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Tyler Gadzinski

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Like this: [IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle12.jpg[/IMG] You have to open up something like a photobucket account first, then upload them to there. Click on "Insert Image" in your post and type in the URL location of the images.
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Like this: [IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/Gazza87UK/J%20-%20L/KurtAngle12.jpg[/IMG] You have to open up something like a photobucket account first, then upload them to there. Click on "Insert Image" in your post and type in the URL location of the images.
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I like the thought of Angle v Joe and Angle v Daniels, hell even Angle v AJ but the conspiracy theorist in me can't shake the nagging feeling Vince is pulling some strings and will yank Angle back before his debut, making TNA look like the dictionary definition of Bush League to then boast about how he played them for saps. If I was Vince, I would :D I know its unlikely, but hey, the guy was the "higher power" after all :rolleyes:
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I like the thought of Angle v Joe and Angle v Daniels, hell even Angle v AJ but the conspiracy theorist in me can't shake the nagging feeling Vince is pulling some strings and will yank Angle back before his debut, making TNA look like the dictionary definition of Bush League to then boast about how he played them for saps. If I was Vince, I would :D I know its unlikely, but hey, the guy was the "higher power" after all :rolleyes:
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Before you go there, I actually like Kurt Angle. That's why this bothers me. [QUOTE=Drcat1313;149909]Almaida How Could you say something about kurt angle at least he is doing something with his life what are you doing sitting there with yourself. No reason for getting up in the morning . Next you go bring your Anti-tna WWE fan stuff around there. Remember this 4 people saved wwe from dieing during the monday night wars. 1. stonecold 2. vince mcmahon 3. kurt angle 4. the rock. Kurt angle only has been in 3 bad matches in is entire career. All because of john cena no wrestling talent. even if kurt angle did take drugs who are you to judge him he still had the strength to get to work and put a good match. just as scott hall did back in the day with his drinking in WCW.[/QUOTE] Well, that was uncalled for. Dude, look. All I did was state facts. You can hurl insults at me all you want, at the end of the day I really don't care because you mean absolutely nothing to me. The important thing is that Kurt Angle has a myriad of problems --far more than I mentioned in this thread-- which could realistically lead to his premature death. This is avoidable, or at least would be if people with power would take their hands off their ears, open their eyes and actually acknowledge the reality of the situation. The problem is not that Angle took drugs, the problem (among many others) is that [i]he's addicted right now.[/i] Like, RIGHT NOW. We're talking about a man who can't function properly without an exorbitant amount of painkillers. Do you even understand how dangerous that is? People HAVE DIED because of addictions like that, and instead of getting the help he needs, Kurt [i]keeps making the situation even worse.[/i] He won't even admit that he has a problem, for crying out loud. That WWE FIRED HIM should be more than enough to send the red flags flying; this is a company that has employed and continues to employ known drug addicts, people with histories of addiction, people who are currently over-dependent on painkillers, innumerable people who, until very recently, were knowingly taking years off their lives with steroids and HGH, and people who put off necessary surgery for months and months while consistantly aggrivating their injuries. All this, and KURT ANGLE WAS WORSE THAN ALL OF THEM. Once again, Angle's problems were so severe that after WWE tried everything they could with him, and he refused rehab, THEY FIRED HIM. Has it yet sunk in how huge a deal that is? I'm normally not the type to say something like this, and I can assure you that this is not TNA-hate speaking, but the fact that TNA hired a guy with such problems is downright disgusting. Basically, in this situation, they are the enablers. Again, let's recap. --He badly needs his neck fused, but refuses to get it done because it's so severe that the extent of the surgery would reduce his mobility to the point that he'd be forced to retire. As bad as the necks of Austin, Benoit et al were, Angle's is even worse. That he hasn't paralysed himself yet is pure luck. It should be noted that way back at Wrestlemania 19, he was strongly advised not to wrestle because doing so resulted in a very high chance of permanent injury, including paralysis or even death. This was [i]three and a half years ago.[/i] --He has serious problems with addiction, bad enough that he can't function without the drugs but he won't admit there's a problem. This is not a man who can be trusted to make wise decisions with regards to his body. --It cannot be overstated how bad his physical condition is. His arms have visibly atrophied as a result of nerve damage, which has also caused his hands and legs to go numb (I've heard degenerative nerve disorder, but I can't confirm that). His long-term problems have been showing outward effects for a long time now, to the point that the guy actually [i]looks[/i] unhealthy. Not even Eddy Guerrero showed physical signs of degeneration like that. --This isn't even getting into his regular injuries. Pulled groin, torn hamstring, torn ab, all in [i]one match[/i]. And he kept wrestling through that, even continuing to push for a spot on the next PPV as well as to keep his spot in an upcoming ladder match, both of which he would've wrestled were it up to him. With no one to stop him, and TNA doesn't exactly have the best track record with taking care of their talent, there's no telling how far he'll go. --Without going on for too much longer, add the fact that his family has a history of angina; in fact, if I remember correctly, Angle's father --doing nowhere near the damage to his body that Kurt has, mind you-- died young of a heart attack as a result. You take a high risk of heart disease and then add everything Kurt's done to his body, and you will not get a long life out of it. This isn't even getting into the personal problems he's been going through. Kurt Angle is wrestling himself into a wheelchair [i]at best.