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Birth of the Nikkverse: A Universe at a Glance

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[i][B]1. Announcements[/B] 2. World Events 3. News Stories 4. Current Promotions 5. Reader Participation 6. Reserved 7. Reserved 8. Reserved 9. Reserved 10.Reserved[/i] 12/22/06 [B]It Starts[/B] For those who saw my postings in the TEW2005 board([url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19203)[/url], this is where the actual diary will go. I am working on future workers at the moment, then future promotions. I hope to have the entire thing ready byu the 29th, but alas, with Christmas and finals we'll see. Yes the pictures will be from various locations (Real life, video games, manga, hand drawn by me, ect.). Why? I dunno, you tell me :D. [B]Participate![/B] I need future wrestlers, see post 5 for details. 12/23/06 [B]More Work Being Done[/B] Added information on JOPF, and I am continuing with the creation of future workers. 12/28/06 [B]Work Continues[/B] I have many future workers now. Will soon get to work on future promotions and relationships. Possibly some misc work as well. [B]Participate! Part Duex[/B] Very shortly I will release a future promotion form. These promotions will have no start date, so they may enter in 1951 or 1999. [B]The Fighter's Report for Jan 1950[/B] The first issue is out on Page 2. Check it out, it has the roster of JOPF. [B]Name JOPF shows[/B] Need JOPF Show Names For: January April May July August September October November 1/3/07 [B]First Show Up, Second Show Coming[/B] JOPF Rush Up, JOPF Oni coming soon
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[i]1. Announcements [B]2. World Events[/B] 3. News Stories 4. Current Promotions 5. Reader Participation 6. Reserved 7. Reserved 8. Reserved 9. Reserved 10.Reserved[/i] [B]Personal Backstory[/B] My name is Nikk, and I'm a closet wrestling fan. No one but my close friends know about my love for sweaty guys in tight clothing tossing each other around. My girlfriend teases me about it, but still comes over on Mondays just to watch RAW (She's not a fan of Ric Flair aka. "The Fat Old Pervert" or Randy Orton aka. "Oil Me Up Some More"). I tried and tried to do a TEW 2005 diary, but failed, due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. So to remedy this situation, I am creating my own wrestling universe, much like Adam did. [B]Nikkverse Backstory[/B] The year is 1950, and Jine Zanata (20 years of age) is set to make the business deal of his life. He is ready to take the fast money he made from selling the family dojo and housing to a British Entrepanour(sp?) and create a dream of his, a fighting league that is completely staged. He shall call his child Japan One Pro Fighting (JOPF).
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[i]1. Announcements 2. World Events 3. News Stories [B]4. Current Promotions[/B] 5. Reader Participation 6. Reserved 7. Reserved 8. Reserved 9. Reserved 10.Reserved[/i] Japan One Pro Fighting [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/JOPF.jpg[/IMG] Owner: "Sumo" Jine Zanata [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/SumoJine.jpg[/IMG] Active Wrestlers: "Sumo" Jin-e Zanata Gu Zanatada Masata "Flyboy" Yoshi Misuki Yato Tama Doshi The Dutchman The Wolf of Tokyo Xu Yamasa Kurido JOPF 1vs1 80 2vs2 20 Match Ratio 100% Minor 8 Medium 12 Major 20 Intensity 50% Danger 10% Women None T&A None F/H Divide None Realism Key Feature Pure Heavy Lucha Libre Very Low
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[i]1. Announcements 2. World Events 3. News Stories 4. Current Promotions [B]5. Reader Participation[/B] 6. Reserved 7. Reserved 8. Reserved 9. Reserved 10.Reserved[/i] [B]Name JOPF shows[/B] Need JOPF Show Names For: January April May July August September October November
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Name: The Monster from Above Short Name: TMA Gender: Male Age Apon Appearing: 21 Birth Month: February Role: Giant Size: Giant Popularity: Very Low Skill Level: High Nationality: American Based In: America Finisher1: Top Rope Drop Finisher2: Top Rope Body Splash Any Additional Info (Bio, Extra Info): The Monster from Above uses this name and has sole rights to this name. He owns the copyright. He stands at over 7 feet tall and weighs a ton. He is just making his name in the US and fans are taking notice quickly due to his size. For a big man he already has the makings of a superstar with a unique look and surprising athletic ability.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;170634]Name: The Monster from Above Short Name: TMA Gender: Male Age Apon Appearing: 21 Birth Month: February Role: Giant Size: Giant Popularity: Very Low Skill Level: High Nationality: American Based In: America Finisher1: Top Rope Drop Finisher2: Top Rope Body Splash Any Additional Info (Bio, Extra Info): The Monster from Above uses this name and has sole rights to this name. He owns the copyright. He stands at over 7 feet tall and weighs a ton. He is just making his name in the US and fans are taking notice quickly due to his size. For a big man he already has the makings of a superstar with a unique look and surprising athletic ability.[/QUOTE] Thank you for participating.
