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TCP Productions Presents: Fall of the One Ring Circus '07

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Here is an update on what I all got done for the title linage. [B]WWE Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Buddy Rogers (1963) to Triple H (2000) I got about 26 title histories left to do for this belt. [B]WWE World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Done [B]1PW Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Done [B]1PW Openweight Championship:[/B] Done [B]1PW Tag Team Championship:[/B] Done
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Thanks for all the help guys! Things are shaping up very well, it couldnt be done without everyone's help! NOW, I need more, lol.... [B][I] I need someone who owns and knows how to use Photoshop, that wants to help make cuts. I'm in the process of making an all new pic pack for everyone in the data. If you are someone who can and wants to help, then please contact me. I want these to look top notch so if you're not completly confident in you ability to achieve this, then dont worry about "applying." If you can help out, then I'll send you the PSD file I have for this and we can get this thang crackin'! [/I][/B] Thanks again for eveyone who's involved!
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All the feedback is awesome thanks guys. [B]Please don't take this the wrong way but it is for the good of the data and the release date[/B]...... Feedback like...."Lashley should have higher pop. because he's ECW champ" are opinions not errors. I'm sure on release date there will be hundreds of posts regarding "wrestler A should be higher in stat B". This is unavoidable with any data set anytime (unless your name is DBoon). All of these things can be easily changed and I don't know many people who don't tamper with their data before playing. I really don't mean to sound ungrateful because all the comments on everything has been used but the real errors we're looking for are new/void contracts, wrong names/gimmicks etc. Again thanks for the feedback keep it coming it's helping alot:)
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;169120]All the feedback is awesome thanks guys. [B]Please don't take this the wrong way but it is for the good of the data and the release date[/B]...... Feedback like...."Lashley should have higher pop. because he's ECW champ" are opinions not errors. I'm sure on release date there will be hundreds of posts regarding "wrestler A should be higher in stat B". This is unavoidable with any data set anytime (unless your name is DBoon). All of these things can be easily changed and I don't know many people who don't tamper with their data before playing. I really don't mean to sound ungrateful because all the comments on everything has been used but the real errors we're looking for are new/void contracts, wrong names/gimmicks etc. Again thanks for the feedback keep it coming it's helping alot:)[/QUOTE] well, I know I've included alot of stat corrections in with my editings of it to Fenoli, and all of them are pretty valid changes, that I would definatly go as far to call more errors then opinion, that will help the game play much more realistically, but your probably not talking about me anyways id imagine.
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I'm talking about all the feedback given, your's included. The stats you want changed you can do when the release hits but stat changes unless obvious aren't errors. If there are any you're adament about I'm happy to discuss but if it's Lashley's popularity or Benoit's charisma I don't see how there is even a debate? Again I don't mean to sound ungrateful as all feedback is welcome. To change stats based on every bit of feedback is impossible though there is simply too many peeople giving feedback.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;169124] If there are any you're adament about I'm happy to discuss but if it's Lashley's popularity or Benoit's charisma I don't see how there is even a debate? [/QUOTE] No it's none of those. These are the edits ive submitted to fenoli so far. [QUOTE] Just a few on first viewing. Mistico's stats should be raised just a bit more. He's a favorite for wrestler of the year. Rob Van Dam's personality needs to be changed to free spirit, by all accounts hes the most outspoken guy in the wwe locker room, and hes just a free spirit in general Vickie Guerrero is better then 30's and 40's in mic and charisma. Shes been suprisingly good by all accounts, those stats would routinely amount to her segments being D's and F's. Trish Stratus is NOT retired, her career is on hiatus Tracey Brooks is a heel. Bobby Roode's TNA name needs to be changed to Robert Roode, and his gimmick needs to be changed. Kurt Angle's saftey should be lowered and stiffness should be raised. In 3 matches/fights with Samoa Joe, he's stiffed him in every