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WWF v WCW v ECW 1998

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WWF Sunday Night Heat! Live! From Cleveland, OH DARK MATCH [b] Stephanie McMahon vs. Terri Runnels [/b] A basic training course for Steph, on how to perform in the ring. Steph hi a low blow, and rolled Runnels up for the pinfall. B- DARK MATCH [b] Jay Reso vs. Jose Estrada [/b] Jay Reso wins when Jose Estrada is caught trying to use brass knuckles. B Micheal Cole: “Welcome to Sunday Night Heat! I’m proud to announce my new partner in calling the action, Owen Hart!” Owen Hart: “ I’m glad to be here, to watch Vader take on Undertaker later.” Cole: “That should be interesting, as Vader assaulted Taker after the main event on RAW.” Hart: “Undertaker doesn’t take things like that lightly. First, however, Mr. McMahon has some news for us.” Shane McMahon: “ Using my pull, I have done something for the WWF fans out there, something my stuck-in-the-past father could never fathom. A Hardcore Title. The tournament starts tonight! All four first round matchs! Jeff Jarret vs. Mark Canterbury, Al Snow vs. Dennis Knight, Bob Holly vs. Ahmed Johnson, and Mankind vs. Terry Funk!” Cole: “What great news for the WWF! A Hardcore division.” Hart: “Why not a submission division?” A [b] Al Snow vs. Dennis Knight [/b] Al Snow won after beating Knight around with a chair for five minutes. B [b] Jeff Jarrett vs. Mark Canterbury [/b] Jarrett hit one shot with the guitar, and it was over. He toyed with him a bit, but the squash was on, and Jarrett won via leg lock tap out. B+ Ahmed Johnson takes the ring. “I get a bye this week, as we all saw how good Bob Holly does against the big boys. We all saw the three stunners. We all saw-” Holly’s music starts, and he races from the crowd, to blindside Johnson. The match begins. B [b] Bob Holly vs. Ahmed Johnson [/b] Holly uses his early advantage to get the first weapon. Taking Johnson on a tour of Hardcore, Holly used a plethora of weapons: frying pan, wooden bat, net, soccer ball, table. Holly lifted Johnson onto a set up slide, and ran back. Running full force, he through a chair, which Johnson caught, and dropkicked the chair into Johnson, and Johnson through the metal slide. The lader fell on top of him, and the match was ended, victory to Holly. A [b] Terry Funk vs. Mankind [/b] While Funk is a hardcore legand, he is also 54. Mankind wins, while not with more skill, but with more endurance. B+ [b] Vader vs. Undertaker [/b] Undertaker went to work on Vader quick, showing off his speed for a big man. Half way through, Kane came down, and hit Taker with a few left over hardcore weapons, as Mankind distracted the ref. Vader swept in, and hit the Vader Bomb, for the 1-2-3. B (Ouch) Total: C+ (Ouch not enough angles + storylines.)
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WWF Sunday Night Heat! Live! From Cleveland, OH DARK MATCH [b] Stephanie McMahon vs. Terri Runnels [/b] A basic training course for Steph, on how to perform in the ring. Steph hi a low blow, and rolled Runnels up for the pinfall. B- DARK MATCH [b] Jay Reso vs. Jose Estrada [/b] Jay Reso wins when Jose Estrada is caught trying to use brass knuckles. B Micheal Cole: “Welcome to Sunday Night Heat! I’m proud to announce my new partner in calling the action, Owen Hart!” Owen Hart: “ I’m glad to be here, to watch Vader take on Undertaker later.” Cole: “That should be interesting, as Vader assaulted Taker after the main event on RAW.” Hart: “Undertaker doesn’t take things like that lightly. First, however, Mr. McMahon has some news for us.” Shane McMahon: “ Using my pull, I have done something for the WWF fans out there, something my stuck-in-the-past father could never fathom. A Hardcore Title. The tournament starts tonight! All four first round matchs! Jeff Jarret vs. Mark Canterbury, Al Snow vs. Dennis Knight, Bob Holly vs. Ahmed Johnson, and Mankind vs. Terry Funk!” Cole: “What great news for the WWF! A Hardcore division.” Hart: “Why not a submission division?” A [b] Al Snow vs. Dennis Knight [/b] Al Snow won after beating Knight around with a chair for five minutes. B [b] Jeff Jarrett vs. Mark Canterbury [/b] Jarrett hit one shot with the guitar, and it was over. He toyed with him a bit, but the squash was on, and Jarrett won via leg lock tap out. B+ Ahmed Johnson takes the ring. “I get a bye this week, as we all saw how good Bob Holly does against the big boys. We all saw the three stunners. We all saw-” Holly’s music starts, and he races from the crowd, to blindside Johnson. The match begins. B [b] Bob Holly vs. Ahmed Johnson [/b] Holly uses his early advantage to get the first weapon. Taking Johnson on a tour of Hardcore, Holly used a plethora of weapons: frying pan, wooden bat, net, soccer ball, table. Holly lifted Johnson onto a set up slide, and ran back. Running full force, he through a chair, which Johnson caught, and dropkicked the chair into Johnson, and Johnson through the metal slide. The lader fell on top of him, and the match was ended, victory to Holly. A [b] Terry Funk vs. Mankind [/b] While Funk is a hardcore legand, he is also 54. Mankind wins, while not with more skill, but with more endurance. B+ [b] Vader vs. Undertaker [/b] Undertaker went to work on Vader quick, showing off his speed for a big man. Half way through, Kane came down, and hit Taker with a few left over hardcore weapons, as Mankind distracted the ref. Vader swept in, and hit the Vader Bomb, for the 1-2-3. B (Ouch) Total: C+ (Ouch not enough angles + storylines.)
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[FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="6"][B]"As the ring turns"[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] WWF RAW Card Matt Hardy vs. Jay Reso Kane vs. Vader Al Snow vs. Jeff Jarrett Bob Holly vs. Mankind WCW Nitro Card Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit Faces of Fear vs. Buff & Steiner Booker T vs. Rey Mystereo Jr. Announcement of Brand Details
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[FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="6"][B]"As the ring turns"[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] WWF RAW Card Matt Hardy vs. Jay Reso Kane vs. Vader Al Snow vs. Jeff Jarrett Bob Holly vs. Mankind WCW Nitro Card Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit Faces of Fear vs. Buff & Steiner Booker T vs. Rey Mystereo Jr. Announcement of Brand Details
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