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TCW: Number 1 Spot! (Cornellverse)

Guest TDubTNA

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I agree Yeah i agree with ya...I'm going to be going more in depth after the PPV first I just wanted to have everyone know my roster and what I was going to do with them in the future hence why I say TCW management...I am going to start doing backstage news stories on it to, to get more people interested...Good things will be happening in the future...There could be some big signings soon...Thanks again for the feedback and I will definitely use your advice and give you a better story...Thanks and take care
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I agree Yeah i agree with ya...I'm going to be going more in depth after the PPV first I just wanted to have everyone know my roster and what I was going to do with them in the future hence why I say TCW management...I am going to start doing backstage news stories on it to, to get more people interested...Good things will be happening in the future...There could be some big signings soon...Thanks again for the feedback and I will definitely use your advice and give you a better story...Thanks and take care
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TCW.com News [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][U]TCW.com Newswire[/U][/I][/B] TCW has come to terms with the U.K based wrestling promotion Ring of Fire to be it's child company...TCW has sent over 2 of it's superstars over there to get some work...The first being Chance Fortune and the other being a new signing...Frankie Perez...Both could be in ROF for at least 3 to 4 months so TCW management can put them in the right storylines.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/ROF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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TCW.com News [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][U]TCW.com Newswire[/U][/I][/B] TCW has come to terms with the U.K based wrestling promotion Ring of Fire to be it's child company...TCW has sent over 2 of it's superstars over there to get some work...The first being Chance Fortune and the other being a new signing...Frankie Perez...Both could be in ROF for at least 3 to 4 months so TCW management can put them in the right storylines.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/ROF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
4th Show [CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]TCW Presents...Total Wrestling...is now Live!!![/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [B]1st Match of the Night[/B] [I]Black Eagle vs. Jacob Jett[/I] Jacob started the match off with a nice dropkick...The action was fast paced...Black Eagle had some good offense going but Jacob Jett hit a quick dropkick to the knee and he took the advantage...He whipped Black Eagle to the outside...Jacob then ran and dove out of the ring and hit a moonsault on Black Eagle...The match was then stopped when neither man got in the ring for the 10 count... [B]Winner: Draw - Double Count Out [C][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JohnGreed.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [B]2nd Match of the Night[/B] [I]John Greed vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/I] This wasn't much of a match...Johnny Bloodstone pretty much took advantage from the start and never gave up...He won the match after hitting a DDT and then locking in a boston crab... [B]Winner: Johnny Bloodstone [C][/B] [B]Backstage Segment: Attack on Giant Tana...[C-][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RaulDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JayDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG] Both Jay and Raul Darkness beat on Giant Tana backstage and challenge him to a handicap match... [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RaulDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JayDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Handicap Match[/B] [I]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana[/I] Match didn't last long as Giant Tana was shakin up before the match even started because of the attack on him...Jay and Raul just continued to hit Giant Tana with chairs until security came in and broke it up... Winner: Giant Tana by DQ [C+] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG] [B]4th Match of the Night[/B] [I]Wolf Hawkins vs. Madman Boone[/I] Better match then expected...Madman Boone showed some good offense but Wolf was too quick for Madman and won the match by hitting the Full Moon Rising.. [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins [C+][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] [I]Ronnie V. Pain + Troy Tornado vs. Tim Westybrook + Human Arsenal[/I] Very good match with an equal amount of offense for both teams...Ronnie V and Troy worked good together and so did Tim and Human Arsenal...Human Arsenal and Tim put some pretty good tag moves together but the match was thrown out because Robert Oxford and Genghis Rahn came down and beat on Ronnie and Troy...After the match the 4 men stood laughing together at Ronnie and Troy... [B]Winners: Troy Tornado + Ronnie V. Pain by DQ...