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Tna : The Announcement

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Yea I'll be more than willing to help out as well. Im a huge TNA fan plus I have a long running and fairly popular TNA diary on here right now myself. If you need any help with anything brother just PM me and I will do the best I can. Plus I have a bunch of good TNA pics [url]http://s54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/[/url] I use them for my diary. If you want to, have at them brother!
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Yea I'll be more than willing to help out as well. Im a huge TNA fan plus I have a long running and fairly popular TNA diary on here right now myself. If you need any help with anything brother just PM me and I will do the best I can. Plus I have a bunch of good TNA pics [url]http://s54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/[/url] I use them for my diary. If you want to, have at them brother!
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Wrestlingobserver.com ECW for real. In a shocking move announced today, ECW was bought from Vince McMahon. Early rumors stated that it was bought by Paul Heyman, but it now seems that Joey Styles in fact negotiated the deal. When this new ECW will debut is unkown, but many seem excited by a WWE-less ECW. Paying for HBK and Angle TNA gains new sponsers, The Stallion, Tyler Gadzinski, and Evermore. :D
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Wrestlingobserver.com ECW for real. In a shocking move announced today, ECW was bought from Vince McMahon. Early rumors stated that it was bought by Paul Heyman, but it now seems that Joey Styles in fact negotiated the deal. When this new ECW will debut is unkown, but many seem excited by a WWE-less ECW. Paying for HBK and Angle TNA gains new sponsers, The Stallion, Tyler Gadzinski, and Evermore. :D
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TNA is brought to you by The Stallion. The Stallion, for all your pic cut needs! TNA IMPACT Live! From Columbus Civic Center in Columbus, GA [img]http://www.speedwaybikes.com/ice/images/columbus.gif[/img] DARK MATCHES Jay Lethal vs. Eric Young vs. Puma How do you solve poor ratings in the dark matches? Put all the winners together and have them duke it out for the right to challenge Senshi for the X division title. All three got equal offense, but lethal put it away after a long match. Jay Lethal at 15:07 by pin with Lethal Injection. C+ After the match Gail Kim comes out and shoots shirts. Why? That’s easy, because she’s hot. B+ Mike Tenay: Hello and welcome to one of the most import Impacts of all time. Don West: Yes, Shawn Micheals will make his debut, being destroyed by two other ex-E wrestlers, Brother Devon and Brother Ray. Mike Tenay: The Heartbreak Kid seems eerily confident, Don, I think he has a partner here tonight. Don West: Who in there right mind would team up with that Vince McMahon kiss ass? Mike Tenay: Don’t forget about Sting. He will be facing Captain Charisma Christian Cage at Against All Odds (For some reason BFG is two PPVs away, just kind of go with it ~ Astil). Don West: Yes, but tonight he takes on Rhino. Mike Tenay: Lets get right into it, with a tag team showdown. C+ [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/JesseJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] Tag Team Title #1 Contender The James Gang vs. AMW James Gang persuaded their way into this match because of them “getting” HBK. It actually looked like they belonged for a while, as Jesse began to pound Harris. Jesse and Kip make great use of tagging. At the eight minuet mark, AMW gets an advantage using Gail Kim. Harris tags in Storm, and storm goes to town. Kim hurricanranas Kip, as Cowboy hits the Top Rope Bulldog on Jesse. Cowboy goes to pin, but Kip recovers and drags him off. Jesse recovers, as Gail bails. The duo take Cowboy to school, and when Harris attempts to interfere, he is met with a double dropkick. Gail is screaming as Kip sets up for the Fame-Ass-Er. However he is distracted by the crowd going crazy. Gail distracts the ref as Kurt Angle jumps in the ring from the crowd, and spears Kip. Jesse goes to attack, but Kurt takes him down and applies the ankle lock. Cowboy recovers as Kurt leaves the ring. Cowboy moves to pin, and Gail stops distracting the ref. 3 Count. AMW is the #1 contender. AMW defeated The James Gang in 15:14 after