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DAVE: Tri-State Gang Wars

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1285/daveje6.jpg[/IMG] [B]2006 was a horrific year..[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]At least for Danger And Violence Extreme, also known as DAVE. Starting in 2006, Pete Vibert and all of his workers that was DAVE, had been the fastest rising promotion in the United States. They had gained a cult-like status amongst wrestling fans, showcasing a hard-hitting, extreme style of competition. By the summer of 2006, they just reached Total Championship Wrestling toes and could soon be catapulted into the struggle for the number one spot as top dog in America. They were the rebel-company, alienating themselves from the traditional concept that held TCW and glitzy entertainment product that dominated SWF. But fate had other plans for Phil Vibert and DAVE. In August, DAVE came off a hot summer, to find themselves suddenly fallen through. They had been pushed aside by United States Pro Wrestling. And this was because Sam Strong, a wrestling legend, had brought the almighty; Bruce The Giant, to the company. Not only that but he had also taken over business. This, combined with Kurt Laramee leaving, put DAVE on temporary pause. But not only that would cause a stand-still for this now failing company. The rising of USPW put DAVE in the background and while big-shot competitors such as Nemesis retiring, Eisaku Kunomasu heading back to Japan, Henry Lee following in Kunomasu footsteps and The Wolverine going same as Nemesis, DAVE slowly faltered. Phil Vibert was fearing the worst when a letter came in from the PPV provider, American Option. Yes, they had been cancelled and taken off schedule, because of a plummet in the ratings lately. And it only got worse. A figurehead for DAVE, namely Eric Tyler, has complained about nagging injury's and has proclaimed that he might retire sooner than later. A likewise statement was given from JD Morgan and Johnny Martin, two loyal soldiers of DAVE. Not only this, but Alex Braun has had more knee surgeries then he can count on his fingers and although he has given no announcement about his future career, Vibert doesn't expect him to last long either. On a last note, Vibert is also concerned of the well-being for Chris Caulfield who is taking more and more serious bumps, every day. So that was a story of how a fast rising promotion, can escalate down wards and become nothing in just a few months. The date is January of 2007. As of now, Phil Vibert is in a state of hatred. Not only for Danny Jifleski, but also for Sam Strong. They are the two responsible for bringing his creation, Danger And Violence Extreme, to it's knees. Vibert wants someone to blame and he can easily spot out these two. So now, Viberts only thought is vengeance. He wants to get back at USPW. He wants to maim and humiliate them, just as they had done DAVE. But it was difficult at the time. Still, Vibert had nobody to take over for Nemesis, Eric Tyler and the lot. He had to achieve in months, what really took years.[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1285/daveje6.jpg[/IMG] [B].. presents .. [SIZE="5"]BACK IN BLACK[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][CENTER][B]OFFICIAL PREVIEW[/B][/CENTER] The start of January comes to you with a bang, as DAVE presents Back In Black. Let's skip the introductions and go straight to what has interest the you; the line-up. Recently crowned Unified champion, Eddie Peak, will put his title on the line against against the man he won it from two months ago, namely Chris Caulfield. Peak has shown major performance after his brother, Doug Peak left him. Eddie has since revealed that Doug kept him in the shadow and was knowingly holding him back. Since, Eddie has clearly shown his dominance, winning the DAVE Unified championship, just months after his brother left. Now a gruesome battle is surely to unfold, as these two mad-men lock up in battle. Also, the resident Tag Team Champions, the New Jersey Devils, will also be defending their titles at Back In Black but it is still unknown against who. This is because a match has been set up between the brutal McWade Brothers and former champions, in Adrenaline Rush. The team of Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell have already held the titles once, but can they overcome the odds and defeat both the McWade Brother and New Jersey Devils in one night? It is sure to be hard-fought competition as this is McWades chance of getting some gold between their hands. If they win the big one, it will be their first reign as tag champs, opposed to Bach and Powell who, if they score the belts, will have their second reign. The new up-and-comer Joey Minnesota, will have his hands full as he takes on certified DAVE veteran Vin Tanner. Minnesota is relative newcomer to DAVE, but has already proven himself to a be worthy opponent