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ECW: Fight Without Honor(Bam Margera buys ECW)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/ecwmain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Wednesday, October 18th 2006[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-Vince McMahon's ECW brand was a failure. Thousands of dollars in merchandise and television time was thrown away on a dead company. To cut costs and save income, Vince McMahon decided to end ECW's television run and release some superstars. The first contracted worker released was the former owner of ECW, Paul Heyman. [/COLOR] [B]Friday, October 20th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-WWE.com reported that Sabu, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Little Gudio, Tony Mamaluke, Stevie Richards, Justin Credible, CW Anderson, Simon Dean, Danny Doring, Roadkill, CM Punk & Joey Styles were released from their contracts. [/COLOR] [B]Friday, October 27th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-Rumors have it that Paul Heyman has been seen talking to "Jackass the Movie 2" star, Bam Margera, about future business plans. What could these two be planning?[/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, October 30th 2006[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-WWE.com reported that Kid Kash, Mike Mizanin, Gunner Scott, Nicky, The Great Khali, Matt Striker, Johnny Swinger, Johnny, Mitch, Armando Alejandro Estrada, Mick Foley, Patt Patterson, Steve Lombardi, Dusty Rhodes, Tommy Dreamer & Fit Finlay were released from their contracts.[/COLOR] [B]Saturday, November 4th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-TNA loses their Spike TV Impact timeslot and struggle with PPV buys. In an attempt to save the company, Panda Energy has decided to release some of their talent of their contracts. Bert Prentice, Traci, Andrew Thomas, Armando Quintero, Bob Ryder, Scott D'Amore, Shane Douglas, Larry Zbysko, Dutch Mantell, Simon Diamond, Puma, Jay Lethal, A1, Eric Young, David Young, Cassidy O'Riley, Johnny Devine, Ron Killings & Sharkboy have been released from their contracts. [/COLOR] [B]Tuesday, Nobember 7th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-Vince McMahon sells all ECW trademarks to Bam Margera and Jackass co. [/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, October 30th 2006[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-WWE.com reported that Kid Kash, Mike Mizanin, Gunner Scott, Nicky, The Great Khali, Matt Striker, Johnny Swinger, Johnny, Mitch, Armando Alejandro Estrada, Mick Foley, Patt Patterson, Steve Lombardi, Dusty Rhodes, Tommy Dreamer & Fit Finlay were released from their contracts.[/COLOR] [B]Saturday, November 4th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-TNA loses their Spike TV Impact timeslot and struggle with PPV buys. In an attempt to save the company, Panda Energy has decided to release some of their talent of their contracts. Bert Prentice, Traci, Andrew Thomas, Armando Quintero, Bob Ryder, Scott D'Amore, Shane Douglas, Larry Zbysko, Dutch Mantell, Simon Diamond, Puma, Jay Lethal, A1, Eric Young, David Young, Cassidy O'Riley, Johnny Devine, Ron Killings & Sharkboy have been released from their contracts. [/COLOR] [B]Tuesday, Nobember 7th 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-Vince McMahon sells all ECW trademarks to Bam Margera and Jackass co. [/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, November 20th 2006[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-In a recent interview with MTV, Bam Margera announced the re-launch of Extreme Championship Wrestling. When asked about who will be running ECW backstage, the Jackass star had this to say, "Paul Heyman will be handling all of the ****ing backstage ****. He's been around wrestling longer than any of us so we're going to let that mother ****er do what he does best. We just want to tour the world with a bunch of Hardcore wrestlers and **** things up!!!". The company will be booked by head writer Paul Heyman, have an all new roster and start touring all over the world. [/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, November 20th 2006[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-In a recent interview with MTV, Bam Margera announced the re-launch of Extreme Championship Wrestling. When asked about who will be running ECW backstage, the Jackass star had this to say, "Paul Heyman will be handling all of the ****ing backstage ****. He's been around wrestling longer than any of us so we're going to let that mother ****er do what he does best. We just want to tour the world with a bunch of Hardcore wrestlers and **** things up!!!". The company will be booked by head writer Paul Heyman, have an all new roster and start touring all over the world. [/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/ecwdc.