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Seems interesting, I'll be reading, especially because you're reading mine. The new Generation seems interesting with Shelton and Randy. Them together would probly be gold although I still miss the Worlds Greats Tag Team. Haas and Flair are an interesting pair.. I guess they mix because they're so technical. then name though? Haas of Flair, I'm not too sure, but it's cool. I like the angle with DX too, its pretty sweet. I feel that you are using Kurt and RVD very well, as both are within my top 10 of favorite wrestlers. I hope Carlito gets pushed to the moon; I totally love that guy :D Triple Theat Match Umaga v. [B]Ric Flair [/B]v. Kane I hate Umaga, really and Flair just seems like the favour for some reason. WWE World Tag Team Championship, Four-Team Tag Match [B]Stampede Bulldogs[/B] v. Cade & Murdoch v. Val Venis & Viscera v. Spirit Squad(c) Wooo! Love these guys. Masterpiece against the Master of Cool Chris Masters v. [B]Carlito[/B] Masters over Carlito? That's Not Cool. WWE Womens Championship, Four-way Bra & Panties match Lita v. Victoria v. [B]Trish Stratus [/B]v. Mickie James(c) She's the hottest.:p WWE Intercontinental Championship match Charlie Haas v. [B]Johnny Nitro(c)[/B] Although Haas would be good, I feel that Nitro kicks ass as champ. Tag Team Action [B]D-Generation X[/B] (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) v. New Generation (Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin) Just don't feel it would make sense for NG to go over right now. WWE Heavyweight Championship Match First Blood match John Cena v. [B]Edge(c)[/B] Although I like Cena more than Edge, I cant see him losing the title.
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Thanks for the predictions, I thought I was the only one interested in the diary :D World's Greatest Tag Team re-union would be great but I want Haas as a face with Shelton as a heel. I don't see the tag team with Flair as being a permanent fixture, I think they might tag every now and then but not week in week out. They don't gel and I only gave them a name (playing on the word Haas for House) so that it wasn't just a random throw two guys together effort. I needed at least a little explanation/angle putting them together. I'm pleased with a few things but I'm not happy with Smackdown, I just can't get it going at the moment. I'm hoping to change that very soon. Thanks for the comments :cool:
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/tpww.txt[/IMG] News posted by Mr. Monday Morning What we didn't see on Raw: Lance Cade and Harry Smith were in singles action in a pre-Raw dark match. Smith looked good in the ring but in the end a put away by Cade. Ater the math Cade and Murdoch beat up Smith only for TJ Wilson to come to his partners aid and hlp fend them off. The tag team of Ric Flair and Charlie Haas are not expected to be tagging full time. WWE officials are hoping by pairing them up on odd occasions, some o the Flair magic will rub of on Haas pushing him onto the next level. The UFC rumours are still flying about. Anyone and everyone connected to the UFC has been linked as tbeing in negotations with WWE. However there is only one person signing. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/smackdown.txt[/IMG] Smackdown preview posted by WWE.com HooliganZ, Brian Kendrick and Paul London continue the defence of their WWE Tag Team titles as they take on Gymini Native American Tatanka continues to seek honour in the WWE as he takes on the snob of Smackdown, Sylvan Gregory Helms makes another defence of his WWE Cruiserweight championship, putting the title on the line against Super Crazy Sailor of the seven seas Burchill takes on the Irishman who just loves to fight, Finlay, in a match for the WWE United States Championship Bobby Lashley has been on the end of some rough treatment at the hands of The Royal Court on Smackdown. This week he gets the chance to go one on one with Royal Court member, William Regal. The leader of The Royal Court, King Booker steps into the ring with The Animal, Batista. Will His Royal Highness survive? Mark Henry is the latest challenger for Rey Mysterio's WWE World Heavyweight Championship. In what is an obvious clash of size and strength, can the champion leave Smackdown top of the mountain? Tune in to this weeks edition of Smackdown and find out! [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/smackdown.txt[/IMG] 10,791 packed into the Key Arena, Seattle, WA Results Courtesy of TPWW.net [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/tpww.txt[/IMG] [b][u]WWE Tag Team Championship match[/u] Gymini v. Hooliganz(c)[/b] Smackdown kicks off to an opening tag match for the titles. Gymini, who haven’t seen much action lately, take on the champions, HooliganZ. The power of Gymini proves to be a useful test for the champs. HooliganZ find it tough in the opening minutes, which is proved further as Kendrick finds himself cut of from being able to tag London for a long period of time. Jake tries to hit a superplex from the top rope on Kendrick but Kendrick fights it off and then gets some serious hang time when hitting a moonsault. Both men are in serious need of a tag, which they both get simultaneously. London unloads on Jesse hits a few quick suplexes and climbs the top rope. He hits the London calling on Jesse! He makes the cover but Jake makes the save. Kendrick comes back into the ring and hits Sliced Bread No.2 on Jake and bundles him out of the ring. London hits a DT on Jesse and then a lovely dropsault, which is enough for the pin in 7:42. C [i]Pitbulls biting at the champs' heels[/i] HooliganZ are celebrating another successful defence the ring. Those savage Pitbulls interrupt the celebration! The Pitbulls beat down HooliganZ, throwing them out of the ring when they are through doing them. It looks like the Pitbulls are still after HooliganZ tag team titles. C- [i]Royal arrival[/i] The Royal Court arrives to Smackdown in a horse and carriage and get out. King Booker looks around and mentions that there is a funny smell in this part o the kingdom before they all walk to the locking room area of the arena. C+ [b]Tatanka v. Sylvan[/b] Next up is Tatanka against Sylvan. Kennedy comes to join Michael Cole and JBL at the announce table to commentate on the match. Kennedy notes that Tatanka is a joke and that he makes the WWE a laughing stock with his weird dances and laughable attire. JBL mentions that Tatanka probably stole his attire from somewhere. One day he was sure he saw Tatanka looking for scraps in his bins. Kennedy replies that Tatanka does it every Tuesday morning at his house. JBL is astonished that they share the same Tatanka orientated bin day. Cole has had enough and asks them to stop. The match itself is decent. Sylvan can’t quite keep Tatanka down as he keeps on coming back for more every time Sylvan hits a move on him. Tatanka eventually gets the pin fall with a Samoan Drop. C [i]Cultural humiliation[/i] Tatanka is getting his arm raised by the ref when Kennedy leaves the announcing position and jumps Tatanka