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ROF: The WrassleBlog

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[CENTER]Hi there kind person who hath decided to read this. I just need to quickly mention a few things, I'm not actually playing this game on TEW, and I’m just making it up, hopefully that’s not against any rules? As such several characters aren’t real (from the CornellVerse, I mean), I forget why I choose to make the blogger female, but I always liked the name Paige so it works. Hopefully there aren’t too many spelling errors, I have spell checked it and whatnot using Word but its late and I just want to get to bed. Anyway, here is the first entry: [QUOTE][B][U]The WrassleBlog~[/U][/B] Hi, my name is Paige Wilson. I am an avid professional wrestling fan, however the past decade has seen a serious decline in the quality of wrestling world wide, but luckily for me I have found a new promotion that runs shows five minutes from my home, Ring Of Fire. As I understand it the company was on the verge of death before various backstage management changes were made and money was pumped into the company, they then decided to move their base of operations and change their style slightly to offer a more traditional show. I attended their debut show and from that point on have become a mahoosive fan. In my mind they have perfected the formula that makes a top quality wrestling show. They have good production, but nothing too over-the-top, their DVD production is insanely good, they draw crowds of thousands on a regular basis, the wrestlers actually look like wrestlers, they can cut an amazing promo at the drop of a hat and most of all, the in-ring action is absolutely top notch. This company is destined for big things and I intend on keeping those of you who can't come to the shows up-to-date until the shows come to you. So, I will dive into my backlog of DVDs, I have a nice big pile and its never a chore to re-watch these bad boys. [B]Ring Of Fire: The Return To Glory[/B] St. Georges Hall I had purchased my tickets in advance for this one, a show in my hometown is rare, and it was a good job I did because there was a presale of 1000 tickets, a complete sellout, which meant that people who hadn’t gotten their tickets in advance were turned away, I'd estimate at least 250 people had to be turned away. The first thing I noticed when I got into the arena was just how impressive the production was, as I mention it was not over-the-top, but it sure was impressive, my non-wrestling friend would later tell me that one of the things that turned him off about live wrestling was that most shows looked like they were taking place in a high school gym, which was usually the case! But not here, this venue was very professional looking; the ring didn’t look like it would collapse when someone got in and most importantly of all, the show started on time! I'm just gonna say this now, I have the hots for Justin Blackham. One day he will be mine. But now onto the matches. [B]Billy Robinson Vs Jonny Dyslexic[/B] A nice little opener, nothing amazing but it got the fans warmed up and they really got behind Dyslexic though and the pop when he won was pretty impressive. It couldn’t have gone more than ten minutes which was good, I cant imagine these being able to hold together a match much longer than that, the basic story of the match was that Dyslexic would continually dodge Robinson's attempts at submissions until he eventually got the pin. I look forward to seeing more of these two when they have some more experience. Jonny needs a better ring name though. [B]Winner: Jonny Dyslexic[/B] [B]Daniel Black Vs Walter Morgan[/B] I had heard of Morgan before, I had seen a few tapes from years ago but man this guy is awesome! Black came out first and was an instant fan favorite with his funky dancing and what not whereas Morgan was the exact opposite. Much to the ire of the fans, Morgan owned Black; I'm certain Black didn’t get one offensive move. After about five minutes of being put in various holds Black tapped out, although he had no choice, if he didn’t he would have been choked out! I was booing Morgan for his nastiness, but on the inside I was falling in love with him. [B]Winner: Walter Morgan[/B] Next out were the tag team called "Absolutely Flawless" which consists of two brothers, "The Body" Lance Martin and "Perfection" Kelly Martin. They claimed that they come from royalty and don’t belong in "a hole like this". This obviously didn’t sit well with the fans, what made them even angrier was when they handed out paper bags with eyeholes in them to the less attractive members of the audience! [B]Absolutely Flawless Vs The Show Stealers - ROF Tag Championship match[/B] We were all glad when The Show Stealers, Pete Barnes and Adam Matravers, came out to shut the Martin brothers up. This was a corker of a match, with a bit of everything, it started with some brawling, Matravers even let several members of the audience chop one of the brothers, then was the technical wrestling which The Show Stealers dominated until some dubious tactics allowed the brothers to double team Barnes, and then when Matravers got tagged in the pace