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boxing mod

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I've certainly never seen one, although in theory I guess it could be done. All the angles would be limited to hype vids, post or pre bout interviews and entrances. I guess all the promotions would have to be pure themed and every worker would need to have their finishers listed as some type of punch with bouts either ending with time limit finishes, DQ's, stoppages or knock out finishers... I guess you'd have to modify the singles match type to accompany those type of finishes and not count out or pins, etc. Wrestling styles would all be MMA... then just ignore all mentions of wrestling in the game. As to who would do it, I have no idea.
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I've certainly never seen one, although in theory I guess it could be done. All the angles would be limited to hype vids, post or pre bout interviews and entrances. I guess all the promotions would have to be pure themed and every worker would need to have their finishers listed as some type of punch with bouts either ending with time limit finishes, DQ's, stoppages or knock out finishers... I guess you'd have to modify the singles match type to accompany those type of finishes and not count out or pins, etc. Wrestling styles would all be MMA... then just ignore all mentions of wrestling in the game. As to who would do it, I have no idea.
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"All the angles would be limited to hype vids, post or pre bout interviews and entrances. I guess all the promotions would have to be pure themed and every worker would need to have their finishers listed as some type of punch with bouts either ending with time limit finishes, DQ's, stoppages or knock out finishers... I guess you'd have to modify the singles match type to accompany those type of finishes and not count out or pins, etc. Wrestling styles would all be MMA... then just ignore all mentions of wrestling in the game." I am actually using this concept, a type of Boxing Scenario type. The problem is doing it as Entertainment as most my wrestler's in the promotion are "legends" of the industry, however I am using it exactly how Sepsplex said, I copy pasted instead of quote, but that if from his post in "". It makes for very interesting angle's, since some of the real world (think Mike Tyson, Robin Given's, and mother for example) stories to these guys are great. And the guy that beat Mike, has a great story too if you look him up (He was actually going through alot worse times then Mike was, and come out on top). I suppose you could even similute Olympic's, gold medals, and the like as well, by just a little modification of the match's. Boxing seem's easy to see for me, 10 count, time limit, Knock out, etc. These would win a match (I just pretend like the count out is a technical Knock out). I have not used Time limit yet, but I think as long as you say who won, you would have a split decision victory. Although I use Brawling and other things I think this Boxer might be able to do in the ring, (especially if they have some type of real MMA training) to enhance their overall stats, the most important one is probably to remember to give them really high stats in physical, stiffness (a given), and probably is a good thing (I do it) to have them have a high Selling, to make it look more real.
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"All the angles would be limited to hype vids, post or pre bout interviews and entrances. I guess all the promotions would have to be pure themed and every worker would need to have their finishers listed as some type of punch with bouts either ending with time limit finishes, DQ's, stoppages or knock out finishers... I guess you'd have to modify the singles match type to accompany those type of finishes and not count out or pins, etc. Wrestling styles would all be MMA... then just ignore all mentions of wrestling in the game." I am actually using this concept, a type of Boxing Scenario type. The problem is doing it as Entertainment as most my wrestler's in the promotion are "legends" of the industry, however I am using it exactly how Sepsplex said, I copy pasted instead of quote, but that if from his post in "". It makes for very interesting angle's, since some of the real world (think Mike Tyson, Robin Given's, and mother for example) stories to these guys are great. And the guy that beat Mike, has a great story too if you look him up (He was actually going through alot worse times then Mike was, and come out on top). I suppose you could even similute Olympic's, gold medals, and the like as well, by just a little modification of the match's. Boxing seem's easy to see for me, 10 count, time limit, Knock out, etc. These would win a match (I just pretend like the count out is a technical Knock out). I have not used Time limit yet, but I think as long as you say who won, you would have a split decision victory. Although I use Brawling and other things I think this Boxer might be able to do in the ring, (especially if they have some type of real MMA training) to enhance their overall stats, the most important one is probably to remember to give them really high stats in physical, stiffness (a given), and probably is a good thing (I do it) to have them have a high Selling, to make it look more real.
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