from behind. Kennedy stomps viciously to Tatanka before relieving Tatanka of his headdress. Leaving the ring, Kennedy motions to the crowd that Kennedy has Tatanka’s headdress. I don’t think Tatanka will be getting it back anytime soon. C [i]Pirate's treasure[/i] Burchill is interviewed backstage by Josh Matthews, he hypes an upcoming singles match against Finlay. Burchill tells us that he has sailed the seven seas but not once has he has the displeasure of smelling such a foul stench as that of Finlay. Burchill says that Burchill likes to fight and that that’s ok. Finlay should do whatever floats hi boat. Burchill on the other hand likes treasure and the WWE United States Championship will prove to be worthy booty. ARRRR! C- [i]The King and The Animal[/i] The Animal’s music sounds as Batista comes to talk in the centre of the ring. Batista says that tonight he is calling out His Royal Goofyness, King Booker. If he doesn’t come out and accept his challenge to a match here tonight, then he will simply go backstage and kick his ass there instead. King Booker comes to the top of the ramp and is irate that Batista is disturbing him whilst he is on his Royal Duties. He says that Batista can have his match but demands that Batista washes the stench of himself before the match. It’s a smell not fit for a King. B [i]Lashley's mission[/i] Bobby Lashley is interviewed backstage by Josh Matthews, he hypes an upcoming singles match against William Regal. Lashley says that it’s about time he got a fair fight against a Royal Court member. Lashley says if no one else will, then he will destroy the Royal Court single handed, starting with William Regal, tonight! C- [i]Main event hype[/i] Cole and JBL hype tonight’s Main Event between Mark Henry and Rey Mysterio. They comment on the average size miss-match. JBL states that if Rey is a fighting champion then he has to take on all comers of every size. It’s just his own fault that everyone he comes up against is ten feet bigger than him and twenty times more talented. C+ [b]William Regal v. Lashley[/b] Regal doesn’t look to comfortable stepping into the ring with Lashley but his gameplan to ground Lashley pays off at the beginning of the match. Lashley can’t be kept down for too long though. He escapes a sleeper hold and starts to rip Regal apart. Lashley defeated William Regal in 8:43 by pin fall with a Spear. B- [i]Lashley and his Royal enemies[/i] Bobby Lashley is in the ring savouring the victory over William Regal. Beating a member of The Royal Court tastes very sweet and he enjoys the moment all of a sudden Finlay runs down to the ring and Regal gets back in. Lashley tries to fight both Royal Court members off but he loses out in the numbers game. After proving their dominance, Regal and Finlay leave the ring looking back a Lashley’s fallen body. C+ [i]Helms makes it look easy[/i] Gregory Helms is interviewed backstage by Josh Matthews, he hypes an upcoming singles match against Super Crazy. Helms says that he knows that to all concerned it looks like his WWE Cruiserweight title defences have looked easy but that’s because Helms makes it look easy. He puts in a lot of effort into every match but sometimes when you are naturally gifted and designed to succeed, it looks simpler than it really is. Helms takes on Super Crazy soon. C [i]The Animal documentary[/i] A music video is shown to promote Batista. The Animal is made to look fierce. B [b][u]WWE Cruiserweight Championship match[/u] Super Crazy v. Gregory Helms(c)[/b] Gregory Helms defeated Super Crazy in 8:43 by pin fall following interference from Psicosis. After the match Psicosis and Super Crazy brawl all the way backstage. No love lost there then. B- [i]Live @ Car Park HQ[/i] Cole is bewildered as we are taken to a shot of the car park at the arena. We see Matt Hardy walking when all of a sudden Joey Mercury dives at him off the top of a car. Mercury beats on Hardy for a bit until some security breaks it up. However Hardy gets free and exacts some revenge for Mercury attacking him. Security finally manages to keep the two separated for good. JBL screams at them to watch his limo as we cut to Josh Mathews who is ready to do an interview. C- [i]The Fighting Irishman's fighting words[/i] Finlay has an interview with Josh Matthews. Josh asks what Finlay knows about pirates. He says they like to drink and fight which is good because Finlay likes to do that to. However, they dress up like women and speak in weird lingo, which is bad. Finlay says he will enjoy pounding on Burchill tonight. C+ [b][u]WWE United States Championship match[/u] Buchill v. Finlay (c)[/b] Burchill and Finlay face off for United States Gold. Both men are up for the fight. A back and forth math where Burchill looked like a threat to Finlay’s United States title reign. In the end though Finlay prevails. Finlay defeated Burchill in 9:29 by pin fall with The Celtic Cross. Finlay makes defence number 1 of his WWE United States title. C+ [i]Lashley strikes back[/i] Finlay has won the match but he looks visibly tired having been tested to the limit by Finlay. He doesn’t have time to recuperate though as Lashley enters the ring looking for revenge. He hits the Dominator on Finlay before leaving the ring to go backstage. Lashley heads back with hi head held high knowing that he successfully got his own back on The Royal Court. C+ [i]Royal interview with the King[/i] King Booker is backstage livid over what has just happened after fellow Court member, Finlay after the match. Josh Matthews mention the upcoming match with Batista and asks if he is fully focused on the match after what just happened. King Booker blasts back saying “Of course, peasant fool”. Booker mentions that he’s always up for the fight and that tonight Batista is an endangered species just like the heads of those on his throne room were before him. B [b]Batista v. King Booker[/b] Batista defeated King Booker in 10:55 when King Booker was disqualified when Finlay ran in and attacked Batista. During the match we also had William Regal run in and attack Batista. B+ [i]A force to be reckoned with[/i] Mark Henry and manager Daivari are interviewed backstage by Josh Matthews. Daivari says this is the night that the unstoppable monster standing next to him pushes onto the next level and in doing so becomes the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Rey Mysterio is not worthy enough to hold such prestige within the WWE. Mark Henry will be a champion that the WWE and its followers can be proud of. The camera focuses solely on Henry whose stares right into the lens grunting. He’s ready for action and so are we as Smackdown goes back to the ring. C [b][u]WWE World Heavyweight Championship match[/u] Mark Henry v. Rey Mysterio(c)[/b] The Main event is WWE World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio against the monstrous Mark Henry. It’s the classic speed vs. power confrontation. Rey has success from the start with his speed advantage attacking the right leg of Mark Henry. Mysterio attacks off the ropes and the turnbuckles until Henry catches him in the corner. Now Henry is using his power and strength to destroy Rey. Press slams and a bear hug wear Mysterio right down almost to the point of submission. Rey manages to escape the bear hug uses a combination of a drop kick, a diving leg sweep followed by Droppin’ the dime to pick up the pinfall victory against seemingly overwhelming odds in 12:23. B- [i]Short victory[/i] Rey Mysterio is celebrating his victory in the ring. Henry is not finished though. He power slams Rey into the mat. King Booker comes down to the ring to put the boot in also. Booker and Henry are stomping away at Rey when the Undertaker’s chime sounds. At the second chime Booker and Henry stop and turn to face the top of the ramp way. The ring chime coincides with the lights of the arena going out. Finally the fourth chime sounds and the light come back on and we see The Undertaker next to the fallen body of Rey Mysterio. Booker and Henry get the shock of their lives and high tail it out of the ring. Undertaker is fixated on Mark Henry as Smackdown finishes B Show rating B- [/CENTER]