encounter, including visible bruises in both their 1st and 2nd match. He has "STERIOD USAGE" and "FORMER STERIOD USER" checked off, it should be one or the other, and I'd say former. Kurt Angle should have loyalty with TNA. He's pretty much burned his bridges with everywhere else as of right now. Konnan's physical condition in his legs need to be lowered greatly to account for his hip which is so bad he needs to be pushed around in a wheel chair backstage. He also is not retired, he still wrestles in mexico semi time, and when he gets hip surgery he stated on WOL that he will return full time. Aj styles needs to be changed from babyface to heel, with obnoxious gimmick. More WWE Edits WWE Writing Team Depth Chart according to yesterday Wrestling Observer newsletter: RAW- Brian Gerwitz, Ed Koskey Smackdown- Michael Hayes, Dusty Rhodes, Court Bauer, Christopher Dejosephs ECW- Dave Lagana However this doesn't take into account Vince and Stephanie, the two most influential people in WWE writing. Therefore here's my suggestion: Owner: Vince Head Writer: Stephanie Booking Team: Brian Gerwertz, Ed Koskey, Michael Hayes, Dusty Rhodes, Dave Lagana Ken "Kenny" Deane's name on RAW should be changed to "Kenny Dykstra", as debuted on RAW. The Boogey Man's personality and attitude need to be changed, he is well known for being insane which is why he was released for a few months. I recommend Free Spirit and Selfish. Not a fan of his by any means but Mike Mizanin needs to be edited. He is now a heel on smackdown, not babyface. His stats are very low, especially in selling and ariel. John Cena, as always, needs tweaking. Everyone has their opinion, but I've found to get the most accurate ratings out of him, this is what changes should be made. Psychology should be brought up much higher, because if nothing else, fans are into his matches, and he has innate charisma. His consistancy and selling should also be raised up. Basics should stay low as they are. Ric Flair is listed as semi active. He's going toward the end of his career yes, but in the last few months he's been anything but semi active, wrestling on nearly every raw and ppv. His popularity needs to be put at 85% everywhere other then mid atlantic where it can be 95-100% Dave Finlays leg condition should be lowered to at least 50%. Shawn Michaels skills are spot on, but his attitude needs to be updated from 1997. Having him at Manipulative and Master Politician will only make it very very difficult to get him to lose, which he hasn't had any notable problem doing since he's come back. He's even lost to Hogan who he hates. Arms condition should be at 100, he has no arm injuries that I've ever heard of. Paul Levesque should be at Heavyweight, not large heavyweight. Brawling should be lowered a good 20%, the 95% he's at would indicate he is top 1 or 2 brawlers in wrestling today which is not the case. Consistency can be raised. And last but not least for tonight, boy oh boy Vince McMahon's business stats need to be lowered. Business rep should be 95 at most, he has failed in many ventures and WWE has been losing money domestically for years now. He botched the Invasion too. Head booker should be lowered greatly. He's never had a propencity to book great TV, by all accounts every hot period WWE has had is because he was influenced by good writers, Russo, Ferrara, Jim Ross. I would put it at 70. His psychology can be raised, its the only thing that makes his match not THAT horrible. [/QUOTE]
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Out of the first list a bit was changed, this is what wasn't... [QUOTE]Mistico's stats should be raised just a bit more. He's a favorite for wrestler of the year. *Done* Rob Van Dam's personality needs to be changed to free spirit, by all accounts hes the most outspoken guy in the wwe locker room, and hes just a free spirit in general *Free Spirit means hes late for shows and such, RVD hasnt missed a show ever for WWE or ECW.The closest he's come is telling WWE he wasn't going to Iraq when given the option but never a no show. Hes a reliable employee he just doesnt agree unhappy with his push and his style doesnt fit the company. This is represented within the game anyway, if a worker isnt pushed especially if hes pop is high he will become disgruntled nothing to do with free spirit* Vickie Guerrero is better then 30's and 40's in mic and charisma. Shes been suprisingly good by all accounts, those stats would routinely amount to her segments being D's and F's. *Vickie is terrible on the mic and hardly has charisma, she can act pretty well but that's about it. Seriously charisma is something that draw you to a person Vickie does not have that in my opinion not to mention nearly every SD quarter rating she has appeared in since Eddie died has lost viewers. Trish Stratus is NOT retired, her career is on hiatus *Chris Jericho is on hiatus he did not have a retirement match and left open to returning. Trish has said she is finished for good and has moved onto Hollywood. At the most she said she'd make a special appearance though it's doubtful Vince would give her a Hogan/Foley type deal. At the most she should have occasional wrestler ticked as "sometimes". If people want to use her they can but we should stick as close to realism as we can.