[B grade][/B] [I][U][COLOR="Red"][B]*Tag Team Title Match*[/B][/COLOR][/U][/I] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BJShearer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Title Match[/B] [I]The Hit Men vs. Painful Procedure[/I] Great match...good tag team action between both teams...The Hit Men have been on a tear lately...The match ended when Robert Oxford, Tim Westybrook, Human Arsenal + Genghis Rahn came down and interfered while the refs back was turned and Joel Bryant nailed BJ Shearer with a chair and covered him for the win... [B]Winners and New TCW Tag Team Champions: The Hit Men [B-][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]*TCW International Title Match*[/U][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]International Title Match[/B] [I]Rick Law vs. Peter Valentine[/I] Decent match with Rick Law pretty much dominating the match...Peter didn't look very good...Rick Law won the match with a Long Arm of the Law... [B]Winner and Still TCW International Champion: Rick Law [B-][/B] [B]In Ring Segment...[A+][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG] "Welcome Ladies and Gentleman...Tonight has been a very good night...I'd like to announce a match for Malice in Wonderland...It's going to be a 4 way match for the All-Action Title...And if Freddy Huggins loses the match the belt will be called the Cruiserweight Title..." "Also tonight we saw The Darkness Warriors attack Giant Tana and they beat him with a chair in their match...so at Malice in Wonderland I talked to Giant Tana backstage and he has a surprise for Jay And Raul...He wants a tag team match at Malice and Wonderland and he has a friend of his to team up with him..." "Also there seems to be some new little group running around here...I hear there calling themselves..."The Nu Old School." They seem to have a huge problem with Painful Procedure...So I have decided to book a 4 vs. 4 Cage Wars match pitting "The Nu Old School" vs. Painful Procedure..." "And in the main event I have put Ricky Dale + BLZ Bubb in a tag team to face off against Liberty and the TCW Heavyweight Champ...Tommy Cornell...Both teams will have to face eachother in singles matches at the PPV so it should be interesting to see how they team together when they have to face eachother in a few days...All right good night everyone and enjoy the main event..." [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RickyDale.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BLZBubb.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B]*Main Event*[/B] [I]Ricky Dale + BLZ Bubb vs. Tommy Cornell + Liberty[/I] Amazing match between both teams...Suprisingly both teams worked together very nicely...Tommy and Liberty were looking very good to start the match off...The match ended when the teams ended up fighting eachother...BLZ and Ricky started the fighting when they disagreed on something...After that all hell broke loose as the show ended... [B]Winners: Draw by Double DQ [A][/B] [I][B]Overall Show Rating [B+][/B][/I][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
4th Show [CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]TCW Presents...Total Wrestling...is now Live!!![/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [B]1st Match of the Night[/B] [I]Black Eagle vs. Jacob Jett[/I] Jacob started the match off with a nice dropkick...The action was fast paced...Black Eagle had some good offense going but Jacob Jett hit a quick dropkick to the knee and he took the advantage...He whipped Black Eagle to the outside...Jacob then ran and dove out of the ring and hit a moonsault on Black Eagle...The match was then stopped when neither man got in the ring for the 10 count... [B]Winner: Draw - Double Count Out [C][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JohnGreed.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [B]2nd Match of the Night[/B] [I]John Greed vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/I] This wasn't much of a match...Johnny Bloodstone pretty much took advantage from the start and never gave up...He won the match after hitting a DDT and then locking in a boston crab... [B]Winner: Johnny Bloodstone [C][/B] [B]Backstage Segment: Attack on Giant Tana...[C-][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RaulDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JayDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG] Both Jay and Raul Darkness beat on Giant Tana backstage and challenge him to a handicap match... [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RaulDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JayDarkness_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Handicap Match[/B] [I]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana[/I] Match didn't last long as Giant Tana was shakin up before the match even started because of the attack on him...Jay and Raul just continued to hit Giant Tana with chairs until security came in and broke it up... Winner: Giant Tana by DQ [C+] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG] [B]4th Match of the Night[/B] [I]Wolf Hawkins vs. Madman Boone[/I] Better match then expected...Madman Boone showed some good offense but Wolf was too quick for Madman and won the match by hitting the Full Moon Rising.. [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins [C+][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] [I]Ronnie V. Pain + Troy Tornado vs. Tim Westybrook + Human Arsenal[/I] Very good match with an equal amount of offense for both teams...Ronnie V and Troy worked good together and so did Tim and Human Arsenal...Human Arsenal and Tim put some pretty good tag moves together but the match was thrown out because Robert Oxford and Genghis Rahn came down and beat on Ronnie and Troy...After the match the 4 men stood laughing together at Ronnie and Troy... [B]Winners: Troy Tornado + Ronnie V. Pain by DQ...