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[[I]This diary is fictional, therefore it is not fact, and anything contained in it is not the truth. There is no intent to deface, defraud or infringe on copyright laws.[/I]] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Week 1 Jan 2007[/B] [FONT="Impact"]A Year in Review[/FONT][/CENTER] Welcome to BeyondWrestling Magazine's Year in Review edition, here we look at the last half of the year in the wrestling world, with the ever changing face of Professional Wrestling changing... again. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] The wrestling world has largely been more of the same, which has caused problems for the WWE. TNA has gained alot of recognition across the United States, and slowly in the UK thanks to its partnership with The Wrestling Channel, and is now in a position to gear itself up for the final stage of its slow rise to National and International respect, gainined a 2 hour prime tv slot on SpikeTV! Many suspect they can achieve this as Jeff Jarret has FINALLY stepped aside and handed the belt over to Somoe Joe, in a match that many regained alot of respect back for Jarret in the process. With the belts in the current position: [B]TNA World Heavyweight[/B]: Samoe Joe [B]TNA X-Division[/B]: Alex Shelly [B]TNA Tag Team Titles[/B]: AJ & Christopher Daniels With TNA's rise to a level of interest that is deemed as threatening, alot of stress has fallen on the WWE to 'get it right', however this pressure hasn't fueled and benefitted the WWE and Vince McMahon has it has back during the Monday Night Wars with wCw. Instead, it has seemed to have caused panic decisions amongst the inexperienced WWE creative team. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B] The WWE however has yet again continued to ignore facts and tried to push its storylines across as hard as possibel despite the decreasing interesting and continuing turn on 'The Golden Boy' John Cena. His winning of the title yet again alienated the fans and started the resentment of his 'Superman' syndrom to rise again, despite the increasing heat WWE creative didn't turn him heel. Even with their development leagues alot of midcard talent and youngester linked with the WWE have became disillusioned by the wait for their chance to develop and shin on the WWE stage. This has been made even worse by the reappearance of 'passed it' legends, such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and ANOTHER reformation of NWO in a cheap attempt to boost PPV buyrates and maintain fan interest, rather then establish new talent. The only new talent you could argue they have pushed over the last year or so was Carlito and Ken Kennedy, one Star per brand, which is hardly enough to cover the amount of wrestlers that have retired or left the company. As it stands today the belts are on the current people: -RAW- World: John Cena Inter: Carlito Tag: Kevin Nash & Scott Hall Woman's: [Retired on Trish Stratus] -Smackdown!- Heavy: Ken Kennedy US: Finley Tag: Paul London & Brian Kendrick Cruserweight: [inactive] ECW: Test The only 'correct' move WWE creative seemed to have made was to remove Vince McMahon from an on Screen Role, however, this was soon seen to be a worse move, as his replacement was nWo in the form of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan... again. As well as signing 'Macho Man' Randy Savage in a program with the 'Legend Killer' Randy Ortan, which went on for several months, and only just concluded recently at WWE's last PPV, with Ortan picking up an injury. Financially the WWE is still strong, however alot of shareholders are starting to get itchy feet with the storylines and ideas being pushed boardering on desperate, many insiders feel it won't be too long before the board establishes a presence on the writting team itself to vito any ideas deemed 'too radical'. With the moral across the WWE rather low amongst the workers that aren't part of the 'IN and over group', alot of workers have considered asking for their release to return to the indies, or even TNA now they are almost at a level to rival the WWE. Strangely, one man was allowed to walk away from the WWE, with the feeling that he wouldn't be allowed to walk into TNA, and that he had nothing left to offer to the WWE. That man was Eric Bischoff. Along with Eric Bischoff (who was released) some 'old' backstage was also released for voicing their concerns about the creative team and the state of the company. Amongst the names on the sheet were: Pat Patterson, Gerald Briscoe as well as the older divas and some old backstage staff. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling and Eric Bischoff[/B] Strangely, despite many's claim that Eric Bischoff would walk away from the wrestling world and concentrate on producing reality TV Shows, Bischoff has turned attention to starting his own promotion, Phoenix Wrestling, with the goal and desire to take it to the top and do what he never could do with wCw and push McMahon all the way. So why has Bischoff stepped back into the wrestling ring, so to speak? What are his plans? Is he going to destroy the WWE? We'll have an interview with Eric Bischoff in a later issue of BeyondWrestling to find out all the details behind his strange U-Turn on the wrestling business. If you'd like to leave a question for Eric Bischoff to answer, please do so by emailing us (reply in this thread) at the BeyondWrestling Magazine. Editor, 'Ironing' Dave Danger
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/BWissue1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Interview with Eric Bischoff. [i] Eric Bischoff was once a powerful man. He was once the President of WCW. He was once the man that almost ended Vince McMahon. In his later years he was little more then a puppet as his role as General Manager (GM) on the RAW Brand of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), with the later part of his contract being spent at home recieving his pay for little or no input into the product after he was 'sacked' on air. Yet despite this fall from grace Eric Bischoff finds himself once again in charge of a promotion, this time its his own promotion, Phoenix Wrestling, backed by his own money and with no one to answer to other then himself. So why would anyone, who was experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, induldge themselves back into the heartbreak of Professional Wrestling once again. We caught up with Eric Bischoff for his first interview since his depature from the WWE, and asked the question on everyones mind. 'Why, Eric, Why?'[/i] "[COLOR="Blue"]In all honesty I was ready to walk away from it all, despite it being everything in my life for the last 20 years or so, I was ready to take my final severence pay from the WWE and turn my back on the damn business for good. Yet, I didn't, obviously, 'cos here I am... again... running my promotion! Why? Pride. Pride and Vince McMahon. You know a few months ago, I had went to his office, erm, and I asked him [vince], 'What you going to do with WCW?' I mean it was fair question, they [WWE] had seen ECW work better then they anyone, except for maybes Shane [McMahon] and Paul Haymen, had expected. Erm, and they had the WCW Library just sitting there, being pushed and edited across their 24/7 demand service, yet images, rights, storylines, wrestlers, had largely been underused. The invasion angle they originally had, was... well... a major let down.