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World Wrestling Allstars (Phoenix from the British ashes)

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First off this is my first attempt at a dairy so bear with me. It is based in the Cornellverse with a promotion caller World Wrestling Allstars. They may be changes to wrestlers in the Cornelverse and also wrestlers that have similarities to a real wrestler or wrestlers. Any criticism is welcome hope you enjoy an bear with the back story [U]British Wrestling Industry[/U] The wrestling industry in Britain has always followed a certain trend, what happens in America eventually comes to the UK. This is evident in the UK. Having its height during the 1980's in terms or attendence, revenue and overall popularity. At this height stood one company above all overs Great British Wrestling (GBW for short). GBW was in todays sense a traditional company using over muscular men in most cases, childish gimmicks and always a good versus evil as match and story guide lines. GBW became the dominant force during the 80's by in most peoples eyes for copying a show format popularised by SWF(Supreme Wrestling Federation) in the US. The main stars around at this time were a then young and up coming The Wall, Big Daddy Cool, Greg McPeterson now known as Highland Warrior, and American star Dustyn Blonde. Touring all round the UK often using football stadiums to house attendences in the region of 30 thousand people. But with all things, good things never last. The industry was changing as it needed to. The transition did not happen in America til the late 90's, after the Nemesis versus Tommy Cornell Incident. So GBW was on its own with no one the copy or look to for ideas. With the company slowly dying, with attendences at all time lows and the company around 3 million pound in debt. Then GBW owner,Greg Lembert, saw an internet broadcast of a small unique promotion in 1992. That promotion was DAVE(Danger And Violence Extreme). A promotion that took wrestling to Extreme lenghts and more often than not passed those limits. Using a hardcore style, no rules that fed on young male audiences thirst for blood, violence and nudity. Lembert decided to completey switch from family orientated show to a show perspically for 18-30 males whom like blood and tables. The move was a disaster, Lambert didnt not know how to book matches or angles for a Hardcore promotion. Hence began The infamous "Hardcore Years" of British wrestling. The TV shows were pushes back to later timeslots and parents stopped their children watching GBW. Saying it was to crude for children of young ages. There went 3/4 of the company main audience from the last ten years. The company was in a worse state now in 1994 than in 1990. The shows GBW were producing were full of blood, which in most cases was fake blood making the match seem less violent more comical. The shows also contained random Page 3 models stripping, wet t-shirts competitons and lesbian show downs. Shows were a complete mess, with no direction or plot it semmed at some times. The one thing that was positive was that a certain wrestler managed to prosper and become a household name in Britain. Whose name was Brutality Brown. A rugged, talented brawler who oozed charisma and whose interviews were legendary. Always putting his body on the line creating catchphrases like "He never meet a table he didnt like". Brown carried the company along with The Wall until 1998 when the companys major stars started sensing the company was going down. Stars like "Dark Angel" Cliff Wilson left for Canada, Big Daddy Cool retired never to be seen in wrestling again, Dustyn Blonde; "Double D" Darren Lewis, "The Wall" Wayne Collier, seeking there fortunes in America. The GBW had truly sunk at that point though it didnt officially close till March 1999. The British wrestling industry as a whole was damaged drastically when the company closed, it had lost its spear head promotion which put it on the map. Many smaller promotion have come and gone but none have reached the size of GBW........ Until September 2005 when a promotion called World Wrestling Allstars opened founded by a famous british wrestling family called the Colliers. The owner was no other than the living britsh legend "The Wall" Wayne Collier. Who had been applying his trade in SWF and even winning the heavyweight title from Christian Faith in 2000, though his reign was for less than a month. The first show ran on October the first 2005 in Cardiff's St Daffyds Centre in front of 15 thousand fans. It was their first television show called WWA Raw Is War headline by The Wall, Brutality Brown, Double D, Jim Force and Jason Locke. WWA from then has become the biggest promotion in the world. Attracting new fans from different sports such as Darts, one of the announcers on the NWO brand is John Thomas Jones an 11 time world darts champion who became nationally known for his mad drunken interviews. Also by having title such as the Pure title appealing to pure wrestling fans and the X-Rated title for the more modern high flying fans. Its now August 2007 and hopefully i can show you why WWA is the phoenix of british wrestling.........
