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4C Hitting Harder, Striking Faster

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There are things that keep you up at night because they eat away at you and there are things that keep you up at night because you are too excited to sleep. Starting my new job come the New Year was one of those exciting things and so I couldn’t sleep. Being a fan of wrestling for awhile I finally wanted to get into the business myself I started by hanging around the NYCW shows until I caught the eye of Steve Flash. We talked awhile and he decided he’d show me a few things and I would talk about how I thought the stories were going. Steve always said I had a knack for the dramatic buy my size and slightly more progressive in ring and story ideas wouldn’t really find a home in NYCW. With no real wrestling home to call my own I had been working some indy shows to increase my meager talent mostly jobbing in opening matches. It was about a month ago I got a the phone call. I never expected it but apparently while I was out stinking up the ring Flash but in a word for me up in Canada. I had heard 4C started to become a cult favorite in Canada and apparently Troy was looking to bring in some new blood to book his shows. Along with my booking duties I’d be allowed to give myself some in ring time as long as I didn’t push it. Let’s just say I just about jumped out of my skin and the job didn’t start until January 1st 2007, still one week away. So I’m still awake to excited to sleep as I have been for the past month and will be for the next week.
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[B][U]Tuesday January Week 1, 2007[/U][/B] The wrestling business doesn’t pull any punches it was my first day yesterday and I took that time to get settled in. The only things I had time to do after my flight was put in a call to Steve and see if he’d come up and help be the backbone for the company and then I looked around for some Canadian Indy talent and sent a request to the agent of Darryl Freeman, otherwise known as Dog Fyte. Now I say the business doesn’t pull any punches because the first thing I saw on my desk in the morning were some notes from my new boss Troy Winner. Top of the list said “Due to concern of our Investors we must always have more than 20,000 in the bank. To fall under this could prove disastrous.” With 80,000 currently in our nest Egg I could see how this might become a problem. Request two seemed a bit more feasible, “$C is loking to be a growth business and as such I expect that we’ll have expanded in scope in less then three years.” Three years seemed feasible I was hoping I could od it in less then one. The next two things surprised me, I’ve seen some hands on owners but Troy had some really specific ideas on what I should and shouldn’t be doing. The bottom not read, “4C is a fast growing and hard hitting product very popular with the vocal youth of Canada and there are two things they don’t want to see, under-trained guys blowing spots and past-their-prime workers.” Immediately I thought damn Steve’s getting on a bit in age and I’ve heard Dog Fyte was intense but I’d only seen a few things his work so I was concerned on both points. I checked the past-their-prime age limit and saw 42 and sighed, Steve’s only 40 at this point, then I got some footage of other Dog Fyte matches and he looked fine as well [I]OOC: Under-trained for me meabs less than B- Basics[/I] Having read the first note I noticed some other papers on the desk, apparently the 4C locker room has a lot of respect for Troy because their were three memos about being contacted for negotiations. The Canadian big two apparently both put in a request to meet with Jacob Jett and NOTBPW also asked Joey Poison for a meeting. Losing either one of these guys could be a huge blow to the company. Darryl Devine was asked to meet with CZCW, as he’s already on the USPW roster in the same basic area of the US I’d assume he might take this but that still leaves him available for us. With all that weighing on my mind I couldn’t even start thinking about 4C Presents… Cage Rage at the end of the month. I had to worry if there were spots I had to fill and who I would fill them with. I also had to wait and see if Flash and Dog Fyte would sign with us. The wrestling business doesn’t pull any punches so neither would I.
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[B][U]Monday January Week 2, 2007[/U][/B] My first week is out and I didn’t lose any of my guys yet although with having displaced Joey Poison as head booker he took the job of head booker over at Professor Nero’s RIPW. Steve Flash came over although he needed a little bit more money to justify the trips back and forth to New York and Dog Fyte was a good sign as well although he made me promise him a low level title reign but I suppose he deserves it. Going to post some of the card for 4C Presents… Cage Rage on the website tomorrow. Trying to lay it out so it looks good and I keep getting this [QUOTE]4C Presents… Cage Rage The beginning of the new year and all three 4C titles are on the chopping block Tag Team Tables Match Phenomenal Excess defend against Thug Life Under the new tutelage of Sayeed Ali, Thug Life now part of the 187’s is looking to reclaim the tag team gold that they think should be theirs King Of hardcore Brett Fraser defends against Nomad Mr. Extreme himself Nomad requested this match and has said he expects to win even with the total size difference. Cage Rage Main Event Joey Poison defends against Jacob Jett “Amazing’ Jacob Jett has climbed his way up the ladder and now to win he must climb his way out of a cage. Three time 4C Champion Joey Poison is sure to put upa fight but his roll up Antidote Web can’t help him in a match in which you need to escape a cage to win. Also in action both new signings to 4C Dog Fyte and Steve Flash and much, much more.[/QUOTE] Yeah I’m definitely happy with it now just to have Troy give it to the webstie guys and hopefully they can add some nice graphics to it because I’m artistically inept. If I'm lucky it will all be up before the show on Monday the 4th Week of Janaury.
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[B][U]Monday January Week 3, 2007[/U][/B] Crap, crap, crap and more crap. Devine Signs with CZCW no big deal it’ll give him more exposure but we don’t lose him. But Jett signed a written deal with NOTBPW and now with Joey Poison turning them down to be booker at RIPW, they are going after Barry Kingman. I am well and truly screwed. Thank god the graphics guy was sick last week or the promised main event would never happen, at least I have a few days to change it and I’m gonna have to look for some more talent. It’s just the main event that’s well and truly screwed so I made a change this way if Jett is still around that day he can put on one more great match before heading out to NOTBPW. [QUOTE]Cage Rage Main Event Joey Poison defends his title Joey Poison has always been fighting champion even if he is a bizarre one. He requested a match against anyone at Cage Rage, in the main event. Joey wants to show he doesn’t need the Antidote Web to get a pin he can win in many different ways.[/QUOTE] That should work out and I’ll have the graphics and computer guys throw it on the website tonight.