[/COLOR]" [COLOR="Blue"]Well, lets just say Vince did that smurk and nod routine he does so well, when I asked him about doing something with WCW. I think Shane probably would have been the man to go to for some kind of Political weight behind it, but he was busy with ECW. So, I, probably, did the wrong thing, and asked if I could do something with the WCW name. Lets just the say laughter that came from Vince McMahon was manical at best.[/COLOR]" [I]It's interesting to note the look of determination in Bischoff's eyes that seems to grow as he drifts into a memory of that event. If anything it would appear that McMahon is the sole reason Bischoff is doing this. The fire that drives him. [/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]In all honesty, if Vince had never laughed me in the face, I would have been able to walk away, and I woudn't be sitting here today giving this interview about creating a new promotion. There's one thing that I can't let lie, and that's being laughed at in the face like that.[/COLOR]" [I]It's hard to imagine anyone laughing in Bischoff's face, despite his greying hair, and older looking appearance from that which we're use to seeing him on Telly. He still has an air of authority about him, more so infact, and you have to remember that he really IS a Black Belt in martial arts.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]So I took my leave in November when my contract was up, and sat at home with all intensive purposes being, to spend time with the family, and work on OTHER projects, but I couldn't shift Vince's laughing grin from my mind. It was burning on me, and I knew I just had to RETURN to wrestling.[/COLOR]" [I]It's interesting that Bischoff never tried to return to wrestling with TNA, who are now doing very well for themselves on the National Stage with a new 2 hour Prime Time TV show (See page. 13), and a promotion that his one time replacement in WCW, Vince Russo, worked for.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]TNA? Haha, yeah I guess I could have tried to humble myself and asked if I could have worked for them, but in all truth, I don't think I would have got a job, nor do I think I'd want to have had a job with them. They've done so well for themselves doing their own thing, that I would have left like I had walked into something already finished. There was only one option and that was to create my own promotion, my own baby, and raise it to a level that would be able to compete with the WWE by itself. I'm not a man to have things handed to me on a plate.[/COLOR]" [I]And so it is to be. Eric Bischoff has poured his own money into this project, money he has saved from his time in WWE, from book sales and from personal loans to make Phoenix Wrestling (PW) work. He's some how managed to secure a PPV deal with DirectTV, despite not even having a roster of workers to show and advertise. As of printing there is no deal in the works for a TV Show, though it is literally early days for Bischoff and PW, lets remember they still haven't even had their first show. But is there any chance in the future of a meeting with Ted Turner to fund PW and offer a TV slot?[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]Have I talked to Ted? Haha, of course! Of course! He was the first person I talked to, infact, he phoned me! But it was just to wish me luck and that he respected what I was doing, getting back on the horse so to speak. No, he didn't offer me a TV slot, I don't think he has the power to do such things anymore, he's on a board of directors to answer to now. Perhaps if TNA can offer a good TV Product, staying away from the smutt and risky storylines the WWE has been pumping out the last few months, then TV Executives will see Wrestling as a product to show on their channel again.[/COLOR]" [I]Bischoff is corret in what he says. The WWE have really been pushing it to try and keep the ratings up, almost resorting back to the 'Attitude Era' only pushed all the way up to 11. A few workers and backstage staff have expressed their concerns over the direction the product has taken, and those that have have been met with a firing or heavy fining from WWE and Vince McMahon. It would appear that the WWE is desperate, even perhaps fearing TNA as they once did WCW. With, yet again, the rehiring of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan on a long program as the rehashed nWo to fued with DX. And Randy Savage making appearances to fued with the 'Legend Killer' Randy Ortan, it would seem that WWE is looking to use any and all ideas placed on the table in an attempt to see what works.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]John Cena, they have to get rid of John Cean and remember what wrestling is all about. TNA are doing is the right way, they put on a wrestling show, their top guy (Samoe Joe - See Page 23) is the best guy in the business for them. Not because he sells the most T-Shirts, but because he has the most momentum, the most fans, the best in ring ability to defend that title. See, the WWE concentrates on one thing and that's T-Shirt sales, its true. Cena sells the most, so they push him up there, though alot of wrestling fans over the age of 12 are turning on this force feeding of Cena down there throats. When Edge won the title the ratings went through the roof with the 18-24 demographic, yet, they don't buy as many t-shirts as the young kids out there, so Cena won the title back again. "TNA are out there to put on a wrestling show, to bring in the most gate revenue, to make sure as many people as possible watch the TV Show, if they buy a T-Shirt or a DVD then that's a bonus. Its never been their main aim to push out the merchindise hand over fist. If the WWE could recognise that, and stop getting so greedy, they might just put on a good wrestling product again.[/COLOR]" [I]So, what is in store for PW, are they going to resort back to a traditional route of wrestling shows, or follow the Sports Entertainment of the WWE? Part 2 of the Bischoff Interview in the next issue[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/BWissue1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Interview with Eric Bischoff. [i] Eric Bischoff was once a powerful man. He was once the President of WCW. He was once the man that almost ended Vince McMahon. In his later years he was little more then a puppet as his role as General Manager (GM) on the RAW Brand of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), with the later part of his contract being spent at home recieving his pay for little or no input into the product after he was 'sacked' on air. Yet despite this fall from grace Eric Bischoff finds himself once again in charge of a promotion, this time its his own promotion, Phoenix Wrestling, backed by his own money and with no one to answer to other then himself. So why would anyone, who was experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, induldge themselves back into the heartbreak of Professional Wrestling once again. We caught up with Eric Bischoff for his first interview since his depature from the WWE, and asked the question on everyones mind. 'Why, Eric, Why?'