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out of the frying pan, into the ring...

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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/LeeBovey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Let me start by introducing myself. My names Is Lee-James Bovey, but you may well know me by my stage name Panix, you see until a couple of years ago I was a wrestler and a bloody good one too. I had just broken into the midcard at ROF, or Ring of Fire. Things were looking rosy, I had a beautiful woman a kid on the way and rumour has it I was being scouted by TCW. I even received a signed letter from the man himself Tommy C requesting I turn up to one of there talent spotting sessions. Unfortunately wrestling a small indy in the midlands and working in Maccy D’s to pay the bills didn’t afford me a plane ticket to the USA. So I started saving in vain, until I got a call in early December 04 that I knew was going to change my life, it was then ROF owner and booker Geordie Jimmy, he had good news for me. “Hey Panix, is that you?” (Jimmy was stuck in his ways and mobile phones still frightened him a little) “sure what can I do you for?” “You know we had that little talk about signing pro with us?” “yeah” “well I’m gonna give you a test run with UK dragon and if you do the business im gonna give you a considerable appearance contract, how does that sound sunshine?” “are you yanking me jimmy?” “no kid, you’ve done well here and its time someone new took over ring duties, just don’t let me down Panix!” This was huge, UK Dragon was a new signing and was one of the top workers on the UK independent scene. He could also have a good match with a pile of lego bricks which meant there is no way I could look bad in the ring with him. This was it my big break – or so I thought![/QUOTE] This is just to see me through till TEW07 and is my first solo effort at a TEW diary, its also my 1st ever cornellverse diary. As always feedback is welcome and i will put all the none-story stuff outside of quotes - enjoy!
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[QUOTE]What was it Alanis Morrisette said? Oh that was it “Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right” I tell you what, she wasn’t kidding. It was December 14th the week before my feud with UK Dragon was about to kick off at ROF’s December event “wrestling day." I was co-driving for a fellow McDonalds employee and my good friend Matt Rook in a local stage rally when Matty accidentally over steered our car. It hit a stack of tires, but rather than halting our progress it flipped the car and sent it airwards. Photo’s show we were only a couple of feet in the air, but from my position it felt as if we were at least 10 foot it was scary seeing the ground hurtling towards you, it almost happens in slow motion. The roll cage took the brunt of the collision but when I came too I could sense something was wrong, I couldn’t feel my right leg. I was scared about my leg but more concerned about my friend. Matt’s profane rumblings from beside me were of great comfort too me, that meant either he was alive or they allow swearing north of the pearly gates. I couldn’t help but smile when he grumbled that my navigating was like “bloody clown shoes” he was always so articulate! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/flippedrallycar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So anyway, I spent the next few days in hospital awaiting emergency surgery to try and save my knee, it was pretty banged up and the primary reason i couldnt feel my leg in the car. I really was prepared for the worst, I figured ‘what the hell, I could do an awesome pirate impression if they had to amputate!’ But the surgeon was amazing and he managed to reconstruct my knee in a way that I could actually walk again, no top rope Sentons or springboard moonsaults anymore min you, but to be honest with you I was just happy to be able to walk. Whilst I was in hospital recovering I wasn’t at all surprised to get a visit from Jimmy. He had with him a small paper bag and a card, he handed me a card and it was signed by all of the boys. I smiled at some of the crude and somewhat callous humour included in the card, but that’s the way out locker room was, we loved the banter and just because i was banged up i wasnt getting let of lightly! Then he handed me the paper bag. I didn’t know what to expect, perhaps a bunch of grapes, that’s traditional fare for this kind of incident right? “Me and the lads had a whip round Lee and we thought this might help cheer you up” I opened up the bag and was somewhat taken aback, there was an exact replica of the ROF Championship with my name on the plaque, I felt a lump in my throat and the slightest hint of a tear gathered in my eye as he continued to talk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/belt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “Every single guy in the locker room knew you would wear that strap eventually, so we are retiring it, it’s the least we could do.” I was trembling now desperate to cry just to let my emotions out, in a cut throat business I still get choked to this day by some of the kind gestures I see, it seems that in