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[center][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/ecw.txt[/IMG] ECW.com This week on Sci-Fi: In a follow up from last week tag team match, [b]Balls Mahoney[/b] and [b]Test[/b] go at it once again this time in singles action. [b]Justin Credible[/b] has been on an impressive run of victories in recent weeks. How will he fare this week as he takes on [b]Stevie Richards[/b]? [b]Matt Striker[/b] has been frustrated at not being on ECW television and has decided that he needs to teach ECW a lesson. If he wants to teach all of ECW, he will have to pass the measuring stick of ECW - [b]The Sandman[/b] The main event ordered last week by Paul Heyman on Sci-Fi sees tag team action between four men who's recent ECW past have involved one another. [b]Sabu and Big Show[/b] tag together to combine into a terrifying unit but they are against an impressive team in the form of [b]Kurt Angle[/b] and ECW World Champion [b]Rob Van Dam[/b].[/center]
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Balls Mahoney V [B]Test[/B] Test seems pretty good in ECW and could get fairly over. [B]Justin Credible[/B] V Stevie Richards He's been doing pretty good so far so I go with him. Matt Striker V [B]The Sandman[/B] Duh! Kendo Stick V The Meter Stick .. I woner which will win. Sabu and Big Show V [B]Kurt Anlge & RVD[/B] Should be a fantastic match but if they lose.. oh man, I dont know what to say. Hey, hope you don't mind but I'm going to do some respective criticizing for you okay? I've noticed that I'm really the only one who comments in this diary which is probably a bummer for you, and to be honest, I'm not sure why. You have good writting skills and decent storylines although I think that maybe the reason you aren't attracting anyone is because it's too original. I'm not saying that you should stop this diary by any means because if you enjoy doing it, then that's all that matters but if you wouls like more readers, maybe you should look into giving a little more then the average person. By doing so, you'll receive a lot more. Do you kind of catch my drift? I'm just trying to help you out man because I know how frustrating it is not to have many people read my diaries until I realized that it was because I was giving them the same thing everyone else was. Now I changed it up and I'm getting great feedback. Again, hope you don't mind I'm just trying to help you out.
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[center][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/ecw.txt[/IMG] ECW on Sci-Fi [b]Balls Mahoney v. Test[/b] ECW begins with an opening match pitting Balls Mahoney against Test. These two were on opposite teams last week in tag team action and the rivalry continues this week in singles action. He match however looks like a workout for the benefit of Test and it’s not long before he picks up the victory. Test defeated Balls Mahoney in 5:37 by pinfall with a Test Drive. C- [i]Testing ECW[/i] Test had an interview hyping himself. He tells everyone listening that he is probably the most successful ECW superstar to date and that he is picking up wins left, right and centre and that it won’t be long before Paul Heyman has no choice and has to beg Test to be involved in the title scene. It’s not long before the crowd are hurling abuse at Test to get off the mic. C [i]Tag Team solidarity[/i] We cut away to the backstage area of the arena. There Rob Van Dam is being attacked by Show and Sabu in the ring. Out of nowhere, Kurt Angle comes running in and helps fight them both off, saving RVD from a serious beating. We will see Kurt Angle and RVD teaming tonight against Sabu and Big Show. B [i]Incredible interview[/i] Justin Credible had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Stevie Richards. Credible says that just like Test, he is on a roll in ECW. If anyone fancies their chances here tonight then come down to the ring. Stevie Richards comes to the ring and the match is on. D [b]Stevie Richards v. Justin Credible[/b] Richards pummels Credible for the fist two minutes of the match. Credible on the back foot can’t do anything about it. He manages to duck a Stevie kick allowing Credible to take control of the match. With that it isn’t long before he put Stevie Richards away. Justin Credible defeated Stevie Richards in 7:57 by pinfall with a That's Incredible. C- [i]Enter The Sandman[/i] Sandman is interviewed backstage by Francine, he hypes an upcoming singles match against Matt Striker. Sandman says he can’t remember much about school, in ft he can’t remember much about yesterday never mind all those years ago. Sandman says that Striker is going to pay for all those years The Sandman wasted years in school D [i]Main Event hype[/i] Styles and Tazz Hype the Main Event between Angle and RVD and Sabu and Show from the comfort of their announcers’ table. Tazz mentions that the bitter rivalries involving the four men are going to produce a stellar match tonight on Sci-Fi. C+ [i]History lesson[/i] Matt Striker had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Sandman. Striker says that someone should have taught The Sandman’s mother not to drop her baby on it’s head otherwise you end up with a simpleton like The Sandman. Striker warns Sandman that tonight he will be getting dropped on his head more times tonight but not to worry as he won’t lose any more brain cells as you can’t have a negative amount of them. D [b]Matt Striker v. Sandman[/b] Matt Striker defeated Sandman in 8:18 by pinfall with his feet on the ropes C [i]Dream Team[/i] Angle and RVD are interviewed backstage by Francine, they use this time to hype their upcoming match with Sabu and Show. RVD comments on this, Angle and he, possibly being the greatest tag team ever assembled and more than equipped to take on Sabu and The Big Show. Angle says that tonight Sabu and The Big Show are going to be ripped apart. C+ [b]Sabu and Big Show v. Kurt Angle and ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam[/b] We go back to Syles and Tazz as the introductions