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WCW Starrcade '97- WCW A New Way

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[i]Starrcade 1997 is a moment in WCW history that will always be remembered. It was the official debut of Bret Hart as the Special Guest Referee in the Bischoff/Zybysko match, and it was also when Sting lost all of his momentum by lying down for Hogan. Despite the bookers trying to pull it off as a "fast count" Hogan had done his damage to the character. Sting still won the title that night but the effect was gone. Thats why things are going different this time, things will turn out for the better, this is Starrcade 97, this.....is....WCW[/i] [center][size=4][b]WCW Starrcade 1997[/b][/size] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/73/Starrcade97.gif[/img] The opening video shows quite a few Bret Hart clips, one of the ones they put an emphasis on was the one of his debut, Bischoff asked him 'Well who's side are you on Bret?', to which Bret simply replied 'You'll just have to wait and see'. They showed clips of Hogan and Stings confrontations with each other then flashed the logo for Starrcade, leading to the pyro's going off and the announcing team of Dusty Rhodes, Tony Shiavone, and Mike Tenay taking their seats and welcoming us to Starrcade '97. [b]Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko for the Cruiserweight Title[/b] Eddy and Dean have a history with each other, it turns out that Dean has beaten Eddy for the ECW Television Title, and WCW U.S Title. Signs were pointing to Dean taking the cruiserweight gold off of Eddy's waist, but Eddy would have none of that. The match started with a staredown between the two men, then Guerrero went in for Malenko who hit a quick armdrag and Guerrero quickly got back up. The two both ran at each other and they locked up, with Malenko getting the advantage and throwing Eddy on the ground. Eddy once more got up quickly and this time went for Malenko immediatly and hit a dropkick to his knee which sent him to the floor. Eddy capitalized on it and began to stomp away at his body. Malenko rolled out of the ring and had to regain composure, but Eddy backed up and flew over the top rope with a crossbody. Malenko hit the floor and Eddy slowly got back up. He lifted Malenko back up and hit a few right hands before he whipped him into the apron. Malenko went down and held his back, at that point the referee was at eight. Eddy rolled in and out of the ring to stop the count and picked Malenko up one more time to whip him into the apron again, but Malenko reversed it, sending Eddy into the apron. He lifted him back up and rolled him into the ring then slid under the ropes. Malenko started to stomp on his lower back, focusing on the damage that had been done by the apron. He lifted Eddy up and hit a snap suplex on him then flipped over quickly and locked in a headlock. He sat there for nearly twenty seconds before Eddy could pick himself up and push Malenko off of him. Malenko was sent into the ropes and he came flying at Guerrero with a Clothesline which he ducked. Malenko came back from the other ropes and went for another clothesline which he ducked also. When he came back the third time Eddy hit a backdrop on Malenko and took a quick breather. Malenko held his back for a few seconds before making an attempt to get up, Eddy grabbed him and whipped him into the corner though then came at him with a dropkick that connected right into his chest. Malenko went down and Eddy taunted the crowd a bit before lifting him up and hitting a few punches on him before giving him a bodyslam. He ran at the ropes and connected with a legdrop to Malenko's throat and tried for a quick pin but Malenko kicked out at the two. Eddy shook his head and lifted Malenko back up. He went for a punch but Malenko blocked it, he went for a left hand but Malenko blocked that also. He went to whip him into the ropes and Malenko reversed it. Eddy came at Malenko who went down for a backdrop but got a huge kick to the face instead. Malenko held his face and Eddy came at him with a clothesline which floored him. Eddy then turned him onto his stomache and locked in a boston crab. Malenko was in pain and Eddy was right in the center of the ring. Malenko was making his way to the ropes so Eddy released the hold and stomped on Malenko's back again. He lifted Malenko up and hit a neckbreaker then once again went back to the boston crab in the center of the ring. Malenko actually got to the ropes this time and Eddy held on for all it was worth. Eddy climbed the top rope and waited for Malenko to get up, once he did he went for a missile dropkick which missed when Malenko moved out of the way. Malenko rested in the corner for a bit then when Eddy got up he went after him with a clothesline. Guerrero got right back up and Malenko went for a punch this time, Eddy then mocked Hogan by 'Hulking Up' to which Malenko gave him a huge right hook which sent him to the ground. Malenko picked Guerrero up from the back and hit a german release suplex. Eddy held his neck and it looked like he could actually be hurt, Malenko locked in the Texas Cloverleaf and everybody thought that it was going to be over. Guerrero could be heard screaming in pain, but he somehow got to the ropes to break the hold. At that point Malenko had control of the match. He lifted Guerrero up and sent him to the ropes, Guerrero was selling the Cloverleaf and limping over there and back, Malenko hit a backdrop and Guerrero was sent flying out of the ring. Malenko followed and lifted Guerrero up and went to throw him back into the ring but Eddy blocked it by elbowing him in the face. He slammed his head into apron and rolled him into the ring. He slid under the ropes and lifted Malenko up and hit a Brainbuster on him. He then went to the top rope and hit the Frog Splash to end the match and retain the title. [b]An Announcement[/b] The nWo music hits and Scott Hall makes his way through the curtains with a toothpick in his mouth. The crowd boo's for him and he has a ****y smile on his face the whole way. He makes his way into the ring with a microphone in his hand and he rolls into the ring and pulls himself up with the middle rope. Scott Hall: Hey, yo. How many of you people came out here to see.....WCW. *Fans cheer*. Now, how many people here came to see..... *fans say it along with him* THE N.W.O. Now I know how everybody wanted to see Kevin Nash come out here and show Giant who the true Giant was, but I've got some bad news. One half of the real tag team champions, my big buddy Kevin Nash, will not be here tonight. So Giant, you won. You won this time big guy, but let me tell ya somethin'. Next time, it ain't gonna be the same. See, everybody out there in Washington D.C. knows that if Kevin Nash was here tonight, he would have whooped...your.... Before Hall can finish his sentence Giant's music hits and Hall backs up into the corner of the ring. Giant grabs a microphone and gets into the ring by stepping over the ropes. Giant: Well, its a damn shame that your buddy Kevin couldn't show up tonight, but its understandable. He is wrestling the biggest man in the business, hes wrestling....a giant. But I'm not going to let this little incident go unnoticed. See I've got something to tell Kevin, that I need you to pass on to him. Hall smirks and holds his hands out, as he does so Giant runs at him with a clothesline, nearly taking Hall's head off. He lifts Hall back up and delivers a gorrila press slam onto him. He lifts him up one last time and delivers a big powerbomb and lays Hall out spread-eagle across the canvas. The fans start up a Giant chant as he walks back to the locker rooms. Dusty and Tenay make a comment about how WCW is winning so far 1-0. [b]Randy Savage, Scott Norton, and Vincent vs. The Steiner Brothers and Ray Traylor[/b] Randy Savage stepped in surprisingly for Konnan who apparently no-showed tonight. Savage made a seperate entrance from Norton and Vincent, he came out after Traylor did which shocked the fans but it was better than Konnan apparently. Savage and Scott Steiner started off the match, Savage got in the first bit of offense when he charged at Steiner and hit him with a clothesline when he was talking to Rick. He dragged him out of the corner and started stomping on him. Steiner got on his feet when Savage let up on the stomps and he got hit with a shoulder block. Steiner was hit with another shoulder block and when he got up and Savage went for another Steiner moved out of the way, sending Savage stumbling into the ropes. Savage turned around and ran at Steiner who delivered a back drop. Savage got back up and Steiner tagged in to Rick who came charging at Savage. Rick tried for a clothesline but Savage ducked it and hit a few right hands until he went into Savage's corner. Savage tagged into Norton and they delivered a double suplex. Norton picked Steiner up and locked in a headlock. Steiner pushed him into the ropes and hit a shoulder block. Norton went down and Steiner jumped on him and hit him with multiple punches to his face. He grabbed him by his hair and drug him over to the corner where he tagged into Scott. They hit a double ddt and Scott started to focus on his head. He hit and elbow drop on Norton then put him in the center of the ring. He put him in a camel clutch and Norton looked like he was in pain. It looked like Norton could tap out and Steiner would get an easy win, but Savage came from behind and kicked Steiner in the back of the head. Savage went back into his corner and Norton rolled