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[B]Phoenix Wrestling from the Ashes PPV I[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG] 5,000 at Arthur Ashe Athletic Center, Richmond, Virginia. 1,775 buyrate on DirecTV [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] Dark Matches Al Snow V D-Ray 3000 [I]D-Ray 3000 defeated Al Snow in 7:43 by pinfall with a Telecaster.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Xavier V Simond Diamond [I]Simon Diamond defeated Xavier in 7:37 by pinfall with a Simon Series.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff[/B] - Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to Phoenix Wrestling! WHAT! A! LINEUP! we have tonight for you! Alongside me I've got a few faces you might recognise, Al Snow... [B]Al Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Hey[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - And THE BEAST FROM THE EAST! Bam Bam Bigalow! [B]BBB[/B] - T[COLOR="Blue"]hat's right![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff [/B]- Tonight we've got 4 superstars in the ring fighting it out to become the first EVER PW Heavyweight Champion. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, it makes me want to lace my boots back up and get back in there, its going to be one hell of a brawl, and I hate to miss a fight.[/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Let me tell you, I've spent my share of time in a shoot fight, and with the guys we've got in the ring tonight, its not going to short of a real fight. Tito Ortiz, Tajiri and Sean O'Haire all know a thing or two about fighting. [B]Bischoff[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"]You know, you're absolutly correct, and with that... LETS GET THE SHOW STARTED![/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] (It had to be said that Al Snow, looked a little off during this piece, his Dark Show lost, to R-Ray 3000, could still have been on his mind.) [COLOR="Red"]Pyro's explode from the ring, ramp and entrance way.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well here comes the first match of the night, Scott Putski v Tony Mamaluke. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I've been a big fan of Mamalukes from years, I've seen him wrestling in many promotions now, and even along side him in a few.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottPutski.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TonyMamaluke.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scott Putski V Tony Mamaluke[/B] Tony Mamaluke defeated Scott Putski in 7:23 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. [I]Sadly despite the continuing efforts of the announce team, before the match and during the couldn't get the crowd interested in this match. Though Tony Mamaluke did put on a good show.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The camera's cut backstage to Trent Acid attempt some prematch weights, only to get stuck lifting a heavier one. Hernandez walked past laughing, before lifting it off Acid with one hand.[/COLOR] [B]Hernandez[/B] - Punk ass kids, thinking they can push the weights. Move over.... PUNK! [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Acid[/B] - Punk? I'd rather be a punk then a pretend street thug, you poser. I'll meet you in the ring. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Trent Acid V Hernandez[/B] Hernandez defeated Trent Acid in 10:12 by disqualification. [I]Another match the crowd didn't seem interested in getting into, despite a firm performance from both Acid and Hernandez, with Hernandez inparticular looking menacing throughout.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] [B]Steel Cage Match[/B] [B]Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay[/B] Alexander Karelin defeated Sylvester Terkay in 11:38 by pinfall with a Karelin Lift. [I]It was a fantastic match to watch, one that was aided well by having Don Callis at ringside to help Alexander Karelin through the match with his charisma. The 'legit' feeling of the match went well as both Terkay and Karelin seemed to click inside the familiar surroundings of the steel cage and each others 'shoot' style approach to the match.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] After the match the two shook hands for having such a great match. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]What a great display of talent and sportsmenship from two newcomers. Lets hope we'll be seeing alot more of these guys in the future.[/COLOR] [B]BBB [/B]- As much as people said I was a hard hitting, those guys went at each other with some force, then they had the balls to stand up and shake each others hand at the end. That take some respect. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage where we see Trent Acid angerly attacking a punch bag.[/COLOR] [B]Acid [/B]- Is that what you have to resort to Hernandez? A Cheap DQ finish? Can't a street thug like you win any other way, other then the easy way out? I tell you what Hernandez. You want to throw weapons around, fine, lets play like that you faker. Lets see how street you are. Me and you next week in a street fight. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Next week we're going to see Acid and Hernandez square off again! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a street fight, now that's my kinda thing, I'm going to see a rumble next week and I can't wait.[/COLOR] [B]Al Snow[/B] - I hope Trent Acid knows what he's letting himself in for here, he's just a kid. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I've got a feeling Trent Acid can adapt to a street style pretty easily, I can't wait to see this next week.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Al Snow[/B] - This is match I've been looking forward to tonight, Canadian Stampede v High Flying Animals. You know I've got high hopes for those young lads. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]It has to be said that Harry Smith's Dad was one of the strongest men I ever saw in the ring, and I see alot of that in Harry.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG]V[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [B]High Flying Animals (Amazing Red & Puma) V Canadian Stampede (Harry Smith & TJ Wilson)[/B] High Flying Animals drew with Canadian Stampede in 15:00 when the time limit expired. [I]It was a back and forth match, which in the end worked well between the four young workers.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]A argument between the two teams broke out in the ring, sadly, it seemed to confuse the crowd, due to the lack of knowledge on the wrestlers involved and who was playing the heel and face roles.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]A graphic for the main event runs, showing stock footage of the four wrestlers doing various moves.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's (D-Ray 3000 & Norman Smiley) make their way to the ring and dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - HEEEEEEY! Everyones good to see the Cool Dancing Mofos, me and my man Norman Smiley. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaaaay...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Norman... Smilaaaaaay. Now we're just two cool dancing mofos, that want some action here. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Action, mofo, action![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray [/B]- Action! [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Action[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Taka & Xavier make their way to the ring.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray [/B]- You want to wrestle the Cool Dancing Mofos? [COLOR="Red"]D-Ray and Smiley look at each other, shrug, then dance... badly... as Taka and Xavier enter the ring. Attacking Cool Dancing Mofo's mid dance to start the fight.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cool Dancing Mofos (D-Ray 3000 & Norman Smiley) V Taka & Xavier[/B] Cool Dancing Mofos defeated TAKA Michinoku and Xavier in 7:32 when D-Ray 3000 defeated Xavier by pinfall with a Telecaster. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's remain in the ring and dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - We're 1-0, we're the #1 team in Phoenix Wrestling, Smilaaaaay. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]We're #1 cos we're bad mofos, mooooooofoooooo. STOP. Smiley time. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Blue"]D-Ray and Smiley continue to dance for a while before leaving the ring.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Haha, crazy mofos. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Well they're certinally happy with themselves.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Idiots. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire attacks Tajiri backstage leaving him down and hurt. O'Haire stands over Tajiri smiling at what he's done, as Tajiri remains on the ground holding his knee.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Say what you like about O'Haire, but that's not the same Sean O'Haire everyone remembers on their screens from a few years ago. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Certinaly not, if I remember right, he went away to train for Pride and UFC, or something like that.[/COLOR] [B]Snow [/B]- He seems alot more focused and aggressive. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Maybes so, but that was an unsanctioned attack on a fellow worker before the match.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Nothing wrong that, nothing with that at all! [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - It's NEXT! The MAIN EVENT! To find the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion! [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] C[/COLOR] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]PW Heavyweight Title[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tito Ortiz V Sean O'Haire V Ron Killings V Tajiri[/B] Sean O'Haire defeated Tito Ortiz, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Ron Killings in 14:50 when Sean O'Haire defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri by pinfall with a Cruel Intentions. Sean O'Haire wins the PW Heavyweight Champion title. [I]The four workers in the ring mixed up it well, though it has to be said Ron Killings looked out of place. Surprisingly Tajiri was able to mix it up well with the two shoot fighters, putting his submission skills to good work. Sadly, the pre match attack did seem to have him left weak.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Ortiz looks pissed and attacks O'Haire as he celebrates winning the title. A rumble between the two lasts until the air time runs out.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Sorry folks we have to go, we've ran out of time! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]DID YOU SEE THAT PUNCH! Man, what a hit... HIT HIM AGAIN O'HAIRE![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Goodnight, see you next week! [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR]
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[B]Phoenix Wrestling from the Ashes PPV I[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG] 5,000 at Arthur Ashe Athletic Center, Richmond, Virginia. 1,775 buyrate on DirecTV [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] Dark Matches Al Snow V D-Ray 3000 [I]D-Ray 3000 defeated Al Snow in 7:43 by pinfall with a Telecaster.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Xavier V Simond Diamond [I]Simon Diamond defeated Xavier in 7:37 by pinfall with a Simon Series.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff[/B] - Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to Phoenix Wrestling! WHAT! A! LINEUP! we have tonight for you! Alongside me I've got a few faces you might recognise, Al Snow... [B]Al Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Hey[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - And THE BEAST FROM THE EAST! Bam Bam Bigalow! [B]BBB[/B] - T[COLOR="Blue"]hat's right![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff [/B]- Tonight we've got 4 superstars in the ring fighting it out to become the first EVER PW Heavyweight Champion. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, it makes me want to lace my boots back up and get back in there, its going to be one hell of a brawl, and I hate to miss a fight.[/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Let me tell you, I've spent my share of time in a shoot fight, and with the guys we've got in the ring tonight, its not going to short of a real fight. Tito Ortiz, Tajiri and Sean O'Haire all know a thing or two about fighting. [B]Bischoff[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"]You know, you're absolutly correct, and with that... LETS GET THE SHOW STARTED![/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] (It had to be said that Al Snow, looked a little off during this piece, his Dark Show lost, to R-Ray 3000, could still have been on his mind.) [COLOR="Red"]Pyro's explode from the ring, ramp and entrance way.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well here comes the first match of the night, Scott Putski v Tony Mamaluke. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I've been a big fan of Mamalukes from years, I've seen him wrestling in many promotions now, and even along side him in a few.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottPutski.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TonyMamaluke.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scott Putski V Tony Mamaluke[/B] Tony Mamaluke defeated Scott Putski in 7:23 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. [I]Sadly despite the continuing efforts of the announce team, before the match and during the couldn't get the crowd interested in this match. Though Tony Mamaluke did put on a good show.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The camera's cut backstage to Trent Acid attempt some prematch weights, only to get stuck lifting a heavier one. Hernandez walked past laughing, before lifting it off Acid with one hand.[/COLOR] [B]Hernandez[/B] - Punk ass kids, thinking they can push the weights. Move over.... PUNK! [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Acid[/B] - Punk? I'd rather be a punk then a pretend street thug, you poser. I'll meet you in the ring. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Trent Acid V Hernandez[/B] Hernandez defeated Trent Acid in 10:12 by disqualification. [I]Another match the crowd didn't seem interested in getting into, despite a firm performance from both Acid and Hernandez, with Hernandez inparticular looking menacing throughout.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] [B]Steel Cage Match[/B] [B]Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay[/B] Alexander Karelin defeated Sylvester Terkay in 11:38 by pinfall with a Karelin Lift. [I]It was a fantastic match to watch, one that was aided well by having Don Callis at ringside to help Alexander Karelin through the match with his charisma. The 'legit' feeling of the match went well as both Terkay and Karelin seemed to click inside the familiar surroundings of the steel cage and each others 'shoot' style approach to the match.