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From PWA.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="2"]Port-South Wrestling Association is pleased to announce our next event: New Blood. PWA has teamed up with the amauter wrestling association to help youngsters get into the industry and will offer the winner of the battle royal at New Blood a 9 month contract with PWA. [/SIZE] [I]Adam B - Owner of PWA[/I][/QUOTE] o.o.c Woot... hit the 100 post mark for the thread and getting closer to 2000 views
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From PWA.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="2"]Port-South Wrestling Association is pleased to announce our next event: New Blood. PWA has teamed up with the amauter wrestling association to help youngsters get into the industry and will offer the winner of the battle royal at New Blood a 9 month contract with PWA. [/SIZE] [I]Adam B - Owner of PWA[/I][/QUOTE] o.o.c Woot... hit the 100 post mark for the thread and getting closer to 2000 views
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[SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwabloodcopy.jpg[/IMG] [B]PWA New Blood –July 2009 - 135 Attendance – Aylesbury Civic Centre[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="darkRed"]Trouble in Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Manchester Fly Boy finds Nate Manchester backstage and confronts him about why he wasn't around to help fend off his attacker last show. Nate Manchester listens, then bursts out laughing saying he had nothing to do with Fly Boys attack. [B][COLOR="darkred"]New Blood Battle Royal[/COLOR][/B] First of all the challengers: [B]Ben Williams[/B] - [I]"Bump Machine" Ben Williams is a youngster hoping to break into wrestling, who so far has been restricted to being used as cannon fodder for other workers.[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] - [I]Des Davids was a promising young football star in college until a back injury put an end to that career. Strong, Quick and muscular, he has a lot of potential to be a good wrestler.[/I] [B]Jamie Anderson[/B] - [I]"The Red Devil" Jamie Anderson is an all round british worker who can put on a solid match against just about anyone.[/I] [B]Menace[/B] - [I]Menace is a rookie with some potential as a monster heel thanks to his size and muscular look. He is one of the few openly gay professional wrestlers.[/I] [B]Keith Vegas[/B] - [I]"The Sprout Faced Boy" is a rookie from Kansas, who is looking to break into the business.[/I] [B]Little Bill Lebowski[/B] - [I]Little Bill Lebowski is a fireplug-like fighter, who mixes speed with brawling. He is held down by his small stature, which is a shame as he's actually a pretty decent worker. Has recently been nurturing a new hardcore-based ring style.[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] - [I]"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Nevada Nuclear is a young worker who has a bright future, as he has both a natural ability to work a crowd, and has decent wrestling skills. He also has a unique look that helps him stand out from the crowd.[/I] [B]Noritoshi Miura[/B] - [I]Noritoshi Miura is a rookie brawler from Japan[/I] [B]Insane Heat[/B] - [I]The Insane Heat is a technical worker, who is very influenced by the Japanese Strong Style of wrestling. He plays a quasi-satanic character, which he unwisely once played on a show in the Bible Belt, and almost got lynched afterward[/I]. [B]Too Hot[/B] - [I]Too Hot is a young lightweight wrestler, who is usually used as comic relief on shows, as his livewire energy and break-dancing moves during matches often get a crowd going. He is decent if unspectacular in the ring[/I]. Not such a bad match for 10 guys that hadn't faced each other before. The final four competitors would up being Keith Vegas, Jamie Anderson, The Insane Heat and Menace, with Menace pinning Keith Vegas for the victory. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Menace[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin sat in the ring prior to his match and peformed an occult like ritual using candles and sand. New PWA signing Adam Phoenix (my Heidenreich Challenge guy) attempts to end Cronins rampage but in a match that seemed to just drag on Cronin beat him down just like all the others. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Nina shoots again[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd stroking her brand new gun like it was her precious. [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]Brilliant White Vs Minor Annoyance[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White had an easy match and took Annoyance down while barely breaking a sweat. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] A Security Guard at ringside for the bout between Brilliant White and The Minor Annoyance suddenly jumps the rail. He takes his baton and smacks Brilliant White over the back of the head knocking him out cold The guard takes the mike. [COLOR="green"]"Hey PWA. Its been a while."