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Tna : The Announcement

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((A twist on what "The Big Announcement" could have been. I own no wrestlers, nor there gimmicks, so don't sue me.)) "Total Nonstop Action will never be the same, and tonight we are gonna shake things up a bit!" On the turbotron a video is played. Kurt Angle is shown, training. "It's real. It's damn real!" [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] The crowd was ready to burst, chanting for angle, wanting to see him in TNA. Cornett continues, "Now, now, now...listen. We have some more news for you. Jeff, this may be news to you, too. We have a new head booker. His name is Astil X." Double J looked infuriated, as I, the new head booker walked out. Besides me on the screen the credits were rolling, as shots of Jeff being p'd off and Joe nodding in appreciation. The PPV "ends" and the TNA logo appears. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" is overheard, and the cameras cut to the James gang, who is at the ramp. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/JesseJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] "Aren't we forgeting a little something?" demands Kip. Cornett looks angrily at the duo, "What, what the hell are we forgetting?" Jesse smiles, "The big announcement, the REAL big announcement!"
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“What the hell are you talking about, Angle was the announcement, remember. Seriously, have you two fallen on your heads or something?” Cornett demanded, pausing for a laugh from the hot crowd. The James Gang smiles. Kip looks out at Cornett, “We are part of something bigger than your Kurt Angle. Bigger than your two hour show. Bigger than anything Total Nonstop Action has done in their existence!” Jesse smirks ****ily, “We could go one forever, but I’ll just cut to the point.” Ohh Ohh Shawn! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/HBK.jpg[/IMG] Michaels music is heard blasting of the PA, as Shawn Michaels walks out, doing his usual showstopper routine between the James Gang. Jesse yells over the roar of the crowd. “We are the Anti E Force Four!” The TNA logo cuts in and the PPV ends; For real.
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“What the hell are you talking about, Angle was the announcement, remember. Seriously, have you two fallen on your heads or something?” Cornett demanded, pausing for a laugh from the hot crowd. The James Gang smiles. Kip looks out at Cornett, “We are part of something bigger than your Kurt Angle. Bigger than your two hour show. Bigger than anything Total Nonstop Action has done in their existence!” Jesse smirks ****ily, “We could go one forever, but I’ll just cut to the point.” Ohh Ohh Shawn! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/HBK.jpg[/IMG] Michaels music is heard blasting of the PA, as Shawn Michaels walks out, doing his usual showstopper routine between the James Gang. Jesse yells over the roar of the crowd. “We are the Anti E Force Four!” The TNA logo cuts in and the PPV ends; For real.
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I'm always really interested in people doing diaries with a twist on what something could have been and was looking forward to what you had in mind, but imo the choice of HBK seems slightly wrong (although huge), yes he fits with James Gang, however explaining how/why he got out of his WWE contract without any kind of no compete clause is going to be hard work. Now i'm not saying it couldn't happen, as anything can happen in wrestling but you've picked something that is at the very least on the border of being impossible. Although I understand some diaries are more of a fantasy type booking diary, so I wish you luck with rest and look forward to how exactly you explain what brought this about (HBK leaving WWE). :)
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I'm always really interested in people doing diaries with a twist on what something could have been and was looking forward to what you had in mind, but imo the choice of HBK seems slightly wrong (although huge), yes he fits with James Gang, however explaining how/why he got out of his WWE contract without any kind of no compete clause is going to be hard work. Now i'm not saying it couldn't happen, as anything can happen in wrestling but you've picked something that is at the very least on the border of being impossible. Although I understand some diaries are more of a fantasy type booking diary, so I wish you luck with rest and look forward to how exactly you explain what brought this about (HBK leaving WWE). :)
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You called them the Anit E Force Four. Who is the forth member? And I agree with berrysi on explaining the arrival of Shawn Michaels. Its going to be difficult unless you are going to fantasy over reality which is cool too. In my diary I try to stay as grounded in reality as possible and I was able to explain Angle coming to TNA (it happened in my game long before it happened for real) much along the same lines as what has happened in real life. Now I know the further you get in these diarys the more crazy things will get (I would not be suprised if in my game world the WWE lets Shawn go at some point) so its always understandable. Im just curious how you are going to explain Shawn.
