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Pics from my WWE game

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[QUOTE=The Gaz;150358]Comon JBL actualy deserved the title after about 10 years in the wwf/e putting loads of other people over where as Cena wins the world title in only 3 years not before winning the US title aswell. Course you can like Cena I wasplayin with ya there and Im 19. I cant believe you had Jericho break Hunters neck :( . I like that custom logo.[/QUOTE] Just a question... how does being there longer entitle anyone to have a title run before anyone else? Kurt... Lesnar... Cena... I liked JBL as a heel, but I never thought he was wwe title material, maybe euro... at a stretch intercontinental... The company had a lot of faith in the ability and charisma of the 3 (and others that won titles quickly... LASHLEY), thus giving them exposure and title opportunities quickly.
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but they gave Kurt Lesnar Lashley the titles early cuz they actually had wrestling ability... and as for JBL he did deserve the title with APA they were really good and when Simmons left and JBL started doing singles competition he was really good and then when he won the title he held it for over a year so dont say just because someone is there longer doesnt mean they get a should get a title shot as for Cena they gave him the title cuz of Fan Base he has alot of fans yes granted they are mostly under 18 if there older then there women. someone though that really deserves a nice long title reign is Kane he had the title once for a day only though:(.
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but they gave Kurt Lesnar Lashley the titles early cuz they actually had wrestling ability... and as for JBL he did deserve the title with APA they were really good and when Simmons left and JBL started doing singles competition he was really good and then when he won the title he held it for over a year so dont say just because someone is there longer doesnt mean they get a should get a title shot as for Cena they gave him the title cuz of Fan Base he has alot of fans yes granted they are mostly under 18 if there older then there women. someone though that really deserves a nice long title reign is Kane he had the title once for a day only though:(.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;151053]but they gave Kurt Lesnar Lashley the titles early cuz they actually had wrestling ability... and as for JBL he did deserve the title with APA they were really good and when Simmons left and JBL started doing singles competition he was really good and then when he won the title he held it for over a year so dont say just because someone is there longer doesnt mean they get a should get a title shot as for Cena they gave him the title cuz of Fan Base he has alot of fans yes granted they are mostly under 18 if there older then there women. someone though that really deserves a nice long title reign is Kane he had the title once for a day only though:(.[/QUOTE] I doubt how well someone wrestle's has anything to do with who win's title's in the WWE, although it is great when that does happen. I seen when the crowd boo'd Cena, seen when a crowd boo'd then cheer'd later for him, etc... This is how it is supposed to be though. HHH Called Cena a Poser, this was on purpose, to get the fan's even more against him (Cena) for their small rivalry. I feel the cut off the rivalry pretty quickly, because of various reason's though... and alot of it having to do with HHH Finally falling into the "Black Charisma" gimmick... Meaning, people cheer him as a heel. This also helped bring in DX back, as it turned HHH Giving him even more Overness. The rival between Cena and HHH Wasn't working, because HHH was obviously more over then Cena (at that time). Pluss, Cena had the title for WAYYYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOOOO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG, lol. ECW needed to have a few star's on their roster, so Kurt Angle, RVD, and Big Show went there. SO having RVD win the title and having Cena, RVD, and Edge angle's bringing back the Edge vs. Cena storyline (which does get alot of attention, although dieing now), was great for the brand. Far as Cena goes, I believe he is going to get alot more popular sooner then later. You Cena "Hater's" might dissagree, but time will tell. I am probably older then all of you here, so I welcome any comments you want to make about me being really young to be a John Cena fan:-)
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;151053]but they gave Kurt Lesnar Lashley the titles early cuz they actually had wrestling ability... and as for JBL he did deserve the title with APA they were really good and when Simmons left and JBL started doing singles competition he was really good and then when he won the title he held it for over a year so dont say just because someone is there longer doesnt mean they get a should get a title shot as for Cena they gave him the title cuz of Fan Base he has alot of fans yes granted they are mostly under 18 if there older then there women. someone though that really deserves a nice long title reign is Kane he had the title once for a day only though:(.