[/COLOR] And with that takes off his cap and reveals himself [COLOR="green"]"Next show your gonna see me, Arthur T Turtle against White and im GONNA TAKE THAT BELT!!!!"[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwabloodcopy.jpg[/IMG] [B]PWA New Blood –July 2009 - 135 Attendance – Aylesbury Civic Centre[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="darkRed"]Trouble in Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Manchester Fly Boy finds Nate Manchester backstage and confronts him about why he wasn't around to help fend off his attacker last show. Nate Manchester listens, then bursts out laughing saying he had nothing to do with Fly Boys attack. [B][COLOR="darkred"]New Blood Battle Royal[/COLOR][/B] First of all the challengers: [B]Ben Williams[/B] - [I]"Bump Machine" Ben Williams is a youngster hoping to break into wrestling, who so far has been restricted to being used as cannon fodder for other workers.[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] - [I]Des Davids was a promising young football star in college until a back injury put an end to that career. Strong, Quick and muscular, he has a lot of potential to be a good wrestler.[/I] [B]Jamie Anderson[/B] - [I]"The Red Devil" Jamie Anderson is an all round british worker who can put on a solid match against just about anyone.[/I] [B]Menace[/B] - [I]Menace is a rookie with some potential as a monster heel thanks to his size and muscular look. He is one of the few openly gay professional wrestlers.[/I] [B]Keith Vegas[/B] - [I]"The Sprout Faced Boy" is a rookie from Kansas, who is looking to break into the business.[/I] [B]Little Bill Lebowski[/B] - [I]Little Bill Lebowski is a fireplug-like fighter, who mixes speed with brawling. He is held down by his small stature, which is a shame as he's actually a pretty decent worker. Has recently been nurturing a new hardcore-based ring style.[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] - [I]"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Nevada Nuclear is a young worker who has a bright future, as he has both a natural ability to work a crowd, and has decent wrestling skills. He also has a unique look that helps him stand out from the crowd.[/I] [B]Noritoshi Miura[/B] - [I]Noritoshi Miura is a rookie brawler from Japan[/I] [B]Insane Heat[/B] - [I]The Insane Heat is a technical worker, who is very influenced by the Japanese Strong Style of wrestling. He plays a quasi-satanic character, which he unwisely once played on a show in the Bible Belt, and almost got lynched afterward[/I]. [B]Too Hot[/B] - [I]Too Hot is a young lightweight wrestler, who is usually used as comic relief on shows, as his livewire energy and break-dancing moves during matches often get a crowd going. He is decent if unspectacular in the ring[/I]. Not such a bad match for 10 guys that hadn't faced each other before. The final four competitors would up being Keith Vegas, Jamie Anderson, The Insane Heat and Menace, with Menace pinning Keith Vegas for the victory. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Menace[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin sat in the ring prior to his match and peformed an occult like ritual using candles and sand. New PWA signing Adam Phoenix (my Heidenreich Challenge guy) attempts to end Cronins rampage but in a match that seemed to just drag on Cronin beat him down just like all the others. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Nina shoots again[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd stroking her brand new gun like it was her precious. [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]Brilliant White Vs Minor Annoyance[/COLOR][/B] Brilliant White had an easy match and took Annoyance down while barely breaking a sweat. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] A Security Guard at ringside for the bout between Brilliant White and The Minor Annoyance suddenly jumps the rail. He takes his baton and smacks Brilliant White over the back of the head knocking him out cold The guard takes the mike. [COLOR="green"]"Hey PWA. Its been a while."[/COLOR] And with that takes off his cap and reveals himself [COLOR="green"]"Next show your gonna see me, Arthur T Turtle against White and im GONNA TAKE THAT BELT!!!!"[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="3"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/deathlifecopy.jpg[/IMG] PWA Death for Life - August 2009 – 202 Enfield Southbury Leisure[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin is shown backstage walking down a corridor. He seems to start having an argument with himself, before grabbing a nearby chair and hitting himself in the head. As officials and backstage personnel scatter, he starts having a wild hardcore brawl with himself while heading to the ring [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs Ben Williams[/COLOR][/B] New Blood challenger Ben Williams had a second chance at a contract tonight if he could beat Bullet Bob Cronin. He couldn't however manage much of an attack and Cronin pinned him in 8:17. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Bullet Bob Cronin[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Trouble in Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Manchester Fly Boy is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Nate Manchester. Nate Manchester says something that Fly Boy doesn't like, and Fly Boy starts on Nate again. After some heated words, Nate Manchester challenges Fly Boy to meet him in the ring for a match. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Manchester Fly Boy Vs Nate Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Former semi active tag partners now against each other. Who could see that coming. Nate Manchester pinned Manchester Fly Boy in 6:42. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner: Nate Manchester[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Menacing Meeting[/COLOR][/B] Menace comes to the ring and gloats about how he how won the battle royal last month and about how he is going to cement his reputation tonight by beating Glen Ward. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Menace Vs Glen Ward[/COLOR][/B] Wowsers. I never thought that these 2 could make a match that good. Crowd seemed to love it. Finally Glen Ward defeated Menace by pinfall. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner: Glen Ward[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating D)[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="darkred"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]Arthur T Turtle Vs Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] The last match between these 2 was 9 months ago and while the feud hadn't really heated up much, it was still nice to put it to bed. Arthur T. Turtle defeated Brilliant White in 7:52 by submission to win the PWA Championship title. [COLOR="Silver"][B]Winner: Arthur T Turtle[/B][/COLOR] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] Barely believing that he's managed to win the title, Arthur T. Turtle grabs the gold and sprints around the ring in a lap of honour, slapping the outstretched hands of the fans whilst holding the belt aloft as the event ends.
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[SIZE="3"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/deathlifecopy.jpg[/IMG] PWA Death for Life - August 2009 – 202 Enfield Southbury Leisure[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin is shown backstage walking down a corridor. He seems to start having an argument with himself, before grabbing a nearby chair and hitting himself in the head. As officials and backstage personnel scatter, he starts having a wild hardcore brawl with himself while heading to the ring [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs Ben Williams[/COLOR][/B] New Blood challenger Ben Williams had a second chance at a contract tonight if he could beat Bullet Bob Cronin. He couldn't however manage much of an attack and Cronin pinned him in 8:17. [B][COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Bullet Bob Cronin[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Trouble in Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Manchester Fly Boy is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Nate Manchester. Nate Manchester says something that Fly Boy doesn't like, and Fly Boy starts on Nate again. After some heated words, Nate Manchester challenges Fly Boy to meet him in the ring for a match. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Manchester Fly Boy Vs Nate Manchester[/COLOR][/B] Former semi active tag partners now against each other. Who could see that coming. Nate Manchester pinned Manchester Fly Boy in 6:42. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner: Nate Manchester[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Menacing Meeting[/COLOR][/B] Menace comes to the ring and gloats about how he how won the battle royal last month and about how he is going to cement his reputation tonight by beating Glen Ward. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Menace Vs Glen Ward[/COLOR][/B] Wowsers. I never thought that these 2 could make a match that good. Crowd seemed to love it. Finally Glen Ward defeated Menace by pinfall. [B][COLOR="silver"]Winner: Glen Ward[/COLOR][/B] [I](Match Rating D)[/I] [B][COLOR="darkred"]Nina Shoots[/COLOR][/B] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [B][COLOR="darkred"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]Arthur T Turtle Vs Brilliant White[/COLOR][/B] The last match between these 2 was 9 months ago and while the feud hadn't really heated up much, it was still nice to put it to bed. Arthur T. Turtle defeated Brilliant White in 7:52 by submission to win the PWA Championship title. [COLOR="Silver"][B]Winner: Arthur T Turtle[/B][/COLOR] [I](Match Rating F)[/I] Barely believing that he's managed to win the title, Arthur T. Turtle grabs the gold and sprints around the ring in a lap of honour, slapping the outstretched hands of the fans whilst holding the belt aloft as the event ends.