picked up and the last five minutes of the match were insane, I could barely catch my breath. To a massive ovation, The Show Stealers picked up the win. [B]Winners: The Show Stealers[/B] Intermission time. I was low on cash so I didn’t buy anything but there were loads of people at the merchandise table, The Show Stealers t-shirts selling like hotcakes! After twenty minutes or so the show was back on, which meant Justin Blackham was back to announce the participants whilst looking insanely cute. [B]Leo Price Vs Smith Franklin[/B] Franklin was announced as "World Class" Smith Franklin, a very apt name! Leo Price wasn’t any slouch either, but I get the feeling they were told not to go all out, not wanting to detract from the main event. This was a damn fine fifteen minute match up, with Price wanting to fight and Franklin keeping it on the mat until Price slapped Franklin in the face prompting Franklin to whoop Price like the proverbial house on fire~! [B]Winner: Smith Franklin[/B] After the match a groggy Price cut a promo, here's the gist of it: [B]"You people probably don't even know what my god damn name is, do you?"[/B] The crowd answered with a resounding "No!" [B]"I didn’t think so. Well you should know my name. I'm one of the guys that stuck with British Wrestling through the dark days, I'm one of the guys that trained a lot of the people you see in British rings today, I'm one of the guys... no, [I]I am[/I] the guy that night after night busts his ass to show the world that British Wrestling isn’t dead and what do I get for it? You people boo me, that’s what I get. Well I'm not taking it anymore I don’t care anymore. I QUIT!"[/B] He then left the ring, the fans of course sang "Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye" as he left, presumably for the last time. I opted not to sing, my singing voice isn’t that great. I did question why they would do such an angle on the very first show, someone leaving the company should be built up but this worked, "cheap heat" I guess? Next up was video screen promo time, again I can’t complain about the screen it was big enough, in a good position and the sound was high enough. The promo itself was awesome, I questioned having two promos back to back but it didn’t seem to bother the crowd. Featured in the promo was a man who didn’t give his name, whoever he is he knows how to talk. I’m gonna call him Scarface until we get a name because that’s exactly what he is, his face is all scarred, he looks pretty terrifying, perfect for wrestling! [B]"So here I am sat in front of a camera, not something I'm used too, not something that happens on a daily basis,[/B] [Looks up at the camera for the first time] [B]after all people with a face like this don’t belong in the public eye, isn’t that what your all thinking? You’re looking at my face right now and your judging me, you think I'm a monster... [/B][Angry] [B]WELL WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?! YOUR NO BETTER THAN ME, INFACT YOUR WORSE! [/B][Calmer] [B]You see the world in black and white, there are no gray areas, its just good and bad, rich and poor, ugly and beautiful... beautiful... [/B][Angry again] [B]YOU DONT KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD BEAUTIFUL!"[/B] [After a beat; calmer again:] [B]"I'm not going to sit here and tell you that beauty comes from within, I'm not one for poetry, but luckily for you I see the gray areas. I was asked to address the audience here as I am doing now, I was asked to give a statement to prepare you people for my debut next month, so here I am. My problem lies with the fact that I haven’t been given enough time, I cant possibly prepare you for what will happen next month, a minute isn’t long enough, I need more time to pour my brain out so you will understand me but then even if I did that you wouldn’t truly understand me, would you? As I've said when you look at me all you see is ugliness, but when I look at the so-called beautiful people all [I]I[/I] see is ugliness. I will return next month I will talk once more and you will listen because the truth is your all interested, as hideous as my face may be you want to know more, I bet a lot of you are wondering how it happened? Was I born this way? Next time I shall do my best to answer those questions, but I warn you, the one place you don’t want to get trapped is inside my head, [I]even I[/I] wouldn’t want to inflict that upon any other human being."