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Vanderbilt Boys go Promoting (Indy)

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Friday, Week 3, July 2006 (WOW) WOW Independence Ball The night started as Stephanie held a press conference to announce that she was going to face Melody Cuthill at WOW Bash at the Beach in August. [B]D Kinuye Mushashibo v Suzi Slam[/B] This match ended up a bit awkward, but the two did their best. It ended after referee Gregory Chapman called for the bell to DQ Suzi for bringing a chair into the ring. [B]F[/B] Melody then came out and cut a promo where she claims that her match with Stephanie will be the highlight of Bash at the Beach as she’ll beat Stephanie soundly. [B]E Mary Beth Chase v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Ginko did a wonderful job selling Mary Beth’s offense and the two had a match that flowed well. In the end Mary Beth rode Ginko into the turnbuckle and then rolled her up for the pin. [B]E[/B] After the match Nina came out and demanded that Eve face her at Bash at the Beach [B]F[/B] [B] Melody Cuthill v Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B] The match went back and forth but Melody seemed determined to win and finally used a shot of what looked like hairspray into Nina’s face to stun her long enough to put her in a figure-four. [B]E[/B] As Melody was celebrating her win, Stephanie came down and tried to attack her, resulting in a brawl in the ring. [B]F Principessa v Stephanie Wade[/B] As if she wanted to prove that she still was better than Melody, Stephanie put her all into the match and finally rolled Principessa up for the pin. [B]E[/B] Aftre this Melody and Roz came out and did a spoof of the typical dialogue in a Meg Ryan romance. [B]D[/B][B] Eve Grunge [c] v Emma Bitch v Kristabel Plum – for WOW Gold Title[/B] A long match, with all three wrestlers giving their all. In the end Eve got caught outside the ring as Emma rolled Kristabel up for the pin and the win. [B]E Overall Rating E[/B]
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Wednesday, Week 4, July 2006 (AWL) AWL Declarations of Hate No that’s not a typo. Both SWF and TCW had started up shows on Tuesday, so Thaddeus changed the date on all future AWL events to Wednesday to avoid having to face them. The night opened with Gentleman Jim King coming out and saying that he was not afraid of Thomas Morgan and would happily face him this night. [B]F Raphael v Kashmir Singh[/B] These two have a great feud going and tonight they went all out to show pure hatred in the ring. It ended when Raphael landed a floatover DDT and followed with a quick roll up for the pin. [B]E[/B] After the match we saw American Elemental talking to Brendan Idol telling him that his loss to Nevada Nuclear the previous month didn’t mean anything and that he can defeat Mark Smart tonight [B]F Gentleman Jim King v Thomas Morgan[/B] Gentleman Jim dominated. Gentleman Jim was destroying Thomas. Gentleman Jim couldn’t escape when Thomas used the ropes to add leverage on a quick pin attempt. [B]E[/B] After the match, Gentleman Jim looked at the ref in astonishment then turned and starting beating down on the celebrating Thomas Morgan. [B]F Brendan Idol v Flemmy Lemming[/B] Flemmy and Brendan both have a lot of experience in amateur wrestling, and they used that skill here. But it was a hurricanrana from Brendan that turned the tide and allowed him to lock in a camel clutch for the win. [B]D[/B] After the match Monique tossed a few more t-shirts. [B]B Dermot O’Logical v Nevada Nuclear[/B] The two top heels of AWL faced off in an epic battle. It seemed that neither would pull off a win also that neither could match his style with the other. Finally, Dermot somehow brought out some face cream and rubbed it into Nevada’s face. The action surprised the wrestler and allowed Dermot to pull off the win. [B]F American Elemental [c] v Mark Smart[/B] This was a non-title match, but it was obvious that Mark wanted to prove that he was as good as the champion. However American dominated and used his time in the ring to show off his aerial skills. He finally laided Mark Smart out with a sidewalk slam and then climbed the ropes to his a moonsault before pinning the hapless Mark Smart [B]D Overall Rating: E[/B]
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Friday, Week 3, August 2006 (WOW) Wow Bash at the Beach The night began with a short hype video of the current status of the feud between Melody Cuthill and Stephanie Wade [B]F Principessa v Suzi Slam[/B] Principessa surprised the larger brawler and turned the tables on her with a series of flashy moves which allowed her to get a quick rollup and pin. [B]F[/B] Suzi then reacts to her unexpected loss by attacking Principessa [B]F[/B] Kinuye charges out of the back to defend Principessa and Suzi retreats to the back [B]F[/B] After that Nina appeared at the locker room entrance and taunted Eve about losing at WOW Independence Ball, asking her how it felt to fail. [B]D Melody Cuthill v Stephanie Wade[/B] These two went all out in the rematch from WOW Schools Out. They have been feuding for months and it was a chance to put a show on in the ring. Melody finally managed to use a DDT to stun Stephanie and lock in the figure-four for the submission win. [B]E[/B] After the match Melody went into the crowd to celebrate. [B]F Nina the Psycho Ballerina v Eve Grunge[/B] Eve looked like she was very disheartened by losing the title at WOW Independence Ball, and Nina dominated the match disrupting any of Eve’s attempts to gain the initiative. In the end Nina a moment of weakness and used a guitar Eve had brought to the ring to stun her for the easy pin. [B]E[/B] Emma came out before the main event and took time to comment that while Principessa might win bikini contests, she’d never be able to win the title she now held and that Emma was the big lady in WOW. [B]C- Emma Bitch v Kristabel Plum[/B] Kristabel showed a lot of heart, but Emma was willing to do anything to win and kept taking the inititive. Even an attack from Principessa was ignored as she concentrated on Kristabel, finally getting the pin by using Kristabel’s tights to insure the pin. [B]E[/B] Afterwards Emma held up her title belt and celebrated her victory. [B]E Overall Rating: E[/B]