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] After the match the two shook hands for having such a great match. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]What a great display of talent and sportsmenship from two newcomers. Lets hope we'll be seeing alot more of these guys in the future.[/COLOR] [B]BBB [/B]- As much as people said I was a hard hitting, those guys went at each other with some force, then they had the balls to stand up and shake each others hand at the end. That take some respect. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage where we see Trent Acid angerly attacking a punch bag.[/COLOR] [B]Acid [/B]- Is that what you have to resort to Hernandez? A Cheap DQ finish? Can't a street thug like you win any other way, other then the easy way out? I tell you what Hernandez. You want to throw weapons around, fine, lets play like that you faker. Lets see how street you are. Me and you next week in a street fight. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Next week we're going to see Acid and Hernandez square off again! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a street fight, now that's my kinda thing, I'm going to see a rumble next week and I can't wait.[/COLOR] [B]Al Snow[/B] - I hope Trent Acid knows what he's letting himself in for here, he's just a kid. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I've got a feeling Trent Acid can adapt to a street style pretty easily, I can't wait to see this next week.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Al Snow[/B] - This is match I've been looking forward to tonight, Canadian Stampede v High Flying Animals. You know I've got high hopes for those young lads. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]It has to be said that Harry Smith's Dad was one of the strongest men I ever saw in the ring, and I see alot of that in Harry.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG]V[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [B]High Flying Animals (Amazing Red & Puma) V Canadian Stampede (Harry Smith & TJ Wilson)[/B] High Flying Animals drew with Canadian Stampede in 15:00 when the time limit expired. [I]It was a back and forth match, which in the end worked well between the four young workers.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]A argument between the two teams broke out in the ring, sadly, it seemed to confuse the crowd, due to the lack of knowledge on the wrestlers involved and who was playing the heel and face roles.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]A graphic for the main event runs, showing stock footage of the four wrestlers doing various moves.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's (D-Ray 3000 & Norman Smiley) make their way to the ring and dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - HEEEEEEY! Everyones good to see the Cool Dancing Mofos, me and my man Norman Smiley. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaaaay...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Norman... Smilaaaaaay. Now we're just two cool dancing mofos, that want some action here. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Action, mofo, action![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray [/B]- Action! [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Action[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Taka & Xavier make their way to the ring.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray [/B]- You want to wrestle the Cool Dancing Mofos? [COLOR="Red"]D-Ray and Smiley look at each other, shrug, then dance... badly... as Taka and Xavier enter the ring. Attacking Cool Dancing Mofo's mid dance to start the fight.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cool Dancing Mofos (D-Ray 3000 & Norman Smiley) V Taka & Xavier[/B] Cool Dancing Mofos defeated TAKA Michinoku and Xavier in 7:32 when D-Ray 3000 defeated Xavier by pinfall with a Telecaster. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's remain in the ring and dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - We're 1-0, we're the #1 team in Phoenix Wrestling, Smilaaaaay. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]We're #1 cos we're bad mofos, mooooooofoooooo. STOP. Smiley time. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Blue"]D-Ray and Smiley continue to dance for a while before leaving the ring.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Haha, crazy mofos. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Well they're certinally happy with themselves.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Idiots. [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire attacks Tajiri backstage leaving him down and hurt. O'Haire stands over Tajiri smiling at what he's done, as Tajiri remains on the ground holding his knee.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Say what you like about O'Haire, but that's not the same Sean O'Haire everyone remembers on their screens from a few years ago. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Certinaly not, if I remember right, he went away to train for Pride and UFC, or something like that.[/COLOR] [B]Snow [/B]- He seems alot more focused and aggressive. [B]Bischoff [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Maybes so, but that was an unsanctioned attack on a fellow worker before the match.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Nothing wrong that, nothing with that at all! [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - It's NEXT! The MAIN EVENT! To find the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion! [B]Rating[/B]:[COLOR="Red"] C[/COLOR] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]PW Heavyweight Title[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG][B]V[/B][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tito Ortiz V Sean O'Haire V Ron Killings V Tajiri[/B] Sean O'Haire defeated Tito Ortiz, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Ron Killings in 14:50 when Sean O'Haire defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri by pinfall with a Cruel Intentions. Sean O'Haire wins the PW Heavyweight Champion title. [I]The four workers in the ring mixed up it well, though it has to be said Ron Killings looked out of place. Surprisingly Tajiri was able to mix it up well with the two shoot fighters, putting his submission skills to good work. Sadly, the pre match attack did seem to have him left weak.[/I] [B]Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Ortiz looks pissed and attacks O'Haire as he celebrates winning the title. A rumble between the two lasts until the air time runs out.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Sorry folks we have to go, we've ran out of time! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]DID YOU SEE THAT PUNCH! Man, what a hit... HIT HIM AGAIN O'HAIRE![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Goodnight, see you next week! [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR]
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[B]Friday Week3 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=WrestlingObserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling News[/B] Phoenix Wrestling held their first PPV on DirecTV Wednesday night, which saw them hit 1,775 on the buyrates. Its said that while this is still early days for PW and DirecTV, DirecTV were expecting a larger buyrate then the 1,775 PW achieved if PW are hoping to pick up an extended deal with DirecTV that would seemingly only be a month long at this time. The show itself was interesting enough, though at times we were left wondering who the headlining stars were suppose to be. As a quick look to the company would suggest they don't actually have a headliner/main eventer as such. While having someone like Tito Ortiz on the roster and billboards is unique to them, it's so unique in the sense that it won't be drawing many faces in. While Ortiz is rather over in the world of MMA and UFC, he hasn't actually done much in the Wrestling World, which will translate into many wrestling fans asking 'Who is this guy' for a while to come. His talent however is not questionable. If PW are hoping to get up there with TNA and WWE in the near future they may have to resort to getting some big guns players the crowds will want to see to get bums in seats. That aside, there was one thing that will definatly be getting, at least me, at WrestlingObserver buying the next weekly PW PPV and thats the prospect of seeing Alexsander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay square it off again. In what must be said another unique venture for PW the two ex MMA Fighters were put into an Octogon style ring and just left to battle out semi shoot style. It must be said that this was a brave move on the part of PW and the booking team to allow them to go all out on each other, as it could have resulted in a bad injury to both men. How often they can pull matches like this off between the two each week will remain to be seen. Hopefully it can continue. PW's Main Event, as touched upon earlier, was, naturally, for the PW Heavyweight Title, consisting of Tito Ortiz, Sean O'Haire, Tajiri and Ron Killings. Ortiz, O'Haire and even Tajiri managed to look threaten in the match, however Ron Killings fluid style of wrestling did come across a little awkward against the 3 other hard hitting 'shoot fighters' in the ring. In the end O'Haire picked up the win by going for the leg of Tajiri which he had injured before the match, becoming the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion in the process. After the match Tito Ortiz attacked O'Haire during O'Haire's celebration with the title. It's not clear yet weather or not this was a scripted attack, or if Ortiz was actually pissed at not being handed the title in his first ever Professional Wrestling event. One thing is for sure however, the blows between the two in the conflict looked more legit then they did during the Main Event. [B]Other Notes[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/large/snow.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Al Snow bored of Announcing?[/COLOR][/SIZE] Anyone else notice how bored Al Snow looked being part of the show last night? Snow worked a Dark Match before the camera's rolled against D-Ray 3000, with some fans at ring side noting how much Al Snow seemed to enjoy being in the ring again. Could it be that the call for action is pulling Al Snow away from the announce table and back into the ring? Or could it be that Al Snow just doesn't want to be part of Phoenix Wrestling? [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/large/Scott_Bigelow.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]The Future of Wrestling Commentary? 'Hit him harder' Bigelow[/COLOR][/SIZE] Talking of the announce team, it has to be noted that both Eric Bischoff and Bam Bam Bigelow worked well together calling the matches, with the ever eager Bam Bam Bigelow growing, at least, on us during the PPV with his stories of other matches and of course his no doubt soon to be catchphrase, 'HIT HIM HARDER!'. [CENTER][B]Wednesday Week3 Jan2007 Phoenix Wrestling From the Ashes card [/B] [LIST] [*]Dark Matches [*]D-Ray 3000 d. Al Snow [*]Simon Diamond d. Xavier [*]Tony Mamaluke d. Scott Putski [*]Hernandez d. Trent Acid [*]Alexander Karelin d. Sylvester Terkay [*]High Flying Animals drew with Canadian Stampede [*]Cool Dancing Mofos d. Taka & Xavier [*]Sean O'Haire d. Tito Ortiz, Tajiri & Ron Killings [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 5,000 Kaiser Convention Center, South West 444,355 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]Alex Shelly d. Mark Bently: C+ [*]Senshi d. Chris Sabin: C+ [*]Christopher Daniels d. Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Raven d. Petey Williams & Austin Aries: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Samoe Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]The underdog Brother Runt continues to keep hold of the X-Division Title at all costs, with the fans getting behind him everystep of the way. Can anyone stop the underdog? [*]Samoe Joe continues to defeat AJ Styles, how many beatings will AJ have to take before he stops in his quest for the title? [/LIST]
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[B]Friday Week3 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=WrestlingObserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling News[/B] Phoenix Wrestling held their first PPV on DirecTV Wednesday night, which saw them hit 1,775 on the buyrates. Its said that while this is still early days for PW and DirecTV, DirecTV were expecting a larger buyrate then the 1,775 PW achieved if PW are hoping to pick up an extended deal with DirecTV that would seemingly only be a month long at this time. The show itself was interesting enough, though at times we were left wondering who the headlining stars were suppose to be. As a quick look to the company would suggest they don't actually have a headliner/main eventer as such. While having someone like Tito Ortiz on the roster and billboards is unique to them, it's so unique in the sense that it won't be drawing many faces in. While Ortiz is rather over in the world of MMA and UFC, he hasn't actually done much in the Wrestling World, which will translate into many wrestling fans asking 'Who is this guy' for a while to come. His talent however is not questionable. If PW are hoping to get up there with TNA and WWE in the near future they may have to resort to getting some big guns players the crowds will want to see to get bums in seats. That aside, there was one thing that will definatly be getting, at least me, at WrestlingObserver buying the next weekly PW PPV and thats the prospect of seeing Alexsander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay square it off again. In what must be said another unique venture for PW the two ex MMA Fighters were put into an Octogon style ring and just left to battle out semi shoot style. It must be said that this was a brave move on the part of PW and the booking team to allow them to go all out on each other, as it could have resulted in a bad injury to both men. How often they can pull matches like this off between the two each week will remain to be seen. Hopefully it can continue. PW's Main Event, as touched upon earlier, was, naturally, for the PW Heavyweight Title, consisting of Tito Ortiz, Sean O'Haire, Tajiri and Ron Killings. Ortiz, O'Haire and even Tajiri managed to look threaten in the match, however Ron Killings fluid style of wrestling did come across a little awkward against the 3 other hard hitting 'shoot fighters' in the ring. In the end O'Haire picked up the win by going for the leg of Tajiri which he had injured before the match, becoming the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion in the process. After the match Tito Ortiz attacked O'Haire during O'Haire's celebration with the title. It's not clear yet weather or not this was a scripted attack, or if Ortiz was actually pissed at not being handed the title in his first ever Professional Wrestling event. One thing is for sure however, the blows between the two in the conflict looked more legit then they did during the Main Event. [B]Other Notes[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/large/snow.