for any DAVE employee. But Vin Tanner doesn't need to prove himself, as his name says it all. A former two-time champion, Minnesota will certainly have to up his game if he is to defeat "The V Man" Vin Tanner. On a last note, the violent Latino Kings, who has been tearing DAVE apart for the last month, are also going to star in Back In Black as Rudy Velasquez takes on a journeyman of wrestling, former GCG fighter Nathan Coleman. [CENTER][B][U]Scheduled Matches[/U] Eddie Peak[/B] vs. [B]Chris Caulfield[/B], for the DAVE Unified Championship [B]The New Jersey Devils[/B] vs. ([B]The McWade Brothers[/B] or [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B]), for the DAVE Tag Team Championships [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] vs. [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. [B]Vin Tanner[/B] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. [B]Guide[/B] (/w [B]Scout[/B]) [B]Nathan Coleman[/B] vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] (/w [B]Jesus Chaves[/B])[/CENTER][/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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DAVE Back In Black - Monday, January, Week 1 [CENTER][IMG]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1285/daveje6.jpg[/IMG] [B].. presents .. [SIZE="5"]BACK IN BLACK[/SIZE][/B] [B]Arena:[/B] McGaw Arena [B]Crowd Level:[/B] 5000 People[/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE]DAVE's first show of 2007, namely Back In Black, kicked off with Mitch Naess and Emma Chase introducing the big event. They also said that this would be taped for DVD and therefore, they were on commentary. Naess and Chase quickly put over the fact that the New Jersey Devils would take on either the McWade Brothers or Adrenaline Rush. They had a quick discussion over who the odds were stacked against where Naess meant it was for the challenging team while Chase was clear on the fact that the disadvantage lay with the champions. After this Rudy Velasquez made his entrance, closely followed by Jesus Chavez. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Rudy Velasquez (/w Jesus Chavez) vs. Nathan Coleman[/U][/B] A nice little opening bout, which saw the bigger Coleman hold the advantage with some technical warfare. But it wasn't long before Velasquez could keep up with Nathan and the match went into an open state. Through several interferences from Chavez, Rudy was able to make the first pin attempt. Although, this was broken, Velasquez was able to keep in front after this and the match ended after Chavez was able to distract the referee and Rudy landed a skull-cracking chair shot to Coleman, followed it up with a Street Cutter for a three count.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After the match, the Unified champion Eddie Peak, came down to the ring. He carried a microphone with him and quickly began talking about his title defense tonight. Peak was very confident about this and formerly explained that he would win in any way. He said that they could put them in any match possible and Peak would still dominate Caulfield. Peak told that he had beaten him before, so he could easily beat him again. Suddenly then, Phil Vibert came walking down the aisle. He stopped at ringside and said that he had a short and clear announcement. Vibert then crawled into the ring, saying that this was concerning Eddie Peak's and Chris Caulfield's match. Vibert testamented Peak's comments and told that if he could beat Caulfield in any match possible, then tonights main event would be a Last Man Standing match between the two. As Vibert exited the ring, Peak was stunned. He tried to call Vibert back, but the DAVE owner just walked away. After this, a video airs on the big screen, showing Jack Giedroyc's past victories and big moments. There is also a big highlight from his win over Big Cat Brandon, with several clips from that match. To end this music video, a clip was shown in slow-motion, where Giedroyc held the DAVE Brass Knuckles title high in the air, with blood dripping down from his forehead. Finally, the sentence "Jack Giedroyc; DAVE's best champion" were shown, lighted up with yellow lightning to give it a gold like flair. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Jack Giedroyc vs. Guide (/w Scout)[/U] Hardcore Rules[/B] A durable match, which saw the Brass Knuckles champion, Jack Giedroyc, having most of the momentum. Guide started out by scoring with some big moves, but that was about it as Giedroyc really upped his game after this. He held Guide down, grounding him and preventing him from using any real offense. Suddenly though, the match seemed over Guide was able to suplex Giedroyc through a table, but Jack had the strength to kick out of this. After this, Scout did some heavy interference, breaking Jacks advantage time and time again, until Guide connected with the Guided Missile, which also ended in a two count. After another small part of momentum, Giedroyc was finally able to get back at Guide and smashing him with a chair and then hitting his Crashin On finisher on that same chair. This resulted in a quick three count and a win for Giedroyc.