[B grade][/B] [I][U][COLOR="Red"][B]*Tag Team Title Match*[/B][/COLOR][/U][/I] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BJShearer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Title Match[/B] [I]The Hit Men vs. Painful Procedure[/I] Great match...good tag team action between both teams...The Hit Men have been on a tear lately...The match ended when Robert Oxford, Tim Westybrook, Human Arsenal + Genghis Rahn came down and interfered while the refs back was turned and Joel Bryant nailed BJ Shearer with a chair and covered him for the win... [B]Winners and New TCW Tag Team Champions: The Hit Men [B-][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]*TCW International Title Match*[/U][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]International Title Match[/B] [I]Rick Law vs. Peter Valentine[/I] Decent match with Rick Law pretty much dominating the match...Peter didn't look very good...Rick Law won the match with a Long Arm of the Law... [B]Winner and Still TCW International Champion: Rick Law [B-][/B] [B]In Ring Segment...[A+][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG] "Welcome Ladies and Gentleman...Tonight has been a very good night...I'd like to announce a match for Malice in Wonderland...It's going to be a 4 way match for the All-Action Title...And if Freddy Huggins loses the match the belt will be called the Cruiserweight Title..." "Also tonight we saw The Darkness Warriors attack Giant Tana and they beat him with a chair in their match...so at Malice in Wonderland I talked to Giant Tana backstage and he has a surprise for Jay And Raul...He wants a tag team match at Malice and Wonderland and he has a friend of his to team up with him..." "Also there seems to be some new little group running around here...I hear there calling themselves..."The Nu Old School." They seem to have a huge problem with Painful Procedure...So I have decided to book a 4 vs. 4 Cage Wars match pitting "The Nu Old School" vs. Painful Procedure..." "And in the main event I have put Ricky Dale + BLZ Bubb in a tag team to face off against Liberty and the TCW Heavyweight Champ...Tommy Cornell...Both teams will have to face eachother in singles matches at the PPV so it should be interesting to see how they team together when they have to face eachother in a few days...All right good night everyone and enjoy the main event..." [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/RickyDale.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/BLZBubb.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B]*Main Event*[/B] [I]Ricky Dale + BLZ Bubb vs. Tommy Cornell + Liberty[/I] Amazing match between both teams...Suprisingly both teams worked together very nicely...Tommy and Liberty were looking very good to start the match off...The match ended when the teams ended up fighting eachother...BLZ and Ricky started the fighting when they disagreed on something...After that all hell broke loose as the show ended... [B]Winners: Draw by Double DQ [A][/B] [I][B]Overall Show Rating [B+][/B][/I][/CENTER]
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Guest TDubTNA
TCW Malice in Wonderland PPV Card [CENTER][I]Here's the card for the first TCW PPV I'm going to run...I'm hoping this will be a huge PPV and will get a whole lot of buyrates so I can get closer to SWF...It's going to be hard but I think I'm going in the right direction after my first 2 shows which i will admit were terrible...So here's the card[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Malice in Wonderland Pay Per View Card...[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]US Barbwire Match[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Madman Boone vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] [I]TCW management is hoping this will get the hardcore division back in shape...If the match does good expect TCW to sign some hardcore wrestlers to help out the division[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Tag Team Match with Mystery Opponent[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana + ???[/B] [I]TCW management is hoping people will love the surprise partner for Giant Tana...It's not a big name star but a very good independent star...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Ladder Match for the TCW All-Action Title[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]TCW management is said to be very excited about this match...They are hoping good things come out of this match...Even if Freddy Huggins retains the All-Action title they still are going to continue with a cruiserweight division because the crowd is eating it up...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]TCW 3 Way Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]The Hit Men (c) vs. The Young Guns vs. Demons of Rage[/B] TCW management is happy with the tag team division and thinks it could get much better so they brought back Demons of Rage to make the division deeper... [B][U][COLOR="Red"]TCW International Title Match - 4 Way Elimination[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Rick Law (c) vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B] [I]TCW is very happy about this match and feel that all 4 men are over...It should be a very exciting match and management can't wait for it...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]4 vs 4 Cage Wars[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Painful Procedure vs. The Nu Old School[/B] [I]TCW is very happy about this feud and are excited about how the fans have reacted to the new stable T.N.O.S...Expect this feud to continue after this match...