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Al Snow bored of Announcing?[/COLOR][/SIZE] Anyone else notice how bored Al Snow looked being part of the show last night? Snow worked a Dark Match before the camera's rolled against D-Ray 3000, with some fans at ring side noting how much Al Snow seemed to enjoy being in the ring again. Could it be that the call for action is pulling Al Snow away from the announce table and back into the ring? Or could it be that Al Snow just doesn't want to be part of Phoenix Wrestling? [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/large/Scott_Bigelow.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]The Future of Wrestling Commentary? 'Hit him harder' Bigelow[/COLOR][/SIZE] Talking of the announce team, it has to be noted that both Eric Bischoff and Bam Bam Bigelow worked well together calling the matches, with the ever eager Bam Bam Bigelow growing, at least, on us during the PPV with his stories of other matches and of course his no doubt soon to be catchphrase, 'HIT HIM HARDER!'. [CENTER][B]Wednesday Week3 Jan2007 Phoenix Wrestling From the Ashes card [/B] [LIST] [*]Dark Matches [*]D-Ray 3000 d. Al Snow [*]Simon Diamond d. Xavier [*]Tony Mamaluke d. Scott Putski [*]Hernandez d. Trent Acid [*]Alexander Karelin d. Sylvester Terkay [*]High Flying Animals drew with Canadian Stampede [*]Cool Dancing Mofos d. Taka & Xavier [*]Sean O'Haire d. Tito Ortiz, Tajiri & Ron Killings [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 5,000 Kaiser Convention Center, South West 444,355 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]Alex Shelly d. Mark Bently: C+ [*]Senshi d. Chris Sabin: C+ [*]Christopher Daniels d. Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Raven d. Petey Williams & Austin Aries: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Samoe Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]The underdog Brother Runt continues to keep hold of the X-Division Title at all costs, with the fans getting behind him everystep of the way. Can anyone stop the underdog? [*]Samoe Joe continues to defeat AJ Styles, how many beatings will AJ have to take before he stops in his quest for the title? [/LIST]
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[B]Saturday Week3 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] FINALLY! We've got our updates done to the website, which include our roster and some company information, for those who into that kind of thing. [B]Company Information[/B] [B]Name[/B]: Phoenix Wrestling [B]Based[/B]: Mid Atlantic [B]Size[/B]: Regionally run shows [B]Owner[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] Eric Bischoff [B]Announce Team[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] Eric Bischoff [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] Al Snow [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Roster[/B] [SIZE="2"]It should be noted that at this time PhoenixWrestling is operating a revolving door system in regards to our roster. No one wrestler belongs to the company, and as such is free to come and go as they please. This works both way with PW Management being able to ask any wrestler to leave if they are under performing or found to be breaking one of rules of conduct. It is not 100% garunteed that all workers will appear on all shows, though if billed to appear they are expected to.[/SIZE] [B]Main Eventers[/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]Face[/COLOR]/[COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR]) [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire[/COLOR] - PW Heavyweight Champion [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Tito Ortiz[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Ron Killings[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Tajiri[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Simon Diamond[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]D-Ray 3000[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Harry Smith[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottNorton.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Scott Norton [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] Devon Storm [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG] TAKA [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Peter Gurner[/COLOR] [B]Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sylvester Terkay[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]The Amazing Red[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Puma[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Norman Smiley[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]TJ Wilson [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Hernandez[/COLOR] [B]Opener[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Trent Acid [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TonyMamaluke.jpg[/IMG] Tony Mamaluke[/COLOR] [B]Enchanment Talent[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottPutski.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Scott Putski[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Xavier[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Friday Night Smackdown![/B] 9,437 at Pavelló Olímpic de Badalona, Europe [CENTER] Matt Striker d. Jamie Noble: D Daivari d. Little Guido: C- Kid Kash d. Justin Credible, Trevor Murdoch, Hardcore Holly: C- Ashley d. Jillian Hall: E Big Show d. Steve Austin: B The Undertaker d. Sabu: C [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Saturday Week3 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] FINALLY! We've got our updates done to the website, which include our roster and some company information, for those who into that kind of thing. [B]Company Information[/B] [B]Name[/B]: Phoenix Wrestling [B]Based[/B]: Mid Atlantic [B]Size[/B]: Regionally run shows [B]Owner[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] Eric Bischoff [B]Announce Team[/B]: [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] Eric Bischoff [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] Al Snow [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Roster[/B] [SIZE="2"]It should be noted that at this time PhoenixWrestling is operating a revolving door system in regards to our roster. No one wrestler belongs to the company, and as such is free to come and go as they please. This works both way with PW Management being able to ask any wrestler to leave if they are under performing or found to be breaking one of rules of conduct. It is not 100% garunteed that all workers will appear on all shows, though if billed to appear they are expected to.[/SIZE] [B]Main Eventers[/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]Face[/COLOR]/[COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR]) [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire[/COLOR] - PW Heavyweight Champion [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Tito Ortiz[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Ron Killings[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Tajiri[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Simon Diamond[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]D-Ray 3000[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Harry Smith[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottNorton.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Scott Norton [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] Devon Storm [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG] TAKA [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Peter Gurner[/COLOR] [B]Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sylvester Terkay[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]The Amazing Red[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Puma[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Norman Smiley[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcard[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]TJ Wilson [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Hernandez[/COLOR] [B]Opener[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Trent Acid [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TonyMamaluke.jpg[/IMG] Tony Mamaluke[/COLOR] [B]Enchanment Talent[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/ScottPutski.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Scott Putski[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Xavier[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Friday Night Smackdown![/B] 9,437 at Pavelló Olímpic de Badalona, Europe [CENTER] Matt Striker d. Jamie Noble: D Daivari d. Little Guido: C- Kid Kash d. Justin Credible, Trevor Murdoch, Hardcore Holly: C- Ashley d. Jillian Hall: E Big Show d. Steve Austin: B The Undertaker d. Sabu: C [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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Looks like a decent start so far. I have to say that an announce team of Bisch, Snow and Bigelow is an interesting combination, although I noticed you're teasing that Snow might seen leave the table for a proper in ring return. The roster on the other hand is a bit of a mixed bag, but I think out of what you've got, O'Haire is a decent enough choice for champion. With Bisch in charge, I suspect he'd be all over hiring Hogan and probably a couple of the other older WCW guys, like Hall or maybe even lesser lights like Glenn Gilberti, etc. If it were the real Bisch, I also think he'd still be of the same mindset as to put the older "names" over up and coming stars more than vice-versa.
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Looks like a decent start so far. I have to say that an announce team of Bisch, Snow and Bigelow is an interesting combination, although I noticed you're teasing that Snow might seen leave the table for a proper in ring return. The roster on the other hand is a bit of a mixed bag, but I think out of what you've got, O'Haire is a decent enough choice for champion. With Bisch in charge, I suspect he'd be all over hiring Hogan and probably a couple of the other older WCW guys, like Hall or maybe even lesser lights like Glenn Gilberti, etc. If it were the real Bisch, I also think he'd still be of the same mindset as to put the older "names" over up and coming stars more than vice-versa.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;145687]Looks like a decent start so far. I have to say that an announce team of Bisch, Snow and Bigelow is an interesting combination, although I noticed you're teasing that Snow might seen leave the table for a proper in ring return. The roster on the other hand is a bit of a mixed bag, but I think out of what you've got, O'Haire is a decent enough choice for champion. With Bisch in charge, I suspect he'd be all over hiring Hogan and probably a couple of the other older WCW guys, like Hall or maybe even lesser lights like Glenn Gilberti, etc. If it were the real Bisch, I also think he'd still be of the same mindset as to put the older "names" over up and coming stars more than vice-versa.[/QUOTE] Was in the process of writing the 2nd part of the Bischoff interview for 'BeyondWrestling' Magazine, as well as a few 'internet' posts regarding Bischoff's attempts to sign superstars. As for Sean O'Haire, can't say I remember that much about him, but I always thought he deserved more then he was given in wCw and WWE. Hall and Nash are currently in the WWE as The Outsiders (and tag champions), while Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage currently remain unused in the free agents bin. Goldberg, Lesnar are with TNA on written contracts, as for Gilberti (Disco Inferno) I was thinking of getting him into fued with Cool Dancing Mofos.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;145687]Looks like a decent start so far. I have to say that an announce team of Bisch, Snow and Bigelow is an interesting combination, although I noticed you're teasing that Snow might seen leave the table for a proper in ring return. The roster on the other hand is a bit of a mixed bag, but I think out of what you've got, O'Haire is a decent enough choice for champion. With Bisch in charge, I suspect he'd be all over hiring Hogan and probably a couple of the other older WCW guys, like Hall or maybe even lesser lights like Glenn Gilberti, etc. If it were the real Bisch, I also think he'd still be of the same mindset as to put the older "names" over up and coming stars more than vice-versa.[/QUOTE] Was in the process of writing the 2nd part of the Bischoff interview for 'BeyondWrestling' Magazine, as well as a few 'internet' posts regarding Bischoff's attempts to sign superstars. As for Sean O'Haire, can't say I remember that much about him, but I always thought he deserved more then he was given in wCw and WWE. Hall and Nash are currently in the WWE as The Outsiders (and tag champions), while Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage currently remain unused in the free agents bin. Goldberg, Lesnar are with TNA on written contracts, as for Gilberti (Disco Inferno) I was thinking of getting him into fued with Cool Dancing Mofos.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;145736]As for Sean O'Haire, can't say I remember that much about him, but I always thought he deserved more then he was given in wCw and WWE. Hall and Nash are currently in the WWE as The Outsiders (and tag champions), while Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage currently remain unused in the free agents bin. Goldberg, Lesnar are with TNA on written contracts, as for Gilberti (Disco Inferno) I was thinking of getting him into fued with Cool Dancing Mofos.[/QUOTE] Yeah O'Haire was wasted. At one point he had one of the best-never-used gimmicks in WWE history when he did those 2-3 devil's advocate style vignettes before being thrown in with Piper and Hogan/Mr America. I think the gimmick would have served him really well, a strong yet diverse one... might suit him now if you're putting PW on his shoulders so to speak.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;145736]As for Sean O'Haire, can't say I remember that much about him, but I always thought he deserved more then he was given in wCw and WWE. Hall and Nash are currently in the WWE as The Outsiders (and tag champions), while Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage currently remain unused in the free agents bin. Goldberg, Lesnar are with TNA on written contracts, as for Gilberti (Disco Inferno) I was thinking of getting him into fued with Cool Dancing Mofos.[/QUOTE] Yeah O'Haire was wasted. At one point he had one of the best-never-used gimmicks in WWE history when he did those 2-3 devil's advocate style vignettes before being thrown in with Piper and Hogan/Mr America. I think the gimmick would have served him really well, a strong yet diverse one... might suit him now if you're putting PW on his shoulders so to speak.