get underway for the Main Event. The team of Big Show and Sabu come out first looking like a force to be reckoned with. RVD and Angle come next looking like a dream tag team. This math descends into chaos from the get go and takes he form of a tornado tag, not the usual tag team bout. Show and Angle pair off and so do Sabu and RVD. They only stop to fight in their respective pairs when a pinfall attempt is being made. RVD his a Van Daminator on Sabu but RVD makes the save on the pin and then Chokeslams RVD through a table. Kurt Angle gets back to fighting with Big Show and as they do so Sabu gets back up and hits the Arabian Facebuster on RVD for the victory. Sabu and Big Show celebrate as Angle looks on trying to help up a laid out RVD as ECW goes off air. B+ Show rating B- Sci-Fi – 503,146 viewers [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/ecw.txt[/IMG] ECW on Sci-Fi [b]Balls Mahoney v. Test[/b] ECW begins with an opening match pitting Balls Mahoney against Test. These two were on opposite teams last week in tag team action and the rivalry continues this week in singles action. He match however looks like a workout for the benefit of Test and it’s not long before he picks up the victory. Test defeated Balls Mahoney in 5:37 by pinfall with a Test Drive. C- [i]Testing ECW[/i] Test had an interview hyping himself. He tells everyone listening that he is probably the most successful ECW superstar to date and that he is picking up wins left, right and centre and that it won’t be long before Paul Heyman has no choice and has to beg Test to be involved in the title scene. It’s not long before the crowd are hurling abuse at Test to get off the mic. C [i]Tag Team solidarity[/i] We cut away to the backstage area of the arena. There Rob Van Dam is being attacked by Show and Sabu in the ring. Out of nowhere, Kurt Angle comes running in and helps fight them both off, saving RVD from a serious beating. We will see Kurt Angle and RVD teaming tonight against Sabu and Big Show. B [i]Incredible interview[/i] Justin Credible had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Stevie Richards. Credible says that just like Test, he is on a roll in ECW. If anyone fancies their chances here tonight then come down to the ring. Stevie Richards comes to the ring and the match is on. D [b]Stevie Richards v. Justin Credible[/b] Richards pummels Credible for the fist two minutes of the match. Credible on the back foot can’t do anything about it. He manages to duck a Stevie kick allowing Credible to take control of the match. With that it isn’t long before he put Stevie Richards away. Justin Credible defeated Stevie Richards in 7:57 by pinfall with a That's Incredible. C- [i]Enter The Sandman[/i] Sandman is interviewed backstage by Francine, he hypes an upcoming singles match against Matt Striker. Sandman says he can’t remember much about school, in ft he can’t remember much about yesterday never mind all those years ago. Sandman says that Striker is going to pay for all those years The Sandman wasted years in school D [i]Main Event hype[/i] Styles and Tazz Hype the Main Event between Angle and RVD and Sabu and Show from the comfort of their announcers’ table. Tazz mentions that the bitter rivalries involving the four men are going to produce a stellar match tonight on Sci-Fi. C+ [i]History lesson[/i] Matt Striker had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Sandman. Striker says that someone should have taught The Sandman’s mother not to drop her baby on it’s head otherwise you end up with a simpleton like The Sandman. Striker warns Sandman that tonight he will be getting dropped on his head more times tonight but not to worry as he won’t lose any more brain cells as you can’t have a negative amount of them. D [b]Matt Striker v. Sandman[/b] Matt Striker defeated Sandman in 8:18 by pinfall with his feet on the ropes C [i]Dream Team[/i] Angle and RVD are interviewed backstage by Francine, they use this time to hype their upcoming match with Sabu and Show. RVD comments on this, Angle and he, possibly being the greatest tag team ever assembled and more than equipped to take on Sabu and The Big Show. Angle says that tonight Sabu and The Big Show are going to be ripped apart. C+ [b]Sabu and Big Show v. Kurt Angle and ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam[/b] We go back to Syles and Tazz as the introductions get underway for the Main Event. The team of Big Show and Sabu come out first looking like a force to be reckoned with. RVD and Angle come next looking like a dream tag team. This math descends into chaos from the get go and takes he form of a tornado tag, not the usual tag team bout. Show and Angle pair off and so do Sabu and RVD. They only stop to fight in their respective pairs when a pinfall attempt is being made. RVD his a Van Daminator on Sabu but RVD makes the save on the pin and then Chokeslams RVD through a table. Kurt Angle gets back to fighting with Big Show and as they do so Sabu gets back up and hits the Arabian Facebuster on RVD for the victory. Sabu and Big Show celebrate as Angle looks on trying to help up a laid out RVD as ECW goes off air. B+ Show rating B- Sci-Fi – 503,146 viewers [/center]
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[QUOTE=Extreme_Athlete33;144018]Balls Mahoney V [B]Test[/B] Test seems pretty good in ECW and could get fairly over. [B]Justin Credible[/B] V Stevie Richards He's been doing pretty good so far so I go with him. Matt Striker V [B]The Sandman[/B] Duh! Kendo Stick V The Meter Stick .. I woner which will win. Sabu and Big Show V [B]Kurt Anlge & RVD[/B] Should be a fantastic match but if they lose.. oh man, I dont know what to say. [/QUOTE] 50%. As reward, for the next ECW show you can name Test's opponent out of; Colt Cabana A mystery, debutting worker Stevie Richards
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[QUOTE=Extreme_Athlete33;144018]Balls Mahoney V [B]Test[/B] Test seems pretty good in ECW and could get fairly over. [B]Justin Credible[/B] V Stevie Richards He's been doing pretty good so far so I go with him. Matt Striker V [B]The Sandman[/B] Duh! Kendo Stick V The Meter Stick .. I woner which will win. Sabu and Big Show V [B]Kurt Anlge & RVD[/B] Should be a fantastic match but if they lose.. oh man, I dont know what to say. [/QUOTE] 50%. As reward, for the next ECW show you can name Test's opponent out of; Colt Cabana A mystery, debutting worker Stevie Richards
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First of all, awesome show. I was very surprised to see Striker beat Sandman and absolutely schocked and even outraged to see the team of Angle & RVD lose! Booo! but hey, i'm sure you did it for a reason. I totally appreciate you letting me pick who gets to fight Test at the next show. I would pick Colt Cabana, but I want him to do well in ECW therefore feeding him to Test would ruin it. As for a mystery debut, well again, it would ruin the impact of the debut because I can't really see Test losing at the moment considering his run, so I'm going to go with Stevie Richards so we can watch test destroy him.. Yeah!
