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Tyler Gadzinski

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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;149787]i think its freaking awesome that he joined them I really didnt think theyd bring him in cuz his agent was saying that he retired from professional wrestling and he was gonna go into MMA and sorry about spoiling it but it just ended and I had to share the awesome freaking news "Its Real, It's Damn Real"[/QUOTE] His agent saying that him wanting to join MMA could just have been a way to lead wwe away from them finding out that he signed with TNA and wwe spoiling it for them.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;149787]i think its freaking awesome that he joined them I really didnt think theyd bring him in cuz his agent was saying that he retired from professional wrestling and he was gonna go into MMA and sorry about spoiling it but it just ended and I had to share the awesome freaking news "Its Real, It's Damn Real"[/QUOTE] His agent saying that him wanting to join MMA could just have been a way to lead wwe away from them finding out that he signed with TNA and wwe spoiling it for them.
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[quote]and i think the reason really for Kurt leaving WWE was cuz he didnt like ECW[/quote] The reason Kurt left WWE is that he was fired. The decision was made for a variety of issues, including but not limited to; drug problems, erratic behavior and fears he was destroying himself. Dave Meltzer's been covering it pretty extensively in the past few issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and it's a very complex story, but the gist of it is that he became impossible to deal with, his behavior was irrational, he refused to slow down with his body falling apart and he refused any help for his obvious personal and drug-related problems. The story about it being mutual was fabricated as a way for Angle to save face publicly, but was not true. I will also say that knowing all this, I think it's absolutely horrible that TNA would hire a guy like this, when he so desperately needs to get help and heal up. Honestly, I was hoping for his own sake that the guy would just get the career-ending neck surgery that he's needed for nearly four years and retire before he does [i]even more[/i] irreparable damage to himself and his life. But at the rate he's going, if he doesn't stop (which he won't) and no one stops him (which I'd hope they could), the chances are very real that he'll end up like Dynamite Kid in a best-case scenario, or Eddy Guerrero in a worst.
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[quote]and i think the reason really for Kurt leaving WWE was cuz he didnt like ECW[/quote] The reason Kurt left WWE is that he was fired. The decision was made for a variety of issues, including but not limited to; drug problems, erratic behavior and fears he was destroying himself. Dave Meltzer's been covering it pretty extensively in the past few issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and it's a very complex story, but the gist of it is that he became impossible to deal with, his behavior was irrational, he refused to slow down with his body falling apart and he refused any help for his obvious personal and drug-related problems. The story about it being mutual was fabricated as a way for Angle to save face publicly, but was not true. I will also say that knowing all this, I think it's absolutely horrible that TNA would hire a guy like this, when he so desperately needs to get help and heal up. Honestly, I was hoping for his own sake that the guy would just get the career-ending neck surgery that he's needed for nearly four years and retire before he does [i]even more[/i] irreparable damage to himself and his life. But at the rate he's going, if he doesn't stop (which he won't) and no one stops him (which I'd hope they could), the chances are very real that he'll end up like Dynamite Kid in a best-case scenario, or Eddy Guerrero in a worst.
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yeah i dont want to see anything bad happen to Kurt but you gotta admit TNA really needed this and the publicity from him and he wasnt going to stop he was just gonna go into MMA or so says his agent and Dana White on an interview with Howard Stern but hopefully he has cleaned up his act a little Im pretty sure he cant be acting worse than Randy Orton who recently failed a drug test but was not suspended.
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yeah i dont want to see anything bad happen to Kurt but you gotta admit TNA really needed this and the publicity from him and he wasnt going to stop he was just gonna go into MMA or so says his agent and Dana White on an interview with Howard Stern but hopefully he has cleaned up his act a little Im pretty sure he cant be acting worse than Randy Orton who recently failed a drug test but was not suspended.