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After Jack had raised his arms in victory, Scout suddenly entered the ring and attacked Giedroyc. He landed several brutal blows, one of them being a chair to the back, before Guide also took part in the beat-down. After several minutes of brutal beat-down and many chair shots, Guide climbed the top rope and Scout and Guide in unison, decapitated Jack Giedroyc with their trademark move, Wave Of Mutilation. They taunted a passed out Jack, before taking his belt, spitting on it and throwing it back at him. After this, fans are shown the tag team Adrenaline Rush, on the big screen. They are each with a microphone and begin hyping up their soon-to-be encounter with Dallas and Dean McWade. Bach and Powell say that it is going to be hard-fought battle, but in the end the true champions will come fourth. And the true champions are Adrenaline Rush. The two continue to hype up their forthcoming battle with the McWade Brothers, until their actual opponents comes out and orders them to the ring, using various insults. Quickly after, Adrenaline Rush comes rushing down to the ring and the two teams immediately engages in fist fight. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Adrenaline Rush vs. The McWade Brothers[/U][/B] Not soon after the match is started, referee R.M. Stones gets the two teams under control, but Bach and Powell are clearly in the disadvantage because the McWades strength merit. Therefore, Dallas and Dean starts out by having the full momentum, dominating their opponents, using hard-hitting moves. This tides were eventually turned as Teddy Powell managed to tag in Sammy Bach, who took it the legal man Dean McWade. He was quick to land some blows, before ending a series of punishment with a sustained suplex. Some double-team maneuvers followed as Bach and Powell showed their great teamwork. But eventually, the cheating procedure of the McWades got the better of the match and while Dean and Bach were brawling outside and the referee had his sights on them, Dallas was able to land a chair shot, gets Stones attention and score the three count.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After the match, Dean spinebustered Back to the concrete and soon joined his brother in celebration. Dallas got a microphone and had one phrase for the New Jersey Devils, which was "The tag titles are ours!". Afterwards, EMT's came to check on Adrenaline Rush's condition. Powell seemed okay, though a little confused, while Bach had to be helped away from ringside, because of pain in his back. Now, Joey Minnesota appears on the big screen that is sat up. He explains that a new era for DAVE is dawning and that "The Old Man" Vin Tanner isn't a part of that. He is actually the opposite of this new era. Minnesota claimed that he was the new leader of DAVE and the one that was going to kick-start the before mentioned new era, by beating Tanner in the ring. Also, Minnesota says that he is even going to annihilate Tanner at his own game as their match is of Hardcore Rules. The big screen goes dark as Minnesota makes his entrance. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Joey Minnesota vs. Vin Tanner[/U] Hardcore Rules[/B] A brutal match, that saw the veteran Vin Tanner give it his all. Minnesota seemed to be redundant at first, but after some convincing by referee R.M. Stones he entered the ring to start the match. Tanner quickly positioned himself in front as he was fast to make use of the Hardcore moniker, with a chair in hand. This didn't prove to be much of a decisive factor as Minnesota was able to dodge it completely. On the other hand, Joey didn't have much luck with offense either as Tanner side-stepped every now and then. The match came to an exciting close as Tanner was able to backdrop Minnesota through a table, situated on the outside. But as he went for him, Joey gathered all of his strength and surprisingly hit the Empire Spiral on the broken bits of the table. Minnesota then rolled Tanner back in the ring to get the three count.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After the bout, Joey slammed his fists to the canvas in victory celebration of his win. After receiving heat from the crowd, he saw that Vin Tanner was still around. He looked around with a smile on, before getting in Tanners face, taunting him and insulting him, before hitting a second Empire Spiral. He then grabbed a microphone and proclaimed that everyone in DAVE would see no more of Vin Tanner, before he threw the microphone right in the face of Tanner and landed a final third Empire Spiral, to end Tanner completely. EMTs came running down the aisle as Minnesota left, to check on the condition of The V Man. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]The New Jersey Devils vs. The McWade Brothers[/U] Hardcore Rules, DAVE Tag Team Championships[/B] A very hard-hitting bout, in which the Devils proved their dominance. Bradley and Braun started out by taking the upper hand, using their smaller statue to their advantage. After several minutes, the match proved to quite one-sided, as Dallas and Dean just couldn't seem to find the momentum they needed. Mid-match Braun was able to score with a serious Spear, which only suffered a two count. After this, it was a one-sided version as the Devils punished the McWades. Dallas and Deal though were able to land some brutal blows, but it always ended up in the champs having the advantage again. The bout ended after Dean had just planted a chair in the forehead of Bradley, but then Braun came and dropkicked the chair right back at him. Afterwards, a groggy Bradley scaled the turnbuckles and splashed his way to victory, right unto the chair and Dean. This resulted in the Devil retaining their titles.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Both Alex Braun and Tank Bradley stumbled to their feet and held the titles high, while receiving approving cheers from the crowd. They kissed the gold, while Braun helped a limping Bradley back through the curtain, while the McWade Brothers slowly came to their feet. They sent and angry look towards the New Jersey Devils, as Dallas picked up Dean and helped him out of the ring. Afterwards, Mitch Naess and Emma Chase were again on a hyping duty, as they began talking about the upcoming Eddie Peak and Chris Caulfield confrontation. The stakes had certainly been raised after Phil Vibert announced that they two were going into a Last Man Standing match and both Chase and Naess agreed to this. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield[/U] Last Man Standing, DAVE Unified Championship[/B] A bloody and brutal bout. Both men had a share of the offense, but the match started out with some heavy, though quick duty from Caulfield, who was clearly hell-bent on getting the Unified title back. He headed for the Danger Drop early, but Peak reversed it into a DDT. Just a few minutes into the bout, a hard blow was dealt by Chris Caulfield when he superplexed Peak unto a chair. This resulted in a six count, but also secured alot of momentum to the challenger. Caulfield stayed on this advantage, landing big moves until Peak was able to turn the tides with high military press through a wooden table. Both men collapsed after this, and Ryan Holland reached an eight count for both men after this. The match now went into a more open state, as both Peak and Caulfield were able to score with some good maneuvers. As the bout came to a close, Caulfield had situated Peak on top of two tables and got ready to leap out from the top rope. But suddenly, Peak rolled down from the tables, grabbed a chair that was laying in the ring and smashed Chris over the head with it. All this happened so fast, that the challenger didn't even notice he was being hoisted up the top turnbuckle again. Peak then lifted him up and superplexed himself and Caulfield right through the two tables. As Holland got to a nine count, Peak was able to get to his feet while Chris just layed motionless. Eddie then got handed the belt and rolled outside, in sheer relief that this was over.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U]:[/B] [I]Hell's Bouncer d. Travis Century Acid d. Art Reed[/I] [B][U]Quick Results[/U]:[/B] [I]Rudy Velasquez d. Nathan Coleman Jack Giedroyc d. Guide The McWade Brothers d. Adrenaline Rush Joey Minnesota d. Vin Tanner The New Hersey Devils d. The McWade Brothers Eddie Peak d. Chris Caulfield[/I][/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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[QUOTE=gbasalmon;170559]This looks like it really has some potential. I look forward to seeing what you do to the newly Strong USPW and it really does my heart good to see one of my logos in someone's diary for the first time.[/QUOTE] You did that? Cool. I really like it and actually prefer it over the old one. This seems more "Cult" like, in a way. In my opponinon, it is perfect for DAVE. (As perfect as a logo can be for a promotion, that is. :rolleyes: )