into his corner and tagged Savage in. Savage picked him up and delivered a body slam. He lifted Steiner back up and threw him into one of the corners not lined with men. He ran at Steiner and elbowed him in the face sending him to the ground. Savage mocked his opponents in their corner and taunted them. Steiner was getting back up and he got slapped in the face by Savage who then talked a bit of trash to him. He kicked him in the gut and delivered a ddt. Savage went up to the top rope and pumped up before he dove off the top rope and hit a flying elbow drop. He went for the pin but Rick came in to break it up, luckily for Savage, Norton knew he was going to try it and pushed Rick out of the way allowing Savage to get the win for his team. The crowd wasn't pleased with the match at all and let them know it with boo's all around. Savage didn't pay attention to it and simply walked to the back, brushing it off. [b]Bill Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael[/b] Two former NFL players went head to head in this one. Goldberg doesn't even let McMichael get into the ring and runs at him with a shoulder block as he is walking down the ramp. McMichael gets up and tries to fight Goldberg off, but to no avail. Goldberg lifts McMichael up and rams him into the apron. He rolls him into the ring and the bell sounds. Goldberg already has an advantage and starts stomping away at McMichael. He lifts him up and throws him into the ropes as he comes back he hits a belly to belly suplex. Goldberg shows off by posing on the turnbuckle before McMichael gets back up. When Goldberg turns around McMichael hits him with a huge right hand. Goldberg doesn't look like he was even hurt. McMichael gets hit with a kick to the gut and then a big suplex. McMichael rolls out of the ring to regain his composure, he tries to slide back into the ring but Goldberg gets near the ropes and prevents him from getting back in. He finally finds a way in but gets hit with some kicks to his ribs before he can even stand back up. Goldberg picks McMichael up and he immediatly throws him into the ropes and delivers a huge spear to McMichael. He goes for the pin but somehow McMichael kicks up right before the three count. Goldberg looks a little frustrated and he looks out at the crowd. He puts his hand up and does a cut-throat sign, the fans cheer and they know whats coming up next. McMichael slowly gets back up and Goldberg delivers a Jackhammer to him which does it in for McMichael and gives Goldberg the three count and the win. [b]Perry Saturn vs. Chris Benoit[/b] Chris Benoit comes down to the ring with the crowd roaring for him. He looks in the front row and sees members of Raven's Nest and sneers at them. Before he gets a chance to do anything Perry Saturn comes into the ring from the crowd with a chair in hand a smacks Benoit in the back of the head with the chair. The crowd boo's for Saturn and he smiles and begins to smack away at Benoit with the chair. He allowed Benoit to get back up then charged at him and delivered another massive chair shot to his head. Benoit was bleeding on the ground now and he looked like he was already out of this match. Tenay commented on how this is a Raven's Rules match and that at any point during the match Raven's Nest can come in and attack Benoit, stacking the odds completely against him. Saturn threw the chair outside and began working on Benoit by himself, assuming that he had already done enough damage with the chair. He whipped Benoit into the ropes and hit a backdrop on him. Benoit held his back for a bit then Saturn picked him up and leaned him against the ropes. Saturn went to clothesline him out of the ring but Benoit pulled the top rope down and sent Saturn flying out of the ring. Benoit got some time to catch his breath before he went out of the ring and grabbed his own chair to beat down on Saturn. He delivered a huge shot to his skull which echoed around the arena. After the chair shot Billy Kidman stood on the top of the barrier and came off with a missle dropkick, sending the chair into Benoit's face. Kidman smiled at the floored Benoit and he got on the apron and delivered a Shooting Star Press onto him. Benoit was out cold on the ground and Saturn was still down from the chair shot. Kidman gave Benoit a few chair shots of his own before he helped Saturn back up and went back to his seat. Saturn leaned up against the barrier and caught his breath and stared at Benoit who was lying motionless on the floor. Saturn lifted him up and rolled him into the ring. Saturn looked under the ring and tried to find some weapons. He came back with a stop sign, but before he could get into the ring he got hit with a baseball slide from Benoit. Benoit held his head before he went up to the top rope. As Saturn stood up Benoit came off the top with a flying crossbody, sending both men crashing into the ground. Benoit is the first to get up, he looks at Saturn and lifts him up. He whips him into the steps and Saturn flies over them. He starts holding his knee in pain and Benoit rolls him into the ring. He capitalizes on the knee and locks in a sharpshooter. Saturn is screaming out in pain and he probably would ahve tapped hbad it not been for Lodi coming into the ring and kicking Benoit off of Saturn. Benoit was distracted by Lodi and didn't even notice Riggs standing in the corner. When Benoit got up Riggs plowed into him, sending him back on the ground. The nest looked on, admiring the work they had done. Saturn was back up, but limping. He saw Benoit slowly getting up too and he ran at him and delivered a dropkick to his chest, knocking him right back on the ground. Saturn slowly climbed up to the top rope and before he got a chance to do anything Benoit grabbed the top rope, causing Saturn to lose his balance and land square on his manhood. He was straddling the turnbuckle and Benoit ran up to the second turnbuckle and delivered a superplex to Saturn. Benoit had used all of his strength that he had left and it looked like he wasn't able to do anything else, the Nest noticed that and came into the ring to help Saturn back up and to beat down on Benoit a bit more. They started to kick away at his body and delivered a few more chair shots to his ribs. They put Saturn back onto the top rope and he came off with a big moonsault, putting Benoit away for the win. [b]We Got Your Back[/b] Bischoff is seen in his locker room getting ready for his match later tonight. There is a knock on the door and before he can even say come in, Scott Hall and Randy Savage come in. Bischoff looks up at them with a smile and stops taping up his wrists for a moment to talk. Bischoff: Well, I assume you boys are to wish me good luck in my match against Zybysko. No need for it, I'm going to take him out and nWo will be able to run Nitro the way it should be run. Hogan will be champion and sooner than you know, you boys will be gunning for each title we've got. Hall: Yo, boss, we *points to himself and Savage* got a few tricks up our sleeve for tonights match. See, we want the nWo to run this thing just as much as you do, we know that once Zybysko gets out of the way it's gonna be all good for the nWo. Bischoff: A few tricks you say, I like the sound of this. Hall whispers something into Bischoffs ear which puts a huge smile on his face. Bischoff: Boys, I think this is the dawning of a new era for the WCW, we're gonna turn this place upside down. [b]Buff Bagwell vs. Lex Luger[/b] Buff came down to the ring with Vincent in his corner. Luger came out and was immediatly attacked by Bagwell. The second he got into the ring Bagwell hit him with punches left and right, he whipped Luger into the ropes and hit a big boot. Luger tries to get back up but gets beaten by Bagwell again with a few punches to his face. He gets picked up and whipped into the corner. Bagwell runs at him and spears him in the corner. Luger falls down, still lying agains the turnbuckle and Bagwell stomps a mudhole into him. Luger rolls out of the ring and Vincent begins to attack. Luger fights him off by throwing him into the barrier and just finally getting a chance to catch his breath. Bagwell reaches down and grabs Luger by the hair to try and pull him in, but Luger fights him off. Luger rolls into the ring and blocks one of Bagwells punches. He blocks two more before he gets in some offense of his own. He hits him with a few right hands then whips him into the corner and hits a spinebuster. Bagwell doesn't get a chance to get back up because Luger jumps right on top of him and starts punching away at Bagwell's face. Luger lifts him up and hits a bodyslam on Bagwell. Luger hits a quick elbow drop, hits a few more, then a big legdrop onto Bagwell. With the momentum shifted, Luger starts posing for the crowd. As he does so Vincent grabs Lugers legs and trips him up. Luger focuses on Vincent and Bagwell comes up behind him and hits a forearm to the back of his head, sending him out of the ring. Luger holds the back of his head and Bagwell leaves the ring to attack. He lifts Luger up and grabs him by the hair and drags him over to the ring posts. He slams his head into the post three times then whips him into the barrier. He rolls into the ring then rolls back out to stop the count out. He kicks Luger in the stomach a few times before he whips him into the steps. Luger is in pain and he looks like hes going to be going down quickly. Bagwells rolls him back into the ring and starts to work on the knee. He drags him near the corner and goes outside of the ring and slams his leg into the ringpost a