hard times a locker room is like a family and my family had really humbled me with this gesture, I didn’t know what to say, my present etiquette was never great and I didn't want to belittle this wonderful gift. “I don’t know what to say Jimmy, this…” He cut me off mid-sentence, I was glad! I was convinced something stupid was going to come out, or more likely a joke, I always picked the most in-opportune times to joke around. “that’s not all kid, look in the envelope” And sure enough there was an envelope, whatever could this be? It couldn’t be a card, I already had one of them! I thought about it logically for a second, it had to be my P45, sure I was only working part-time for ROF but they never cooked the books, the pay roll was always worked out by Jimmy’s wife who just happened to be his accountant. I feared the worst as I pulled out the stapled sheets from the envelope. Fortunatly my fears were quelled it was a written contract to be a wrestling manager! Jimmy could see my excitement and again prevented me from making a fool out of myself with a pathetic attempt at gratitude by cutting me off before i spoke. “I couldn’t stand to see you working in that dump anymore kid. Were gonna take you on full time” I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom I shut the door behind me and the floodgates opened, I would like to blame it on my medication but truth be told I was just overwhelmed. I had always looked up to Jimmy his relationship with his wife was strong and they always seemed like such a happy couple. Sure Jimmy was old fashioned and his wife would run around after him, but there was love there, that much was plain to see. Jimmy had kind of taken me under his wing, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t boss’s pet, I still had to take down the ring and wash the ring covers same as all the rookies. But he was always willing to throw his arm around me after a bad performance. I think in some ways he saw me as the son he never had and I defiantly embraced him as a father figure, I think a lot of the young lads did, even the 21CW guys on our roster loved working under Jimmy, he was just a likeable guy. I composed myself and re-entered the room Jimmy was standing there with a daft grin on his face, with the contract in one hand and a pen in the other he asked, “so what do ya say kiddo?” my reply was short and to the point, “where do I sign?”[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]What was it Alanis Morrisette said? Oh that was it “Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right” I tell you what, she wasn’t kidding. It was December 14th the week before my feud with UK Dragon was about to kick off at ROF’s December event “wrestling day." I was co-driving for a fellow McDonalds employee and my good friend Matt Rook in a local stage rally when Matty accidentally over steered our car. It hit a stack of tires, but rather than halting our progress it flipped the car and sent it airwards. Photo’s show we were only a couple of feet in the air, but from my position it felt as if we were at least 10 foot it was scary seeing the ground hurtling towards you, it almost happens in slow motion. The roll cage took the brunt of the collision but when I came too I could sense something was wrong, I couldn’t feel my right leg. I was scared about my leg but more concerned about my friend. Matt’s profane rumblings from beside me were of great comfort too me, that meant either he was alive or they allow swearing north of the pearly gates. I couldn’t help but smile when he grumbled that my navigating was like “bloody clown shoes” he was always so articulate! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/flippedrallycar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So anyway, I spent the next few days in hospital awaiting emergency surgery to try and save my knee, it was pretty banged up and the primary reason i couldnt feel my leg in the car. I really was prepared for the worst, I figured ‘what the hell, I could do an awesome pirate impression if they had to amputate!’ But the surgeon was amazing and he managed to reconstruct my knee in a way that I could actually walk again, no top rope Sentons or springboard moonsaults anymore min you, but to be honest with you I was just happy to be able to walk. Whilst I was in hospital recovering I wasn’t at all surprised to get a visit from Jimmy. He had with him a small paper bag and a card, he handed me a card and it was signed by all of the boys. I smiled at some of the crude and somewhat callous humour included in the card, but that’s the way out locker room was, we loved the banter and just because i was banged up i wasnt getting let of lightly! Then he handed me the paper bag. I didn’t know what to expect, perhaps a bunch of grapes, that’s traditional fare for this kind of incident right? “Me and the lads had a whip round Lee and we thought this might help cheer you up” I opened up the bag and was somewhat taken aback, there was an exact replica of the ROF Championship with my name on the plaque, I felt a lump in my throat and the slightest hint of a tear gathered in my eye as he continued to talk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/belt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “Every