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Thursday, January, Week 1 [CENTER][IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6281/internetjj3.jpg[/IMG] [B].. on .. [SIZE="5"]HEADLINE NEWS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][CENTER][B]REAL LIFE WAR BREWING BETWEEN USPW AND DAVE?[/B][/CENTER] Last night, clearly visible DAVE superstars were situated at the front row of the USPW American Wrestling taping. This coursed a huge uproar between the fans and the performers alike, as severe chants were started; one of them being "We want more blood!" and "Bring the tables!". Phrases such as this is certainly against the USPW style and fans, security and performers alike tried to rid the arena of these noisy men that was in attendance. The length was reached when Peter Valentine, particularly after his match, sort to help the security guards out but only received a smack on the nose from the man known as Hell's Bouncer in DAVE. This almost caused a riot as the big men were nearly to enter a real-life fist fight. Luckily it didn't go as far, as security guards, officials and other workers were able to keep the two apart. After this happening, the DAVE squad left peacefully without any other sort of disturbing. On a last note, Jack Giedroyc was also seen spitting towards the ring of USPW and purposefully spat on Jim Force, during his match. No official statement has been given from either side, but some forum members on out forums speculate, if it could have something to do with the recent uprising of USPW and DAVE downfall. [B][U]USPW American Wrestling Results[/U]:[/B] [I]Tom E. Hawk d. Patrick Cool Eric The Bull d. Cheetah Boy Jim Force vs. Tribal Warrior was stopped, due the group of DAVE persormers acting violent towards both Force and Warrior Peter Valentine d. T-Rex Demon Spite d. Freddie Datsun[/I][/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1285/daveje6.jpg[/IMG] [B].. presents .. [SIZE="5"]DANGER ZONE TV[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][CENTER][B]OFFICIAL PREVIEW[/B][/CENTER] After a stunning ending to Back In Black, which saw Eddie Peak retain his title against Chris Caulfield, in an exhilarating bout, the Unified champion is already on work again. In tonights main event, he is going to take on former DAVE Brass Knuckles champion, Big Cat Brandon, in a Hardcore Rules match for the ages. Only one is going to walk out the winner, but Peak suddenly has momentum going his way after his big win at Monday's event. But Big Cat has showed a hard-hitting performance in the past, which has proven to be much effective and has led him to an astounding three tag title reigns. Both has their hands full tonight as they engage in combat. After The New Wave's brutal attack at Back In Black, Jack Giedroyc has now been placed in a match which sees him team up with the DAVE Tag Team champs, the New Jersey Devils, against Scout and Guide. Not to be confused, this it not a handicap bout, given the fact that the New Wave has to choose a third partner for this meeting. It is known that they are members of the resounding School Of Tradition stable, along with Eric Tyler and Acid. Will they choose a partner from within their own ranks or an unknown from the outside? On a last note, the Latino Kings seek to further their dominance when they take on the McWade Brothers in tag team action. Dallas and Dean McWade suffered a loss at the hands of Alex Braun and Tank Bradley last Monday, so it is questionable if they are able to score a victory over this, though new, but brutal team. The Latino Kings on the other hand, saw a victory at Back In Black when Rudy Velasquez pinned Nathan Coleman for a three count. Will the same happen at Danger Zone TV? [CENTER][B][U]Scheduled Matches[/U] The McWade Brothers[/B] vs. [B]Latino Kings[/B] (/w [B]Jesus Chavez[/B]) [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. [B]Travis Century[/B] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] and [B]The New Jersey Devils[/B] vs. [B]The New Wave[/B] and [B]?[/B] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] vs. [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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DAVE Danger Zone TV - Thursday, January, Week 1 [CENTER][IMG]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1285/daveje6.jpg[/IMG] [B].. presents .. [SIZE="5"]DANGER ZONE TV[/SIZE] Arena:[/B] Pennsylvania Park [B]Crowd Level:[/B] 2000 People[/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE]Danger Zone TV kicked off with Mitch Naess and Emma Chase welcoming the viewing audience to the show, before quickly over the fact that Eddie Peak would be going up against Big Cat Brandon in tonights main event. They both discussed drawbacks and advantages to both competitors, but Chase explained that they were both in their favored envoirment, namely the hardcore one. Before they could come to further conclusion, the Latino Kings made their entrance and slided into the ring. They were closely followed by two angry McWade Brothers. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]The McWade Brothers vs. Latino Kings (/w Jesus Chavez)[/U][/B] Dallas and Dean were clearly dominant in this match, using heavy offense and sheer anger to pummel the latinos. It went like this for the most of the match, with neither Galindo or Velasquez managing to have any real offense against the two mountain men. It was not until Chavez decided to interject himself and connect with a DDT, that Galindo could mount some momentum. The referee was not aware of any of this, as Velasquez had him occupied. Dean was so frustrated with this that him and Chavez engaged in a fist fight while Velasquez landed the Street Cutter and Galindo planted Dallas with a Shooting Star Press for the cover and three count. After the bout, Rudy and Hector helped out Chavez and Dean was hit by three simultaneous chair shots to send him out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After this, the camera switches backstage where Travis Century is standing. He begins literally preaching about his upcoming match with Sammy Bach and says that he will avenge his former loses. After a good three minutes of preaching, praising and hyping, Century does a cross on his chest and leaves the interview position. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Sammy Bach vs. Travis Century[/U][/B] A high-styled match-up, which saw Travis Century having a hard time keeping Bach on the canvas. The two battled it out, but Bach slowly builded momentum through the bout, securing that Century could never really get on with his power tactic. But the match turned completely around, when the two were situated on the outside. Bach had just scaled the guard fence, but was then tripped by a fan that showed to Jim Force, without his face paint. Century was forced to play with this as he rolled Bach into the ring and covered. This luckily only got a two count and the match continued with Century in the driver seat. But Bach quickly got the offense again and soon slapped on the Bach On Your Back to make Century tap out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] After the match, Bach demanded a microphone and began taunting Jim Force and his band of USPW performers. He said that if they were so tough, why don't they come next week and have fight with him and Century. There was no answer from the USPW attendants, because they turned their backs and walked away, while throwing empty cans and such after the two men in the ring. After this, the camera again switched backstage where The New Wave were positioned. They began insulting Jack Giedroyc, saying that he was bogus champion and really just one big joke. It continued this way, until they revealed that they were going to show their partner and in came Eric Tyler. He quickly got the microphone and praised the School Of Tradition stable, while also hyping up for Guide's, Scout's and his own six man tag match. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]The New Jersey Devils & Jack Giedroyc vs. The New Wave & Eric Tyler[/U] Hardcore Rules[/B] A very chaotic bout, which showcased an open match. The tag champs were dominant at first, but as Tyler scored with some big moves the momentum seemed to change. This was not the case though as Giedroyc set the advantage back to his team after taking out Guide and Scout with some chair shots. After this, Tyler showed his skills and the momentum switched between the two sides often. Then The New Wave got back in the match and began pummeling the champs, before all four were out on the outside. Luckily, Tyler and Jack were the legal men. Late in the bout, the referee got knocked out because Tyler side-stepped a Giedroyc spear attempt. Tyler then called out someone and out came Acid. The two took turns to punish Giedroyc, with Acid ending the whole thing by landing an Acid Rain Bomb through a table. The New Wave kept Bradley and Braun occupied while this happened and Tyler revived the referee to get a clean three count.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Guide and Scout fought off the New Jersey Devils, by taking them out with a series of steel pipe shots to the head. Then, the School Of Tradition celebrated their victory in the ring, while receiving huge boos from the crowd. Again, Guide and Scout grabbed Giedroyc's belt, but this time they gave it to Eric Tyler who looked at it, polished it and lifted it in the air. The four men then left, with Giedroycs belt, clearly laughing. EMT's came to check on their three opponents and Geidroyc had to be helped out of the arena. Afterwards, Eddie Peak comes to the ring and begins taunting Big Cat Brandon, saying that now that he beaten Caulfield twice, ti should be no problem for him to beat Brandon. Because he is not afraid of a little kitten. After this he gave big laugh, climbed the turnbuckles and posed with the belt. All of this was suddenly interrupted when a clearly angry Big Cat Brandon came rushing out to the ring. [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][U]Eddie Peak vs. Big Cat Brandon[/U] Hardcore Rules[/B] Both men engaged in brawl, just after Brandon had gotten into the ring. As the match progressed, it got more and brutal, with Brandon getting busted open with barbed wire. Peak seemed to hold the offense, until Brandon was able to powerbomb through the announce table. The match took an exciting twist as again the referee, this time Ryan Holland, got knocked out when Brandon accidentally squashed him in the corner, after Peak moved away. Caulfield then suddenly came running down to the ring and quickly landed the Danger Drop on Peak. He instructed Brandon to cover him and Chris revived the referee. This resulted in a three count and surprising victory for the Big Cat.