few times. Luger is in pain and rolls around the ring holding his leg, Bagwell taunts the fans before he rolls back into the ring. Bagwell starts to stomp on Lugers leg and putting him in a few submissions. He locks in a figure four leglock in the middle of the ring and Luger screaming out, trying his hardest to reach the ropes. Luger finally makes his way to the ropes but the figure four had done its damage. Bagwell knows that he has beaten Luger now and he starts to toy with him. He slaps him in the back of the head a bit trying to give him some motivation to get back up. When he finally does get up he is essentially on one leg and still fighting Bagwell off. Bagwell goes to put him in a suplex but Luger blocks it and gives him a swift elbow to the face. Luger picks Bagwell up and goes for the torture rack. Fans start cheering and it looks like it might be it for Bagwell, but suddenly Lugers leg gives out and he falls to the ground clutching his leg and Bagwell lets out a sigh of relief. He hits the Buff Blockbuster and ends it for Luger with the one, two, three. [b]Winning One For WCW[/b] DDP is seen backstage walking through the halls, heading to the ring for his match with Curt Henning. As he's turning a corner he runs into Larry Zybysko, he stops and stares at him a bit and almost walks off before Zybysko calls him back. Zybysko: Hey DDP, I know you got your match with Curt Henning next, but I know that Bischoff is going to have some men at his side, I just need to know that I've got a few men of my own incase things get messy out there. DDP: Let me get this straight Zybysko, you want me to go out there and help you win your match for you, why exactly would that be. Zybysko: If you don't then the nWo is going to run Nitro right into the ground and you can kiss any of your future title shots goodbye. DDP: Y'know what, I'm not going to go out there for you Zybysko...I'm going out there for WCW. I'm going to go out there, beat down Henning and take back the United States Title for the WCW. After that if I see things are getting a little one sided out there in your match, I'll go down there and even the odds a bit. But one thing, after you win that match you gotta make sure that DDP gets the World Title shot that he deserves. DDP holds up his Diamond symbol and screams out "Bang" as he laughs and walks off from Zybysko. Zybysko lets out a sigh of relief and looks for more WCW wrestlers to try and back him up in his match against Bischoff. [b]Keeping The Gold Where It Belongs[/b] Hogan and Henning are seen backstage in the nWo locker room. Bischoff is sitting in the corner already in his wrestling gear and Henning is getting ready to walk out of the room. As he opens the door he feels a hand tap his shoulder. He turns around and Hogan is staring him in the eyes. He points to Hennings title and begins to speak. Hollywood Hogan: I got somthin' to tell ya' brother. You got DDP, and I got Sting, we're taking down the WCW bit by bit, person by person. So dude, I got one thing to say to ya'. if you don't have that U.S Title after the match.....don't bother coming back. Henning: Wait a second, you're telling me that [b]I[/b] need to make sure that I win it. If I were you I'd be watching my back, you don't exactly have the most friends in this place. You know half of the WCW is gunning for the gold you got around your waist, and with Bret Hart coming in he ain't gonna be happy with you holding it. So you worry about your gold.....and I'll worry about mine. [b]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Curt Henning for the U.S Title[/b] DDP came out first and he waited in the ring for Curt. He heard the music but nothing happened, Curt was nowhere in sight. DDP looked around and the next thing he knew Henning came from behind him and delivered a Diamond Cutter onto DDP. DDP went down quick and Curt went for a pin, he got to the two count before DDP kicked out. Curt cursed to himself before he threw his title onto the floor outside and started stomping away at DDP. He did a quick fist drop onto DDP's forehead and picked him up and whipped him into the corner. Curt ran at him and hit a clothesline to DDP. DDP stumbled out of the corner and Curt hit an overhead belly to belly. Curt didn't let up at all, he went down and locked in a chinlock and held it there for quite a bit of time. DDP broke away from it after about fifteen seconds. Curt whipped DDP into the ropes and went for a clothesline, DDP ducked under it and came back off of the ropes but got hit with a backdrop. DDP got up quickly after that and blocked a punch from Curt. Curt tried three right hands in a row but all of them were blocked by DDP, he went for a left but the same thing happened. Thats when DDP capitalized. He hit a few punches of his own and hit a snap suplex on Curt. Curt got back up and got hit with a dropkick from DDP. Both men got up at the same time and had a stare down. The two men went to lock up an Henning got the upperhand, turning it into a headlock. DDP overpowered Henning though and turned it into a back suplex which got cheers from the fans who were glad to see Page finally get the upperhand. DDP quickly turned over and locked in a single leg boston crab. Henning was close to the ropes and got the rope break, forcing Page to let go. Curt got up and got hit with a quick clothesline, he got back up and got another, then a third one. The next time he got hit with a takedown, Page grabbed his legs and drug him to the ground. He locked in a sharpshooter and pulled him closer to the center of the ring. Henning was in pain and it looked like he could tap right there, Page was getting pulled closer to the ropes but he pulled back to the center to prevent the rope break, but Henning just wouldn't give up. Henning finally drug himself to the ropes and held on for dear life. He roleld out of the ring and just lied on the ground clutching his leg. DDP got out of the ring and went to lift Henning up but got greeted with a poke in the eyes. Page held his eyes tight as Henning hobbled over to his title attempting to hit DDP with it and get dq'd, but the referee stopped him. Henning pushed him out of the way and slammed Page's head into the stairs. He pushed Page into the ring and shortly after rolled in with him. He lifted him up and gave him a quick kick to the gut before he hit the Fisherman Suplex. It was almost all over for Page, but he somehow found it in him to kick out of it. Curt starting screaming out in frustration and hobbled back over to the corner. He pulled himself up to the top rope and went for a moonsault on DDP but he rolled out of the way and Curt went crashing down. He held his stomache and Page took a rest in the corner after being attacked. He pulled himself up by the top rope and held up the diamond signal, calling for the Diamond Cutter. Henning got up and ducked as Page went for it, repaying Page for the missed moonsault. The fans were almost sure that the Cutter would end the match and boo'd when Henning ducked it. Henning grabbed Page's leg and locked in a boston crab on Page. Page was down but not out, he extended his hands as far as they could go, but he just couldn't reach the ropes. He was almost about to tap, but he found the strength to flip Henning over and sent him flying through the ropes. Page held onto the ropes and pulled himself slowly up. Henning was on the ground on the outside holding his head from the fall, he, like Page, pulled himself up and found a way back into the ring. Page went for a punch but Henning ducked it. Henning hit a few punches then whipped Page into the corner of the ring. Henning lifted Page up to the top rope and raised his hands up high. He got on the middle rope and hit a german suplex from the top rope, sending Page flying into the middle of the ring. Henning was exhausted and so was Page, they were losing steam quickly. Henning tried to get a pin in after the suplex but Page kicked out right before the two. Henning climbed up to the top rope one more time and was about to fly off with a cross body once Page got up, but Page ran with all of his might to the ropes, making Henning lose his balance and stradle the turnbuckle. Page grabbed Hennings head while he was still on the top rope and held up the Diamonds. He then hit a Diamond Cutter from the second rope which got a huge cheer from the fans. Page draped his entire body over Henning and Henning kicked out right [b]after[/b] the three count. Page was pulled up by the referee and he handed him the title. Page leaned on the ropes and held the U.S Title high up in the air. The fans started a DDP chant and he slowly made his way out of the ring and through the crowd to go back to his locker room. [b]Larry Zybysko vs. Eric Bischoff Special Guest Referee: Bret Hart[/b] Bischoff made his entrance first and he was getting more boo's than anybody had gotten the entire night. He paid no attention to them and he got in the ring and took his nWo shirt off and stood in the corner, waiting for Zybysko. Zybysko made his entrance next, he came out to the Nitro music and the fans cheered as he stepped out from behind the curtains. He got one of the bigger pops of the night and the fans were loving him. He rolled under the ropes and didn't even get a chance to get in his wrestling gear. Bischoff hit him with a kick to his gut then hit the ddt. Bret came out last in his referee attire and the fans erupted for his music. He sprinted down the ramp and slid under the ropes then pointed to the time keeper to ring the bell. The match had officially started and Bischoff was