single guy in the locker room knew you would wear that strap eventually, so we are retiring it, it’s the least we could do.” I was trembling now desperate to cry just to let my emotions out, in a cut throat business I still get choked to this day by some of the kind gestures I see, it seems that in hard times a locker room is like a family and my family had really humbled me with this gesture, I didn’t know what to say, my present etiquette was never great and I didn't want to belittle this wonderful gift. “I don’t know what to say Jimmy, this…” He cut me off mid-sentence, I was glad! I was convinced something stupid was going to come out, or more likely a joke, I always picked the most in-opportune times to joke around. “that’s not all kid, look in the envelope” And sure enough there was an envelope, whatever could this be? It couldn’t be a card, I already had one of them! I thought about it logically for a second, it had to be my P45, sure I was only working part-time for ROF but they never cooked the books, the pay roll was always worked out by Jimmy’s wife who just happened to be his accountant. I feared the worst as I pulled out the stapled sheets from the envelope. Fortunatly my fears were quelled it was a written contract to be a wrestling manager! Jimmy could see my excitement and again prevented me from making a fool out of myself with a pathetic attempt at gratitude by cutting me off before i spoke. “I couldn’t stand to see you working in that dump anymore kid. Were gonna take you on full time” I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom I shut the door behind me and the floodgates opened, I would like to blame it on my medication but truth be told I was just overwhelmed. I had always looked up to Jimmy his relationship with his wife was strong and they always seemed like such a happy couple. Sure Jimmy was old fashioned and his wife would run around after him, but there was love there, that much was plain to see. Jimmy had kind of taken me under his wing, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t boss’s pet, I still had to take down the ring and wash the ring covers same as all the rookies. But he was always willing to throw his arm around me after a bad performance. I think in some ways he saw me as the son he never had and I defiantly embraced him as a father figure, I think a lot of the young lads did, even the 21CW guys on our roster loved working under Jimmy, he was just a likeable guy. I composed myself and re-entered the room Jimmy was standing there with a daft grin on his face, with the contract in one hand and a pen in the other he asked, “so what do ya say kiddo?” my reply was short and to the point, “where do I sign?”[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]So that’s how I got my job as an on-screen personality in ROF I have been doing that ever since and I have been getting quite good as well. But things are a bit un-certain at the moment, sure the company as a whole is doing OK, we are beginning to do the odd show in the surrounding area and although the crowds have been poor, the people who have shown up are receptive to what we are offering. The uneasy feeling is surrounding Geordie Jimmy’s decision to sell off the company. Luckily the guy who has taken on ROF is British Samurai or Sammy as the lads call him, he is a good bloke, you could say he’s a veteran on the UK scene. The downside to Sammy’s appointment is that he’s not particularly business savvy, that’s not his only shortcoming either. To be honest he’s not really interested in running a wrestling federation he would rather concentrate on performing and just enjoy the extra-income. Still I was somewhat taken aback to log on to [url]www.UKwrestlingnews.com[/url] and find the following: [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/story.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Naturally the first thing I did was get on the phone to sammy for re-assurance, it was not forthcoming! “So Sammy, what’s the deal with this info on UK wrestling news?” “what info’s that?” “It says here your handing me the book, that’s a joke right? I thought you might wanna call them and get them to pull the story” “How did they know?” “What?” “How the hell did they find out?” “You mean its true?” “It sure is, I have a contract drawn out waiting for you John Hanc0ck!” “Your having a Turkish aint ya?” “I’m deadly serious, why are you so shocked?” “Because I’m 24! I have never run a wrestling fed before, what if the boys don’t respect me?” “well that’s what im here for, I will keep the boys in check, the way I say it Pani, is that your collecting a good wage here and not doing much, sure you’re a good manager, but I have seen the way the lads look up to you, and what’s more I have read the wrestling story’s that you had published in the wrestling times. I know you can do this and that’s why if you don’t accept this offer, you’re fired!” “What? Are kidding me?” “I was actually! But why wouldn’t you take the job? We have a few clauses in the contract, some things I would like you to achieve. But appart from that you get a free reign. Come on over to the office and take a look what we have set up for ya.” “Ok Sammy, I’ll swing by in a bit” I hung up and didn’t know what to think, a 24 year old being handed the booking position of a fed was unprecedented, sure I had become a bit of a jack of all trades backstage but I never expected this, it was with great excitement and trepidation I made my way down to the office deep in the heart of Solihull.