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California All-Pro Wrestling: From Coast to Coast to Worldwide

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[B][U][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck081506.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]RAW Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Psicosis d. Charlie Haas -Edge & Mick Foley d. Super Crazy & Burchill -London & Kendrick d. Umaga & Trevor Murdoch -Johnny Nitro d. Rene Dupree to retain the WWE Intercontineal title -Kane d. John Cena -Carlito d. Randy Orton Show Rating: B- [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. Puma & Andy Douglas -Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley d. Petey Williams & A1 to retain the NWA Tag Team titles -American's Most Wanted d. LAX -Scott Stiener & Jeff Jarrett d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode Show Rating: C+
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck081506.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Victoria NC Ashley -Jamie Noble d. Jake -Matt Hardy & William Regal d. Doug Basham & Tatanka -Danny Basham d. Mikey -Hardcore Holly d. Sabu to retain the ECW World title -HBK & the Undertaker d. Terry Funk & Rey Mysterio Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Petey Williams d. Brother Runt -Sonjay Dutt d. Austin Aries -Chris Sabin d Alex Shelley to retain the TNA X-Division title -The James Gang d. Homicide & Brother Ray Show Rating: C+
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck081506.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Victoria NC Ashley -Jamie Noble d. Jake -Matt Hardy & William Regal d. Doug Basham & Tatanka -Danny Basham d. Mikey -Hardcore Holly d. Sabu to retain the ECW World title -HBK & the Undertaker d. Terry Funk & Rey Mysterio Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Petey Williams d. Brother Runt -Sonjay Dutt d. Austin Aries -Chris Sabin d Alex Shelley to retain the TNA X-Division title -The James Gang d. Homicide & Brother Ray Show Rating: C+
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck081506.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Breaking News:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Masahiro Chono has been sentence for one year in prison for Breaking & Entering. -TNA wrestler Johnny Devine has failed a steroid test. [B][U][SIZE="3"]WWE Wrestlemania Results: New Champions![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Finlay d. Rene Dupree to retain the WWE United State title -London & Kendrick d. Mexicools to retain the WWE Tag Team titles -Ashley d. Victoria [B]for the WWE Women’s title[/B] -Lita, Trish Stratus & Mickie James d. Johnny, Mick Foley & Torrie Wilson -Gregory Helms d. Kid Kash to retain the WWE Cruiserweight title -Shelton Benjamin d. Danny Basham -Justin Credible d. Trevor Murdoch -Matt Hardy & Umaga d. Spirit Squad [B]for World Tag Team titles[/B]-Johnny Nitro d. Chris Master to retain the WWE Intercontineal title -Hardcore Holly d. Simon Dean to retain the ECW World title -Randy Orton d. Batista -Edge d. Big Show to retain the Rated “R” Superstar title Show Rating: B- [B][U][SIZE="3"]ECW The Clock Strikes Twelve Results: New Champions![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Monty Brown d. Eddie Kingston & Vito -Sandman d. Aaron Aguilera -Brother Ray, Rick Steiner & Rhino d. Dawn Marie, Tracy Brooks & Dustin Rhodes -Brother Runt & Tommy Dreamer d. CM Punk & Johnny the Bull [B]for the ECW Tag Team titles[/B] -Road Warrior Animal d. Joey Abs -Brother Devon d. Brent Albright -Diamond Dallas Page d. Raven -Chris Kanyon d. Jeff Jarrett -Christian Cage d. Scott Hall to retain the REAL ECW title Show Rating: B-
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck081506.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Breaking News:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Masahiro Chono has been sentence for one year in prison for Breaking & Entering. -TNA wrestler Johnny Devine has failed a steroid test. [B][U][SIZE="3"]WWE Wrestlemania Results: New Champions![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Finlay d. Rene Dupree to retain the WWE United State title -London & Kendrick d. Mexicools to retain the WWE Tag Team titles -Ashley d. Victoria [B]for the WWE Women’s title[/B] -Lita, Trish Stratus & Mickie James d. Johnny, Mick Foley & Torrie Wilson -Gregory Helms d. Kid Kash to retain the WWE Cruiserweight title -Shelton Benjamin d. Danny Basham -Justin Credible d. Trevor Murdoch -Matt Hardy & Umaga d. Spirit Squad [B]for World Tag Team titles[/B]-Johnny Nitro d. Chris Master to retain the WWE Intercontineal title -Hardcore Holly d. Simon Dean to retain the ECW World title -Randy Orton d. Batista -Edge d. Big Show to retain the Rated “R” Superstar title Show Rating: B- [B][U][SIZE="3"]ECW The Clock Strikes Twelve Results: New Champions![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Monty Brown d. Eddie Kingston & Vito -Sandman d. Aaron Aguilera -Brother Ray, Rick Steiner & Rhino d. Dawn Marie, Tracy Brooks & Dustin Rhodes -Brother Runt & Tommy Dreamer d. CM Punk & Johnny the Bull [B]for the ECW Tag Team titles[/B] -Road Warrior Animal d. Joey Abs -Brother Devon d. Brent Albright -Diamond Dallas Page d. Raven -Chris Kanyon d. Jeff Jarrett -Christian Cage d. Scott Hall to retain the REAL ECW title Show Rating: B-