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First of all, awesome show. I was very surprised to see Striker beat Sandman and absolutely schocked and even outraged to see the team of Angle & RVD lose! Booo! but hey, i'm sure you did it for a reason. I totally appreciate you letting me pick who gets to fight Test at the next show. I would pick Colt Cabana, but I want him to do well in ECW therefore feeding him to Test would ruin it. As for a mystery debut, well again, it would ruin the impact of the debut because I can't really see Test losing at the moment considering his run, so I'm going to go with Stevie Richards so we can watch test destroy him.. Yeah!
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[QUOTE=Extreme_Athlete33;144018]Balls Mahoney V [B]Test[/B] Test seems pretty good in ECW and could get fairly over. [B]Justin Credible[/B] V Stevie Richards He's been doing pretty good so far so I go with him. Matt Striker V [B]The Sandman[/B] Duh! Kendo Stick V The Meter Stick .. I woner which will win. Sabu and Big Show V [B]Kurt Anlge & RVD[/B] Should be a fantastic match but if they lose.. oh man, I dont know what to say. Hey, hope you don't mind but I'm going to do some respective criticizing for you okay? I've noticed that I'm really the only one who comments in this diary which is probably a bummer for you, and to be honest, I'm not sure why. You have good writting skills and decent storylines although I think that maybe the reason you aren't attracting anyone is because it's too original. I'm not saying that you should stop this diary by any means because if you enjoy doing it, then that's all that matters but if you wouls like more readers, maybe you should look into giving a little more then the average person. By doing so, you'll receive a lot more. Do you kind of catch my drift? I'm just trying to help you out man because I know how frustrating it is not to have many people read my diaries until I realized that it was because I was giving them the same thing everyone else was. Now I changed it up and I'm getting great feedback. Again, hope you don't mind I'm just trying to help you out.[/QUOTE] not really i would but i have been busy.
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[QUOTE=Extreme_Athlete33;144018]Balls Mahoney V [B]Test[/B] Test seems pretty good in ECW and could get fairly over. [B]Justin Credible[/B] V Stevie Richards He's been doing pretty good so far so I go with him. Matt Striker V [B]The Sandman[/B] Duh! Kendo Stick V The Meter Stick .. I woner which will win. Sabu and Big Show V [B]Kurt Anlge & RVD[/B] Should be a fantastic match but if they lose.. oh man, I dont know what to say. Hey, hope you don't mind but I'm going to do some respective criticizing for you okay? I've noticed that I'm really the only one who comments in this diary which is probably a bummer for you, and to be honest, I'm not sure why. You have good writting skills and decent storylines although I think that maybe the reason you aren't attracting anyone is because it's too original. I'm not saying that you should stop this diary by any means because if you enjoy doing it, then that's all that matters but if you wouls like more readers, maybe you should look into giving a little more then the average person. By doing so, you'll receive a lot more. Do you kind of catch my drift? I'm just trying to help you out man because I know how frustrating it is not to have many people read my diaries until I realized that it was because I was giving them the same thing everyone else was. Now I changed it up and I'm getting great feedback. Again, hope you don't mind I'm just trying to help you out.[/QUOTE] not really i would but i have been busy.
