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TEW 2007 - The Birth of the NikkVerse

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I am currently hard at work creating wrestlers, future wrestlers, promotions, ect for my very own universe. I also did this in TEW 2005, and am enjoying the results. This world will start in the year 1950. There is no wrestling at this time, and wrestling will start in Japan.
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Edit - The universe will start in the year 1950. Now lets start with the introduction of the first two wrestlers in the HISTORY of the NikkVerse, and there creation, there baby Japan One Pro Fighting! [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/JOPF.jpg[/IMG] "Sumo" Jine Zanata [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/SumoJine.jpg[/IMG] Jine Zanata had a dream, entertain the masses with fights, without putting his neck at risk. Too many people had been injured or killed at Martial Arts tournaments, and he wanted to protect his workers. After two years of research, Jine got together with his friend and created Japan One Pro Fighting , the first "fake" fighting league in the world. His wrestling style is very similar to a sumo wrestler, hence his nickname. He is stretigic is the ring. His finisher, the power push, involves sumo pushing his opponent into the corner, then three "sumo slaps" (Think Big Show). The Wolf of Tokyo [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/WolfofTokyo.jpg[/IMG] When The Wolf of Tokyo decided that the current MMA scene was not worth getting killed over, he retired. He had accomplished much in his small career and gained much experience. In ring The Wolf is aggresive, always going for high power attacks. He likes to finish matchs with submissions, including the Clamp Down (STFU), his finisher. His Wolf Fang Fist (XP DBZ reference) is a series of fast strong punches.
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