you said, I found a phone on the ground and i guess it was a karma thing. I returned it and the guy helped me out and got my name around"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So where did you start off"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I cant really name the promotion i started with due to legal reasons but it's kinda like the things daredevils jump through"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So what prompted you to leave and start your own company"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Again i cant give specific details for legal reasons"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What can you tell us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well.. I tried to invigorate the company. I brought in fresh faces and dropped a load of people i thought couldn't cut it and in doing so brought the struggling company back into a profit. However the official reason for my dismissal was 'Lack of leadership' but i had a plan, went to the bank and started my own company"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"This would be the PWA"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes. The Port-South Wrestling Association. Kinda like 21st Century Wrestling. Heh we even share some of the same workers on occasion"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So describe an typical event for us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well.. We have a new evil champion and a good guy to battle him, 2 tag teams that just cant seem to best each other and a monsterous guy that cant be beaten. Sounds like a prime time show to me.. Hint hint"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"It does indeed. Thank you Adam. If you want to catch a PWA event, there are touring the south every 6 weeks. Tickets are only £2 and for that price you cant go wrong"[/QUOTE][/I][/COLOR]
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[I]From Port-South's Local News Show:[/I] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Going Out Special[/COLOR] [B]STARTING FROM NOTHING: THE INTERVIEW [/B] [I][COLOR="Green"]"It all started September 2006. With a lost phone and an offer of work for a small wrestling promotion. Now 3 and a half years later you have your own company. Run us through what happened Adam"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well like you said, I found a phone on the ground and i guess it was a karma thing. I returned it and the guy helped me out and got my name around"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So where did you start off"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I cant really name the promotion i started with due to legal reasons but it's kinda like the things daredevils jump through"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So what prompted you to leave and start your own company"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Again i cant give specific details for legal reasons"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What can you tell us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well.. I tried to invigorate the company. I brought in fresh faces and dropped a load of people i thought couldn't cut it and in doing so brought the struggling company back into a profit. However the official reason for my dismissal was 'Lack of leadership' but i had a plan, went to the bank and started my own company"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"This would be the PWA"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes. The Port-South Wrestling Association. Kinda like 21st Century Wrestling. Heh we even share some of the same workers on occasion"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"So describe an typical event for us"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well.. We have a new evil champion and a good guy to battle him, 2 tag teams that just cant seem to best each other and a monsterous guy that cant be beaten. Sounds like a prime time show to me.. Hint hint"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"It does indeed. Thank you Adam. If you want to catch a PWA event, there are touring the south every 6 weeks. Tickets are only £2 and for that price you cant go wrong"[/QUOTE][/I][/COLOR]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/PWAdark.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Coming up at the next PWA Event.[/COLOR] "Bullet" Bob takes on another in his open challenge. What will Nina do now that the T-Shirt gun is broken Brilliant White defends the PWA Championship And a shock beginning.. Stay tuned[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]
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