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Thursday, December 21st 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com re-opens and announces their first Tour, The Destruction & Chaos Tour. The tour will start Wednesday, May 10th 2007 in the Tri-State area. More details to follow. [/COLOR] [B]Friday, January 19th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-Eric Bischoff has become the head booker of WWE. [/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/ecwdc.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Thursday, December 21st 2006[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com re-opens and announces their first Tour, The Destruction & Chaos Tour. The tour will start Wednesday, May 10th 2007 in the Tri-State area. More details to follow. [/COLOR] [B]Friday, January 19th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-Eric Bischoff has become the head booker of WWE. [/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, January 22nd 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-Paul Heyman was interviewed by a UK Newspaper. When questioned about the new ECW, this is what Heyman had to say, "Bam Margera and Jackass co. are the most Extreme celebrities I have ever met. After ECW was raped by Titan Towers, we need somebody who can be just as extreme as we are. The new ECW won't be a watered down, sports entertainment, sci-fi joke!! This won't be the same ECW everybody remembered, but it will be a new era of extreme, a harder hitting & blood spilling ECW!!" [/COLOR] [B]Tuesday, February 20th 2007[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com announces the appearances of Sabu, The Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Spike Dudley, Yoshihiro Tajiri, 2 Cold Scorpio & CM Punk for the Destruction & Chaos Tour. [/COLOR]
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[B]Monday, January 22nd 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-Paul Heyman was interviewed by a UK Newspaper. When questioned about the new ECW, this is what Heyman had to say, "Bam Margera and Jackass co. are the most Extreme celebrities I have ever met. After ECW was raped by Titan Towers, we need somebody who can be just as extreme as we are. The new ECW won't be a watered down, sports entertainment, sci-fi joke!! This won't be the same ECW everybody remembered, but it will be a new era of extreme, a harder hitting & blood spilling ECW!!" [/COLOR] [B]Tuesday, February 20th 2007[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com announces the appearances of Sabu, The Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Spike Dudley, Yoshihiro Tajiri, 2 Cold Scorpio & CM Punk for the Destruction & Chaos Tour. [/COLOR]
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[B]Wednesday, March 15th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of Axl Rotten, Ian Rotten, Shane Douglas, Steve Corino, Kid Kash, Super Nova, Stevie Richards & The F.B.I. to the Destruction & Chaos Tour. [/COLOR] [B]Sunday, April 22nd 2007[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of CW Anderson, Simon Diamond, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Justin Credible, Johnny Swinger, Toby Klein, Necro Butcher, NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito to the Destruction & Chaos Tour[/COLOR]
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[B]Wednesday, March 15th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of Axl Rotten, Ian Rotten, Shane Douglas, Steve Corino, Kid Kash, Super Nova, Stevie Richards & The F.B.I. to the Destruction & Chaos Tour. [/COLOR] [B]Sunday, April 22nd 2007[/B] [COLOR="purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of CW Anderson, Simon Diamond, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Justin Credible, Johnny Swinger, Toby Klein, Necro Butcher, NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito to the Destruction & Chaos Tour[/COLOR]
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[B]Thursday, April 26th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of Juventud Guerrera & Tommy Dreamer to the Destruction & Chaos Tour. ECW also released some information about the first Destruction & Chaos card[/COLOR] [B]ECW's Destruction & Chaos Tour(Day 1) - May 12th 2007 at the Fernwood Hotel:[/B] [B]The Main Event[/B] [B] [COLOR="Blue"]"The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal" Sabu vs "The King of Old School" Steve Corino[/COLOR] [/B] (Two of ECW's Top wrestlers collide for respect, pride & honor.) [B]Extreme Re-Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs "The Franchise" Shane Douglas[/B][/COLOR] (True ECW fans will remember the bad blood between Tommy Dreamer & Shane Douglas. Will this match open new wounds?") [B]Dueling Canes Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]The Sandman vs CM Punk[/B][/COLOR] (The Sandman is everyones favorite Hardcore drunk while CM Punk is proud to be Straight Edge. Two different lifestyles will compete with Singapore Canes.) [B]International Warfare[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Little Guido vs Juventud Guerrera[/B][/COLOR] (Tajiri hails from Japan, Guido's from Italy and Juventud was born and raised in Mexico. These 3 will defy