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He's back.. to save the wrestling world

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Who is he? And why did he come back? He was making tons of money, he always has. Weather it was through one of his sports team or one of his networks the man has always made money. But sometimes its not about the money. Its about pride, honor, respect. Its about being the being number one, no mattar how much money you have to spend, no mattar how much of a loss you'd have to take in the first year or two. But he wasn't the only one returning to the wrestling world, the other guy, he was always the joke of internet jokes but it never phased him. A man who has never given up, a man who refuses to give up now. So he's back, back to prove that he is the most contriversial man the industry has ever known. For the few of you who don't know that man is Vince Russo. The former, again for the few who don't know is Ted Turner. Now that you know who the guys are, lets talk about what they have and why they are here. First of all no Vince McMahon didn't just wake up one morning and call Ted Turner asking him if he wants the rights to WCW back. No one should ever think that McMahon would ever be so naive. Why did Turner choose Vince Russo over me? I mean come on, who the **** am I? I am nobody but a kid who spends to much time on the internet and plays TEW way to much. I'm not the imaginary guy who lead ECW through their hey day. I'm not the man who mysteriously never mentioned when the WWE over took WCW. But Vince Russo.. Vince Russo is the mother****in' man. Both men have dreams of taking out the WWE and becoming the number one promotion in the world but its not going to be easy. They aren't starting out with a tv show, no, if they were going to get one they were going to earn it. Before they got to the WWE, they would have to defeat the current number two promotion in the United States, TNA. The overness was fairly high considering they were just starting out but the hype machine that is Ted Turners pockets really help the cause. At cult the new promotion, which was named off of Vince Russo's dream, Sports Entertainment Xtreme would be right about where TNA is. Again the differnce is money. The roster currently has no one. The titles aren't yet made. Its December 2006. My rosters are a little outdated because I am using TEWZone Version 2 but hey its all good. They success is the journey not the destination but both these guys have taken the journey and are not yet satisfied. But when this journey ends, will they be? Will I be? Will you be? I can't answer these questions until we get to the destination so lets get this party started.
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