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[IMG]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6264/capwco6.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Purple"]Presents The Terrordome in the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Front of 5,000 People on Friday, Week 4, March.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JayLethal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/DaveyRichards2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jay Lethal d. Davey Richards[/B] A solid & competitive opener that seemed Richards getting the Lethal Injection from Jay as he wins this matchup to start the show. [B]Time:[/B] 10:56 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/BillyKidman2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AustinAries.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Kidman & Austin Aries d. Frankie Kazarian & Matt Bentley[/B] A very good tag team match with very impressive tag team moves from these four men but Kidman & Aries comes out with the victory with Kidman doing the Shooting Star Press on Bentley & Aries landing the 450 splash on Kazarian at the same time. [B]Time:[/B] 17:18 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C+ [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AlexShelleyBD4.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JerryLynn.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Shelley d. Jerry Lynn[/B] A technical sound match even tho it was mostly Jerry Lynn in this match until Shelley found an easy way out as he rolled up Lynn by holding him tights blantly as he gets the three count. Lynn didn't know what the hell was going on. Lynn in anger was chasing after Shelley all the way to backstage. [B]Time:[/B] 16:51 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JoelMaximo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JoseMaximo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Havana Pitbulls d. The S.A.T. & The Stampede Bulldogs[/B] The first elimination happened when Harry Smith connects the Running Bulldog Powerslam on Jose Maximo for the pinfall. Joel Maximo couldn't save his as partner while he was double powerbombed by Reyes & Romero. Pitbulls & Bulldogs was all over each other representing both their respective stables. Romero gets the pinfall on TJ Wilson when Homicide shown up & whacked Wilson with a chair shot to the head on the apron as Reyes was distracting the referee. Smith tried to make it to his partner but Reyes grabbed his leg to not break up the count. Romero & Reyes are now the #1 contenders for the CAPW Tag Team titles. [B]Time:[/B] 14:43 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/SuperDragon2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/BryanDanielsonbelts.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Generic03.jpg[/IMG] [B]CAPW Cruiser-X Championship: Super Dragon d. Bryan Danielson[/B] Co-Best Match of the Night. Dragon & Danielson has bringed their A game to this championship. Bryan Danielson at times was so close into beating Dragon but Dragon wasn't going to be beat tonight. Super Dragon was an underdgo in this match & he as proves in this matchup that you should never doubt as he pinned Danielson with not one, but two Psycho Driver 2000's for the victory. After the match, Danielson & Dragon shook hands. [B]Time:[/B] 19:53 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MarkBriscoe2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Generic02.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tables Match For CAPW Tag Team Championship: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans d. The Briscoes Brothers[/B] These men went for it all for these titles but Evans & Strong had more in the tank as he driven for revenge on Mark & Jay for what they done to them. Jay Briscoe was eliminated first when Strong powerbombed Jay all the way to the table on the outside. Immediately after that, Mark was placed on a table in the outside & Evans did a 630 splash on Mark to retain the tag team titles & get their revenge on the Briscoes. [B]Time:[/B] 18:47 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Unknown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/ChristopherDanielsBD7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mystery Opponent d. Christopher Daniels[/B] Co-Best Match of the Night. Daniels was waiting in the ring for the mystery man & Justin Watts shows up. Daniels gets on the mic to say to that if Watts is his opponent, I'm going to have fun beating your ass. Watts said that it's not him. Watts proudly announced that one-night only, your opponent is.... [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/KurtAngle4.jpg[/IMG] KURT ANGLE!!!!!!!!! Daniels was shocked & the fans were going insane. Angle came to fight as he stares a hole into Daniels. When Angle & Daniels was face to face, the crowd chanted "THANK YOU JUSTIN". The match was back & forth. This dream match made other wrestlers show up & see what Angle can do in the