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Steel Cage Match - #1 Contender for the TCW Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]BLZ Bubb vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] [I]TCW management is very happy about this match...They feel after this match both men will be able to have long titles runs if need be...People are saying this could be the match of the night...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls Match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tommy Cornell (c) vs. Liberty[/B] [I]This is going to be a very exciting match...Reactions backstage is that this could go down as the best TCW PPV ever...Management is very excited about this night and they feel whoever wins this match can carry the company to bigger and better things...[/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE]OOC: If anyone wants to make predictions that would be great...And also if you want to predict on who will team with Giant Tana you can do that as well...Hopefully everyone enjoys this diary as I finally am after 2 terrible shows to start off...Thanks and let the predictions begin...[/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
TCW Malice in Wonderland PPV Card [CENTER][I]Here's the card for the first TCW PPV I'm going to run...I'm hoping this will be a huge PPV and will get a whole lot of buyrates so I can get closer to SWF...It's going to be hard but I think I'm going in the right direction after my first 2 shows which i will admit were terrible...So here's the card[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Malice in Wonderland Pay Per View Card...[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]US Barbwire Match[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Madman Boone vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] [I]TCW management is hoping this will get the hardcore division back in shape...If the match does good expect TCW to sign some hardcore wrestlers to help out the division[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Tag Team Match with Mystery Opponent[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana + ???[/B] [I]TCW management is hoping people will love the surprise partner for Giant Tana...It's not a big name star but a very good independent star...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Ladder Match for the TCW All-Action Title[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]TCW management is said to be very excited about this match...They are hoping good things come out of this match...Even if Freddy Huggins retains the All-Action title they still are going to continue with a cruiserweight division because the crowd is eating it up...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]TCW 3 Way Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]The Hit Men (c) vs. The Young Guns vs. Demons of Rage[/B] TCW management is happy with the tag team division and thinks it could get much better so they brought back Demons of Rage to make the division deeper... [B][U][COLOR="Red"]TCW International Title Match - 4 Way Elimination[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Rick Law (c) vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B] [I]TCW is very happy about this match and feel that all 4 men are over...It should be a very exciting match and management can't wait for it...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]4 vs 4 Cage Wars[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Painful Procedure vs. The Nu Old School[/B] [I]TCW is very happy about this feud and are excited about how the fans have reacted to the new stable T.N.O.S...Expect this feud to continue after this match...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Steel Cage Match - #1 Contender for the TCW Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]BLZ Bubb vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] [I]TCW management is very happy about this match...They feel after this match both men will be able to have long titles runs if need be...People are saying this could be the match of the night...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls Match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tommy Cornell (c) vs. Liberty[/B] [I]This is going to be a very exciting match...Reactions backstage is that this could go down as the best TCW PPV ever...Management is very excited about this night and they feel whoever wins this match can carry the company to bigger and better things...[/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE]OOC: If anyone wants to make predictions that would be great...And also if you want to predict on who will team with Giant Tana you can do that as well...Hopefully everyone enjoys this diary as I finally am after 2 terrible shows to start off...Thanks and let the predictions begin...[/QUOTE]
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US Barbwire Match [B]Madman Boone[/B] vs. Charlie Thatcher Tag Team Match with Mystery Opponent The Darkness Warriors vs. [B]Giant Tana + Flemmy Lemming?[/B] Ladder Match for the TCW All-Action Title Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] TCW 3 Way Tag Team Title Match The Hit Men (c) vs. [B]The Young Guns [/B]vs. Demons of Rage TCW International Title Match - 4 Way Elimination [B]Rick Law (c) [/B]vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone 4 vs 4 Cage Wars Painful Procedure vs. [B]The Nu Old School[/B] Steel Cage Match - #1 Contender for the TCW Heavyweight Title BLZ Bubb vs.[B] Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Ricky Dale will win and prove himself to be dominant. *Main Event* TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls Match [B]Tommy Cornell (c) [/B]vs. Liberty I think Cornell will dominate and win 2 without Liberty winning any.