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Update on the state of WWA Brands;WWA NWO Nu Wrestling Order Shows; WWA Raw Is War - The wrestling channel 9 on mondays WWA Nu Wrestling Order- The Disney channel 9 on wednesdays Titles; WWA World wide - Jim Force WWA Pay Per View - lethal lewis collier (3) WWA Pure - Samoan Machine (2) WWA World wide tag - British Outlaws 2006/Joss Thomson&Outlaw London NWO heavyweight - Brutality Brown NWO Televison - Smash Mouth Steve Michaels NWO X-Rated - Loonatic Lee Collier (3) NWO Tag Team - Highlite of the Nite/Tarvis&Dude Van Damne Womens - Jojo
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Update on the state of WWA Brands;WWA NWO Nu Wrestling Order Shows; WWA Raw Is War - The wrestling channel 9 on mondays WWA Nu Wrestling Order- The Disney channel 9 on wednesdays Titles; WWA World wide - Jim Force WWA Pay Per View - lethal lewis collier (3) WWA Pure - Samoan Machine (2) WWA World wide tag - British Outlaws 2006/Joss Thomson&Outlaw London NWO heavyweight - Brutality Brown NWO Televison - Smash Mouth Steve Michaels NWO X-Rated - Loonatic Lee Collier (3) NWO Tag Team - Highlite of the Nite/Tarvis&Dude Van Damne Womens - Jojo
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Roster [COLOR="SlateGray"]WWA[/COLOR] Main Eventers: Lethal Lewis Collier The Wall (Wayne Collier) Jim Force Jeff Nova Outlaw London (Danny Patterson) Upper Midcarders: Bobby Steele Jack Poision (Jack Giedroyc) Joss Thompson Midcarders: Jd Morgan Merle O'Curle Samoan Machine Lower Midcarders: The Crow (Steven Parker) Announcers: Duke Hazzard, Jim Reese, Alison Collier Referee: Akikazu Miyagi [COLOR="red"]NWO[/COLOR] Main eventers: Brutality Brown Double D (Darren Lewis) Jason Locke Killer Karl (Karl Griffin) Upper Midcarders: Loonatic Lee Collier Junior Mysterio Travis (Adam Matravers) Tito penn Smash Mouth Steve Michaels Midcarders: Dude van Damne Uk Dragon Pistol Pete Hall Lower Midcarders; Byron Joey Beauchamp Chavo Lopez Announcers: Duke Hazzard, John Thomas Jones, Melanie Florence Referee: Tsutomu Watnabe Womens: Alison Collier Jojo (Joanna Huelin) Raven Nightfall Principessa Free agents: Mean jean cattley Phoenix I Steve Falsh
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Roster [COLOR="SlateGray"]WWA[/COLOR] Main Eventers: Lethal Lewis Collier The Wall (Wayne Collier) Jim Force Jeff Nova Outlaw London (Danny Patterson) Upper Midcarders: Bobby Steele Jack Poision (Jack Giedroyc) Joss Thompson Midcarders: Jd Morgan Merle O'Curle Samoan Machine Lower Midcarders: The Crow (Steven Parker) Announcers: Duke Hazzard, Jim Reese, Alison Collier Referee: Akikazu Miyagi [COLOR="red"]NWO[/COLOR] Main eventers: Brutality Brown Double D (Darren Lewis) Jason Locke Killer Karl (Karl Griffin) Upper Midcarders: Loonatic Lee Collier Junior Mysterio Travis (Adam Matravers) Tito penn Smash Mouth Steve Michaels Midcarders: Dude van Damne Uk Dragon Pistol Pete Hall Lower Midcarders; Byron Joey Beauchamp Chavo Lopez Announcers: Duke Hazzard, John Thomas Jones, Melanie Florence Referee: Tsutomu Watnabe Womens: Alison Collier Jojo (Joanna Huelin) Raven Nightfall Principessa Free agents: Mean jean cattley Phoenix I Steve Falsh
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WWA Raw War Is War Monday, Week 1 August 2007 Northern UK , Liverpool Music Dome in front of 14,524 fans Shows kicks off with red and blue pyros and fireworks and the entrance ramp. The Dome goes quiet, when the light come back on the crown scream in a frenzy off excitement. A video from last nights PPV Lash Out Plays showing the epic 4way corner battle between The Wall, Jim Force, Lethal Lewis Collier and Jason Locke for the WWA World Wide Title. Videos shows many of the big moves, dives from the top rope, and finsishing moves from the match.Then shows The Wall missing with clothesline on Lewis who hits a standing dropkick knocking the big man down, Force then throwing Lewis to the outside and nailing the Wall with the Full Force to retain the title. [COLOR="navy"]Duke hazzard:[/COLOR] Welcome everyone to the Liverpool music dome fresh from Lash Out, im joined by Jim Reese and the 2time womens champion Alison Collier [COLOR="navy"]Jim Reese: [/COLOR]thanks Duke we are sure in for a treat tonight as Lethal Lewis collier is taking Jason Locke for the Pay Per View championship [COLOR="navy"]Alison Collier:[/COLOR] thats right and my boy will become a 3 time ppv champion [COLOR="navy"]DH:[/COLOR] Hers comes our first match [U]1st match[/U] British Outlaws v JD Morgan & Steve Flash Titles werent on the line but Joss and Outlaw spent no time gettin stuck into JD and Flash attaking them before they even got in to the ring. Outlaws dominated the match