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[B]Monday week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff Problems?[/B] It's being touted on several wrestling rumour sites that Eric Bischoff is having problems trying to gain talent for his Phoenix Wrestling group, due to his past. With many stars snubbing a chance of working at Phoenix Wrestling due to the way that Bischoff has either treated them or a friend in the past with his booking in wCw. Rumoured snubbers include: Paul Haymen and Chris Jericho, with Jericho saying 'if he was ever ready to return to Wrestling it wouldn't be for Eric Bischoff, no matter how much money he threw at him.' This could be an explantion as to why Eric Bischoff has turned his attention to the pool of MMA fighters, such as Tito Ortiz, Sylvester Terkay and Alexander Karelin. However rumour also has it that Bischoff is lining up to make some old favorites return to the ring in the near future, with names such as the Nasty Boys being touted. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA PPV Review[/B] TNA held Final Resolution last night, which recieved 390,258 on the buyrates and offered a very strong and surprising card. TNA Final Resoltuion 2007 Card 50,000 Tropicana Field [LIST] [CENTER][*]Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt d. Hoyt & Andy Douglas: C+ [*]Homicide & Jay Lethal d. Maverick & Aries: C+ [*]Kip James & Brother Devon d. Bobby Roode & Eric Young: C+ [*]Chase Stevens d. Roderick Strong: C+ [*]Senshi, A1 & Alex Shelly d. Jeff Jarret, Simond Diamond & Johnny Devine: C+ [*]Goldberg d. Petey Williams: B- [*]Chris Sabin & Brother Ray d. Monty Brown & Rhino: B- [*]Christian Cage d. Chris Harris: B [*]AJ & Daniels d. Abyss & BG James to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: B [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division Title: B- [*]Scott Stiener d. Sting & Raven: B [*]Samoa Joe d. Brock Lesnar to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B[/CENTER] [/LIST] While some of the matches on the card for Final Resolution appeared last minute with no storyline build up (Goldberg, returning from injury) didn't make much sense, others were just perfect. Many expected AJ Styles to be challenging Samoa Joe for the NWA Heavyweight Title, as he had been for the best part of this month, however it was announced at the start of the PPV that Samoa Joe would be facing an opponant he had never faced before. This being a brave move by TNA to announce such a big match during a PPV with no hint of it on TV. Thankfully for TNA it payed off with Brock Lesnar making his TNA debut to face Joe, even more thankfully Joe came away the winner to maintain his unbeaten streak and hopefully start a fued with Lesnar in the near future. [B]Ratings Review[/B](last weeks figures) Interesting to see that the WWE has suffered a lost in viewers across all brans compared to last week, while TNA has increased its viewership. Could it be that viewers are wanting to watch the underdog Brother Runt defend his beloved X-Division title against all comers? Is it possible that Samoa Joe is the perfect champion of all time? Still undefeated against all comers, defending the NWA Title at all costs. Or is the knowledge the Goldberg is waiting, recovering and biding his time to face off to Joe again. Whatever it is, its working for TNA, however, they shouldn't get carried away as they are miles behind WWE in overall terms. 1. RAW: 2,250,308 (2,613,372) 2. SD!: 535,597 (571,569) 3. ECW: 487,566 (531,028) 4. iMPACT: 444,355 (422,066) [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff Problems?[/B] It's being touted on several wrestling rumour sites that Eric Bischoff is having problems trying to gain talent for his Phoenix Wrestling group, due to his past. With many stars snubbing a chance of working at Phoenix Wrestling due to the way that Bischoff has either treated them or a friend in the past with his booking in wCw. Rumoured snubbers include: Paul Haymen and Chris Jericho, with Jericho saying 'if he was ever ready to return to Wrestling it wouldn't be for Eric Bischoff, no matter how much money he threw at him.' This could be an explantion as to why Eric Bischoff has turned his attention to the pool of MMA fighters, such as Tito Ortiz, Sylvester Terkay and Alexander Karelin. However rumour also has it that Bischoff is lining up to make some old favorites return to the ring in the near future, with names such as the Nasty Boys being touted. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA PPV Review[/B] TNA held Final Resolution last night, which recieved 390,258 on the buyrates and offered a very strong and surprising card. TNA Final Resoltuion 2007 Card 50,000 Tropicana Field [LIST] [CENTER][*]Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt d. Hoyt & Andy Douglas: C+ [*]Homicide & Jay Lethal d. Maverick & Aries: C+ [*]Kip James & Brother Devon d. Bobby Roode & Eric Young: C+ [*]Chase Stevens d. Roderick Strong: C+ [*]Senshi, A1 & Alex Shelly d. Jeff Jarret, Simond Diamond & Johnny Devine: C+ [*]Goldberg d. Petey Williams: B- [*]Chris Sabin & Brother Ray d. Monty Brown & Rhino: B- [*]Christian Cage d. Chris Harris: B [*]AJ & Daniels d. Abyss & BG James to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: B [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division Title: B- [*]Scott Stiener d. Sting & Raven: B [*]Samoa Joe d. Brock Lesnar to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B+ [*]Overall Show Rating: B[/CENTER] [/LIST] While some of the matches on the card for Final Resolution appeared last minute with no storyline build up (Goldberg, returning from injury) didn't make much sense, others were just perfect. Many expected AJ Styles to be challenging Samoa Joe for the NWA Heavyweight Title, as he had been for the best part of this month, however it was announced at the start of the PPV that Samoa Joe would be facing an opponant he had never faced before. This being a brave move by TNA to announce such a big match during a PPV with no hint of it on TV. Thankfully for TNA it payed off with Brock Lesnar making his TNA debut to face Joe, even more thankfully Joe came away the winner to maintain his unbeaten streak and hopefully start a fued with Lesnar in the near future. [B]Ratings Review[/B](last weeks figures) Interesting to see that the WWE has suffered a lost in viewers across all brans compared to last week, while TNA has increased its viewership. Could it be that viewers are wanting to watch the underdog Brother Runt defend his beloved X-Division title against all comers? Is it possible that Samoa Joe is the perfect champion of all time? Still undefeated against all comers, defending the NWA Title at all costs. Or is the knowledge the Goldberg is waiting, recovering and biding his time to face off to Joe again. Whatever it is, its working for TNA, however, they shouldn't get carried away as they are miles behind WWE in overall terms. 1. RAW: 2,250,308 (2,613,372) 2. SD!: 535,597 (571,569) 3. ECW: 487,566 (531,028) 4. iMPACT: 444,355 (422,066) [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;145751]Yeah O'Haire was wasted. At one point he had one of the best-never-used gimmicks in WWE history when he did those 2-3 devil's advocate style vignettes before being thrown in with Piper and Hogan/Mr America. I think the gimmick would have served him really well, a strong yet diverse one... might suit him now if you're putting PW on his shoulders so to speak.[/QUOTE] You know what I remember them now, all dressed in black, close shot of his upperbody, yeah those were interesting. Nice point you've made there, thank you, might have to see if I've got those raws on a dvd somewhere to see if I could pull it off in my show.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;145751]Yeah O'Haire was wasted. At one point he had one of the best-never-used gimmicks in WWE history when he did those 2-3 devil's advocate style vignettes before being thrown in with Piper and Hogan/Mr America. I think the gimmick would have served him really well, a strong yet diverse one... might suit him now if you're putting PW on his shoulders so to speak.[/QUOTE] You know what I remember them now, all dressed in black, close shot of his upperbody, yeah those were interesting. Nice point you've made there, thank you, might have to see if I've got those raws on a dvd somewhere to see if I could pull it off in my show.
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[B]Tuesday week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 23,577 at Madison Square Garden, Tri State 2,666,647 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Matt Hardy d. Gunner Scott: C [*]Jeff Hardy d. Viscera: C- [*]Burchill d. Jake: C- [*]Carlito d. Snitsky to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C [*]Kane d. Joey Mercury: B- [*]HBK d. Ric Flair: A [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]The Hardy Boyz reunite! Last night Matt Hardy made a surprise apperance on RAW defeating Gunner Scott, then appeared during Jeff Hardy's match with Viscera to help his brother win and finally celebrate in the ring together. Could this be the team to end 'The Outsiders' Tag Team reign? [*]HBK and Ric Flair put on one hell of a match last night, which came about when HBK claimed there was one guy in the back he had a lot of respect for, yet couldn't remember ever getting a match against. [/LIST] [QUOTE=ECW.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 8,202 at Zorkii Stadion, Europe 453,690 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Test d. Trevor Murdoch: C- [*]Jeff Hardy d. Sabu: C- [*]Finlay d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Rey Mysterio went to a double count out with Ric Flair: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]ECW.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]HBK sweet chin music's the main event on ECW! Rey Mysterio V Ric Flair last night ended in a double count out after HBK knocked both Flair and Mysterio out with Sweet Chin Music, could it be that HBK has Flair's career at the end of his sights? [*]Umaga loses again thanks to an ankle bite by Little Bastard! Before the match Umaga could be seen backstage looking for Estrada, who has been missing through injury for a number of weeks now. With no one to lead the Samoan Bulldozer, he's finding himself on the end of the losing streak. [/LIST] [QUOTE=WrestlingObserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling from the Ashes preview[/B] Tomorrow night sees Phoenix Wrestling's second PPV'd event on DirecTV. As it stands the card looks like this: [CENTER][B]Main Event[/B] Sean O'Haire (c) V Tito Ortiz After winning the PW Heavyweight Title last week on 'From the Ashes' O'Haire was brutally attacked by Tito Ortiz. Can the two settle any difference they have tonight, or will it only add fuel to the fire in the battle for the PW Heavyweight Title? [B]Tag Match[/B] - PW Tag Team Title Match Canadian Stampede V High Flying Animals The two young tag teams battled it out last week on 'From the Ashes' for the honor of being the first ever PW Tag Team champions, however the fight spilled out of the ring and ended in a double count out. In a rematch from last week who will leave the arena as the winners of the PW Tag Team Title? Cool Dancing Mofos make an appearance [B]Street Fight[/B] Hernandez V Trent Acid Hernandez cheaped his way to a victory last week on 'From the Ashes' with the use of knuckledusters on Trent Acid. This week Trent Acid has challenged Hernandez to prove his 'Street Thug' image as legit with a Street Fight. [B]Octogon Match[/B] Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay These two MMA put on a fantastic match last week on 'From the Ashes', with the two looking to square off again this week. As it stands the PW record stands at 1-0 to Alexander Karelin, can Sylvester Terkay pull one back this week?[/CENTER] You can buy From the Ashes for $9.99 up to a minute before the PPV starts, tonights show is billed to last 1hr30mins. So join Eric Bischoff, Al Snow and Bam Bam Bigelow in the newest wrestling promotion on TV. They'll be there, will you? [/QUOTE]
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[B]Tuesday week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 23,577 at Madison Square Garden, Tri State 2,666,647 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Matt Hardy d. Gunner Scott: C [*]Jeff Hardy d. Viscera: C- [*]Burchill d. Jake: C- [*]Carlito d. Snitsky to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C [*]Kane d. Joey Mercury: B- [*]HBK d. Ric Flair: A [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]WWE.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]The Hardy Boyz reunite! Last night Matt Hardy made a surprise apperance on RAW defeating Gunner Scott, then appeared during Jeff Hardy's match with Viscera to help his brother win and finally celebrate in the ring together. Could this be the team to end 'The Outsiders' Tag Team reign? [*]HBK and Ric Flair put on one hell of a match last night, which came about when HBK claimed there was one guy in the back he had a lot of respect for, yet couldn't remember ever getting a match against. [/LIST] [QUOTE=ECW.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 8,202 at Zorkii Stadion, Europe 453,690 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Test d. Trevor Murdoch: C- [*]Jeff Hardy d. Sabu: C- [*]Finlay d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Rey Mysterio went to a double count out with Ric Flair: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]ECW.COM[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]HBK sweet chin music's the main event on ECW! Rey Mysterio V Ric Flair last night ended in a double count out after HBK knocked both Flair and Mysterio out with Sweet Chin Music, could it be that HBK has Flair's career at the end of his sights? [*]Umaga loses again thanks to an ankle bite by Little Bastard! Before the match Umaga could be seen backstage looking for Estrada, who has been missing through injury for a number of weeks now. With no one to lead the Samoan Bulldozer, he's finding himself on the end of the losing streak. [/LIST] [QUOTE=WrestlingObserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling from the Ashes preview[/B] Tomorrow night sees Phoenix Wrestling's second PPV'd event on DirecTV. As it stands the card looks like this: [CENTER][B]Main Event[/B] Sean O'Haire (c) V Tito Ortiz After winning the PW Heavyweight Title last week on 'From the Ashes' O'Haire was brutally attacked by Tito Ortiz. Can the two settle any difference they have tonight, or will it only add fuel to the fire in the battle for the PW Heavyweight Title? [B]Tag Match[/B] - PW Tag Team Title Match Canadian Stampede V High Flying Animals The two young tag teams battled it out last week on 'From the Ashes' for the honor of being the first ever PW Tag Team champions, however the fight spilled out of the ring and ended in a double count out. In a rematch from last week who will leave the arena as the winners of the PW Tag Team Title? Cool Dancing Mofos make an appearance [B]Street Fight[/B] Hernandez V Trent Acid Hernandez cheaped his way to a victory last week on 'From the Ashes' with the use of knuckledusters on Trent Acid. This week Trent Acid has challenged Hernandez to prove his 'Street Thug' image as legit with a Street Fight. [B]Octogon Match[/B] Alexander Karelin V Sylvester Terkay These two MMA put on a fantastic match last week on 'From the Ashes', with the two looking to square off again this week. As it stands the PW record stands at 1-0 to Alexander Karelin, can Sylvester Terkay pull one back this week?[/CENTER] You can buy From the Ashes for $9.99 up to a minute before the PPV starts, tonights show is billed to last 1hr30mins. So join Eric Bischoff, Al Snow and Bam Bam Bigelow in the newest wrestling promotion on TV. They'll be there, will you? [/QUOTE]