indys & they were impressed. Daniels & Angle fought their hearts out. Angle kicked out of Daniels' Angel Wings & last Rites. Daniels did the same as kicking of the Angle Slam & reaching the ropes when Kurt does the Angle lock. In the end, Daniels was going for a Angel Wings off the tope rope but Angle reversed to an Angle Slam as Angle gets the victory & Daniels doesn't get the title shot against Homicide. After the Match, AJ Styles hit the ring & challenged Angle to a match next month & Angle accepted the challenge. [B]Time:[/B] 30:45 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Homicide3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/CMPunk5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/LowKi3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/ColtCabana3.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MariaKanellisBD13.jpg[/IMG] [B]Strong Style Thugs d. Team CAP'[/B] The leash was off on these men finally & they ripped each other apart. In the end. all six were in the ring going at it with each other; then Styles/B-Boy, Homicide/Low-Ki went out of the ring & fought to the back. CM Punk & Colt Cabana were all alone. Punk kicked Cabana right striaght in the balls that put Cabana down. Maria gets on the ropes & argues with the ref' about it. Punk went up to her & kisses her. After he was done, Maria slaps the hell out of him. Punk smiles & grabs Maria's hair. As Cabana was running to get Punk, CM moved out the way & Cabana bumps Maria & she falls to the floor. Cabana was trying to get to her but Punk low blows Colt again & finishes him with his own finishing move, the Colt 45 for the victory for his team. [B]Time:[/B] 20:47 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Show Rating: B-[/B]
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[IMG]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6264/capwco6.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Purple"]Presents The Terrordome in the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Front of 5,000 People on Friday, Week 4, March.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JayLethal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/DaveyRichards2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jay Lethal d. Davey Richards[/B] A solid & competitive opener that seemed Richards getting the Lethal Injection from Jay as he wins this matchup to start the show. [B]Time:[/B] 10:56 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/BillyKidman2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AustinAries.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Kidman & Austin Aries d. Frankie Kazarian & Matt Bentley[/B] A very good tag team match with very impressive tag team moves from these four men but Kidman & Aries comes out with the victory with Kidman doing the Shooting Star Press on Bentley & Aries landing the 450 splash on Kazarian at the same time. [B]Time:[/B] 17:18 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C+ [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AlexShelleyBD4.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JerryLynn.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Shelley d. Jerry Lynn[/B] A technical sound match even tho it was mostly Jerry Lynn in this match until Shelley found an easy way out as he rolled up Lynn by holding him tights blantly as he gets the three count. Lynn didn't know what the hell was going on. Lynn in anger was chasing after Shelley all the way to backstage. [B]Time:[/B] 16:51 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JoelMaximo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JoseMaximo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Havana Pitbulls d. The S.A.T. & The Stampede Bulldogs[/B] The first elimination happened when Harry Smith connects the Running Bulldog Powerslam on Jose Maximo for the pinfall. Joel Maximo couldn't save his as partner while he was double powerbombed by Reyes & Romero. Pitbulls & Bulldogs was all over each other representing both their respective stables. Romero gets the pinfall on TJ Wilson when Homicide shown up & whacked Wilson with a chair shot to the head on the apron as Reyes was distracting the referee. Smith tried to make it to his partner but Reyes grabbed his leg to not break up the count. Romero & Reyes are now the #1 contenders for the CAPW Tag Team titles. [B]Time:[/B] 14:43 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/SuperDragon2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/BryanDanielsonbelts.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Generic03.jpg[/IMG] [B]CAPW Cruiser-X Championship: Super Dragon d. Bryan Danielson[/B] Co-Best Match of the Night. Dragon & Danielson has bringed their A game to this championship. Bryan Danielson at times was so close into beating Dragon but Dragon wasn't going to be beat tonight. Super Dragon was an underdgo in this match & he as proves in this matchup that you should never doubt as he pinned Danielson with not one, but two Psycho Driver 2000's for the victory. After the match, Danielson & Dragon shook hands. [B]Time:[/B] 19:53 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MarkBriscoe2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Generic02.