[/i] "[COLOR="Blue"]In all honesty I was ready to walk away from it all, despite it being everything in my life for the last 20 years or so, I was ready to take my final severence pay from the WWE and turn my back on the damn business for good. Yet, I didn't, obviously, 'cos here I am... again... running my promotion! Why? Pride. Pride and Vince McMahon. You know a few months ago, I had went to his office, erm, and I asked him [vince], 'What you going to do with WCW?' I mean it was fair question, they [WWE] had seen ECW work better then they anyone, except for maybes Shane [McMahon] and Paul Haymen, had expected. Erm, and they had the WCW Library just sitting there, being pushed and edited across their 24/7 demand service, yet images, rights, storylines, wrestlers, had largely been underused. The invasion angle they originally had, was... well... a major let down.[/COLOR]" [COLOR="Blue"]Well, lets just say Vince did that smurk and nod routine he does so well, when I asked him about doing something with WCW. I think Shane probably would have been the man to go to for some kind of Political weight behind it, but he was busy with ECW. So, I, probably, did the wrong thing, and asked if I could do something with the WCW name. Lets just the say laughter that came from Vince McMahon was manical at best.[/COLOR]" [I]It's interesting to note the look of determination in Bischoff's eyes that seems to grow as he drifts into a memory of that event. If anything it would appear that McMahon is the sole reason Bischoff is doing this. The fire that drives him. [/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]In all honesty, if Vince had never laughed me in the face, I would have been able to walk away, and I woudn't be sitting here today giving this interview about creating a new promotion. There's one thing that I can't let lie, and that's being laughed at in the face like that.[/COLOR]" [I]It's hard to imagine anyone laughing in Bischoff's face, despite his greying hair, and older looking appearance from that which we're use to seeing him on Telly. He still has an air of authority about him, more so infact, and you have to remember that he really IS a Black Belt in martial arts.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]So I took my leave in November when my contract was up, and sat at home with all intensive purposes being, to spend time with the family, and work on OTHER projects, but I couldn't shift Vince's laughing grin from my mind. It was burning on me, and I knew I just had to RETURN to wrestling.[/COLOR]" [I]It's interesting that Bischoff never tried to return to wrestling with TNA, who are now doing very well for themselves on the National Stage with a new 2 hour Prime Time TV show (See page. 13), and a promotion that his one time replacement in WCW, Vince Russo, worked for.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]TNA? Haha, yeah I guess I could have tried to humble myself and asked if I could have worked for them, but in all truth, I don't think I would have got a job, nor do I think I'd want to have had a job with them. They've done so well for themselves doing their own thing, that I would have left like I had walked into something already finished. There was only one option and that was to create my own promotion, my own baby, and raise it to a level that would be able to compete with the WWE by itself. I'm not a man to have things handed to me on a plate.[/COLOR]" [I]And so it is to be. Eric Bischoff has poured his own money into this project, money he has saved from his time in WWE, from book sales and from personal loans to make Phoenix Wrestling (PW) work. He's some how managed to secure a PPV deal with DirectTV, despite not even having a roster of workers to show and advertise. As of printing there is no deal in the works for a TV Show, though it is literally early days for Bischoff and PW, lets remember they still haven't even had their first show. But is there any chance in the future of a meeting with Ted Turner to fund PW and offer a TV slot?[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]Have I talked to Ted? Haha, of course! Of course! He was the first person I talked to, infact, he phoned me! But it was just to wish me luck and that he respected what I was doing, getting back on the horse so to speak. No, he didn't offer me a TV slot, I don't think he has the power to do such things anymore, he's on a board of directors to answer to now. Perhaps if TNA can offer a good TV Product, staying away from the smutt and risky storylines the WWE has been pumping out the last few months, then TV Executives will see Wrestling as a product to show on their channel again.[/COLOR]" [I]Bischoff is corret in what he says. The WWE have really been pushing it to try and keep the ratings up, almost resorting back to the 'Attitude Era' only pushed all the way up to 11. A few workers and backstage staff have expressed their concerns over the direction the product has taken, and those that have have been met with a firing or heavy fining from WWE and Vince McMahon. It would appear that the WWE is desperate, even perhaps fearing TNA as they once did WCW. With, yet again, the rehiring of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan on a long program as the rehashed nWo to fued with DX. And Randy Savage making appearances to fued with the 'Legend Killer' Randy Ortan, it would seem that WWE is looking to use any and all ideas placed on the table in an attempt to see what works.[/I] "[COLOR="Blue"]John Cena, they have to get rid of John Cean and remember what wrestling is all about. TNA are doing is the right way, they put on a wrestling show, their top guy (Samoe Joe - See Page 23) is the best guy in the business for them. Not because he sells the most T-Shirts, but because he has the most momentum, the most fans, the best in ring ability to defend that title. See, the WWE concentrates on one thing and that's T-Shirt sales, its true. Cena sells the most, so they push him up there, though alot of wrestling fans over the age of 12 are turning on this force feeding of Cena down there throats. When Edge won the title the ratings went through the roof with the 18-24 demographic, yet, they don't buy as many t-shirts as the young kids out there, so Cena won the title back again. "TNA are out there to put on a wrestling show, to bring in the most gate revenue, to make sure as many people as possible watch the TV Show, if they buy a T-Shirt or a DVD then that's a bonus. Its never been their main aim to push out the merchindise hand over fist. If the WWE could recognise that, and stop getting so greedy, they might just put on a good wrestling product again.[/COLOR]" [I]So, what is in store for PW, are they going to resort back to a traditional route of wrestling shows, or follow the Sports Entertainment of the WWE? Part 2 of the Bischoff Interview in the next issue[/I]
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE]WWE.COM The WWE would like to say thank and farewell to the following workers: [LIST] Mike Knox Colt Cobana Big Guido Rory McAllister Robbie McAllister CW Anderson Balls Mahoney Danny Doring Sylvester Terkay Tony Mamaluke Stevie Richards Akiko Rob Conway Harry Smith Hulk Hogan Randy Savage Paul Haymen Jim Duggan [/LIST] [/QUOTE] What's not clear is why WWE have released so many superstars at once, interestingly, those that have been released are alot of older stars and those part of the ECW brand. This leaves the questions: Is the ECW brand at threat? Are WWE starting to turn to youth?
