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The Grades Mod

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This is for those ridiculously up tight people, such as myself who were not happy with Letter grades like F- and E+. This is simply a graphics mod that will substitute and rearrange letter grades as follows: A* = A+ A = A (different shade) B+ = A- B = B+ B- = B C+ = B- C = C+ C- = C D+ = C- D = D+ D- = D E+ = D- E = E E- = E F+ = F F = F F- = F Unzip the files and place them in your graphics folder. Do yourselves a favor and backup your existing grades graphics as you may want to revert back later...
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Gave me an Idea... The only thing I didn't like about the grade system was the use of the Letter E. I could care less about a minus or pluss though.. I don't think I really fixed it for anyone but me though. So I changed it to something that represented the number's better to me. A* = A+ A = A B+ = B B = B- B- = C+ C+ = C C = C- C- = D+ D+ = D D = D- D- = F E+ = SA E = SB E- = SC F+ = SD F = LA F- = LB The S=Small (for small fed grades), and the L=Local (Local Feds). Your work game me that idea, and for some reason I had this bookmarked, checked it and said "Oh Yeah", I wanted to do something like that. Just did it today, lol. Thanks Dolfanar:-)
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;195220]Is there any way to convert the letter grades to star ratings? I'd prefer that since that's what I'm used to with TNM and wrestling matches in general. I'd assume that A+ = *****, A=****1/2, B+***3/4=, B=***1/2, B-=***, etc[/QUOTE] I just did some [attachment=799:name], but they really don't have the effect I think you would like. The thing is, the box's that the grades (or stars) go in, are in alot of place's really small. The Star Effect your looking for would probably look alot better if there was a way to make the box's bigger. What you end up with is something like this: * * * * * If not you run out of room in the block. I honestly think if you can try to get used to it, some sort of letter grade would be better. Just looks better then having a half star, a threequarter star, etc.. and you have to break them down by quarter's or else you end up with way too many stars.
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This is the first time I've checked this thread since I posted it... weird I thought this was LONG forgotten :p Star Ratings can work for Angles as well as matches. It feels a bit awkward for wrestler ratigns, but it's all illusory as in the end it's all about what mask you use to cover the actual 1-1000 rating TEW uses and generates for rating stuff in-game. Once you come to grips with that ANYTHINg *can* work... it's all a matter of personal taste. DJ I see where you were going with your scale. It does feel weird that were going to SA after F though. i think I'd still put F at the bottom of the scale, but otherwise it's something that some smaller fed runners might like.
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Here's an idea I had for a Championship Manager Style 1-20 range. Don't plan on doing it myself, but if anyone else has the inclination... A* = 20 A = 19 B+ = 18 B = 17 B- = 16 C+ = 15 C = 14 C- = 13 D+ = 12 D = 11 D- = 9 E+ = 8 E = 7 E- = 6 F+ = 5 F = 3 F- = 1 Falls a part a bit at the bottom (Need 2 more categories!) I still think a 1-20 rating system would make for a great alternative to officially code in to TEW...
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Nice Idea! I was thinking about just putting the actual number's in myself, lol... You know, 0-5.0, 5.1-11.0, 11.1-17.0, etc. But that looks too goofy. I honestly don't really care that much about it, just felt like seeing what could be done if anything. Really is the best the way Adam did it already though. Everyone knows that F is after E, and D is after C, etc. Since no one will say it, all we are really trying to do is see that actual stats (numerically), like 50.7 or whatever. And if we actually had it that way, we would probably make up a ton of letter grades for that, lol.
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Here are some numbers to replace the letters if anyone wants to use them. Not quite the 0-20 system that Dolfanar suggested, but a 0-16 grading. I know scores out of 16 are a bit goofy, but there you go. I guess the number system might be handy for anyone (like me) that tends to keep spreadsheets of worker stats. Makes it easier to sort by ability and keep track of worker improvement. Kept most of the colour coding similar to the original letters with one or two exceptions at the bottom end. 0 = F- 1 = F 2 = F+ 3 = E- 4 = E 5 = E+ 6 = D- 7 = D 8 = D+ 9 = C- 10 = C 11 = C+ 12 = B- 13 = B 14 = B+ 15 = A 16 = A* Don't forget to backup your original letter grades somewhere if you decide to write over them with these.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;195379]This is the first time I've checked this thread since I posted it... weird I thought this was LONG forgotten :p Star Ratings can work for Angles as well as matches. It feels a bit awkward for wrestler ratigns, but it's all illusory as in the end it's all about what mask you use to cover the actual 1-1000 rating TEW uses and generates for rating stuff in-game. Once you come to grips with that ANYTHINg *can* work... it's all a matter of personal taste. DJ I see where you were going with your scale. It does feel weird that were going to SA after F though. i think I'd still put F at the bottom of the scale, but otherwise it's something that some smaller fed runners might like.[/QUOTE] Do you mean change it to something like this?: A* = A+ A = A B+ = B B = B- B- = C+ C+ = C C = C- C- = D+ D+ = D D = D- D- = F E+ = SB E = SC E- = SD F+ = SF F = LD F- = LF OR just make everything at the F area (which is pretty much F) an F? Course, we could do it this way too... A* = A+ A = A B+ = B B = B- B- = C+ C+ = C C = C- C- = D+ D+ = D D = D- D- = F E+ = IF E = NF E- = CF F+ = RF F = SF F- = LF With the I, N, C, R, S, L = International, National, Cult, Reagional, Small, Local? I was going to do it like that, but thought that some people would have the same problem I have sometimes, remembering witch comes first, Regional or Cult, etc.
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[QUOTE=kettley;195410]Craziest thread ever. People not liking an E grade so inventing SA/SB/SC? Madness I tell you. But hey, each to their own...[/QUOTE] Aye, it just bugged me, and I didn't see anyone else have a problem with that grade so I never said anything at all about it. If anyone is interested in what I done, I can put it up so they can download it, but I don't think there is anyone interested. I put up the star system since there were a few that did seem to want to try it. I figured the best way to show someone how it might not be what they want, is to do it and let them see for themselves. The Star system is good for like .5, 1, 1.5 on up to 5 stars, but that only gives you a set of around 10 grades, including the other 7 means your going to have 1/4 stars, and 3/4 stars. Meaning it can/will get even more confusing then thought, especially since your working with a square box.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;195450]Instead of literally having a 3/4th star, why not have 3/4 without the star? For instance, four a four star and 3/4th match, it would be ****3/4.[/QUOTE] I see what your thinking on this.... Now remember how the stars look on the one's I did. To add the 3/4 in there, We would need room to make it readable, as well as the stars to actually look like stars. I think the 1/4 or 1/2 etc. Might end up making things even smaller then what we ended up with last time. I can try to work some up maybe later this week if you would rather have a visual look at it. If you do, meanwhile before we have a chance to look at it (or I have enough time to give it a good effort), we can use that time to maybe think of other ways as well. I like your idea, and am always open to suggestions, don't think that I know for sure how it will look, I'm only visualizing it. Another thing that we can try is maybe doing it like this: 1*, 1.25*, 1.5*, 1/75*, 2* and so on (An Idea based on yours). Lets brainstorm a bit, and see what we can come up with:-)
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;195496]Star ratings look ridiculous for angles. Carlito Arrives. FOUR STARS![/QUOTE] Carlito Arrives, B+!!! Somehow I just don't see what your point is, lol. Star's aren't for me, but I did play EWR which used them very effectively. I'm not going to use them, however, I don't mind helping someone out that might like to.
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