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tables Match For CAPW Tag Team Championship: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans d. The Briscoes Brothers[/B] These men went for it all for these titles but Evans & Strong had more in the tank as he driven for revenge on Mark & Jay for what they done to them. Jay Briscoe was eliminated first when Strong powerbombed Jay all the way to the table on the outside. Immediately after that, Mark was placed on a table in the outside & Evans did a 630 splash on Mark to retain the tag team titles & get their revenge on the Briscoes. [B]Time:[/B] 18:47 [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Unknown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/ChristopherDanielsBD7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mystery Opponent d. Christopher Daniels[/B] Co-Best Match of the Night. Daniels was waiting in the ring for the mystery man & Justin Watts shows up. Daniels gets on the mic to say to that if Watts is his opponent, I'm going to have fun beating your ass. Watts said that it's not him. Watts proudly announced that one-night only, your opponent is.... [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/KurtAngle4.jpg[/IMG] KURT ANGLE!!!!!!!!! Daniels was shocked & the fans were going insane. Angle came to fight as he stares a hole into Daniels. When Angle & Daniels was face to face, the crowd chanted "THANK YOU JUSTIN". The match was back & forth. This dream match made other wrestlers show up & see what Angle can do in the indys & they were impressed. Daniels & Angle fought their hearts out. Angle kicked out of Daniels' Angel Wings & last Rites. Daniels did the same as kicking of the Angle Slam & reaching the ropes when Kurt does the Angle lock. In the end, Daniels was going for a Angel Wings off the tope rope but Angle reversed to an Angle Slam as Angle gets the victory & Daniels doesn't get the title shot against Homicide. After the Match, AJ Styles hit the ring & challenged Angle to a match next month & Angle accepted the challenge. [B]Time:[/B] 30:45 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/Homicide3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/CMPunk5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/LowKi3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/ColtCabana3.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/MariaKanellisBD13.jpg[/IMG] [B]Strong Style Thugs d. Team CAP'[/B] The leash was off on these men finally & they ripped each other apart. In the end. all six were in the ring going at it with each other; then Styles/B-Boy, Homicide/Low-Ki went out of the ring & fought to the back. CM Punk & Colt Cabana were all alone. Punk kicked Cabana right striaght in the balls that put Cabana down. Maria gets on the ropes & argues with the ref' about it. Punk went up to her & kisses her. After he was done, Maria slaps the hell out of him. Punk smiles & grabs Maria's hair. As Cabana was running to get Punk, CM moved out the way & Cabana bumps Maria & she falls to the floor. Cabana was trying to get to her but Punk low blows Colt again & finishes him with his own finishing move, the Colt 45 for the victory for his team. [B]Time:[/B] 20:47 [B]Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Show Rating: B-[/B]
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]RAW Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Matt Striker d. Sabu & Trevor Murdoch -Hardcore Holly d. Super Crazy to retain the ECW World title -The Exiles d. Jamie Noble & Kid Kash to retain the World Tag Team titles -Justin Credible d. Chris Masters -Kane d. Rob Van Dam -John Cena d. Edge Show Rating: B [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. LAX -James Storm d. Johnny Devine -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt to retain the TNA X-Division title -Sting d. Scott Steiner Show Rating: C+
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]RAW Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Matt Striker d. Sabu & Trevor Murdoch -Hardcore Holly d. Super Crazy to retain the ECW World title -The Exiles d. Jamie Noble & Kid Kash to retain the World Tag Team titles -Justin Credible d. Chris Masters -Kane d. Rob Van Dam -John Cena d. Edge Show Rating: B [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. LAX -James Storm d. Johnny Devine -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt to retain the TNA X-Division title -Sting d. Scott Steiner Show Rating: C+
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[IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Victoria NC Ashley -Doug Basham d. Terry Funk -Tatanka d. Mikey -Rene Dupree & Danny Basham d. Highlanders -Simon Dean & Shawn Michaels d. Burchill & William Regal -Big Show d. Eugene Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Sonjay Dutt NC Brother Ray -Bobby Roode NC Petey Williams -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt to retain the TNA X-Division title -Christopher Daniels d. Jeff Jarrett Show Rating: B- [B][U][SIZE="2"]News:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Samoa Joe left 1PW due contract expiry & is interested in joining CAPW.