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[B][U]Monday January Week 4, 2007[/U][/B] Barry Kingman signed with NOTPBW and I couldn’t convince Jacob Jett to stay for just tone more match. I did talk to Troy into rehiring Cal Sanders who left the company in the middle of last year and we’re still in negotiations with Canadian technical wonder kid “Trademark” Thomas Morgan. The week has evened out and the big guys are no longer trying to butcher my roster. Now I just have to worry about tonight’s show.
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[B][U]Tuesday January Week 4, 2007[/U][/B] I Finally got to see the banner that got made up for the show it looked ok but when we get bigger we should really hire some one better. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CageRage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The show seemed to be a success in the eyes of the fans but I think I could have done better. There were some good match ups and then there were a few I didn’t like. All in all I could have done but here’s how it went down. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/LoboSolitario.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]vs[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I needed some time in the ring and I always liked working with Steve so we did a short six minute pre-show thing where I got totally trounce. What little crowd was their were all over me mostly because beyond the fact that I sucked something bad, I was off my mark a lot more than usual and it turned out outside of training Steve Flash and I had no connection in the ring. Terry Smith also managed to keep the crowd entertained but I think a crowd that may have been ready for wrestling lost alittle of their spunk after watching me. [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The actual show opened with Barry Kingman coming out to say that he’d be the one in the Steel Cage with Joey in the main event. He wanted everyone to know that he’d be taking the 4C Championship with him when he leaves for NOTBPW. Barry came of as lackluster and the fans were vocal chanting we want wrestling. [B][CENTER]Rating: F+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] My opening act was midcard worker Darryl Devine taking on slightly less popular Too Hoot. Devine had been part of a team with Jacob Jett before turning on him and this was my first time seeing him in singles action. What I had forgotten to do was talk to Too Hot about his character because currently he had none and the fans didn’t get into him because of that. Devine looked really strong out there party because he was a solid worker, partly because Too Hoot had an inborn ability to sell anyone and partly because (and most surprisingly) they had a great, and I mean great chemistry in the ring. Terry Smith couldn’t keep up with the match which was pretty sad for an opening bout do that’s one more thing I’m gonna have to look into fixing. It ended with a pin after a little after 9 minutes with Too Hot dazed from Darryl’s Face Crusher, the Devine Dream Drop. [B][CENTER]Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]w/[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I looked to rev it up a bit give the crowd some true action so next up was the Tag Team tables Match with Slim V and Hardcore Killa (Thug Life) taking on current champs Phenomenal E. and Duberry Excess (Phenomenal Excess).The first thing I noticed was again that Terry Smith just couldn’t keep up, defiantly a problem. Te match ended when Sayeed Ali attacked Phenomenal E while Hardcore Killah got the refs attention. This gave Slim V the chance to pull out his Brass Kcuckles and whack Duberry in the head and lay him on a table. He then got up on the second rope and did a Brass Knuckle Fist Drop, breaking the table and Excess; face. Having seen the whole match Killah and Excess were visibly tiring at the end and Phenomenal E out shone all the other workers it’s a shame they are the last two tag teams I have. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the win ref Andy Gordy tried to hand Thug Life the belts but Sayeed Ali ordered his team to celebrate by beating down of Phenomenal Excess. It was a quick affair as neither Phenomenal E nor Duberry Excess could put up much of a fight. With their opponents showing no signs of life the 187’s snatch the titles and left the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: F[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After all that action we need another match to prepare the crowd for our next burst of action and for that we had our fastest rising top rope star Canadian Dragon face off against former 4C champion and current midcard fixture Warren Technique. There was little to say about the match except it was decent for a small fed. Both men had a decent offense and Canadian Dragon played off his new Loner gimmick will ignoring the crowd’s chants and wallowing the corner occasionally when he had momentum. The match ended with an impressive new move Dragon wanted to Debut. Warren technique inexplicably went u to the top rope where he was caught out by Canadian Dragon, dragon standing facing outside of the ring pummeled Technique until he could get him up on his shoulders. Dragon then jumped backwards whipped Warren around and landed with one knee up, which Technique’s stomache now impacted with. The crowd was impressed and so was I with the new Dragon’s Kiss. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I put our second title match up of the night, for the 4C Hardcore Championship, next and after the Dragon’s Kiss I wasn’t sure if this was going to live up to the previous matches. “Mr. Extreme” Nomad came out and the ladies in the crowd went nuts. Brett Fraser came out and the crowd was pretty vocal with their “You Suck” chants. The match went balls to the wall but again Terry Smith couldn’t keep up. By the time the match was over I was sure it didn’t live up to the previous matches even with Brett Fraser’s intense Spear, the Buck Shot slamming Nomad’s back into a ladder propped in the corner for the finish. [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We went right into our next match up with the newly signed Dog Fyte taking on, much to the fans surprise but not mine, the newly rehired Lumberjack, Cal Sanders. The fans liked Sanders but even with the fans backing him he just couldn’t mount a decent offense. Dog Fyte dominated the match showing of his Japanese hard hitting and very stiff Puroresu style. The match wasn’t quick as Dog Fyte apparently wanted Cal to suffer as much punishment as possible. The end came after a series of four modified German Suplexes called the Chain Dogplexes, leaving an almost unconscious Cal Sanders in the ring on his back. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash made his return to Canada, stepping into the ring and laying down an open challenge to anyone in the locker room. He didn’t have to wait long as the leader of the 187’s Sayeed Ali came down to the ring. He told Steve his group was the most dominant and with one win under their belts (this bad pun abot having one the tag belts didn’t’ go over well) Sayeed himself would bring home a second. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: challenge F, Response E-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash versus Sayeed Ali was the match of the night as both men found a common ground and had pretty good chemistry in the ring. Even with Terry Smith’s announcer rumbling this match still did very well. Both men mounted and equal offense but Steve Flash seemed to have the upper had toward the end. Sayeed Ali apparently sensing his defeat layed into the ref on purpose and the bell was called with Steve Flash getting the win by DQ. [B][CENTER]Rating: C-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Joey Poison addressed the crowd before the beginning of the main event. He wanted to let everyone know even if his freakish nature hadn’t made him the most well liked man in 4C that he was certainly not letting his 4C title leave the company, especially not to NOTBPW (this got a cheap pop). [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It’s sad when the main event match, a title match, a cage match doesn’t go over as well as the match before it. Any other place a guy leaving like Barry Kingman to the direct competitor of a company would have been buried on his last day, but not here. I got a lot of respect for Kingman and for his dad and Kingman was a good sport about putting Joey Poison over. Joey took most of the match but Kingman did have a few blocks of decent offense. The last spot of the match before Joey Poison escaped, Barry had tried to climb out at the corner but Joey stopped him. From the top of the third rope in the corner Joey pulled off a sweet looking Release German Suplex, flinging Kingman into the center of the ring, almost breaking him in two. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B] The show wasn’t great but it was good enough to leave the fans thinking it was one of the best they’d seen in awhile and I’d guess most of them will be coming back again. [B][CENTER]Overall Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][U]Monday Week 1 February 2007[/U][/B] The first show was a success although It could have been organized a little better to get the biggest bang for our buck. The fans are definitely looking for in between matches portions to either be way better or to go away completely but they can put up with a few minutes of hype so I can show them the stories in the ring mean soething. I completely licked out with the fact that Sayeed Ali and Steve Flash clicked in the ring as did Darryl Devine and Too Hot. These are definitely going to lead too some big matches. Barry Kingman and 4C parted ways soon after the show last Tuesday. Barry’s got a lot of talent and he certainly was a big loss. With all the losses this leaves my main event Joey Poison and my two new signs Steve Flash and Dog Fyte. With Jacob Jett already gone I felt bad keeping his girlfriend around so I released Katie Cameron from her obligations so she could go be with him, although I’m not sure NOTBPW will actually hire her. With Devine doing so well I asked him about his girlfriend, Alanis “seduction” Springsteen, coming out and joining him on the dates he works for us as his manager, he brought her my offer I’m just waiting to hear back. I also wanted to bring in some other reliable talent as our roster is really small so I sent out word to Bob Casey and Stevie Grayson. Things being the way they are I was looking for some more talent but didn’t want to bring in to many workers so I sent word to CZCW, since they have a style similar to our own, and asked them if they’d care to negotiate a working agreement to share workers. Hopefully all of this stuff will be resolved by the next show.
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[B][U]Monday Week 2 February 2007[/U][/B] Things are looking up Darryl said his girlfriend would be more than happy to come out here to be wither man in Canada. She wasn’t even asking for much so it was an easy choice to hire her on. Stevie Grayson on the other hand was asking far more than I was willing to give so he won’t be joining the roster, but Bob Casey will. The best news was that CZCW owner Cliff Anderson took us up on our offer for a working agreement I’m sure it had a little to do with DaVE worker Shawn Gonzalez becoming the head booker. With our roster fleshed out now I’m thinking about setting up for X-Factor at the end of the month. My birthday is a few days after the show so I may have to give the guys a ‘win one for the gipper’ speech before the show. I always have to write these things out to make sure they sound right so here’s what I’m looking at so far. [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/XFactor.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Monday Week 4 February 2007[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Main Event Grudge Match Steve Flash vs Sayeed Ali Leader of the 187’s, Sayeed. Ali has publicly said he feels that his disqualification was on called for and that ref Andy Gordy had it in for him because he’s a racist. Steve Flash has agreed to mee him one more time. #1 Contender Match Canadian Dragon vs Dog Fyte With Barry Kingman and Jacob Jett gone the next in line for a shot at the 4C Championship is in doubt. X Factor will decide who faces Joey Poison next the brooding Loner Canadian Dragon or Mr. Bad Ass himself Dog Fyte. Darryl Devine vs Too Hot II Too Hot has been granted a rematch, Devine says he feels bad he has to travel all the way from California to beat up this Dancing Fool but he’ll do it for the thrill.. Also in action Thug Life will defend their title and Phenomenal Excess will try and prove they deserve another shot at the 4C Tag Team Championships. Card subject to change.[/QUOTE] That all looks and sounds about right so off to the graphics guys to get it ready for the website and the printers. Looking through the trade news it seems both Europe and Mexico have sprout a start up fed. Apparently Larry Wood has tired of the American scene and opened up Mexican Hardcore Wrestling south of the border. He tapped former lucha great Luis Montero to be the head booker, I thought my job was hard I didn’t even know Larry could speak Spanish. The European promotion Junge Europaeische Fereralisten is the brain child of current RoF star Razor Valentine he’s brought in Jamie Anderson, another British worker to be the head booker. Two British guys running a fed in a part of the world where English isn’t the main language, at least Larry had the brains to hire a Spanish speaking head booker.
