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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 2, February 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] REMO vs. LARAMEE, GILMORE vs. BRUCE![/B][/COLOR] Only four contenders remain in the hunt for the SCAR Championship, and after this Friday, there will be just two. Remo will face off against Kurt Laramee and Jack Bruce will have Angry Gilmore, with the winners of those matches going to the big dance at Road to the Gold.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] JOE SEXY CALLS OUT ERIC TYLER[/B][/COLOR] After his chances for the SCAR Championship were dashed at the hands—or rather, baseball bat—of DaVE’s Eric Tyler, it would seem like Joe Sexy’s big mouth has gotten him into another fight. But this time, it’s against an entire federation, the rogue wrestling organization known as Danger and Violence Extreme. Sexy called Tyler out last week and asked him to be at Live Feed to face him in a match. Will Tyler show? And if so, will he bring some friends with him?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_LobsterWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] WHEN SHELLFISH GOES ROTTEN[/B][/COLOR] Those who tuned in to America-Sports-1 last Friday saw a vicious side of the beloved Lobster Warrior. He took out Butcher Braun, apparently to gain the edge for his team heading into the Tag Team Championship match at Road to the Gold. But this week, Lobster Warrior will have to face an angry Braun in a one-on-one matchup.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 106) Aired on Friday, Week 2, February 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Lowe Ballroom (North West) Attendance: 4,543[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: SEMI-FINAL “THE KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Laramee tried to avoid meeting his powerful opponent head on, and wore him down by getting him tangled in the ropes and taking free shots at his head. But Remo simply wanted it too much, and when Laramee was in his grasp, there was no breaking free. One Remo Buster and Destroyer later, and Remo was in the finals. ([I]Fry: Wham! Look out, Remo took one more step down the Road to the Gold! He’ll face either Jack Bruce or Angry Gilmore, depending on how our main event swings![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Remo at 14:09, C+[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, Remo was backstage and was met by [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR]. “Way to go, buddy,” Bruce said, extending his hand. Remo grabbed it. “Good luck out there with Gilmore.” “You bet.” Bruce seemed to grip Remo’s hand a little tighter. “But Remo, when I win tonight, you’re in for a much tougher fight at Road to the Gold. This won’t be like the first night—now I know what you're all about.” They had a staredown moment, before Remo nodded. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ MATCH 2 KID TOMA, ULTIMATE PHOENIX, MIKEY JAMES and FRANKIE PEREZ vs. MATT SPARROW, AIR ATTACK WEASEL and OTA AND NARATO[/B][/COLOR] Toma and Sparrow beelined for each other right from the start, and the remaining six men teed off on each other with stiff kicks and crazy offense, including Perez suplexing Narato out of the ring right onto Ota. ([I]Fry: Folks, we have huge news for you—at Road to the Gold, one more belt will be on the line, and it’s called the Body Count Championship! It will be the prize fought for in the most dangerous matches, and many of the men you see here will be aiming for it! Phunk: That’s right, Fry, and the deciding match will be a ten-man Body Count Gauntlet! When one guy gets pinned, another one comes down until there ain’t no one left but the champ![/I]) After Toma launched himself out of the ring into Sparrow, his teammates took advantage, with James brutally legsweeping Weasel down, and Phoenix following that with his Phoenix Firebird Splash. The winning team celebrated warily, as they knew they might cross paths in the Body Count Gauntlet in nine days. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: Toma, Phoenix, James and Perez at 10:49, C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] came to the ring in his wrestling trunks. “Bad news, folks: Eric Tyler is such a big man that he never bothered to contact anyone to accept my challenge for him. That means the match isn’t happening. I’m not too surprised, since that’s what DaVE is all about: playing tough, and backing down when the cameras go away. But, just so you fans get your money’s worth, I’ve arranged to face a local jobber tonight. So let’s bring him down here and get this over with.” There was a pause before some hard rock kicked up with the sound of an animal being mauled in the background. The crowd was brought to their feet when Big Cat Brandon came through the curtain. ([I]Phunk: What the hell?! Fry: That is no local jobber! It’s Big Cat Brandon![/I]) Sexy swore to himself as the DaVE superstar walked down the aisle with an angry look on his face. ([I]Fry: I don't think Joe expected this! The match is on![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B MATCH 3 JOE SEXY vs. BIG CAT BRANDON[/B][/COLOR] The crowd was hot for the match, but it ended up being pretty disjointed, as things tend to be when one wrestler spends the whole match evading his opponent. Big Cat mopped Sexy across the announce table and chucked him into the ringpost like a dart. ([I]Fry: Brandon is making Joe Sexy eat every last one of his words about DaVE![/I]) Back inside the ring, a beaten-up Sexy was being sized up for the Big Cat Pounce. ([I]Phunk: The Pounce is gonna be it, daddy![/I]) But Enforcer Roberts slid into the ring and locked the RCT in on Brandon, causing a DQ. ([I]Fry: Enforcer Roberts! What’s he doing down here?