already getting the upperhand. He was kicking and punching Zybysko like he was fighting for his life. He whipped him into the ropes and hit a clothesline. Zybysko was getting destroyed so far, Bischoff just kept kicking away at his ribs until he got back up and delivered another clothesline. When Bischoff switched things up Zybysko finally got his chance to get in some offense. He blocked a punch from Bischoff and elbowed him in the face. Bischoff lost his balance and Zybysko tackled him to the ground and started punching away at him. Bret was staying in his corner just watching what was going on. Zybysko let up for a bit then Bischoff poked him in the eyes. Bret pulled Bischoff to the side and told him to back off, the eye poke is illegal. Bischoff brushed it off and ran at Zybysko, but Zybysko moved out of the way and locked Bischoff into a cobra clutch. Bischoff was trying to fight his way out of it but to no avail. It looked like the match could have a premature ending but Bischoff reached the ropes and grabbed on. Bret was forced to break the hold, Zybysko wouldn't let go and Bret warned him telling him that he could get a DQ which lead him to letting go of the clutch. Zybysko drug Bischoff to the middle of the ring and started stomping on his head. Bret actually pushed him off of Bischoff which got boo's from the crowd and a what the hell look from Zybysko. Zybysko picked Bischoff up and whipped him into the corner of the ring and came at him with a clothesline. Bischoff came out of the corner and was greeted with a bulldog by Zybysko. Zybysko went for the pin but barely got the two count. Zybysko went up on the top rope much to the surprise of the fans, but nobody found out what was going to happen, Scott Hall stepped up on the apron and pushed Zybysko off of the turnbuckle and sent him crashing into the mat. Bret wasn't paying attention and didn't notice it, all he saw was Hall outside of the ring and Zybysko on the canvas. Bischoff looked at Hall smiled then pulled himself up and started attacking Zybysko. He whipped him into the ropes and when he came back Bischoff hit him with a super kick. Zybysko went down quick and Bischoff went for a pin but only got the two. Bischoff rolled out of the ring and started to talk to Hall about something, Bret didn't notice it but the fans behind them did, he slipped something to Bischoff which he put into his pocket. The fans boo'd and Bischoff went back into the ring. Zybysko got up and ducked under a punch from Bischoff then hit him with a headbutt. Bischoff was pushed into the ropes and Zybysko charged at him and clotheslined him out of the ring and onto the mat. Zybysko stepped out of the ring and started punching Bischoff and Bret started the count. Zybysko went to go back into the ring but Hall came over and pulled him back out. Bret yelled at Hall a bit but Hall payed no attention. Hall started punching Zybysko then whipped him into the ring post. As Hall went to run at Zybysko, DDP came from the crowd and hit a Diamond Cutter on Hall. Bret pulled Hall and Page away and told both of them to cut it out or they'd be sent to the back. Bischoff got back into the ring and Zybysko slowly was behind him. Thats when Bischoff put his little gift from Hall to work, Hall stepped up onto the apron to distract Hart and Bischoff pulled out the brass knuckles. He hit Zybysko square in the face with them, busting him open. Bischoff put the knuckles back into his pocket and went for the pin. Hall screamed at Bret and told him to pay attention to the match, he turned around and started the count. 1....2....KICK OUT. Zybysko held his forehead in pain and Page tried to tell Hart what happened. As he was explaining Hall got in the ring and delivered an Outsiders Edge to Zybysko. Thats when all hell broke loose, Page finally got in the ring and went right after Hall, Savage got in and gave Hall some help. They sent Page into the ropes and delivered a double spine buster on him. Page was down and Zybysko was out numbered three to one. Hart noticed this and stepped in between Savage, Hall, and Bischoff....then turned around and delivered a huge right hand to Zybysko. Bischoff smirked and called for the mic. Hart locked in the Sharpshooter on Zybysko who was bleeding from the brass knuckle shot. Bret pointed to the time keeper and called for the bell. Hart took off his referee shirt and revealed the nWo shirt he had beneath it. [b]The New World Order[/b] Bischoff had the mic and he stood beside Bret as they were getting huge boo's from the fans. He smirked as Nash, Savage, and Hart all shook hands and posed on the turnbuckles. Bischoff: You should've known that I've ALWAYS got something up my sleeve. You think I was just going to go in here and risk Zybysko having complete control of Nitro, oh no, I talked to Hart after his debut on Nitro and we had it all worked out. He wanted to come to this place with a new beginning. He got screwed up north, and now he gets his shot to be on the other end of the stick. See, now that we've got Bret in the nWo, AND complete control of Nitro....things are gonna change around here. That I garuntee you. Bischoff, Hall, Hart, and Savage all head to the back while they get garbage thrown at them heading up. Page finally gets back up and he helps Zybysko to the back as the officials clean up the arena for the main event. [b]Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Title[/b] Hollywood Hogan came out to Voodoo Child and got hands down the biggest heat of the entire night. He had the title around his waist and he was making his way down to the ring, he did his ear thing and and the fans got louder. He stepped into the ring and posed on the turnbuckles then handed the referee the belt. He ripped off his shirt and threw it on the ground outside. He was talking to the referee as the lights went out and the fans erupted. The scorpion was seen on the titantron and the fans got louder. A voice was heard speaking about the upcoming match, talking about the battle between good and evil and how this was the end, how this was the face of WCW and he stood for everything Hogan didn't. This...is.....Sting. Sting was seen walking through the curtains with his bat in hand with his trench coat on. He raised his hands in the air and stood at the top of the ramp, he looked up at the ceiling then slowly walked down the ramp. He stood in front of the ring and pointed his bat at Hogan. He handed the bat to the referee and put the trench coat in his hands. Hogan and Sting stood in their own corners and had a stare down and then the bell rang. Sting didn't budge and Hogan was walking around the ring. Hogan finally got right in the center and Sting made his way forward. Hogan took the first strike, hitting Sting with a right hand. Sting didn't budge, Hogan gave him another right hand and once more Sting didn't budge. The fans were getting louder by the second and Hogan went for a third punch but Sting put his hand up and blocked it. Sting hit a few right hands of his own and sent Hogan into the corner. Hogan backed off and rubbed his cheek a bit before he went back in to Sting. The two locked up and Hogan got the upperhand this time, pushing Sting onto the ground. Sting got right back up and Hogan came charging at him with a clothesline. Sting ducked and hit him with some punches before he whipped him into the ropes, Hogan came back and went for a big boot but Sting ducked it. Hogan came back off the ropes and got hit with a backdrop from Sting. Hogan got back up and went right for Sting again, this time he gave him a shoulder block and sent him to the ground. Sting got back up and Hogan came at him with a clothesline. Hogan whipped Sting into the ropes and ducked under another attempted clothesline, Sting kicked Hogan in the gut and gave him a clothesline of his own, out of the ring. Hogan waits on the outside of the ring and leans on the barricade as the referee starts his count. Sting goes over to the ropes since Hogan is coming in, and Hogan grabs Sting by the legs and drags him out of the ring. Hogan hits Sting with a barrage of lefts and rights and whips him into the barricade. He comes at him with a clothesline and Sting goes down on the floor. Hogan looks down on Sting and lifts him up. He whips Sting into the ring post and he goes down again. Sting is lying on the ground and Hogan rolls in and out of the ring to avoid the count out. He lifts Sting up but gets hit with a few right hands of his own. Hogan stops him from getting much more in though by blocking the rest of his punches and he tries to whip him into the barrier again but Sting reverses it. He backs up a bit and connects with the Stinger Splash onto Hogan. Hogan got a taste of his own medicine and Sting rolls him back into the ring. Sting waits for Hogan to get up and whips him into the corner and goes for another Stinger Splash but Hogan moves out of the way, sending Sting into the turnbuckle. Hogan lifts Sting up by the back and delivers a backbreaker on Sting. Hogan taunts the crowd by putting his hands up to his ear and posing. He runs at the ropes and goes for the legdrop but Sting moves out of the way. Sting gets back up and Hogan is up at about the same time as he is and the two go for another tie up. Sting gets the advantage this time and pushes Hogan onto the ground and back into his corner. Hogan leans on the turnbuckle and Sting rushes at him but gets hit with a big boot to the face. Sting slowly gets back up with Hogan assisting him then gets right back on the canvas after a body slam. Hogan had one failed attempt and now he's going for another legdrop. He runs to the ropes and comes off of the other one and connects with the legdrop. 