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[B]Wednesday Week4 Jan2007[/B] [B]Dark Matches[/B] Alexander Karelin v Harry Smith Alexander Karelin defeated Harry Smith in 7:17 by pinfall with a Greco-Roman Suplex. [I][SIZE="2"]If anything this was a coming of age match for Harry Smith as Karelin went in guns blazing, like he would have for a shoot fight. There's something clear about this guy, and that he might not be able to actually work a scripted fight without injuring someone.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: C- Al Snow v Xavier Xavier defeated Al Snow in 7:52 by pinfall with a X Breaker. [I][SIZE="2"]The crowd at the Ashe Arena have no love for Xavier, that's for sure. Two weeks in a row they've booed him and then remained dead during his match. Could it be there's a secret love affair with Al Snow forming? Xavier is improving in his rumble skills however, so some good is coming from these dark matches.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes'[/B] LIVE! from Arthur Ashe Arena, Richmond Virginia (5,000 in Attendace) 2,097 Buyrate [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]A video plays showing the events that happened last week on PW 'From the Ashes'. It replays Sean O'Haire attacking and injuring Tajiri before the match, then O'Haire winning the match by pinning Tajiri. It then goes on to show O'Haire's celebration with the title cut short as Tito Ortiz attacks him after the match.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]The footage stops as the camare's cut to the ring, where Sean O'Haire waits with the title over his shoulder and mic in hand.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [B]O'Haire[/B] - So you cheer for him? And boo me, your champion? (chorus of boos) Heh, it figures, you guys wouldn't know what do if they took the prompt cards away. Have you ever tried to think for yourselves, have you ever tried to go against the premade path you all walk. No, I don't think you have as you're all afraid, but then I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... right? [COLOR="Red"]More boos[/COLOR] [B]O'Haire[/B] - I however, am not afraid, because unlike you guys, I'm willing to take a chance with my life. That's why unlike some champions, I'm not going to run away behind a screen of BS, I'm going to stand firm and fight that bleached blonde boy you all easily cheer. Tonight I'll face Tito Ortiz, and he will pay for cutting my celebration short last week, and you'll see me celebrate over his fallen prone body with the title that so deservingly rests across my shoulder right now. [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well there we have it! TONIGHT! WE! WILL! SEE! Our PW Heavyweight Champion, Sean O'Haire, fight, one on one, EX-UFC Fighter Tito Ortiz! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Oh man I can't wait to see that fight, those guys are going to knock seven shades out of each other.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - WHAT! A! WAY! to start the show, and with that, WELCOME TO PHOENIX WRESTLING FROM THE ASHES, LIVE, here at the Arthur Ashe Arena, the home of Phoenix Wrestling. I'm Eric Bischoff, and along side me I've got THE BEAST FROM THE EAST, Bam Bam Bigelow, and the one and only Al Snow. [B]Al Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Hey.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Don Callis has made his way to the ring as the announce team hype up the promotion, along side him stands his man; Alexander Karelin.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DonCallis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Callis[/B] - Over the years, I have managed, some of the greatest specimens in Professional Wrestling. But that's not what I'm here to talk about, tonight, I'm here to talk about Alexander Karelin. [COLOR="Red"] Callis points at Karelin who stands towering tall even besides Don Callis.[/COLOR] [B]Callis[/B] - Last week, I saw and you saw, possibly the greatest fight to have ever been shown on live TV, in the last five years. I say fight, and not match, because thats what it was; it was a fight. Its all my man knows what to do. And tonight, he's going to do it again, as he takes on Sylvester Terkay in another PW Octogon Match. And you better believe it will end with a show of respect, that Professional Wrestling hasn't seen for years. Be prepared for a schooling in cage fighting. Thank you. [B]Callis and Karelin leave the ring, as their music plays, the crowd giving a mix response as they appeared unsure of how to react to Karelin and Callis.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D [B]BBB[/B] - He's right you know, that man was hitting hard last week. Almost makes me glad I'm retired. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Retirement sucks Bigelow. What I wouldn't give to get back into that ring.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Even if it was against a man like Karelin? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Well maybes not Karelin...[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Haha, well next we've got Hernandez verse Trent Acid in a Street Fight. And this all because Trent Acid questioned Hernandez' legitamacy of being a Street Thug. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Could be the end of Trent Acid, even before he's started here in Phoenix Wrestling.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Well, if he had any smarts, he would have been knocking my door asking for help. He's in over his head. [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Street Fight[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] Hernandez v Trent Acid Hernandez defeated Trent Acid in 14:43 by pinfall with a Megabomb. [I][SIZE="2"]After the DQ finish of last week, Hernandez not only won, but won with his finisher the Megabomb. Surely that's enough to shut Trent Acid up?[/SIZE][/I] [COLOR="Red"]A video plays showing that Cool Dancing Mofo's will be coming to a town near you soon. It shows them 'on the night out' in some small little town that has zero night life, all dressed up in flashy clothes looking for some action.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well, that was... interesting. [B]BBB[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"] Morons. They both need hit around head in hope to knock some sense into them.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Next we've got the match, you no doubt, have been looking forward to Bigelow. Karelin vs Terkay, in PW Octogon Match. Last week, we saw Karelin win, this week will he repeat his win over the dangerous Terkay. [B]BBB[/B] - It[COLOR="Blue"]s the match I've been most looking forward to, cos these guys just want to HIT EACH OTHER HARDER![/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Sure they can hit each other harder, but tell me this. Have they got head? [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm not sure Al, but one thing is for sure, here at Phoenix Wrestling, we're not afraid to try something new. We're not afraid to let wrestlers who want fight each, fight each other here in our Phoenix Wrestling Ocotgon Matches. These matches are completey off the books, completely free and completely legit. The best figter walks away at the end of the night as the winner, there's, folks, fake about what you're going to see next![/COLOR] [B]PW Ocotogon Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay Alexander Karelin defeated Sylvester Terkay in 3:45 when Sylvester Terkay could not beat a ten count. [B]Rating[/B]: E [COLOR="Red"]Karelin and Terkay face each other in the ring, as Terkay puts a microphone to his mouth.[/COLOR] [B]Terkay[/B] - That was another hell of a match, big man. But please, sir, can I have another. That's 2-0 to you, and my pride isn't going to let that lie easily. Next week, me and you again, and why not make this a best of 7 series. Whatcha say, big man? [COLOR="Red"]Karelin nods in agreement to Terkay's demands, as Callis pats him on the back.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well there you have it Bigelow, if that isn't a match get your behind in a seat everyweek, I don't know what it is! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I don't know how these guys are going to handle kick seven shades out of each other every week, but I'm going to be watching to find out![/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - But do they have head? [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm not sure, Al.. wait.. we better go backstage, where I believe somethings happening between the High Flying Animals and canadian Stampede.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage where High Flying Animals have jumped Canadian Stampede and a brawl is in progress.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Amazing Red[/B] - See you in the ring, guys. [B]Rating[/B]: D [B]Bischoff[/B] - I don't believe it, High Flying Animals have got the better of their opponents before the match. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You wouldn't think of it looking at them, that they'd have such a bad ass streak in them to attack their opponants before the match like that.[/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - The prospect of gold can do that a man. But tell me this.. they might have a bad ass streak, but do they have head? [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Tag Team Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] High Flying Animals v Canadian Stampede High Flying Animals defeated Canadian Stampede in 9:43 when TJ Wilson was disqualified while fighting The Amazing Red. [I][SIZE="2"]Another good match between the 4 young developing wrestlers for the future, however another draw next to their names.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Bischoff[/B] - TJ Wilson, did he just do that DQ on purpose? [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Well it could be a smart move, remeber these guys were attacked before the match, they weren't at 100%![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Harry Smith takes a microphone and stands over The Amazing Red.[/COLOR] [B]Smith[/B] - You complete and utter idiots, you think we're going to hand over the tag team titles to a punch of High Flying Weasels just like that? There's nothing in the world more imporant to me and TJ then becoming the first ever PW Tag Team Champions. [B]Wilson[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]And we're certinaly not going to be cheaped out of winning them by being attacked before the match.[/COLOR] [B]Smith[/B] - If you want the titles as much as we do, then you'll meet us again next week. [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede drop the mics, leave the ring and make their way back up the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. High Flying Animals slowly get to their feet, and pick up a mic.[/COLOR] [B] Amazing Red [/B]- Oh we'll meet you again next week in this ring. But only if you're perpared for it. [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede stop on the ramp and turn to face High Flying Animals.[/COLOR] [B]Amazing Red[/B] - Any match we decide to have on the night is what happens. What you say that? [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede nod and agree to the open stipulation match next week on 'From the Ashes'.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Another rematch between Canadian Stamepde and the High Flying Animals, next week here on 'From the Ashes'! [B]BBB [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Wow, it could up being any match. Imagine, any stipulation Amazing Red and Puma can think of, with the PW Tag Team titles on the line! WOW! [/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's music bounces around the arena as they make their way to the ring, to somewhat of a cheer from the crowd.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Here they come, the Cool Dancing Mofo's, D-Ray 3000 and Norman Smiley! [COLOR="Red"]They enter the ring and dance about for alittle bit.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [B]D-Ray[/B] - You see that Smiley. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaaaaay...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilay. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I SAW THAT![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Then you'll agree with me, when I saw. Not only are we Cool Dancing Mofo's, but we're the highest ranked Tag Team in Phoenix Wrestling right now. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You know, D-Ray, you're absolutly right. I thin that calls for a celebrational dance. STOP! Smiley time![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley bursts into a stupid dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Whow whow whow, Smiley. There's time a time to dance, a time for action. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]ACTION![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Action [B]Smiley [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Action...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - And think its time to once again, prove how cool we are, by issuing an open challenge to any tag team in the back right now to share the ring with two Cool Dancing Mofos. [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]Devon Storm and Peter Gurner climb out from the crowd and jump R-Ray and Smiley from behind.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Challenge accepted! HIT 'EM HARDER! [B]Rating[/B]: C- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Cool Dancing Mofos v Devon Storm & Peter Gurner Cool Dancing Mofos defeated Devon and Gurner in 7:42 when D-Ray 3000 defeated Devon Storm by pinfall with a Telecaster. [I][SIZE="2"]Norman Smiley and D-Ray 3000 are working well as a team, and put on a good match against Devon Storm and Pete Gurner. The match was a good match, that would appear to have benfited everyone involved in someway or form.[/SIZE][/I] [B] Rating[/B]: C- [B]D-Ray[/B] - That's 2-0 for the Cool Dancing Mo... [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]STOP! SMILEY TIME![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley and D-Ray 3000 burst into a dance in the middle of the ring to celebrate their success.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]BBB[/B] - You know that dancing is making my ass itch, its like somethings compelling me to stand up, scratch my ass, then swing some fists at those stupid mofos in the ring. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Haha, now now Bigelow contain that beast. They're just enjoying themselves.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - They're annoying idiots. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]But do they have head?[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Probably not, but the next match is the one you've probably all been waiting for at home. I know Bigelow has. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You bet.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Ortiz v O'Haire for the PW Heavyweight title! These two met last week in a 4 corners match to determin who the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion would be, which O'Haire won. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]With a cheap attack on my friend Tajiri before the match.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - That's the sign of a true predator, something I like to see in my champions. [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage to Ortiz making his way to the ring. Out of no where O'Haire flies into Ortiz, looking to apply a leg lock similar to the one he applied to Tajiri last week. Before he can lock it in correctly though Tajiri runs in for the save! Backstage staff finally make their way there to break the 3 wreslters up and get them on their way to the match.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]BBB[/B] - Predator instincts on O'Haire, but he wasn't able to get in because of Tajiri [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]That's pay back for last week.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Whatever it was, its not welcome here in Phoenix Wrestling, if they've got an issue I'd much prefer them to sort it out in the ring, much like they're going to do now. Ladies and Gentlemen tonights Main Event is next, hold on to your hats. Ortiz v O'Haire for PW Heavyweight Title! [B]MAIN EVENT - PW Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] Tito Ortiz v Sean O'Haire Sean O'Haire defeated Tito Ortiz in 14:50 by pinfall with The Widow Maker. Sean O'Haire makes defence number 1 of his PW Heavyweight Champion title. [I][SIZE="2"]A good match between the pair, with crowd seemingly starting to develop some reporte with the workers during the match as they started off quiet then ended up with loud cheers and booes for the correct workers.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Thank you for tuning into Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes' we'll see you next week for another great show, but for tonight, we've ran out of time, once again, GOOD NIGHT! [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C-
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[B]Wednesday Week4 Jan2007[/B] [B]Dark Matches[/B] Alexander Karelin v Harry Smith Alexander Karelin defeated Harry Smith in 7:17 by pinfall with a Greco-Roman Suplex. [I][SIZE="2"]If anything this was a coming of age match for Harry Smith as Karelin went in guns blazing, like he would have for a shoot fight. There's something clear about this guy, and that he might not be able to actually work a scripted fight without injuring someone.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: C- Al Snow v Xavier Xavier defeated Al Snow in 7:52 by pinfall with a X Breaker. [I][SIZE="2"]The crowd at the Ashe Arena have no love for Xavier, that's for sure. Two weeks in a row they've booed him and then remained dead during his match. Could it be there's a secret love affair with Al Snow forming? Xavier is improving in his rumble skills however, so some good is coming from these dark matches.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes'[/B] LIVE! from Arthur Ashe Arena, Richmond Virginia (5,000 in Attendace) 2,097 Buyrate [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]A video plays showing the events that happened last week on PW 'From the Ashes'. It replays Sean O'Haire attacking and injuring Tajiri before the match, then O'Haire winning the match by pinning Tajiri. It then goes on to show O'Haire's celebration with the title cut short as Tito Ortiz attacks him after the match.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]The footage stops as the camare's cut to the ring, where Sean O'Haire waits with the title over his shoulder and mic in hand.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [B]O'Haire[/B] - So you cheer for him? And boo me, your champion? (chorus of boos) Heh, it figures, you guys wouldn't know what do if they took the prompt cards away. Have you ever tried to think for yourselves, have you ever tried to go against the premade path you all walk. No, I don't think you have as you're all afraid, but then I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... right? [COLOR="Red"]More boos[/COLOR] [B]O'Haire[/B] - I however, am not afraid, because unlike you guys, I'm willing to take a chance with my life. That's why unlike some champions, I'm not going to run away behind a screen of BS, I'm going to stand firm and fight that bleached blonde boy you all easily cheer. Tonight I'll face Tito Ortiz, and he will pay for cutting my celebration short last week, and you'll see me celebrate over his fallen prone body with the title that so deservingly rests across my shoulder right now. [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well there we have it! TONIGHT! WE! WILL! SEE! Our PW Heavyweight Champion, Sean O'Haire, fight, one on one, EX-UFC Fighter Tito Ortiz! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Oh man I can't wait to see that fight, those guys are going to knock seven shades out of each other.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - WHAT! A! WAY! to start the show, and with that, WELCOME TO PHOENIX WRESTLING FROM THE ASHES, LIVE, here at the Arthur Ashe Arena, the home of Phoenix Wrestling. I'm Eric Bischoff, and along side me I've got THE BEAST FROM THE EAST, Bam Bam Bigelow, and the one and only Al Snow. [B]Al Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Hey.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Don Callis has made his way to the ring as the announce team hype up the promotion, along side him stands his man; Alexander Karelin.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DonCallis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Callis[/B] - Over the years, I have managed, some of the greatest specimens in Professional Wrestling. But that's not what I'm here to talk about, tonight, I'm here to talk about Alexander Karelin. [COLOR="Red"] Callis points at Karelin who stands towering tall even besides Don Callis.[/COLOR] [B]Callis[/B] - Last week, I saw and you saw, possibly the greatest fight to have ever been shown on live TV, in the last five years. I say fight, and not match, because thats what it was; it was a fight. Its all my man knows what to do. And tonight, he's going to do it again, as he takes on Sylvester Terkay in another PW Octogon Match. And you better believe it will end with a show of respect, that Professional Wrestling hasn't seen for years. Be prepared for a schooling in cage fighting. Thank you. [B]Callis and Karelin leave the ring, as their music plays, the crowd giving a mix response as they appeared unsure of how to react to Karelin and Callis.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D [B]BBB[/B] - He's right you know, that man was hitting hard last week. Almost makes me glad I'm retired. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Retirement sucks Bigelow. What I wouldn't give to get back into that ring.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Even if it was against a man like Karelin? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Well maybes not Karelin...[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Haha, well next we've got Hernandez verse Trent Acid in a Street Fight. And this all because Trent Acid questioned Hernandez' legitamacy of being a Street Thug. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Could be the end of Trent Acid, even before he's started here in Phoenix Wrestling.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Well, if he had any smarts, he would have been knocking my door asking for help. He's in over his head. [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Street Fight[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] Hernandez v Trent Acid Hernandez defeated Trent Acid in 14:43 by pinfall with a Megabomb. [I][SIZE="2"]After the DQ finish of last week, Hernandez not only won, but won with his finisher the Megabomb. Surely that's enough to shut Trent Acid up?[/SIZE][/I] [COLOR="Red"]A video plays showing that Cool Dancing Mofo's will be coming to a town near you soon. It shows them 'on the night out' in some small little town that has zero night life, all dressed up in flashy clothes looking for some action.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well, that was... interesting. [B]BBB[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"] Morons. They both need hit around head in hope to knock some sense into them.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Next we've got the match, you no doubt, have been looking forward to Bigelow. Karelin vs Terkay, in PW Octogon Match. Last week, we saw Karelin win, this week will he repeat his win over the dangerous Terkay. [B]BBB[/B] - It[COLOR="Blue"]s the match I've been most looking forward to, cos these guys just want to HIT EACH OTHER HARDER![/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - Sure they can hit each other harder, but tell me this. Have they got head? [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm not sure Al, but one thing is for sure, here at Phoenix Wrestling, we're not afraid to try something new. We're not afraid to let wrestlers who want fight each, fight each other here in our Phoenix Wrestling Ocotgon Matches. These matches are completey off the books, completely free and completely legit. The best figter walks away at the end of the night as the winner, there's, folks, fake about what you're going to see next![/COLOR] [B]PW Ocotogon Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay Alexander Karelin defeated Sylvester Terkay in 3:45 when Sylvester Terkay could not beat a ten count. [B]Rating[/B]: E [COLOR="Red"]Karelin and Terkay face each other in the ring, as Terkay puts a microphone to his mouth.[/COLOR] [B]Terkay[/B] - That was another hell of a match, big man. But please, sir, can I have another. That's 2-0 to you, and my pride isn't going to let that lie easily. Next week, me and you again, and why not make this a best of 7 series. Whatcha say, big man? [COLOR="Red"]Karelin nods in agreement to Terkay's demands, as Callis pats him on the back.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well there you have it Bigelow, if that isn't a match get your behind in a seat everyweek, I don't know what it is! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I don't know how these guys are going to handle kick seven shades out of each other every week, but I'm going to be watching to find out![/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - But do they have head? [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm not sure, Al.. wait.. we better go backstage, where I believe somethings happening between the High Flying Animals and canadian Stampede.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage where High Flying Animals have jumped Canadian Stampede and a brawl is in progress.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Amazing Red[/B] - See you in the ring, guys. [B]Rating[/B]: D [B]Bischoff[/B] - I don't believe it, High Flying Animals have got the better of their opponents before the match. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You wouldn't think of it looking at them, that they'd have such a bad ass streak in them to attack their opponants before the match like that.[/COLOR] [B]Snow[/B] - The prospect of gold can do that a man. But tell me this.. they might have a bad ass streak, but do they have head? [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Tag Team Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Puma.