hitting the Conviction on Flash to win the match. (A) Cameras cut to the backstage where Alison Collier is standing by with the Pure champion Samoan Machine. Machine tells Merle O'curle that he knows he is a good wrestler and wants him to bring his A game tonight and show evryone what the Pure division is about. [U]2nd Match [/U] Samoan Machine v Merle O'Curle [COLOR="Yellow"] Pure Championship [/COLOR] The match starts with a handshake and then straight into competition of submission moves and holds. Neither is able to get a advantage until Machine reverses a suplex and rolles Merle into a Cross face submission. The match is eventually spoiled by Bobby Steele who proceeds to hit the Dominator on both competitiors who were tired after this bout. (A) Relays are shown of what just happened and Alison manages to grab Bobby Steele before he leaves the building. Steele believes the championship is his after being the longest reigning Pure champion, 8 months, and he should get a shot. He didnt so no one else will. He leaves with his bags in his jeep. The titotron quickly shows to everyones suprise NWO's Smash Mouth Steve Michaels showing up. The audience is shocked but clearly glad to see a big name arrive they didnt expect. The announcers hype the upcoming match between The Wall and Jack Poison. Wall being a former 2 time World Wide champion is heavily favoured by the announcers but Duke Hazzard points out that Poision is a 2time World Wide Tag champion and shouldn't be taken lightly. Interupting the Announcers is a video on the titontron showing the Wall lifting massive amounts of weight in a very modern and probably expensive gym. The Wall makes his entrance and then proceeds to tell the audience that they should be like him not the fat scousers that they are. And to tell Jim Force they fued isnt over that he is the living legend, best wrestler alive today and alot of other promo stuff about himself [U]3rd match[/U] The Wall v Jack Poison Poision starts the match really well as Wall clearly didnt think much of Poison. He hits with a few kicks and punches as well as a drop kick from the top rope, though unable to knock Wall off his feet. Wall takes Poison seriously and hit a smashing spinebuster. Wall then hits Poision off each corner post connecting with a spear and a belly to belly suplex, before hitting a powerbomb for the victory. Wall then casually joins commentry saying that he'd like to watch his son win the PPV title, and hes stresses the word watch. (A*) Before the match between Jason Locke and Lethal Lewis Collier starts, camera quickly picks up Lewis handing some one a big brown envelope. We cant see who the person is but only there hands which opens the envelope only to find a large number of English Pounds. Lewis says [COLOR="Lime"]'So do we have an understanding'[/COLOR] the other person says [COLOR="Red"]'Hell yeah'[/COLOR] the camer view finally moves up to reveal the person as Steve Michaels [U]4th match[/U] Lethal Lewis Collier v Jason Locke (C) [COLOR="Yellow"] Pay Per View championship[/COLOR] The arena is intense the crowd clearly chanting for Locke as both competitors stare at eachother at either sides of the ring. [COLOR="Navy"]JR:[/COLOR] Locke here the only Gold Medallist in WWA history is facing the amazingly talented Lewis Collier a 2time PPV champion already, 2time World Wide tag chamption once with Locke a relationship which disintergrated leading up to this epic match [COLOR="navy"]DH:[/COLOR] dont forget 2005 young wrestler of the year [COLOR="navy"]Wall and AC:[/COLOR] Soon to be 3 time PPV champion !!! The match itself is a classic going for more than 18 minutes each wrestler countering the others moves. Big moments from the match include Lewis doing a corkscrew dive out of the ring on to Locke, Locke hitting a top rope belly to beck suplex and Wall interferring at everychance even choking Locke with the camera cables. The finish to the match came when the ref was accidentally dropkicked by Locke, who went over the check on the ref . Meanwhile Smash Mouth ran into the ring hitting the Smash Mouth Stunner on Locke, leaving Lewis to steal the win.(A*) After the match Lewis Collier celebrated the ring with the PPV title much to the fans dismay who were clearly disgusted, throwing drinks and rubbish into the ring. Smash Mouth just stood in the corner of the ring impervious to the reaction he was getting. Lewis came over for a handshake which Michaels obliged to, only to then shockingly hit Lewis with the Smash Mouth Stunner. The show ended with Smash Mouth Steve Michaels dropping the bride money over an out cold Lewis. Leaving the crowd in an uproar of anticipation for Nu Wrestling Order on wednesday.