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE]WWE.COM The WWE would like to say thank and farewell to the following workers: [LIST] Mike Knox Colt Cobana Big Guido Rory McAllister Robbie McAllister CW Anderson Balls Mahoney Danny Doring Sylvester Terkay Tony Mamaluke Stevie Richards Akiko Rob Conway Harry Smith Hulk Hogan Randy Savage Paul Haymen Jim Duggan [/LIST] [/QUOTE] What's not clear is why WWE have released so many superstars at once, interestingly, those that have been released are alot of older stars and those part of the ECW brand. This leaves the questions: Is the ECW brand at threat? Are WWE starting to turn to youth?
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Monday, Week 1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE RAW 25,236 at Madison Square Garden, NY 2,416,282 USA Network [CENTER]Cade d. Harry Smith, CW Anderson & Stevie (Contract Match): C- Val Venis d. Sylvester Terkay: C- Charlie Hass d. Nicky: C Kevin Nash d. Mickey: C Carlito d. Umaga to retain Intercontinental Title: C+ Kane d. Johnny: C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]WWE.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]A bad night for the Spirit Squad as they all suffered defeats, does this mean there hopes of a tag team title match is over? [*]Speaking of over, Harry Smith, CW Anderson and Stevie Richard's hopes of gaining an extended contract ending as Vince McMahon ruthlessly cuts the 'fat' from the roster with his 'Contract Brawl' matches. [*]Umaga seems to now be on a losing streak, can he turn it around next week no RAW? [/LIST]
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Monday, Week 1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE RAW 25,236 at Madison Square Garden, NY 2,416,282 USA Network [CENTER]Cade d. Harry Smith, CW Anderson & Stevie (Contract Match): C- Val Venis d. Sylvester Terkay: C- Charlie Hass d. Nicky: C Kevin Nash d. Mickey: C Carlito d. Umaga to retain Intercontinental Title: C+ Kane d. Johnny: C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]WWE.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]A bad night for the Spirit Squad as they all suffered defeats, does this mean there hopes of a tag team title match is over? [*]Speaking of over, Harry Smith, CW Anderson and Stevie Richard's hopes of gaining an extended contract ending as Vince McMahon ruthlessly cuts the 'fat' from the roster with his 'Contract Brawl' matches. [*]Umaga seems to now be on a losing streak, can he turn it around next week no RAW? [/LIST]
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Wednesday Week1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ECW on Sci Fi 24,568 at FleetCentre, New England 540,952 on Sci Fi Channel [CENTER]The Outsiders d. Spirit Squad to retain WWE World Tag Team Titles: C HooliganZ d. Matt Striker & Psicosis to retain WWE Tag Team Titles: C Finley d. Johnny Nitro to retain WWE US Title: C+ Batista & Carlito d. Edge & Foley: B Overall Show Rating: B-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]ECW.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]Despite the Spirit Squad suffering individual defeats on RAW on Monday, they were still given a shot at the World Tag Titles. What game were the Outsiders playing with the Spirit Squad? [/LIST]
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Wednesday Week1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ECW on Sci Fi 24,568 at FleetCentre, New England 540,952 on Sci Fi Channel [CENTER]The Outsiders d. Spirit Squad to retain WWE World Tag Team Titles: C HooliganZ d. Matt Striker & Psicosis to retain WWE Tag Team Titles: C Finley d. Johnny Nitro to retain WWE US Title: C+ Batista & Carlito d. Edge & Foley: B Overall Show Rating: B-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]ECW.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]Despite the Spirit Squad suffering individual defeats on RAW on Monday, they were still given a shot at the World Tag Titles. What game were the Outsiders playing with the Spirit Squad? [/LIST]
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Friday week1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] PhoenixWrestling.com PW would like to welcome: [LIST] [*]Dean Malenko [*]Norman Smiley [*]Puma [*]Scott Norton [*]Scott Putski [*]Sean O'Haire [*]TAKA Michinoku [*]The Amazing Red [*]Trent Acid [*]Xavier [/LIST] PW are still in talks with a number of wrestlers, both from the past and those of the future. Stay tuned to PhoenixWrestling.com for all the latest updates. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] TNA iMPACT! 27,791 at Thompson-Boling Arean (South East) 453,806 on SpikeTV! Senshi d. Johnny Devine: C+ Simond Diamond d. Puma: C+ Alex Shelly d. Austin Aires to retain X-Division Title: C+ Petey Williams d. Chris Stevens, Jay Lethal & Homicide: C+ Sting d. Goldberg: B Samoe Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B Overall Show Rating: B[/QUOTE]
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Friday week1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] PhoenixWrestling.com PW would like to welcome: [LIST] [*]Dean Malenko [*]Norman Smiley [*]Puma [*]Scott Norton [*]Scott Putski [*]Sean O'Haire [*]TAKA Michinoku [*]The Amazing Red [*]Trent Acid [*]Xavier [/LIST] PW are still in talks with a number of wrestlers, both from the past and those of the future. Stay tuned to PhoenixWrestling.com for all the latest updates. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] TNA iMPACT! 27,791 at Thompson-Boling Arean (South East) 453,806 on SpikeTV! Senshi d. Johnny Devine: C+ Simond Diamond d. Puma: C+ Alex Shelly d. Austin Aires to retain X-Division Title: C+ Petey Williams d. Chris Stevens, Jay Lethal & Homicide: C+ Sting d. Goldberg: B Samoe Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B Overall Show Rating: B[/QUOTE]