[/i] That Vince McMahon actually took the moral high road in this issue is a testament to how out of hand things have gotten. And I am most certainly not a McMahon apologist. If you still refuse to acknowledge the problem, just use some critical thinking; why would Vince fire Angle knowing he'd be handing one of the biggest stars in wrestling right over to any competitor that wanted him? Something had to be [i]seriously[/i] wrong for that to happen, yet TNA was content to put the blinders on and not only do nothing to help, but [i]actively worsen the problems.[/i] You'll have to forgive me if I can't get excited about a guy with Angle's problems going to a place with no drug testing, no health policy, and an environment that'll see him push himself well beyond his physical limitations. I don't want to see another wrestler die when the result would've easily been avoidable. It hasn't even been 11 months since Eddy Guerrero died. You want another one? Also, while I'm here, here's something for the future. Don't throw personal insults at someone who has not personally insulted you, as you'll never be taken seriously that way and it makes you look... well, bad. Secondly, if you must insult someone, try to come up something that doesn't also apply to yourself. People on the internet insulting other people on the internet for being on the internet is about the lamest thing a person can do, and again it makes you look bad. Finally, try to get your facts straight (Angle had nothing to do with WWE winning the war; he came around long after they were out of danger) and try not to come off as a fanboy ("Anti-TNA! WWE fan! Angle never had a bad match!"), because it really kills your argument. I will also say that I sincerely apologize if I've offended anybody in any of my posts. It was never my intention to do so. My intention, apart from the obvious one of expressing what I'm feeling, was to simply raise awareness to the reality of Kurt Angle's problems. My posts were meant to inform, not to offend. Again, I'm sorry if anyone took offense, but these are real problems that people should know about. [b]EDIT:[/b] [quote]I dont think Kurt would resign with WWE I think Kurt really hated his storyline and being on the new ECW made him sick... also i dont know if i posted it in here but at a press meeting Angle said being in TNA felt like he has found his home and he thanked TNA for saving his Career/Life.[/quote] Angle would absolutely go back if asked. He never wanted to leave in the first place. This had nothing to do with ECW. Also, seriously, I can't be the only one who's seriously freaked out by Kurt saying TNA saved his life, can I?
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Before you go there, I actually like Kurt Angle. That's why this bothers me. [QUOTE=Drcat1313;149909]Almaida How Could you say something about kurt angle at least he is doing something with his life what are you doing sitting there with yourself. No reason for getting up in the morning . Next you go bring your Anti-tna WWE fan stuff around there. Remember this 4 people saved wwe from dieing during the monday night wars. 1. stonecold 2. vince mcmahon 3. kurt angle 4. the rock. Kurt angle only has been in 3 bad matches in is entire career. All because of john cena no wrestling talent. even if kurt angle did take drugs who are you to judge him he still had the strength to get to work and put a good match. just as scott hall did back in the day with his drinking in WCW.[/QUOTE] Well, that was uncalled for. Dude, look. All I did was state facts. You can hurl insults at me all you want, at the end of the day I really don't care because you mean absolutely nothing to me. The important thing is that Kurt Angle has a myriad of problems --far more than I mentioned in this thread-- which could realistically lead to his premature death. This is avoidable, or at least would be if people with power would take their hands off their ears, open their eyes and actually acknowledge the reality of the situation. The problem is not that Angle took drugs, the problem (among many others) is that [i]he's addicted right now.[/i] Like, RIGHT NOW. We're talking about a man who can't function properly without an exorbitant amount of painkillers. Do you even understand how dangerous that is? People HAVE DIED because of addictions like that, and instead of getting the help he needs, Kurt [i]keeps making the situation even worse.[/i] He won't even admit that he has a problem, for crying out loud. That WWE FIRED HIM should be more than enough to send the red flags flying; this is a company that has employed and continues to employ known drug addicts, people with histories of addiction, people who are currently over-dependent on painkillers, innumerable people who, until very recently, were knowingly taking years off their lives with steroids and HGH, and people who put off necessary surgery for months and months while consistantly aggrivating their injuries. All this, and KURT ANGLE WAS WORSE THAN ALL OF THEM. Once again, Angle's problems were so severe that after WWE tried everything they could with him, and he refused rehab, THEY FIRED HIM. Has it yet sunk in how huge a deal that is? I'm normally not the type to say something like this, and I can assure you that this is not TNA-hate speaking, but the fact that TNA hired a guy with such problems is downright disgusting. Basically, in this situation, they are the enablers. Again, let's recap. --He badly needs his neck fused, but refuses to get it done because it's so severe that the extent of the surgery would reduce his mobility to the point that he'd be forced to retire. As bad as the necks of Austin, Benoit et al were, Angle's is even worse. That he hasn't paralysed himself yet is pure luck. It should be noted that way back at Wrestlemania 19, he was strongly advised not to wrestle because doing so resulted in a very high chance of permanent injury, including paralysis or even death. This was [i]three and a half years ago.