[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]So that’s how I got my job as an on-screen personality in ROF I have been doing that ever since and I have been getting quite good as well. But things are a bit un-certain at the moment, sure the company as a whole is doing OK, we are beginning to do the odd show in the surrounding area and although the crowds have been poor, the people who have shown up are receptive to what we are offering. The uneasy feeling is surrounding Geordie Jimmy’s decision to sell off the company. Luckily the guy who has taken on ROF is British Samurai or Sammy as the lads call him, he is a good bloke, you could say he’s a veteran on the UK scene. The downside to Sammy’s appointment is that he’s not particularly business savvy, that’s not his only shortcoming either. To be honest he’s not really interested in running a wrestling federation he would rather concentrate on performing and just enjoy the extra-income. Still I was somewhat taken aback to log on to [url]www.UKwrestlingnews.com[/url] and find the following: [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/story.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Naturally the first thing I did was get on the phone to sammy for re-assurance, it was not forthcoming! “So Sammy, what’s the deal with this info on UK wrestling news?” “what info’s that?” “It says here your handing me the book, that’s a joke right? I thought you might wanna call them and get them to pull the story” “How did they know?” “What?” “How the hell did they find out?” “You mean its true?” “It sure is, I have a contract drawn out waiting for you John Hanc0ck!” “Your having a Turkish aint ya?” “I’m deadly serious, why are you so shocked?” “Because I’m 24! I have never run a wrestling fed before, what if the boys don’t respect me?” “well that’s what im here for, I will keep the boys in check, the way I say it Pani, is that your collecting a good wage here and not doing much, sure you’re a good manager, but I have seen the way the lads look up to you, and what’s more I have read the wrestling story’s that you had published in the wrestling times. I know you can do this and that’s why if you don’t accept this offer, you’re fired!” “What? Are kidding me?” “I was actually! But why wouldn’t you take the job? We have a few clauses in the contract, some things I would like you to achieve. But appart from that you get a free reign. Come on over to the office and take a look what we have set up for ya.” “Ok Sammy, I’ll swing by in a bit” I hung up and didn’t know what to think, a 24 year old being handed the booking position of a fed was unprecedented, sure I had become a bit of a jack of all trades backstage but I never expected this, it was with great excitement and trepidation I made my way down to the office deep in the heart of Solihull.[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]So I swung by ROF HQ. Actually referring to it as a headquarters is a bit of a stretch. They do actually have a premises were the business is run but it is just a small office block in Solihull business park. Anyway, Sammy was there to greet me with a warm handshake and then we were straight on to business. He sat me down and we talked about the finances of the company and were he wants ROF in 2 years time, he was atypically nonchalant in his appraisal of the situation. “so basically Pani we have about 30k in the bank right now, the contract I’m offering you is a 2 year contract with a week’s notice should you wish to leave.” “you said there are a couple of targets I had to aim for” “That’s right, I was just getting to that, I know we are miles away from the likes of TCW and SWF and I don’t expect you to take us to that level, but you just have to look at DAVE to see what can be accomplished. Don’t get me wrong I know were not in a position to reach for the stars , we haven’t got the financial clout for that. But what I would like to see is in two years time we have consolidated our position, I want us to have at least improved on our attendances at our home shows, and I want us to shore up the finances as well, were a business and I want us to be making money, if that means making cuts on staff we will have to do it. To be honest I think our rosters a little heavy at the moment anyway, so kid what’s the verdict? Are you gonna leave me high and dry, or can we get this deal signed?” “Ok Sammy lets do this!” So I signed the contract and thus began my journey into the world of wrestling booking, I know from the off it was going to be a tough gig, I like nearly all the guys in the locker room and I know I was going to have to ditch at least half a dozen of them, perhaps more if I can bring in some of the talent I’m hoping to sign![/QUOTE] Im actually really enjoying writing this, i havn't set myself any targets so i can play at my own pace, which is cool. Thanks for all the feedback, knowing people are reading makes it worth writing.