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] High Flying Animals v Canadian Stampede High Flying Animals defeated Canadian Stampede in 9:43 when TJ Wilson was disqualified while fighting The Amazing Red. [I][SIZE="2"]Another good match between the 4 young developing wrestlers for the future, however another draw next to their names.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Bischoff[/B] - TJ Wilson, did he just do that DQ on purpose? [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Well it could be a smart move, remeber these guys were attacked before the match, they weren't at 100%![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Harry Smith takes a microphone and stands over The Amazing Red.[/COLOR] [B]Smith[/B] - You complete and utter idiots, you think we're going to hand over the tag team titles to a punch of High Flying Weasels just like that? There's nothing in the world more imporant to me and TJ then becoming the first ever PW Tag Team Champions. [B]Wilson[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]And we're certinaly not going to be cheaped out of winning them by being attacked before the match.[/COLOR] [B]Smith[/B] - If you want the titles as much as we do, then you'll meet us again next week. [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede drop the mics, leave the ring and make their way back up the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. High Flying Animals slowly get to their feet, and pick up a mic.[/COLOR] [B] Amazing Red [/B]- Oh we'll meet you again next week in this ring. But only if you're perpared for it. [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede stop on the ramp and turn to face High Flying Animals.[/COLOR] [B]Amazing Red[/B] - Any match we decide to have on the night is what happens. What you say that? [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]Canadian Stampede nod and agree to the open stipulation match next week on 'From the Ashes'.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Another rematch between Canadian Stamepde and the High Flying Animals, next week here on 'From the Ashes'! [B]BBB [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Wow, it could up being any match. Imagine, any stipulation Amazing Red and Puma can think of, with the PW Tag Team titles on the line! WOW! [/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's music bounces around the arena as they make their way to the ring, to somewhat of a cheer from the crowd.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Here they come, the Cool Dancing Mofo's, D-Ray 3000 and Norman Smiley! [COLOR="Red"]They enter the ring and dance about for alittle bit.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [B]D-Ray[/B] - You see that Smiley. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaaaaay...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilay. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I SAW THAT![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Then you'll agree with me, when I saw. Not only are we Cool Dancing Mofo's, but we're the highest ranked Tag Team in Phoenix Wrestling right now. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You know, D-Ray, you're absolutly right. I thin that calls for a celebrational dance. STOP! Smiley time![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley bursts into a stupid dance.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Whow whow whow, Smiley. There's time a time to dance, a time for action. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]ACTION![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Action [B]Smiley [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]Action...[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - And think its time to once again, prove how cool we are, by issuing an open challenge to any tag team in the back right now to share the ring with two Cool Dancing Mofos. [B]Rating[/B]: C- [COLOR="Red"]Devon Storm and Peter Gurner climb out from the crowd and jump R-Ray and Smiley from behind.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - Challenge accepted! HIT 'EM HARDER! [B]Rating[/B]: C- [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Cool Dancing Mofos v Devon Storm & Peter Gurner Cool Dancing Mofos defeated Devon and Gurner in 7:42 when D-Ray 3000 defeated Devon Storm by pinfall with a Telecaster. [I][SIZE="2"]Norman Smiley and D-Ray 3000 are working well as a team, and put on a good match against Devon Storm and Pete Gurner. The match was a good match, that would appear to have benfited everyone involved in someway or form.[/SIZE][/I] [B] Rating[/B]: C- [B]D-Ray[/B] - That's 2-0 for the Cool Dancing Mo... [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]STOP! SMILEY TIME![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley and D-Ray 3000 burst into a dance in the middle of the ring to celebrate their success.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]BBB[/B] - You know that dancing is making my ass itch, its like somethings compelling me to stand up, scratch my ass, then swing some fists at those stupid mofos in the ring. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Haha, now now Bigelow contain that beast. They're just enjoying themselves.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - They're annoying idiots. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]But do they have head?[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Probably not, but the next match is the one you've probably all been waiting for at home. I know Bigelow has. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You bet.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Ortiz v O'Haire for the PW Heavyweight title! These two met last week in a 4 corners match to determin who the first ever PW Heavyweight Champion would be, which O'Haire won. [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]With a cheap attack on my friend Tajiri before the match.[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - That's the sign of a true predator, something I like to see in my champions. [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut backstage to Ortiz making his way to the ring. Out of no where O'Haire flies into Ortiz, looking to apply a leg lock similar to the one he applied to Tajiri last week. Before he can lock it in correctly though Tajiri runs in for the save! Backstage staff finally make their way there to break the 3 wreslters up and get them on their way to the match.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]BBB[/B] - Predator instincts on O'Haire, but he wasn't able to get in because of Tajiri [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]That's pay back for last week.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Whatever it was, its not welcome here in Phoenix Wrestling, if they've got an issue I'd much prefer them to sort it out in the ring, much like they're going to do now. Ladies and Gentlemen tonights Main Event is next, hold on to your hats. Ortiz v O'Haire for PW Heavyweight Title! [B]MAIN EVENT - PW Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TitoOrtiz.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] Tito Ortiz v Sean O'Haire Sean O'Haire defeated Tito Ortiz in 14:50 by pinfall with The Widow Maker. Sean O'Haire makes defence number 1 of his PW Heavyweight Champion title. [I][SIZE="2"]A good match between the pair, with crowd seemingly starting to develop some reporte with the workers during the match as they started off quiet then ended up with loud cheers and booes for the correct workers.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Thank you for tuning into Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes' we'll see you next week for another great show, but for tonight, we've ran out of time, once again, GOOD NIGHT! [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C-
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[B]Saturday Week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B] WWE's tour of Europe with the SD! and ECW brands continued this week with both shows selling out the arena. However the success in Europe can only be a small smile no McMahon's face as it appears fans are in somewhat of a blacklash over the slapdash approach WWE creative had with the ECW brand. Over the last month its seen the show pretty much moved completely away from anything like the 'New ECW' they had a few months ago, which in itself was a watered down version of the 'Old ECW' and is no more of a battleground where RAW stars can fight SD! stars, with the hint of a hardcore match now and again. Most stars that were signed for the ECW project were released from their contracts at the start of the month, or were reassigned to RAW or SD! Only time will tell how long the ECW brand will continue under this format, or at all. Could it be that Steve Austin is trying to make a full time comeback before his retirement? Austin has been hand in hand with injuries over the last 5 years, and many doubted he'd ever return to the WWE, not only through injuries, but due to constant falling out with the creative team over the direction of his character. Strangely, though not surprising in the wrestling world, Austin has held constantly good matches over the course of this month and its said he's happy with the 'comedy' character they've let Steve Austin play (something similar to a Step Dad from Hell). Tomorrow night sees the WWE hold their Royal Rumble PPV. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] This week (Sunday) will see TNA push its recap show TNA Xplosion as a seperate 1 hour show, this now gives TNA 3 hours of TV time on SpikeTV. Could this be the final step in TNA's plan before their ready to take on the WWE? Currently TNA are pushing Samoa Joe as the greatest NWA Heavyweight Champion of all time, at this time Joe is STILL undefeated in a stretch that has now last a year. With the likes of Goldberg and Brock Lesnar now on the TNA books, how long is it before Joe will lose the belt? Or can TNA management do something that wCw and WWE never managed, and contain the egos running backstage. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]PW[/B] Phoenix Wrestling had their second weekly PPV show Wednesday night, and it offered more of the same as the first one did. You could even argue to was exactly the same as the first show with the way the card was layed out and who appeared on it. Perhaps the rumours of Eric Bischoff having a hard time getting established stars to work for him again is true after all. However, this shouldn't take away from Sean O'Haire who is surprising a few in the business with his ease at being the PW Heavyweight Champion. Some are saying it won't be long before TNA and even perhaps WWE are knocking on his door for a return soon. Speaking of TNA and WWE, sources within both HQs are claiming that neither Dixie Carter or Vince McMahon are over concerned at the moment about the product that Eric Bischoff is putting out. While it hasn't been confirmed, its thought that McMahon laughed and said he'd give it a month. [CENTER][B]Other News[/B][/CENTER] [B]End of the Dream?[/B] After being released from the WWE earlier this month, along with Paul Haymen, its said that Tommy Dreamer is considering leaving the business he was once so fond for, and often worked for for free. Could one of the Godfather's of Hardcore finally hanging his boots up for good? [B]Wrestling Society X[/B] Despite manys claims this madcap project from MTV wouldn't last more then 1 show; how wrong they were. Teddy Hart, Sean Waltman and Vampiro may have left the company many months ago, but since then WSX has went on to develope its own style and roster.. and more importantly keep its slot on MTV2 helping it raise its profile over the last 3 months. As of now the champions are somewhat surprising. Johnny Jeter (Johnny from WWE's Spirit Squad) is currently the WSX Global Champion, while it may be a surprise to some to see the WWE 'loan' Johnny to WSX, it must be remembered that the WWE are pushing for MTV to pick up another series of 'Tough Enough', and this move could have been part of a power play to sway MTV's decision to renew the 'Tough Enough' contract. On a side note, 'The Miz' who was released from WWE at the beginning of the month, is also working for WSX. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 5,000 at Hofstra Arena, Tri State 4,448 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Alex Shelly d. Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Senshi d. Hoyt, Aries, Eric Young: C+ [*]Simon Diamond d. Homicide, Sonjay Dutt:C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Ron Killings: C+ [*]Jeff Jarret d. Brother Ray: B- [*]Samoa Joe d. Christian Cage: B [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE Smackdown! 10,000 at Zorkii Stadion, Europe 564,541 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Bob Holly d. Matt Striker: D [*]Steve Austin d. Jamie Noble: B- [*]Sabu d. Justin Credible: C- [*]Kid Kash d. Test: C- [*]The Undertaker d. RVD: B- [*]Benoit & Big Show d. Batista & Mysterio: B [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [*][/QUOTE] [/LIST][/CENTER]