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You called them the Anit E Force Four. Who is the forth member? And I agree with berrysi on explaining the arrival of Shawn Michaels. Its going to be difficult unless you are going to fantasy over reality which is cool too. In my diary I try to stay as grounded in reality as possible and I was able to explain Angle coming to TNA (it happened in my game long before it happened for real) much along the same lines as what has happened in real life. Now I know the further you get in these diarys the more crazy things will get (I would not be suprised if in my game world the WWE lets Shawn go at some point) so its always understandable. Im just curious how you are going to explain Shawn.
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I'm really tempted to do a TNA diary now (in similar style to me WWE WAR brand diary), with a different path type thing from the huge announcement, but not sure if its worth it though, what with having a fair few current TNA diaries on board. Oh well, I'll set it up in game and then if I start liking it lots I might go for it, just don't want to step on anyone elses toes. .....but back on your diary, i'm not a fan of the groups name you've decided upon, just seems a bit poor and would be cool to have people join TNA that aren't going to be about or make a point of attacking their previous home (WWE). As for 4th member, i'm guessing Waltman probably.
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I'm really tempted to do a TNA diary now (in similar style to me WWE WAR brand diary), with a different path type thing from the huge announcement, but not sure if its worth it though, what with having a fair few current TNA diaries on board. Oh well, I'll set it up in game and then if I start liking it lots I might go for it, just don't want to step on anyone elses toes. .....but back on your diary, i'm not a fan of the groups name you've decided upon, just seems a bit poor and would be cool to have people join TNA that aren't going to be about or make a point of attacking their previous home (WWE). As for 4th member, i'm guessing Waltman probably.
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TNA NEWS TNA Impact's move to Thursday Nights primetime happens immediatly, but first we have TNA explosion. Expect an interview with Kurt Angle, and a X division match. TNA IMPACT Advanced Booking Sting vs. Rhino A warm-up match for Sting because at Unbreakable he will verse Christian Cage for the right to be #1 contender. The James Gang vs. America’s Most Wanted This match will decide who will verse Daniels and Styles for the tag belts. Shawn Michaels and ??? vs. Brother Ray and Brother Devon This match was set up as a way to ‘induct’ HBK into TNA. Cornett has stated on the TNA website, “It is unlikely any TNA worker will want to join with this ex-WWE superstar, so be prepared for a handicap match!” HBK’s only response was, “We’ll see.”
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TNA NEWS TNA Impact's move to Thursday Nights primetime happens immediatly, but first we have TNA explosion. Expect an interview with Kurt Angle, and a X division match. TNA IMPACT Advanced Booking Sting vs. Rhino A warm-up match for Sting because at Unbreakable he will verse Christian Cage for the right to be #1 contender. The James Gang vs. America’s Most Wanted This match will decide who will verse Daniels and Styles for the tag belts. Shawn Michaels and ??? vs. Brother Ray and Brother Devon This match was set up as a way to ‘induct’ HBK into TNA. Cornett has stated on the TNA website, “It is unlikely any TNA worker will want to join with this ex-WWE superstar, so be prepared for a handicap match!” HBK’s only response was, “We’ll see.”