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[QUOTE]So I swung by ROF HQ. Actually referring to it as a headquarters is a bit of a stretch. They do actually have a premises were the business is run but it is just a small office block in Solihull business park. Anyway, Sammy was there to greet me with a warm handshake and then we were straight on to business. He sat me down and we talked about the finances of the company and were he wants ROF in 2 years time, he was atypically nonchalant in his appraisal of the situation. “so basically Pani we have about 30k in the bank right now, the contract I’m offering you is a 2 year contract with a week’s notice should you wish to leave.” “you said there are a couple of targets I had to aim for” “That’s right, I was just getting to that, I know we are miles away from the likes of TCW and SWF and I don’t expect you to take us to that level, but you just have to look at DAVE to see what can be accomplished. Don’t get me wrong I know were not in a position to reach for the stars , we haven’t got the financial clout for that. But what I would like to see is in two years time we have consolidated our position, I want us to have at least improved on our attendances at our home shows, and I want us to shore up the finances as well, were a business and I want us to be making money, if that means making cuts on staff we will have to do it. To be honest I think our rosters a little heavy at the moment anyway, so kid what’s the verdict? Are you gonna leave me high and dry, or can we get this deal signed?” “Ok Sammy lets do this!” So I signed the contract and thus began my journey into the world of wrestling booking, I know from the off it was going to be a tough gig, I like nearly all the guys in the locker room and I know I was going to have to ditch at least half a dozen of them, perhaps more if I can bring in some of the talent I’m hoping to sign![/QUOTE] Im actually really enjoying writing this, i havn't set myself any targets so i can play at my own pace, which is cool. Thanks for all the feedback, knowing people are reading makes it worth writing.
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[QUOTE]So I’m looking at my roster and realising I need to make some cuts, considering our current position our roster is definitely bloated and there are a couple of guys I know from my stint on the UK circuit that are out of work and popular enough to make a real impact at ROF, I’m almost certain I’m going to bring these guys in so I’m going to have to make cutbacks. After deliberating on it for a while I make my decisions and call a meeting with the first 4 workers who I don’t think I can legitimately keep hold of. The first to go is Chuck Frisbee. It’s a tough one to call because I find his ultra-camp gimmick brilliant, I wet myself when I see his promo’s but the midlands crowd can be tough and they don’t come to see a circus they come to see wrestling and fighting, neither of which does Chuck really excel at. Secondly I’m going to have to release the Martin’s there ok workers but there not particularly popular and I don’t really have enough money to finance a proper tag division just yet. If ever I get to the position were I can run a weekly show, there might just be a space on the roster for them, but until then it’s sayonara! Finally the toughest decision of all was to get rid of Jay B, me and Jay are good mates. I love his kamikaze ring style and the fact he walks around backstage like a cultured veteran despite the fact he’s only just turned 30! It’s a tough call but I just don’t think he has the skills to ever get beyond the midcard here. [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/ChuckFrisby.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/JayB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [B]ME: [/B] Listen guys as you know Sammy’s set me some targets I have to achieve, one of these targets is to get the fed financially stable, I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m just gonna tell you straight, I’m gonna have to let you go” [B]Lance:[/B] Are you kidding me? Me and Kelly are just getting over. [B]ME:[/B] I’m sorry guys were disbanding the tag division until we can legitimately fund it, I promise you as soon as the tag division is feasible the door will be back open for you guys, that go’s for all of you, in a year or two’s time im hoping I can take you all back on, but at the moment I have to look at who I can get over! [B]Chuck:[/B] and you couldn’t get me over? [B]ME:[/B] Its nothing personal chuck, you know I love your gimmick, its hilarious! And I know full well that MoSC or 21CW are probably going to want to sign all of you guys, I know you will find work lads and believe me as soon as its feasible I hope we can offer you all a contract here again. [B]Kelly:[/B] Screw that, this is Bull man and you know it is, we know we are being replaced and your stupid cop out line of: I hope I can get you back someday is just making us angrier. [B]Jay B:[/B] Easy tiger, he’s gotta’ try and do his job man, don’t give the cat a hard time, you know he’d keep you on if he could. [B]Lance:[/B] That’s horse crap, he never liked us! Even when he was a worker he used to no-sell our stuff! [B]Chuck:[/B] Well you guys calm down, he’s made his decision and throwing your toys out the pram isn’t going to solve a single thing is it? [B]Kelly:[/B] Whatever man, I’m ‘outta here, you coming Lance? [B]Lance:[/B] Sure bro, we don’t need this loser! Look