1....... 2....... KICKOUT Sting kicked out of the legdrop and the fans erupted knowing that Sting was still in this thing. Hogan looked shocked, that was going to be the face that he was remembered for for a long time. He slammed his fists against the mat thinking that this was going to be the end of the match. He went off the ropes and went for another legdrop but Sting moves out of the way. Sting slowly makes his way up but Hogan was up before him. Hogan rushes at Sting with a clothesline but Sting ducks under it and comes back off the ropes with a flying forearm to the face, Hogan goes down and Sting lets out a howl. The fans howl back and Sting lifts Hogan back up and throws him into the corner. He runs at him screaming and hits a Stinger Splash again. Hogan goes down and Sting pulls him into the center of the ring. Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock and the fans go crazy. Hogan drags Sting as close to the ropes that you can get without actually reaching them before Sting pulls him back. Bret Hart runs down the ramp and slides into the ring but he's too late. The second he hits the ring the bell goes off, Hogan tapped out to the Scorpion Death Lock. Sting ducks under an attempted clothesline by Bret and hits the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting stands over Brets body and walks out of the ring and grabs his new Heavyweight Title and holds it up high in the air. Almost the entire locker room comes out and surrounds the ring, they pull Hogan and Hart out and Sting stands in the ring celebrating not only his victory, but the victory of the WCW over the nWo. Sting is on the top rope with his title in one hand and bat in the other as the ppv feed cuts out and the screen fades to black.[/center]
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[center][b]WCW Nitro Monday, December 29th 1997[/b] [b]A New Nitro[/b] A video with highlights of Starrcade 97 starts off the night. It shows Eddy Guerrero holding his title high in the air after his match with Malenko, Scott Hall getting powerbombed by The Giant, Savage delivering the elbow drop onto Steiner, Goldberg delivering the Jackhammer to McMichael, Saturn standing over the bloodied Benoit, Bagwell and Vincent celebrating their win, a glimpse of Hogan talking to Henning, DDP delivering the top rope Diamond Cutter, Bret Hart turning on Zybysko and locking in the sharpshooter, then the moment they'll never forget, Sting holding the title high up in the air as the pay per view went off the air. Suddenly the screen cuts to "snow" and the nWo music hits. The bottom corner of the screen has the nWo symbol instead of the Nitro symbol, and the set up of the arena has been changed. Instead of the WCW logo on the stage there is a huge nWo symbol. The music is still going and out comes Bischoff, Hogan, and Hart. The fans jeer as they walk down the ramp. The referees are wearing black shirts with the nWo written on them and nearly every official has an nWo shirt on. Bischoff calls for a microphone and they toss him one from over the ropes. Bischoff: Let me start off this glorious night by saying one thing, Nitro....is....MINE. Tonight is going to be totally different, things are going to change around here. Tonight our main event is going to be a re-match. We're going to see Hollywood Hulk Hogan facing off against the WCW Heavyweight Champion Sting for the title, but this won't be an ordinary match, oh no. We get a special referee for this match, we get the one and only.....Eric Bischoff. Hogan: Thats right brother, last night was a fluke. The Stinger got the upperhand by ONE faulty move, tonight things are gonna change dude. Tonight we're going to see the true champion taking his throne, TONIGHT we see the New World Order take absolute control over Nitro brother, and there isn't a damn thing that anybody back there, or up there *points to the rafters* can do about it. As Hogan point to the rafters the arena goes dark. The fans start to cheer and chant 'Stinger'. The lights come back on and Sting is standing behind Hogan. Bischoff and Hart are already down and Hogan is staring in the other direction. He looks around and sees Hart and Bischoff on the floor then feels something tap on his back. He turns around and Sting is holding his bat in his hand, he hits Hogan in the gut with it then delivers a blow to his back. Out from the crowd comes Nash, Hall, and Savage. Sting punches Nash off of the apron before he can get into the ring. Hall rushes in and gets hit with the bat. Savage comes up from behind Sting and pounds away at the back of his head. Sting throws an elbow into Savage's face and punches Hall into the corner. He downs Savage with the bat then rushes at Hall and hits the Stinger Splash. Out from the back comes Henning and Bagwell and Sting stops them in their tracks by pointing his bat at them. The rest of the nWo have rolled out of the ring and started up the ramp. Sting stands in the ring and glares at the nWo as they walk back up the ramp, defeated by Sting. They zoom in on Sting's face glaring at Hogan and Bischoff as they stand at the top of the ramp and they go to a commercial. [b]Chris Benoit vs. Billy Kidman[/b] Chris Benoit comes out from the ramp and raises the four fingers up high in the air. He glares at the Nest sitting down in the front row, he stops right in front of Raven and glares at him for a few seconds. Raven smirks and slaps Kidman in the chest. Kidman jumps over the railing and goes right after Benoit. He hits him with a few right hands and whips him into the stairs. Benoit flips over the stairs and holds his knees. Kidman picks him up by the hair and slams his face into the stairs then poses infront of the crowd. He rolls Benoit into the ring and follows him shortly after. Kidman keeps on the offense for quite a bit until Benoit starts to turn the tables on him. Kidman misses a moonsault and Benoit capitalizes by getting in a few suplexes and submissions. Benoit hits two german suplexes in a row and he goes for a third but Kidman lands on his feet then rushes at him with a bulldog. Benoit takes a beating for the rest of the match and it ends after he gets hit with the Shooting Star Press from Kidman. After the match Raven's Nest hops into the ring and starts beating down on Benoit. McMichael, Malenko, and Flair come out to help Benoit and fight off the Nest. After Raven and his lackies head back through the crowd, Benoit gets helped up by the rest of the Horsemen and they head to the back, but Flair stays in the ring. [b]Whooooo[/b] Flair hangs around the ring and gets a microphone from the workers at ringside. He struts around the ring and lets out a 'Whooooo' before he puts the microphone up to his mouth. Flair: 'WHOOOOOO' It's good to be here in Baltimore, Maryland *cheap pop*. But I have a few things to adress. See, last night, DDP took the Inited States Title back for the WCW, congratulations on that my friend. Perfect turned his back on the Horsemen for the damn nWo and he don't deserve the gold. Now if Bischoff and his crew think that just because they've taken control of Nitro that Flair, ain't gonna come out here and speak his mind, then they're wrong. But there is another thing that needs to be adressed. Sting! *fans cheer* Sting took back what we needed, Sting took that Heavyweight Title back and damnit it's about time. So tonight, we got the re-match for the ages. We got Sting taking on Hogan one more time. Now we all heard that Bischoff is planning on stopping Sting from keeping that title around his waist, and damnit we're not standing for that. Sting, I'm here to tell you one thing....I got....your back. Flair drops the mic and lets out one last 'Whooo' before he heads to the back. As he gets out of the ring Henning stands at the top of the ramp. Flair lets out a sick smile as Henning runs at him. Flair gives him a few right hands and Henning goes to the ground. Flair goes to pick him back up but Henning gives him a rake of the eyes. Flair gets whipped into the barrier and Henning starts beating him down with lefts, rights, and kicks to the gut. Henning gives Flair a suplex onto the stairs and leaves him lying there on the ground holding his stomache in pain. Henning heads to the back and gets boo'd by the fans as they head to a commercial. [b]Booker T vs. Disco Inferno for the Television Title[/b] Disco comes down to the ring first with the Television Title around his waist. Booker heads down to the ring with Stevie Ray at his side. Disco gets in the first bit of offense after he hits Booker with a quick kick to the gut and a ddt. Disco has control of the match for around the first two or three minutes. Disco was getting in a few cheap moves, so Stevie decided to even it up by throwing him off of his game and distracting him. After that it was all Booker. He hit him with a big kick to the face which sent him to the ground and he kept control of the match until the end of it. Booker was hitting kicks and punches constantly on Disco and just didn't let up. He hit a scissors kick on him but Disco kicked out right before the three. After giving him a bit more of a beating he went up top and hit the Harlem Hangover to pin Disco and win the Television Title. Booker and Stevie celebrated in the ring as Disco rolled out and headed to the back. Booker held the title up in the air and the fans started a Booker T chant as we went to the back where Bischoff and Hogan were in Bischoff's office. [b]Something