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[center][quote][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/tpww.txt[/IMG] Posted by Mr Monday Morning What we didn't see on Smackdown: John Walters had another WWE tryout match and although WWE officials are said to be continuingly impressd by his skills, his match reactions aren't very good. They are looking at ways at present to get him over with the crowd. He got beat by Jimmy Yang who used the ropes to win. Test put out an online poll up on the ECW website as to see who he should beat next week on Sci-Fi. Athough the choices were limited, Stevie Richards polled the most votes. We are uncertain, at this time, if this was a fixed poll or not[/quote] Thanks for the replies guys :cool:[/center]
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[center][quote][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/tpww.txt[/IMG] Posted by Mr Monday Morning What we didn't see on Smackdown: John Walters had another WWE tryout match and although WWE officials are said to be continuingly impressd by his skills, his match reactions aren't very good. They are looking at ways at present to get him over with the crowd. He got beat by Jimmy Yang who used the ropes to win. Test put out an online poll up on the ECW website as to see who he should beat next week on Sci-Fi. Athough the choices were limited, Stevie Richards polled the most votes. We are uncertain, at this time, if this was a fixed poll or not[/quote] Thanks for the replies guys :cool:[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/armageddon.txt[/IMG] From the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, NC. Attendance 25,085 [u][b]WWE World Tag Team Championship match[/u] Stampede Bulldogs v. Cade & Murdoch v. Val Venis & Viscera v. Spirt Squad (c)[/b] Spirit Squad defeated Cade and Murdoch, Val Venis and Viscera and The Stampede Bulldogs in 14:44; the order of elimination was Stampede Bulldogs first, then Val Venis and Viscera, and finally Cade and Murdoch. Spirit Squad make defence number 3 of their WWE World Tag Team titles. C [i]Interiew with the champ[/i] Edge had an interview with Todd Grisham hyping his upcoming title defence against John Cena. Edge says that Cena didn’t have what it takes a few weeks earlier and since that time he hasn’t seen anything that suggests that Cena has what it takes in the aftermath. Edge goes on to say that tonight the R rated superstar was going to retain the WWE Heavyweight Championship and there isn’t anything that anyone can do about it. A* [i]Cool interview[/i] We cut to Maria who has Carlito with her. He had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Chris Masters. Carlito says that even though the Masterpiece has had the better of him in recent weeks, tonight starts the change to everything Cool. C [i]D-X arrive[/i] Degeneration X arrives at the building. Good. I guess that means their match is still on! A [i]The Masterpiece and Carlito storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Chris Masters vs. Carlito storyline. The video comes to and end and we go back to ring side as The Masterpiece’s music begins C [b]Chris Masters v. Carlito[/b] Masters and Carlito hook it up in an entertaining match that gets the crowd’s interest. Carlito is on fire but just every now and then The Masterpiece catches him out and when that happens Carlito has no defence against Masters’ power. Carlito wants the win badly but he is making too many mistakes. The biggest mistake of all comes when Carlito tries to hit a German Suplex. Masters counters it shifting behind Carlito and then applying the Masterpiece. The ref calls for the bell as Carlito is out cold. C [i]Masters taunts Carlito[/i] Carlito is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials and medics, having just suffered a defeat. Masters is in the ring with a microphone, and he proceeds to taunt Carlito about the loss. Carlito tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage. C [b][u]WWE Womens Championship, Bra & Panties Match[/u] Victoria v. Lita v. Trish Stratus v. Mickie James(c)[/b] Next up we have a four way Bra and panties match for the WWE Women Championship. Basically your classic WWE eye candy match but there were a few wresting moves in there. They are capable of much better if allowed. Mickie James defeated Victoria, Trish Stratus and Lita in 11:54; the order of elimination was Victoria first, then Lita, and finally Trish Stratus. C [i]Nitro and Haas storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Charlie Haas vs. Johnny Nitro storyline. The video highlights the prize amongst the feud, the WWE Intercontinental Championship that Haas wants but Nitro is not prepared to lose. C [b][u]WWE Intercontinental Championship match[/u] Charlie Haas v. Johnny Nitro(c)[/b] Haas and Nitro (with Melina) come down to the ring separately. The two competitors get into an intense stredown before Haas break it with a right hand, which floors Nitro. Haas stands still as Nitro gets back to his feel while feeling his face forany damage. Nitro goes to repay the compliment but Haas ducks the swing and then hits a crisp german suplex as the wrestling gets started. Nitro can’t come to terms with Haas’ abilities at the beginning of the match. Haas is immense. It takes some ringide interference from Melina to get Nitro into his stride. As Haas goes to run off the ropes, Melina grabs hit left foot stopping him. Haas turns to look at Melina which goves Nitro a chance to strike Haas in the back allowing to gain control of the match. Nitro continues to work on Haas’ back using backbreakers and other moves impacting on Haas’s back. Nitro comes close to a victory with a Boston Crab, which Haas just manages to get out of by grabbing the ropes. Haas doesn’t have enough left and Nitro feels that the end is near. He goes to hit his finisher but Haas rolls away from it. Nitro tries to keep in control of the proceedings but he gets hit by the Haastruction out of nowhere. Haas goes for the pin. 1-2- not quite! Nitro is in the middle of the ring laid out Haas applies the Haas of Pain! Nitro is nowhere near the ropes. He taps!! Charlie Haas wins the WWE Intercontinental title! C+ [i]Haas celebrates[/i] Having picked up the victory, Charlie Haas goes out into the crowd to celebrate with the fans. C- [i]Hometown hero[/i] Ric Flair is interviewed backstage by Maria Kanellis, WOOOO! He hypes his upcoming match against Kane and Umaga WOOOO two monsters of Raw. Flair says he isn’t scared of them WOOOO but they should be scared of his two monsters, his left and rights fists WOOOO! B+ [b]Umaga v. Ric Flair v. Kane[/b] An interesting triple threat match here. Interestingly Umaga didn’t look as fierce as he has done in the past, Kane looked more like the monster of Raw. Kane’s superior abilities also make Umaga look the lesser of the two monsters. The finish comes after Kane choke slams Flair out of the ring and then executes the Tombstone on Umaga. A [i]New Generation, new order[/i] New Generation cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Degeneration X. Orton and Shelton put across their view that D-X are washed up has beens and that tonight the New Generation in the WWE take over. B+ [i]New Generation/D-X storyline[/i] Highlights of the recent event between New Generation and Degeneration X are played in a video package. The video highlights that New Generation have been a constant thorn in the side of D-X in recent weeks on Raw and that tonight D-X can finally unleash on New Generation. B+ [b]New Generation