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Well, apparently he did get worse than Randy Orton; Orton hasn't been fired. And anyway, yes TNA needed a kick in the ass, but nothing is worth potentially endangering a man's life, or at the very least giving him an outlet in which to permanently injure himself. In his last match in WWE (an ECW house show match in White Plains, NY), according to Angle himself, he suffered a fairly severe groin injury, as well as a hamstring injury and a torn abdominal muscle. This was all in one match, working the safer house show style, no less. Going all out in a TNA ring, which you know he'll try to do because he's insane, is a recipe for distaster. Basically, what it boils down to is that the idea of Kurt Angle working somewhere that has no semblance of drug testing or a health program scares the hell out of me. [b]EDIT:[/b] I just found one of those WON issues. Here are a few tidbits to give you an idea of how bad he'd gotten by the end, on top of what I've already told you. From a behavior standpoint, he was said to be acting like Brian Pillman in the last year of his life, on the erratic scale. Meltz says Angle was constanstly calling, e-mailing, text messaging (and so forth) people in the company ranging from Vince to John Laurinaitis (Johnny Ace) to Kevin Dunn and some of the wrestlers. The estimate from one of Dave's sources was about 15-20 times a day with a lot of the messages making no sense while others seemed to have been written with a level head. There was a match where he accidentally dropped RVD on his head, and then allegedly reported to an agent that it was RVD's fault. Supposedly there was another incident involving RVD based on something Kurt said in the ring, but Meltz never elaborates on that one. Also, he became furious at not being booked on SummerSlam and started lobbying to everybody to get him on the show, in spite of his physical condition. He actually succeeded, with a couple of plans coming up, the final one being a three way with Big Show and Sabu, and he was pushing hard to get the title in that match. Then the next thing happened... From a physical standpoint, the day before the TV tapings with the RVD vs. Sabu ladder match before SummerSlam, Angle reportedly called Laurinaitis to tell him that his legs were numb and that he was being wheeled through the airport. This is where he informed the company that his sports massage therapist told him he had a torn abdominal muscle.
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Well, apparently he did get worse than Randy Orton; Orton hasn't been fired. And anyway, yes TNA needed a kick in the ass, but nothing is worth potentially endangering a man's life, or at the very least giving him an outlet in which to permanently injure himself. In his last match in WWE (an ECW house show match in White Plains, NY), according to Angle himself, he suffered a fairly severe groin injury, as well as a hamstring injury and a torn abdominal muscle. This was all in one match, working the safer house show style, no less. Going all out in a TNA ring, which you know he'll try to do because he's insane, is a recipe for distaster. Basically, what it boils down to is that the idea of Kurt Angle working somewhere that has no semblance of drug testing or a health program scares the hell out of me. [b]EDIT:[/b] I just found one of those WON issues. Here are a few tidbits to give you an idea of how bad he'd gotten by the end, on top of what I've already told you. From a behavior standpoint, he was said to be acting like Brian Pillman in the last year of his life, on the erratic scale. Meltz says Angle was constanstly calling, e-mailing, text messaging (and so forth) people in the company ranging from Vince to John Laurinaitis (Johnny Ace) to Kevin Dunn and some of the wrestlers. The estimate from one of Dave's sources was about 15-20 times a day with a lot of the messages making no sense while others seemed to have been written with a level head. There was a match where he accidentally dropped RVD on his head, and then allegedly reported to an agent that it was RVD's fault. Supposedly there was another incident involving RVD based on something Kurt said in the ring, but Meltz never elaborates on that one. Also, he became furious at not being booked on SummerSlam and started lobbying to everybody to get him on the show, in spite of his physical condition. He actually succeeded, with a couple of plans coming up, the final one being a three way with Big Show and Sabu, and he was pushing hard to get the title in that match. Then the next thing happened... From a physical standpoint, the day before the TV tapings with the RVD vs. Sabu ladder match before SummerSlam, Angle reportedly called Laurinaitis to tell him that his legs were numb and that he was being wheeled through the airport. This is where he informed the company that his sports massage therapist told him he had a torn abdominal muscle.