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TNA Xplosion From Baker Stadium in Tacoma, WA. [img]http://www.ups.edu/Images/Giving/BakerFull.jpg[/img] DARK EVENTS Puma vs. Austin Aries One of three dark matches, for me as a new booker to get to know some names that I really am not familiar with. Puma impressed in this match, although the crowd disagreed. Puma in 5:48 by pinfall with a Moonsault C- ‘Showtime’ Eric Young vs. Hernendez A quick taste of two stables of TNA, without an all out stable war. Neither was impressive, however, so I may look into tag matchs with the stables. Eric Young in 4:49 by pinfall with a showstopper. C- (Oh no…) Jay Lethal vs. David Young Another poor performance, and now I am sitting in the back room, thinking that the matchs just aren’t long enough. Jay Lethal in 2:28 by pinfall with a lethal driver - Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to TNA in Tacoma, Washington. The camera then pans to HBK, who is relaxing with Gail Kim, Christy Hemme and Traci. “I guess I’m just a heartbreaker no matter where I am, right ladies?” The girls giggle and Shawn gets up and begins to walk off. “Those who think they can keep up, follow me” HBK says, while walking off. The camera does not show who follows, and who doesn’t, but a male voice is heard, saying “We need to talk.” B [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Senshi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BobbyRoode.jpg[/IMG] Senshi vs. Bobby Roode A little warm up match for Senshi, who showed some fantastic footwork in the ring. The crowd disagreed, and it received little attention. Senshi by pinfall with a Ki Krusher After the match Raven comes to the ring, with a mic. “In times of turmoil and devistation, man looks back to see that once again history repeats itself, but what about me? What about Raven? I have seen this movie about a sinking ship before, where old has beens invade a rising company, and tear it limb from limb. I remember the now, and Hulk Hogan. Most of those involved are out of my reach, but Kevin Nash, you can take the punishment for all of them.” C Kevin Nash appears at the ramp. “Guess it’s time to shut you up for good, Raven!” C+ [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/KevinNash.jpg[/IMG] Raven Vs. Kevin Nash A complete and bloody domination by Raven, which could have been a squash, if Raven actually ended it quickly. Raven began the match with a quick series of punches, and dragging Nash to the ropes. Raven choked Nash on the ropes, ignoring the refs many calls to stop. Eventually the ref pulled him off, and Raven almost attacked the ref. Regaining his composure, Raven resumed his attack on Nash, throwing him “accidentally” into the ref. Raven then went to the apron to acquire weapons. He threw a chair, a table, and a belt into the ring. Striking Nash repeatedly with the belt, Raven called out, “This ain’t your fed! This ain’t WCW!” Raven then set up the table, and the chair on top of it. Pushing Nash to the ropes, he hoisted him up, and dropped him through the table and chair. He then kicked all the debree ouut of the ring as the ref got up. Raven continued his brutal assault, until he hit a Raven Factor for the victory over a bloody Nash. Raven by pinfall after a Even Flow DDT. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] All eyes turn to the turbotron, where the trailer for Angle coming to TNA is shown again. After the trailer, Don West is shown sitting with Kurt Angle. DW: “Damn, that still gives me goosebumps, let me just say welcome.” KA: “ Thank you, but it is my pleasure to be here, to compete for the prestigious NWA World Heavyweight Title, which I will no doubt be doing.” DW: “ Well, you’d have to get through some established superstars here.” KA: “I know, and I respect all of the TNA superstars, who give it there all for the fans.” DW: “ Did Shawn Michaels steal your thunder?” KA: “Yes and no. I had no idea Michaels was coming, and let me go on the record as saying, I will not be teaming with Shawn. Still, I respect him, and I feel for him to do what he’s doing, takes some major cajones.” DW: “What about Shawn being sued by Vince McMahon?” KA: “Shawn seems confident so it seems In Shawn We Trust.” DW: “One last question, are you healthy?” KA: “Care for a demonstration?” DW: “Oh no, just an answer” KA: “Here is my answer!” At that Kurt Angle’s patriotic music starts up as he walks out to the ring. Instead of “You Suck” the crowd begins to chant “Vince Sucks!” C+ [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage Christian made his way to the ring, and when he got there he shoke Angle’s hand as a sign of respect. The match got underway, and Angle looked in top form, which really hyped up the crowd. Unfortunetly the match was cut short as it was called a draw due to Time Limit at ten minutes. Draw due to time. A Total Rating: B
