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Guest Cyanide

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Guest Cyanide
[quote][LEFT][SIZE="1"]April 2006 TNAwrestling.com[/SIZE][/LEFT][CENTER][img]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/img] [I][B]TNA wrestling is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Cavenham as head of the NWA Management and will be represented on air by management director Jim Cornette and "The Living Legend" Larry Zbysko.[/B][/I][/CENTER][/quote] So that's the culmination of my story, I've been appointed as head booker in TNA. Basically they've just reached National and have been looking for someone to steady the ship and take the company forward to the next level. They needed a forward thinker to take full control of the final decisions and they came to me, but who am I? I'm Andrew Cavenham, a former British professional wrestler under the name Andrew Cyanide, I've been booking shows in England for a fair while now and I impressed a certain Jeff Jarrett when he came over for a 1PW show. What does the future hold for me and TNA? You'll just have to watch to find out, but I guarantee that together we'll make an impact.
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[quote][SIZE="1"]April 2006[/SIZE][CENTER][img]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/img] [I][B]TNAwrestling.com regret to announce that the Sacrafice Pay Per View originally scheduled for the second Sunday in May has been moved back to the final Sunday due to a change of venue. Originally set to take place at Universal Studios, TNA are pleased to say that thanks to overwhelming demand, the event has been rescheduled to the TD Waterhouse Arena, still in Orlando, Florida. Refunds will be available to those that need them, but the any tickets already recieved will be valid also for the new date and venue. TNA is also pleased to announce that all PPV's have been rescheduled to the last Sunday of the month. This will in no way affect tickets purchased prior to this change.[/B][/I][/CENTER][/quote] Well, yeah, I'm sure everyone knows that TNA has to break out sooner or later, so why not now? If we can get ourselves into the larger venues in the South East, maybe we can break some new ground and look at other areas to promote in. We needed those extra 2 weeks to build to the PPV anyway, since I refuse to book a second rate PPV around 2 Impact's and Xplosion's. Well for all you insiders, I think TNA has seen the last of Sound Stage 21, home it might be, but the family's gotten too big for it. We're going to test out the crowd in the Waterhouse at Impact then tour the South East Prior to Sacrafice, hopefully we can increase our exposure and convince some of the guys that exsclusivity is the way forward...
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[quote][SIZE="1"]April 2006[/SIZE][CENTER][img]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/img] [I][B]TNAwrestling.com regret to announce that the Sacrafice Pay Per View originally scheduled for the second Sunday in May has been moved back to the final Sunday due to a change of venue. Originally set to take place at Universal Studios, TNA are pleased to say that thanks to overwhelming demand, the event has been rescheduled to the TD Waterhouse Arena, still in Orlando, Florida. Refunds will be available to those that need them, but the any tickets already recieved will be valid also for the new date and venue. TNA is also pleased to announce that all PPV's have been rescheduled to the last Sunday of the month. This will in no way affect tickets purchased prior to this change.[/B][/I][/CENTER][/quote] Well, yeah, I'm sure everyone knows that TNA has to break out sooner or later, so why not now? If we can get ourselves into the larger venues in the South East, maybe we can break some new ground and look at other areas to promote in. We needed those extra 2 weeks to build to the PPV anyway, since I refuse to book a second rate PPV around 2 Impact's and Xplosion's. Well for all you insiders, I think TNA has seen the last of Sound Stage 21, home it might be, but the family's gotten too big for it. We're going to test out the crowd in the Waterhouse at Impact then tour the South East Prior to Sacrafice, hopefully we can increase our exposure and convince some of the guys that exsclusivity is the way forward...