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[IMG][IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Victoria NC Ashley -Doug Basham d. Terry Funk -Tatanka d. Mikey -Rene Dupree & Danny Basham d. Highlanders -Simon Dean & Shawn Michaels d. Burchill & William Regal -Big Show d. Eugene Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Sonjay Dutt NC Brother Ray -Bobby Roode NC Petey Williams -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt to retain the TNA X-Division title -Christopher Daniels d. Jeff Jarrett Show Rating: B- [B][U][SIZE="2"]News:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Samoa Joe left 1PW due contract expiry & is interested in joining CAPW.
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]ROH Weekly House Show Results: New Champion![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Briscoe Brothers d. Crazy J & Delirious -Austin Aries & Roderick Strong d. Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer -Jimmy Jacobs d. Jerrelle Clark -Jimmy Rave d. Ace Steel to retain the ROH Pure title -Revenge Warriors d. Matt Sydal & Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH Tag Team titles -Bryan Danielson d. Ricky Reyes -Samoa Joe d. Homicide -Alex Shelley d. Christopher Daniels [B]for the ROH World title[/B] Show Rating: B- Samoa Joe has signed with CAPW & will face Christopher Daniels at the up & coming big show.
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]ROH Weekly House Show Results: New Champion![/SIZE][/U][/B] -Briscoe Brothers d. Crazy J & Delirious -Austin Aries & Roderick Strong d. Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer -Jimmy Jacobs d. Jerrelle Clark -Jimmy Rave d. Ace Steel to retain the ROH Pure title -Revenge Warriors d. Matt Sydal & Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH Tag Team titles -Bryan Danielson d. Ricky Reyes -Samoa Joe d. Homicide -Alex Shelley d. Christopher Daniels [B]for the ROH World title[/B] Show Rating: B- Samoa Joe has signed with CAPW & will face Christopher Daniels at the up & coming big show.
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]RAW Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Jesse d. Trevor Murdoch -Edge & Mick Foley d. Lil' Guido & Kid Kash -Joey Mercury d. Chris Masters -Hardcore Holly d. Val Venis to retain the ECW World title -The Exiles d. Johnny & Super Crazy to retain the World Tag Team titles -Carlito d. Kane Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Abyss d. James Storm -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode -Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley d. LAX to retain the NWA Tag Team titles -Jeff Jarrett d. Christian Cage Show RatingL B- News: -Lance Cade has an written contract extenison with the WWE.
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]RAW Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Jesse d. Trevor Murdoch -Edge & Mick Foley d. Lil' Guido & Kid Kash -Joey Mercury d. Chris Masters -Hardcore Holly d. Val Venis to retain the ECW World title -The Exiles d. Johnny & Super Crazy to retain the World Tag Team titles -Carlito d. Kane Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Abyss d. James Storm -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode -Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley d. LAX to retain the NWA Tag Team titles -Jeff Jarrett d. Christian Cage Show RatingL B- News: -Lance Cade has an written contract extenison with the WWE.