Has To Be Done[/b] Bischoff is sitting in his new desk in his office and Hogan is walking around the room frustrated. He punches the wall in frustration and Bischoff gets out of his chair quickly. Bischoff: Woah, woah, woah, calm down. Don't worry tonight is going to go smoothly just like we planned. You saw what Henning did to Flair, nobody is going to be able to get in that ring if they aren't nWo. You're going to bring the gold back to nWo tonight and there isn't a damn thing that anyone back here can do about it, I won't let them get out of those curtains, I'll have Nash and Hall patrolling the ramp and nWo members scattered all around the arena, we'll have the place surrounded. It's just gonna be you, Sting, and of course your special referee, me. As Bischoff is making his speech Henning walks into the room and Hogan stares at him. Henning walks over to Bischoffs desk and slams his fists down. Henning: Look, DDP screwed me over last night and damnit I want my rematch. If Hogan can get his after losing fairly to the Stinger then I want mine tonight. Bischoff: Well Curt, first off you don't just barge in here and demand something from me, nWo or not. I'm the higher power in this company and you do what I say, not the other way around, and to answer your question, no you don't get DDP tonight one on one, but you get him in a handicapped match coming up next. It's DDP facing off with Curt Henning and The Outsiders. Now give him hell. Curt smirks and walks out of the office, but not before glaring at Hogan once more. He walks down the hall and meets up with Hall and Nash and they walk down the halls because they're match is next. [b]DDP vs. The Outsiders & Curt Henning[/b] DDP comes out with the U.S Title draped over his shoulder, he throws up his Diamond and screams out Bang, but the second he does Nash comes from behind and pushes him down. Hall and Henning are shortly after and they kick away at DDP as he rolls down the ramp. Nash lifts him up and tosses him into the ring over the ropes. Hall and Henning slide into the ring and Nash steps over the ropes. Hall starts to punch away at Page and whips him into the corner then Henning runs at him and clotheslines him. Page staggers out of the corner and Nash hits him with a big boot. Page is on the ground in pain and they don't let up. They lift him back up and Henning and Hall whip him into the other corner as Nash rushes at him and gives him a clothesline of his own. Page is out cold at that point and everybody starts to just give it to him. Hall picks him up and delivers the Outsiders Edge. Henning gives him a Fisherman Suplex, then Nash delivers a Jack-knife Powerbomb. He goes to pick him up for a second one but The Giant comes out from the crowd and gets into the ring. Hall rushes at him to stop him but he delivers a huge headbutt, Henning goes for the same but gets a big boot. Nash drops Page and runs at the Giant for a clothesline but he ducks under it. When Nash comes back he gets caught in a chokeslam. Giant has him hanging in the air then sends him down with a thud. Giant picks up Page and lays him on top of Nash then orders the ref to make the pin. The bell goes off and Giant picks Page up and carries him to the back draped on his shoulder. He carries the U.S title with him and they go to a commercial with Hall, Henning, and Nash all down and out in the ring. [b]We've Got Ourselves A Main Event[/b] Hall and Nash are in Bischoff's office and they're already in the middle of a discussion. Nash: Look Bichoff, I want Giant next week and if I don't get it things aren't going to be going all that smoothly around here anymore. Bischoff: Nash, Nash, Nash, just calm down. Giant is going to get whats coming to him but I can't risk you getting hurt against him next week, we're going to be needing you for.... Nash: For what, protection? Look, I want Giant, and I want him next week, if it doesn't go down then we'll have some problems. Bischoff: Ok, ok, next week its you facing off with Giant in the main event. Now just calm down for a second. We've got to discuss some plans for our main event tonight. [b]Bret Hart vs. Dean Malenko[/b] Bret came down to the ring with his nWo music and he got quite a few cheers but more boo's than anything. Next came Malenko, the crowd was pumped up for this match which was sure to be full of technical wrestling. Hart went right on Malenko when he got into the ring and he didn't look back after that. He started with a sitff punch to Malenko's face which sent him down quick, Hart then hit a barrage of kicks and he got on his back and locked in a camel clutch. Malenko was stuck in it for a while before he finally broke free of it when he somehow got to his knees and found a way to flip over onto Hart. He slowly got back up and Hart was there to greet him with a reverse ddt. Hart quickly locked in an armbar after it and started to work on Malenko's arm. He let go after a bit then hit a quick elbow drop. He lifted Malenko up and whipped him into the ropes and came back with an overhead belly to belly. Malenko held his back and slowly made his way back up but got hit with a clothesline that send him flying to the mat. Hart got back out of the ring and rolled Malenko back in. He quickly locked in a Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring and shortly after Malenko tapped out. Hart didn't even get the chance to take off his nWo shirt before the match and he rolled out of the ring and headed to the back, leaving Malenko lying on the canvas in the middle of the ring. [b]Sting vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Title Special Referee: Eric Bischoff[/b] Hogan and Bischoff made their entrance first with the entire nWo coming in behind him. Nash and Hall stopped at the top of the ramp, Bagwell and Norton were standing at the bottom of the ramp, Henning went by the time keeper, and the rest were scattered all around the floor around the ring and some in the audience. The lights go out and the fans erupt. A small spotlight is on Hogan and it follows his every move. Sting makes his way down from the rafters and pulls out his bat. The lights come back on and Sting is standing in front of the ring at the bottom of the ramp, right beside Bagwell and Norton. He is pointing the bat right at Hogan and he had the belt around his waist. He then moves the bat forward and suddenly The Giant, DDP, Goldberg, Booker T, and the rest of the locker room comes out from the curtains and stand at the top of the ramp. Sting smirks, drops his bat, and rushes into the ring. Hogan and Sting go right at it with lefts and rights galore, Sting gets downed first and Hogan starts on him with a barrage of kicks. It stays this way for quite a bit of time until Sting blocks a few of his punches and whips him into the ropes and hits a backdrop. Sting lets out his own barrage of punches and gets him against the ropes then clotheslines him out. Hogan gets helped up by Henning who gives him a hard slap on the back then pushes him back into the ring. Bischoff gets out for a second and starts to yell at Henning, Henning just shrugs and acts like he's sorry about it. When Bischoff goes back into the ring the rest of the nWo follows suit. Bagwell, Norton, Hart, and Savage all get in the ring, this leads to Giant, Page, Booker, Goldberg, Stevie Ray, and the Steiners to bust through Hall and Nash's barricade and make their way down to the ring. Giant throws Savage out of the ring and Page goes after Hart. Page hits the Diamond Cutter on Hart and kicks him out of the ring. Goldberg spears Norton and Booker delivers a scissors kick to Bagwell. Giant, Page, Goldberg, and Booker all stare at Bischoff who starts to back into a corner, the corner that Sting is standing in. Bischoff turns around and Sting gives him a huge right hand. Bischoff goes down and Hogan slides out of the ring and up the ramp. Nash and Hall go to run down the ramp and get Bischoff out of the rampage inside but Giant stands at the ropes and holds his hands out. Nash and Hall slowly back up and make their way up the ramp with Hogan. Bischoff is on his knees pleading for Sting to leave him be, Sting turns around then kicks him in the gut and pushes him to the floor. He locks in a Scorpion Death Lock and Bischoff is screaming in pain. When the nWo make their way out of the ring Zybysko makes his way down the ramp. Giant, DDP, and the rest of the WCW gang give him a few pats on the back. Sting drops Bischoff and heads into the corner. The Steiners lift Bischoff up and Zybysko pulls out a pair of his own brass knuckles and delivers a hard blow to Bischoff's face. Bischoff lies unconcious on the ground and Zybysko hands Sting his title. Zybysko grabs a microphone and screams "We're taking it back!" as Nitro goes off the air.[/center]
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I'd noticed this over at EWB but hadn't got round to reading it. Now that it's over here and stands out more I'll give it a look. I don't really have anything to say at this point and I'm sure I remembered noticing on EWB that you said somehtin about that first Nitro being weak and just booked on the fly, so I'll wait for the next show, but already this is the best WCW diary on the board by a mile. Nice work
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I've got one thing to say, do it in the other WCW diaries if you want but please don't fill up mine with your comments that have nothing to do with my diary and is simply shilling out yours. All you're doing is bumping your post count and I'd rather you not whore out your diary in mine.