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Name: George Kneller Short Name: Kneller Gender: Male Age Apon Appearing: 19 Birth Month: April Role: Dependable All-Rounder Size: Middleweight Popularity: Very Low Skill Level: Low Nationality: British Based In: UK Finisher1: Binded Butterfly Lock Finisher2: Overdrive Any Additional Info (Bio, Extra Info): You can decide this, it will probably be easier for you since I'm not familier with the World. :p
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;172282]Name: George Kneller Short Name: Kneller Gender: Male Age Apon Appearing: 19 Birth Month: April Role: Dependable All-Rounder Size: Middleweight Popularity: Very Low Skill Level: Low Nationality: British Based In: UK Finisher1: Binded Butterfly Lock Finisher2: Overdrive Any Additional Info (Bio, Extra Info): You can decide this, it will probably be easier for you since I'm not familier with the World. :p[/QUOTE] Added, thank you.
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Hello, this is Mitoshi Yashinbo with [B] THE FIGHTERS REPORT[/B] This month is our inception, so we will be focusing on the talent. I would like to also take this time to say that I am in no way affiliated with Japan One Pro Fighting. Without further ado, here are the in ring bios of each Japan One Pro Fighter. [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/SumoJine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g115/TheUndertakersGraveyard/DAZ/Jin-eZanata2.jpg[/IMG] "Sumo" Jin-e Zanata Uses strong style attacks to gain the advantage in his matches. His signature power push is a sight to behold. He is a odds on favorite to win the title at JOPF and hold on to it for a long, long time. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/astil2.png[/IMG] Gu Zanatada An older more experienced fighter, he uses a more closed fisted power style than Zanata-san. Gu is known to be relentless in the ring, and even is a bar fighting veteran. He uses a piledriver to finish his opponents. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/015.jpg[/IMG] Masata "Flyboy" Yoshi Yoshi’s style is new to many fighters and many JOPF fans. He is an originator of high flying tactics, and his Flyboy Dropkick is one to be messed with. He is know be buddy-buddy with Tama Doshi and they have a very similar style. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/022.jpg[/IMG] Misuki Yato A pretty average fighter, with no special talent. He uses a spear to finish enemies. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/016.jpg[/IMG] Tama Doshi Tama Doshi adapted Masata Yoshi “Flyboy” style. His Doshi Drop (Five Star Splash) is a uncounterable move for most JOPFers. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/018.jpg[/IMG] The Dutchman Brought in to add a spice of “international flavor” The Dutchman uses a basic MMA and strong man styles to lead up to his finisher: Dutch Clothsline. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/017.jpg[/IMG] The Wolf of Tokyo An aggressive, all-or-nothing ground fighter, who uses many submissions. His clamp down (STFU) is a feared move around the JOPF locker room. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/029.jpg[/IMG] Xu Moved to Japan from China. A quick fighter who uses MMA style to win matches. His finisher is the Xu Claw, a submission move. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/031.jpg[/IMG] Yamasa Kurido Young, cool, master of submissions, Kurido is the future of JOPF. He has two finishers, the crossface crippler and the tiger grip (ankle lock).
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Ok, we're set to go. I have 34 future workers set to enter between 1950-1955. Some future promotions set to join if the need arises. In 1955 I will start just adding people by importing workers instead of using the future worker tool. Same with promotions. I still need names for the months indicated, but I will put in temporary names for now.
