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T-Zone 2007

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For the people that still don't think that WSX should be put in the game: The promotion would be listed as Wrestling Society X. Date, February X, 2006(day of 1st Pilot show). For the roster, just use the people that are on the 1st season. Give them all PPA contracts(just about all of them wrestle for other companies). Make Kevin Kleinrock the owner, with Vampiro for the Booker. Create Brett Ernst, and have Kriss Kloss for the Announcers. As for the Bands, create them as angles with having a worker appear in some amount to complete the angle(Such as a worker coming out and watching a band play). Don't even bother on having a member of a band do commentary, because it would require creating them as workers in the game. Now for the part that scares people. For the schedule. You have a 'weekly' series. It's a 30 minute show on MTV running with 4 seasons. So Until we have an option of taping more than 1 show in the same day, or over a coarse of an amount of days, we'll just make it a weekly show. For an optional, yet recommended choice, there's the WSXtra show, which is an Online show. You can still treat it as a TV show under the MTV network, or create it as an entirely new network. The show(from Pilot episode perspective) will mainly consist of matches(about 60/40 or 70/30, with the WSXtra show be about the opposite (30/70, 40/60) to put over the storylines and the main show to have the matches. As for popularity, I'd make them Cult(due to the fact they are the 3rd company that has nationwide exposure, but aren't bigger than TNA), with most of the popularity in the South West region. As for the amount of people that go to the shows. You can either run in a venue that will hold the amount of people their popularity will allow them, or create "The Bunker" and do all your shows there. Similar to TNA, they run in the "iMPACT Zone" for their shows, but if they went on the road, they could easily draw more than 850 fans.
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And that's sweet, if you're playing [I]AS [/I]WSX. But the majority won't, and if you make a cult-level fed that only runs 30 minutes a week with a roster of only two dozen guys, the AI is going to expand it automatically. It will sign more workers, it will try and get another TV show, it will move from The Bunker after the first card, it will start running PPVs, it will expand itself to the point where WSX becomes just another fed. As numerous people have said in this thread, WSX just cannot be simulated in the game.
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[QUOTE=Travis;192804] As for popularity, I'd make them Cult(due to the fact they are the 3rd company that has nationwide exposure, but aren't bigger than TNA), with most of the popularity in the South West region. As for the amount of people that go to the shows. You can either run in a venue that will hold the amount of people their popularity will allow them, or create "The Bunker" and do all your shows there.[/QUOTE] CULT? They can't even get wrestling fans to show up, they're PAYING people to be the audience. Just because a bunch of people KNOW about a fed, doesn't make it over. What makes it over is because the fans GIVE A ****. It takes more than general awareness to raise a fed's overness. If the fans don't tune in, don't buy tickets, does it gain popularity? no.
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Personally, I'd make them a touring promotion running on tour during their taping month. They tape 13 EPs per season or so, right? So have them doing three shows a week (3 shows a week X 4 Weeks in the month= 12 shows total). Their TV show would be a highlight show in effect. You might need to make MTV small enough that they'll not drop them. I'd personally make them a small level promotion (perhaps ready to break into the next level up), but it's size should be based on the size of it's roster. Most of their higher level workers should be most over in the South West where the promotion is located, so if they stay there the shows should do fine rating-wise, but I haven't tested it in-game to see if it can fly. That should solve the them wanting to start PPVs/Month ending event problem. [quote]They can't even get wrestling fans to show up, they're PAYING people to be the audience. [/quote] And you've proof that they did this, other than an outdated biased fan report?
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Guest Stevie F'n Swing
Seriously...here's the solution. People who want a fed featuring phiranas and fake explosions and cheesy electrocutions...add it in before you run the mod. It's not tough. I plan on adding my e-fed, personally. Give WSX a rest...it's not really a topic worth discussion, and most of the "discussion" in and of itself has been completely off the wall as far as expectations go. How about doing something productive, like suggesting storylines for me to add to the game?
