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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=MrCanada;229910]good, but not great. I just think the guy has no drive anymore. People still seem to think he's back in 2002-2003. I mean sure he has a *** match from time to time still, but for a guy who will likley have super high stats, and a guaranteed B+ match guy, think he is no where near the hype. Lost his drive it seems.[/QUOTE] For most of 2006 he was putting on a ton of good matches with Daniels in the tag division. Currently, he's playing the part of a cowardly heel not doing any of his flashier spots because he knows it would get a face pop.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;229966]For most of 2006 he was putting on a ton of good matches with Daniels in the tag division. Currently, he's playing the part of a cowardly heel not doing any of his flashier spots because he knows it would get a face pop.[/QUOTE]That's true...the tag matches with Staniels and LAX were some of the best matches of last year...especially the Ultimate X match!
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thinks about what i am doing for a second.........i could be out enjoying a great day off work.......going to see a movie, a walk in a park with my wife, playing a game of basketball.............yah, i don't have a probelm at all.....................
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[QUOTE=alden;229979]thinks about what i am doing for a second.........i could be out enjoying a great day off work.......going to see a movie, a walk in a park with my wife, playing a game of basketball.............yah, i don't have a probelm at all.....................[/QUOTE] get out of the house then! wtf
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=ICHIBAN~!;229927]Recently TNA have been working hard to ensure AJ can't have good matches (that fu[i][/i]cking scafolding match? What the fuc[b][/b]k?!][/QUOTE] Yes I'm sure they sit in production meetings and plot to make their good wrestlers look as terrible as possible.
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[QUOTE=HughBatey4;229913]Here's the belts that I'm gonna add into my game (and hopefully into yours, if Forlan approves): - WCW World Heavyweight - WCW United States (will be split from WWE's version) - WCW World Tag Team - WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team - WCW Television - WCW Hardcore - WCW International Heavyweight - WCW Women's - ECW World Tag Team - ECW World Television - ECW FTW Heavyweight - WWE Hardcore - WWE European - WWE Light-Heavyweight[/QUOTE] myself and forlan had already talked about adding most of these titles and i dont mind finsihing up my work. Also I have the WCW US history as part of the wwe US Title and the WCW world as part of the World title. And I have the WWE hardcore, euro, and lightweight. So I might add these once the final game is released so they can be put in.
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