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Saturday Week 1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE Smackdown! 19,168 at Fleetcenter, New England 561,219 on CW Network [CENTER]Psicosis, Booker T & Mercury d. Little Guido, Daivari & Jesse: C+ Steve Austin d. Little Bastard: C- Mark Henry d. Sabu: C HooliganZ d. Matt Striker & Trevor Murdoch to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C Finley d. Super Crazy to retain the WWE US Title: C+ RVD d. Big Show: B Overall Show Rating: B-[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]WWE.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]Matt Strikers' search for Tag Team Gold continues, though yet again he suffers defeat along with his make shift tag team partner. Who will be his next tag team partner? [*]Steve Austin finally got his hand on Little Bastard for stealing his beers [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]What a week! A mass release of superstars from the WWE has seen Eric Bischoff pick up a small collection of his new roster for Phoenix Wrestling, some would argue that he has given alot of the older wrestlers their own 'phoenix' style chance to relaunch their careers so late on in life. Rumour has it that Dean Malenko is even considering strapping the boots back on and wrestling and a semi active basis for the company. [*]More Superstars to PW? I think so! There's alot of talk going around that Eric Bischoff is trying to jump the gun on WWE and TNA and get Kurt Angle to join him at PhoenixWrestling, however, many feel this will never happen as Kurt Angle has a strong loyalty to Vince McMahon and the WWE. However, there have been several other high profile names linked with Eric Bischoff's promotion, such as: Petey Williams, TJ Wilson, Harry Smith and former amature wrestlers; Alexander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay. [*]WWE has seen its ECW brand become a sort of battleground for RAW and SD! superstars to battle it out lately, this would seem to support the feeling in the business that the ECW show isn't doing as well as WWE has told everyone it has been doing. Further more the release of alot of 'old school' ECW crew from the WWE roster confirms this feeling. [/LIST] [B]Ratings Review:[/B] [LIST=1] [*]RAW: 2,416,282 [*]SD!: 561,219 [*]ECW: 540,952 [*]iMPACT: 453,806 [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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Saturday Week 1 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE Smackdown! 19,168 at Fleetcenter, New England 561,219 on CW Network [CENTER]Psicosis, Booker T & Mercury d. Little Guido, Daivari & Jesse: C+ Steve Austin d. Little Bastard: C- Mark Henry d. Sabu: C HooliganZ d. Matt Striker & Trevor Murdoch to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C Finley d. Super Crazy to retain the WWE US Title: C+ RVD d. Big Show: B Overall Show Rating: B-[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]WWE.COM[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]Matt Strikers' search for Tag Team Gold continues, though yet again he suffers defeat along with his make shift tag team partner. Who will be his next tag team partner? [*]Steve Austin finally got his hand on Little Bastard for stealing his beers [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]What a week! A mass release of superstars from the WWE has seen Eric Bischoff pick up a small collection of his new roster for Phoenix Wrestling, some would argue that he has given alot of the older wrestlers their own 'phoenix' style chance to relaunch their careers so late on in life. Rumour has it that Dean Malenko is even considering strapping the boots back on and wrestling and a semi active basis for the company. [*]More Superstars to PW? I think so! There's alot of talk going around that Eric Bischoff is trying to jump the gun on WWE and TNA and get Kurt Angle to join him at PhoenixWrestling, however, many feel this will never happen as Kurt Angle has a strong loyalty to Vince McMahon and the WWE. However, there have been several other high profile names linked with Eric Bischoff's promotion, such as: Petey Williams, TJ Wilson, Harry Smith and former amature wrestlers; Alexander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay. [*]WWE has seen its ECW brand become a sort of battleground for RAW and SD! superstars to battle it out lately, this would seem to support the feeling in the business that the ECW show isn't doing as well as WWE has told everyone it has been doing. Further more the release of alot of 'old school' ECW crew from the WWE roster confirms this feeling. [/LIST] [B]Ratings Review:[/B] [LIST=1] [*]RAW: 2,416,282 [*]SD!: 561,219 [*]ECW: 540,952 [*]iMPACT: 453,806 [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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Tuesday Week2 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE RAW 9,063 at Centre Bell, Quebec, Canada 2,613,372 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]The Outsiders d. Spirit Squad to retain WWE World Tag Team Titles: C [*]Charlie Hass d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Kane d. Viscera: C+ [*]Nicky d. Mitch: C- [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE Intercontinetal Title: C [*]Cena & HBK d. Edge & Mick Foley: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [*][/QUOTE] [/LIST][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]Is this the beginning of the end of The Spirit Squad? After their straight losses across the board for all members last week on Raw, they suffer another defeat at the hands of The Outsiders, which later saw a match between Nicky and Mitch to settle their differences! [*]Again Umaga picks up a lose, he hasn't been the same since his manager was put out of commission a few weeks ago by DX. [/LIST]
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Tuesday Week2 Jan 2007 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE RAW 9,063 at Centre Bell, Quebec, Canada 2,613,372 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]The Outsiders d. Spirit Squad to retain WWE World Tag Team Titles: C [*]Charlie Hass d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Kane d. Viscera: C+ [*]Nicky d. Mitch: C- [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE Intercontinetal Title: C [*]Cena & HBK d. Edge & Mick Foley: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [*][/QUOTE] [/LIST][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]Is this the beginning of the end of The Spirit Squad? After their straight losses across the board for all members last week on Raw, they suffer another defeat at the hands of The Outsiders, which later saw a match between Nicky and Mitch to settle their differences! [*]Again Umaga picks up a lose, he hasn't been the same since his manager was put out of commission a few weeks ago by DX. [/LIST]