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....you'll last long, i can see that.In fact i was gonna comment on your diary, as i have ten points, which i was just discussing with 2 active members on this forum. As of now, and im sure they will agree, i wont post any comments and neither will they. Well done son, give ya self a pat on the back.
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[quote] [b]WCW.com[/b] [b]WCW Monday Nitro Preview Monday, January 5th, 1998[/b] Last week we saw the first week with the nWo in control of Nitro and it was certainly a trip. Sting and Hulk Hogan faced off in a rematch that went nowhere when the nWo tried to attack Sting but the faithful members of the WCW fought them off. Bischoff was somehow left in the ring where he was delivered a Scorpion Deathlock until Zybysko made his way in and gave Bischoff a taste of his own medicine before proclaiming that they were taking Nitro back. DDP beat Nash, Hall, and Henning in a handicapped match after The Giant helped DDP fight off the three nWo members. This week we'll have Nash taking on The Giant in the main event which is sure to be a battle for the ages, and in an attempt to get back some of his pride from the handicapped match, DDP will defend his U.S Title against Scott Hall. Eddy Guerrero will also be in action on Monday, defending his title agains the up and coming Cruiserweight Chris Jericho. Jericho hasn't exactly been on a win streak as of late, but hes hoping to break it with a win over Guerrero, and pick up the title in the process. See all of this and more, Monday night at 9:00 p.m. only on TNT! [b]Confirmed Matches[/b] The Giant v. Kevin Nash DDP v. Scott Hall (For the U.S Title) Eddy Guerrero v. Chris Jericho (For the Cruiserweight Title)[/quote] Predictions welcomed and making a come-back, I could care less if you or your "friends" post in my diary or not. I started this on EWB, brought it over here. If you think I actually care that this great WCW writer isn't going to post in my diary then you're terribly wrong.
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[center][b]WCW Nitro Monday, January 5th 1998[/b] [b]The Match Is Made[/b] The show starts out with the camera panning over the crowd and shortly after they show the nWo based ramp and 'Vodoo Child' hits and Hogan comes out. He stands at the top of the ramp and has a microphone already in his hand. Hogan cups his hands up to his ears and still gets a few cheers, but the boo's overshadow them. Hogan: Let me tell all of you Hulkamaniacs out there one thing, I got screwed out of my gold last week brother, and that ain't gonna happen again. See me and my buddy, Eric, have made a match for WCW/NWO Souled Out, dude. At Souled Out, its going to be Hollywood Hulk Hogan, facing off with The Stinger, in a steel cage brother. Ever since Starrcade, I've been sayin' my prayers and takin' my vitamins, and I'm going to take back whats mine. So Stinger, whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild....ON YOU! Hogan throws the microphone down and poses at the top of the ramp, tha fans are cheering for the cage match at Souled Out, the first match made for the pay-per-view. Tenay and Schiavone make a comment about how while this was only the second Souled Out, this was the first cage match in the history of the show. Hogan went to the back and Tenay announced that the cruiserweight title match was up next. [b]Eddy Guerrero v. Chris Jericho for the Cruiserweight Title[/b] Chris Jericho comes down to the ring first, Schiavone mentions he's still on a losing streak and if he can break it tonight then he can also gain cruiserweight gold. Eddy comes out second and Jericho waits in the ring for him. Eddy hands the referee the belt and the match starts with the bell. Eddy and Jericho get in a tie up and Eddy gets the advantage from there. He kicks away at Jericho on the ground and he gets back up to get a dropkick. Eddy leans in the corner as Jericho gets back up and he taunts him. Jericho starts to rush at him and Eddy hops over the rope to the apron. Jericho runs chest first into the turnbuckle and Eddy punches him from the apron then delivers a big suplex to the outside. Eddy remains on the apron and looks back to make sure he is positioned right and comes off the ropes for an asai moonsault. He slowly gets back up and rolls Jericho and himself back into the ring. He whips him into the ropes and when Jericho comes back he goes for a hurricanrana but Jericho reverses it into a powerbomb. Eddy is on the ground holding his neck and Jericho gets a breather before he goes into the other corner and waits for Guerrero to get back up. The second Guerrero is up Jericho rushes at him and hits a big bulldog, flooring him once more. Eddy doesn't even get a chance to get back up because the next thing he knows Jericho is on his back in a bow and arrow lock. Eddy is starting to feel the pain and you can see it in his face. Jericho is trying to work on the back to lock in that Liontamer and it would be all she wrote for Eddy. Jericho lets go of the hold and Eddy holds his back. Jericho runs off of one rope and into another then goes for the Lionsault but Guerrero lifts his knees up and Jericho gets a nice surprise with a knee to the gut. He holds his stomache and rolls around on the canvas as Guerrero slowly makes his way back up. He lifts Jericho up and runs him into the ropes, when he comes back he goes for another dropkick but Jericho grabs his feet and leaves him lying on the ground. Jericho turns him over and he has the Liontamer locked in. Eddy is screaming in pain and Jericho is showing no signs of quitting, unfortunately Eddy couldn't take it anymore and he tapped out to the Liontamer. Jericho gets up and raises his hands high in the air as he is given the Cruiserweight Title. His losing streak is over, and his title reign has just begun. [b]Who's The True Giant?[/b] The Giant is seen backstage walking through the halls and he bumps into Kevin Nash. You can hear the audience roar even from back there and Nash, for once, looks up at him and sneers. The Giant lets out a smirk. The Giant: Well Nash, after all of this talk you've been doing we finally come face to face and all I get was...*impersonates Nash* that. I knew you weren't anything to worry about. Here you are the biggest man in the nWo and you're staring up at me with fear in your eyes. You can't beat me and you won't, the nWo won't be able to help you tonight Nash, its just you and me. You saw what I did to your buddy at Starrcade, and your going to be getting a taste of what was given to Hall. Nash: Heh, thats funny Giant, real funny. See I saw tonight going a little bit different. I see me, whooping your ass and if anybody else has something to say about it, the nWo would make an example out of them. So as far as I'm concerned, you're nothing to me Giant, and tonight...is gonna be TOOO SWEEET! Nash pushes past him and heads to the other locker rooms and Giant turns around and shakes his head. [b]Chris Benoit v. Van Hammer[/b] Hammer comes down to the ring first with the rest of Raven's Nest following shortly behind him. He rolls into the ring and they take their places around the ring, making sure that none of the Horsemen can interfere this time. Benoit makes his way out next and runs down the ramp then slides into the ring. He comes right at Hammer with rights and lefts then whips him into the ropes and delivers a suplex. He is getting on him quick with lefts, rights, kicks, and holds. Benoit has control throughout nearly the entire match, he just keeps on going full force at Van Hammer and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Benoit starts to deliver a German Suplex when Raven shows up on the top of the ramp and makes his way down to the ring. Benoit releases Hammer and throws him out of the ring. He stares up the ramp at Raven and Hammer starts to run at him. Benoit turns around just in time and lowers the top rope, sending Hammer flying out of the ring. Benoit taunts Raven and motions for him to come into the ring, but he doesn't move from the spot he is in. Hammer makes his way back into the ring and gets another German Suplex before he locks in the Crippler Crossface, still staring at Raven on the top of the ramp. Hammer taps out and Benoit keeps the hold applied. Kidman and Lodi run into the ring and kick him off of Hammer then