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Burchill d. Terry Funk -Danny Basham d. Robbie -Simon Dean d. Mikey -Victoria d. Ashley -The Undertaker d. Doug Basham -Chris Benoit d. Rene Dupree Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt & Johnny Devine to retain the TNA X-Division title -American's Most Wanted d. LAX -Christian Cage d. Brother Devon -Jeff Jarrett d. Christopher Daniels & Sting to retain the NWA World title Show Rating: B News: -BCW has risen to cult size
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[IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c57/Watts63/gerweck08150.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Smackdown! Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Burchill d. Terry Funk -Danny Basham d. Robbie -Simon Dean d. Mikey -Victoria d. Ashley -The Undertaker d. Doug Basham -Chris Benoit d. Rene Dupree Show Rating: C+ [B][U][SIZE="3"]TNA Xplosion Results:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Chris Sabin d. Brother Runt & Johnny Devine to retain the TNA X-Division title -American's Most Wanted d. LAX -Christian Cage d. Brother Devon -Jeff Jarrett d. Christopher Daniels & Sting to retain the NWA World title Show Rating: B News: -BCW has risen to cult size
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[B][U][SIZE="2"]CAPW Presents Living the Dream on Friday, Week 2, April Preview[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]Dream Match Series #2: "The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle vs. "The Phenomal" AJ Styles:[/U][/B] Last month, after Angle's victory over Daniels, Styles came to the ring & challenged Angle to a match & he accepted. Angle has said that he will make Styles tap out. Styles said he is a great wrestler but he's not "Phenomal". The war of words has begun & when they enter the squared circle, who will the be the better man? [B][U]CAPW Heavyweight Championship: "The Notorious 187" Homicide (c) vs. "Classic" Colt Cabana w/ Maria Kanellis:[/U][/B] Homicide is pissed that this match is not the main event & he's better than that punk-ass Angle. As to prove that, he said that no member of the SST will not be at ringside. Cabana also said that no member of TEAM CAP' will be in ringside except Maria. Homicide wants to take out Cabana & Maria for CM Punk once & for all. Cabana wants to take the belt away from Homicide to Team CAP'. Each man will succeed when the final bell is rung? [B][U]"Baddest Motherfu**er on the Planet" Samoa Joe vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels:[/U][/B] Samoa Joe recently signed with CAPW a week ago & said that he wants to be the CAPW Heavyweight Champion but Daniels in his way as he also wants a title shot & to redeem himself when he lost to Angle last month. [B][U]CAPW Tag Team Championship: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans (c) vs. The Havana Pitbulls:[/U][/B] After both teams won their respective match last month, they will go against each other for some tag team gold. Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero wants to add these belts to the collection of the Strong Style Thugs but they may have to damn well kill Evans & Strong for those belts & they'll be the first to tell you that & Evans says "and you know this, MAN." [B][U][SIZE="2"]Other Matches:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Low-Ki vs. CM Punk: Stable Grudge Match -The Briscoe Brothers vs. Austin Aries & Billy Kidman -Chris Sabin in action! -Alex Shelley in action! Predictions Are Welcome
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[B][U][SIZE="2"]CAPW Presents Living the Dream on Friday, Week 2, April Preview[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]Dream Match Series #2: "The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle vs. "The Phenomal" AJ Styles:[/U][/B] Last month, after Angle's victory over Daniels, Styles came to the ring & challenged Angle to a match & he accepted. Angle has said that he will make Styles tap out. Styles said he is a great wrestler but he's not "Phenomal". The war of words has begun & when they enter the squared circle, who will the be the better man? [B][U]CAPW Heavyweight Championship: "The Notorious 187" Homicide (c) vs. "Classic" Colt Cabana w/ Maria Kanellis:[/U][/B] Homicide is pissed that this match is not the main event & he's better than that punk-ass Angle. As to prove that, he said that no member of the SST will not be at ringside. Cabana also said that no member of TEAM CAP' will be in ringside except Maria. Homicide wants to take out Cabana & Maria for CM Punk once & for all. Cabana wants to take the belt away from Homicide to Team CAP'. Each man will succeed when the final bell is rung? [B][U]"Baddest Motherfu**er on the Planet" Samoa Joe vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels:[/U][/B] Samoa Joe recently signed with CAPW a week ago & said that he wants to be the CAPW Heavyweight Champion but Daniels in his way as he also wants a title shot & to redeem himself when he lost to Angle last month. [B][U]CAPW Tag Team Championship: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans (c) vs. The Havana Pitbulls:[/U][/B] After both teams won their respective match last month, they will go against each other for some tag team gold. Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero wants to add these belts to the collection of the Strong Style Thugs but they may have to damn well kill Evans & Strong for those belts & they'll be the first to tell you that & Evans says "and you know this, MAN." [B][U][SIZE="2"]Other Matches:[/SIZE][/U][/B] -Low-Ki vs. CM Punk: Stable Grudge Match -The Briscoe Brothers vs. Austin Aries & Billy Kidman -Chris Sabin in action! -Alex Shelley in action! Predictions Are Welcome
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