gravity in an International Warfare.) [B]Singles Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]Kid Kash vs 2 Cold Scorpio[/B][/COLOR] (These two can do it all. Fly across the air, take it to the mat or get EXTREME. This will be an all out war.) [B]100 Lightbulbs & A Pit of Thumbtacks [/B] [B]Special Guest Referee:[/B] Steve-O [COLOR="blue"][B]"Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein & Necro Butcher vs Ryuji Ito & NOSAWA[/B][/COLOR] (4 new faces to ECW are about to get EXTREME. Not only will there be 100 Lighttubes and Thumbtacks but Steve-O will be on hand as the special guest referee.) [B]also scheduled to appear are Bam Margera, Stevie Richards, Super Nova, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Balls Mahoney, Justin Credible, Spike Dudley...and much more[/B]
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[B]Thursday, April 26th 2007[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]-ECW.com announces the addition of Juventud Guerrera & Tommy Dreamer to the Destruction & Chaos Tour. ECW also released some information about the first Destruction & Chaos card[/COLOR] [B]ECW's Destruction & Chaos Tour(Day 1) - May 12th 2007 at the Fernwood Hotel:[/B] [B]The Main Event[/B] [B] [COLOR="Blue"]"The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal" Sabu vs "The King of Old School" Steve Corino[/COLOR] [/B] (Two of ECW's Top wrestlers collide for respect, pride & honor.) [B]Extreme Re-Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs "The Franchise" Shane Douglas[/B][/COLOR] (True ECW fans will remember the bad blood between Tommy Dreamer & Shane Douglas. Will this match open new wounds?") [B]Dueling Canes Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]The Sandman vs CM Punk[/B][/COLOR] (The Sandman is everyones favorite Hardcore drunk while CM Punk is proud to be Straight Edge. Two different lifestyles will compete with Singapore Canes.) [B]International Warfare[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Little Guido vs Juventud Guerrera[/B][/COLOR] (Tajiri hails from Japan, Guido's from Italy and Juventud was born and raised in Mexico. These 3 will defy gravity in an International Warfare.) [B]Singles Match[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]Kid Kash vs 2 Cold Scorpio[/B][/COLOR] (These two can do it all. Fly across the air, take it to the mat or get EXTREME. This will be an all out war.) [B]100 Lightbulbs & A Pit of Thumbtacks [/B] [B]Special Guest Referee:[/B] Steve-O [COLOR="blue"][B]"Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein & Necro Butcher vs Ryuji Ito & NOSAWA[/B][/COLOR] (4 new faces to ECW are about to get EXTREME. Not only will there be 100 Lighttubes and Thumbtacks but Steve-O will be on hand as the special guest referee.) [B]also scheduled to appear are Bam Margera, Stevie Richards, Super Nova, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Balls Mahoney, Justin Credible, Spike Dudley...and much more[/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]ECW Destruction & Chaos Tour: Day 1[/SIZE][/B] [B]Live at the Fernwood Hotel in Tri-State infront of 300 people[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Bam Margera & Joey Styles are standing in the middle of the ring with microphones. The crowd starts an "ECW! ECW!" chant.[/COLOR] [B]Joey Styles[/B]: Ohhhh myyyyy GAWD!!!!!! As most of you should know, my name is Joey Styles.... [B]Bam Margera[/B]: ...I'm Bam Margera and this is EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!!! [COLOR="purple"]Before the introduction can go any longer, Justin Credible slides into the ring and hits Bam Margera across his head with a Kendo Stick. Margera falls to the ground and grips the back of his head from the pain. Credible chases Styles out of the ring. Justin Credible poses in the corner with his Kendo Stick as the crowd goes nuts. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/justincredible1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="purple"]Suddenly, "Big Balls" by ACDC hits. Balls Mahoney walks out with a chair in his hand. Credible stumbles back from shock. Balls steps inside of the ring when Credible ambushes him with some Kendo shots across his back. Balls fights back and nails Credible across the head with a chairshot. A ECW referee walks out and calls for the bell to start this inprompteu match. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/JustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Justin Credible vs Balls Mahoney[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]A lot of brawling. Balls Mahoney bloodies Credible with a hard Chairshot. Mahoney sets Credible up for a Nutcracker Suite when CM Punk runs out and nails him across the head with a Kendo Stick. Balls stumbled right into Credible's That's Incredible. Justin Credible steals the win. [B]Justin Credible defeated Balls Mahoney in 9:33 by pinfall with a That's Incredible. C+ [/B] [COLOR="purple"]Joey Styles is at the announcers balconey. [/COLOR] [B]Joey Styles[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, we're only 8 minutes into ECW's re-opening and my broadcast partner has already been laid out. [B]Joel Gertner:[/B] Well, well, well...look who's here to save the day!! [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Ohh noo...he's back?! [B]Joel Gertner[/B]: Yes, that's right. The Quinticetial Studmuffin, if you got an hour, I've got the power. Joel, You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat, Gertner!!! [B]Joey Styles[/B]: I can't say that I'm glad to have you back. But it's way better to sit next to you than Jerry "The King" Lawler. [B]Joel Gertner[/B]: You sat next to Jerry Lawler?! [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Let's go to the ring for the next match... [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/2ColdScorpio.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/KidKash.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]2 Cold Scorpio vs Kid Kash[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]Kid Kash and 2 Cold Scorpio's styles clashed a bit. Scorpio misses his Top Rope Tumbleweed allowing Kid Kash to hit his Bank Roll. [B]Kid Kash defeated Scorpio in 14:48 by pinfall with a Bank Roll. C-[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]"Simon Says" by Drain STH hits. Simon Diamond, CW Anderson, Johnny Swinger & Dawn Marie make their way down to ringside. The crowd boos. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/diamondswinger.jpg[/IMG] [B]Simon Diamond:[/B] Simon has a problem!! It's the first show of the Destruction & Chaos Tour and the Enterprise of ECW is nowhere to be seen on the card. So we're officaly challenging anyone to take us on!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Highway to Hell" by ACDC blasts. Spike Dudley walks out and steps into the ring. The Enterprise looks over Spike and laughs. [/COLOR] [B]Simon Diamond:[/B] We put out an open challenge and the best we got was Spike Dudley? HAHAHAHA!!! That's funny, kid. But we're looking for a 6 man tag. So if you--- [COLOR="purple"]Spike Dudley points towards the enterance area when "Drop the Bombshell" hits. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley walk out to a huge ovation. They slide into the ring as a ECW referee slides into the ring to start this open challenge.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/CWAnderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/JohnnySwinger.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SpikeDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]The Enterprise vs The Dudley Boyz[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Huge 6 man brawl. Diamond and CW Anderson try to put Spike Dudley through a table but The Dudley Boyz stop them. They hit a 3D through a table on Simon Diamond. [B]Spike Dudley & Team 3D defeated Simon Diamond, CW Anderson and Johnny Swinger in 14:53 when Brother Devon defeated Simon Diamond by pinfall with a 3D through a Table. B-[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]ECW ring crew place 100 Lighttubes inbetween the ringropes and around Ringside. Outside of the ring, there's a Pit filled with Thumbtacks. The Jackass theme plays as Steve-O makes his way towards the ring. Steve-O grabs a lighttube and smashes it over his head.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TobyKlein.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Nosawa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/RyujiIto.jpg[/IMG] 100 Lighttubes & a Pit of Thumbtacks Necro Butcher & "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein vs NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Steve-O.jpg[/IMG] Special Guest Referee: Steve-O[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito work really well as a tag team. These four waste no time in using the lighttubes. Necro gets cut wide open with a broken Lighttube by Ito. Toby Klein hits a DVD off of the apron onto the Pit of Thumbtacks on NOSAWA. Back in the ring, Necro Butcher applies the Asiatic Spike on Ryuji Ito. It isn't long untill he passes out. [B]Necro & Klein defeated Ito & NOSAWA in 9:41 when Necro Butcher defeated Ryuji Ito by submission with an Asiatic Spike. C[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]The B.W.O. theme blasts over the P.A. Stevie Richards & Super Nova walk out dressed in blue. They step inside of the ring. [/COLOR] [B]Stevie Richards:[/B] Hey yo!!! For those of you who don't already know. I'm Big Stevie Cool.... [B]Super Nova[/B]:...and I'm Hollywood Nova!! [B]Stevie Richards/Super Nova[/B]: Together, we are the Blue World Order!!!!! [B]Stevie Richards:[/B] ...and we're taking OVER!!