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WWA Raw War Is War Monday, Week 1 August 2007 Northern UK , Liverpool Music Dome in front of 14,524 fans Shows kicks off with red and blue pyros and fireworks and the entrance ramp. The Dome goes quiet, when the light come back on the crown scream in a frenzy off excitement. A video from last nights PPV Lash Out Plays showing the epic 4way corner battle between The Wall, Jim Force, Lethal Lewis Collier and Jason Locke for the WWA World Wide Title. Videos shows many of the big moves, dives from the top rope, and finsishing moves from the match.Then shows The Wall missing with clothesline on Lewis who hits a standing dropkick knocking the big man down, Force then throwing Lewis to the outside and nailing the Wall with the Full Force to retain the title. [COLOR="navy"]Duke hazzard:[/COLOR] Welcome everyone to the Liverpool music dome fresh from Lash Out, im joined by Jim Reese and the 2time womens champion Alison Collier [COLOR="navy"]Jim Reese: [/COLOR]thanks Duke we are sure in for a treat tonight as Lethal Lewis collier is taking Jason Locke for the Pay Per View championship [COLOR="navy"]Alison Collier:[/COLOR] thats right and my boy will become a 3 time ppv champion [COLOR="navy"]DH:[/COLOR] Hers comes our first match [U]1st match[/U] British Outlaws v JD Morgan & Steve Flash Titles werent on the line but Joss and Outlaw spent no time gettin stuck into JD and Flash attaking them before they even got in to the ring. Outlaws dominated the match hitting the Conviction on Flash to win the match. (A) Cameras cut to the backstage where Alison Collier is standing by with the Pure champion Samoan Machine. Machine tells Merle O'curle that he knows he is a good wrestler and wants him to bring his A game tonight and show evryone what the Pure division is about. [U]2nd Match [/U] Samoan Machine v Merle O'Curle [COLOR="Yellow"] Pure Championship [/COLOR] The match starts with a handshake and then straight into competition of submission moves and holds. Neither is able to get a advantage until Machine reverses a suplex and rolles Merle into a Cross face submission. The match is eventually spoiled by Bobby Steele who proceeds to hit the Dominator on both competitiors who were tired after this bout. (A) Relays are shown of what just happened and Alison manages to grab Bobby Steele before he leaves the building. Steele believes the championship is his after being the longest reigning Pure champion, 8 months, and he should get a shot. He didnt so no one else will. He leaves with his bags in his jeep. The titotron quickly shows to everyones suprise NWO's Smash Mouth Steve Michaels showing up. The audience is shocked but clearly glad to see a big name arrive they didnt expect. The announcers hype the upcoming match between The Wall and Jack Poison. Wall being a former 2 time World Wide champion is heavily favoured by the announcers but Duke Hazzard points out that Poision is a 2time World Wide Tag champion and shouldn't be taken lightly. Interupting the Announcers is a video on the titontron showing the Wall lifting massive amounts of weight in a very modern and probably expensive gym. The Wall makes his entrance and then proceeds to tell the audience that they should be like him not the fat scousers that they are. And to tell Jim Force they fued isnt over that he is the living legend, best wrestler alive today and alot of other promo stuff about himself [U]3rd match[/U] The Wall v Jack Poison Poision starts the match really well as Wall clearly didnt think much of Poison. He hits with a few kicks and punches as well as a drop kick from the top rope, though unable to knock Wall off his feet. Wall takes Poison seriously and hit a smashing spinebuster. Wall then hits Poision off each corner post connecting with