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T-Zone 2007

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Ok, I know that it may be sounding like I am saying that I hate bush for giving me NO date to expect them back home. I am NOT saying that. Just the problem with this "they will not leave till I am out" says to me, and some americans that We are taking our sweet ass time over there and not training them. I would much rather have a shot for date that would Kill Prez Bush if he didnt start bringing them back by then; I would rather have that then a prez who doesnt even shoot for a date.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;176979]Wars should be open ended. Why? You're inviting the enemy to wait until the troops are out to strike again. If you come out and say, "We are withdrawing troops in X amount of months/years", it would be a disaster. I'd much rather have the job done right over there, with our military training the Iraqi army and police to do things right, so they can guard their citizens, then rush the job and have the country go back to tyrants worse than Saddam. I am telling you, it is people like you who would've done a grave dissservice to this country in the generation of World War 2. There is absolutely little to no patience with wars nowadays. Slowly, ever since World War 2, there's been an erosion in the culture of this country that is putting us at risk for something worse than 9/11...We don't learn from history. Islamofacists are the 21st century ****s. Watch the documentary Obsession to understand that. It's amazing how his initial post is fine and dandy, especially since you two share the same opinion about the war. Please, you lost your credibility there. If the roles had been reversed and I had said something in support of the war and said I was in the Navy, Army, etc, I would've been flamed. The point is, if he or you do not want an opinion shouted back at you, the common sense approach would be to say nothing at all in the first place.[/QUOTE] He only even mentioned the war, it appears, in response to cyberkitten's support of his war efforts. I mean where do you come from? The dude makes one comment in response and all the sudden D;(k Cheaney signs on his GDS acct and starts going off on home boy... D;(k put the keyboard down and go hunt for quail.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;176990]Ok, I know that it may be sounding like I am saying that I hate bush for giving me NO date to expect them back home. I am NOT saying that. Just the problem with this "they will not leave till I am out" says to me, and some americans that We are taking our sweet ass time over there and not training them. I would much rather have a shot for date that would Kill Prez Bush if he didnt start bringing them back by then; I would rather have that then a prez who doesnt even shoot for a date.[/QUOTE] Considering the Iraqi army is well into being trained makes this nonsense pointless. I am in a military town, (Camp Pendleton). So I can tell you that the troops don't want to rush anything. Why? If they rush and leave, and Iraq really falls apart, it would mean all the lives lost would've been in vain. All because naive liberals wanted a few more votes. Sample some real servicemen in Iraq, and they'll tell you the answers is more troops to secure the capital. The big mistake of all this war was not going to war but it was fighting a war with a small amount of troops. The telling thing in all of this, while you rant about the President, is that unlike other liberals, George Bush has stuck to his stance on this war and has not wavered from it. The same thing was true with Harry Truman and he was a very unpopular President, but all of his opinions were validated about the Soviet Union and the Cold War. [quote]He only even mentioned the war, it appears, in response to cyberkitten's support of his war efforts. [/quote] Why was a comment even made in the first place? And judging by your typical liberal insult at the end, you shouldn't be adding anything to this conversation because you're too biased to begin with. Why no "NO WAR FOR OIL" slogan?
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;176998]Considering the Iraqi army is well into being trained makes this nonsense pointless. I am in a military town, (Camp Pendleton). So I can tell you that the troops don't want to rush anything. Why? If they rush and leave, and Iraq really falls apart, it would mean all the lives lost would've been in vain. All because naive liberals wanted a few more votes. Sample some real servicemen in Iraq, and they'll tell you the answers is more troops to secure the capital. The big mistake of all this war was not going to war but it was fighting a war with a small amount of troops. The telling thing in all of this, while you rant about the President, is that unlike other liberals, George Bush has stuck to his stance on this war and has not wavered from it. The same thing was true with Harry Truman and he was a very unpopular President, but all of his opinions were validated about the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Why was a comment even made in the first place? And judging by your typical liberal insult at the end, you shouldn't be adding anything to this conversation because you're too biased to begin with. Why no "NO WAR FOR OIL" slogan?[/QUOTE] The comment was made, as I said, because CyberKitten wanted to show support. He responded to let her know it was ok that she didnt support the war itself, but was cool that she supports his putting himself out there. The comment wasnt made so that the first pro war protestor on the board could come and start some debate on a "war".