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[B][U]Tuesday February Week 4, 2007[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/XFactor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As the fans came in we had a nice long pre show match up to get them ready for the action of the night. The match was decent with Joey Poison completely dominating his opponent, Air Attack Weasel. Weasel showed why people call him The Loose Cannon as every time he turn the match around he went for the biggest spot he could and every time he got caught out. The match was long and the fans thought they had seen enough of the Weasel after a while and were glad when Joey Poison got him roll up into the Antidote Web. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]w/[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Darryl Devine took on Too Hot for a second time to start the show and this time when he came out he had his manager slash girlfriend with him. They don’t call this girl Seduction for nothing as the men in the crowd damn near rushed the ring to get at her. Divine seemed to think he would put his opponent away as efficiently as he did last time but that just wasn’t the case, Too Hot was ready for him this time. Toward the end it almost looked like Too Hot was going to pin the fallen Devine but he got the leg trip from Seduction and then got into an argument with her which gave Devine the chance to sneak up and roll him up using the tights for leverage. [B][CENTER]Rating: C[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Phenomenal Excess came out in this Tag Match strong proving that they had eery right to face Thug Life again for the 4C Tag Team Championships. Phenomenal E. truly shone through the match but the fans still didn’t seem to get behind his Tag Partner. Also Brett Fraser still got no love from the crowd, and not in that good bad guy heat way, but in the they wished never to see him in the ring again way. In the end Phenomenal E caught Warren technique in the Tumbleweed Leg Drop for the pin. [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After watching the tag match from Phenomenal Excess from backstage, Thug Life seemed incensed as they really took it to Cal Sanders and Bob Casey. The match was mostly in the hands of Thug Life but Cal Sanders managed to look really good out there even though he was on the losing side. Slim V ended the match when Bob Casey laid out flat got slammed in the face with his Second Rope Fist Drop, sans Brass Knuckles, Murder One. [B][U]Rating: E+[/U][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Before the number one contender match could start Joey Poison came out to the ring to speak on the subject. He said that it really didn’t matter who won the #1 contender match because the belt would always belong to him. He said it was the belt was like a freak magnet. [B][U]Rating: E-[/U][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I had high hopes for the match leading up to the main event, Dog Fyte is an extremely intense worker and Canadian Dragon is a human pinball. What I could not foresee was the complete lack of cohesion in the ring. Apparently the differences in style was two great a divide for these two workers to overcome. Dog Fyte mercifully ended the thirteen minute match after knocking Canadian Dragon silly with the Chain Dogplexes. [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A great main event but proof that great in ring chemistry, will out do good chemistry any day. Sayeed Ali took on Steve Flash for a second meeting but the fans still seemed to have enjoyed the Darryl Devine versus Too Hoot match better. Both men went all out leaving it all in the ring and giving the fans a great match. The fans may not have noticed it but Flash carried Sayeed a little hiding some of his flaws and the fact they didn’t notice was a testament to Flash’s in ring skill. Sayeed Ali didn’t get a chance to get himself DQ’d again as Flash caught him in the Flash Bang and went home the winner. [B][CENTER]Rating: C-[/CENTER][/B] My second show and a great improvement over my first one although I think most of that was just from card organization. Things are defiantly moving forward and my hope is that people will really want to see the Dog Fyte versus Joey Poison match for the 4C Championship at our next show, here’s to wishing. [B][CENTER]Overall Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][U]Monday Week 1 March 2007[/U][/B] Things have been quite but it’s that time of the month to plan the next card. Things are heating up for all the workers I have and I want to keep building the momentum. I think after the number one contender match and both Phenomenal Excess and Thug Life winning the true 4C fans may not be surprised by some of the matches but they’ll defiantly looking forward to them. [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/FinalFight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Main Event Title Match Dog Fyte vs Joey Poison For the 4C Championship Dog Fyte one his number one contender match and he’ll take on current champion Joey Poison. The Freak versus the Bad Ass winner takes all. #1Contender Match Steve Flash vs Canadian Dragon Things move fast in 4C and one way or another a next contender for the title must be found. Canadian Dragon gets a second go at getting a title shot but he has to beat Steve Flash to get it. Tag Team Grudge Match Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life For the 4C Tag Team Championships Thug Life have been dominating tag champions but they got the belts off of Phenomenal Excess and the high flying party boys are defiantely looking to get their titles back. Hardcore Match Too Hot vs Brett Fraser For the 4C Hardcore Champion Too Hot has been standing toe to toe with Darryl Devine but he’s been beaten everytime. Now the young break dancer is looking to prove how tough he is by taking the Hardcore Championship off the crazed moose hunter Brett Fraser. Also in action Darryl Devine and Sayeed Ali. Card is subject to change[/QUOTE] I’m hoping I don’t have more in ring cohesion problems with my big matches but you never know. I’ll send a draft of this to the graphics guys as per usual and hopefully we can get a bigger crowd this month.
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[B][U]Monday Week 3 March 2007[/U][/B] Events seem to be conspiring against me the first problem was only minor, Darryl Devine broke up with his girlfriend. Since there wasn’t a really use for her other than to have her here for Darryl I asked her not to come back. She took it well I think she just didn’t want to see him anymore, I just didn’t want her here giving Darryl something else to worry about other than his matches. My real problem is that Dog Fyte has been contacted by NOTBPW, I’d really hate to lose another star to the Stones, especially a Main Event Star like Dog Fyte.
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[B][U]Tuesday Week 4 March 2007[/U][/B] So Dog Fyte signed a written contract with NOTBPW which means I lose another big time player. I put out a couple of feelers for new guys but it’s gonna be hard to replace Dog Fyte. I decided to put myself in as an announcer since Terry Smith wasn’t up to it, although I did keep him around as the commentator. My notes have been a little hard to read when I go back to them so I’m changing up the style. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/FinalFight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Joey Poison opened the show by talking about Dog Fyte and his offer to go to NOTBPW. He said that when Fyte loses tonight that he’ll be running to the Stones with his tail between his legs. Dog Fyte will have gone from a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in the Stone’s ocean. [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Too Hot over Brett Fraser Hardcore Match For the 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Fast and furious since Too Hot controlled most of the match he used his speed and technique to get around Fraser size. The match was mostly aerial and the flow was good enough to keep the crowd interested. [B]Highlights:[/B] Too Hot hit a Missile Drop Kick from diagonally across the ring and he had a nice spot with a Moonsault using a chair. [B]Finish:[/B] Too Hot hit a Springboard Hurricarana from the Apron into the ring, he called it the Hot Streak [B]Notes:[/B] The crowd hated seeing Brett Fraser and again was very vocal about it, something may have to be done about it. [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Darryl Devine over Bob Casey[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Another fast paced match a tribute to Devines top rope work. The match had a few moments for Devine to show his mat work as well but it was mostly a speed match. Things flowed smoothly as Bob Casey made Devines moves look as good being hit as Devine did pulling them of. [B]Highlights:[/B] Darryl Devine made a big impact with a corkscrew bodytackle from the top rope to the outside on top of Bob Casey. [B]Finish:[/B] Bob Casey, as many have before him, fell victim to the Devine Dream Drop giving Darryl the win. [B]Notes:[/B] I could barely keep up with Devine’s speed but that didn’t stop Darryl from coming out of this match looking really good. [B][CENTER]Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Darryl Devine stayed in the ring a moment and got a mic. He seemed irate over something and it was made abundantly clear what when he challenged Too Hot for the title he had won earlier. Devine said specifically that he’d beaten Too Hot already and he’s the one who deserves a title. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Thug Life over Phenomenal Excess For the 4C Tag Team Championships[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The pace of the match was a little slower then the previous matches especially when Thug Life had control using a ground and pound offense. The flow of the match was steady but with a lot of different style going on it was hard to keep track of flow. [B]Highlights:[/B] Slim V Power Bombed Duberry Excess right onto a fallen Phenomenal E. Phenomenal E pulled of two consecutive moon salut on opposite sides of the ring on both Slim and Hardcore. [B]Finish:[/B] Slim V Knocked out Phenomenal E with a set of brass knuckles while Hardcore Killah kept the ref’s attention. With the Phenomenal One out Slim hit Murder One, his Second Rope Fist Drop. [B]Notes:[/B] Duberry Excess still isn’t seeing any love from the crowd. My announcing may be better than Smith’s but not by much still not good enough for the match, although as a commentator Smith boosted the match. With all his moves and his expanding repertoire Phenomenal E. stood out as good even though he lost the match. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Frustrated over having to work so hard to win the match Thug Life joined by Sayeed Ali out early for his next match take the time to lay a little injury to insult by beating down Phenomenal Excess some of the other workers manage to pull them out of the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: F[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Sayeed Ali over Cal Sanders[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The match was quite a bit slower paced then the ones before it but probably a bit more brutal than even the hardcore match. The match did have a smooth flow mostly of Brutal blows and some technical work from Cal Sanders. [B]Highlights:[/B] Sayeed Ali showed he wasn’t afraid of the top rope nearly decapitating Cal Sanders with a Double Axehandle Smash. [B]Finish:[/B] Sayeed Ali finished off the leaping Lumberjack with his patented G.B.H. Driver for the pin. [B]Notes:[/B] Nothing much out of the ordinary except for bad announcing and a bost from the commentating. The match was mostly in Sayeed’s favor and was good enough for the crowd. [B][CENTER]Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Canadian Dragon over Steve Flash #1 Contender Match[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] This match was a nice evenly paced match Steve Flash can work any style and he managed to keep up with Canadian Dragon in the air as well as standing and on the mat. [B]Highlights:[/B] A run of top rope moves from Canadian Dragon including a consecutive top rope Leg Drop, Moonsault and Senton Bomb. Steve Flash caught a Flash Bang on Dragon and as he bounced back off the top rope Flash got him in a Neckbreaker. [B]Finish:[/B] Sayeed Ali ran in and just when everyone thought he was going to attack Steve Flash he hauls off and hit Canadian Dragon. Dragon got the win by DQ and Flash was robbed his title shot. [B]Notes:[/B] Match of the night to bad it wasn’t the main event Dragon seemed to pick up a few moves including a few new flying moves. [B][CENTER]Rating: C-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash was in shock having just lost his title shot he completely wasn’t prepared for Heavyweight Sayeed Ali’s attack. Ali basically ran over flash like a bulldozer and then pounded him into the ground. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: F+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Joey Poison over Dog Fyte For the 4C Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Fast paced brutal match up with Joey Poison showing Dog Fyte that he can stand toe to toe in a pounding style. Joey Poison had just a few more tricks up his sleeve and controlled most of this multiple style match. [B]Highlights:[/B] The best part of the match was a five minute back and forth flurry of brutal blows between both men. [B]Finish:[/B] Joey ended Dog Fyte’s run in 4C by tying him up in the Antidote Web. [B]Notes:[/B] Both men looked a little indestructible as they didn’t seem to take to much damage from each others blows. Joey Poison came off looking excellent as he defended his title for a third time. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dog Fyte shook off his loss with style and grace and in an uncharacteristic, and unlistened to, moment of speech he said good bye to the 4C crowd. [B][CENTER]Rating: F[/CENTER][/B] The show came off well the crowd left a buzz. The show could have been better but again I put that to the order of matches. [B][CENTER]Overall Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][U]Monday Week 1 April 2007[/U][/B] I’ve complained about the fickleness of the wrestling business but then life rears it’s ugly head and you realize it could be worse. When I got into the office this morning Steve was waiting for me their. Steve didn’t look so hot and he handed me a news paper he brought up from New York and told me to check page four. The headline almost made me cry, apparently last night Rip Chord passed away. I know he had some problems a number of years back but he had cleaned up and MAW was seen as the place to go to start your career, but now he’s dead. I didn’t know the man well but Steve did and he asked me if I’d like to go to the funeral with him. I asked if it would be proper since I didn’t know him, he said it would be fine I’m in the business now and it’s proper to show respect for a legend.
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[B][U]Monday Week 3 April 2007[/U][/B] Business man Gil Thomas who had been investing in small wrestling concerns in the region for awhile has taken over MAW with Rip Chord’s passing. He hired veteran Lee Wright to be the head booker for the company and Lee went on a signing spree., including two of my stars Sayeed Ali and Air Attack Weasel. I was a little concerned but Steve said Gil wasn’t a bad guy and that Lee Wright had a lot of time in the business and understood small promotions. It made me feel a little better so I called down and got Lee on the phone. I asked him about the possibily of our promotions working together and he said he thought it was a good idea, since we both have a lot of young talent. I also told him I wanted to run my next show in honor of Rip and if he wouldn’t mind sending up some workers. Lee said he’d be happy too as long as I did it respectfully. I told him about the main event with Steve Flash and one of my guys he was picked up Sayeed Ali. He said he could lend me Dazzling Dave Diamond, a new recruit, The Mean Machine, former MAW champion and Des Davids, a Rip Chord Protégé. Now it was just time to lay out the show and I think it’s gonna look something like this: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WrestlingShowcase.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Rip Chord Memorial Show[/SIZE] Monday Week 4 April 2007[/B][/CENTER] Main Event #1 Contender Match Steve Flash vs Sayeed Ali These men have been build a strong hatred for each other and this time a win has prize, a shot at the 4C Championship. 4C Championship Match Canadian Dragon vs Joey Poison Joey makes yet another defense of his title as he faces off against current #2 man Canadian Dragon. Hardcore Match 4C Hardcore Championship Darryl Devine vs Too Hot Too Hot just won the title from Brett Fraser and if history repeats itself he could very well lose it to Darryl Devine in his first defense. These two men have been blowing the audience away every time they meet up and with a title on the line we may see a new high. Also appearing new sign Thomas Morgan, Phenomenal Excess, Thug Life and MAW stars Dazzling Dave Diamond. Des Davids and The Mean Machine. Card subject to change.[/QUOTE]
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Rip Chord died? :eek: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Sayeed Ali No one let's Steve Flash lose two #1 contender matches in a row :p Canadian Dragon vs [B]Joey Poison[/B] [I]CD's a little too light for Joey.[/I] Darryl Devine vs [B]Too Hot[/B] Too early too lose his title.