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Wednesday, Week 4, August 2006 (AWL) AWL Summer Bash [B]Mark Smart v Gentleman Jim King[/B] The night started with Mark Smart dominating the gentleman wrestler. He should have gone on to an easy win when Thomas Morgan ran to the ring to attack Gentleman Jim resulting in referee Bret Graveson calling for the bell. [B]E[/B] After the fiasco, Mark Smart beat down the younger wrestler before storming off. [B]F[/B] Next Monique took a moment to announce that tonight would be the debut of the newly signed Mikey James. [B]F Raphael v Jeremy Jazz[/B] Jeremy might be in his show for AWL, but he tried his hardest to start out with a win. However Raphael proved that experience makes a different and not even an attack from Kashmir Singh prevented him from applying a camel clutch for the submission win. [B]E[/B] After the match as Raphael was returning to the back continuing to argue with Kashmir, Kashmir would stun him with a punch and piledriver him to the floor. A stretcher had to be brought to take Raphael to the back. [B]F Nevada Nuclear v Ben Williams[/B] Ben Williams has struggled in recent months and this month was no exception. Nevada dominated and eventually used an Atomc Drop followed by a Fisherman’s Suplex for the pin. [B]F[/B] After the match Nevada bragged that he was tops in AWL and he didn’t fear the new wrestlers coming in. [B]D Brendan Idol v Dermot O’Logical[/B] Dermot has been on a winning streak, but Brendan proved that sometimes youth can defeat experience. He reacted quickly to avoid the face cream when Dermot tried to use it and followed with a DDT to bring Dermot down for the pin. [B]E[/B] Monique then announced that since there was no clear top contender between Nevada, Dermot and Brendan at AWL Passion 4 Punishment there would be a fatal 4 way with them and American Elemental to determine who would be the AWL champion. [B]F Mikey James v Marc Speed[/B] Mikey and Marc seem determined to show that they deserve a shot at the title and put their all in this match. It ended when Mikey used a superkick to level Marc Speed and get the pin. [B]D Overall Rating: D[/B]
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Thursday, Week 1, September 2006 David Poker’s contract expired and the referee is no longer working for WOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, Week 1, September 2006 Aristocrat has been let go by AWL. He was pushed as a main eventer, but never seemed to find any opponents he could work with to put together exciting matches. He left with a record of 2 wins, 4 losses, but no match rating better than E. He might have been kept except he demanded a salary nearly twice that of any other wrestler on the roster.
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Thursday, Week 3, September 2006 (AWL) Dermot O’Logical appeared on a radio show to complain about how he and Thomas Morgan don’t get along. Thaddeus was rather unhappy, especially since he was hoping that Thomas Morgan would eventually become a star.
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Friday, Week 3, September 2006 (WOW) WOW Labour Pains The match opened with a bikini contest. Julie Forletta hosted as Melody Cuthill, Mary Beth Chase, Ginko Kuroda and Nina the Psycho Ballerina came out in some rather sexy outfits. Melody was declared the winner, and then went over to provide color commentary for the first match. [B]C+ Roz Larren v Kristabel Plum (Melody provided color commentary)[/B] Kristabel dominated early and kept Roz from doing much. She finished with a running powerslam for the pin. [B]E[/B] Melody then mentioned to Julie that she wanted a rematch with Stephanie Wade since she was currently 1-1 against her. [B]C- Tag Match – Ginko Kuroda/Melody Cuthill v Suzi Slam/Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B] Melody mostly stayed out of the ring since she was still wearing a bikini. Ginko tried her best, but in the end Nina the Psycho Ballerina managed to get the pinfall win. [B]E[/B] After the match Nina took the time to again taunt Eve Grunge about her recently loss and bet that she’d lose her match tonight. [B]C-[/B] The Stephanie came out and told Julie that she also wanted a rematch involving Melody Cuthill. Julie didn’t say much, but promised to think about it. [B]D Mary Beth Chase v Eve Grunge[/B] Mary Beth has looked good the last couple of matches, and this one wasn’t an exception. She was much stronger than Eve, but Eve’s technical skill prevented a pin until MBC used the ropes to get enough leverage to keep Eve from breaking the pin. [B]E[/B] Julie then announced that WOW Spirits High, Melody and Stephanie would face each other in a rubber match. [B]E[/B] Emma came down with her title belt and bragged that while she had to face Principessa tonight, she wasn’t afraid and would take apart the pretty girl wrestler. [B]D Emma Bitch v Principessa[/B] Emma did all that she could to make this a great match, but for some reason it just didn’t click tonight. The match ended when she rolled up Principessa for a pin. [B]F Overall Rating: E[/B]
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Guys, I think I'm going to stop on this dynasty. I'm doing this for 2 reasons. First, trying to run 2 promotoins has proved to be much more difficult than I expected, and I'm not giving either one enough attention to write a good dynasty. second, with 2007 coming out I want to start over with a new dynasty in the updated world. I hope to start it once the full version is available. This has been my first attempt, and other than needing pictures it seemed to go rather well. I hope my next one is even better.
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