[/QUOTE] I doubt how well someone wrestle's has anything to do with who win's title's in the WWE, although it is great when that does happen. I seen when the crowd boo'd Cena, seen when a crowd boo'd then cheer'd later for him, etc... This is how it is supposed to be though. HHH Called Cena a Poser, this was on purpose, to get the fan's even more against him (Cena) for their small rivalry. I feel the cut off the rivalry pretty quickly, because of various reason's though... and alot of it having to do with HHH Finally falling into the "Black Charisma" gimmick... Meaning, people cheer him as a heel. This also helped bring in DX back, as it turned HHH Giving him even more Overness. The rival between Cena and HHH Wasn't working, because HHH was obviously more over then Cena (at that time). Pluss, Cena had the title for WAYYYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOOOO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG, lol. ECW needed to have a few star's on their roster, so Kurt Angle, RVD, and Big Show went there. SO having RVD win the title and having Cena, RVD, and Edge angle's bringing back the Edge vs. Cena storyline (which does get alot of attention, although dieing now), was great for the brand. Far as Cena goes, I believe he is going to get alot more popular sooner then later. You Cena "Hater's" might dissagree, but time will tell. I am probably older then all of you here, so I welcome any comments you want to make about me being really young to be a John Cena fan:-)
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[QUOTE=Shocking_Stuff;151052]Just a question... how does being there longer entitle anyone to have a title run before anyone else? Kurt... Lesnar... Cena... I liked JBL as a heel, but I never thought he was wwe title material, maybe euro... at a stretch intercontinental... The company had a lot of faith in the ability and charisma of the 3 (and others that won titles quickly... LASHLEY), thus giving them exposure and title opportunities quickly.[/QUOTE] lol JBL isnt everyone. I didnt say everyone whos been in the WWE longer than Cena deserves the title more than him did I. No. But to answer your question how about the plain and simple fact that JBL has had to work harder and longer with nagging injuries for most of his career. Hes put so many other guys over him while he stayed a lower to mid-carder for like 8 years. Perhaps you just dont know JBLs history in the WWE aswell as I do to understand this. Its sad Cena is just given the belt because he has a good gimick, gave very heavy guys (Rikishi, Mark Henry, Big Show) FUs and is popular with little guys and women.
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[QUOTE=Shocking_Stuff;151052]Just a question... how does being there longer entitle anyone to have a title run before anyone else? Kurt... Lesnar... Cena... I liked JBL as a heel, but I never thought he was wwe title material, maybe euro... at a stretch intercontinental... The company had a lot of faith in the ability and charisma of the 3 (and others that won titles quickly... LASHLEY), thus giving them exposure and title opportunities quickly.[/QUOTE] lol JBL isnt everyone. I didnt say everyone whos been in the WWE longer than Cena deserves the title more than him did I. No. But to answer your question how about the plain and simple fact that JBL has had to work harder and longer with nagging injuries for most of his career. Hes put so many other guys over him while he stayed a lower to mid-carder for like 8 years. Perhaps you just dont know JBLs history in the WWE aswell as I do to understand this. Its sad Cena is just given the belt because he has a good gimick, gave very heavy guys (Rikishi, Mark Henry, Big Show) FUs and is popular with little guys and women.
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I think Cena was popular with more than just girls and kids up to and including his title win. The problem came in the aftermath when he turned into a Hogan esque Super Face and started getting rammed down everyone's throats. In these post kayfabe days that just won't wash with everyone anymore. I don't really think its fair to say his original title win was undeserved since the only marker for success in this rigged sport is popularity and he had that in spades before Vince burned everyone out on him.
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I think Cena was popular with more than just girls and kids up to and including his title win. The problem came in the aftermath when he turned into a Hogan esque Super Face and started getting rammed down everyone's throats. In these post kayfabe days that just won't wash with everyone anymore. I don't really think its fair to say his original title win was undeserved since the only marker for success in this rigged sport is popularity and he had that in spades before Vince burned everyone out on him.
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  • 2 weeks later...
A few more Pics that I made [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Seanwaltman.jpg[/IMG] the back [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/X-Factor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Cenasmooking.jpg[/IMG] Bye
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A few more Pics that I made [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Seanwaltman.jpg[/IMG] the back [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/X-Factor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Cenasmooking.jpg[/IMG] Bye
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