a spear and a belly to belly suplex, before hitting a powerbomb for the victory. Wall then casually joins commentry saying that he'd like to watch his son win the PPV title, and hes stresses the word watch. (A*) Before the match between Jason Locke and Lethal Lewis Collier starts, camera quickly picks up Lewis handing some one a big brown envelope. We cant see who the person is but only there hands which opens the envelope only to find a large number of English Pounds. Lewis says [COLOR="Lime"]'So do we have an understanding'[/COLOR] the other person says [COLOR="Red"]'Hell yeah'[/COLOR] the camer view finally moves up to reveal the person as Steve Michaels [U]4th match[/U] Lethal Lewis Collier v Jason Locke (C) [COLOR="Yellow"] Pay Per View championship[/COLOR] The arena is intense the crowd clearly chanting for Locke as both competitors stare at eachother at either sides of the ring. [COLOR="Navy"]JR:[/COLOR] Locke here the only Gold Medallist in WWA history is facing the amazingly talented Lewis Collier a 2time PPV champion already, 2time World Wide tag chamption once with Locke a relationship which disintergrated leading up to this epic match [COLOR="navy"]DH:[/COLOR] dont forget 2005 young wrestler of the year [COLOR="navy"]Wall and AC:[/COLOR] Soon to be 3 time PPV champion !!! The match itself is a classic going for more than 18 minutes each wrestler countering the others moves. Big moments from the match include Lewis doing a corkscrew dive out of the ring on to Locke, Locke hitting a top rope belly to beck suplex and Wall interferring at everychance even choking Locke with the camera cables. The finish to the match came when the ref was accidentally dropkicked by Locke, who went over the check on the ref . Meanwhile Smash Mouth ran into the ring hitting the Smash Mouth Stunner on Locke, leaving Lewis to steal the win.(A*) After the match Lewis Collier celebrated the ring with the PPV title much to the fans dismay who were clearly disgusted, throwing drinks and rubbish into the ring. Smash Mouth just stood in the corner of the ring impervious to the reaction he was getting. Lewis came over for a handshake which Michaels obliged to, only to then shockingly hit Lewis with the Smash Mouth Stunner. The show ended with Smash Mouth Steve Michaels dropping the bride money over an out cold Lewis. Leaving the crowd in an uproar of anticipation for Nu Wrestling Order on wednesday.
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/WWAbanner.jpg[/IMG] News from WWA.com News just in WWA had bought the video library and rights to the now closed GBW as a result once a month WWA will produce a special article entilted "Greats of British Wrestling" where a wrestler from the past or present will be highlighted . First is Dustyn Blonde check out WWA.com soon for more.
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/WWAbanner.jpg[/IMG] News from WWA.com News just in WWA had bought the video library and rights to the now closed GBW as a result once a month WWA will produce a special article entilted "Greats of British Wrestling" where a wrestler from the past or present will be highlighted . First is Dustyn Blonde check out WWA.com soon for more.
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/WWAbanner.jpg[/IMG] News from WWA.com -Already schelduled for wednesdays Nu Wrestling Order is NWO Heavyweight Brutality Brown against Junior Mysterio. -As well as Smash Mouth Steve Michaels where we hope to get answers for his actions on Raw Is War.
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/WWAbanner.jpg[/IMG] News from WWA.com -Already schelduled for wednesdays Nu Wrestling Order is NWO Heavyweight Brutality Brown against Junior Mysterio. -As well as Smash Mouth Steve Michaels where we hope to get answers for his actions on Raw Is War.