v. Degeneration X[/b] D-X has New Generation in a fair tag team match and take the fight to New Generation. Michaels and Triple H are on fire and are doing a really good job telling the story of the match. They get the crowd interested in the match making those watching believe that they really hate the New Generation punk Orton and Benjamin. The match wings in the favour of New Generation but it isn’t long before D-X reasserts their dominance. Orton sees that the match is going heavily against New Generation. The cameras catch him going under the ring for a baseball bat. Orton lies in wait for a n opportunity. Benjamin hits a desperation move to get Michaels off him and try to get a distraction. When Benjamin distracts the ref by trying to have a go at Triple H in D-X’s corner, Orton enters the ring and swings the bat connecting with Michaels’ back whilst Michaels is trying to get back to his feet. Shelton then finishes causing the distraction and tags in Orton. Shelton and Triple H go at it on the arena floor as Orton gets the pin of a battered Michaels. A* [i]The Contender[/i] John Cena had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Edge. Cena says that Edge may claim to be the Rated ‘R’ superstar but he, John Cena, is in a class rating of his own. Cena says he is going to take great pleasure from relieving Edge of the WWE Heavyweight Championship. Cena says he has the chain gang behind him and with that kind of support he can’t fail. A [i]Main Event hype[/i] JR and Lawler Hype the upcoming match between Edge and John Cena. Lawler mentions that this one escalated when Edge beat Cena and RVD in a triple threat match at Raw a few weeks back and as yet has not showed any signs of slowing down. JR mentions that it should be a slobber knocker. A [i]Cena/Edge storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Edge vs. John Cena storyline. As the build up to the Main Event continues… A* [u][b]WWE Heavyweight Championship, First Blood match[/u] John Cena v. Edge(c)[/b] As the video finishes John Cena’s music cuts in and he makes his way to the ring. JR: Cena gets another chance at the WWE Championship after his last chance ended with Edge winning the title in a three way ladder match involving Cena, Edge and the champ at the time Rob Van Dam. Lawler: Cena wasn’t at his best in that match, tonight he’s going have to dig deeper if he’s going to become the champ again. Edge’s music hits the arena and he makes hi way down to the ring with Lita. JR: Edge has defended twice since he won the Championship, however a successful defence here would solidify his position as champ. Lawler: The R rated superstar has the potential to be a long term champion but this is his first major test here tonight. Hopefully the occasion won’t get to him. A classic PPV main event pitted John Cena versus WWE Heavyweight Champion Edge. Whoever made the other superstar bleed would be declared the winner of the match and WWE Heavyweight champion. Both superstars were up for the match and the momentum swung from one superstar to the next, as both wrestlers were desperate to be WWE Champion. There were some decent spots in the match, Cena F-U’d Edge through the announce table and later Edge Speared Cena into the ring post on the outside of the ring. The finish came when Edge hit the Edgecution on the WWE Heavyweight Championship leaving Cena busted open. The referee calls for the bell and this one is over A* [i]A New Challenger?[/i] JR: Edge retains, I don’t like the egotistical son of a b**ch but he got the job done. Lawler: It doesn’t matter how you do it just as long as you get the victory. JR: Look at him rubbing it in the face of Cena does he have no damn class? The crowd raises it’s noise considerably and we find out why when we see a figure behind Edge. Edge is unaware as he is still taunting the fallen John Cena. JR: Oh my gosh! We haven’t seen him in years Lawler: What’s he doing here?! JR: He is fixated on Edge; Edge doesn’t know he’s there! DIAMOND CUTTER!!! Edge has been laid out by the returning Diamond Dallas Page! Lawler: DDP is back but what’s he doing with Edge’s title?! DDP poses with Edge’s title before dropping it and exiting the ring. He walks up the walkway throwing the diamond sign. A JR: DDP looks like he’s after Edge’s title! Folks we are right out of time, Armageddon has lived up to our expectations, I hope it has yours too. Remember to tune in to Raw tomorrow night for the Armageddon aftermath Show rating – A PPV buys – 711,454 [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/burns_16_2000/armageddon.txt[/IMG] From the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, NC. Attendance 25,085 [u][b]WWE World Tag Team Championship match[/u] Stampede Bulldogs v. Cade & Murdoch v. Val Venis & Viscera v. Spirt Squad (c)[/b] Spirit Squad defeated Cade and Murdoch, Val Venis and Viscera and The Stampede Bulldogs in 14:44; the order of elimination was Stampede Bulldogs first, then Val Venis and Viscera, and finally Cade and Murdoch. Spirit Squad make defence number 3 of their WWE World Tag Team titles. C [i]Interiew with the champ[/i] Edge had an interview with Todd Grisham hyping his upcoming title defence against John Cena. Edge says that Cena didn’t have what it takes a few weeks earlier and since that time he hasn’t seen anything that suggests that Cena has what it takes in the aftermath. Edge goes on to say that tonight the R rated superstar was going to retain the WWE Heavyweight Championship and there isn’t anything that anyone can do about it. A* [i]Cool interview[/i] We cut to Maria who has Carlito with her. He had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Chris Masters. Carlito says that even though the Masterpiece has had the better of him in recent weeks, tonight starts the change to everything Cool. C [i]D-X arrive[/i] Degeneration X arrives at the building. Good. I guess that means their match is still on! A [i]The Masterpiece and Carlito storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Chris Masters vs. Carlito storyline. The video comes to and end and we go back to ring side as The Masterpiece’s music begins C [b]Chris Masters v. Carlito[/b] Masters and Carlito hook it up in an entertaining match that gets the crowd’s interest. Carlito is on fire but just every now and then The Masterpiece catches him out and when that happens Carlito has no defence against Masters’ power. Carlito wants the win badly but he is making too many mistakes. The biggest mistake of all comes when Carlito tries to hit a German Suplex. Masters counters it shifting behind Carlito and then applying the Masterpiece. The ref calls for the bell as Carlito is out cold. C [i]Masters taunts Carlito[/i] Carlito is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials and medics, having just suffered a defeat. Masters is in the ring with a microphone, and he proceeds to taunt Carlito about the loss. Carlito tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage. C [b][u]WWE Womens Championship, Bra & Panties Match[/u] Victoria v. Lita v. Trish Stratus v. Mickie James(c)[/b] Next up we have a four way Bra and panties match for the WWE Women Championship. Basically your classic WWE eye candy match but there were a few wresting moves in there. They are capable of much better if allowed. Mickie James defeated Victoria, Trish Stratus and Lita in 11:54; the order of elimination was Victoria first, then Lita, and finally Trish Stratus. C [i]Nitro and Haas storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Charlie Haas vs. Johnny