[/i] --He has serious problems with addiction, bad enough that he can't function without the drugs but he won't admit there's a problem. This is not a man who can be trusted to make wise decisions with regards to his body. --It cannot be overstated how bad his physical condition is. His arms have visibly atrophied as a result of nerve damage, which has also caused his hands and legs to go numb (I've heard degenerative nerve disorder, but I can't confirm that). His long-term problems have been showing outward effects for a long time now, to the point that the guy actually [i]looks[/i] unhealthy. Not even Eddy Guerrero showed physical signs of degeneration like that. --This isn't even getting into his regular injuries. Pulled groin, torn hamstring, torn ab, all in [i]one match[/i]. And he kept wrestling through that, even continuing to push for a spot on the next PPV as well as to keep his spot in an upcoming ladder match, both of which he would've wrestled were it up to him. With no one to stop him, and TNA doesn't exactly have the best track record with taking care of their talent, there's no telling how far he'll go. --Without going on for too much longer, add the fact that his family has a history of angina; in fact, if I remember correctly, Angle's father --doing nowhere near the damage to his body that Kurt has, mind you-- died young of a heart attack as a result. You take a high risk of heart disease and then add everything Kurt's done to his body, and you will not get a long life out of it. This isn't even getting into the personal problems he's been going through. Kurt Angle is wrestling himself into a wheelchair [i]at best.[/i] That Vince McMahon actually took the moral high road in this issue is a testament to how out of hand things have gotten. And I am most certainly not a McMahon apologist. If you still refuse to acknowledge the problem, just use some critical thinking; why would Vince fire Angle knowing he'd be handing one of the biggest stars in wrestling right over to any competitor that wanted him? Something had to be [i]seriously[/i] wrong for that to happen, yet TNA was content to put the blinders on and not only do nothing to help, but [i]actively worsen the problems.[/i] You'll have to forgive me if I can't get excited about a guy with Angle's problems going to a place with no drug testing, no health policy, and an environment that'll see him push himself well beyond his physical limitations. I don't want to see another wrestler die when the result would've easily been avoidable. It hasn't even been 11 months since Eddy Guerrero died. You want another one? Also, while I'm here, here's something for the future. Don't throw personal insults at someone who has not personally insulted you, as you'll never be taken seriously that way and it makes you look... well, bad. Secondly, if you must insult someone, try to come up something that doesn't also apply to yourself. People on the internet insulting other people on the internet for being on the internet is about the lamest thing a person can do, and again it makes you look bad. Finally, try to get your facts straight (Angle had nothing to do with WWE winning the war; he came around long after they were out of danger) and try not to come off as a fanboy ("Anti-TNA! WWE fan! Angle never had a bad match!"), because it really kills your argument. I will also say that I sincerely apologize if I've offended anybody in any of my posts. It was never my intention to do so. My intention, apart from the obvious one of expressing what I'm feeling, was to simply raise awareness to the reality of Kurt Angle's problems. My posts were meant to inform, not to offend. Again, I'm sorry if anyone took offense, but these are real problems that people should know about. [b]EDIT:[/b] [quote]I dont think Kurt would resign with WWE I think Kurt really hated his storyline and being on the new ECW made him sick... also i dont know if i posted it in here but at a press meeting Angle said being in TNA felt like he has found his home and he thanked TNA for saving his Career/Life.[/quote] Angle would absolutely go back if asked. He never wanted to leave in the first place. This had nothing to do with ECW. Also, seriously, I can't be the only one who's seriously freaked out by Kurt saying TNA saved his life, can I?
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I dunno whether this is good for Angle or bad, really. No, you're no the only one freaked out by that. Angle equates his career to his life, really. So, that's basically what he was saying and he meant it. I've never heard the angina thing about Kurt's dad. I did hear a story about his father falling off a telephone poll, cracking his skull open and walking up to the hospital afterwards. The points made above me about Kurt aren't WWE fanboyism in the least. The fact that WWE of all companies let someone go because of personal health issues is a huge thing. The fact that TNA signed him up is another. I just hope Kurt is allowed to heal his body - he has another 3 weeks before he actually starts working. Since TNA does mass tapings for each month. Hopefully this isn't something that ends Kurt's career. For the record on Dynamite though, Dynamites problem was steroids and lots of them. Something 10 years straight of them, and horse tranquilizers and .. whatever other drugs he could find. Dynamite destroyed his body with drugs, a lot of them. Pain killers won't destroy your body. Though, they will numb you to the damage you do to it - if you're hard headed like Angle then you will destroy your body by simply ignoring the fact that you took the pain killers for a reason. Kurt said somewhere that when he couldn't get up to take the trash out without popping pain killers, he knew there was a problem. I just hope this turns out for the best, and that Angle can ... get over his problems. For TNA, this is the single best move they've ever made signing wise. There is no one on their roster as good as Kurt. Joe's not as good as Kurt, no matter what anyone will say. There's a lot to be learned from Kurt Angle by quite a few of the guys in TNA, maybe we'll see a more psychology mat-based old school TNA in the future? lol. Yeah. Morally? I don't care. If Kurt wants to destroy himself, that's his decision. I'll be upset when he destroys his wrestling career, but there's nothing anyone can do. WWE did the most extreme thing that they could to make him fix himself, and it didn't make him fix himself. Just enjoy him on TNA while he can still wrestle. If the problems he has are as bad as they're reported to be, he's got another few months at best.