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Wednesday Week2 Jan 2007 [QUOTE="BeyondWrestling.com"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling Update![/B] A bit of a late update this week here on BW.com, due to some huge news we've been working on bringing you about Phoenix Wrestling. We've heard in the grapeline from some good sources, that their first PPV on DirectTV will be happening before the end of the month, if not sooner! We've also been able to get our hands on a copy of their potential roster of workers, and its looking like Eric Bischoff is going with what he knows best and getting alot of old names back into the business. Al Snow, Bam Bam Bigelow, Dean Malenko, Jerry Lynn, Scott Norton, Pete Gurner (aka Billy Kidman) all find themselves on the payrole. What is surprising is that Bischoff seems to be surrounding himself with these guys and listening to advice they have to say. Could it be that Bischoff really isn't out to make the same mistakes twice? Could PW see some form of consistant booking team and guidance? Only time will tell. [B]Remember folks BeyondWrestling has a Q&A session with Eric Bischoff in the next edition of our magazine, if you want to ask a question feel free![/B] [B]Bret Hart attacks HHH[/B] Reports are going around this morning, that Bret Hart, WWE Hall of Famer, verbally launched into a viscious attack on HHH. While details are sketchy at best, its thought it was over HHH refusing Dallas Hart a place on the development roster of WWE. While tensions have always been high between the two due to the infamous Montreal Screwjob, this incident would seem to add fuel to an already burning fire between the two. Sadly, it does look like Dallas Hart won't be appearing on WWE screens anytime, as won't Harry Smith who was also released from the WWE development program earlier this month. Has HHH got something against 'The Hart Family'? Only time will tell. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE="ECW.COM"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 10,000 at Rabobank Arena, South West 531,028 on Sci Fi [CENTER][LIST] [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Viscera & Kid Kash: C+ [*]Johnny d. Jesse: C [*]Ric Flair d. Rob Van Dam: B [*]Big Show d. Rey Mysterio: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]ECW.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]After squashing Rey Mysterio last night, Big Show has set his sights on returning the ECW Title to where it belongs.. around his waist! Will Test accept Big Shows challenge on SmackDown? [/LIST]
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Wednesday Week2 Jan 2007 [QUOTE="BeyondWrestling.com"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling Update![/B] A bit of a late update this week here on BW.com, due to some huge news we've been working on bringing you about Phoenix Wrestling. We've heard in the grapeline from some good sources, that their first PPV on DirectTV will be happening before the end of the month, if not sooner! We've also been able to get our hands on a copy of their potential roster of workers, and its looking like Eric Bischoff is going with what he knows best and getting alot of old names back into the business. Al Snow, Bam Bam Bigelow, Dean Malenko, Jerry Lynn, Scott Norton, Pete Gurner (aka Billy Kidman) all find themselves on the payrole. What is surprising is that Bischoff seems to be surrounding himself with these guys and listening to advice they have to say. Could it be that Bischoff really isn't out to make the same mistakes twice? Could PW see some form of consistant booking team and guidance? Only time will tell. [B]Remember folks BeyondWrestling has a Q&A session with Eric Bischoff in the next edition of our magazine, if you want to ask a question feel free![/B] [B]Bret Hart attacks HHH[/B] Reports are going around this morning, that Bret Hart, WWE Hall of Famer, verbally launched into a viscious attack on HHH. While details are sketchy at best, its thought it was over HHH refusing Dallas Hart a place on the development roster of WWE. While tensions have always been high between the two due to the infamous Montreal Screwjob, this incident would seem to add fuel to an already burning fire between the two. Sadly, it does look like Dallas Hart won't be appearing on WWE screens anytime, as won't Harry Smith who was also released from the WWE development program earlier this month. Has HHH got something against 'The Hart Family'? Only time will tell. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE="ECW.COM"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 10,000 at Rabobank Arena, South West 531,028 on Sci Fi [CENTER][LIST] [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Viscera & Kid Kash: C+ [*]Johnny d. Jesse: C [*]Ric Flair d. Rob Van Dam: B [*]Big Show d. Rey Mysterio: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]ECW.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]After squashing Rey Mysterio last night, Big Show has set his sights on returning the ECW Title to where it belongs.. around his waist! Will Test accept Big Shows challenge on SmackDown? [/LIST]
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[B]Friday week2 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE="TNAwrestling.com"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 9,211 at Auditorio Juan Vicéns, Puerto Rico 422,066 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]A1 d. Johnny Devine: C [*]Andy Douglas d. Eric Young: C [*]Senshi d. Bobby Roode, Homicide, Petey Williams: C+ [*]AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. Chris Sabin & Simon Diamond to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Alex Shelly for the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Brother Ray & Monty Brown d. The Truth & Sonjay Dutt: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] [LIST] [*]It was interesting to note that TNA made its first venture into Puerto Rico for last nights taping of iMPACT! This would suggest the somewhat 'dead' crowd towards their superstars, with Homicide getting the biggest 'pop' of the night. [*]Strangely, Brother Runt picked up the TNA X-Division Title over Alex Shelly. This doesn't seem to make sense to anyone in the business, other then, obviously, TNA Manangement. We can only hope its leading up to a decent storyline, as anything else would seem to degrade the belts image, which has been something of TNA's backbone since its birth over 5 years ago. [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]PW[/B] [LIST] [*]Last night also saw a few adverts run for Phoenix Wrestling's first PPV show on DirectTV. TNA management, can't be happy with DirectTV for choosing to show it during TNA air time, and alongside the promo for TNA's PPV. That aside, the advert looked decent enough with the footage it used, which was mainly stock footage of wrestlers that have been billed to appear. [*]Those wrestlers were: [LIST] [*]Hernandez [*]The Amazing Red [*]Sean O'Haire [*]Xavier [*]Trent Acid [/LIST] [*]The segment ended with a panning shot of Eric Bischoff standing in a Phoenix Wrestling ring in an empty arena, saying the words: "We'll be there, will you?" [*]The PPV, titled 'PW from the Ashes' is scheduled for next Wednesday, and is expected to last 2 hours. [/LIST]