Nitro storyline. The video highlights the prize amongst the feud, the WWE Intercontinental Championship that Haas wants but Nitro is not prepared to lose. C [b][u]WWE Intercontinental Championship match[/u] Charlie Haas v. Johnny Nitro(c)[/b] Haas and Nitro (with Melina) come down to the ring separately. The two competitors get into an intense stredown before Haas break it with a right hand, which floors Nitro. Haas stands still as Nitro gets back to his feel while feeling his face forany damage. Nitro goes to repay the compliment but Haas ducks the swing and then hits a crisp german suplex as the wrestling gets started. Nitro can’t come to terms with Haas’ abilities at the beginning of the match. Haas is immense. It takes some ringide interference from Melina to get Nitro into his stride. As Haas goes to run off the ropes, Melina grabs hit left foot stopping him. Haas turns to look at Melina which goves Nitro a chance to strike Haas in the back allowing to gain control of the match. Nitro continues to work on Haas’ back using backbreakers and other moves impacting on Haas’s back. Nitro comes close to a victory with a Boston Crab, which Haas just manages to get out of by grabbing the ropes. Haas doesn’t have enough left and Nitro feels that the end is near. He goes to hit his finisher but Haas rolls away from it. Nitro tries to keep in control of the proceedings but he gets hit by the Haastruction out of nowhere. Haas goes for the pin. 1-2- not quite! Nitro is in the middle of the ring laid out Haas applies the Haas of Pain! Nitro is nowhere near the ropes. He taps!! Charlie Haas wins the WWE Intercontinental title! C+ [i]Haas celebrates[/i] Having picked up the victory, Charlie Haas goes out into the crowd to celebrate with the fans. C- [i]Hometown hero[/i] Ric Flair is interviewed backstage by Maria Kanellis, WOOOO! He hypes his upcoming match against Kane and Umaga WOOOO two monsters of Raw. Flair says he isn’t scared of them WOOOO but they should be scared of his two monsters, his left and rights fists WOOOO! B+ [b]Umaga v. Ric Flair v. Kane[/b] An interesting triple threat match here. Interestingly Umaga didn’t look as fierce as he has done in the past, Kane looked more like the monster of Raw. Kane’s superior abilities also make Umaga look the lesser of the two monsters. The finish comes after Kane choke slams Flair out of the ring and then executes the Tombstone on Umaga. A [i]New Generation, new order[/i] New Generation cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Degeneration X. Orton and Shelton put across their view that D-X are washed up has beens and that tonight the New Generation in the WWE take over. B+ [i]New Generation/D-X storyline[/i] Highlights of the recent event between New Generation and Degeneration X are played in a video package. The video highlights that New Generation have been a constant thorn in the side of D-X in recent weeks on Raw and that tonight D-X can finally unleash on New Generation. B+ [b]New Generation v. Degeneration X[/b] D-X has New Generation in a fair tag team match and take the fight to New Generation. Michaels and Triple H are on fire and are doing a really good job telling the story of the match. They get the crowd interested in the match making those watching believe that they really hate the New Generation punk Orton and Benjamin. The match wings in the favour of New Generation but it isn’t long before D-X reasserts their dominance. Orton sees that the match is going heavily against New Generation. The cameras catch him going under the ring for a baseball bat. Orton lies in wait for a n opportunity. Benjamin hits a desperation move to get Michaels off him and try to get a distraction. When Benjamin distracts the ref by trying to have a go at Triple H in D-X’s corner, Orton enters the ring and swings the bat connecting with Michaels’ back whilst Michaels is trying to get back to his feet. Shelton then finishes causing the distraction and tags in Orton. Shelton and Triple H go at it on the arena floor as Orton gets the pin of a battered Michaels. A* [i]The Contender[/i] John Cena had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Edge. Cena says that Edge may claim to be the Rated ‘R’ superstar but he, John Cena, is in a class rating of his own. Cena says he is going to take great pleasure from relieving Edge of the WWE Heavyweight Championship. Cena says he has the chain gang behind him and with that kind of support he can’t fail. A [i]Main Event hype[/i] JR and Lawler Hype the upcoming match between Edge and John Cena. Lawler mentions that this one escalated when Edge beat Cena and RVD in a triple threat match at Raw a few weeks back and as yet has not showed any signs of slowing down. JR mentions that it should be a slobber knocker. A [i]Cena/Edge storyline[/i] A video plays hyping the goings on in the Edge vs. John Cena storyline. As the build up to the Main Event continues… A* [u][b]WWE Heavyweight Championship, First Blood match[/u] John Cena v. Edge(c)[/b] As the video finishes John Cena’s music cuts in and he makes his way to the ring. JR: Cena gets another chance at the WWE Championship after his last chance ended with Edge winning the title in a three way ladder match involving Cena, Edge and the champ at the time Rob Van Dam. Lawler: Cena wasn’t at his best in that match, tonight he’s going have to dig deeper if he’s going to become the champ again. Edge’s music hits the arena and he makes hi way down to the ring with Lita. JR: Edge has defended twice since he won the Championship, however a successful defence here would solidify his position as champ. Lawler: The R rated superstar has the potential to be a long term champion but this is his first major test here tonight. Hopefully the occasion won’t get to him. A classic PPV main event pitted John Cena versus WWE Heavyweight Champion Edge. Whoever made the other superstar bleed would be declared the winner of the match and WWE Heavyweight champion. Both superstars were up for the match and the momentum swung from one superstar to the next, as both wrestlers were desperate to be WWE Champion. There were some decent spots in the match, Cena F-U’d Edge through the announce table and later Edge Speared Cena into the ring post on the outside of the ring. The finish came when Edge hit the Edgecution on the WWE Heavyweight Championship leaving Cena busted open. The referee calls for the bell and this one is over A* [i]A New Challenger?[/i] JR: Edge retains, I don’t like the egotistical son of a b**ch but he got the job done. Lawler: It doesn’t matter how you do it just as long as you get the victory. JR: Look at him rubbing it in the face of Cena does he have no damn class? The crowd raises it’s noise considerably and we find out why when we see a figure behind Edge. Edge is unaware as he is still taunting the fallen John Cena. JR: Oh my gosh! We haven’t seen him in years Lawler: What’s he doing here?! JR: He is fixated on Edge; Edge doesn’t know he’s there! DIAMOND CUTTER!!! Edge has been laid out by the returning Diamond Dallas Page! Lawler: DDP is back but what’s he doing with Edge’s title?! DDP poses with Edge’s title before dropping it and exiting the ring. He walks up the walkway throwing the diamond sign. A JR: DDP looks like he’s after Edge’s title! Folks we are right out of time, Armageddon has lived up to our expectations, I hope it has yours too. Remember to tune in to Raw tomorrow night for the Armageddon aftermath Show rating – A PPV buys – 711,454 [/center]
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