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I dunno whether this is good for Angle or bad, really. No, you're no the only one freaked out by that. Angle equates his career to his life, really. So, that's basically what he was saying and he meant it. I've never heard the angina thing about Kurt's dad. I did hear a story about his father falling off a telephone poll, cracking his skull open and walking up to the hospital afterwards. The points made above me about Kurt aren't WWE fanboyism in the least. The fact that WWE of all companies let someone go because of personal health issues is a huge thing. The fact that TNA signed him up is another. I just hope Kurt is allowed to heal his body - he has another 3 weeks before he actually starts working. Since TNA does mass tapings for each month. Hopefully this isn't something that ends Kurt's career. For the record on Dynamite though, Dynamites problem was steroids and lots of them. Something 10 years straight of them, and horse tranquilizers and .. whatever other drugs he could find. Dynamite destroyed his body with drugs, a lot of them. Pain killers won't destroy your body. Though, they will numb you to the damage you do to it - if you're hard headed like Angle then you will destroy your body by simply ignoring the fact that you took the pain killers for a reason. Kurt said somewhere that when he couldn't get up to take the trash out without popping pain killers, he knew there was a problem. I just hope this turns out for the best, and that Angle can ... get over his problems. For TNA, this is the single best move they've ever made signing wise. There is no one on their roster as good as Kurt. Joe's not as good as Kurt, no matter what anyone will say. There's a lot to be learned from Kurt Angle by quite a few of the guys in TNA, maybe we'll see a more psychology mat-based old school TNA in the future? lol. Yeah. Morally? I don't care. If Kurt wants to destroy himself, that's his decision. I'll be upset when he destroys his wrestling career, but there's nothing anyone can do. WWE did the most extreme thing that they could to make him fix himself, and it didn't make him fix himself. Just enjoy him on TNA while he can still wrestle. If the problems he has are as bad as they're reported to be, he's got another few months at best.
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[QUOTE=Almaida;150026]Also, seriously, I can't be the only one who's seriously freaked out by Kurt saying TNA saved his life, can I?[/QUOTE] Nope, I'm somewhat dismayed by this as well. But.... [QUOTE=BlizzardVeers;150097]Morally? I don't care. If Kurt wants to destroy himself, that's his decision. I'll be upset when he destroys his wrestling career, but there's nothing anyone can do. WWE did the most extreme thing that they could to make him fix himself, and it didn't make him fix himself. Just enjoy him on TNA while he can still wrestle. If the problems he has are as bad as they're reported to be, he's got another few months at best.[/QUOTE] I agree with Blizz. Kurt Angle is a grown man. He doesn't need other people to make decisions for him. He does what he wants to do and that in and of itself does not directly harm other folks so it's all good to me. You can feel bad for him or be disappointed by the decisions he makes but in the end, that's up to him and his creator. As Blizzard alluded to, this is the biggest thing TNA has done EVER, bar none. It gets them a high quality, world reknowned worker which is exactly what they need. It also gets them an intense, focused presence for their locker room, which will speed up the development of a lot of their younger workers. People talk about Angle-Samoa Joe but personally, I'm looking forward to Angle-Homicide more than anything else. People sleep on Homicide but he's an extremely talented and well-rounded worker. I'm willing to put money on the fact that 98% of WWE's roster and probably 85% of TNA's can't safely pull off the Kudome Valentine (aka Kudo Driver, Vertebreaker, Da Cop Killa/Da Gringo Killa) that Homicide does with ease. The one thing I've always admired about Kurt Angle is the fact that he seems to be able to get Match of the Year candidates out of seemingly everyone. And that was in WWE (where, let's be honest, the in-ring ability standards are very low with many moves banned because the typical worker can't do them safely. See: Shooting Star Press). I don't even wanna think about what he'll be able to do with TNA's workers.
