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[B]Wednesday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 9,152 at RICHO Coliseum, Ontario 2,543,012 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Regal d. Cade, Gunner, Nicky: C- [*]Charlie Hass d. Snitsky: C- [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Mitch & Micky: C+ [*]Carlito d. Super Crazy, Jesse to retain the WWE Interncontinental Title: C [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B [*]John Cena d. Ric Flair: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]John Cena made a shocking return to RAW last night, after losing to Edge last September at Unforgiven, Cena had found himself working for SD! However Cena, still bitter over his lose to Edge decided to 'invade' RAW by himself to attack Edge. General Manager Ric Flair however wasn't having going to let anyone run free on his show and demanded that if Cena wanted to be on RAW he was going to have to fight him tonight. [/LIST] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 9,844 at King George V, Maritimes 450,702 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER]Ashley d. Kelly Kelly: E Sabu d. Ken Shamrock, Bob Holly: C Finley d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C Big Show d. Carlito to retain the ECW Title: B- [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] 'From the Ashes' will air tonight marking the 3d PPV show to have aired on DirecTV. Rumor has it that Eric Bischoff and Phoenix Wrestling don't have too long left to impress the DirecTV executives into extended the PPV run. With dangerously low buyrate over the last two weeks, it's going to take a major increase to save any change of a deal. However, PW are currently in talks with local TV execs about branching the PPV show onto TV, and knowing Eric Bischoff, he won't rest until he has some form of media outlet for Phoenix Wrestling. '[B]From the Ashes[/B]' Card [B]Singles Match[/B] Sean O'Haire v ?? What lies in store for the PW Heavyweight Champion? [B]Tag Match[/B] Canadian Stampede v High Flying Animals Can these two final finish a match without it ending outside of the ring, or a DQ? [B]PW Octogon Match[/B] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="DimGray"]Dark Matches Taka V Dallas Hart TAKA Michinoku defeated Dallas Hart in 6:36 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. [SIZE="2"]A good first match for the young Dallas Hart in PW, against a good opponant in Taka, who very willinly helped Dallas in the ring and gave him something to use as an excuse why he lost, by cheating to win.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: D [CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes'[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE! from Arthur Ashe Arena, Richmond Virginia (5,000 in Attendace) [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Hello and welcome to Phoenix Wrestling's 'From the Ashes' LIVE ON PPV! [COLOR="Red"]Bischoff cuts off midsentance distracted by someone running at the announce position.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/GlennGilberti.jpg[/IMG] [B]??[/B] - Bischoff! BISCHOFF! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Is that.. Glenn Gilberti?[/COLOR] [B]Gilberti [/B]- Bischoff you owe me! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Oh boy, what a way to ruin the start of a show, security remove him from the arena...[/COLOR] [B]Gilberti[/B] - Bischoff, you owe me a promise you made years ago, in another promotion. You promoised me that I would be the top dog, that I would get a title shot, you promised me Bischoff, you promised it, to good old Glenn. Well here I am to claim that promise. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Let me punch him, LET ME PUNCH HIM HARD![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Gilberti, you think I'm just going to give you a title shot. You think you jump over the barrier, invade the air time I've paid for, and demand a title shot in a promotion you don't even work for? [B]Gilberti[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Throw good old Glenn a bone Bischoff, you ruined me, you made job for you week in and week out in that stupid disco dance suit.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Haha tell you what, because I feel sorry for you, if you turn up next week I'll give you a match. I'll give you the chance to win a contract. [B]Gilberti[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'll be there![/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C [COLOR="Red"]The security finally restrain Glenn Gilberti and remove him from the arena.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - I'm sorry about that folks, where were we... oh yeah. Welcome to 'From the Ashes' LIVE ON PPV.... [COLOR="Red"]Before Bischoff can finish someone has charged into the announce table from behind the camera and started to attack Al Snow with viscous Singapor Cane Shots to the head.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - What the... [COLOR="Red"]The attacker turns around, faces the camera screaming, before grabbing it and continuing to attack Al Snow.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - ... SECURITY! Folks, I'm sorry about this. [COLOR="Red"]Security finally make their way to the announce position having just escorted Glenn Gilberti out of the arena. They engage the attacker who starts swinging wildly with his cane. He stops and removes his mask, as a back up camera man takes up a position to cover the action, to reveal....[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]BBB[/B] - TOMMY.... [B]Bischoff [/B]- ....[COLOR="Blue"]DREAMER! GET HIM OUT OUTTA HERE! And get the paramedics down here to see to Al Snow.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Security finally remove Tommy Dreamer from the announce position with some effort.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Bischoff[/B] - Folks, I'm sorry about what you've just had to see here at the start of the show. I'm not sure how those morons got past security but we'll be looking into. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Unbelievable, did you see those cane shots...[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - I'm totally lost here, I've lost my notes, I can't hear what backstage are saying... just.. just go to the first match. [B] Triple Threat Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlexWright.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] Alex Wright v Xavier v Trent Acid Alex Wright defeated Xavier and Trent Acid in 8:37 when Alex Wright defeated Trent Acid by pinfall following interference from Hernandez. [B]Rating[/B]: E [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Acid remains in the ring, slowly getting up from the attack and grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Acid[/B] - Hernandez you idiot, you think I'm just going to let a blindside attack like that go by. Hell you might have beat me last week in that Street Fight, but I'm not afraid of another beating, if it means getting my hands on you. I'll see you next week on 'From the Ashes', and you better be ready for fight. [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut back to the announce position that has been remade, noticably there is a security gaurd standing nearby.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Folks, once again I must apologise for what happened earlier. If you're wondering where Al Snow is, well, he was brutally attacked at the start of the show by Tommy Dreamer. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Man, I can't believe it. DID YOU HEAR THOSE CAN SHOTS?[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Truely was unbelieve Bigelow. Er, we're trying to get back to business right now, as I'd like to show to you guys, what the next two fighters will be battling it out for. Its PW Octogon Title! The only way to win it, is to step into the caged ring, you see now being constructed and fight it out against another man. [B]Rating[/B]: B [B]BBB[/B] - Oh man is it that time already? Karelin and Terkay, these guys hammer each other harder then anyone I've ever seen before. THEN THEY COME BACK NEXT WEEK AND ASK FOR MORE! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]It truely is amazing, these two guys are real tough guys.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]PW Octogon Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay Sylvester Terkay defeated Alexander Karelin in 4:39 by pinfall with an Invert DDT Bomb. [B]Rating[/B]: E [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's make their way to the ring, to somewhat of a pop from the crowd.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Its time again to get down and boogie, with me D-Ray3000 and my man Norman Smiley! [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaay![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilaay... [B]Smiley[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"] Smilaaaay[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - You know we're the #1 team, we have more wins the other team in Phoenix Wrestling. Yet each and every week we have to watch as two others team with lesser abilities in the ring and the dance floor get to fight it out for the title. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]We want somea action....[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Action... [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]AcHHHHHIIIIon![/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]D-Ray[/B] - That's why we've came down here tonight to... [B]Smiley [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]STOP! SMiley time![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley starts to dance leaving D-Ray looking a little confused.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilaaay, Smilaay let me finish... anyone out the back want to step into the ring with two Cool Dancing Mofos... now we dance! [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's dance in the ring as they wait for their opponants. Familiar music starts to play, yet its not familiar in the sense that its been heard in Phoenix Wrestling before. [/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - NO WAY! Is it... [COLOR="Red"]The Nasty Boyz make their way down the ramp with chairs in their hands.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - IT IS! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]THE NASTY BOYZ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]BBB[/B] - I don't think those Crazy Dumb Mofo's know what they're in for right now. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You never know, perhaps the Nasty Boyz will knock some rythmn into them.[/COLOR] [B]BBB [/B]- I was hoping more they'd knock them unconcious but hey... [B]Rating[/B]: C [B] Tag Team Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG] Cool Dancing Mofos v The Nasty Boyz Cool Dancing Mofos defeated Nasty Boyz in 2:55 when Brian Knobbs was disqualified while fighting Norman Smiley. [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well you can take The Nasty Boyz out of Hardcore, but you can't take the Hardcore out of The Nasty Boyz! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Look at those idiots, the Mofos. Norman Smiley has just had a chair slapped across his face, and yet his dancing in the middle of the ring celebrating the win. I bet he doesn't even know where he is right now.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Probably thinks he back in 1970 on some dance floor somewhere. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]OOOOH YEAH, GO SAGGS, AIM FOR THE HEAD![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Nasty Boyz looked angry at being DQ'd for using a chair during the match and attack the Cool Dancing Mofo's with more chair shots.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff [/B]- We've got some news folks, Al Snow is backstage with the paramedics. Al, are you ok? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm a little out of it right now, but I'm going to be back next week like none of this happened, as that's who I am.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff [/B]- That's good to hear Al, you know who attacked you right? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]No, I ain't got a clue, all I remember was, er, a masked man attacking me. You guys find out who it was?[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - It was Tommy Dreamer. [COLOR="Red"]Al Snow looks away from the camera, a little unsure and shocked.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - That was Al Snow, backstage recovering with the medics after being attacked by Tommy Dreamer at the start of the show. We... [COLOR="Red"] Bischoff is cut short as Ron Killings' music plays and he makes his way down to the ring.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B]Killings[/B] - You know what it is... I'm sick. I'm Pissed. I'm damn near ready to flip. I've been with this promotion 3 weeks... 3 GOD DAMN WEEKS, and I've had 1 match. 1 match which I lost. OH right, it was a title shot, but have I had another look in since then. HELL NO! Have I had another match since then. HEEEEEEELLLL NO! So what do I hear when I arrive tonight, that next week, I'm going to fight some no body, no good Italian, because Bischoff owes him a favour.... HELL NO! I ain't nobodies whipping boy. I'm RON KILLINGS. [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B]Killings [/B]- Hell, I'll fight anyone right now, that ain't some greasy Italian, and I'll whip them pillow to post. Come on, there must be some idiot back there with a death wish... [COLOR="Red"]Simon Diamond's music plays as he makes his way to the top of the ramp. Then runs down to the ring.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B]Singles Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG] Ron Killings v Simon Diamond Ron Killings defeated Simon Diamond in 12:35 by pinfall with a True Conviction. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]It could have been such a good match, but sadly, Killings and Diamond just didn't click at all in the ring.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well that was certinaly a little outspoken. But no matter how much Killings complains, he better remember who's paying his bills around here... he'll be fighting Gilberti next week, that's for sure, hell, if he has such a problem about it, we'll make it a contract v contract match. If Killings loses; he's out, if Gilberti wins; he's in. [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire's music plays as he makes his way down to the ring with the title over his shoulder, looking composed and in control, despite the boo's going around the arena.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [B]O'Haire[/B] - There's no one. NO! ONE! Haha, this title's mine and only mine. That's twice I've beat Tito, and I won't have to fight him anymore, why would I want to fight anyone who doesn't have the ability to beat me, why would I want to lesser myself in such a way. Why would anyone pray on the weak, would it be for the power trip, could it be to feel better about themselves. Yeah, I get a feeling everyone in this arena would very easily pray on the week if they had the chance. But then.. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... right? [COLOR="Red"]More boo's go around the arena as a small Tito chant starts up.[/COLOR] [B]O'Haire[/B] - hahaha. TITO! TITO! TITO! You can stop that, I'm not fighting Tito, its 2-0. But I tell you what, since I'm a generious champion, unlike the BS champions you get else where, I'll defend my title tonight for you, as I'd like to think of myself as somewhat a people person like that. So I'll defend my title against anyone I haven't already beaten in this promotion. RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. COME ON, STEP UP AND FIGHT YOUR CHAMPION! [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [COLOR="Red"]Music plays as out steps...[/COLOR] [B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG] Bischoff[/B] - MARC MERO! [B]BBB[/B] - How are these hobos getting into the Arena tonight! [B] Rating[/B]: B- [B] PW Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] Marc Mero v Sean O'Haire Marc Mero defeated Sean O'Haire in 9:38 when Sean O'Haire was disqualified when Tito Ortiz ran in and attacked Marc Mero. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Mero and O'Haire ripped the arena apart in the 10minutes or so they fought each other. They clicked well in the ring and put on a good matched with a mixed amount of brawler and technical moves. It has to be said for someone pushing 40 Marc Mero was looking in good shape this match.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Bischoff[/B] - We have to go, I'm sorry, but we have to go! [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut off as the 3 men brawl it out in the ring as the crowd cheer on.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: B- [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+
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[COLOR="DimGray"]Dark Matches Taka V Dallas Hart TAKA Michinoku defeated Dallas Hart in 6:36 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. [SIZE="2"]A good first match for the young Dallas Hart in PW, against a good opponant in Taka, who very willinly helped Dallas in the ring and gave him something to use as an excuse why he lost, by cheating to win.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: D [CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling 'From the Ashes'[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/FromtheAshes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE! from Arthur Ashe Arena, Richmond Virginia (5,000 in Attendace) [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Arenas/arthurashe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Hello and welcome to Phoenix Wrestling's 'From the Ashes' LIVE ON PPV! [COLOR="Red"]Bischoff cuts off midsentance distracted by someone running at the announce position.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/GlennGilberti.jpg[/IMG] [B]??[/B] - Bischoff! BISCHOFF! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Is that.. Glenn Gilberti?[/COLOR] [B]Gilberti [/B]- Bischoff you owe me! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Oh boy, what a way to ruin the start of a show, security remove him from the arena...[/COLOR] [B]Gilberti[/B] - Bischoff, you owe me a promise you made years ago, in another promotion. You promoised me that I would be the top dog, that I would get a title shot, you promised me Bischoff, you promised it, to good old Glenn. Well here I am to claim that promise. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Let me punch him, LET ME PUNCH HIM HARD![/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Gilberti, you think I'm just going to give you a title shot. You think you jump over the barrier, invade the air time I've paid for, and demand a title shot in a promotion you don't even work for? [B]Gilberti[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Throw good old Glenn a bone Bischoff, you ruined me, you made job for you week in and week out in that stupid disco dance suit.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Haha tell you what, because I feel sorry for you, if you turn up next week I'll give you a match. I'll give you the chance to win a contract. [B]Gilberti[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'll be there![/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C [COLOR="Red"]The security finally restrain Glenn Gilberti and remove him from the arena.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - I'm sorry about that folks, where were we... oh yeah. Welcome to 'From the Ashes' LIVE ON PPV.... [COLOR="Red"]Before Bischoff can finish someone has charged into the announce table from behind the camera and started to attack Al Snow with viscous Singapor Cane Shots to the head.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - What the... [COLOR="Red"]The attacker turns around, faces the camera screaming, before grabbing it and continuing to attack Al Snow.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - ... SECURITY! Folks, I'm sorry about this. [COLOR="Red"]Security finally make their way to the announce position having just escorted Glenn Gilberti out of the arena. They engage the attacker who starts swinging wildly with his cane. He stops and removes his mask, as a back up camera man takes up a position to cover the action, to reveal....[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]BBB[/B] - TOMMY.... [B]Bischoff [/B]- ....[COLOR="Blue"]DREAMER! GET HIM OUT OUTTA HERE! And get the paramedics down here to see to Al Snow.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Security finally remove Tommy Dreamer from the announce position with some effort.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]Bischoff[/B] - Folks, I'm sorry about what you've just had to see here at the start of the show. I'm not sure how those morons got past security but we'll be looking into. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Unbelievable, did you see those cane shots...[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - I'm totally lost here, I've lost my notes, I can't hear what backstage are saying... just.. just go to the first match. [B] Triple Threat Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlexWright.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/Xavier.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] Alex Wright v Xavier v Trent Acid Alex Wright defeated Xavier and Trent Acid in 8:37 when Alex Wright defeated Trent Acid by pinfall following interference from Hernandez. [B]Rating[/B]: E [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/HotstuffHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Acid remains in the ring, slowly getting up from the attack and grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Acid[/B] - Hernandez you idiot, you think I'm just going to let a blindside attack like that go by. Hell you might have beat me last week in that Street Fight, but I'm not afraid of another beating, if it means getting my hands on you. I'll see you next week on 'From the Ashes', and you better be ready for fight. [B]Rating[/B]: D [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut back to the announce position that has been remade, noticably there is a security gaurd standing nearby.