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[B][U]Tuesday Week 4 April 2007[/U][/B] MAW ran a show last Tuesday and all the workers we share and the ones I loaned him were all used. Sayeed Ali lost to Stan “The Man” Manna, a horrible misuse of talent, Darryl Devine took a win over Erik Strong, Marc Speed teamed with Mikey James and they lost to The Canadian Blondes and in one last horrible talent use Steve Flash lost to, of all people, Air Attack Weasel. [CENTER][B]Nomad and Raphael over Lobo Soliatrio and Marc Speed[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/LoboSolitario.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The match was pretty fast paced although I managed to kill any kind of flow we managed to get going. The match was mostly speed technical wrestling with a little high flying. [B]Highlights:[/B] Nomad got me up on his shoulders and Raphael hit the top rope and took me down with a flying clothesline. Marc Speed went for a Rolling Thunder but Nomad slipped out of the way and caught Marc in the back of the head with a swift kick to the head. [B]Finish:[/B] Nomad finished me off with a brutal Release Suplex that I swear almost knocked me out for real. [B]Notes:[/B] We had too ends of the spectrum in this match with Marc Speed going out looking good even if we did lose and I was completely off my game and the crowd just wouldn’t get off my case. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WrestlingShowcase.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SimonMunoz.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I opened up the show sans mask as Simon Munoz lead announcer and although the crowd may not like too much non wrestling I managed to get them to stand up and give a moment of silence for the true pioneer of wrestling Rip Chord. I also told them that tonight’s show is a memorial for rip and as such some of his MAW stars will be in action along side our own athletes. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: F-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Air Attack Weasel over Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Another fast paced short match that perfectly blended Weasel’s high flying and Dave’s stand up brawling into a great flow. [B]Highlights:[/B] Air Attack Weasel went up for a Flying Body Press and got caught a fluidly slammed into the mat with a Sidewalk Slam from Dave. After being Irish Whipped into the ropes Weasel made a jump onto the second rope and hit Dave with a Corkscrew Spear as he came running forward for a Clothesline. [B]Finish:[/B] After nailing Dave with a Missile Dropkick the Weasel went back up for his Air Attack Senton giving the crowd more then enough time to ooh as he hung in the air. [B]Notes:[/B] Weasel and Dave were golden in the ring together and I couldn’t keep up with them. I may even consider bringing Dave in full time or for at least a few more appearances. [B][CENTER]Rating: C-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Darryl Devine draws Too Hot For the 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Speed hardcore with weapons and bodies flying everywhere. The match had a nice steady flow keeping the fans on their feet. [B]Highlights:[/B] This match was almost one long highlight real the one thing that truly stood out was the finish. [B]Finish:[/B] Daryl Devine set up two ladders as a sort of sea saw and then laid Too Hot on the end touching the floor. Devine went up to the top rope and leapt for the part of the latter in the air. Too Hot got a second win and stood up but didn’t have time to get off the ladder. Too Hoot was launched through the air but he was launched right at Devine and the two flew off the ladder and through a table that had been previously set up in one corner. Both men were opened up horribly blood everywhere. Ref Andy Gordy wisely stopped the match as it looked like neither competitor could finish. [B]Notes:[/B] Even with great chemistry Hardcore was not the style meant for these two men as it didn’t live up to their other matches. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Duberry Excess over Hardcore Killah[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]xa[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The pace was fast but hectic, the flow was non existent and nothing you could call style happened in the entire match. [B]Highlights:[/B] The highlight of this match was the short time limit because if it last any longer I think the crowd might have left. [B]Finish:[/B] The match finished with a chair to Duberry’s head courtesy of Hardcore Killah, getting a DQ finish. [B]Notes:[/B] This match sucked both men were tiring they had no cohesion in the ring and the crowd didn’t like Duberry to start with and they were really vocal about it. I will never put these two guys together again. [B][CENTER]Rating: E-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Thomas Morgan over Brett Fraser[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The pace of this match was slow and steady using a very technical style since Thomas Morgan controlled most of the match. [B]Highlights:[/B] Since th match was technical the highlights of the match weren’t as spectacular as some of the high flying matches. Morgan put on a great series of chain locks using an Arm Bar, a full Body Scissors, A Camel Cluth and ending up in a Boston Crab. The moves themselves were incredible it was just the speed and ease at which he moved trough them. [B]Finish:[/B] “Trademark” Thomas Morgan kept the big man on the floor most of the match and then ended things with the Trademark STF, a STF applied after tying up Fraser’s lefs with a Texas Deathlock. [B]Notes:[/B] A decent match with the fact that the crowd wasn’t particularly thrilled to see Brett Fraser. Morgan completely dominated the match and looked good doing it. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Des Davids over The Mean Machine[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] A slow old school technical style match mixed with brutal strikes from Des Davids gave a nice slow paced but still thrilling match up to the Canadian fans. [B]Highlights:[/B] The Mean Machine locked in a Boston Crab on Davids and then proceeded to drag him around the ring while applying the pressure. Des Davids at six foot five got up on the top rope and hit a Flying Elbow Drop on The Mean Machine. [B]Finish:[/B] Des Davids finished with his super spear, the Quarterback Sack. [B]Notes:[/B] A decent match that could have been good if it didn’t look like both men were just shrugging off some pretty big blows. I may consider brining these guys in again for runs against my own workers. [B][CENTER]Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Cal Sanders over Warren Technique[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The match built slow with ground work and then sped up as Cal showed why he is called “The Leaping Lumberjack”. [B]Highlights:[/B] Spot of the night was Cal Sanders putting a daze Warren Technique on the top rope and then standing him up and falling backward into a Suicide-A-Plex. Sanders also almost got Technique to tap out to a Figure Four Leg Lock, which could have been embarrassing for the technical master [B]Finish:[/B] Cal Finished the match one of his two finishers the Luberjack Leap, a long distance Frog Splash. [B]Notes:[/B] Cal Sanders, who had taken some losses to some of the bigger 4C athletes, showed that he is capable of getting the job done. He looked strong out there against the former 4C Champion. [CENTER][B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Phenomenal E over Slim V[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Slim V may be a brawler but he’s brutal and fast which worked out well and gave exactly what 4C advertises, a Fast Paced and Hard Hitting match. [B]Highlights:[/B] Slim V gave Phenomenal E a Crucifix Power Bomb with a running start over the top rope and to the outside. Phenomenal E got his when he gave a Somersault Flying Tackle off the top rope. [B]Finish:[/B] As if mirroring the match of their partners Slim V was disqualified for hitting Phenomenal E with a chair. For his trouble the ref took a chair shot too. [B]Notes:[/B] Slim V dropped his gangsta act but was no less a bully, verbally and near physically abusing the ref, the announcers and even some of the fans. [B]Rating: D+[/B]