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[QUOTE=Almaida;150026]Also, seriously, I can't be the only one who's seriously freaked out by Kurt saying TNA saved his life, can I?[/QUOTE] Nope, I'm somewhat dismayed by this as well. But.... [QUOTE=BlizzardVeers;150097]Morally? I don't care. If Kurt wants to destroy himself, that's his decision. I'll be upset when he destroys his wrestling career, but there's nothing anyone can do. WWE did the most extreme thing that they could to make him fix himself, and it didn't make him fix himself. Just enjoy him on TNA while he can still wrestle. If the problems he has are as bad as they're reported to be, he's got another few months at best.[/QUOTE] I agree with Blizz. Kurt Angle is a grown man. He doesn't need other people to make decisions for him. He does what he wants to do and that in and of itself does not directly harm other folks so it's all good to me. You can feel bad for him or be disappointed by the decisions he makes but in the end, that's up to him and his creator. As Blizzard alluded to, this is the biggest thing TNA has done EVER, bar none. It gets them a high quality, world reknowned worker which is exactly what they need. It also gets them an intense, focused presence for their locker room, which will speed up the development of a lot of their younger workers. People talk about Angle-Samoa Joe but personally, I'm looking forward to Angle-Homicide more than anything else. People sleep on Homicide but he's an extremely talented and well-rounded worker. I'm willing to put money on the fact that 98% of WWE's roster and probably 85% of TNA's can't safely pull off the Kudome Valentine (aka Kudo Driver, Vertebreaker, Da Cop Killa/Da Gringo Killa) that Homicide does with ease. The one thing I've always admired about Kurt Angle is the fact that he seems to be able to get Match of the Year candidates out of seemingly everyone. And that was in WWE (where, let's be honest, the in-ring ability standards are very low with many moves banned because the typical worker can't do them safely. See: Shooting Star Press). I don't even wanna think about what he'll be able to do with TNA's workers.
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Kurt angle kurt may not been there for the beginning of wars but he help put the final stick throw the heart of wcw by joining wwf in 1999. Everybody knows wcw died in 2001. you are right kurt has never put on a bad match from his part that is true. it's damn true. wwe making him lose to that no talent bud john cena not once , not twice, but three times. then sending him down to the minors in ecw to fight such stars as sandman, balls, & test. it would have been human to feed him to the crows. That is the reason why he went to TNA. scars and bones heal Men only have one thing that we are born with and died with that is PRIDE. WWE tried to take kurt angle and make him a loser like scotty 2 hotty.
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Kurt angle kurt may not been there for the beginning of wars but he help put the final stick throw the heart of wcw by joining wwf in 1999. Everybody knows wcw died in 2001. you are right kurt has never put on a bad match from his part that is true. it's damn true. wwe making him lose to that no talent bud john cena not once , not twice, but three times. then sending him down to the minors in ecw to fight such stars as sandman, balls, & test. it would have been human to feed him to the crows. That is the reason why he went to TNA. scars and bones heal Men only have one thing that we are born with and died with that is PRIDE. WWE tried to take kurt angle and make him a loser like scotty 2 hotty.
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somewhat spoiler I agree with what Almaida says what Blizz says and drcat SPOILER******* Impact notes from the tapings..... Kurt Angle has been confirmed to debut at Bound for Glory but will only be an outside enforcer to the Jarrett/Sting macth good thing there giving him some much needed time out of the ring hopefully he can fix up somethings wrong with him but of course he wont be able to fix all of them but he can start.
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somewhat spoiler I agree with what Almaida says what Blizz says and drcat SPOILER******* Impact notes from the tapings..... Kurt Angle has been confirmed to debut at Bound for Glory but will only be an outside enforcer to the Jarrett/Sting macth good thing there giving him some much needed time out of the ring hopefully he can fix up somethings wrong with him but of course he wont be able to fix all of them but he can start.
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something I dont understand about WWE is they seem to forget about past storylines that were important... like on SmackDown when Cena and Carlito had a feud and Carlitos mate Zeus "stabbed" Cena then a week ago or so on RAW they teamed together and after the match hugged each other... i dont understand why they would have that?
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something I dont understand about WWE is they seem to forget about past storylines that were important... like on SmackDown when Cena and Carlito had a feud and Carlitos mate Zeus "stabbed" Cena then a week ago or so on RAW they teamed together and after the match hugged each other... i dont understand why they would have that?
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I love WWE continuity: Is Kane face or Heel this week? Why are HHH and HBK able to coexist? Why didn't Regal remind Vito that HE was the toughest man to ever wear a dress? Mae Young and Mark Henry's baby hand must be of school age by now, how is it getting on? TNA is just as guilty: What was Gail Kim's secret? What were the Hebners doing? And in general: Why do number one contender matches rarley mean anything? What does the new star, who has barely wrestled for the promotion do to deserve the inevitable title shot? It's one of the problems with "Sportz Entertainment", but at the same time its also something I enjoy :) At the end of the day, if you account for past transgressions there are very few wrestlers who should ever be able to coexist. And, my god, when will Sting learn to never trust people who claim to "have his back"?!
