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Tyler Gadzinski

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A lot of wrestlers are overrated in my opinion, not because they lack talent but simply because of too much band wagon jumping. The same would be true of wrestlers who are underrated. Searching around the interweb shows a very narrow range of opinions on things wrestling related: Benoit and Angle are gods Cena can't wrestle Triple H holds everyone down The WWE is awful ROH is good (haven't been hearing that quite so much lately mind) Now while I happily accept that these are the genuine opinions of at least some people I do think that a lot of people are simply absorbing and regurgitating opinions they find, rather than forming their own. And then you find the odd individual who has their own opinion. Are they allowed to have it? Au contrere, they just get hassle: [B]OMG how can you like Cena?!!!1 He cant wrestl!!!11[/B] Reasonable argument is acceptable, but why oh why can't people take the opinions of others on board? It would give us all a much better rounded knowledge. I recall several arguments I had with a friend who would always tell me how good The Amazing Red was and I used to counter that I couldn't accept someone with the physique of a 10 year old as a wrestler. However I gave my friend the benefit and watched a few tapes and, although my own opinion hasn't changed drastically, I can now accept my friend's viewpoint and agree to disagree. I'm sure I had a point when I started typing this but c'est la vie.
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WWF became WWE so technically you did watch WWE and i never said kurt was overrated and WWF was never the only wrestling on what about ECW and WCW remember the Monday Night Wars so dont tell me WWF was the only wrestling on you had alternatives you chose to watch WWF cuz you liked it and also if you remember WWF become WWE after they were threatened twice by the World Wildlife Foundation(WWF)... FB about that Amazing Red thing i never thought he was that good either but then i got to see more of his tapes and some of the things he does are amazing;)... also im just going to say it TNA should bring back Matt Sydal he is an amazing athlete if you have seen his stuff you should....
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WWF became WWE so technically you did watch WWE and i never said kurt was overrated and WWF was never the only wrestling on what about ECW and WCW remember the Monday Night Wars so dont tell me WWF was the only wrestling on you had alternatives you chose to watch WWF cuz you liked it and also if you remember WWF become WWE after they were threatened twice by the World Wildlife Foundation(WWF)... FB about that Amazing Red thing i never thought he was that good either but then i got to see more of his tapes and some of the things he does are amazing;)... also im just going to say it TNA should bring back Matt Sydal he is an amazing athlete if you have seen his stuff you should....
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Good tip on Sydal. I'm just watching an IWA-MS match v AJ Styles and its good stuff. He'd be a good fit in TNA. What's he like on the stick though? The X Division needs individuals with personalities if he can set himself apart from the rest a la Shelley or Austin Aries then he'd thrive but, as we've all seen, in ring talent alone doesn't = success, as much as I like Chirs Sabin, he is blander than dry toast.
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Good tip on Sydal. I'm just watching an IWA-MS match v AJ Styles and its good stuff. He'd be a good fit in TNA. What's he like on the stick though? The X Division needs individuals with personalities if he can set himself apart from the rest a la Shelley or Austin Aries then he'd thrive but, as we've all seen, in ring talent alone doesn't = success, as much as I like Chirs Sabin, he is blander than dry toast.
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sorry for confusion [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;150732]WWF became WWE so technically you did watch WWE and i never said kurt was overrated and WWF was never the only wrestling on what about ECW and WCW remember the Monday Night Wars so dont tell me WWF was the only wrestling on you had alternatives you chose to watch WWF cuz you liked it and also if you remember WWF become WWE after they were threatened twice by the World Wildlife Foundation(WWF)... FB about that Amazing Red thing i never thought he was that good either but then i got to see more of his tapes and some of the things he does are amazing;)... also im just going to say it TNA should bring back Matt Sydal he is an amazing athlete if you have seen his stuff you should....[/QUOTE] sorry tyler that was not directed at you . it was for Almaida. he said kurt angle was overrated.