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US Barbwire Match [B]Madman Boone[/B] vs. Charlie Thatcher Tag Team Match with Mystery Opponent The Darkness Warriors vs. [B]Giant Tana + Flemmy Lemming?[/B] Ladder Match for the TCW All-Action Title Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] TCW 3 Way Tag Team Title Match The Hit Men (c) vs. [B]The Young Guns [/B]vs. Demons of Rage TCW International Title Match - 4 Way Elimination [B]Rick Law (c) [/B]vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone 4 vs 4 Cage Wars Painful Procedure vs. [B]The Nu Old School[/B] Steel Cage Match - #1 Contender for the TCW Heavyweight Title BLZ Bubb vs.[B] Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Ricky Dale will win and prove himself to be dominant. *Main Event* TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls Match [B]Tommy Cornell (c) [/B]vs. Liberty I think Cornell will dominate and win 2 without Liberty winning any.
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Guest TDubTNA
TCW Malice in Wonderland [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]TCW Presents...TCW Malice in Wonderland on Pay Per View!![/I][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Malice in Wonderland is now Live!!![/COLOR][/B] [I]US Barbwire Match[/I] [B]Madman Boone vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] Madman started off like a man on fire...He was throwing wild punches that were landing...Charlie just had no defense to start the match...He was getting dominated very early on...Finally Charlie gets a poke to the eye on Madman and starts some offense...Charlie pretty much dominated the rest of the match and hit several chairshots on Madman Boone and at the end of the match he hit a spike piledriver on a chair for the win... [B]Winner: Charlie Thatcher [C][/B] [I]Tag Team Mystery Match[/I] [B]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana + ???[/B] Before the match Giant Tana came down to the ring and got on a mic...He said he was going to reveal his tag team partner for the night...He said it was a family member of his...A few seconds later Samoan Machine came out of the curtains and ran down to the ring as the match started...Tana and Machine had some good offense going..but Jay and Raul fought back...The match was a good brawling match which saw Samoan Machine really dominate both Jay and Raul...The match ended when Giant Tana knocked Jay off the apron and Samoan Machine locked on his Unbreakable Sleeper on Raul for the win... [B]Winners: Samoan Inc. [C+] - Segment - [D][/B] [I]4 Way All Action Title Match - Ladder Match[/I] [B]Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. Stevie Grayson[/B] Absolutely amazing match between all four men...Fumihiro and Kazuma worked together pretty much the whole entire match...They had Stevie and Freddy beat...The set up a table on the outside and then put another one on top of that...They then went back into the ring to grab Freddy...They set up the ladder in the ring right next to the ring ropes...They then dragged Freddy up the ladder...Then both Kazuma and Fumihiro grabbed Freddy and were about to superplex him into the tables as Stevie Grayson ran off the ropes and delivered a huge dropkick to the ladder tipping it over and all 3 men went crashing into the tables and the crowd went nuts...Stevie then set the ladder back up and climbed to the top and grabbed the All-Action Title... [B]Winner and NEW All Action Champion: Stevie Grayson [B-][/B] [I]3 Way Tag Team Championship Match[/I] [B]The Hit Men (c) vs. Demons of Rage vs. The Young Guns[/B] This was pretty much a squash match as The Hit Men were just flawless and pretty much dominated from the start...The match ended when Both members of Demon Rage were on the outside and Joel and Paul hit a double ddt for the win on Steve Gumble... [B]Winners and STILL TCW Tag Team Champs: The Hit Men [B-][/B] [I]4 Way International Title Match[/I] [B]Rick Law (c) vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B] Probably one of the best matches of the night...Peter Valentine looked sluggish as usual but the other 3 men tore the house down...Wolf was hitting great high flying moves and Johnny was hitting good suplexes and other technical moves...Rick Law though won the match with his great brawling style...He ended up hitting the Long Arm of the Law on Peter Valentine for the win... [B]Winner and Still TCW International Champion: Rick Law [B+][/B] [I]4 vs. 4 Cage Wars[/I] [B]Painful Procedure vs. The Nu Old School[/B] This was a brutal match as all 8 men brought there A game...There were chairs, ladders, and table in the match and every single thing was used...The Nu Old School dominated most of the match but gave up some offense to Painful Procedure...Ronnie V Pain fought back