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/NWO.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Nu Wrestling Order Live Show[/B][/I]-Wednesday Week1, August Southern Uk, Evening News Arena, London infront of 14,850 Theres a real buzz about tonights show. Not only for the main event pitting Heavyweight champion Brutality Brown against the high flying Junior Mysterio, but also for the appearance of Steve Michaels and the reasons for his shocking appearance on the WWA brand. With the arena almost full pyros go off and the theme music for NWO hits and its show time. The announcers spend time recapping the last pay per view Lash Out in which Smash Mouth defeated Killer Karl and Jeff Nova in a 3 way dance for the NWO Televsion title. Not only that after the match he pildrived Karl onto a exposed concrete floor. Karl has been in hospital since an is expected to be out of the ring for some time. [B][U]1st match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DudeVanDamne.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Highlite of the Nite v Mean Jean Cattley & Pistol Pete Hall[/B] The tag team champions come to the ring and play to the crowd. Travis even has a picture with a fan. Cattley and Hall walk down together to Halls music. Action kicks off with Dude Van Damne and the experienced Hall. The match plays with DVD hitting as many high flying moves and karate kicks as possible until Hall headlocks DVD to the ground. Cattley comes in and shows good technical skill producing a variety of suplexes until DVD hits Cattley with a mule kick and manages to tag in Travis who clears house with two drop kicks leaving Hall and Cattley outside. Until both Travis and DVD fly cross bodied over the ropes. Once back in the ring the offense is equal until Hall is double dropkicked to the outside leaving Cattley in the ring, who is finished off with the Mile High Moonsault by Travis [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/TitoPenn.jpg[/IMG] After the match the team of South Americanas run to the ring. Chavo Lopez is screaming orders at Tito Penn who takes out DVD with a spinning forearm to the skull and then locks Travis in the Python Headlock until officials break up the attack. Announcers look stunned at the damage South Americanas have done. They hype the fact Tito is a former MMA fighter ... [I]Duke Huzzard:[/I] did you know that Tito is 10-0 in the world of MMA [I]John Thomas Jones:[/I] what ever highlite of the nite did to piss him off i would say sorry Backstage Melanie Florence is interviewing Loonatic Lee Collier and Uk Dragon on their up coming match tonight against South Americanas; [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/MelanieFlorence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/LeeCollier.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]Lee Collier:[/I] Id like to see them do that to us, Tito, Chavo your gona see why im called a loonatic [I]Uk Dragon:[/I] Tonight all these people see why Britain is better than South America, prepare to be shipped home [B][U]2nd match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/SteveMichaels.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/Byron.jpg[/IMG] [B]Smash Mouth Steve Michaels v Byron[/B] Michaels heads straight to the ring in his usual bad style get in the ring and waits in the corner for his opponent. Byron casually struts to the ring and takes his time taking his elegant gown off, until Michaels claters Byron from behind with a big clothesline. Michaels put the feet in on Byron hammering him till the ref drags him away. Byron capitalises poking Michaels in the eye with a series of clubbing blows to the back. Michaels get back on top with a knee to the gut the matches continues with Michaels beating down Byron and pulling out of pins to inflict more pain. Eventually Michaels hits the stunner for the 3 count.(A) After the match Michaels grabs the mic; [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/SteveMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [I]Michaels;[/I] Get that crap outta my ring, ive got bigger pieces of crap to deal with, im fed up with people asking me why o why did you attack Jason Locke. Well ive got more money than any of you here so thats not it. Locke basically pisses me off, with his blue, his white, and stars, hows he's an olympic gold medallist. Well he can shove those medals up his ass, tell you what Locke come to NWO and ill do it for you. And thats the bottom line coz ... All of a sudden Jason Locke's music hit's and everyone is in shock especially Michaels, the crowd wait to see if he appears. He comes running out of the back straight into the ring... [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/JasonLocke.jpg[/IMG] Locke hits the ring and both men start brawling madly, even going over the crowd barriers and fighting in the crowd until security manages to seperate them but things are far from over. [B][U]3rd match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/LeeCollier.