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[I]From PWA.co.uk[/I] [QUOTE]After hiding in the shadows since the creation of PWA, Adam B has decided to come to the ring and address the fans. What has prompted this address. And just how will it effect the future of PWA Find out at our next show[/QUOTE]
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[I]From PWA.co.uk[/I] [QUOTE]After hiding in the shadows since the creation of PWA, Adam B has decided to come to the ring and address the fans. What has prompted this address. And just how will it effect the future of PWA Find out at our next show[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwacopy.jpg[/IMG] PWA September – Stour Centre – Attendance 136 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/authcopy.jpg[/IMG][/center][/size][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Meet the boss[/COLOR][/B] Adam B comes to the ring and takes the microphone: [I]"Right.. Some of you may know me. And those are probably the nerds too interested in wrestling to get out and get laid. You guys sit in your rooms in front of your computers and talk with your 'friends' about the backstage politics in wrestling and about who you think is the best. Well simply put. I dont care what you think. This is my company and im gonna do things my way. You lot will find out what i mean after this next match. Former PWA Champion Brilliant White Vs New Blood participant Little Bill Lebowski"[/I] [I]Rating: E[/I] [B]Opening Match-Up [COLOR="DarkRed"]Brilliant White Vs Little Bill Lebowski.[/B][/COLOR] Former champion Brilliant White now finds himself opening the show. Oh how things change. He does however manage to pin Lebowski to start his climb back up. [B]Winner: Brilliant White [/B] [I]Rating: E [/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]Meet the boss Part 2[/B][/COLOR] Adam B takes the mic after the match: [I]"Geez White. How did you manage to keep that belt so long. Right onto the first order of business. Last show Nate Manchester challenged Manchester Fly Boy to a match. YOUR TAG PARTNERS!!! What the hell is the matter with you. Well i have a special surprise for you. Nate.. Either you get yourself out here now and beg for forgiveness, or you face a mystery challenger tonight in a Loser Leaves Town Match."[/I] Minutes pass..... [I]"Well you have sealed your own fate by not coming out here. Be in the ring in 5 minutes"[/I] [I]Rating: E[/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]New girl shoots[/B][/COLOR] New girl Stephanie Hazel (Principessa) comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [I]Rating:A*[/I] [B]Match 2 [COLOR="darkred"]Nate Manchester Vs ???[/B][/COLOR] Nate Manchester heads to the ring looking a bit concerned about who he would face. His concern soon turned to joy as The Minor Annoyance strutted to the ring. However promptly following The Annoyance was Adam B in a referee's outfit. Nate tried his best to pin Annoyance but Adam B wouldn't count. Annoyance's 1 and only pin attempt was fast counted for the win [B]Winner: The Minor Annoyance[/B] [I]Rating: F[/I] Nate Manchester walked out of the arena with a tear in one eye, knowing that his contract with PWA was over. [I]Rating: F[/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]Number #1 Contender[/B][/COLOR] Manny Morhan comes out and announces that Bullet Bob Cronin has now become the number one contender for the PWA Championship after 7 straight wins. [COLOR="darkred"][B]Cant outdo Nina[/B][/COLOR] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [I]Rating: C [/I] [B]Match 3 [COLOR="DarkRed"]Jamie Anderson Vs Too Hot[/B][/COLOR] A solid filler match won by Jamie Anderson [B]Winner: Jamie Anderson[/B] [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]Match 4: PWA Championship [COLOR="darkred"]Arthur T. Turtle Vs Des Davids[/COLOR][/B] Arthur T. Turtle takes on Des Davids in his first defence of the PWA title. A fairly long match that the 2 of them struggled to make look good. Turtle pined Davids in 7:52. [I]Rating: F[/I] Having successfully defended his championship, Arthur T. Turtle poses with the title belt to mark his victory. [I]Rating: F[/I] *edit* Woot.. 2000 views. I wonder just how many of them were me ;)