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Folks, once again I must apologise for what happened earlier. If you're wondering where Al Snow is, well, he was brutally attacked at the start of the show by Tommy Dreamer. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Man, I can't believe it. DID YOU HEAR THOSE CAN SHOTS?[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Truely was unbelieve Bigelow. Er, we're trying to get back to business right now, as I'd like to show to you guys, what the next two fighters will be battling it out for. Its PW Octogon Title! The only way to win it, is to step into the caged ring, you see now being constructed and fight it out against another man. [B]Rating[/B]: B [B]BBB[/B] - Oh man is it that time already? Karelin and Terkay, these guys hammer each other harder then anyone I've ever seen before. THEN THEY COME BACK NEXT WEEK AND ASK FOR MORE! [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]It truely is amazing, these two guys are real tough guys.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]PW Octogon Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AleksandrKarelin.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SylvesterTerkay.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Karelin v Sylvester Terkay Sylvester Terkay defeated Alexander Karelin in 4:39 by pinfall with an Invert DDT Bomb. [B]Rating[/B]: E [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's make their way to the ring, to somewhat of a pop from the crowd.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Its time again to get down and boogie, with me D-Ray3000 and my man Norman Smiley! [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smilaaay![/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilaay... [B]Smiley[/B] -[COLOR="Blue"] Smilaaaay[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - You know we're the #1 team, we have more wins the other team in Phoenix Wrestling. Yet each and every week we have to watch as two others team with lesser abilities in the ring and the dance floor get to fight it out for the title. [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]We want somea action....[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Action... [B]Smiley[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]AcHHHHHIIIIon![/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B]D-Ray[/B] - That's why we've came down here tonight to... [B]Smiley [/B]- [COLOR="Blue"]STOP! SMiley time![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Norman Smiley starts to dance leaving D-Ray looking a little confused.[/COLOR] [B]D-Ray[/B] - Smilaaay, Smilaay let me finish... anyone out the back want to step into the ring with two Cool Dancing Mofos... now we dance! [COLOR="Red"]Cool Dancing Mofo's dance in the ring as they wait for their opponants. Familiar music starts to play, yet its not familiar in the sense that its been heard in Phoenix Wrestling before. [/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - NO WAY! Is it... [COLOR="Red"]The Nasty Boyz make their way down the ramp with chairs in their hands.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff[/B] - IT IS! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]THE NASTY BOYZ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]BBB[/B] - I don't think those Crazy Dumb Mofo's know what they're in for right now. [B]Bischoff[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]You never know, perhaps the Nasty Boyz will knock some rythmn into them.[/COLOR] [B]BBB [/B]- I was hoping more they'd knock them unconcious but hey... [B]Rating[/B]: C [B] Tag Team Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/D-Ray3000.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG] Cool Dancing Mofos v The Nasty Boyz Cool Dancing Mofos defeated Nasty Boyz in 2:55 when Brian Knobbs was disqualified while fighting Norman Smiley. [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well you can take The Nasty Boyz out of Hardcore, but you can't take the Hardcore out of The Nasty Boyz! [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]Look at those idiots, the Mofos. Norman Smiley has just had a chair slapped across his face, and yet his dancing in the middle of the ring celebrating the win. I bet he doesn't even know where he is right now.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff[/B] - Probably thinks he back in 1970 on some dance floor somewhere. [B]BBB[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]OOOOH YEAH, GO SAGGS, AIM FOR THE HEAD![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Nasty Boyz looked angry at being DQ'd for using a chair during the match and attack the Cool Dancing Mofo's with more chair shots.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BamBamBigelow2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/AlSnow2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff [/B]- We've got some news folks, Al Snow is backstage with the paramedics. Al, are you ok? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]I'm a little out of it right now, but I'm going to be back next week like none of this happened, as that's who I am.[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff [/B]- That's good to hear Al, you know who attacked you right? [B]Snow[/B] - [COLOR="Blue"]No, I ain't got a clue, all I remember was, er, a masked man attacking me. You guys find out who it was?[/COLOR] [B]BBB[/B] - It was Tommy Dreamer. [COLOR="Red"]Al Snow looks away from the camera, a little unsure and shocked.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: E [B]Bischoff[/B] - That was Al Snow, backstage recovering with the medics after being attacked by Tommy Dreamer at the start of the show. We... [COLOR="Red"] Bischoff is cut short as Ron Killings' music plays and he makes his way down to the ring.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B]Killings[/B] - You know what it is... I'm sick. I'm Pissed. I'm damn near ready to flip. I've been with this promotion 3 weeks... 3 GOD DAMN WEEKS, and I've had 1 match. 1 match which I lost. OH right, it was a title shot, but have I had another look in since then. HELL NO! Have I had another match since then. HEEEEEEELLLL NO! So what do I hear when I arrive tonight, that next week, I'm going to fight some no body, no good Italian, because Bischoff owes him a favour.... HELL NO! I ain't nobodies whipping boy. I'm RON KILLINGS. [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B]Killings [/B]- Hell, I'll fight anyone right now, that ain't some greasy Italian, and I'll whip them pillow to post. Come on, there must be some idiot back there with a death wish... [COLOR="Red"]Simon Diamond's music plays as he makes his way to the top of the ramp. Then runs down to the ring.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B]Singles Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG] Ron Killings v Simon Diamond Ron Killings defeated Simon Diamond in 12:35 by pinfall with a True Conviction. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]It could have been such a good match, but sadly, Killings and Diamond just didn't click at all in the ring.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Rating[/B]: C [B]Bischoff[/B] - Well that was certinaly a little outspoken. But no matter how much Killings complains, he better remember who's paying his bills around here... he'll be fighting Gilberti next week, that's for sure, hell, if he has such a problem about it, we'll make it a contract v contract match. If Killings loses; he's out, if Gilberti wins; he's in. [COLOR="Red"]Sean O'Haire's music plays as he makes his way down to the ring with the title over his shoulder, looking composed and in control, despite the boo's going around the arena.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [B]O'Haire[/B] - There's no one. NO! ONE! Haha, this title's mine and only mine. That's twice I've beat Tito, and I won't have to fight him anymore, why would I want to fight anyone who doesn't have the ability to beat me, why would I want to lesser myself in such a way. Why would anyone pray on the weak, would it be for the power trip, could it be to feel better about themselves. Yeah, I get a feeling everyone in this arena would very easily pray on the week if they had the chance. But then.. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... right? [COLOR="Red"]More boo's go around the arena as a small Tito chant starts up.[/COLOR] [B]O'Haire[/B] - hahaha. TITO! TITO! TITO! You can stop that, I'm not fighting Tito, its 2-0. But I tell you what, since I'm a generious champion, unlike the BS champions you get else where, I'll defend my title tonight for you, as I'd like to think of myself as somewhat a people person like that. So I'll defend my title against anyone I haven't already beaten in this promotion. RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. COME ON, STEP UP AND FIGHT YOUR CHAMPION! [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [COLOR="Red"]Music plays as out steps...[/COLOR] [B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG] Bischoff[/B] - MARC MERO! [B]BBB[/B] - How are these hobos getting into the Arena tonight! [B] Rating[/B]: B- [B] PW Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG]v[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] Marc Mero v Sean O'Haire Marc Mero defeated Sean O'Haire in 9:38 when Sean O'Haire was disqualified when Tito Ortiz ran in and attacked Marc Mero. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Mero and O'Haire ripped the arena apart in the 10minutes or so they fought each other. They clicked well in the ring and put on a good matched with a mixed amount of brawler and technical moves. It has to be said for someone pushing 40 Marc Mero was looking in good shape this match.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Bischoff[/B] - We have to go, I'm sorry, but we have to go! [COLOR="Red"]The cameras cut off as the 3 men brawl it out in the ring as the crowd cheer on.[/COLOR] [B]Rating[/B]: B- [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+