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I love WWE continuity: Is Kane face or Heel this week? Why are HHH and HBK able to coexist? Why didn't Regal remind Vito that HE was the toughest man to ever wear a dress? Mae Young and Mark Henry's baby hand must be of school age by now, how is it getting on? TNA is just as guilty: What was Gail Kim's secret? What were the Hebners doing? And in general: Why do number one contender matches rarley mean anything? What does the new star, who has barely wrestled for the promotion do to deserve the inevitable title shot? It's one of the problems with "Sportz Entertainment", but at the same time its also something I enjoy :) At the end of the day, if you account for past transgressions there are very few wrestlers who should ever be able to coexist. And, my god, when will Sting learn to never trust people who claim to "have his back"?!
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This board needs more BlizzardVeers and Remianens and flamebrains. Well, I'm glad there are people here with good heads on their shoulders. I've been going crazy reading other sites. And particularly, I respect what Remianen and BlizzardVeers are saying, and agree with pretty much all of it. I just quickly want to respond to Drcat and then I have one more point I want to make afterwards. [quote]kurt may not been there for the beginning of wars but he help put the final stick throw the heart of wcw by joining wwf in 1999. Everybody knows wcw died in 2001.[/quote] WCW was bought out in 2001, yes. But by the time Kurt debuted in November '99, the war had, for all intents and purposes, already climaxed. This turning point was, I believe, somewhere in early-to-mid 1999; WWF started kicking WCW's ass every week in the ratings, buyrates and possibly attendance (though not necessarily in quality, as '99 was by and large a terrible year for both) and the gap in popularity between the two companies was continuously getting bigger. By the time 2000 was in full swing, WCW had no chance of turning it around and winning, and while in hindsight we can safely say that they would've gone under no matter what, at that point their best hope was simply to survive. They couldn't even think of overtaking the WWF anymore, and this was before Angle was a major player. Angle didn't become a big enough focus to matter in the grand scheme of things until well into the summer of 2000, and by that point WCW (under Russo, mind you) was so screwed that WWF could've put any idiot on top and they still wouldn't have lost. It should also be noted that the WWF's absolute, far and away, best financial year in its history up to that point (possibly ever, though without figures in front of me I think 2000 was bigger) was 1999, which lasted 11 months before any WWF fan even knew who Kurt Angle was. Kurt certainly played a part in the latter stages of 2000, but he was not all that high on the food chain; Austin from fall onwards, Rock, HHH, Vince, Stephanie, Foley, Jericho and Undertaker were all clearly ahead of him, and a case could be made that Edge & Christian, the Hardyz, the Dudleyz, Shane, Kane, Too Cool & Rikishi, Chyna and possibly even Chris Benoit were all at least as important for the year as a whole. And it bears repeating that this was the year after WWF had already, for all intents and purposes, won the war. WCW didn't officially close until the following March, but the downward spiral --which actually had more to do with their own abysmal management than WWF "destroying" them-- was already irreversable by the time Kurt Angle became a big enough player to make any difference. Angle definitely deserves credit later on in his career for a number of different things, but to even call him one of the absolute most important people in his first year is a big stretch, while calling him one of the four most important in keeping WWF "alive" during the ratings wars in downright ludicrous and painfully ignorant. [quote]you are right kurt has never put on a bad match from his part that is true. it's damn true.[/quote] I never said that, man. I was paraphrasing (granted, in an unnecessarily patronizing way) what you said. Realistically there is not a single wrestler living or dead who has never had a bad match. In fact, there's not a single wrestler who's never had [i]many[/i] bad matches. It's a fact of life, nobody's flawless. Also, while I like Angle, I certainly find him to be more than a little overrated, but that's a different debate entirely that I don't want to get into right now. [quote]wwe making him lose to that no talent bud john cena not once , not twice, but three times. then sending him down to the minors in ecw to fight such stars as sandman, balls, & test. it would have been human to feed him to the crows. That is the reason why he went to TNA. [/quote] Le sigh. -I dislike John Cena as much as the next guy, but you can't deny how valuable he is to the company. Dude sells merchandise like crazy, and is easily one of, if not the absolute, biggest draws they have right now, especially with one of the most important markets, kids. He makes so much money for them that it'd be stupid not to have him on top. Also, it was worth putting him over Kurt if for nothing else than to add to the unique [i]gigantic[/i] mixed reactions he gets. Besides, Angle lost nothing by losing to Cena; he actually got [i]more[/i] popular because people who hate Cena rallied behind him. Kurt actually ended up [i]more popular[/i] after being jobbed to Cena than he was before, which is what led to his face turn off his jump to Smackdown. Again, I can't stand Cena, but that feud is a non-issue, especially considering all that came after it. -Again, Kurt DID NOT LEAVE WWE BECAUSE HE WAS SENT TO ECW. He didn't even want to leave to begin with! [quote]scars and bones heal Men only have one thing that we are born with and died with that is PRIDE. WWE tried to take kurt angle and make him a loser like scotty 2 hotty.