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Beyond Wrong

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That seems odd. I haven't downloaded the patch yet, but I thought the intent was that skills would peak at a certain number based on the size of the worker. I don't see why safety or mic skills would ever peak at a certain amount, neither has anything whatsoever to do with size. Heck, I don't see why either should ever peak, they're not necessarily related to anything except, maybe, the charisma stat for mic skills.
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[QUOTE=KLitke]That seems odd. I haven't downloaded the patch yet, but I thought the intent was that skills would peak at a certain number based on the size of the worker. I don't see why safety or mic skills would ever peak at a certain amount, neither has anything whatsoever to do with size. Heck, I don't see why either should ever peak, they're not necessarily related to anything except, maybe, the charisma stat for mic skills.[/QUOTE] It's not just size, it's wrestling style and all your basic attributes you pick at the start as well like wrestling ability and athletic ability as well as charisma. Naturally some styles are going to be "safer" to work and I imagine wrestling ability would also affect this. And like you said charisma then likely affects mic skills as well as the style chosen. I think with size the stats in question were more along the lines of speed and power, two stats which are more affected by how large a wrestler is since I don't see Big Show doing head scissor takedowns or Mysterio chokeslamming anyone.
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I think I see, but can't Charisma go up as the game goes on? When I hear "peaked at 61", I'm thinking that's it, it's that high, it can't ever go higher. But if mic skills is peaked at 61 because of charisma, and then I raise my charisma, then can't my mic skills go up afterwards? Or can Charisma not actually go up? I admit I don't think mine has gone up since I started, but I thought I remember seeing somewhere in the help file that charisma could be raised. I guess I can understand the safety thing though.
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Once you've created your character I don't believe the peaks change. So raising charisma during your career won't allow you to raise your mic ability further that I know of. It's just during your initial character creation when you set your "innate" charisma that it should affect your max mic ability. Or at least that's my understanding of it, I could be completely wrong but everything I've seen seems to point to that.
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