[/B] [B]UK Dragon Vs Stevie Stoat - ROF Championship match[/B] Main event time! The uber popular Stevie Stoat defending his belt against the masked UK Dragon, usually I'd cheer someone with "UK" in their name but not today, Stevie was too loveable, I just couldn’t bring myself to cheer his opponent. Anyway, as I mentioned the match before seemed like they were holding back so they didn’t take away from this one, and they sure didn’t! This was a hell of a match, the main event should always be the best and this one certainly was. Stevie dominated the match early showing his mat-wrestling prowess, Dragon fought back and took the match to the air, including a suicide dive to the floor, which damned near killed the people in the front row, they loved it though. At around the twenty minute mark it was pretty even, Dragon scored with several high risk moves only to get caught with a dropkick on the way down, Stoat put Dragon on the top rope and went for a powerbomb but Dragon reversed it in mid air with a rana! Unfortunately for him Dragon couldn’t get the pin due to fatigue, both men got to their feet and exchanged strikes, Dragon used his quick feet to gain the upper hand but a small package from out of nowhere got Stevie the three count at around the twenty five minute mark, the fans went nuts when Stevie was announced the winner. After the match Dragon challenged Stevie to a rematch next month, Stevie agreed to the match. [B]Winner: Stevie Stoat[/B] After the show had finished I stuck around to look at the merchandise once more, the tickets for the next show were going fast so my friend rather kindly purchased three tickets, saying he had such a good time he would bring a non-wrestling friend with him in hopes of converting him! All in all a good show, but the best really was yet to come. That’s all for now, I'll hopefully have the second show, "Return Of The Fire", review up tomorrow. Thanks for reading. [B]Love Paige[/B].[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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I've already stolen one idea from this diary :) But if you think its bad enough posting as a girl, try spending ridiculous amounts of time with a hot lesbian giving you mixed signals. Thats more confusing than advanced algebra I tells ya, specially when my new name is Sophie. Derek "Sophie" B
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Entry numero two: [QUOTE][B][U]The WrassleBlog~[/U][/B] [B]Ring Of Fire: Return Of The Fire[/B] St. Georges Hall Just like last month people were being turned away, they really should have gotten their tickets before the show, silly people. Luckily we had arrived there early, the queue was massive, we were right up front, go us, anyway on with the show. Please note, shorter reviews for most matches because the card was bigger, I'm a busy person you know! Oh, also, Kathleen Lee replaced Justin Blackham for this show, which didn’t sit well with me. [B]Jonny Dyslexic & Daniel Black Vs Absolutely Flawless[/B] I suspected a squash here, at the last show Black was beaten with ease and Dyslexic's match didn’t last long whereas the Martin brothers had a damn fine bout with The Show Stealers, to my surprise after twelve minutes or so of taking a beating Dyslexic got the win. [B]Winners: Jonny Dyslexic & Daniel Black[/B] Scarface big screen promo time~ It was spine tingling watching it live, re-watching it I can tell you it hasn’t lot any of its magic. [Softly] [B]"Do you know what I did today before I came here? I woke up, I don't remember what time, such trivial details mean little to me, but I woke up as I do every morning, I woke up covered in sweat, do you know why? Because when I close my eyes, when I surrender to my own exhaustion and attempt to refresh I can only sleep for a few hours at a time, why?[/B] [Louder] [B]Because when I close my eyes I see things that disturb me, that disgust me, I used to be able to close my eyes and get away from the world, a few moments of serenity,[/B] [Louder] [B]but not anymore! I’ve done things, terrible things, things I wish I hadn’t done, things I wish I could erase from my memory and I know what your thinking, “The monster has feelings,” [/B][Angry] [B]your damn right I do! I feel this world even more than you people, you see a blurred vision, and I see it all crystal clear!”[/B] [Calmer] [B]“I wish it would change but it doesn’t, the world doesn’t change, my mind doesn’t change. If I so wished I could change the outside, I could change my appearance, maybe spent a little extra money on my clothes, get a fancy haircut, hell I could even get plastic surgery but then I wouldn’t be me. I would be [I]you[/I]. I won’t let that happen, I’d rather see the things I see than to change myself, after all changing the way I look on the outside won’t change the inside, people may say that plastic surgery makes them feel better but the truth is it makes them feel worse, they realize that they are not beautiful, that they had to pay for that nose or to get rid of that extra tire around the waist. I won’t do that, I won’t. I can’t change, it’s too late for me, but I can change the world I live in and perhaps when I do it will all stop. The nightmares will stop.”[/B] [After a beat] [B]“Going back to what I was saying, I woke up and do you know what I did next? Did I have a shave like a normal person?[/B] [Angry] [B]No I did not! Because hair doesn’t grow on this face, did I wake up next to my wife, kiss her on the cheek and say “Morning honey”? No I did not! I don’t have a wife. Not many things in my life are normal, with two exceptions, my soul and my survival instincts. At home I have several pets, several animals, you see animals keep things easy, with animals its either survive or die, I share that mentality and if the rest of the world did we would be ok, I’m not saying I condone war or violence against those who don’t deserve it but life would be so much easier and that’s what I was hoping for when I started in the business we call professional wrestling. I enter that ring and I look across at my opponent I know he’s thinking about hurting me, I’m sure most aren’t thinking about killing and the truth is I’m not thinking of dying, I don’t fear death, if I was to be killed I would be put out of my misery, I’d do it myself but it takes more balls than I’ll ever have to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.”