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;176998]Considering the Iraqi army is well into being trained makes this nonsense pointless. I am in a military town, (Camp Pendleton). So I can tell you that the troops don't want to rush anything. Why? If they rush and leave, and Iraq really falls apart, it would mean all the lives lost would've been in vain. All because naive liberals wanted a few more votes. Sample some real servicemen in Iraq, and they'll tell you the answers is more troops to secure the capital. The big mistake of all this war was not going to war but it was fighting a war with a small amount of troops. The telling thing in all of this, while you rant about the President, is that unlike other liberals, George Bush has stuck to his stance on this war and has not wavered from it. The same thing was true with Harry Truman and he was a very unpopular President, but all of his opinions were validated about the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Why was a comment even made in the first place? And judging by your typical liberal insult at the end, you shouldn't be adding anything to this conversation because you're too biased to begin with. Why no "NO WAR FOR OIL" slogan?[/QUOTE] WOW, where the **** do you get off telling us what to think? How is Fenoli Biased? I HAVE talked to a person who is over there. My former Religion teacher has a niece that is working in a BURN clinic. I do not hate the war. I just wish I could have some vision of the future and not a big cloud of grey in front of me.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;177017]WOW, where the **** do you get off telling us what to think? How is Fenoli Biased? I HAVE talked to a person who is over there. My former Religion teacher has a niece that is working in a BURN clinic. I do not hate the war. I just wish I could have some vision of the future and not a big cloud of grey in front of me.[/QUOTE] actually... I might be a little biased. My brother, cousin, and 2 of my friends are in Iraq and Afghanistan respectfully right now.
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[QUOTE=eric_m_keeley;177023]AS far as I can tell the last 10 or so posts should be in the dog pund under a thread about the war. They have nothing to do with this mod.[/QUOTE] Seconded. This subject tends to get me stressed a lot (as does anyone that talks about 'naive liberals' like they're the devil's children, when careful studies of the New Testament show the shocking truth -- that [I]Jesus[/I] was, in fact, a [moderate] liberal), and I really don't need to see it when I'm trying to figure out when a mod for a wrestling game's gonna come out.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;177104]Hey just a quick question about the mod, i dunno if its been asked or stated as i dont want to scroll through the all 16 pages. Will the workers come with pics and bios? i'm not expecting it to due to the massive number of workers.[/QUOTE] Most did in the 05 version, so I'd imagine they would carry on the traditon. ;) All the pictures exist in theory, and you can't exactly add a worker without knowing about them. I hope this put your mind at rest. :P
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[QUOTE=HHUK;177122]Most did in the 05 version, so I'd imagine they would carry on the traditon. ;) All the pictures exist in theory, and you can't exactly add a worker without knowing about them. I hope this put your mind at rest. :P[/QUOTE] Yeah thanks :) I'm not too bothered about pics and bios myself as i've usually always got obsessed with wrestling open when playing, man i need a life :rolleyes:
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Basically nothing much done the last couple days as i'm trying to do my portfolio (due in 6 days) on Academic Research skills for uni. I dont see what the point in the module is, its the most pointless of the modules and takes the most work :(
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[QUOTE=HardcoreIcon87;177248]Some people don't understand a real life comes before...a wrestling game.[/QUOTE] There's more to life than TEW? Blasphemy!!! :eek: But yeah I think people need to stop flaming the thread with "when will it be ready" posts. Forlan gives us detailed updates when he has something to report. So be patient and lets all crush SWF while we wait :)
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I'm doing a little now in a break from uni work and was wondering for Japan would people prefer me to include everyone thats currently working at present for the promotions or just the core people and let them pick their own freelancers and tourers for the majority?
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