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[B]Saturday Week4 Jan2007[/B] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B] WWE's tour of Europe with the SD! and ECW brands continued this week with both shows selling out the arena. However the success in Europe can only be a small smile no McMahon's face as it appears fans are in somewhat of a blacklash over the slapdash approach WWE creative had with the ECW brand. Over the last month its seen the show pretty much moved completely away from anything like the 'New ECW' they had a few months ago, which in itself was a watered down version of the 'Old ECW' and is no more of a battleground where RAW stars can fight SD! stars, with the hint of a hardcore match now and again. Most stars that were signed for the ECW project were released from their contracts at the start of the month, or were reassigned to RAW or SD! Only time will tell how long the ECW brand will continue under this format, or at all. Could it be that Steve Austin is trying to make a full time comeback before his retirement? Austin has been hand in hand with injuries over the last 5 years, and many doubted he'd ever return to the WWE, not only through injuries, but due to constant falling out with the creative team over the direction of his character. Strangely, though not surprising in the wrestling world, Austin has held constantly good matches over the course of this month and its said he's happy with the 'comedy' character they've let Steve Austin play (something similar to a Step Dad from Hell). Tomorrow night sees the WWE hold their Royal Rumble PPV. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] This week (Sunday) will see TNA push its recap show TNA Xplosion as a seperate 1 hour show, this now gives TNA 3 hours of TV time on SpikeTV. Could this be the final step in TNA's plan before their ready to take on the WWE? Currently TNA are pushing Samoa Joe as the greatest NWA Heavyweight Champion of all time, at this time Joe is STILL undefeated in a stretch that has now last a year. With the likes of Goldberg and Brock Lesnar now on the TNA books, how long is it before Joe will lose the belt? Or can TNA management do something that wCw and WWE never managed, and contain the egos running backstage. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]PW[/B] Phoenix Wrestling had their second weekly PPV show Wednesday night, and it offered more of the same as the first one did. You could even argue to was exactly the same as the first show with the way the card was layed out and who appeared on it. Perhaps the rumours of Eric Bischoff having a hard time getting established stars to work for him again is true after all. However, this shouldn't take away from Sean O'Haire who is surprising a few in the business with his ease at being the PW Heavyweight Champion. Some are saying it won't be long before TNA and even perhaps WWE are knocking on his door for a return soon. Speaking of TNA and WWE, sources within both HQs are claiming that neither Dixie Carter or Vince McMahon are over concerned at the moment about the product that Eric Bischoff is putting out. While it hasn't been confirmed, its thought that McMahon laughed and said he'd give it a month. [CENTER][B]Other News[/B][/CENTER] [B]End of the Dream?[/B] After being released from the WWE earlier this month, along with Paul Haymen, its said that Tommy Dreamer is considering leaving the business he was once so fond for, and often worked for for free. Could one of the Godfather's of Hardcore finally hanging his boots up for good? [B]Wrestling Society X[/B] Despite manys claims this madcap project from MTV wouldn't last more then 1 show; how wrong they were. Teddy Hart, Sean Waltman and Vampiro may have left the company many months ago, but since then WSX has went on to develope its own style and roster.. and more importantly keep its slot on MTV2 helping it raise its profile over the last 3 months. As of now the champions are somewhat surprising. Johnny Jeter (Johnny from WWE's Spirit Squad) is currently the WSX Global Champion, while it may be a surprise to some to see the WWE 'loan' Johnny to WSX, it must be remembered that the WWE are pushing for MTV to pick up another series of 'Tough Enough', and this move could have been part of a power play to sway MTV's decision to renew the 'Tough Enough' contract. On a side note, 'The Miz' who was released from WWE at the beginning of the month, is also working for WSX. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 5,000 at Hofstra Arena, Tri State 4,448 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Alex Shelly d. Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Senshi d. Hoyt, Aries, Eric Young: C+ [*]Simon Diamond d. Homicide, Sonjay Dutt:C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Ron Killings: C+ [*]Jeff Jarret d. Brother Ray: B- [*]Samoa Joe d. Christian Cage: B [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWE Smackdown! 10,000 at Zorkii Stadion, Europe 564,541 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Bob Holly d. Matt Striker: D [*]Steve Austin d. Jamie Noble: B- [*]Sabu d. Justin Credible: C- [*]Kid Kash d. Test: C- [*]The Undertaker d. RVD: B- [*]Benoit & Big Show d. Batista & Mysterio: B [*]Overall Show Rating: B- [*][/QUOTE] [/LIST][/CENTER]
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[B]Monday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/pwnews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Coming and Goings[/B] We'd like to say thank you to Scott Norton and Scott Putski for their efforts and support of Phoenix Wrestling over the last month. While Scott Norton was unable to attend a show for Phoenix Wrestling due to his commitments to NJPW, he was in constant contact with us on the phone offering ideas, support and feedback on the product... as well as highlighting some interesting talent in Japan. We wish them all the best in the future. While we'd like to welcome, Andrei Arlovski, Freak Nastty and Alex Wright to the Phoenix Wrestling team and hope they can find a home in the only place in professional wrestling where people are allowed to fight their own fights. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AndreiArlovski.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andrei Arlovski[/B] Arlovski is another MMA fighter coming to Phoenix Wrestling to prove his worth to the fans, after hearing glowing reports from fellow MMA Fighters, Tito Ortiz, Alexander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay. Arlovski is possibly one of the most devestating fighters in modern MMA history. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/FreakNastty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Freak Nastty[/B] Nastty, is a local from the Mid Atlantic area that attended that last two Phoenix Wrestling shows at the Ashe Arena, and has been hounding us ever since to give him a chance. If he can impress us in the following weeks, he can call Phoenix Wrestling his home. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlexWright.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Wright[/B] Who doesn't remember Alex Wright? If you don't then let us refresh your memory. Alex Wright is a highly talented wrestler from Germany that has worked in the US previously for Eric Bischoff. This time Alex Wright, Das Wonderkid, is back again to prove a point to the American crowds. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Royal Rumble[/B] 15,000 at MTS Centre, The Prairies 606,623 Buyrate [CENTER][LIST] [*]Trevor Murdoch, Mitch & Little Guido went to a double DQ with Snitsky, Noble & Jeff Hardy: C- [*]Mikey d. Jake: C- [*]Ric Flair d. Matt Striker: C+ [*]Helms d. Test, Mick Foley, Test: C [*]Kenny d. Super Crazy: C [*]HooliganZ d. Daviari & Jesse to retain the WWE World Tag Titles: C- [*]The Undertaker d. Sabu: B- [*]HHH d. Bob Holly: C [*]Carlito d. William Regal to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C+ [*]Finley d. Umaga, Justin Credible to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Chris Benoit d. Rey Mysterio: B+ [*]Big Show d. Shawn Michaels to retain the ECW Title: A [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B+ [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA[/B] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 Autry Court, Mid South 228,526 on Sun Sports [CENTER][LIST] [*]Brother Runt d. Petey Williams to retain the TNA X-Divison Title: C+ [*]Homicide & Senshi d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*]Stiener & Samoa Joe d. America's Most Wanted: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Weekly Ratings[/B] WWE saw both RAW and SD! pick up more viewers then it had the previous week, however ECW continues to slide down the ratings on Sci Fi channel. While ECW are sliding, it would seem TNA are picking up the leavers, as iMPACT continues to gain viewers each and every week, and now with their second show starting, Xplosion on a Sunday, TNA seem to have confidence they can maintain and expand across the board. Only time will tell. [LIST=1] [*]Raw: 2,666,647 (2,250,308) [*]SD: 564, 941 (535,597) [*]ECW: 453, 690 (487,566) [*]iMPACT: 448,415 (444,355) [*]Xplosion: 228,526 (-) [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/pwnews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Coming and Goings[/B] We'd like to say thank you to Scott Norton and Scott Putski for their efforts and support of Phoenix Wrestling over the last month. While Scott Norton was unable to attend a show for Phoenix Wrestling due to his commitments to NJPW, he was in constant contact with us on the phone offering ideas, support and feedback on the product... as well as highlighting some interesting talent in Japan. We wish them all the best in the future. While we'd like to welcome, Andrei Arlovski, Freak Nastty and Alex Wright to the Phoenix Wrestling team and hope they can find a home in the only place in professional wrestling where people are allowed to fight their own fights. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AndreiArlovski.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andrei Arlovski[/B] Arlovski is another MMA fighter coming to Phoenix Wrestling to prove his worth to the fans, after hearing glowing reports from fellow MMA Fighters, Tito Ortiz, Alexander Karelin and Sylvester Terkay. Arlovski is possibly one of the most devestating fighters in modern MMA history. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/FreakNastty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Freak Nastty[/B] Nastty, is a local from the Mid Atlantic area that attended that last two Phoenix Wrestling shows at the Ashe Arena, and has been hounding us ever since to give him a chance. If he can impress us in the following weeks, he can call Phoenix Wrestling his home. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlexWright.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Wright[/B] Who doesn't remember Alex Wright? If you don't then let us refresh your memory. Alex Wright is a highly talented wrestler from Germany that has worked in the US previously for Eric Bischoff. This time Alex Wright, Das Wonderkid, is back again to prove a point to the American crowds. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Royal Rumble[/B] 15,000 at MTS Centre, The Prairies 606,623 Buyrate [CENTER][LIST] [*]Trevor Murdoch, Mitch & Little Guido went to a double DQ with Snitsky, Noble & Jeff Hardy: C- [*]Mikey d. Jake: C- [*]Ric Flair d. Matt Striker: C+ [*]Helms d. Test, Mick Foley, Test: C [*]Kenny d. Super Crazy: C [*]HooliganZ d. Daviari & Jesse to retain the WWE World Tag Titles: C- [*]The Undertaker d. Sabu: B- [*]HHH d. Bob Holly: C [*]Carlito d. William Regal to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C+ [*]Finley d. Umaga, Justin Credible to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Chris Benoit d. Rey Mysterio: B+ [*]Big Show d. Shawn Michaels to retain the ECW Title: A [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B+ [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA[/B] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 Autry Court, Mid South 228,526 on Sun Sports [CENTER][LIST] [*]Brother Runt d. Petey Williams to retain the TNA X-Divison Title: C+ [*]Homicide & Senshi d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*]Stiener & Samoa Joe d. America's Most Wanted: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Weekly Ratings[/B] WWE saw both RAW and SD! pick up more viewers then it had the previous week, however ECW continues to slide down the ratings on Sci Fi channel. While ECW are sliding, it would seem TNA are picking up the leavers, as iMPACT continues to gain viewers each and every week, and now with their second show starting, Xplosion on a Sunday, TNA seem to have confidence they can maintain and expand across the board. Only time will tell. [LIST=1] [*]Raw: 2,666,647 (2,250,308) [*]SD: 564, 941 (535,597) [*]ECW: 453, 690 (487,566) [*]iMPACT: 448,415 (444,355) [*]Xplosion: 228,526 (-) [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[B]Wednesday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 9,152 at RICHO Coliseum, Ontario 2,543,012 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Regal d. Cade, Gunner, Nicky: C- [*]Charlie Hass d. Snitsky: C- [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Mitch & Micky: C+ [*]Carlito d. Super Crazy, Jesse to retain the WWE Interncontinental Title: C [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B [*]John Cena d. Ric Flair: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]John Cena made a shocking return to RAW last night, after losing to Edge last September at Unforgiven, Cena had found himself working for SD! However Cena, still bitter over his lose to Edge decided to 'invade' RAW by himself to attack Edge. General Manager Ric Flair however wasn't having going to let anyone run free on his show and demanded that if Cena wanted to be on RAW he was going to have to fight him tonight. [/LIST] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 9,844 at King George V, Maritimes 450,702 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER]Ashley d. Kelly Kelly: E Sabu d. Ken Shamrock, Bob Holly: C Finley d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C Big Show d. Carlito to retain the ECW Title: B- [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] 'From the Ashes' will air tonight marking the 3d PPV show to have aired on DirecTV. Rumor has it that Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling don't have too long left to impress the DirecTV executives into extended the PPV run. With dangerously low buyrate over the last two weeks, it's going to take a major increase to save any change of a deal. However, PW are currently in talks with local TV execs about branching the PPV show onto TV, and knowing Eric Bischoff, he won't rest until he has some form of media outlet for Phoenix Wrestling. '[B]From the Ashes[/B]' Card [B]Singles Match[/B] Sean O'Haire v ?? What lies in store for the PW Heavyweight Champion? [B]Tag Match[/B] Canadian Stampede v High Flying Animals Can these two final finish a match without it ending outside of the ring, or a DQ? [B]PW Octogon Match[/B] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay [/QUOTE]
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