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/TitoPenn.jpg[/IMG] [B]Loonatic Lee Collier/Uk Dragon v South Americanas[/B] JTJ; [I]Folks we are in for a treat tonight[/I] MF; [I]we sure are its the 3time and current X-rated champion Lee Collier teaming with Uk Dragon against the team of Chavo Lopez and the Brazilian Python Tito Penn[/I] The match is fast paced with all four men battling at the start. Americanas gain an adavntage with Penn due to his size adavantage over the rest. Penn starts hitting Dragon with belly suplexes and hard style MMA kicks to the legs and the head. Dragon ends up being beat on by both Penn and Lopez with neither using legal tags. Dragon manages to block a kick by Lopez and hit with an enziguri to the back of the head, this gives him the break to tag in Lee who starts off with a dropkick from the top rope followed by a hurricanrana on Penn, then a superman punch from the outside knocking Penn down. Lee wins by a superkick to Lopez getting a win from an exciting match.(A) Backstage camera have caught up with Double D [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DarrenLewis.jpg[/IMG] [I]DD;[/I]Brown you keep that Heavyweight title all nice an clean for me because it only a matter of time before the Franchise is once again back on top keeping this company going and going till i say the party is OVER. [I][I]DH[/I];[/I]Our main event this evening is 2 time X-rated champion Junior Mysterio versus our NWO Heavyweight champion Brutality Brown [I]JTJ;[/I]Wow talk about a match made in heaven [B][U]4th match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/BrutalityBrown.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/JuniorMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brutality Brown v Junior Mysterio[/B] What a match. The match starts with Brown staring off with fists flying and hitting with a hip toss and legdrop. Brown misses an elbow drop from the 2nd rope and Mysterio capitalises with low kicks and an inverted DDT. Eventually the match spills to the outside where Brown takes control putting the steel steps to good use. The match follows to have near falls for both men neither is able to put their finishing move on the other and the ref is pushed into of a charging Brown, and gets knocked down and out. DD appears fromt he crowd and hits DD a chair and revives the ref. Junior cover Brown buts kicks at 2.999999. Both men get to their feet Junior runs jumps onto the 2nd rope and tries a flip clothesline, misses Brown puts Junior in the Brutal DDT. Brown wins.(A*) After the match an incensed DD runs into the ring and hits Brown in the back with the chair again. Picks up Brown and plants him with the Ego trip on to the chair, busting Brown open. DD goes and picks up the NWO Heavyweight title and a mic... [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DarrenLewis.jpg[/IMG] [I]DD;[/I]I told you all, didnt i this title is mine mine, tell this piece of **** if he wants it back he gona have to kiss my ass Show fades with Brown down, out and busted open while DD stand with the Heavyweight championship smiling
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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/NWO.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Nu Wrestling Order Live Show[/B][/I]-Wednesday Week1, August Southern Uk, Evening News Arena, London infront of 14,850 Theres a real buzz about tonights show. Not only for the main event pitting Heavyweight champion Brutality Brown against the high flying Junior Mysterio, but also for the appearance of Steve Michaels and the reasons for his shocking appearance on the WWA brand. With the arena almost full pyros go off and the theme music for NWO hits and its show time. The announcers spend time recapping the last pay per view Lash Out in which Smash Mouth defeated Killer Karl and Jeff Nova in a 3 way dance for the NWO Televsion title. Not only that after the match he pildrived Karl onto a exposed concrete floor. Karl has been in hospital since an is expected to be out of the ring for some time. [B][U]1st match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DudeVanDamne.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Highlite of the Nite v Mean Jean Cattley & Pistol Pete Hall[/B] The tag team champions come to the ring and play to the crowd. Travis even has a picture with a fan. Cattley and Hall walk down together to Halls music. Action kicks off with Dude Van Damne and the experienced Hall. The match plays with DVD hitting as many high flying moves and karate kicks as possible until Hall headlocks DVD to the ground. Cattley comes in and shows good technical skill producing a variety of suplexes until DVD hits Cattley with a mule kick and manages to tag in Travis who clears house with two drop kicks leaving Hall and Cattley outside. Until both Travis and DVD fly cross bodied over the ropes. Once back in the ring the offense is equal until Hall is double dropkicked to the outside leaving Cattley in the ring, who is finished off with the Mile High Moonsault by Travis [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/TitoPenn.jpg[/IMG] After the match the team of South Americanas run to the ring. Chavo Lopez is screaming orders at Tito Penn who takes out DVD with a spinning forearm to the skull and then locks Travis in the Python Headlock until officials break up the attack. Announcers look stunned at the damage South Americanas have done. They hype the fact Tito is a former MMA fighter ... [I]Duke Huzzard:[/I] did you know that Tito is 10-0 in the world of MMA [I]John Thomas Jones:[/I] what ever highlite of the nite did to piss him off i would say sorry Backstage Melanie Florence is interviewing Loonatic Lee Collier and Uk Dragon on their up coming match tonight against South Americanas; [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/MelanieFlorence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/LeeCollier.