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T-Zone 2007

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Maybe some people should stop complaining and consider how hard it would be to make a mod. forlan could easily release a half finished mod now, yet he'd still get complaints. "Whaa, this title history isn't complete, there's no alter egos, so-and-so doesn't have a picture". Why don't you actually let him get the mod finished before you start complaining? He could easily say, "**** you guys, I'm not releasing this mod, I'll just keep it for my own pleasure". Stop being selfish, and be thankful that anyone is actually putting any of their spare time towards you.
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Need I go an put the "Derailed" video here again? *sigh* Stop arguing and let the man continue. Alter Egos are useful, really, because then you can bring back old characters that you remember (Personally, Isaac Yankem is making a comeback!) He wants his mod to be as complete as possible. And I applaud him for that. Even if it means I won't be playing TEW for a whole week, I'm sure that I will be happy with all the work he's put into it. Besides, if you're sooooo expectant, just remember that he's doing this for FREE, and using HIS SPARE TIME to do it. I don't see you doing that, let alone for other people. In my book, forlan is cool. This thread is cool. This mod is cool. Let's keep it that way. Eh?
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;179465]Maybe some people should stop complaining and consider how hard it would be to make a mod. forlan could easily release a half finished mod now, yet he'd still get complaints. "Whaa, this title history isn't complete, there's no alter egos, so-and-so doesn't have a picture". Why don't you actually let him get the mod finished before you start complaining? He could easily say, "**** you guys, I'm not releasing this mod, I'll just keep it for my own pleasure". Stop being selfish, and be thankful that anyone is actually putting any of their spare time towards you.[/QUOTE] To be fair, though, most of what is left is stuff that can be done by the end user. I haven't bought TEW2007 yet because there is no mod for the current wrestling world out. It'd be nice to have something out. Correct me if I am wrong, but it is possible to edit data during the game, no?
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;179527]Yes, but let's face it, not everybody is going to be as grateful as you that you've got a base to work of in the first place.[/QUOTE] Then he should just ignore those losers. Whatever is left looks mostly like it can be done by the user. For instance, title histories is something I could do. The information is out there on many websites for most if not all promotions. I just don't feel like buy TEW 2007 without something...While the fictional database is impressive, it is not something that would keep me interested long. So if Forlan were to consider sending what he has to me, I could at least have something so I can see if the stats are what I think they should be, and other various edits.
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I agree about alter-egos, that is one thing I been really been waiting for in a mod and they defiantly can be useful. Indy stars you don't know under their real name and other wrestlers you don't know under their real name can be found under the alter egos. Just take your time, even though my diary and mod will be on hold until this is done, I rather play a complete and excellent game then a good game filled with empty spaces.
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[QUOTE=forlan;179398]If you choose to make that person a user character then yes, but if those were made user characters it would mean if you played as jarrett, steph et al wouldnt appear in the game at all.[/QUOTE] Now I have not had a whole lot of time with the game (I just have a hard time getting into C-Verse-sorry Adam), but does that mean we can just select someone and make them a user character? Or do we have to go in and create the whole character and then delete them from the database so we dont have 2 Jeff Jarretts (lord forbid!) By the way Forlan, thank you very much for putting all this effort into this mod for us. Also dont go to hard on all the guys who keep asking for the release of this mod (this goes out to everybody), we are al just anxiously awaiting the opportunity to play with the sure to be great mod. You all know damn well that everyday you check the Greydog TEW07 Mod section in hopes of seeing [COLOR="Blue"][U]T-Zone 07 Released[/U][/COLOR]. Just cut these guys some slack and know that we all cant wait to play this mod you are working so hard on for us. Thanks again Forlan!
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;179465]Maybe some people should stop complaining and consider how hard it would be to make a mod. forlan could easily release a half finished mod now, yet he'd still get complaints. "Whaa, this title history isn't complete, there's no alter egos, so-and-so doesn't have a picture". Why don't you actually let him get the mod finished before you start complaining? He could easily say, "**** you guys, I'm not releasing this mod, I'll just keep it for my own pleasure". Stop being selfish, and be thankful that anyone is actually putting any of their spare time towards you.[/QUOTE] Fully agree with you Sensai. It is also a little about pride I think. I was in a similar situation when I was in this band a few years ago - when we recorded the album, ppl would poke me all the time if they could maybe listen to one of the rough mixes ... right. Not going to happen. I mean, I wouldn't mind a beta to play, would deffo be better than the simple converted data I got, but I reckon, from what Forlan and others said, not enough ppl who are waiting for this mod to come out understand the concept of a beta to begin with, so I will patiently wait for Forlan to finish this.
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Just a note from things i am noticing, people seem to be perceiving alter egos in the wrong way. Alter Egos are one per person per promotion maximum, so you cant really have Isaac Yankem for example because Glenn JAcobs' WWE alter ego would be Kane. And the indy stars wont need alter egos as Homicide for example works the same everywhere so is real name would have nowhere to go in the game, alter ego or otherwise, hope you understand.
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Forlan just wants to put A+ work into this. But, I still think people will bitch and complain once its out...they will be like "SO AND SO ARE MISSING ADD THEM PLEASE" Why can't they do it themselves? But, Forlan is putting hard work into this even with his tight schedule. So, most of the people should thank him before he even releases it.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;179543]Eh...I still think a lot of what is left are things the end user can just do. That's why I think an "as is" version would be nice. If they have complaints, as Snitsky says, it's not your fault, it's theirs.[/QUOTE] It's a week or so away. I want it as much as the next guy but releasing a beta version now would only slow down the process.
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[QUOTE=Rams;179553]It's a week or so away. I want it as much as the next guy but releasing a beta version now would only slow down the process.[/QUOTE] Actually, it might be the opposite. This way he'd have a few people testing what has been done and what needs to be improved before people complain when it is released.
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[QUOTE=HardcoreIcon87;179552]Forlan just wants to put A+ work into this. But, I still think people will bitch and complain once its out...they will be like "SO AND SO ARE MISSING ADD THEM PLEASE" Why can't they do it themselves? But, Forlan is putting hard work into this even with his tight schedule. So, most of the people should thank him before he even releases it.[/QUOTE] You can't please everyone. The important thing is that Forlan is satisfied with his work. Personally I can't wait for it to come out and greatly appreciate the hard work Forlan is doing.
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