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Here are two pics of Angle on my TNA Background: [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle2.jpg[/IMG] Note: second one because we all know it won't be long until he's in the title hunt (hopefully a nice long back and forth with Samoa Joe!)
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Here are two pics of Angle on my TNA Background: [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle2.jpg[/IMG] Note: second one because we all know it won't be long until he's in the title hunt (hopefully a nice long back and forth with Samoa Joe!)
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yeah thats some pretty sad stuff Almaida and brat i dont think theyll give him the belt too fast as they plan to have Sting go for it at Bound for Glory but Kurt will prolly be in the title hunt pretty fast as a rumor stated that sources within TNA said they will be getting rid of Jarrett as the main view point of the Promotion people may hate him but I like him cuz he helped make that company what it is today him and his brother helped alot and if you dont like him for whatever reason just like him for putting TNA on the map cuz he got them there TV deal with SpikeTV thats all I have to say and Joe is awesome:) thanks for the pic by the way is there anyway possible you could edit the title one and fit in the NWA world title? PS TNA has rights to the NWA World Title all the way through 2014 just thought you TNA fans out there wanted to know that.. and TNA isnt a part of NWA anymore since Dixie owns the company now.
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yeah thats some pretty sad stuff Almaida and brat i dont think theyll give him the belt too fast as they plan to have Sting go for it at Bound for Glory but Kurt will prolly be in the title hunt pretty fast as a rumor stated that sources within TNA said they will be getting rid of Jarrett as the main view point of the Promotion people may hate him but I like him cuz he helped make that company what it is today him and his brother helped alot and if you dont like him for whatever reason just like him for putting TNA on the map cuz he got them there TV deal with SpikeTV thats all I have to say and Joe is awesome:) thanks for the pic by the way is there anyway possible you could edit the title one and fit in the NWA world title? PS TNA has rights to the NWA World Title all the way through 2014 just thought you TNA fans out there wanted to know that.. and TNA isnt a part of NWA anymore since Dixie owns the company now.
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[QUOTE=Almaida;149808]And anyway, yes TNA needed a kick in the ass, but nothing is worth potentially endangering a man's life, or at the very least giving him an outlet in which to permanently injure himself. In his last match in WWE (an ECW house show match in White Plains, NY), according to Angle himself, he suffered a fairly severe groin injury, as well as a hamstring injury and a torn abdominal muscle. This was all in one match, working the safer house show style, no less. Going all out in a TNA ring, which you know he'll try to do because he's insane, is a recipe for distaster. Basically, what it boils down to is that the idea of Kurt Angle working somewhere that has no semblance of drug testing or a health program scares the hell out of me. [/QUOTE] Yeah I'm also somewhat concerned by his transition to TNA, but on the plus side, TNA does have a far less gruelling schedule than the WWE, both competing and on the road. However unlike the WWE, TNA will want him on TV and in the ring at every opportunity whereas the WWE had the depth in the roster to give Angle time to rest without it too adversely effecting their product.
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[QUOTE=Almaida;149808]And anyway, yes TNA needed a kick in the ass, but nothing is worth potentially endangering a man's life, or at the very least giving him an outlet in which to permanently injure himself. In his last match in WWE (an ECW house show match in White Plains, NY), according to Angle himself, he suffered a fairly severe groin injury, as well as a hamstring injury and a torn abdominal muscle. This was all in one match, working the safer house show style, no less. Going all out in a TNA ring, which you know he'll try to do because he's insane, is a recipe for distaster. Basically, what it boils down to is that the idea of Kurt Angle working somewhere that has no semblance of drug testing or a health program scares the hell out of me. [/QUOTE] Yeah I'm also somewhat concerned by his transition to TNA, but on the plus side, TNA does have a far less gruelling schedule than the WWE, both competing and on the road. However unlike the WWE, TNA will want him on TV and in the ring at every opportunity whereas the WWE had the depth in the roster to give Angle time to rest without it too adversely effecting their product.
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