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwacopy.jpg[/IMG] PWA September – Stour Centre – Attendance 136 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/authcopy.jpg[/IMG][/center][/size][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Meet the boss[/COLOR][/B] Adam B comes to the ring and takes the microphone: [I]"Right.. Some of you may know me. And those are probably the nerds too interested in wrestling to get out and get laid. You guys sit in your rooms in front of your computers and talk with your 'friends' about the backstage politics in wrestling and about who you think is the best. Well simply put. I dont care what you think. This is my company and im gonna do things my way. You lot will find out what i mean after this next match. Former PWA Champion Brilliant White Vs New Blood participant Little Bill Lebowski"[/I] [I]Rating: E[/I] [B]Opening Match-Up [COLOR="DarkRed"]Brilliant White Vs Little Bill Lebowski.[/B][/COLOR] Former champion Brilliant White now finds himself opening the show. Oh how things change. He does however manage to pin Lebowski to start his climb back up. [B]Winner: Brilliant White [/B] [I]Rating: E [/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]Meet the boss Part 2[/B][/COLOR] Adam B takes the mic after the match: [I]"Geez White. How did you manage to keep that belt so long. Right onto the first order of business. Last show Nate Manchester challenged Manchester Fly Boy to a match. YOUR TAG PARTNERS!!! What the hell is the matter with you. Well i have a special surprise for you. Nate.. Either you get yourself out here now and beg for forgiveness, or you face a mystery challenger tonight in a Loser Leaves Town Match."[/I] Minutes pass..... [I]"Well you have sealed your own fate by not coming out here. Be in the ring in 5 minutes"[/I] [I]Rating: E[/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]New girl shoots[/B][/COLOR] New girl Stephanie Hazel (Principessa) comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [I]Rating:A*[/I] [B]Match 2 [COLOR="darkred"]Nate Manchester Vs ???[/B][/COLOR] Nate Manchester heads to the ring looking a bit concerned about who he would face. His concern soon turned to joy as The Minor Annoyance strutted to the ring. However promptly following The Annoyance was Adam B in a referee's outfit. Nate tried his best to pin Annoyance but Adam B wouldn't count. Annoyance's 1 and only pin attempt was fast counted for the win [B]Winner: The Minor Annoyance[/B] [I]Rating: F[/I] Nate Manchester walked out of the arena with a tear in one eye, knowing that his contract with PWA was over. [I]Rating: F[/I] [COLOR="darkred"][B]Number #1 Contender[/B][/COLOR] Manny Morhan comes out and announces that Bullet Bob Cronin has now become the number one contender for the PWA Championship after 7 straight wins. [COLOR="darkred"][B]Cant outdo Nina[/B][/COLOR] Nina The Psycho Ballerina comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [I]Rating: C [/I] [B]Match 3 [COLOR="DarkRed"]Jamie Anderson Vs Too Hot[/B][/COLOR] A solid filler match won by Jamie Anderson [B]Winner: Jamie Anderson[/B] [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]Match 4: PWA Championship [COLOR="darkred"]Arthur T. Turtle Vs Des Davids[/COLOR][/B] Arthur T. Turtle takes on Des Davids in his first defence of the PWA title. A fairly long match that the 2 of them struggled to make look good. Turtle pined Davids in 7:52. [I]Rating: F[/I] Having successfully defended his championship, Arthur T. Turtle poses with the title belt to mark his victory. [I]Rating: F[/I] *edit* Woot.. 2000 views. I wonder just how many of them were me ;)
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