[/B] [B]“As I was saying, I look across the ring at my opponent, at my foe and I’m playing it out in my mind, I’m thinking about the best ways to hurt him, to make him scream in pain, to make him bleed but what I’m not thinking of is killing him, after all this is a sporting contest and death has no place here but pain certainly does and what do I enjoy most? I enjoy inflicting such pain that my opponent is on the brink of death, that is until I decide to let go, I enjoy the power, the control over another human being and in that moment they surrender themselves to me, its my choice whether they live or die.”[/B] [B]“People want to know my name. They keep telling me to give the people a name, something catchy, something marketable, well I will speak my name when I’m ready to speak my name until then you people can call me what you already call me. One of the various cruel nicknames you’ve already given me, “the freak” and “the monster” are particular favourites of mine because you people are naïve, you think I’m the monster? Go home tonight and look in the mirror and you will see what a real monster looks like.”[/B] [B]Walter Morgan Vs Kelly Hawkins[/B] That’s two men called Kelly, oh dear. This match was as I expected it to be, short and brutal, Walter Morgan destroyed Hawkins with ease. [B]Winner: Walter Morgan[/B] [B]Johnny Stones Vs Pete Barnes[/B] I was interested to see Barnes in a singles match, I was also interested to see how a good guy versus good guy match would develop but I didn’t get the chance because a couple of minutes into the match “Scarface” ran in and jumped Barnes and Stones and even the referee! In particular he brutalized Barnes using a steel chair, that was until Adam Matravers rushed to the ring to make the save, before much of a brawl could get going a whole load of wrestlers, referees and staffers separated the two. Good stuff. [B]British Samurai Vs Don Henderson[/B] Anything following the previous the angle was going to be a bit of a let down but this was pretty bad, Henderson was all right but Samurai didn’t grab me at all, the fans loved him though so I guess that’s what counts. [B]Winner: British Samurai[/B] [B]Smith Franklin Vs Merle O’Curle[/B] “World Class” versus “The Irish Stretching Machine”, let me tell you, this was a corker! A technical master class if there ever was one, a solid twenty-minute match that managed keep the audience interested the whole time. I look forward to seeing more of these two! [B]Winner: Smith Franklin[/B] [B]Adam Matravers (with Phoebe Plumridge), Suzanne Brazzle and Raven Nightfall Vs Jack Griffith, Gorgon and Nina The Psycho Ballerina[/B] Six person inter-gender tag match, good stuff~! Raven Nightfall’s gimmick is one of a loveable gothic, I didn’t know such a thing existed, Brazzle was the straight wrestler, Gorgon played the massive scary Japanese chick and Nina The Psycho Ballerina plays a psychotic ex-ballerina, obviously. My friend in particular loved this match; he has apparently fallen in love with Matravers’ valet, Phoebe Plumridge. I on the other hand was more interested in Jack Griffith, I had heard he used to be something special before taking the Jack Daniels route, well let me tell you, he’s back on form! Excellent match, there were of course some derogatory remarks made towards the ladies which were quickly shot down, to my surprise, by other audience members. I think Nightfall may have died when Gorgon suplexed her, she had to be helped away from the ring, bummer! [B]Winners: Team Matravers[/B] [B]UK Dragon Vs Stevie Stoat – ROF Championship match[/B] Main Event re-match with the championship on the line, yay! This match easily topped their match at the last show, it had everything, mat wrestling, brawling, high flying, excitement and drama, what more could a girl want? Also, during the intros we got to throw streamers, I tried to hit Kathleen Lee but missed. After the match, which ended around the thirty minute mark, Stoat offered a handshake which UK Dragon turned down so Stoat knocked him out of his boots with a lariat, after the match Stoat told Dragon to enjoy the belt because soon enough he would have it back. [B]Winner: UK Dragon[/B] The next show was announced for just two weeks away at an even bigger venue down the road, I purchased myself a ticket, as did my two pals, one of them now a converted wrestling fan. The following matches were announced: Main Event: UK Dragon Vs Smith Franklin Adam Matravers Vs Walter Morgan Suzanne Brazzle, Raven Nightfall & British Samurai Vs Nina The Psycho Ballerina & Absolutely Flawless Jack Griffith Vs Stevie Stoat And much more! I’ll get that up as soon as possible. [B]Namaste.[/B][/QUOTE]
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