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[B]Thursday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=WrestlingOberserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] PW aired their 3rd and last (see below) PPV on DirecTV last night obtaining a buyrate of 1,743, the lowest of the 3 events, however the show itself was arguably the best show. It started off with two seperate run ins, one for Glenn Gilberti (who once wrestled as 'Disco Inferno' for wCw under Eric Bischoff almost 10 years ago) who demanded that Bischoff payed up the favour he was owed for the years of loyalty and jobbing Gilberti had to endure in wCw. Then just as security were taking Gilberti away a masked attacker climbed over the security rails and nailed Al Snow with a Singapor Cane, after several minutes of attacking, it was revealed it was none other then Tommy Dreamer. It was to set the tone of the shoe perfectly with two other surprise appearences by wrestlers of yesteryear; the Nasty Boyz and Marc Mero both appeared and wrestled and recieved good reactions from the crowd. Could it be that Eric Bischoff and PW have finally resorted to 'old and over' stars to help spread their popularity? Or were these appearances just one offs? At the moment its unclear, and we're not sure if we'll ever find out. As mentioned earlier last nights 'From the Ashes III' was the last PPV as DirecTV decided to not offer PW an extended contract to air their product due to falling buyrates and not having a marketable product. HOWEVER, we here at WrestlingObserver very much doubt this will be the last we see or hear from Phoenix Wrestling. [B]From the Ashes III[/B] card: [CENTER][B]Alex Wright d. Trent Acid, Xavier[/B]: E [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]A none reaction from the crowd, it almost seemed as people had forgot who Alex Wright was, despite him being a mainstay on US Television for almost 5 years in wCw. There was a slight reaction when Hernandez ran in and attacked Trent Acid, helping Alex Wright pick up the win.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sylvester Terkay d. Alexander Karelin[/B]: E [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]Despite Terkay and Karelin putting on great matches, they just can't seem to get the crowd interested in them. There is a feeling spreading that the fans don't want to see so many MMA fighters in wrestling and that if they wanted to see such bouts they'd be watching UFC or Pride. If this fued is dropped there is hope for Terkay however, as he does seem to be able to hold a decent promo as shown after this match.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Cool Dancing Mofos d. Nasty Boyz[/B]: C [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]What a reaction the Nasty Boyz recieved for their surprise appearance to answer the Cool Dancing Mofo's open challenge. Many feel it should have been bigger, but the crowd had been quiet most of the night due to the poor matches before hand. It should be noted however that the appearance of the Nasty Boyz was the turning point for the show, as everything seemed to pick up after they appeared, both the crowd and the shows direction.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Ron Killings d. Simon Diamond[/B]: C [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]Killings had cut a killer promo before the match in which he appeared to be genuinly angry at how he was being treated in Phoenix Wrestling, even more so considering he had been booked at the start of the show to face a none contracted worker on the next show. The match with Diamond however didn't live up to the potential it could have had, the two just didn't seem to click at all in the ring. That said however, the crowd do seem to be getting behind Ron Killings.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sean O'Haire d. Marc Mero[/B]: B- [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]The best match of the night and so far in PW's short history. It just felt like a main event seeing Marc Mero in the ring again, he may not have been seen on our screens for little over 4 years or so but Marc Mero still has the presence of someone famous... and he still has the in ring ability to back it up. Interesting side note here: Marc Mero wrestled as Johnny B. Badd in wCw, so it is possible that Eric Bischoff is somewhat a fan of Marc Mero's and could appear in PW again in the future.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Thursday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=WrestlingOberserver.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B] PW aired their 3rd and last (see below) PPV on DirecTV last night obtaining a buyrate of 1,743, the lowest of the 3 events, however the show itself was arguably the best show. It started off with two seperate run ins, one for Glenn Gilberti (who once wrestled as 'Disco Inferno' for wCw under Eric Bischoff almost 10 years ago) who demanded that Bischoff payed up the favour he was owed for the years of loyalty and jobbing Gilberti had to endure in wCw. Then just as security were taking Gilberti away a masked attacker climbed over the security rails and nailed Al Snow with a Singapor Cane, after several minutes of attacking, it was revealed it was none other then Tommy Dreamer. It was to set the tone of the shoe perfectly with two other surprise appearences by wrestlers of yesteryear; the Nasty Boyz and Marc Mero both appeared and wrestled and recieved good reactions from the crowd. Could it be that Eric Bischoff and PW have finally resorted to 'old and over' stars to help spread their popularity? Or were these appearances just one offs? At the moment its unclear, and we're not sure if we'll ever find out. As mentioned earlier last nights 'From the Ashes III' was the last PPV as DirecTV decided to not offer PW an extended contract to air their product due to falling buyrates and not having a marketable product. HOWEVER, we here at WrestlingObserver very much doubt this will be the last we see or hear from Phoenix Wrestling. [B]From the Ashes III[/B] card: [CENTER][B]Alex Wright d. Trent Acid, Xavier[/B]: E [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]A none reaction from the crowd, it almost seemed as people had forgot who Alex Wright was, despite him being a mainstay on US Television for almost 5 years in wCw. There was a slight reaction when Hernandez ran in and attacked Trent Acid, helping Alex Wright pick up the win.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sylvester Terkay d. Alexander Karelin[/B]: E [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]Despite Terkay and Karelin putting on great matches, they just can't seem to get the crowd interested in them. There is a feeling spreading that the fans don't want to see so many MMA fighters in wrestling and that if they wanted to see such bouts they'd be watching UFC or Pride. If this fued is dropped there is hope for Terkay however, as he does seem to be able to hold a decent promo as shown after this match.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Cool Dancing Mofos d. Nasty Boyz[/B]: C [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]What a reaction the Nasty Boyz recieved for their surprise appearance to answer the Cool Dancing Mofo's open challenge. Many feel it should have been bigger, but the crowd had been quiet most of the night due to the poor matches before hand. It should be noted however that the appearance of the Nasty Boyz was the turning point for the show, as everything seemed to pick up after they appeared, both the crowd and the shows direction.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Ron Killings d. Simon Diamond[/B]: C [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]Killings had cut a killer promo before the match in which he appeared to be genuinly angry at how he was being treated in Phoenix Wrestling, even more so considering he had been booked at the start of the show to face a none contracted worker on the next show. The match with Diamond however didn't live up to the potential it could have had, the two just didn't seem to click at all in the ring. That said however, the crowd do seem to be getting behind Ron Killings.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sean O'Haire d. Marc Mero[/B]: B- [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Gray"]The best match of the night and so far in PW's short history. It just felt like a main event seeing Marc Mero in the ring again, he may not have been seen on our screens for little over 4 years or so but Marc Mero still has the presence of someone famous... and he still has the in ring ability to back it up. Interesting side note here: Marc Mero wrestled as Johnny B. Badd in wCw, so it is possible that Eric Bischoff is somewhat a fan of Marc Mero's and could appear in PW again in the future.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Saturday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 5,000 at State Fairground Pavallion, North West 447,829 on SpikeTV! [CENTER]Johnny Devine went double count out with Matt Bentley: C+ Chris Sabin d. A1: C+ Brother Runt d. Homicide to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ Simon Diamond & Petey Williams d. Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt: C+ Scott Steiner d. Christian Cage: C+ Samoa Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA.COM[/SIZE][/B] How many more title shots will AJ Styles have? Well that's up to Samoa Joe who since winning the NWA Heavyweight Title vowed to take on all challengers no matter who and no matter where! Who will Joe face next, find out next week on iMPACT! [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 9,402 at King George V, The Maritimes 519,462 on CW Network [CENTER]Kane d. Jamie Noble, Kid Kash: C+ Steve Austin d. Jesse: C Justin Credible d. Ashley, Davairi, Scott Hall: C- Bob Holly d. Trevor Murdoch: C- Finley d. Test to retain the WWE US Title: C- Big Show d. RVD to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/QUOTE][/CENTER] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]New Season[/B] TV Networks across the globe are looking to pick up new shows and renew old ones as the new season beckons around the corner. Rumour has it that there has been alot of interest by various networks regarding having wrestling on their timetables. New Shows [LIST] [*]3CW Featured Attraction - ITV3, UK [*]ASW Squared Circle - Local TV, Scotland [*]FWA Battering Ram - Local TV, Midlands, UK [*]PW Karnage - MASN, Mid Atlantic, US [*]Stampede Wrestling Total Wrestling - NHK World TV, US, Can, Mex [/LIST] [B]The Return of Turner[/B] No sooner was his no competition clause over has Ted Turner strangely returned the world of professional wrestling. Having agreed a contract with Canadian based Stampede Wrestling - a promotion that has long been associated with the Hart Family. At this time its not clear what Turner's role will be within the company, but whatever it is, it can't be good news for Vince McMahon. Many are suggesting that Turner wants to claim a strong grip on Canada and make Stampede Wrestling the premier promotion, developing a strong home market before, once again, going for Vince McMahon and WWE. No one from SW or WWE were available for comment on this subject. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Saturday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=TNAwrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 5,000 at State Fairground Pavallion, North West 447,829 on SpikeTV! [CENTER]Johnny Devine went double count out with Matt Bentley: C+ Chris Sabin d. A1: C+ Brother Runt d. Homicide to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ Simon Diamond & Petey Williams d. Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt: C+ Scott Steiner d. Christian Cage: C+ Samoa Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA.COM[/SIZE][/B] How many more title shots will AJ Styles have? Well that's up to Samoa Joe who since winning the NWA Heavyweight Title vowed to take on all challengers no matter who and no matter where! Who will Joe face next, find out next week on iMPACT! [QUOTE=WWE.COM][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 9,402 at King George V, The Maritimes 519,462 on CW Network [CENTER]Kane d. Jamie Noble, Kid Kash: C+ Steve Austin d. Jesse: C Justin Credible d. Ashley, Davairi, Scott Hall: C- Bob Holly d. Trevor Murdoch: C- Finley d. Test to retain the WWE US Title: C- Big Show d. RVD to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/QUOTE][/CENTER] [QUOTE=BeyondWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/bwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]New Season[/B] TV Networks across the globe are looking to pick up new shows and renew old ones as the new season beckons around the corner. Rumour has it that there has been alot of interest by various networks regarding having wrestling on their timetables. New Shows [LIST] [*]3CW Featured Attraction - ITV3, UK [*]ASW Squared Circle - Local TV, Scotland [*]FWA Battering Ram - Local TV, Midlands, UK [*]PW Karnage - MASN, Mid Atlantic, US [*]Stampede Wrestling Total Wrestling - NHK World TV, US, Can, Mex [/LIST] [B]The Return of Turner[/B] No sooner was his no competition clause over has Ted Turner strangely returned the world of professional wrestling. Having agreed a contract with Canadian based Stampede Wrestling - a promotion that has long been associated with the Hart Family. At this time its not clear what Turner's role will be within the company, but whatever it is, it can't be good news for Vince McMahon. Many are suggesting that Turner wants to claim a strong grip on Canada and make Stampede Wrestling the premier promotion, developing a strong home market before, once again, going for Vince McMahon and WWE. No one from SW or WWE were available for comment on this subject. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Sunday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/pwnews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TV DEAL![/B] Phoenix Wrestling is proud to announce we have striken a deal with WASN to broadcast a 1hour show starting in the Spring, aired live from 11pm-12am. However we here at Phoenix Wrestling aren't one to just lay down, as once the show on MASN has finished airing, on the stroke of midnight our fans will be able to download a special 30min show as well. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TV%20Logos/MASN.jpg[/IMG] We'd like to thank our friends at MASN and DirecTV for having faith in us to produce the best in Wrestling Entertainment for our fans in the region. [B]Depatures[/B] [B]Pete Gurner[/B] and [B]Devon Storm[/B] have been released from their Phoenix Wrestling contracts due to a mutual agreement between both parties. We'd like to wish both Pete and Devon all the best with their future. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WSX.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wrestling Society X[/B] Despite many thinking that WSX has been succesful gaining many followers and watchers over the last 4 months, it was announced today that MTV would not be renewing the program into the Spring Season, and has dropped the TV show from their lineup. At this time it isn't clear weather MTV will pick the show back up in future, or weather WSX will continue independatly from MTV and without their financial backing. Many were surprised how long WSX lasted, with many in the business and many fans expecting it to have not passed the trial screening 'episode' it aired way back last November. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [b]Phoenix Wrestling[/b] Mid Atlantic Sports Network and Phoenix Wrestling have came to an agreement over broadcasting a Phoenix Wrestling show on their channel with a 1 season contract drawn up to start in the Spring Season, with an option to extend if the viewing figures are good. It should be noted that MASN do have ties with PW's former PPV carrier DirecTV, it is unsure at this time if DirecTV put in a good word towards PW (considering the buyrates they recieved for PW were rather low), though it is thought Eric Bischoff pushed heavily for the deal to go through. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] The release of Pete Gurner (Billy Kidman) and Devon Storm is unclear at the time, though it's said that there is no bad blood between the wrestlers and the promotion. It's thought they were allowed to go to pursue other interest as there was no real program for them in Phoenix Wrestling at the time. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG] It's thought that the introduction of Marc Mero and the Nasty Boyz on PW's last PPV was at the request of DirecTV for more drawable stars to the roster. However this rumour should be down played as it's questionable that anyone at DirecTV would actually know who Marc Mero and the Nasty Boyz actually are due to the long lack of activity and how little either were over back in their glory days. It's more believable that Eric Bischoff has a soft spot for Mero and the Nasty Boyz and see's them as a 'cheaper' alternative to some of the bigger drawing stars on the market at this time. It wouldn't be a surprise if we saw Bischoff pull in some more older 'over' talent in the future, now he has a weekly TV show lined up in the Spring. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Sunday Week1 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PhoenixWrestling.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/pwnews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TV DEAL![/B] Phoenix Wrestling is proud to announce we have striken a deal with WASN to broadcast a 1hour show starting in the Spring, aired live from 11pm-12am. However we here at Phoenix Wrestling aren't one to just lay down, as once the show on MASN has finished airing, on the stroke of midnight our fans will be able to download a special 30min show as well. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TV%20Logos/MASN.jpg[/IMG] We'd like to thank our friends at MASN and DirecTV for having faith in us to produce the best in Wrestling Entertainment for our fans in the region. [B]Depatures[/B] [B]Pete Gurner[/B] and [B]Devon Storm[/B] have been released from their Phoenix Wrestling contracts due to a mutual agreement between both parties. We'd like to wish both Pete and Devon all the best with their future. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/header_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WSX.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wrestling Society X[/B] Despite many thinking that WSX has been succesful gaining many followers and watchers over the last 4 months, it was announced today that MTV would not be renewing the program into the Spring Season, and has dropped the TV show from their lineup. At this time it isn't clear weather MTV will pick the show back up in future, or weather WSX will continue independatly from MTV and without their financial backing. Many were surprised how long WSX lasted, with many in the business and many fans expecting it to have not passed the trial screening 'episode' it aired way back last November. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [b]Phoenix Wrestling[/b] Mid Atlantic Sports Network and Phoenix Wrestling have came to an agreement over broadcasting a Phoenix Wrestling show on their channel with a 1 season contract drawn up to start in the Spring Season, with an option to extend if the viewing figures are good. It should be noted that MASN do have ties with PW's former PPV carrier DirecTV, it is unsure at this time if DirecTV put in a good word towards PW (considering the buyrates they recieved for PW were rather low), though it is thought Eric Bischoff pushed heavily for the deal to go through. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] The release of Pete Gurner (Billy Kidman) and Devon Storm is unclear at the time, though it's said that there is no bad blood between the wrestlers and the promotion. It's thought they were allowed to go to pursue other interest as there was no real program for them in Phoenix Wrestling at the time. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/JerrySaggs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/BrianKnobbs.jpg[/IMG] It's thought that the introduction of Marc Mero and the Nasty Boyz on PW's last PPV was at the request of DirecTV for more drawable stars to the roster. However this rumour should be down played as it's questionable that anyone at DirecTV would actually know who Marc Mero and the Nasty Boyz actually are due to the long lack of activity and how little either were over back in their glory days. It's more believable that Eric Bischoff has a soft spot for Mero and the Nasty Boyz and see's them as a 'cheaper' alternative to some of the bigger drawing stars on the market at this time. It wouldn't be a surprise if we saw Bischoff pull in some more older 'over' talent in the future, now he has a weekly TV show lined up in the Spring. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week2 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/CWA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Championship Wrestling Association[/B] CWA had their first event since Vince Russo took over at the turn of the year. While it was never going to be a surprise that Vince Russo would return to wrestling, many are surprised he's returned as owner of CWA. CWA were ready for a big push across Canada before they lost their NWA status due to greed from the previous owner. Russo, who was last seen in TNA back in 2003, when he was headbooker and leader of S.E.X, has assembled a somewhat ecleptic roster of stars, with names such as ex-WWE and WCW star Lex Lugar, ex-WWE Stars Dalip Singh (Giant Khali), Brian Lawler and Charles Wright (Godfather). Strangely it was decided that Alan Funk would be used as the spearhead figure of the company as he won the CWA Universal Title, with Kurrgan winning the CWA National Title and Singh and Luger winning the CWA Tag Titles. [B]CWA Featured Attraction card[/B]: 152 in attendace at Centre Horizon, Quebec [CENTER][LIST] [*]D.Singh & L. Luger d. Scotty Mac & Chase Stevens to win the CWA National Tag Team Titles: C- [*]Kurrgan d. Osama Alejandro to win the CWA National Title: C- [*]Alex Wright & Brian Lawler d. Andy Douglas & Ftizmorris: C- [*]Alan Funk d. Ron Killings to win the CWA Universal Title: C- [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ron Killings[/B] Is Ron Killings' stock falling fast? So far this year Killings has only managed to pick up 2 victories to his name while massing 7 defeats, 2 of which have came at the hands of Brother Runt and 1 came to the hands of Alan Funk. While some may see this as Killings becoming willing to put over other stars, it's clear to those that have talked to Killings that he is not happy about how he has been booked across the several promotions he's working for. It's understandable that the one time most promosing worker in the indies is getting fustrated at not being pushed or even booked in a way that benefits him, his only title reign was with TNA back in 2005, which only lasted a number of weeks. Those close to Killings are suggesting that he's ready to turn his back on the business, claiming that it was the business that have turned its back on him. Only time will tell if anything is left for Killings. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] TNA put on another action packed Xplosion show last night, considering this show is only 1 hour, and what some would consider the 'B' show, it saw all the titles defended. This is a very bold move by TNA to help establish the second show, however it must be hoped it doesn't distract from their 2 hour main show and PPVs. [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendace at Campanelli Stadium, New England 218,050 on Sun Sports [CENTER]Bobby Roode d. Monty Brown, Simon Diamond: C+ Brother Runt d. Austin Aries to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ Styles & Daniels d. Homicide & Petey Williams to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: C+ Samoa Joe d. Goldberg to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B]: (last weeks ratings) The decline in WWE viewing continues as they suffered a lost of viewers across all 3 brands, this week marking the lowest amount of viewers picked up by Smackdown! in a month. [LIST=1] [*]RAW: 2,543,012 (2,666,647) [*]SD: 519, 462 (564, 941) [*]ECW: 450,702 (453, 690) [*]iMPACT: 447,829 (448,415) [*]Xplosion: 218,050 (228,526) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week2 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/CWA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Championship Wrestling Association[/B] CWA had their first event since Vince Russo took over at the turn of the year. While it was never going to be a surprise that Vince Russo would return to wrestling, many are surprised he's returned as owner of CWA. CWA were ready for a big push across Canada before they lost their NWA status due to greed from the previous owner. Russo, who was last seen in TNA back in 2003, when he was headbooker and leader of S.E.X, has assembled a somewhat ecleptic roster of stars, with names such as ex-WWE and WCW star Lex Lugar, ex-WWE Stars Dalip Singh (Giant Khali), Brian Lawler and Charles Wright (Godfather). Strangely it was decided that Alan Funk would be used as the spearhead figure of the company as he won the CWA Universal Title, with Kurrgan winning the CWA National Title and Singh and Luger winning the CWA Tag Titles. [B]CWA Featured Attraction card[/B]: 152 in attendace at Centre Horizon, Quebec [CENTER][LIST] [*]D.Singh & L. Luger d. Scotty Mac & Chase Stevens to win the CWA National Tag Team Titles: C- [*]Kurrgan d. Osama Alejandro to win the CWA National Title: C- [*]Alex Wright & Brian Lawler d. Andy Douglas & Ftizmorris: C- [*]Alan Funk d. Ron Killings to win the CWA Universal Title: C- [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Wrestlers/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ron Killings[/B] Is Ron Killings' stock falling fast? So far this year Killings has only managed to pick up 2 victories to his name while massing 7 defeats, 2 of which have came at the hands of Brother Runt and 1 came to the hands of Alan Funk. While some may see this as Killings becoming willing to put over other stars, it's clear to those that have talked to Killings that he is not happy about how he has been booked across the several promotions he's working for. It's understandable that the one time most promosing worker in the indies is getting fustrated at not being pushed or even booked in a way that benefits him, his only title reign was with TNA back in 2005, which only lasted a number of weeks. Those close to Killings are suggesting that he's ready to turn his back on the business, claiming that it was the business that have turned its back on him. Only time will tell if anything is left for Killings. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B] TNA put on another action packed Xplosion show last night, considering this show is only 1 hour, and what some would consider the 'B' show, it saw all the titles defended. This is a very bold move by TNA to help establish the second show, however it must be hoped it doesn't distract from their 2 hour main show and PPVs. [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendace at Campanelli Stadium, New England 218,050 on Sun Sports [CENTER]Bobby Roode d. Monty Brown, Simon Diamond: C+ Brother Runt d. Austin Aries to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ Styles & Daniels d. Homicide & Petey Williams to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles: C+ Samoa Joe d. Goldberg to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B]: (last weeks ratings) The decline in WWE viewing continues as they suffered a lost of viewers across all 3 brands, this week marking the lowest amount of viewers picked up by Smackdown! in a month. [LIST=1] [*]RAW: 2,543,012 (2,666,647) [*]SD: 519, 462 (564, 941) [*]ECW: 450,702 (453, 690) [*]iMPACT: 447,829 (448,415) [*]Xplosion: 218,050 (228,526) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week3 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] PWtorch brings you this weeks TV round up between TNA and WWE. [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B][/CENTER] Some interesting notes to pass on this week. It's been pushed up the agenda lately of the WWE to try and rejuvinate the women's division again, this would explain the sudden increase in women's matches across all the brands. However, if the WWE were actually serious about starting up the women's division again they would have to look outside their current roster and bring in new talent, as what they have left will not offer anything close to a decent match in the ring. It's also been said that fans are turning off of the Carlito/Umaga fued, with Umaga now suffering 5 defeats, almost back to back, against Carlito in his pursuit for the title. At this time there is no news on when Umaga will team up with his injured manager, and probably pick up the win and the title. Many fans are feel that the WWE are waisting Carlito in this fued, and would much rather see him in action against other wrestlers that would allow him to showcase his style. Whilst Ric Flair maybe in Semi-Retirement and enjoying his stint as RAW GM, he has seen his fair bit of action over the last few weeks, and this week was no different, with him stepping into the ring with HBK to put on another good match. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 8,819 in attendance at Filaforum, Central Europe 2,134,578 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Beth Phoenix d. Kelly Kelly: F [*]Charlie Hass d. Mickey: C [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Cade & Psicosis: C+ [*]Super Crazy & Jeff Hardy d. Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki: C- [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C [*]HHH d. Nicky: C [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci-Fi[/B] 10,000 Conte Forum, New England 491,263 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Finley d. Daivari to retain the WWE US Title: C+ [*]Ken Kennedy d. Jeff Hardy, Psicosis: C [*]Batista & RVD d. Edge & Mick Foley: B [*]Ric Flair d. Shawn Michaels: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 10,000 Conte Forum, New England 551,742 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Justin Credible & Hardcore Holly d. Noble & Kid Kash: C [*]Daivari d. Sabu: C [*]Ashley d. Jillian Hall: E [*]Finlay d. Test to retain the WWE US Title: C+ [*]Big Show double DQ with Batista: B [*]Benoit d. RVD: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]TNA[/CENTER][/B] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 8,697 in attendance at Auditorio Juan Vicéns, PR 411,646 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]Matt Bently d. Jay Lethal: C+ [*]Austin Aries d. Johnny Devine: C [*]Chris Sabin d. Petey Williams: C+ [*]Eric Young & Bobby Roode d. Abyss & Senshi: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Ron Killings to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. K. James & C. Harris to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Shrine Auditorium 218,050 on Sun Sports [CENTER][LIST] [*]Brother Runt d. Williams, Bently, Dutt to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Jeff Jarrett d. Eric Young: C+ [*]Sting d. Rhino: B [*]Scott Steiner d. Brother Devon: C+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]2,134,578[/COLOR] (2,543,012) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]551,742[/COLOR] (519, 462) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]491,263[/COLOR] (450,702) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]411,646[/COLOR] (447,829) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]201,706[/COLOR] (218,050) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week3 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] PWtorch brings you this weeks TV round up between TNA and WWE. [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B][/CENTER] Some interesting notes to pass on this week. It's been pushed up the agenda lately of the WWE to try and rejuvinate the women's division again, this would explain the sudden increase in women's matches across all the brands. However, if the WWE were actually serious about starting up the women's division again they would have to look outside their current roster and bring in new talent, as what they have left will not offer anything close to a decent match in the ring. It's also been said that fans are turning off of the Carlito/Umaga fued, with Umaga now suffering 5 defeats, almost back to back, against Carlito in his pursuit for the title. At this time there is no news on when Umaga will team up with his injured manager, and probably pick up the win and the title. Many fans are feel that the WWE are waisting Carlito in this fued, and would much rather see him in action against other wrestlers that would allow him to showcase his style. Whilst Ric Flair maybe in Semi-Retirement and enjoying his stint as RAW GM, he has seen his fair bit of action over the last few weeks, and this week was no different, with him stepping into the ring with HBK to put on another good match. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 8,819 in attendance at Filaforum, Central Europe 2,134,578 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Beth Phoenix d. Kelly Kelly: F [*]Charlie Hass d. Mickey: C [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Cade & Psicosis: C+ [*]Super Crazy & Jeff Hardy d. Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki: C- [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title: C [*]HHH d. Nicky: C [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci-Fi[/B] 10,000 Conte Forum, New England 491,263 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Finley d. Daivari to retain the WWE US Title: C+ [*]Ken Kennedy d. Jeff Hardy, Psicosis: C [*]Batista & RVD d. Edge & Mick Foley: B [*]Ric Flair d. Shawn Michaels: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 10,000 Conte Forum, New England 551,742 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Justin Credible & Hardcore Holly d. Noble & Kid Kash: C [*]Daivari d. Sabu: C [*]Ashley d. Jillian Hall: E [*]Finlay d. Test to retain the WWE US Title: C+ [*]Big Show double DQ with Batista: B [*]Benoit d. RVD: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]TNA[/CENTER][/B] [B]TNA iMPACT![/B] 8,697 in attendance at Auditorio Juan Vicéns, PR 411,646 on SpikeTV! [CENTER][LIST] [*]Matt Bently d. Jay Lethal: C+ [*]Austin Aries d. Johnny Devine: C [*]Chris Sabin d. Petey Williams: C+ [*]Eric Young & Bobby Roode d. Abyss & Senshi: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Ron Killings to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. K. James & C. Harris to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Shrine Auditorium 218,050 on Sun Sports [CENTER][LIST] [*]Brother Runt d. Williams, Bently, Dutt to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Jeff Jarrett d. Eric Young: C+ [*]Sting d. Rhino: B [*]Scott Steiner d. Brother Devon: C+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]2,134,578[/COLOR] (2,543,012) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]551,742[/COLOR] (519, 462) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]491,263[/COLOR] (450,702) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]411,646[/COLOR] (447,829) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]201,706[/COLOR] (218,050) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week4 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WWE[/CENTER][/B] WWE had their monthly PPV last night. 'No Way Out' was held in France and drew in a large crowd into the arena (15,000) and an ok buyrate on PPV (514,035), however the card on show was pretty poor with only 1 title match and little or no 'fued' matches to show. It begs the question 'What are the WWE playing at?'. The only noticable fueds on the card were the last minute fued of Kane V Finlay; Kane costing Finaly the US Title to Test this week. And Big Show v RVD; RVD trying desperatly over the last few months to win the ECW Title and restore some pride in the ailing name of ECW. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 1,000 in attendance at John Wright Sports Center, Scotland 2,454,638 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Psicosis d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Matt Hardy d. Charlie Haas: C [*]Snitsky d. Scotty 2 Hotty: D [*]The Outsiders d. Nicky & Jeff Hardy to retain the WWE Tag Titles: C [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B+ [*]Carlito & Ceno d. Edge & Mick Foley: B [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Newcastle Telewest Arena, North UK 471,482 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Test d. Finlay to win the WWE US Title: C- [*]Bookter T d. Justin Credible: C [*]Carlito d. The Undertaker: B [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 5,000 in attendance at Newcastle Telewest Arena, North UK 511,341 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Jamie Noble d. Little Guido: C- [*]Kid Kash d. Steve Austin, Daivari: C+ [*]Bob Holly d. Matt Striker C- [*]Sabu d. Justin Credible: C- [*]Test d. Finlay to retain the WWE US Title: C- [*]Big Show d. RVD to retain the ECW World Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]WWE No Way Out (PPV)[/B] 15,000 in attendance at PalaisOmnisports ParisBercy, Western Europe 514,035 buyrate on PPV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Noble & Kash d. Murdoch & Little Guido: C- [*]Daivari d. Jesse: C- [*]Matt Striker d. Justin Credible: C- [*]The Undertaker d. Sabu: C+ [*]Batista d. Bob Holly: C [*]Benoit d. Austin: B+ [*]Kane d. Finlay: B- [*]Big Show d. RVD: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B][/CENTER] TNA put on a good PPV last week which saw a number of fueds take place in a good fight at the PPV itself. Once again Samoa Joe accepted all comers at his title and defended Christian Cage. The only real sour note on the card was Bill Goldberg stinking it up in a match against Scott Steiner, in what was billed as a grudge match dating back to their days in WCW. However, in truth the match was just awful with Goldberg missing alot of his moves and Steiner almost blanketting the moves Goldberg did pull off. It'll be interesting to see how TNA deal with this, if at all. [B]TNA No Turning Back (PPV)[/B] 15,000 in attendance at the William's Arena, Mid West 334,137 Buyrate on PPV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Simon Diamond d. Andy Douglas: C+ [*]Chase Stevens d. Lance Hoyt: C [*]Brother Devon d. Homicide: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Petey Williams to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Raven d. Monty Brown: C+ [*]Austin Aries d. Sonjay Dutt: C+ [*]BG James d. Brother Ray: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Abyss & Senshi to retain the NWA Tag Titles: B- [*]Sting d. Ron Killings: B- [*]Brock Lesnar d. Chris Harris: B [*]Goldberg d. Scott Steiner: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. Christian Cage to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 15,000 in attendance at Gaylord Entertainment Center, South East 438,968 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Monty Brown time limit draw with James Storm: B- [*]Senshi & Abyss d. Killings & Dutt: B- [*]Rhino d. Homicide: B- [*]Brother Runt d. Austin Aries to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode to retain the NWA Tag Titles: B [*]Christian Cage d. Alex Shelly: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 4,171 in attendance at Varsity Arena, Ontario 217,929 on Sun Sport [CENTER][LIST] [*]Austin Aries d. Kip James: C [*]Styles & Daniels d. Monty Brown & Homicide to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*]Goldberg d. Scott Steiner: C+ [*]Christian Cage d. Sting: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] It's only a number of days now till Phoenix Wrestling's debut TV show 'Karnage' appears on tv screens across the Mid Atalantic Area on MASN. Rumours have been surfacing lately that part of the deal with MASN is that PW use at least one of MASN regular commentators. [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) TV Ratings at the moment have been going up and down on a weekly basis accept for ECW ratings whic continue to nose dive. Some are even saying it won't be long till TNA's iMPACT starts to beat ECW in the ratings and becomes #3 in the ratings rank. [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]2,454,638[/COLOR] (2,134,578) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="Red"]511,341[/COLOR] (551,742) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]471,482[/COLOR] (491,263) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]438,968[/COLOR] (411,646) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]217,929[/COLOR] (201,706) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week4 Feb2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WWE[/CENTER][/B] WWE had their monthly PPV last night. 'No Way Out' was held in France and drew in a large crowd into the arena (15,000) and an ok buyrate on PPV (514,035), however the card on show was pretty poor with only 1 title match and little or no 'fued' matches to show. It begs the question 'What are the WWE playing at?'. The only noticable fueds on the card were the last minute fued of Kane V Finlay; Kane costing Finaly the US Title to Test this week. And Big Show v RVD; RVD trying desperatly over the last few months to win the ECW Title and restore some pride in the ailing name of ECW. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 1,000 in attendance at John Wright Sports Center, Scotland 2,454,638 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Psicosis d. Gunner Scott: D [*]Matt Hardy d. Charlie Haas: C [*]Snitsky d. Scotty 2 Hotty: D [*]The Outsiders d. Nicky & Jeff Hardy to retain the WWE Tag Titles: C [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B+ [*]Carlito & Ceno d. Edge & Mick Foley: B [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Newcastle Telewest Arena, North UK 471,482 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Test d. Finlay to win the WWE US Title: C- [*]Bookter T d. Justin Credible: C [*]Carlito d. The Undertaker: B [*]Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 5,000 in attendance at Newcastle Telewest Arena, North UK 511,341 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Jamie Noble d. Little Guido: C- [*]Kid Kash d. Steve Austin, Daivari: C+ [*]Bob Holly d. Matt Striker C- [*]Sabu d. Justin Credible: C- [*]Test d. Finlay to retain the WWE US Title: C- [*]Big Show d. RVD to retain the ECW World Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: C+ [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]WWE No Way Out (PPV)[/B] 15,000 in attendance at PalaisOmnisports ParisBercy, Western Europe 514,035 buyrate on PPV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Noble & Kash d. Murdoch & Little Guido: C- [*]Daivari d. Jesse: C- [*]Matt Striker d. Justin Credible: C- [*]The Undertaker d. Sabu: C+ [*]Batista d. Bob Holly: C [*]Benoit d. Austin: B+ [*]Kane d. Finlay: B- [*]Big Show d. RVD: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B][/CENTER] TNA put on a good PPV last week which saw a number of fueds take place in a good fight at the PPV itself. Once again Samoa Joe accepted all comers at his title and defended Christian Cage. The only real sour note on the card was Bill Goldberg stinking it up in a match against Scott Steiner, in what was billed as a grudge match dating back to their days in WCW. However, in truth the match was just awful with Goldberg missing alot of his moves and Steiner almost blanketting the moves Goldberg did pull off. It'll be interesting to see how TNA deal with this, if at all. [B]TNA No Turning Back (PPV)[/B] 15,000 in attendance at the William's Arena, Mid West 334,137 Buyrate on PPV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Simon Diamond d. Andy Douglas: C+ [*]Chase Stevens d. Lance Hoyt: C [*]Brother Devon d. Homicide: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Petey Williams to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Raven d. Monty Brown: C+ [*]Austin Aries d. Sonjay Dutt: C+ [*]BG James d. Brother Ray: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Abyss & Senshi to retain the NWA Tag Titles: B- [*]Sting d. Ron Killings: B- [*]Brock Lesnar d. Chris Harris: B [*]Goldberg d. Scott Steiner: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. Christian Cage to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 15,000 in attendance at Gaylord Entertainment Center, South East 438,968 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Monty Brown time limit draw with James Storm: B- [*]Senshi & Abyss d. Killings & Dutt: B- [*]Rhino d. Homicide: B- [*]Brother Runt d. Austin Aries to retain the TNA X-Division Title: C+ [*]Styles & Daniels d. Eric Young & Bobby Roode to retain the NWA Tag Titles: B [*]Christian Cage d. Alex Shelly: B- [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 4,171 in attendance at Varsity Arena, Ontario 217,929 on Sun Sport [CENTER][LIST] [*]Austin Aries d. Kip James: C [*]Styles & Daniels d. Monty Brown & Homicide to retain the NWA Tag Titles: C+ [*]Goldberg d. Scott Steiner: C+ [*]Christian Cage d. Sting: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/PW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] It's only a number of days now till Phoenix Wrestling's debut TV show 'Karnage' appears on tv screens across the Mid Atalantic Area on MASN. Rumours have been surfacing lately that part of the deal with MASN is that PW use at least one of MASN regular