* Kurt Angle's saftey should be lowered and stiffness should be raised. In 3 matches/fights with Samoa Joe, he's stiffed him in every encounter, including visible bruises in both their 1st and 2nd match. He has "STERIOD USAGE" and "FORMER STERIOD USER" checked off, it should be one or the other, and I'd say former. *I changed a bit, he has stated his off roids and does look smaller. As for his safety and stiffness Angle wrestled like that against Joe because that's how Joe wrestles. It was more of Angle addopting to his environment, he is not an unsafe worker by any means.* Kurt Angle should have loyalty with TNA. He's pretty much burned his bridges with everywhere else as of right now. *He's only burned his bridges with WWE and even that can't be said for sure. I would say if Angle went back to Vince tomorrow there's a 50% chance McMahon would take him back. He's taken back far less talent for far more. Maybe have Angle set as strong dislike to McMahon but even one has to think him dissing Vince since he left is half a work.* Konnan's physical condition in his legs need to be lowered greatly to account for his hip which is so bad he needs to be pushed around in a wheel chair backstage. He also is not retired, he still wrestles in mexico semi time, and when he gets hip surgery he stated on WOL that he will return full time. *I forgot about that. Lowered it alot more to reflect it.*[/QUOTE] I don't want this thread to become clustered with stat opinion, like I said nearly everyone tweaks a bit and no one will ever agree. Injuries, contracts and such are errors....Vickie Guerrero having low mic skills is not.
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An interview with Trish, posted on what looks to be her website. [url]http://www.trishstratus.com/news/default.asp?aID=1280[/url] Retirement is mentioned 20 times hiatus one. Meltzer and Keller are old school thinking wrestlers never have enough too retire. Things have changed Trish made enough and is still making through her tapes to not have to. As I originally said I think she is definitely done full time, she's a wife and mother now who's only getting older.
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[QUOTE=Lostrelms;169141]the thing with "Retired" is they will still sign contracts, they will stil work as Road Agents, which means they stil travel. Trish Stratus, wont be doing any of that for a while. On Hiatus makes the most sense IMO[/QUOTE] Yeah. It's a matter of making the game play more realistically, not which word was said more in an interview. if its something to fight tooth and nail over hey ill say no more, but im basing my opinion on more then an interview she conducted.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;169143]Meltzer and Keller are old school thinking wrestlers never have enough to retire. Things have changed Trish made enough and is still making through her tapes to not have to. As I originally said I think she is definitely done full time, she's a wife and mother now who's only getting older.[/QUOTE] 1) She isn't a mother, she doesnt have children or is she pregnant. 2) EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH IS ONLY GETTING OLDER. 3) You know more about the wrestling buisness then Meltzer and Wade Keller? Oh brother.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;169146]Yeah. It's a matter of making the game play more realistically, not which word was said more in an interview. if its something to fight tooth and nail over hey ill say no more, but im basing my opinion on more then an interview she conducted.[/QUOTE] If you want realism she is [B]retired[/B] it's not the only place she's said it and made it pretty clear to everyone on leaving it was retirement. Trish popping up in a year or two in TNA or back in WWE fulltime is not realistic.
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[QUOTE=kevel33;169148] 1) She isn't a mother, she doesnt have children or is she pregnant.[/QUOTE] My bad, didn't even realised I typed that:o [QUOTE=kevel33;169148]2) EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH IS ONLY GETTING OLDER.[/QUOTE] Point being? [QUOTE=kevel33;169148]3) You know more about the wrestling buisness then Meltzer and Wade Keller? Oh brother. [/QUOTE] Meltzer and Keller both have their own agendas and if that's where you get your news..... Oh brother. What was the last thing either reported correctly? Edit - I should make myself clearer with the last comment, they are both anylise the news not report it before the fact. All they do is give opions and make predictions.
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