and got some offense in on Robert Oxford...In the end though Painful Procedure won the match when Troy Tornado locked on a boston crab to get Human Arsenal to tap out... [B]Winners: Painful Procedure [B-][/B] [I]#1 Contenders Match for the Heavyweight Title - Steel Cage[/I] [B]BLZ Bubb vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Such a great match...If you like brawling and brutal action you would love this match...It was a great back and forth match with both men pretty much getting the same amount of offense...Both men looked great in this match...BLZ Bubb ended up winning the match though with a monster Hades Bomb as he pinned Ricky for the win... [B]Winner and #1 Contender: BLZ Bubb [A][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls[/I] [B]Tommy Cornell (c) vs. Liberty[/B] Before the match Tommy Cornell attacked Liberty backstage...So when Liberty came out he was shaken up...Tommy pretty much dominated the whole match because of what he had done prior to the match...Libery did start getting some offense in but Tommy hit a quick Rough Justice on Liberty to win the first pinfall...After that it was pretty much all Tommy Cornell as he locked in the Guilt Trip on Liberty to win the match and keep his title... [B]Winner and STILL TCW Heavyweight Champion: Tommy Cornell [A] - Segment - [A+][/B] [I][B]Overall Show Rating - [A] Attendance - 23,039 PPV Buy Rates - 135,401[/B][/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Overall the PPV was good...I could have booked it a little better but I'm still getting used to this roster...I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Hardcore Title since Madman Boone couldn't beat Charlie Thatcher...I have no one else that could be in the division...I might scrap the title and maybe get rid of Madman Boone to because I'm not sure what I can do with him...Also the All-Action Title will now be the Cruiserweight Title...Or I might keep the All Action title and call the division the All-Action Division but it will have high flying as it's main thing...Also The Hit Men are really over so I decided to keep the straps on them...Rick Law is over very well so there was no way I was taking the strap off him...Peter Valentine is underperforming in every match he is in and it's frustrating me...I might just job him out and cut him because he has no talent in the first place...And I kept the Heavyweight Title on Cornell because I didn't feel Liberty was going to be a good champion.... Hopefully soon I will raise to international because I really want to compete with SWF...This PPV will put us closer but were still far away...Give me a year or so and we'll be closer to SWF...We just need some new stars and we need to expand internationally once we got international...[/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
TCW Malice in Wonderland [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]TCW Presents...TCW Malice in Wonderland on Pay Per View!![/I][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]TCW Malice in Wonderland is now Live!!![/COLOR][/B] [I]US Barbwire Match[/I] [B]Madman Boone vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] Madman started off like a man on fire...He was throwing wild punches that were landing...Charlie just had no defense to start the match...He was getting dominated very early on...Finally Charlie gets a poke to the eye on Madman and starts some offense...Charlie pretty much dominated the rest of the match and hit several chairshots on Madman Boone and at the end of the match he hit a spike piledriver on a chair for the win... [B]Winner: Charlie Thatcher [C][/B] [I]Tag Team Mystery Match[/I] [B]The Darkness Warriors vs. Giant Tana + ???[/B] Before the match Giant Tana came down to the ring and got on a mic...He said he was going to reveal his tag team partner for the night...He said it was a family member of his...A few seconds later Samoan Machine came out of the curtains and ran down to the ring as the match started...Tana and Machine had some good offense going..but Jay and Raul fought back...The match was a good brawling match which saw Samoan Machine really dominate both Jay and Raul...The match ended when Giant Tana knocked Jay off the apron and Samoan Machine locked on his Unbreakable Sleeper on Raul for the win... [B]Winners: Samoan Inc. [C+] - Segment - [D][/B] [I]4 Way All Action Title Match - Ladder Match[/I] [B]Freddy Huggins (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Kazuma Narato vs. Stevie Grayson[/B] Absolutely amazing match between all four men...Fumihiro and Kazuma worked together pretty much the whole entire match...They had Stevie and Freddy beat...The set up a table on the outside and then put another one on top of that...They then went back into the ring to grab Freddy...They set