[/quote] So, like, do you even know what [i]permanent injury[/i] means? It means exactly the opposite; THEY DON'T HEAL. Severe nerve damage [i]does not heal.[/i] Spinal injuries [i]do not heal,[/i] and even with surgery, the spine can never be 100% again. Paralysis [i]does not heal.[/i] Death [i]does not heal![/i] Is this sinking in? This is a bigger issue than a broken bone or a scar. And if you're done with your little promo there, there was no conspiracy(~!) to make Kurt Angle a jobber. They launched a new brand and needed star power to support it. So they put a star there. In fact, when Kurt was first re-assigned, they actually [i]pushed him as hard as they ever had before.[/i] He was put over as a total killing machine and given the legit~! shooter~! gimmick that he'd supposedly wanted since day one. Since the Smackdown jump he never lost clean, not even to the world champion. In fact, he never even lost the world title (Orton was pinned) and was never beaten by the new champion Rey Mysterio. You call that the Scotty 2 Hotty treatment? Dude. Come on. [b]Anyway[/b], the big point I wanted to make, and that I forgot. Yes, I'm extremely worried about Kurt for his sake, because the thing about people with all-around problems as severe as Angle's is that they can't be trusted to take care of themselves. Kurt's behaviour, combined with the ridiculous amounts of heavy duty painkillers and dangerous opiates running through his system, would lead one to the conclusion that he isn't thinking clearly, and therefore is in no condition to determine what he can and can't do. But at the end of the day, if he wants to deny any existance of a problem and wrestle himself into an early grave, there's nothing anyone can do to stop him, unless every wrestling and MMA promoter in the world banded together to do so, which will never happen as long as there's money to be made. To paraphrase a guy on another board who came up with a way better analogy than I ever could, as long as Angle wants to commit whatever the wrestling equivalent of suicide-by-cop is, there will be someone willing to pay him to do it. HOWEVER, the biggest issue I forgot to mention last night is this; in his current state, he is not safe to work with. The RVD story speaks for itself; he dropped Van Dam on his head [i]and blamed him.[/i] Also, let's not forget that he's prone to losing sensation in his limbs and even suffered a [i]random bout of parapalegia[/i] in an airport. What's to stop this from happening in a match? What's to stop him from losing strength while performing a move on his opponent? Then what? Not to mention the fact that he suffered, by his own admission, three(!) serious injuries in one match doing nothing out of the ordinary. A guy like this not only is a liablity to himself, but dangerous to his opponents. He works in a field where people routinely put their lives in each other's hands, and Kurt cannot realistically meet that expectation. Again, I don't mean to come off as preachy nor do I condemn anyone for being fans of his, as I myself am a Kurt Angle fan. I just don't want to see him destroy his life, though we're probably already long past the point of no return on that one. But even if we are, I don't want to see a young guy's career end in his hands, either.
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This board needs more BlizzardVeers and Remianens and flamebrains. Well, I'm glad there are people here with good heads on their shoulders. I've been going crazy reading other sites. And particularly, I respect what Remianen and BlizzardVeers are saying, and agree with pretty much all of it. I just quickly want to respond to Drcat and then I have one more point I want to make afterwards. [quote]kurt may not been there for the beginning of wars but he help put the final stick throw the heart of wcw by joining wwf in 1999. Everybody knows wcw died in 2001.[/quote] WCW was bought out in 2001, yes. But by the time Kurt debuted in November '99, the war had, for all intents and purposes, already climaxed. This turning point was, I believe, somewhere in early-to-mid 1999; WWF started kicking WCW's ass every week in the ratings, buyrates and possibly attendance (though not necessarily in quality, as '99 was by and large a terrible year for both) and the gap in popularity between the two companies was continuously getting bigger. By the time 2000 was in full swing, WCW had no chance of turning it around and winning, and while in hindsight we can safely say that they would've gone under no matter what, at that point their best hope was simply to survive. They couldn't even think of overtaking the WWF anymore, and this was before Angle was a major player. Angle didn't become a big enough focus to matter in the grand scheme of things until well into the summer of 2000, and by that point WCW (under Russo, mind you) was so screwed that WWF could've put any idiot on top and they still wouldn't have lost. It should also be noted that the WWF's absolute, far and away, best financial year in its history up to that point (possibly ever, though without figures in front of me I think 2000 was bigger) was 1999, which lasted 11 months before any WWF fan even knew who Kurt Angle was. Kurt certainly played a part in the latter stages of 2000, but he was not all that high on the food chain; Austin from fall onwards, Rock, HHH, Vince, Stephanie, Foley, Jericho and Undertaker were all clearly ahead of him, and a case could be made that Edge & Christian, the Hardyz, the Dudleyz, Shane, Kane, Too Cool & Rikishi, Chyna and possibly even Chris Benoit were all at least as important for the year as a whole. And it bears repeating that this was the year after WWF had already, for all intents and purposes, won the war. WCW didn't officially close until the following March, but the downward spiral --which actually had more to do with their own abysmal management than WWF "destroying" them-- was already irreversable by the time Kurt Angle became a big enough player to make any difference. Angle definitely deserves credit later on in his career for a number of different things, but to even call him one of the absolute most important people in his first year is a big stretch, while calling him one of the four most important in keeping WWF "alive" during the ratings wars in downright ludicrous and painfully ignorant. [quote]you are right kurt has never put on a bad match from his part that is true. it's damn true.