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sorry for confusion [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;150732]WWF became WWE so technically you did watch WWE and i never said kurt was overrated and WWF was never the only wrestling on what about ECW and WCW remember the Monday Night Wars so dont tell me WWF was the only wrestling on you had alternatives you chose to watch WWF cuz you liked it and also if you remember WWF become WWE after they were threatened twice by the World Wildlife Foundation(WWF)... FB about that Amazing Red thing i never thought he was that good either but then i got to see more of his tapes and some of the things he does are amazing;)... also im just going to say it TNA should bring back Matt Sydal he is an amazing athlete if you have seen his stuff you should....[/QUOTE] sorry tyler that was not directed at you . it was for Almaida. he said kurt angle was overrated.
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to tyler nobody watch wcw before scott hall jumped. you know that at least check the rating charts. to give you a example scott hall first wcw show wcw went from a 2.1 to 4.2 . the rating to went up and up. so basely wcw only really had 5 year run that was good. ecw always put me to sleep. hardcore wrestling is good ok i give you that but come on how many can be broken before it getting boring. that is why i saided wwf was the only thing on. in closing i thank all people who hate john cena.
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to tyler nobody watch wcw before scott hall jumped. you know that at least check the rating charts. to give you a example scott hall first wcw show wcw went from a 2.1 to 4.2 . the rating to went up and up. so basely wcw only really had 5 year run that was good. ecw always put me to sleep. hardcore wrestling is good ok i give you that but come on how many can be broken before it getting boring. that is why i saided wwf was the only thing on. in closing i thank all people who hate john cena.
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couldnt you edit your old post instead of starting a new one.... and Edge and Cena is about 9 months and going and just because WCW didnt have Scott Hall doesnt mean it wasnt on TV i just said it was on TV and you had your choice of WWF/E WCW and if you fall asleep to ECW you must not like pushing the level angles and stuff... to tell you the truth the new ECW puts me to sleep it just isnt even close to what the old ECW was:( they shouldve never started it back up they shouldve left it dead... they new they werent getting most of the originals such as any Dudleys...Rhino Raven Shane Douglas etc. they should just let Paul run the whole thing cuz he knew what he was doing not having WWE writers make the storylines for him and then Vince telling him he can have complete control on it and then tell him he doesnt have control was really dumb.
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couldnt you edit your old post instead of starting a new one.... and Edge and Cena is about 9 months and going and just because WCW didnt have Scott Hall doesnt mean it wasnt on TV i just said it was on TV and you had your choice of WWF/E WCW and if you fall asleep to ECW you must not like pushing the level angles and stuff... to tell you the truth the new ECW puts me to sleep it just isnt even close to what the old ECW was:( they shouldve never started it back up they shouldve left it dead... they new they werent getting most of the originals such as any Dudleys...Rhino Raven Shane Douglas etc. they should just let Paul run the whole thing cuz he knew what he was doing not having WWE writers make the storylines for him and then Vince telling him he can have complete control on it and then tell him he doesnt have control was really dumb.
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At the risk of sounding self-important... If I start responding, I'll end up firing off another long but ultimately useless essay answer, which I'm way too tired to do right now. So I would just like to say: -Remianen, that is damn good advice and an awesome analogy that I hope I can remember. But really, I churned out those long posts because I wanted to get that stuff off my chest. It's kinda therapeutic in its own weird little way, and I enjoy any opportunity to apply the otherwise useless wrestling information that I've filled my brain with over the years. -Gaz, thank you for noticing. :) Though I actually don't have that much time; I was suuposed to be studying when I wrote that. And then I spent the last few days cramming. Heh heh. Yeah. -Tyler, I apprectiate the comments and you taking my back. Against this guy, I don't need it, but thanks nonetheless. -Flamebrain, you rule. That post about people being overrated and underrated was good stuff. Way more concise than I would've been in any case. You should post more. And Drcat... give it up, man. Are you a gimmick? Be honest now. And what part of "I don't want to have this debate" do you not understand? That debate has come up on every board I've ever been to, because Kurt Angle is actually one of the most polarizing wrestlers out there, and this is neither the time nor the place to bring it up again. You want to have that debate? Go start a thread in the Dog Pound and I [i]might[/i] bite when I have time. But you'll have to bring some substance. Sorry for dragging this thread off topic even moreso. Carry on.