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]Lee Collier:[/I] Id like to see them do that to us, Tito, Chavo your gona see why im called a loonatic [I]Uk Dragon:[/I] Tonight all these people see why Britain is better than South America, prepare to be shipped home [B][U]2nd match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/SteveMichaels.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/Byron.jpg[/IMG] [B]Smash Mouth Steve Michaels v Byron[/B] Michaels heads straight to the ring in his usual bad style get in the ring and waits in the corner for his opponent. Byron casually struts to the ring and takes his time taking his elegant gown off, until Michaels claters Byron from behind with a big clothesline. Michaels put the feet in on Byron hammering him till the ref drags him away. Byron capitalises poking Michaels in the eye with a series of clubbing blows to the back. Michaels get back on top with a knee to the gut the matches continues with Michaels beating down Byron and pulling out of pins to inflict more pain. Eventually Michaels hits the stunner for the 3 count.(A) After the match Michaels grabs the mic; [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/SteveMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [I]Michaels;[/I] Get that crap outta my ring, ive got bigger pieces of crap to deal with, im fed up with people asking me why o why did you attack Jason Locke. Well ive got more money than any of you here so thats not it. Locke basically pisses me off, with his blue, his white, and stars, hows he's an olympic gold medallist. Well he can shove those medals up his ass, tell you what Locke come to NWO and ill do it for you. And thats the bottom line coz ... All of a sudden Jason Locke's music hit's and everyone is in shock especially Michaels, the crowd wait to see if he appears. He comes running out of the back straight into the ring... [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/JasonLocke.jpg[/IMG] Locke hits the ring and both men start brawling madly, even going over the crowd barriers and fighting in the crowd until security manages to seperate them but things are far from over. [B][U]3rd match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/LeeCollier.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/TitoPenn.jpg[/IMG] [B]Loonatic Lee Collier/Uk Dragon v South Americanas[/B] JTJ; [I]Folks we are in for a treat tonight[/I] MF; [I]we sure are its the 3time and current X-rated champion Lee Collier teaming with Uk Dragon against the team of Chavo Lopez and the Brazilian Python Tito Penn[/I] The match is fast paced with all four men battling at the start. Americanas gain an adavntage with Penn due to his size adavantage over the rest. Penn starts hitting Dragon with belly suplexes and hard style MMA kicks to the legs and the head. Dragon ends up being beat on by both Penn and Lopez with neither using legal tags. Dragon manages to block a kick by Lopez and hit with an enziguri to the back of the head, this gives him the break to tag in Lee who starts off with a dropkick from the top rope followed by a hurricanrana on Penn, then a superman punch from the outside knocking Penn down. Lee wins by a superkick to Lopez getting a win from an exciting match.(A) Backstage camera have caught up with Double D [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DarrenLewis.jpg[/IMG] [I]DD;[/I]Brown you keep that Heavyweight title all nice an clean for me because it only a matter of time before the Franchise is once again back on top keeping this company going and going till i say the party is OVER. [I][I]DH[/I];[/I]Our main event this evening is 2 time X-rated champion Junior Mysterio versus our NWO Heavyweight champion Brutality Brown [I]JTJ;[/I]Wow talk about a match made in heaven [B][U]4th match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/BrutalityBrown.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/JuniorMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brutality Brown v Junior Mysterio[/B] What a match. The match starts with Brown staring off with fists flying and hitting with a hip toss and legdrop. Brown misses an elbow drop from the 2nd rope and Mysterio capitalises with low kicks and an inverted DDT. Eventually the match spills to the outside where Brown takes control putting the steel steps to good use. The match follows to have near falls for both men neither is able to put their finishing move on the other and the ref is pushed into of a charging Brown, and gets knocked down and out. DD appears fromt he crowd and hits DD a chair and revives the ref. Junior cover Brown buts kicks at 2.999999. Both men get to their feet Junior runs jumps onto the 2nd rope and tries a flip clothesline, misses Brown puts Junior in the Brutal DDT. Brown wins.(A*) After the match an incensed DD runs into the ring and hits Brown in the back with the chair again. Picks up Brown and plants him with the Ego trip on to the chair, busting Brown open. DD goes and picks up the NWO Heavyweight title and a mic... [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n224/screwus/DarrenLewis.jpg[/IMG] [I]DD;[/I]I told you all, didnt i this title is mine mine, tell this piece of **** if he wants it back he gona have to kiss my ass Show fades with Brown down, out and busted open while DD stand with the Heavyweight championship smiling
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