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Afterwards, Brandon headed back to the locker room, now holding a victory over the champion. Caulfield stayed in the ring and insulted Peak. He taunted him and spat on him, before leaving as well. Then, Peak got up, grabbed his belt and grinned. He then told that he was still the champion and that Caulfield had pissed him off. Peak then promised revenge over both Brandon and Caulfield and that it would be coming in the near future. [B][U]Dark Matches[/U]:[/B] [I]Acid d. Teddy Powell Art Reed d. Nathan Coleman[/I] [B][U]Quick Results[/U]:[/B] [I]The Latino Kings d. The McWade Brothers Sammy Bach d. Travis Century Eric Tyler & The New Wave d. Jack Giedroyc & The New Jersey Devils Big Cat Brandon d. Eddie Peak[/I][/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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Saturday, Week 1, January [CENTER][IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6281/internetjj3.jpg[/IMG] [B].. on .. [SIZE="5"]HEADLINE NEWS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][CENTER][B]REAL-LIFE GRUDGE OR PUBLICITY STUNT?[/B][/CENTER] After the several USPW workers were seen at the front row of DAVE's Danger Zone TV, Phil Vibert has given out an official announcement, that he is taking Sammy Bach's challenge very seriously and hopes to see USPW show up next week. Vibert had claimed that if Jim Force and his "boys" show up, it will be on DAVE territory and therefore DAVE rules. Vibert has explained that he can't take any custody over what happens in that ring if the USPW workers decide to show up, because he is not involved in any of this. This has been contested by some members of our forums, who clearly mean that is it Vibert that started this in the first place. The member, which we keep anonymous, is sure about that it was Vibert who ordered Hell's Bounder, Joey Minnesota, Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell to go to the USPW American Wrestling taping and deliberately cause an uproar and disturbance. It has also been reported today that Freddie Datsun of USPW and Hell's Bouncer of DAVE got into a real-life fight, late Friday. The two were coincidentally in the same bar and after the altercations between the two promotions, the two began fighting. Several guests and police officers were able to stop them, but not without both of them having bruises. We will have more on this story as it develops. [CENTER][B]NEW HEAD BOOKER OF CZCW[/B][/CENTER] It was reported today that after an official announcement from Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, that Shawn Gonzales, also a regular member of the DAVE roster, has been set in the chair of a head booker for CZCW. It is not yet known if Gonzales has any experience with booking but a statement from owner, Cliff Anderson, says that he has complete faith in Shawn's abilities. Many mean that this is indeed a risky move, but it could prove out to be a positive and influential one.[/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6281/internetjj3.jpg[/IMG] [B].. on .. [SIZE="5"]HEADLINE NEWS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][CENTER][B]MORE TENSION BETWEEN THE RIVALS[/B][/CENTER] Once again, anxiety was aroused at the USPW American Wrestling tapings. Even though several families with kids had shown up, attended DAVE workers Hell's Bounder, Sammy Bach and Travis Century were not slow to dish the harsh words to USPW. Insults were thrown as yet another match was disrupted because of DAVE "interference". It reached such a culminating point that Bach almost got in the ring, but was topped by security and all three thankfully left with no further disturbance. But this was not before Jim Force clearly shouted that he and his friend would show up tomorrow and "screw up" Bach and company. It was reported that the crowd was shocked by this, but fortunately the USPW show could continue as normal after the departure of the DAVE roster members. It is sure that this isn't just a publicity stunt anymore, as it has also been revealed that after the show Force went and found his car spray-painted and without wheels. [CENTER][B]CARL BATCH GONE FROM DAVE?[/B][/CENTER] Known DAVE manager, Carl Batch, who has been working with world champion Eddie Peak for the last several months has been reported gone from DAVE as he signed up a contract deal with SWF, this Monday. This is a shot in DAVE's direction as SWF also took future start Kurt Laramee during the summertime. The future of the hardcore promotion sure seems grim if not something drastic happens.[/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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