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Awesome Bomb" hits as Mike Awesome walks out to a huge ovation. Awesome slowly walks down the enterance ramp as the crowd chants, "Awesomes going to kill you!". [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/MikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Stevie Richards vs Mike Awesome[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights[/B]: Awesome stands toe-to-toe with the B.W.O. Super Nova jumps on Awesome but he gets caught. Mike Awesome Overhead Suplexs Nova from inside of the ring to the outside. Stevie Richards tries to run but Awesome stops him and hits an Awesome Bomb. He climbs to the top rope and finishes Richards off with the Awesome Splash. [B]Mike Awesome defeated Stevie Richards in 7:51 by pinfall with a Awesome Splash. B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Nunzio.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Juventud.jpg[/IMG] International 3-Way Dance "Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Little Guido vs Juventud Guerrera[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Great high flying match. Juventud hit some unbelievable moves on Guido. Tajiri kicks Juvi across his head sending him outside of the ring. Nunzio runs towards Tajiri only to get his knees Dropkicked. Nunzio falls to one knee allowing Yoshihiro Tajiri to hit a Shining Wizard for the win. [B]Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido and Juventud Guerrera in 14:53 when Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. B[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]"Miseria Cantare" by AFI hits. CM Punk walks out with Justin Credible. They make their way down to ringside. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/cmpunk22.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk: [/B]My name is CM Punk and I'm Straight Edge!! Why?! Because I am better than YOU!! Tonight, I'm competing against The Sandman. A man who's a known drug addict, an alcoholic, a womanizer but worst of all...he reminds me of my father!!! So tonight, I'm going to show everyone why if you're not Straight Edge than you're nothing!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Enter Sandman" by Metallica blasts. The crowd goes nuts. The Sandman appears in the crowd. He has a Singapore Cane in one hand and a beer in the other. He enters the ring and immediately gets double teamed. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TheSandman.jpg[/IMG] Dueling Singapore Canes CM Punk vs The Sandman[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]Punk and Credible double team Sandman with their Kendo Sticks. Sandman tries to fight back but the numbers are just too much. Punk sets Sandman up for his Pepsi Plunge when Balls Mahoney runs out with a Chair. Mahoney cleans house. Punk and Credible walks to the back never taking their eyes off of Mahoney and Sandman. [B]CM Punk and The Sandman fought to a Draw in 5:50 when Balls Mahoney sent CM Punk & Justin Credible to the back. [/B] [COLOR="purple"]"Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains hits. Tommy Dreamer walks out to a huge ovation. Dreamer steps inside of the ring, the crowd chants "DREAMER!! DREAMER!!". [/COLOR] [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]: I started my career in this very ECW ring. If it wasn't for ECW, I would've been working at a car dealership. That's why it hurt me when Vince McMahon used the ECW name and just threw us to the curb when he was done making money off of us. It hurt me so much that I lost all interest in professional wrestling. Which is why, tonight, win or loss, I will retire!! It's time for another kid with the shine in his eyes to make his career here in ECW!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Perfect Strangers" blasts when Shane Douglas walks out. He steps inside of the ring and grabs the microphone from Dreamers hand. [/COLOR] [B]Shane Douglas:[/B] Why don't you tell everyone the real reason why you're retiring. You're nothing but a washed up, hasbeen who can't take it anymore!! [COLOR="purple"]Tommy Dreamer looks up at Douglas and smacks him across the face. They start brawling as the referee calls for the bell. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG] "Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs "The Franchise" Shane Douglas[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Huge brawl to start things off. They fight in the crowd. Dreamer grabs a can of beer from a fan, he takes a gulp then smashes it over Douglas' head. Back inside of the ring, Dreamer tries to DVD Douglas but his back gives out on him, allowing Douglas to hit a Fishermans Buster. Tommy Dreamer kicked out at 2. Douglas points to the back when Francine runs out with a chair. Shane Douglas holds Dreamer so that Francine can nail him. Suddenly, Beulah runs out and slides into the ring. She spears Francine and they roll around the ring, cat fighting. Douglas turns his attention to the cat fight allowing Tommy Dreamer to recover. Dreamer turns him around and hits a Dreamer DDT for the victory. [B]Tommy Dreamer defeated Shane Douglas in 12:02 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. B-[/B] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/dreamer.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="purple"]Tommy Dreamer and Beulah celebrate afterwards. The crowd starts a, "Thank you Dreamer!" chant. Dreamer hugs Beulah, they walk to the back together. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] "Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal" Sabu vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] The match starts off in the ring but Sabu quickly takes it to the outside. They brawl around ringside. Sabu sets up a table inbetween the ring apron and guardrail then sets Corino ontop of it. He attempts a Springboard Legdrop but Corino rolls outta the way. Back in the ring, Corino tries to take Sabu's head off with a Lariat but he ducks and dropkicks the King of Old School's leg. Sabu grabs a nearby chair and smashes it across his head. He applies the Camel Clucth and gets the submission victory. [B]Sabu defeated Steve Corino in 14:42 by submission with a Camel Clutch. C+[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Sabu celebrates inside of the ring, pointing into the air, when suddenly a man in baggy pants & t-shirt and a bandana covering his face slides into the ring. Sabu turns around and gets hit with a Yakuza Kick across the head. The mysterious man yanks off his bandana to reveal his identity. It's HOMICIDE!!! Homicide picks Sabu up and hits his Cop Killa, nearly breaking him in half. The crowd is going bananas. The show comes to an end with Homicide standing over Sabu. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/homicide.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Show Rating: C+[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]ECW Destruction & Chaos Tour: Day 1[/SIZE][/B] [B]Live at the Fernwood Hotel in Tri-State infront of 300 people[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Bam Margera & Joey Styles are standing in the middle of the ring with microphones. The crowd starts an "ECW! ECW!" chant.[/COLOR] [B]Joey Styles[/B]: Ohhhh myyyyy GAWD!!!!!! As most of you should know, my name is Joey Styles.... [B]Bam Margera[/B]: ...I'm Bam Margera and this is EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!!! [COLOR="purple"]Before the introduction can go any longer, Justin Credible slides into the ring and hits Bam Margera across his head with a Kendo Stick. Margera falls to the ground and grips the back of his head from the pain. Credible chases Styles out of the ring. Justin Credible poses in the corner with his Kendo Stick as the crowd goes nuts. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/justincredible1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="purple"]Suddenly, "Big Balls" by ACDC hits. Balls Mahoney walks out with a chair in his hand. Credible stumbles back from shock. Balls steps inside of the ring when Credible ambushes him with some Kendo shots across his back. Balls fights back and nails Credible across the head with a chairshot. A ECW referee walks out and calls for the bell to start this inprompteu match. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/JustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Justin Credible vs Balls Mahoney[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]A lot of brawling. Balls Mahoney bloodies Credible with a hard Chairshot. Mahoney sets Credible up for a Nutcracker Suite when CM Punk runs out and nails him across the head with a Kendo Stick. Balls stumbled right into Credible's That's Incredible. Justin Credible steals the win. [B]Justin Credible defeated Balls Mahoney in 9:33 by pinfall with a That's Incredible. C+ [/B] [COLOR="purple"]Joey Styles is at the announcers balconey. [/COLOR] [B]Joey Styles[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, we're only 8 minutes into ECW's re-opening and my broadcast partner has already been laid out. [B]Joel Gertner:[/B] Well, well, well...look who's here to save the day!! [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Ohh noo...he's back?! [B]Joel Gertner[/B]: Yes, that's right. The Quinticetial Studmuffin, if you got an hour, I've got the power. Joel, You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat, Gertner!!! [B]Joey Styles[/B]: I can't say that I'm glad to have you back. But it's way better to sit next to you than Jerry "The King" Lawler. [B]Joel Gertner[/B]: You sat next to Jerry Lawler?! [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Let's go to the ring for the next match... [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/2ColdScorpio.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/KidKash.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]2 Cold Scorpio vs Kid Kash[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]Kid Kash and 2 Cold Scorpio's styles clashed a bit. Scorpio misses his Top Rope Tumbleweed allowing Kid Kash to hit his Bank Roll. [B]Kid Kash defeated Scorpio in 14:48 by pinfall with a Bank Roll. C-[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]"Simon Says" by Drain STH hits. Simon Diamond, CW Anderson, Johnny Swinger & Dawn Marie make their way down to ringside. The crowd boos. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/diamondswinger.jpg[/IMG] [B]Simon Diamond:[/B] Simon has a problem!! It's the first show of the Destruction & Chaos Tour and the Enterprise of ECW is nowhere to be seen on the card. So we're officaly challenging anyone to take us on!