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At the risk of sounding self-important... If I start responding, I'll end up firing off another long but ultimately useless essay answer, which I'm way too tired to do right now. So I would just like to say: -Remianen, that is damn good advice and an awesome analogy that I hope I can remember. But really, I churned out those long posts because I wanted to get that stuff off my chest. It's kinda therapeutic in its own weird little way, and I enjoy any opportunity to apply the otherwise useless wrestling information that I've filled my brain with over the years. -Gaz, thank you for noticing. :) Though I actually don't have that much time; I was suuposed to be studying when I wrote that. And then I spent the last few days cramming. Heh heh. Yeah. -Tyler, I apprectiate the comments and you taking my back. Against this guy, I don't need it, but thanks nonetheless. -Flamebrain, you rule. That post about people being overrated and underrated was good stuff. Way more concise than I would've been in any case. You should post more. And Drcat... give it up, man. Are you a gimmick? Be honest now. And what part of "I don't want to have this debate" do you not understand? That debate has come up on every board I've ever been to, because Kurt Angle is actually one of the most polarizing wrestlers out there, and this is neither the time nor the place to bring it up again. You want to have that debate? Go start a thread in the Dog Pound and I [i]might[/i] bite when I have time. But you'll have to bring some substance. Sorry for dragging this thread off topic even moreso. Carry on.
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a gimmick no just a loyal fan I just hate Anti- kurt angle fans . I Would not give kurt the match of the year. He is still in my top 10 fav wrestlers of all time. Match of year: you pick they only fought twice chris benoit vs finaly either match both awesome. john cena sucks for 5 reasons: 1. he never earned his stripes 2. he has never been heel 3. he can't carry a match 4. he won't get all out of the heavyweight picture. 5. his merchanize has always been the same ( still no pumps 4 sale).
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a gimmick no just a loyal fan I just hate Anti- kurt angle fans . I Would not give kurt the match of the year. He is still in my top 10 fav wrestlers of all time. Match of year: you pick they only fought twice chris benoit vs finaly either match both awesome. john cena sucks for 5 reasons: 1. he never earned his stripes 2. he has never been heel 3. he can't carry a match 4. he won't get all out of the heavyweight picture. 5. his merchanize has always been the same ( still no pumps 4 sale).
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He was Heel when he started out in WWE. He was damn good as a heel when he taunted his opponents in his raps. He can carry a match, but just doesnt work well in very long matches. He earned his stripes for working for so long and being one of the best people in WWE on the mic. Sure his in ring skills aren't at the same tier as his charisma etc. but he is still a good wrestler. And his merchandise is the same because it is selling well. He has no real need to change it to be honest. That's my two cents.
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He was Heel when he started out in WWE. He was damn good as a heel when he taunted his opponents in his raps. He can carry a match, but just doesnt work well in very long matches. He earned his stripes for working for so long and being one of the best people in WWE on the mic. Sure his in ring skills aren't at the same tier as his charisma etc. but he is still a good wrestler. And his merchandise is the same because it is selling well. He has no real need to change it to be honest. That's my two cents.
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[QUOTE=Gremlinator;151333]He was Heel when he started out in WWE. He was damn good as a heel when he taunted his opponents in his raps. He can carry a match, but just doesnt work well in very long matches. He earned his stripes for working for so long and being one of the best people in WWE on the mic. Sure his in ring skills aren't at the same tier as his charisma etc. but he is still a good wrestler. And his merchandise is the same because it is selling well. He has no real need to change it to be honest. That's my two cents.[/QUOTE] Correction; Being in the WWE for 4 years isnt a long time. I agree that he HASNT earned his stripes. Maybe when you are a few years older you will have a different opinion of him.
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[QUOTE=Gremlinator;151333]He was Heel when he started out in WWE. He was damn good as a heel when he taunted his opponents in his raps. He can carry a match, but just doesnt work well in very long matches. He earned his stripes for working for so long and being one of the best people in WWE on the mic. Sure his in ring skills aren't at the same tier as his charisma etc. but he is still a good wrestler. And his merchandise is the same because it is selling well. He has no real need to change it to be honest. That's my two cents.[/QUOTE] Correction; Being in the WWE for 4 years isnt a long time. I agree that he HASNT earned his stripes. Maybe when you are a few years older you will have a different opinion of him.
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