whip him into the corner and beat up on him. Raven gets into the ring and they release him and Raven delivers an Evenflow DDT onto Benoit. They leave Benoit lying on the ground and lift Hammer up before they make their way back through the curtains. [b]Oh Yeaaah[/b] The nWo music hits and Macho Man comes out from the back with a microphone in his hand. He poses at the top of the ramp and he slowly makes his way down to the ring. He gets on the apron and steps under the ropes then stands in the middle of the ring. Randy Savage: Last week, Hulk Hogan should have won that WCW Heavyweight Title, if it wasn't for them bastards in the back. Hulkster is the man who should have rightfully won that belt and this little cage match is gonna settle it all. But I ain't out here to preach what is already known, I'm here for another reason. I'm here for the Stinger. Sting, I'm after ya. You're trying to take down the nWo single handedly and let me tell ya somethin', it ain't gonna happen. We've got the numbers and all you've got is a bat. So why don't ya stay up in the rafters tonight and don't bother coming down to the ring to help your buddies when they're getting the living sh*t beaten out of them by the nWo and yours truely, the Macho Man..OH YEAAAH! He gets ready to leave the ring and the lights go out. The fans begin to cheer and Macho Man starts to panic. The lights come back and Sting is standing behind him. Savage slowly turns around and gets hit with a bat to the side of the skull. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock onto Savage and keeps it held in for a while. He finally lets go and he stares at Macho Man lying on the ground and kicks him out of the ring, then heads to the back as the fans chant his name. [b]Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page for the United States Title[/b] Scott Hall comes out first and he gets a mixed reaction. He has his toothpick in his mouth but he switches it to behind to ear once he gets into the ring. DDP comes out next and the fans go crazy, he has the U.S Title around his waist and he holds his hands up and screams out 'Bang!' as he makes his way down the ramp. He rolls into the ring and hands the referee his title, the bell rings and the match begins. Hall and Page start the match tied up, and Hall immediatly gets the upperhand when he gets in a cheap knee to the gut. Hall starts punching at Page and gets him into the corner where he hits a few more punches then runs at him with an attempted clothesline but Page moves out of the way. The match goes on like this for quite a while, back and forth action between the two with neither getting a real advantage. Hall starts to wear down and the next thing he knows Page is all over him, he gets hit with punches galore and whipped into the ropes and hit with a backdrop. Page starts to get on a run before Hall gets back into things and reverses Page's attempt to whip him into the corner, then flies at him with a clothesline. It looks like things were going to be all over for Page when he was about to get hit with the Outsiders Edge, but he slips out from it and lands behind Hall's back, then delivers a Diamond Cutter on Hall to retain his gold. Page gets handed his belt back and he poses on the top turnbuckle. He gets back down and the next thing he knows, Bagwell and Nash are down there attacking him and Bischoff is slowly walking towards him. Bischoff lifts Hall back up and Page is getting beaten in the corner. Nash knocks Page down with a huge big boot and Hall gets the chance to finally deliver his Outsiders Edge. Bischoff tells him to pin Page and he does and makes the count himself. The bell has already rung and Page is still the U.S Champion, but Hall, Nash, Bagwell, and Bischoff leave with the U.S Title. Hall has the gold over his shoulder and he pats it twice as he stares at the fallen DDP from the top of the ramp. [b]Giant Isn't Alone[/b] Zybysko makes his way to the ring and Page is slowly heading up the ramp with the help of a few backstage workers. Zybysko gives him a pat on the back and says we'll get that title back as he walks towards the ring. He steps up the stairs and under the ropes and gets a microphone from a worker at ringside. Zybysko: Tonight, I garuntee you that Nash is going to have a few tricks up his sleeve. He's going to have this place crawling with nWo members if one little thing goes wrong, and they'll be out in the ring to even up the odds. Well that won't be how it happens, tonight I'm going to be at ringside in The Giants corner and damnit, nothing is going to make this night go wrong. Giant is going to beat Kevin Nash and it will once more, show the nWo that the WCW is the better one, that we are the ones who truely control Nitro, so they need to watch their backs because the next thing they know they've got us creeping up on them and the second we make our move we've got this show back in our hands. So watch yourself nWo, we're out for ya! [b]Kevin Nash vs. The Giant[/b] The Giant comes out first, right after Zybysko's promo and he steps over the ropes and shakes hands with Zybysko. Larry Z rolls out of the ring as Kevin Nash's music hits. Nash comes out with Hart at his side, showing Zybysko that he was going to even the odds too. Nash does the same as Giant and steps over the ropes, but he wastes no time in attacking, coming at him with a big right hand, that does nothing but anger The Giant. Nash tries a few more punches but once more they do nothing. Giant whips Nash into the ropes and when he comes back he hits a huge clothesline sending Nash quickly down to the ground. Nash gets right back up and runs at Giant but gets caught with a big boot. Nash once more gets right back up to try and fight off the Giant. He whips him into the corner and delivers a clothesline to the Giant, you can tell it hurt him but he doesn't move. Nash goes for another clothesline, but the same thing happens. He finally hits a third clothesline and Giant groggily steps out of the corner before falling down. Nash holds his hand up high in the air after flooring the Giant, but he doesn't have much time as he is slowly making his way back to his feet. Nash comes off of the ropes and tackles Giant to the ground the second he gets back up. He hits him with lefts and rights while hes on the ground then delivers a few kicks to him as well. He lifts the Giant up and throws him into the ropes. He attempted to deliver a big boot but Giant catches Nash's foot and pushes him to the ground. Nash slowly gets back up and plays the waiting game, he decides to let Giant get in the next move. Giant makes his way towards Nash and hits him with a few right hands. Nash blocks the next few punches, but can't prevent getting whipped into the ropes. Before he can even hit the turnbuckle Giant rushes at him and delivers a body splash onto him. Nash falls to the ground and he got crushed from the weight of the Giant. Giant holds his hand up high in the air and calls for a chokeslam, he lets out a cry and waits for Nash to get up. The second his feet hit the canvas Giant has his hands around his throat. Nash starts kicking away at The Giant, knowing that if he gets in the chokeslam its all over. He fights his way out of the chokeslam and gives him a few elbows in his gut. He pushes Giant into the ropes and comes at him with a huge clothesline, sending both himself and Giant out of the ring. The referee starts his count and both men are lying motionless on the ground. Nash makes the first sign of movement at the four, while Giant makes his way up at six. Nash is finally back in the ring at eight, the Giant, right before the count is up. Nash catches his breath then delivers a big kick to the gut. Giant is doubled over and Nash attempts for a Jacknife Powerbomb. He has him up in the air, but he can't finish it off, and Giant and Nash both fall to the ground. Nash has no more strength left and Giant slowly makes his way back to his feet. He picks Nash up then delivers a huge chokeslam and covers him for the win. Giant is exhausted, but Hart runs into the ring with a chair and delivers a shot to his back. Giant slowly turns around and knocks the chair right out of Hart's hands. Giant delivers another chokeslam to Hart and Zybysko steps into the ring and raises Giant's hand as the show goes off of the air.[/center]
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