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[quote][SIZE="1"]April 2006[/SIZE][CENTER][img]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/img] [I][B]This week on Impact, it's going to be a massive show from the TD Waterhouse arena in Orlando, with an action packed card announced for TNA Head of Management Andrew Cavenham's first show, will we see any fallout at all from the old regime or will it be a complete revolution? In action this week we'll see Brother Runt take on Johnny Devine of Team Canada, will Runt be able to pick up the upset or will the numbers game be too much for the Underdog to handle. One of TNA's hottest young team's The Naturals take on AMW for the tag straps, but will the tutelage of Shane Douglas propel them to victory over arguably the best team ever to compete in the six-sided ring. The James Gang take on the protoge's of Konnan, the LAX, will BG and Kip overcome, or will Konnan pull the strings and finally in the main event Christian Cage is scheduled to go one-on-one in a non-title match with the Monster Abyss, what will Jeff Jarrett have to say about our new champion? Will he have anything to say at all about our new champ? Only one place to find out...The IMPACT ZONE![/B][/I][/CENTER] Final Card: [SIZE="1"](Card Subject to Change:)[/size] [B]Brother Runt vs. Johnny Devine [/B][SIZE="1"]NWA World Tag Team Titles[/size][B] The Naturals vs. America's Most Wanted The James Gang vs. LAX [/B][SIZE="1"]Non-Title Match[/size][B] Christian Cage vs. Abyss[/B][/quote] My first Impact, in fact my first card in North America, god I hope it's successful, either way I'm looking forward to the night. Everyone's available and it should be off the wall. --- (Predictions welcome)
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[quote][SIZE="1"]April 2006[/SIZE][CENTER][img]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/img] [I][B]This week on Impact, it's going to be a massive show from the TD Waterhouse arena in Orlando, with an action packed card announced for TNA Head of Management Andrew Cavenham's first show, will we see any fallout at all from the old regime or will it be a complete revolution? In action this week we'll see Brother Runt take on Johnny Devine of Team Canada, will Runt be able to pick up the upset or will the numbers game be too much for the Underdog to handle. One of TNA's hottest young team's The Naturals take on AMW for the tag straps, but will the tutelage of Shane Douglas propel them to victory over arguably the best team ever to compete in the six-sided ring. The James Gang take on the protoge's of Konnan, the LAX, will BG and Kip overcome, or will Konnan pull the strings and finally in the main event Christian Cage is scheduled to go one-on-one in a non-title match with the Monster Abyss, what will Jeff Jarrett have to say about our new champion? Will he have anything to say at all about our new champ? Only one place to find out...The IMPACT ZONE![/B][/I][/CENTER] Final Card: [SIZE="1"](Card Subject to Change:)[/size] [B]Brother Runt vs. Johnny Devine [/B][SIZE="1"]NWA World Tag Team Titles[/size][B] The Naturals vs. America's Most Wanted The James Gang vs. LAX [/B][SIZE="1"]Non-Title Match[/size][B] Christian Cage vs. Abyss[/B][/quote] My first Impact, in fact my first card in North America, god I hope it's successful, either way I'm looking forward to the night. Everyone's available and it should be off the wall. --- (Predictions welcome)
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[quote][CENTER][img]http://www.steveswrestling.com/coolswow.jpg[/img][/CENTER] - According to various sources, WWE chairman Vince McMahon is planning quite the clearout behind the scenes and on the roster, due to falling business and poor quarterly predictions. McMahon seems to have finally bowed to the obvious and has deemed it necessary to focus only on those who he believes can honestly turn business around fast. More is expected on this tomorrow. - News from the TNA locker room finds that Senshi and TNA management may be on a collision course. Having been informed he would not be appearing on either the Impact or Xplosion tapings, Senshi apparently asked what to expect in the future, he was told that creative had nothing for him, as they previously expected him to be touring with Pro Wrestling NOAH. Andrew Cavenham will likely be keen to rectify this situation as Senshi is seen as a key figure in the future of the X-division. - Also coming from TNA, it seems that Andrew Cavenham is unhappy with the size of the roster in TNA, being quoted as telling Bill Banks "It's just too much, we need to be seen as the future of wrestling, not the past.", stars such as Kevin Nash, Sting, Scott Steiner and even Jeff Jarrett have been tiptoeing around the locker room ever since.[/quote] I didn't say that...well I might have mentioned something like it, but that doesn't mean anything...how the hell do these things see the light of day anyway?
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[quote][CENTER][img]http://www.steveswrestling.com/coolswow.jpg[/img][/CENTER] - According to various sources, WWE chairman Vince McMahon is planning quite the clearout behind the scenes and on the roster, due to falling business and poor quarterly predictions. McMahon seems to have finally bowed to the obvious and has deemed it necessary to focus only on those who he believes can honestly turn business around fast. More is expected on this tomorrow. - News from the TNA locker room finds that Senshi and TNA management may be on a collision course. Having been informed he would not be appearing on either the Impact or Xplosion tapings, Senshi apparently asked what to expect in the future, he was told that creative had nothing for him, as they previously expected him to be touring with Pro Wrestling NOAH. Andrew Cavenham will likely be keen to rectify this situation as Senshi is seen as a key figure in the future of the X-division. - Also coming from TNA, it seems that Andrew Cavenham is unhappy with the size of the roster in TNA, being quoted as telling Bill Banks "It's just too much, we need to be seen as the future of wrestling, not the past.", stars such as Kevin Nash, Sting, Scott Steiner and even Jeff Jarrett have been tiptoeing around the locker room ever since.[/quote] I didn't say that...well I might have mentioned something like it, but that doesn't mean anything...how the hell do these things see the light of day anyway?
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