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[B]Friday week2 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE="TNAwrestling.com"][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 9,211 at Auditorio Juan Vicéns, Puerto Rico 422,066 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]A1 d. Johnny Devine: C [*]Andy Douglas d. Eric Young: C [*]Senshi d. Bobby Roode, Homicide, Petey Williams: C+ [*]AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels d. Chris Sabin & Simon Diamond to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Alex Shelly for the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Brother Ray & Monty Brown d. The Truth & Sonjay Dutt: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] [LIST] [*]It was interesting to note that TNA made its first venture into Puerto Rico for last nights taping of iMPACT! This would suggest the somewhat 'dead' crowd towards their superstars, with Homicide getting the biggest 'pop' of the night. [*]Strangely, Brother Runt picked up the TNA X-Division Title over Alex Shelly. This doesn't seem to make sense to anyone in the business, other then, obviously, TNA Manangement. We can only hope its leading up to a decent storyline, as anything else would seem to degrade the belts image, which has been something of TNA's backbone since its birth over 5 years ago. [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]PW[/B] [LIST] [*]Last night also saw a few adverts run for Phoenix Wrestling's first PPV show on DirectTV. TNA management, can't be happy with DirectTV for choosing to show it during TNA air time, and alongside the promo for TNA's PPV. That aside, the advert looked decent enough with the footage it used, which was mainly stock footage of wrestlers that have been billed to appear. [*]Those wrestlers were: [LIST] [*]Hernandez [*]The Amazing Red [*]Sean O'Haire [*]Xavier [*]Trent Acid [/LIST] [*]The segment ended with a panning shot of Eric Bischoff standing in a Phoenix Wrestling ring in an empty arena, saying the words: "We'll be there, will you?" [*]The PPV, titled 'PW from the Ashes' is scheduled for next Wednesday, and is expected to last 2 hours. [/LIST]
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[B]Saturday Week2 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 8,706 at Rabobank Arena, South West 571,569 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Noble & Kash went to a time limit draw with Jesse & Daivari: C [*]Little Guido d. Little Bastard: D [*]Chris Benoit d. Steve Austin: B+ [*]Trevor Murdoch & Psicosis went to a time limit draw with Matt Striker & Sabu: C [*]Undertaker d. Rob Van Dam: B [*]Big Show d. Test for the ECW Heavyweight Title: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B]WWE.COM[/B] [LIST] [*]Big Show came through on his promise to win back the ECW Title with his win over Test. [*]Matt Striker finally had to face the facts that he was never going to win the Tag Team titles, however when he blamed the lack of wins on Psicosis's lack of IQ and English it then resulted in a match up.. which Matt Striker went on to lose... again. [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] We're now only 3 days away from Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling's first PPV on DirectTV, and we've finally been given a hint at what the card is to be. As expected there will be a match for the PW Heavyweight Title. [B]Ratings[/B] This week saw an increase in both Raw and SD! viewing figures, with a fall in ECW, which would suggest that WWE still can't find a way to 'solve' the ECW problem, perhaps the only answer is to drop the brand all together, or turn it into the REAL ECW and not an imposter brand using the name. TNA suffered a small lose in viewing figures, strangely they haven't resorted to using Goldberg or Brock Lesner alot on their shows lately, insiders are suggesting that a big program is in the line for the pair soon. Ratings Review: (last weeks viewer total) 1. RAW: 2,613,372 (2,416,282) 2. SD!: 571,569 (561,219) 3. ECW: 531,028 (540,952) 4. iMPACT: 422,066 (453,806) [/QUOTE]
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[B]Saturday Week2 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 8,706 at Rabobank Arena, South West 571,569 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Noble & Kash went to a time limit draw with Jesse & Daivari: C [*]Little Guido d. Little Bastard: D [*]Chris Benoit d. Steve Austin: B+ [*]Trevor Murdoch & Psicosis went to a time limit draw with Matt Striker & Sabu: C [*]Undertaker d. Rob Van Dam: B [*]Big Show d. Test for the ECW Heavyweight Title: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B]WWE.COM[/B] [LIST] [*]Big Show came through on his promise to win back the ECW Title with his win over Test. [*]Matt Striker finally had to face the facts that he was never going to win the Tag Team titles, however when he blamed the lack of wins on Psicosis's lack of IQ and English it then resulted in a match up.. which Matt Striker went on to lose... again. [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] We're now only 3 days away from Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling's first PPV on DirectTV, and we've finally been given a hint at what the card is to be. As expected there will be a match for the PW Heavyweight Title. [B]Ratings[/B] This week saw an increase in both Raw and SD! viewing figures, with a fall in ECW, which would suggest that WWE still can't find a way to 'solve' the ECW problem, perhaps the only answer is to drop the brand all together, or turn it into the REAL ECW and not an imposter brand using the name. TNA suffered a small lose in viewing figures, strangely they haven't resorted to using Goldberg or Brock Lesner alot on their shows lately, insiders are suggesting that a big program is in the line for the pair soon. Ratings Review: (last weeks viewer total) 1. RAW: 2,613,372 (2,416,282) 2. SD!: 571,569 (561,219) 3. ECW: 531,028 (540,952) 4. iMPACT: 422,066 (453,806) [/QUOTE]