[CENTER][B]Joey Poison over Canadian Dragon For 4C Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] This match was all about speed and danger and the flow as impeccable. Mostly a high flying match I saw a little stand up fighting form Joey Poison as well. [B]Highlights:[/B] Canadian Dargon got a gasp from the crowd as Joey Poison’s back met his knee from a Reverse DDT Neckbreaker. Joey Poison made his impression with a Leaping DDT. [B]Finish:[/B] Joey Poison ended things with his complex cradle, the Antidote Web [B]Notes:[/B] With the match being an evenly matched affair Joey still came out looking good and Canadian Dragon just looked a little tired when it was all over. [B]Rating: C[/B]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash over Sayeed Ali #1 Contender Match[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] A little slower than the Poison versus Dragon match but incredibly brutal and the chemistry made the match flow real well. [B]Highlights:[/B] The most intense move in the match was the Slingshot Suplex that Sayeed Ali caught Flash with. Steve Flash pulled of a nice Flying Headbutt followed immediately by a Texas Deathlock to which Ali almost tapped out. [B]Finish:[/B] Even with Sayeed Ali cheating and being bigger than Steve Flash, Flash managed to get him into the Flash Bang for the pin. [B]Notes:[/B] The chemistry has moved the matches these guys put on to the next level and they left both Terry Smith and I in the dust as they beat the living hell out of each other. [CENTER][B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After a long night of wresting the fans got one final statement from the new #1 Contender, Steve Flash. Steve told the crowd that the last match and his win were dedicated to his respect colleague Rip Chord and he’ll be sure to take this opportunity to win a title just like Rip would have done. [B][CENTER]Rating: F[/CENTER][/B] This was definately the show I was looking ot put on and hopefully they'll be many more like it. [B][CENTER]Overall Rating: C-[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][U]Monday Week 2 May 2007[/U][/B] It’s been an uneventful month although I picked up on a hot prospect from out of Toronto Travis Wayne Newton. I can’t really bring anyone new onto the roster but I’m defiantly going to be keeping my eye on him. What I’ve got to do is get everyone prepared for our next show, 4C Presents… No Limits. [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/NoLimits.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Week 4 May 2007[/B][/CENTER] Main Event Steve Flash vs Joey Poison For the 4C Championship Canadian patriot Steve Flash has finally made it to the big match and we're sure the veteran is gonna give Joey Poison a run for his money. # 1 Contender Match Canadian Dragon vs Sayeed Ali Canadian Dragon has been here before and made it to the big match. Sayeed Ali has a lot to prove being beatn by Steve Flash to lose his chance mast time. Either way only one of these men can get the championship match. Hardcore Match Nomad vs Too Hot For the 4C Hardcore Championship Too Hot makes his second title defense against Nomad after his draw to Darryl Devine last week. Also appearances by Thomas Morgan, Cal Sanders, Phenomenal Excess and Thug Life, card is subject to change.[/QUOTE] Looks about right I’ll get it off to the guys who spruce these things up and out on the streets and on the website.
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Steve Flash vs [B]Joey Poison[/B] [I]Should be a good match, my money's on Poison though.[/I] Canadian Dragon vs [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] [I]I guess it's Sayeed's turn now?[/I] Nomad vs. [B]Too Hot[/B] [I]Although Nomad would be a good choice as Hardcore champ, it's still too early.[/I]
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[B][U]Tuesday Week 4 May 2007[/U][/B] [CENTER][B]Marc Speed over Lobo Solitario[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/LoboSolitario.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] A quick slow paced match with Marc almost obviously leading the way. [B]Highlights:[/B] There wasn’t much in the way of highlights, a least not from me. Marc managed to an impressive Tornado DDT. [B]Finish:[/B] For the first time the 4C crowd got to see a finishing move from Marc Speed. The moves called the Speed Freak. Marc got Lobo up in a Fireman’s Carry and then bumped him up turned forward and came down like a Face Crusher. [B]Notes:[/B] I’m just not getting the hang of wrestling very quickly as I was completely off my game and the crowd who was there hated me. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/NoLimits.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash came out to the ring to talk about his title shot. He said that Joey Poison had been a good champion defending his title almost every night since Steve had gotten there but Poison has never defended it against him. He said he didn’t want to sound ****y but he’d be bring this title home for all the people of Canada to the waist of a veteran and representative of the Canadian People. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Nomad over Too Hot Hardcore Match For the 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]vs[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/TooHot.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The match started fast and was over quicker it was fast paced but it was all over the place. [B]Highlights:[/B] Numerous chair shots including one that slammed Too Hot’s head into the ring post. Nomad also broke open Too Hot with a Singapore cane to the face. [B]Finish:[/B] While the Ref, Nomad and To Hot are all laid out Darryl Devine came down to the ring and got Too Hot up just to hit him with the Devine Dream Drop. Devine then pulled Nomad over Too Hot and revived the Ref. [B]Notes:[/B] Too Hot just didn’t have enough know how in a the ways of hardcore and it really detracted from the match. Beyond that Nomad and Too Hot also had problems finding common ground and it made the match a little awkward. [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Phenomenal Excess over Air Attack Weasel and Raphael[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]and[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/Raphael.