interference by Kurt Angle. B- After the match Kurt, AMW and Gail continue to destroy The James Gang. B- Backstage, new GM/Booker Astil X is seen interviewing HBK. HBK begins to say that he is not afraid, but his cell phone rings. He picks it up, and after a couple seconds of nodding, smirks. “He is here.” B Mike Tenay: It seems HBK does have a partner, and he had just arrived. Don West: Yeah, but security seems tight. HBK doesn’t want anyone knowing who it is. Mike Tenay: Least of all, Team 3D. During the commercial Traci shoots Tee Shirts. B+ Mike Tenay: We are back, and so is Sting. Don West: Don’t discount Christian, or even Rhino. Mike Tneay: Nope, you never can! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] Sting vs. Rhino Classic match where Rhino uses strength to try to set up for the Gore. Many times in the match it seems as if Rhino might take it, but Sting always manages to escape. Sting gets Rhino down…Scorpion Death Lock! Rhino taps! A Team 3D comes out, minus Brother Runt to normal fanfare. Oh Oh Shawn! Shawn Michaels comes out to a mixed, and still confused reaction. He is wearing his red outfit, and looks ****y as hell. A “Team 3D has absolutely no chance tonight, because ladies and gentlemen of TNA, I found someone who posses more wrestling talent than me. I know, I know, some of you are saying ‘but Shawn that’s impossible’. There are few, it is true, but I have one on my team. So, Ray… Devon … feast your eyes on the forth member in the Anti E Force 4… BRET HART!” B+ Bret Hart makes his way to the ring as the crowd erupts. Don West: NO WAY! NO WAY! HBK and HART! TOGETHER! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/HBK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/philipkao/MySpace/th_BretHartProgram.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BrotherD-Von.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BrotherBubba.jpg[/IMG] Anti E Force 4 (HBK & Hart) vs. Team 3D ( Brother Devon & Brother Ray) HBK controls most of the match, until Team 3D storms the ring in frustration. Both begin to attack HBK until Hart enters the ring, very slowly. He taps Brother Ray on the shoulder, and Ray turns around. Strong right arm from Hart. Ray is down. SHARPSHOOTER! Michaels is distracting Devon. SHARPSHOOTER by Michaels. Team 3D taps. HBK and Hart win there debut match! B Total Show Rating: B
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TNA is brought to you by The Stallion. The Stallion, for all your pic cut needs! TNA IMPACT Live! From Columbus Civic Center in Columbus, GA [img]http://www.speedwaybikes.com/ice/images/columbus.gif[/img] DARK MATCHES Jay Lethal vs. Eric Young vs. Puma How do you solve poor ratings in the dark matches? Put all the winners together and have them duke it out for the right to challenge Senshi for the X division title. All three got equal offense, but lethal put it away after a long match. Jay Lethal at 15:07 by pin with Lethal Injection. C+ After the match Gail Kim comes out and shoots shirts. Why? That’s easy, because she’s hot. B+ Mike Tenay: Hello and welcome to one of the most import Impacts of all time. Don West: Yes, Shawn Micheals will make his debut, being destroyed by two other ex-E wrestlers, Brother Devon and Brother Ray. Mike Tenay: The Heartbreak Kid seems eerily confident, Don, I think he has a partner here tonight. Don West: Who in there right mind would team up with that Vince McMahon kiss ass? Mike Tenay: Don’t forget about Sting. He will be facing Captain Charisma Christian Cage at Against All Odds (For some reason BFG is two PPVs away, just kind of go with it ~ Astil). Don West: Yes, but tonight he takes on Rhino. Mike Tenay: Lets get right into it, with a tag team showdown. C+ [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/JesseJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] Tag Team Title #1 Contender The James Gang vs. AMW James Gang persuaded their way into this match because of them “getting” HBK. It actually looked like they belonged for a while, as Jesse began to pound Harris. Jesse and Kip make great use of tagging. At the eight minuet mark, AMW gets an advantage using Gail Kim. Harris tags in Storm, and storm goes to town. Kim hurricanranas Kip, as Cowboy hits the Top Rope Bulldog on Jesse. Cowboy goes to pin, but Kip recovers and drags him off. Jesse recovers, as Gail bails. The duo take Cowboy to school, and when Harris attempts to interfere, he is met with