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Highway to Hell" by ACDC blasts. Spike Dudley walks out and steps into the ring. The Enterprise looks over Spike and laughs. [/COLOR] [B]Simon Diamond:[/B] We put out an open challenge and the best we got was Spike Dudley? HAHAHAHA!!! That's funny, kid. But we're looking for a 6 man tag. So if you--- [COLOR="purple"]Spike Dudley points towards the enterance area when "Drop the Bombshell" hits. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley walk out to a huge ovation. They slide into the ring as a ECW referee slides into the ring to start this open challenge.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/CWAnderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/JohnnySwinger.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SpikeDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]The Enterprise vs The Dudley Boyz[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Huge 6 man brawl. Diamond and CW Anderson try to put Spike Dudley through a table but The Dudley Boyz stop them. They hit a 3D through a table on Simon Diamond. [B]Spike Dudley & Team 3D defeated Simon Diamond, CW Anderson and Johnny Swinger in 14:53 when Brother Devon defeated Simon Diamond by pinfall with a 3D through a Table. B-[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]ECW ring crew place 100 Lighttubes inbetween the ringropes and around Ringside. Outside of the ring, there's a Pit filled with Thumbtacks. The Jackass theme plays as Steve-O makes his way towards the ring. Steve-O grabs a lighttube and smashes it over his head.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TobyKlein.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Nosawa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/RyujiIto.jpg[/IMG] 100 Lighttubes & a Pit of Thumbtacks Necro Butcher & "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein vs NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Steve-O.jpg[/IMG] Special Guest Referee: Steve-O[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] NOSAWA & Ryuji Ito work really well as a tag team. These four waste no time in using the lighttubes. Necro gets cut wide open with a broken Lighttube by Ito. Toby Klein hits a DVD off of the apron onto the Pit of Thumbtacks on NOSAWA. Back in the ring, Necro Butcher applies the Asiatic Spike on Ryuji Ito. It isn't long untill he passes out. [B]Necro & Klein defeated Ito & NOSAWA in 9:41 when Necro Butcher defeated Ryuji Ito by submission with an Asiatic Spike. C[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]The B.W.O. theme blasts over the P.A. Stevie Richards & Super Nova walk out dressed in blue. They step inside of the ring. [/COLOR] [B]Stevie Richards:[/B] Hey yo!!! For those of you who don't already know. I'm Big Stevie Cool.... [B]Super Nova[/B]:...and I'm Hollywood Nova!! [B]Stevie Richards/Super Nova[/B]: Together, we are the Blue World Order!!!!! [B]Stevie Richards:[/B] ...and we're taking OVER!!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Awesome Bomb" hits as Mike Awesome walks out to a huge ovation. Awesome slowly walks down the enterance ramp as the crowd chants, "Awesomes going to kill you!". [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/MikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Stevie Richards vs Mike Awesome[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights[/B]: Awesome stands toe-to-toe with the B.W.O. Super Nova jumps on Awesome but he gets caught. Mike Awesome Overhead Suplexs Nova from inside of the ring to the outside. Stevie Richards tries to run but Awesome stops him and hits an Awesome Bomb. He climbs to the top rope and finishes Richards off with the Awesome Splash. [B]Mike Awesome defeated Stevie Richards in 7:51 by pinfall with a Awesome Splash. B-[/B] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Nunzio.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Juventud.jpg[/IMG] International 3-Way Dance "Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Little Guido vs Juventud Guerrera[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Great high flying match. Juventud hit some unbelievable moves on Guido. Tajiri kicks Juvi across his head sending him outside of the ring. Nunzio runs towards Tajiri only to get his knees Dropkicked. Nunzio falls to one knee allowing Yoshihiro Tajiri to hit a Shining Wizard for the win. [B]Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido and Juventud Guerrera in 14:53 when Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. B[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]"Miseria Cantare" by AFI hits. CM Punk walks out with Justin Credible. They make their way down to ringside. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/cmpunk22.