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JOPF RUSH Promotional Newsletter [B]JOPF Hires workers[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/004.jpg[/IMG] Kimutsu [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/008.jpg[/IMG] Suzuki Wailedu [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/021.jpg[/IMG] Kaisar [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/028.jpg[/IMG] Yukiko “The Fan” Gakka [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/041.jpg[/IMG] Rodu [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/019.jpg[/IMG] Lu Shang JOPF RUSH card [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/019.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/041.jpg[/IMG] Lu Shang vs. Rodu [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/008.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/031.jpg[/IMG] Suzuki Wailedu vs. Yamasa Kurido [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/005.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/015.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/016.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/018.jpg[/IMG] Gu and Flyboy vs. Tama and Dutchman for JOPF International Tag [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g115/TheUndertakersGraveyard/DAZ/Jin-eZanata2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/029.jpg[/IMG] “Sumo” Jine Zanata vs. Xu JOPF World Title [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/028.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/021.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/017.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/022.jpg[/IMG] The Fan and Kaisar vs. Wolf and Misuki ((predictions welcomed))
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Results up tommorrow hopefully. [QUOTE]JOPF RUSH card Lu Shang vs. Rodu Suzuki Wailedu vs. Yamasa Kurido Gu and Flyboy vs. Tama and Dutchman for JOPF International Tag “Sumo” Jine Zanata vs. Xu JOPF World Title The Fan and Kaisar vs. Wolf and Misuki ((Predictions Welcome))[/QUOTE]
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JOPF RUSH card [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NikkVerse/JOPFRush.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/019.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/041.jpg[/IMG] Lu Shang vs. Rodu A real difference in style here. Lu Shang is all about the speed and technique, where Rodu is a punch, repeat type of fighter. Shang attempts a lot of quick hand-foot combinations off the bat, which seem to bounce of the bigger man Rodu. Finally Shang took Rodu off his feet with an armbar-chop block. Shang attempted to go to work with knees to the back, but Rodu rose as if not being hit at all. Rodu grabbed Shang and irish whipped Shang fell on his face instead of going to the ropes. Rodu picked him up and delivered a huge belly to belly before making a rather quick pin. [B]Rodu[/B] over Lu Shang D+ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/008.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/031.jpg[/IMG] Suzuki Wailedu vs. Yamasa Kurido Not many of the 1,000 sell out crowd expected Waildu to stand a chance against the c*cky youth Kurido. Wailedu pulled his weight though. Early on both used a striking style, and the match seemed very ‘MMA’. Wailedu soon began to run around, using hit and run tactics to his advantage, Late in the match, Wailedu pushed Kurido out of the ring. Wailedu attempted to splash out at Kurido, put Kurido moved at the last second. Kurido locked in the crossface but the referee was already counting for a countout. Wailedu held on until the countout was called. Tie by count out. B [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/005.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/015.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/016.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/018.jpg[/IMG] Gu and Flyboy vs. Tama and Dutchman for JOPF International Tag Tama and Flyboy start the match in the ring. Doshi moves quickly for a leg sweep, but Flyboy back flips out of the way. Doshi spears Flyboy as he lands, but Flyboy kicks him off. After jumping to his feet Flyboy attempts a jump kick, which Doshi ducks under. Flyboy locks in a headlock and slams home a big DDT. Flyboy looks tired as much as Doshi. Both tag partners are calling to be tagged in. Flyboy gets to the ropes, jumped and hit the flyboy dropkick. Flyboy gets to the his corner and tags in Gu. Tama finds a last bit of reserve, gets up, runs and tags in Dutchman. Dutchman hits big forearm shot, pushing Gu back. Dutchman with an irish whip. Dutchman Clothsline! Dutchman pins to win the match. [B] Tama and Dutchman[/B] over Gu and Flyboy for the [B]JOPF International Tag[/B] B- [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g115/TheUndertakersGraveyard/DAZ/Jin-eZanata2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/029.jpg[/IMG] “Sumo” Jine Zanata vs. Xu JOPF World Title A real squash match, and most of the crowd knew who was going to win. Xu put in his best effort, but he shouldn’t have been in the ring for a title shot yet. His attacks just could not get Sumo off his feet. Sumo went on the attack hitting the power push, and pinning Xu for an easy first victory. [B]“Sumo” Jin-e Zanata [/B]over Xu for the [B]JOPF World Title[/B] C- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/020.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/021.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/017.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/yami_shinyi/Wrestlers/022.jpg[/IMG] The Fan and Kaisar vs. Wolf and Misuki Wolf stayed in the match the entire time, basically making it a 2 on 1 match. The Fan and Kaisar tried to use constant tagging to tire Wolf. Wolf still dominated, putting Kaisar in the Clamp Down, causing him to tap out [B]Wolf and Misuki[/B] over The Fan and Kaisar B- After the match, Wolf indicates to his waist, where he feels gold should be. Overall C+
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