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WLW~ The Rise of World Level Wrestling

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
[COLOR="Blue"]You wanted to see me, Mr. Kojima?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Indeed I did Matty; you’ve heard of how Haru Kurofuji left the position of Head Booker and that I plan on selling the company.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Yeah. It made news across of Japan and people all across of Japan have been attempting to get their hands on the company.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Well, after so much hard work going through applications we’ve decided to sell it for the best offer made. I’m a big fan of your Pro Championship Wrestling work in Australia and I think you could run this company. Kurofuji and I will still be here to help you out with any decisions that you need to make.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]You're too kind sir. I'll try my best with the company.[/COLOR] News for Week 1 of December WLW Related: * Entered contract negotiations with Morgan Williams, Jason James, Ayako Hamada and Plague. * The following matches were announced for the Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival: Koji Kojima v Awesome Thunder for the WLW Universal Title Hell Monkey v Incredible Koyama for the WLW Show Stealer title * Booger Man and Cyber Fighter 3000 were released from their WLW contracts; we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours. Important News: * Nariaki Hitomi, Silver Shark and Shigemetsu were released from their BHOTWG contracts . * Hiroaki Nakasawa won the Burning Openweight Championship. * Harry Allen won the TCW All Action Title * Kenko Takemitsu won the NOTBPW unlimited action title * Professor Nero signs with SWF to a Written contract ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To add quickly, I started as Owner of WLW and that I'm using the default data with Real World workers mixed in.
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Guest The Aussie
WLW Japanese Wrestling Peace Festival Attendance: 2000 Location: Kyoto Arena in Honshu Tap Out title Bout: Black Eagle v The Tic v Magnum KOBE © v Firestarter EU for the A Good opening match with a lot of back and forth action. Black Eagle comes away with the pin after hitting the New Jersey Turnpike on The Tic and becomes the Tap Out champion Overall Grade: D Morgan Williams is spotted walking into the arena during this segment and is making his way out to the ring. Grade: D WLW Show Stealer Title match: The Incredible KOYAMA v Hell Monkey © Strong bout with Hell Monkey nearly winning the bout after nailing a Hellfire kick but the referee was Ko’d. At the end of this bout, Morgan Williams ran in and choked Hell Monkey out with a Front Choke Sleeper before pulling KOYAMA on top of Monkey for KOYAMA to make the pinfall and win the title. Overall Grade: C+ Post Match Promo: Williams: Most of you wouldn’t know who I am…. I don’t give a damn about all of that though. I’ve come to World Level Wrestling from Melbourne, Australia to fight and take over World Level Wrestling. I attacked that little bastard Hell Monkey because he is pure crap compared to a proper champion. You were just my first step Hell Monkey… It was nothing personal. Match 3: KOKI Ishibashi v Dark EAGLE Decent length bout with EAGLE easily making a submission with his new finisher, the Broken Wings (Reverse STF) Overall Grade: C+ Ayako Hamada came out and fired some promotional T-Shirts into the crowd Grade: B+ Before cutting a promo of her own, introducing herself and her background. Grade: D WLW Universal Title bout: Awesome Thunder (c) v Koji Kojima Long bout but pretty standard in quality with Thunder picking up the win after nailing the Thunder Shock. Overall Grade: C+ 30 min Ironman Main Event: BURNING v Deano Machino Long Bout that the fans enjoyed with BURNING winning 3-2. After the match, The two wrestlers shook hands and celebrated for the crowd. Overall Grade: B- (Celebration was D) OVERALL SHOW RATING: C- Feedback: · The fans weren’t happy that there was not a lot of angles or promos to break up the action. · Thunder and Kojima did not have Chemistry at all.
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