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TNA Xplosion From Baker Stadium in Tacoma, WA. [img]http://www.ups.edu/Images/Giving/BakerFull.jpg[/img] DARK EVENTS Puma vs. Austin Aries One of three dark matches, for me as a new booker to get to know some names that I really am not familiar with. Puma impressed in this match, although the crowd disagreed. Puma in 5:48 by pinfall with a Moonsault C- ‘Showtime’ Eric Young vs. Hernendez A quick taste of two stables of TNA, without an all out stable war. Neither was impressive, however, so I may look into tag matchs with the stables. Eric Young in 4:49 by pinfall with a showstopper. C- (Oh no…) Jay Lethal vs. David Young Another poor performance, and now I am sitting in the back room, thinking that the matchs just aren’t long enough. Jay Lethal in 2:28 by pinfall with a lethal driver - Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to TNA in Tacoma, Washington. The camera then pans to HBK, who is relaxing with Gail Kim, Christy Hemme and Traci. “I guess I’m just a heartbreaker no matter where I am, right ladies?” The girls giggle and Shawn gets up and begins to walk off. “Those who think they can keep up, follow me” HBK says, while walking off. The camera does not show who follows, and who doesn’t, but a male voice is heard, saying “We need to talk.” B [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Senshi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BobbyRoode.jpg[/IMG] Senshi vs. Bobby Roode A little warm up match for Senshi, who showed some fantastic footwork in the ring. The crowd disagreed, and it received little attention. Senshi by pinfall with a Ki Krusher After the match Raven comes to the ring, with a mic. “In times of turmoil and devistation, man looks back to see that once again history repeats itself, but what about me? What about Raven? I have seen this movie about a sinking ship before, where old has beens invade a rising company, and tear it limb from limb. I remember the now, and Hulk Hogan. Most of those involved are out of my reach, but Kevin Nash, you can take the punishment for all of them.” C Kevin Nash appears at the ramp. “Guess it’s time to shut you up for good, Raven!” C+ [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/KevinNash.jpg[/IMG] Raven Vs. Kevin Nash A complete and bloody domination by Raven, which could have been a squash, if Raven actually ended it quickly. Raven began the match with a quick series of punches, and dragging Nash to the ropes. Raven choked Nash on the ropes, ignoring the refs many calls to stop. Eventually the ref pulled him off, and Raven almost attacked the ref. Regaining his composure, Raven resumed his attack on Nash, throwing him “accidentally” into the ref. Raven then went to the apron to acquire weapons. He threw a chair, a table, and a belt into the ring. Striking Nash repeatedly with the belt, Raven called out, “This ain’t your fed! This ain’t WCW!” Raven then set up the table, and the chair on top of it. Pushing Nash to the ropes, he hoisted him up, and dropped him through the table and chair. He then kicked all the debree ouut of the ring as the ref got up. Raven continued his brutal assault, until he hit a Raven Factor for the victory over a bloody Nash. Raven by pinfall after a Even Flow DDT. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] All eyes turn to the turbotron, where the trailer for Angle coming to TNA is shown again. After the trailer, Don West is shown sitting with Kurt Angle. DW: “Damn, that still gives me goosebumps, let me just say welcome.” KA: “ Thank you, but it is my pleasure to be here, to compete for the prestigious NWA World Heavyweight Title, which I will no doubt be doing.” DW: “ Well, you’d have to get through some established superstars here.” KA: “I know, and I respect all of the TNA superstars, who give it there all for the fans.” DW: “ Did Shawn Michaels steal your thunder?” KA: “Yes and no. I had no idea Michaels was coming, and let me go on the record as saying, I will not be teaming with Shawn. Still, I respect him, and I feel for him to do what he’s doing, takes some major cajones.” DW: “What about Shawn being sued by Vince McMahon?” KA: “Shawn seems confident so it seems In Shawn We Trust.” DW: “One last question, are you healthy?” KA: “Care for a demonstration?” DW: “Oh no, just an answer” KA: “Here is my answer!” At that Kurt Angle’s patriotic music starts up as he walks out to the ring. Instead of “You Suck” the crowd begins to chant “Vince Sucks!” C+ [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Custom/TNA%20Background/B99KurtAngle1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage Christian made his way to the ring, and when he got there he shoke Angle’s hand as a sign of respect. The match got underway, and Angle looked in top form, which really hyped up the crowd. Unfortunetly the match was cut short as it was called a draw due to Time Limit at ten minutes. Draw due to time. A Total Rating: B
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