[/quote] I never said that, man. I was paraphrasing (granted, in an unnecessarily patronizing way) what you said. Realistically there is not a single wrestler living or dead who has never had a bad match. In fact, there's not a single wrestler who's never had [i]many[/i] bad matches. It's a fact of life, nobody's flawless. Also, while I like Angle, I certainly find him to be more than a little overrated, but that's a different debate entirely that I don't want to get into right now. [quote]wwe making him lose to that no talent bud john cena not once , not twice, but three times. then sending him down to the minors in ecw to fight such stars as sandman, balls, & test. it would have been human to feed him to the crows. That is the reason why he went to TNA. [/quote] Le sigh. -I dislike John Cena as much as the next guy, but you can't deny how valuable he is to the company. Dude sells merchandise like crazy, and is easily one of, if not the absolute, biggest draws they have right now, especially with one of the most important markets, kids. He makes so much money for them that it'd be stupid not to have him on top. Also, it was worth putting him over Kurt if for nothing else than to add to the unique [i]gigantic[/i] mixed reactions he gets. Besides, Angle lost nothing by losing to Cena; he actually got [i]more[/i] popular because people who hate Cena rallied behind him. Kurt actually ended up [i]more popular[/i] after being jobbed to Cena than he was before, which is what led to his face turn off his jump to Smackdown. Again, I can't stand Cena, but that feud is a non-issue, especially considering all that came after it. -Again, Kurt DID NOT LEAVE WWE BECAUSE HE WAS SENT TO ECW. He didn't even want to leave to begin with! [quote]scars and bones heal Men only have one thing that we are born with and died with that is PRIDE. WWE tried to take kurt angle and make him a loser like scotty 2 hotty.[/quote] So, like, do you even know what [i]permanent injury[/i] means? It means exactly the opposite; THEY DON'T HEAL. Severe nerve damage [i]does not heal.[/i] Spinal injuries [i]do not heal,[/i] and even with surgery, the spine can never be 100% again. Paralysis [i]does not heal.[/i] Death [i]does not heal![/i] Is this sinking in? This is a bigger issue than a broken bone or a scar. And if you're done with your little promo there, there was no conspiracy(~!) to make Kurt Angle a jobber. They launched a new brand and needed star power to support it. So they put a star there. In fact, when Kurt was first re-assigned, they actually [i]pushed him as hard as they ever had before.[/i] He was put over as a total killing machine and given the legit~! shooter~! gimmick that he'd supposedly wanted since day one. Since the Smackdown jump he never lost clean, not even to the world champion. In fact, he never even lost the world title (Orton was pinned) and was never beaten by the new champion Rey Mysterio. You call that the Scotty 2 Hotty treatment? Dude. Come on. [b]Anyway[/b], the big point I wanted to make, and that I forgot. Yes, I'm extremely worried about Kurt for his sake, because the thing about people with all-around problems as severe as Angle's is that they can't be trusted to take care of themselves. Kurt's behaviour, combined with the ridiculous amounts of heavy duty painkillers and dangerous opiates running through his system, would lead one to the conclusion that he isn't thinking clearly, and therefore is in no condition to determine what he can and can't do. But at the end of the day, if he wants to deny any existance of a problem and wrestle himself into an early grave, there's nothing anyone can do to stop him, unless every wrestling and MMA promoter in the world banded together to do so, which will never happen as long as there's money to be made. To paraphrase a guy on another board who came up with a way better analogy than I ever could, as long as Angle wants to commit whatever the wrestling equivalent of suicide-by-cop is, there will be someone willing to pay him to do it. HOWEVER, the biggest issue I forgot to mention last night is this; in his current state, he is not safe to work with. The RVD story speaks for itself; he dropped Van Dam on his head [i]and blamed him.[/i] Also, let's not forget that he's prone to losing sensation in his limbs and even suffered a [i]random bout of parapalegia[/i] in an airport. What's to stop this from happening in a match? What's to stop him from losing strength while performing a move on his opponent? Then what? Not to mention the fact that he suffered, by his own admission, three(!) serious injuries in one match doing nothing out of the ordinary. A guy like this not only is a liablity to himself, but dangerous to his opponents. He works in a field where people routinely put their lives in each other's hands, and Kurt cannot realistically meet that expectation. Again, I don't mean to come off as preachy nor do I condemn anyone for being fans of his, as I myself am a Kurt Angle fan. I just don't want to see him destroy his life, though we're probably already long past the point of no return on that one. But even if we are, I don't want to see a young guy's career end in his hands, either.
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