commentators. [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) TV Ratings at the moment have been going up and down on a weekly basis accept for ECW ratings whic continue to nose dive. Some are even saying it won't be long till TNA's iMPACT starts to beat ECW in the ratings and becomes #3 in the ratings rank. [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]2,454,638[/COLOR] (2,134,578) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="Red"]511,341[/COLOR] (551,742) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]471,482[/COLOR] (491,263) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]438,968[/COLOR] (411,646) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]217,929[/COLOR] (201,706) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week1 Mar2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lets take a look at last weeks TV ratings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B][/CENTER] What does WWE have in store for [B]Umaga[/B]? Over the last 2 months, he's suffered a string of defeats that can only equal the amount of wins he clock up in a row during his push. Rumours are bouncing around the internet that Umaga as somehow fallen out of favour with [B]Vince McMahon[/B] and the booking team and is now paying the price in one hell of a depush. However it must be pointed out that Umaga's manager has been out for a few months with a head injury, so it could all be part of a storyline, however will WWE be able to undo the damage upon [B]Estrada's[/B] return? Title defences and changes... or should that be the lack of them, the reason fans are turning off from WWE? Since the turn of the year the WWE has yet managed to have a single title defence for either of there 'Major' titles, ([B]WWE World Heavyweight Title[/B] & [B]WWE Heavyweight Title[/B]) with the only titles they've defended on TV or PPV being the [B]WWE Tag Titles[/B], [B]WWE IC Title[/B] and [B]WWE US Title[/B], as well as the [B]ECW Heavyweight Title[/B]. We've only managed to see two title changes as well, and even then it was one belt for the other, with [B]Test[/B] dropping the ECW Heavyweight Title to [B]Big Show[/B] and gaining the WWE US Title instead from [B]Finlay[/B]. Whilst alot has been said about the current WWE creative team, it would be a major insult to everyone involved with WWE if they can't even managed to strike up a reason to put the belts on the line. However, [B]Michael Hayes[/B] and [B]Chris Masters[/B] have both been offered new deals with WWE in the last week. WWE are said to have been impressed with how Masters has returned from his problems later last year and commited himself in the ring. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 15,000 in attendance at Wachovia Center, Tri State 2,473,690 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Psicosis d. Gunner Scott: C [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Chris Masters & Ken Shamrock: C+ [*]Outsiders d. Charlie Haas & Super Crazy to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles: C+ [*]Shelton Benjamin d. Nicky: C [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE IC Title: C+ [*]Ric Flair d. HHH: A [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 5,000 in attendance at UIC Pavallion, Great Lakes 471,556 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kid Kash d. Micky: C [*]Steve Austin d. Super Crazy: C+ [*]Test d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Cena & HBK d. Edge & Mick Foley: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 5,000 in attendance at UIC Pavillion, Great Lakes 539,490 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Justin Credible d. William Regal: C+ [*]Sabu d. Jesse: C [*]Noble & Kash d. Murdoch & Little Guido: C [*]Steve Austin d. Bob Holly: B [*]Kane & RVD d. Undertaker & Benoit: B [*]Batista d. Big Show: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 5,000 Broadbent Arena, Great Lakes 438,039 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Abyss & Aries d. Killings & Dutt: C+ [*]Raven d. Chase Stevens: C+ [*]Eric Young & Bobby Roode double count out with Monty Brown & Kip James: C+ [*]A1 & Maverick d. America's Most Wanted: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Homicide to retain the TAN X-Division Title: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Hofstra Arena, Tri State 219,770 on Sun Sport [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kip James d. Sonjay Dutt: C [*]Abyss d. Ron Killings: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. Goldberg to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) [B]WWE[/B] picked up viewers across all brands this week, however it must be noted that alot of TV shows ended the week before with their season finale, which means this week transitions shows/re-runs have been airing. However, this hasn't seemed to help [B]TNA[/B] as [B]iMPACT[/B] lost viewers and [B]Xplosion[/B] gained. Next week will see us start to track [B]Eric Bischoff's[/B] new offering to the world of Professional Wrestling with [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B], as PW's debut TV show, '[B]Karnage[/B]' airs in the Mid-Atlantic area on MASN. [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]2,473,690[/COLOR] (2,454,638) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]539,490[/COLOR] (511,341) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]471,556[/COLOR] (471,482) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]438,039[/COLOR] (438,968) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]219,770[/COLOR] (217,929) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday Week1 Mar2007[/B] [QUOTE=PWtorch.com][CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/LOGOvip.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lets take a look at last weeks TV ratings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/WWE.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE[/B][/CENTER] What does WWE have in store for [B]Umaga[/B]? Over the last 2 months, he's suffered a string of defeats that can only equal the amount of wins he clock up in a row during his push. Rumours are bouncing around the internet that Umaga as somehow fallen out of favour with [B]Vince McMahon[/B] and the booking team and is now paying the price in one hell of a depush. However it must be pointed out that Umaga's manager has been out for a few months with a head injury, so it could all be part of a storyline, however will WWE be able to undo the damage upon [B]Estrada's[/B] return? Title defences and changes... or should that be the lack of them, the reason fans are turning off from WWE? Since the turn of the year the WWE has yet managed to have a single title defence for either of there 'Major' titles, ([B]WWE World Heavyweight Title[/B] & [B]WWE Heavyweight Title[/B]) with the only titles they've defended on TV or PPV being the [B]WWE Tag Titles[/B], [B]WWE IC Title[/B] and [B]WWE US Title[/B], as well as the [B]ECW Heavyweight Title[/B]. We've only managed to see two title changes as well, and even then it was one belt for the other, with [B]Test[/B] dropping the ECW Heavyweight Title to [B]Big Show[/B] and gaining the WWE US Title instead from [B]Finlay[/B]. Whilst alot has been said about the current WWE creative team, it would be a major insult to everyone involved with WWE if they can't even managed to strike up a reason to put the belts on the line. However, [B]Michael Hayes[/B] and [B]Chris Masters[/B] have both been offered new deals with WWE in the last week. WWE are said to have been impressed with how Masters has returned from his problems later last year and commited himself in the ring. [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Raw.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW[/B] 15,000 in attendance at Wachovia Center, Tri State 2,473,690 on USA Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Psicosis d. Gunner Scott: C [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Chris Masters & Ken Shamrock: C+ [*]Outsiders d. Charlie Haas & Super Crazy to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles: C+ [*]Shelton Benjamin d. Nicky: C [*]Carlito d. Umaga to retain the WWE IC Title: C+ [*]Ric Flair d. HHH: A [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/wweECW.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci Fi[/B] 5,000 in attendance at UIC Pavallion, Great Lakes 471,556 on Sci Fi Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kid Kash d. Micky: C [*]Steve Austin d. Super Crazy: C+ [*]Test d. Umaga to retain the WWE US Title: C [*]Cena & HBK d. Edge & Mick Foley: B+ [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Smackdown![/B] 5,000 in attendance at UIC Pavillion, Great Lakes 539,490 on CW Network [CENTER][LIST] [*]Justin Credible d. William Regal: C+ [*]Sabu d. Jesse: C [*]Noble & Kash d. Murdoch & Little Guido: C [*]Steve Austin d. Bob Holly: B [*]Kane & RVD d. Undertaker & Benoit: B [*]Batista d. Big Show: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B [/LIST] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/Logos/TNALogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA[/B][/CENTER] [B]TNA iMPACT[/B] 5,000 Broadbent Arena, Great Lakes 438,039 on SpikeTV [CENTER][LIST] [*]Abyss & Aries d. Killings & Dutt: C+ [*]Raven d. Chase Stevens: C+ [*]Eric Young & Bobby Roode double count out with Monty Brown & Kip James: C+ [*]A1 & Maverick d. America's Most Wanted: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. Homicide to retain the TAN X-Division Title: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. AJ Styles to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B] [*]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B- [/LIST][/CENTER] [B]TNA Xplosion[/B] 5,000 in attendance at Hofstra Arena, Tri State 219,770 on Sun Sport [CENTER][LIST] [*]Kip James d. Sonjay Dutt: C [*]Abyss d. Ron Killings: C+ [*]Brother Runt d. James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division: C+ [*]Samoa Joe d. Goldberg to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title: B [*][B]Overall Show Rating[/B]: B-[/LIST][/CENTER] [B]Ratings Review[/B] (Last weeks Ratings) [B]WWE[/B] picked up viewers across all brands this week, however it must be noted that alot of TV shows ended the week before with their season finale, which means this week transitions shows/re-runs have been airing. However, this hasn't seemed to help [B]TNA[/B] as [B]iMPACT[/B] lost viewers and [B]Xplosion[/B] gained. Next week will see us start to track [B]Eric Bischoff's[/B] new offering to the world of Professional Wrestling with [B]Phoenix Wrestling[/B], as PW's debut TV show, '[B]Karnage[/B]' airs in the Mid-Atlantic area on MASN. [LIST=1] [*][B]RAW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]2,473,690[/COLOR] (2,454,638) [*][B]SD![/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]539,490[/COLOR] (511,341) [*][B]ECW[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]471,556[/COLOR] (471,482) [*][B]iMPACT[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]438,039[/COLOR] (438,968) [*][B]Xplosion[/B]: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]219,770[/COLOR] (217,929) [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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