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk: [/B]My name is CM Punk and I'm Straight Edge!! Why?! Because I am better than YOU!! Tonight, I'm competing against The Sandman. A man who's a known drug addict, an alcoholic, a womanizer but worst of all...he reminds me of my father!!! So tonight, I'm going to show everyone why if you're not Straight Edge than you're nothing!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Enter Sandman" by Metallica blasts. The crowd goes nuts. The Sandman appears in the crowd. He has a Singapore Cane in one hand and a beer in the other. He enters the ring and immediately gets double teamed. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TheSandman.jpg[/IMG] Dueling Singapore Canes CM Punk vs The Sandman[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights: [/B]Punk and Credible double team Sandman with their Kendo Sticks. Sandman tries to fight back but the numbers are just too much. Punk sets Sandman up for his Pepsi Plunge when Balls Mahoney runs out with a Chair. Mahoney cleans house. Punk and Credible walks to the back never taking their eyes off of Mahoney and Sandman. [B]CM Punk and The Sandman fought to a Draw in 5:50 when Balls Mahoney sent CM Punk & Justin Credible to the back. [/B] [COLOR="purple"]"Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains hits. Tommy Dreamer walks out to a huge ovation. Dreamer steps inside of the ring, the crowd chants "DREAMER!! DREAMER!!". [/COLOR] [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]: I started my career in this very ECW ring. If it wasn't for ECW, I would've been working at a car dealership. That's why it hurt me when Vince McMahon used the ECW name and just threw us to the curb when he was done making money off of us. It hurt me so much that I lost all interest in professional wrestling. Which is why, tonight, win or loss, I will retire!! It's time for another kid with the shine in his eyes to make his career here in ECW!!! [COLOR="purple"]"Perfect Strangers" blasts when Shane Douglas walks out. He steps inside of the ring and grabs the microphone from Dreamers hand. [/COLOR] [B]Shane Douglas:[/B] Why don't you tell everyone the real reason why you're retiring. You're nothing but a washed up, hasbeen who can't take it anymore!! [COLOR="purple"]Tommy Dreamer looks up at Douglas and smacks him across the face. They start brawling as the referee calls for the bell. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG] "Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs "The Franchise" Shane Douglas[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] Huge brawl to start things off. They fight in the crowd. Dreamer grabs a can of beer from a fan, he takes a gulp then smashes it over Douglas' head. Back inside of the ring, Dreamer tries to DVD Douglas but his back gives out on him, allowing Douglas to hit a Fishermans Buster. Tommy Dreamer kicked out at 2. Douglas points to the back when Francine runs out with a chair. Shane Douglas holds Dreamer so that Francine can nail him. Suddenly, Beulah runs out and slides into the ring. She spears Francine and they roll around the ring, cat fighting. Douglas turns his attention to the cat fight allowing Tommy Dreamer to recover. Dreamer turns him around and hits a Dreamer DDT for the victory. [B]Tommy Dreamer defeated Shane Douglas in 12:02 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. B-[/B] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/dreamer.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="purple"]Tommy Dreamer and Beulah celebrate afterwards. The crowd starts a, "Thank you Dreamer!" chant. Dreamer hugs Beulah, they walk to the back together. [/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] "Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal" Sabu vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Highlights:[/B] The match starts off in the ring but Sabu quickly takes it to the outside. They brawl around ringside. Sabu sets up a table inbetween the ring apron and guardrail then sets Corino ontop of it. He attempts a Springboard Legdrop but Corino rolls outta the way. Back in the ring, Corino tries to take Sabu's head off with a Lariat but he ducks and dropkicks the King of Old School's leg. Sabu grabs a nearby chair and smashes it across his head. He applies the Camel Clucth and gets the submission victory. [B]Sabu defeated Steve Corino in 14:42 by submission with a Camel Clutch. C+[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Sabu celebrates inside of the ring, pointing into the air, when suddenly a man in baggy pants & t-shirt and a bandana covering his face slides into the ring. Sabu turns around and gets hit with a Yakuza Kick across the head. The mysterious man yanks off his bandana to reveal his identity. It's HOMICIDE!!! Homicide picks Sabu up and hits his Cop Killa, nearly breaking him in half. The crowd is going bananas. The show comes to an end with Homicide standing over Sabu. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/homicidal_2006/homicide.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Show Rating: C+[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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