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[B]Tuesday Week3 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 9,346 at Zurich, Central Europe 2,250,308 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kenny d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Snitsky d. Val Venis: C- [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Shamrock & Cade: C+ [*]Chris Masters d. Jeff Hardy: C- [*]The Outsiders d. Umaga & Jake to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C- [*]Carlito d. Randy Orton: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]Yet again Umaga faced another defeat without his manager by his side. Is there anything he can do to turn the tables? [*]Chris Masters returned with the Masterlock Challenge, which Jeff Hardy accepted and couldn't break. [/LIST] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] Phoenix Wrestling's debut PPV on DirectTV is shown tomorrow night. Here at BeyondWrestling.com we've got the posted card for the show. [CENTER][B]MAIN EVENT[/B] PW Heavyweight Title Fatal 4-Way Match Ron Killings V Tajiri V Tito Ortiz V Sean O'Haire [B]Cage Match[/B] Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay [B]Tag Team Match[/B] PW Tag Team Titles Canadian Stampede (TJ Wilson & Harry Smith) V The Highflying Animals (The Amazing Red & Puma)[/CENTER] Also expect appearences from: Simon Diamond, Hernandez, Pete Gurner and more. You can buy the PPV from DirectTV for $9.99, right up to the start of the event. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Tuesday Week3 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 9,346 at Zurich, Central Europe 2,250,308 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kenny d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Snitsky d. Val Venis: C- [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Shamrock & Cade: C+ [*]Chris Masters d. Jeff Hardy: C- [*]The Outsiders d. Umaga & Jake to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C- [*]Carlito d. Randy Orton: C+ [*]Overall Show Rating: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]Yet again Umaga faced another defeat without his manager by his side. Is there anything he can do to turn the tables? [*]Chris Masters returned with the Masterlock Challenge, which Jeff Hardy accepted and couldn't break. [/LIST] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] Phoenix Wrestling's debut PPV on DirectTV is shown tomorrow night. Here at BeyondWrestling.com we've got the posted card for the show. [CENTER][B]MAIN EVENT[/B] PW Heavyweight Title Fatal 4-Way Match Ron Killings V Tajiri V Tito Ortiz V Sean O'Haire [B]Cage Match[/B] Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay [B]Tag Team Match[/B] PW Tag Team Titles Canadian Stampede (TJ Wilson & Harry Smith) V The Highflying Animals (The Amazing Red & Puma)[/CENTER] Also expect appearences from: Simon Diamond, Hernandez, Pete Gurner and more. You can buy the PPV from DirectTV for $9.99, right up to the start of the event. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Wednesday Week3 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=ECW.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 8,743 at Pavelló Olímpic de Badalona, Western Europe 487,566 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Ken Shamrock d. Kenny: C- [*]The Outsiders d. Kid Kash & Noble to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C [*]HooliganZ d. Umaga & Psicosis to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles: C [*]Randy Ortan d. Rey Mysterio: B [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] Tonight sees the first PPV of Phoenix Wrestling, its understood that the company will be running a weekly PPV every Wednesday, much in the same way TNA did in its early days. Could it be that Bischoff is an admirer of TNA after all? What Bischoff does seem to be an admirer of these days is legit fighters, with the introduction of Tito Ortiz, Sylvester Terkay, Alexander Karelin and Sean O'Haire to the roster of Phoenix Wrestling. Many in the business are said to be interested in how this plays out and HOW it'll be played out. Only time will tell, with just over an hour to wait before the start of PW's first ever 2 hour show. Everyone here at BeyondWrestling wish Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling the best of luck on their first show. [B]Remember if you have a question for Eric Bischoff, feel free to leave it here on our messageboard and we'll do our best to get him to answer it in our next issue of BeyondWrestling Magazine, which is on the shelf Wednesday Week1 Feb2007.[/B]
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[B]Wednesday Week3 Jan 2007[/B] [QUOTE=ECW.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 8,743 at Pavelló Olímpic de Badalona, Western Europe 487,566 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Ken Shamrock d. Kenny: C- [*]The Outsiders d. Kid Kash & Noble to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles: C [*]HooliganZ d. Umaga & Psicosis to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles: C [*]Randy Ortan d. Rey Mysterio: B [*]Overall Show Rating: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] Tonight sees the first PPV of Phoenix Wrestling, its understood that the company will be running a weekly PPV every Wednesday, much in the same way TNA did in its early days. Could it be that Bischoff is an admirer of TNA after all? What Bischoff does seem to be an admirer of these days is legit fighters, with the introduction of Tito Ortiz, Sylvester Terkay, Alexander Karelin and Sean O'Haire to the roster of Phoenix Wrestling. Many in the business are said to be interested in how this plays out and HOW it'll be played out. Only time will tell, with just over an hour to wait before the start of PW's first ever 2 hour show. Everyone here at BeyondWrestling wish Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling the best of luck on their first show. [B]Remember if you have a question for Eric Bischoff, feel free to leave it here on our messageboard and we'll do our best to get him to answer it in our next issue of BeyondWrestling Magazine, which is on the shelf Wednesday Week1 Feb2007.[/B]
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