a double dropkick. Gail is screaming as Kip sets up for the Fame-Ass-Er. However he is distracted by the crowd going crazy. Gail distracts the ref as Kurt Angle jumps in the ring from the crowd, and spears Kip. Jesse goes to attack, but Kurt takes him down and applies the ankle lock. Cowboy recovers as Kurt leaves the ring. Cowboy moves to pin, and Gail stops distracting the ref. 3 Count. AMW is the #1 contender. AMW defeated The James Gang in 15:14 after interference by Kurt Angle. B- After the match Kurt, AMW and Gail continue to destroy The James Gang. B- Backstage, new GM/Booker Astil X is seen interviewing HBK. HBK begins to say that he is not afraid, but his cell phone rings. He picks it up, and after a couple seconds of nodding, smirks. “He is here.” B Mike Tenay: It seems HBK does have a partner, and he had just arrived. Don West: Yeah, but security seems tight. HBK doesn’t want anyone knowing who it is. Mike Tenay: Least of all, Team 3D. During the commercial Traci shoots Tee Shirts. B+ Mike Tenay: We are back, and so is Sting. Don West: Don’t discount Christian, or even Rhino. Mike Tneay: Nope, you never can! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] Sting vs. Rhino Classic match where Rhino uses strength to try to set up for the Gore. Many times in the match it seems as if Rhino might take it, but Sting always manages to escape. Sting gets Rhino down…Scorpion Death Lock! Rhino taps! A Team 3D comes out, minus Brother Runt to normal fanfare. Oh Oh Shawn! Shawn Michaels comes out to a mixed, and still confused reaction. He is wearing his red outfit, and looks ****y as hell. A “Team 3D has absolutely no chance tonight, because ladies and gentlemen of TNA, I found someone who posses more wrestling talent than me. I know, I know, some of you are saying ‘but Shawn that’s impossible’. There are few, it is true, but I have one on my team. So, Ray… Devon … feast your eyes on the forth member in the Anti E Force 4… BRET HART!” B+ Bret Hart makes his way to the ring as the crowd erupts. Don West: NO WAY! NO WAY! HBK and HART! TOGETHER! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/HBK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/philipkao/MySpace/th_BretHartProgram.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BrotherD-Von.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/BrotherBubba.jpg[/IMG] Anti E Force 4 (HBK & Hart) vs. Team 3D ( Brother Devon & Brother Ray) HBK controls most of the match, until Team 3D storms the ring in frustration. Both begin to attack HBK until Hart enters the ring, very slowly. He taps Brother Ray on the shoulder, and Ray turns around. Strong right arm from Hart. Ray is down. SHARPSHOOTER! Michaels is distracting Devon. SHARPSHOOTER by Michaels. Team 3D taps. HBK and Hart win there debut match! B Total Show Rating: B
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Waltman could have worked, as could many others, but unfortunately I don't think Bret Hart was one of them, its just my opinion but Hart wrestling in any form isn't something I can believe (due to health), sorry. I admit I only skipped through the show, but another thing that doesn't feel right is having a no.1 contenders match for the X div title (at least thats what your comment implied) that nobody but the fans in attendance can see (being a dark match). Anyway i'm sure your not doing the diary wanting to stick strictly to pure realism and going for the more fantasy type deal, which is cool, its not my type of diary mind, but I welcome you on your return to watching wrestling again and wish you well with rest of diary. :)
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Waltman could have worked, as could many others, but unfortunately I don't think Bret Hart was one of them, its just my opinion but Hart wrestling in any form isn't something I can believe (due to health), sorry. I admit I only skipped through the show, but another thing that doesn't feel right is having a no.1 contenders match for the X div title (at least thats what your comment implied) that nobody but the fans in attendance can see (being a dark match). Anyway i'm sure your not doing the diary wanting to stick strictly to pure realism and going for the more fantasy type deal, which is cool, its not my type of diary mind, but I welcome you on your return to watching wrestling again and wish you well with rest of diary. :)
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