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;192847]and you've got proof they didn't?[/QUOTE] Argumentum ad ignorantiam isn't a sufficient defense. I don't need any proof, I'm not the one making the claim that they did like it was undeniable fact, now am I? Nice attempt to turn the question back on me. :) Let me guess, no proof to support your position? I'll be happy to continue this in PM though, if you wish. We shouldn't derail forlan's thread with our off-topic argument. ;)
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Guest Stevie F'n Swing
[QUOTE=TEWSuperFan;192858]Don't be a dick head, just because WSX is has good wrestlers..not all the matches like have that retarded **** in them. WSX is a good fed...think of it as the modern day ECW..cause the WWE ECW sucks balls....[/QUOTE] Dude...two matches does not a modern day ECW make. And nothing WSX has now will ever match the line-up of talent that passed through ECW's doors. But back onto the subject of the mod...here's what I have/am working on storyline wise, sans pics, because those are annoying. Bang, Bang! You’re Dead! (Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack vs. HHH) But…I Wanted to Be on the Cover! (Trish vs. Christy Hemme) Cheat 2 Win (Eddie vs. Chavo w/Ultimo Dragon) I’m Your Biggest Fan! (Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus w/Ashley) Don’t Hate Me Because They’re Black… (WGTT vs. Cryme Time) I Ain’t the Lady to Mess With (Victoria vs. Mickie James) I’m Hardcore! I’m Hardcore! (Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Dreamer) Man of 1,004 Holds (Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko Rap is Crap! (West Texas Rednecks vs. No Limit Soilders) Waking the Hardcore Legend (Edge vs. Foley) Wrestling Machine vs. Submission Machine (Angle vs. Joe) You’re Driving Me Crazy! (Chavo vs. Eddie/The Saturn-Moppy Connection)
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;192820]CULT? They can't even get wrestling fans to show up, they're PAYING people to be the audience.[/QUOTE] Not entirely accurate. They are paying people to be in the audience, but 'hip', 'attractive' MTV type youth to attend. Because if they were to sell tickets or something to that effect, we know the types of people that may show up.
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Forlan or anybody with the data, could you please tell me the following settings for TNA? [QUOTE]Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1: 2 vs. 2: 3 vs. 3: Triangle Match: Four Way Match: Match Ratio: Expected Match Lengths Minor Match: Medium Match: Main Match: Match Intensity: Match Danger: Women's Wrestling: None or Divsion or Entire Promotion T&A Levels: None or Low or High Face/Heel Divide: None or Medium or Strong Traditional: Mainstream: Comedy: Cult: Risque: Modern: Realism: Hyper Realism: Hardcore: Lucha Libre: Pure: Daredevil:[/QUOTE] I'm testing out some data I made but I am being told that the style im booking is not appropiate for my product. Thanks
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It could change before release as kinks need to be worked out but at the moment Match Type AI Booking 1 vs. 1: 61% 2 vs. 2: 26% 3 vs. 3: 1% Triangle Match: 6% Four Way Match: 6% Match Ratio: 50% Expected Match Lengths Minor Match: 5 Medium Match:10 Main Match:18 Match Intensity: 45 Match Danger: 30 Women's Wrestling: None (although obviously that will change if they begin the womens division) T&A Levels: Low Face/Heel Divide: Strong Traditional: low Mainstream: key Comedy: med Cult: low Risque:med Modern:med Realism: v low Hyper Realism: none Hardcore:low Lucha Libre:none Pure:low Daredevil:low
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;192394]...when the network of MTV pulls the plug on it, so will go "WSX" where as an actual promotion would in most cases either find a new network or just run local shows.[/QUOTE] um. no. in the last days of WCW, Bischoff and others were trying to buy the company, to save it. but when it came to be that TBS (or whatever network was carrying it at the time) had cancelled the program's TV slots, they realized they'd be buying a dead-in-the-water company with no TV, and they backed off. and the rest, is history. i have to admit i'm surprised to not see WSX as part of the game. it's one of three wrestling promotions in the United States on national television, and arguably on the biggest channel of any of them. i'm not gonna worry about it, just saying i'm surprised.
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[QUOTE=Tree;193090]um. no. in the last days of WCW, Bischoff and others were trying to buy the company, to save it. but when it came to be that TBS (or whatever network was carrying it at the time) had cancelled the program's TV slots, they realized they'd be buying a dead-in-the-water company with no TV, and they backed off. and the rest, is history. i have to admit i'm surprised to not see WSX as part of the game. [b]it's one of three wrestling promotions in the United States on national television, and arguably on the biggest channel of any of them[/b]. i'm not gonna worry about it, just saying i'm surprised.[/QUOTE] Exactly, thats why in the game, with a roster of mostly indy stars youd either need to put them much too over or the show would get canned in a couple of weeks
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[QUOTE=Stevie F'n Swing;192865]Dude...two matches does not a modern day ECW make. And nothing WSX has now will ever match the line-up of talent that passed through ECW's doors. [/QUOTE] Yeah man, WSX has no one to beat the likes of 911 & The Pitbulls :confused: ECW gets looked on with far too rosey memories. It was nice stuff at the time, but man, it was not that amazing. And WSX does have good talent, especially for the product they are putting out there, which is a 30 minute spotfest show with lots of crazy over the top stupid stuff. Guys like Matt Sydal for instance.
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