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The pace was fast with all three lightweights flinging themselves around the ring. It was almost exclusively top rope and speed moves except for a short technical display from Raphael. [B]Highlights:[/B] A Shooting Star Press from Air Attack Weasel really got the crowd off their feet as did a Missile Drop Kick across the ring from one corner to the other by Phenomenal E on Raphael. [B]Finish:[/B] The crowd finally saw the finish of Phenomenal E, the Phenomenal Leap, a Frog Splash with incredible hangtime. [B]Notes[/B]: Again Duberry Excess just got no love from the crowd and now I’m just not suer what to do with him. Pulling off some greta moves during the match especially in comparison to Duberry, Phenomenal E and Air Attack Weasel both looked really good out their. [B][CENTER]Rating: D-[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] With the match over long time rivals Thug Life attacked Phenomenal Excess. The beating didn’t last very long for which the crowd was glad but it was very brutal. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: F[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Slim V over Marc Speed[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The match basically started with the beating of Phenomenal Excess and continued with a fast paced and brutal old school beating of Marc Speed. [B]Highlights:[/B] It was all Slim V and the high lights included a Second Rope Power Bomb and a Big Boot that caused Marc Speed to flip almost a full 180 degrees. [B]Finish:[/B] With a Stump Pile drive being used to lay out Marc in the corner Slim got up for his Second Rope Fist Drop to the face, Murder One. [B]Notes:[/B] Not much to be said about this match other than Slim V was completely dominant leaving Marc Speed out cold on the floor as he left. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Cal Sanders over Bob Casey[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] Sanders and Casey slowed things down a little using a mix of styles most notably a run of technical moves and mat work. [B]Highlights:[/B] Cal Sanders tied up Bob Casey and almost got him to tap out to his modified Figure Four Leglock, the Axeman’s Leg Lock. [B]Finish:[/B] Sanders finished off Casey with his Lumberjack Leap, Frog Splash. [B]Notes:[/B] The match wasn’t great but Cal Sanders still came out looking good and controlling most of the match. [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Thomas Morgan over Warren Technique[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] A slow paced technical match that was technically a mess. Here was little flow and a lot of contradicting technical style. [B]Highlights:[/B] Thomas Morgan hit a run of German Suplexes on Technique. Morgan also showed off another series of quickly changing submissions moves to show his speed and adaptability. [B]Finish:[/B] “Trademark” looked Technique up in this Trademark STF and forced the other technical genius to tap out. [B]Notes:[/B] Lack of in ring chemistry really killed us this show and Morgan and Technique were no exception. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Sayeed Ali over Canadian Dragon[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] The pace of the match changed and had a nice flow if ups and downs. Canadian Dragon brought the speed and flash to the match when he was in control and Sayeed Ali brought the brutal brawling to the match to slow down Dragon. [B]Highlights:[/B] Sayeed Ali’s two biggest moments and crowd favorites were a Clothesline that looked like it practically beheaded Dragon and a Power Bomb onto a chair while the ref was out. Canadian Dragon had his own spot with a nice Springboard Hurricarana from the apron and a 360 Degree Flip Bodypress from the top rope. [B]Finish:[/B] Sayeed finished off Canadian Dragon when out of nowhere he caught him in his super fast Implant DDT with a twist, the G,H,B, Driver [B]Notes:[/B] Sayeed Ali and Canadian Dragon look to be in almost perfect sync in the ring and Sayeed, who looked incredible out there, is soon becoming one of my favorite workers. [B]Rating: D+[/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Joey Poison came out before his match much to the surprise of the ring crew cleaning up after the last match. Joey want Steve to know that all the freaks out there weren’t gonna let such a square peg get a title that belongs to the weird and wild not the bland and mild. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash over Joey Poison For the 4C Championship[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]vs[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pace, Flow and Style:[/B] This match had little pacing and off balanced flow and for a main event was easily not the best match of the night. [B]Highlights:[/B] Steve Flash going up to the top rope for a Flying Clothesline was a crowd pleaser, as was Joey Poison’s freak out followed by a Swinging Neckbreaker thatalmost knocked both men out. [B]Finish:[/B] Joey learned the hard way that the Flash bang was nothing to mess with getting caught in it and then pinned tolose his title. [B]Notes:[/B] A title match, a main event and the curse of the evening horrible chemistry other than nothing much. [B][CENTER]Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash ended the show by going out into the crowd with his new 4C Championship belt. [B][CENTER]Rating: E[/CENTER][/B] Not a bad show but not the best we’ve had either, it’s time to see where we can go with Steve as 4C Champion. One of the best things about the show was listening to the crowd afterward, more then one fan said something along the lines of “can’t wait to see No Limits next year.” [B][CENTER]Overall Rating: D[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][U]Monday Week 3 June 2007[/U][/B] There has been a little action for me in the past month or so. Joey Poison signed a PPA with CGC which will give him some more exposure in Canada. I was hoping Davis Wayne Newton would be around for a bit but apparently I have no such luck as he has been scooped up by NOTBPW. Too Hoot, Slim V and Canadian Dragon have all resigned and should be around with the company for some time yet to come. This month’s show is 4C Presents… Best of the Best and that means I get to debut the Best of the Best Tournament. Sixteen of 4C’s best will face off to be crowned the Best of the Best. The flier for the event should look something like this; [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/BestoftheBest.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Week 4 June 2007[/B][/CENTER] A sixteen man tournament to crown 4C’s Best of the Best. The winner wins the Best of the Best Trophy and can take a title shot anytime in the next year. So make sure you come out to the 4 hour extravaganza that is 4C Presents… Best of the Best. Round One Steve Flash vs Slim V Duberry Excess vs Sayeed Ali Thomas Morgan vs Hardcore Killah Bob Casey vs Joey Poison Cal Sanders vs Brett Fraser Phenomenal E vs Warren Technique Nomad vs Darryl Devine Too Hot vs Canadian Dragon[/QUOTE]
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