forward to seeing us on SWF you'll be sorry then! With that the Martin's stormed off clearly frustrated and angry. [B]ME:[/B] Listen I’m genuinely sorry guys, I hope this doesn’t change anything between us, letting you guys go was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. [B]Chuck:[/B] I understand man, to be honest im pretty beat up, the time off would probably do me good. [B]Jay B:[/B] Yeah, we cool dawg. But next time we go out your picking up the tab! Well, that was a train wreck! Chuck and Jay seemed to take the news well, perhaps un-suprisingly. Chuck has a degree in sports medicine, he’d be useful in pretty much any sport as a Physiotherapist and Chuck has been pretty wise with his pay-offs, so he should have enough cash saved to tide him over till someone picks him up. It’s a shame about the Martin’s. To be honest I think they were always resentful over the decision to give me the ROF Championship belt. Oh well, I can relax and look forward to flicking between SWF and TCW on the box tonight! [/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]So I’m looking at my roster and realising I need to make some cuts, considering our current position our roster is definitely bloated and there are a couple of guys I know from my stint on the UK circuit that are out of work and popular enough to make a real impact at ROF, I’m almost certain I’m going to bring these guys in so I’m going to have to make cutbacks. After deliberating on it for a while I make my decisions and call a meeting with the first 4 workers who I don’t think I can legitimately keep hold of. The first to go is Chuck Frisbee. It’s a tough one to call because I find his ultra-camp gimmick brilliant, I wet myself when I see his promo’s but the midlands crowd can be tough and they don’t come to see a circus they come to see wrestling and fighting, neither of which does Chuck really excel at. Secondly I’m going to have to release the Martin’s there ok workers but there not particularly popular and I don’t really have enough money to finance a proper tag division just yet. If ever I get to the position were I can run a weekly show, there might just be a space on the roster for them, but until then it’s sayonara! Finally the toughest decision of all was to get rid of Jay B, me and Jay are good mates. I love his kamikaze ring style and the fact he walks around backstage like a cultured veteran despite the fact he’s only just turned 30! It’s a tough call but I just don’t think he has the skills to ever get beyond the midcard here. [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/ChuckFrisby.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/JayB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [B]ME: [/B] Listen guys as you know Sammy’s set me some targets I have to achieve, one of these targets is to get the fed financially stable, I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m just gonna tell you straight, I’m gonna have to let you go” [B]Lance:[/B] Are you kidding me? Me and Kelly are just getting over. [B]ME:[/B] I’m sorry guys were disbanding the tag division until we can legitimately fund it, I promise you as soon as the tag division is feasible the door will be back open for you guys, that go’s for all of you, in a year or two’s time im hoping I can take you all back on, but at the moment I have to look at who I can get over! [B]Chuck:[/B] and you couldn’t get me over? [B]ME:[/B] Its nothing personal chuck, you know I love your gimmick, its hilarious! And I know full well that MoSC or 21CW are probably going to want to sign all of you guys, I know you will find work lads and believe me as soon as its feasible I hope we can offer you all a contract here again. [B]Kelly:[/B] Screw that, this is Bull man and you know it is, we know we are being replaced and your stupid cop out line of: I hope I can get you back someday is just making us angrier. [B]Jay B:[/B] Easy tiger, he’s gotta’ try and do his job man, don’t give the cat a hard time, you know he’d keep you on if he could. [B]Lance:[/B] That’s horse crap, he never liked us! Even when he was a worker he used to no-sell our stuff! [B]Chuck:[/B] Well you guys calm down, he’s made his decision and throwing your toys out the pram isn’t going to solve a single thing is it? [B]Kelly:[/B] Whatever man, I’m ‘outta here, you coming Lance? [B]Lance:[/B] Sure bro, we don’t need this loser! Look forward to seeing us on SWF you'll be sorry then! With that the Martin's stormed off clearly frustrated and angry. [B]ME:[/B] Listen I’m genuinely sorry guys, I hope this doesn’t change anything between us, letting you guys go was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. [B]Chuck:[/B] I understand man, to be honest im pretty beat up, the time off would probably do me good. [B]Jay B:[/B] Yeah, we cool dawg. But next time we go out your picking up the tab! Well, that was a train wreck! Chuck and Jay seemed to take the news well, perhaps un-suprisingly. Chuck has a degree in sports medicine, he’d be useful in pretty much any sport as a Physiotherapist and Chuck has been pretty wise with his pay-offs, so he should have enough cash saved to tide him over till someone picks him up. It’s a shame about the Martin’s. To be honest I think they were always resentful over the decision to give me the ROF Championship belt. Oh well, I can relax and look forward to flicking between SWF and TCW on the box tonight! [/QUOTE]...
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