up the ladder in the ring right next to the ring ropes...They then dragged Freddy up the ladder...Then both Kazuma and Fumihiro grabbed Freddy and were about to superplex him into the tables as Stevie Grayson ran off the ropes and delivered a huge dropkick to the ladder tipping it over and all 3 men went crashing into the tables and the crowd went nuts...Stevie then set the ladder back up and climbed to the top and grabbed the All-Action Title... [B]Winner and NEW All Action Champion: Stevie Grayson [B-][/B] [I]3 Way Tag Team Championship Match[/I] [B]The Hit Men (c) vs. Demons of Rage vs. The Young Guns[/B] This was pretty much a squash match as The Hit Men were just flawless and pretty much dominated from the start...The match ended when Both members of Demon Rage were on the outside and Joel and Paul hit a double ddt for the win on Steve Gumble... [B]Winners and STILL TCW Tag Team Champs: The Hit Men [B-][/B] [I]4 Way International Title Match[/I] [B]Rick Law (c) vs. Peter Valentine vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B] Probably one of the best matches of the night...Peter Valentine looked sluggish as usual but the other 3 men tore the house down...Wolf was hitting great high flying moves and Johnny was hitting good suplexes and other technical moves...Rick Law though won the match with his great brawling style...He ended up hitting the Long Arm of the Law on Peter Valentine for the win... [B]Winner and Still TCW International Champion: Rick Law [B+][/B] [I]4 vs. 4 Cage Wars[/I] [B]Painful Procedure vs. The Nu Old School[/B] This was a brutal match as all 8 men brought there A game...There were chairs, ladders, and table in the match and every single thing was used...The Nu Old School dominated most of the match but gave up some offense to Painful Procedure...Ronnie V Pain fought back and got some offense in on Robert Oxford...In the end though Painful Procedure won the match when Troy Tornado locked on a boston crab to get Human Arsenal to tap out... [B]Winners: Painful Procedure [B-][/B] [I]#1 Contenders Match for the Heavyweight Title - Steel Cage[/I] [B]BLZ Bubb vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Such a great match...If you like brawling and brutal action you would love this match...It was a great back and forth match with both men pretty much getting the same amount of offense...Both men looked great in this match...BLZ Bubb ended up winning the match though with a monster Hades Bomb as he pinned Ricky for the win... [B]Winner and #1 Contender: BLZ Bubb [A][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]*Main Event*[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]TCW Heavyweight Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls[/I] [B]Tommy Cornell (c) vs. Liberty[/B] Before the match Tommy Cornell attacked Liberty backstage...So when Liberty came out he was shaken up...Tommy pretty much dominated the whole match because of what he had done prior to the match...Libery did start getting some offense in but Tommy hit a quick Rough Justice on Liberty to win the first pinfall...After that it was pretty much all Tommy Cornell as he locked in the Guilt Trip on Liberty to win the match and keep his title... [B]Winner and STILL TCW Heavyweight Champion: Tommy Cornell [A] - Segment - [A+][/B] [I][B]Overall Show Rating - [A] Attendance - 23,039 PPV Buy Rates - 135,401[/B][/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Overall the PPV was good...I could have booked it a little better but I'm still getting used to this roster...I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Hardcore Title since Madman Boone couldn't beat Charlie Thatcher...I have no one else that could be in the division...I might scrap the title and maybe get rid of Madman Boone to because I'm not sure what I can do with him...Also the All-Action Title will now be the Cruiserweight Title...Or I might keep the All Action title and call the division the All-Action Division but it will have high flying as it's main thing...Also The Hit Men are really over so I decided to keep the straps on them...Rick Law is over very well so there was no way I was taking the strap off him...Peter Valentine is underperforming in every match he is in and it's frustrating me...I might just job him out and cut him because he has no talent in the first place...And I kept the Heavyweight Title on Cornell because I didn't feel Liberty was going to be a good champion.... Hopefully soon I will raise to international because I really want to compete with SWF...This PPV will put us closer but were still far away...Give me a year or so and we'll be closer to SWF...We just need some new stars and we need to expand internationally once we got international...[/QUOTE]
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