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner, by disqualification: Big Cat Brandon at 12:07, C[/B][/COLOR] Roberts started to choke out Big Cat as Sexy watched on and worked in some kicks to the stomach. ([I]Fry: This isn’t fair! Phunk: And goin’ to a man’s show and attacking him is? Whose side are you on, Fry?[/I]) Roberts finally threw an unconscious Brandon down and Sexy clapped him on the back as they left. ([I]Fry: Big Cat Brandon has been left laying![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Lobster Warrior [/B][/COLOR]was limbering up, and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Calamari Kid [/B][/COLOR]approached him. Kid said that Warrior hasn’t been himself lately, and he couldn’t believe that he attacked Braun last week. “I haven’t been myself because I’ve finally got something to shoot for: those tag titles. I’m tired of being a goddamn cartoon character. I want people to know just how good I am. Do you want to be a joke for the rest of your career, Kid?” Calamari Kid didn’t have a response, so Lobster Warrior just told him to watch and learn. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] MATCH 4 BUTCHER BRAUN (w/ General Rodriguez) vs. LOBSTER WARRIOR[/COLOR][/B] Braun laid into Lobster Warrior for revenge, but Warrior jammed his fingers into his eye socket to slow him down. Warrior fought dirty, getting Braun seated in the corner and kicking at him until the referee had to break it. He finished Braun with his Lobster Trap and yelled out a battle cry as the referee raised his arm. ([I]Fry: Like his tactics or hate them, but that was a hell of a quick win![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Lobster Warrior at 5:57, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] was backstage with the interviewer, and said that he had a message for Bart Biggz: "stay out of my business.” Zimmy said that Bart needed a family psychologist, not him, and that he was tired of Biggz bothering him and costing him matches, so he was challenging him for next week’s Live Feed. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT: SEMI-FINAL JACK BRUCE vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B][/COLOR] The near falls abounded in this one. Bruce took suplex after suplex and kept slipping out of a pin. The tide turned when Gilmore was set up for the New York Minute, but he avoided it and pushed Bruce into the referee. As Bruce tried to help him up, Gilmore pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, and blasted Bruce in the back of the head with them. ([I]Phunk: That’s some street justice! Fry: How is that justice? Gilmore’s gonna steal this one![/I]) Bruce got rolled over, and the groggy referee began counting… one… two… ([I]Fry: No! Bruce kicked out![/I]) Gilmore didn’t seem to believe it, but pulled Bruce up and buried him with the Anger Management. He covered and got three as the fans booed. ([I]Fry: Gilmore’s got all the talent in the world, why did he have to cheat? Phunk: It’s easier, duh![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 18:06, B-[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore slipped out of the ring and grabbed a microphone. He started to walk up the aisle backwards, looking at the downed Jack. “One more week, one more victim. Why did you even bother, Bruce? There’s just nine days to go until I’m crowned champion, and that means that your buddy Remo is next in line, and last in line, to be disassembled.” Gilmore continued backing up until he hit the chest of Remo, who had come out. Gilmore slowly turned around to face him, and then dropped the microphone and exited the ramp quickly. ([I]Fry: Gilmore’s good, and he’s got a bag of tricks, but will it be enough to beat Remo at Road to the Gold?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B Live Feed Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - We were VERY lucky to get out of the Lowe Ballroom with a B-. The Big Cat/Sexy match that I thought would do well disappointed with a C, and I expected more from the eight-man tag and Remo’s match. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Jack Bruce [B](B-) Lobster Warrior[/B] def. Butcher Braun [B](C+) Big Cat Brandon [/B]def. Joe Sexy by DQ [B](C) Toma, Phoenix, James, Perez [/B]def. Sparrow, Weasel, Ota, Narato [B](C-) Remo[/B] def. Kurt Laramee [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[SIZE=4][B]Hot or Not[/B][/SIZE] I’ve always been a smark at heart. I remember reading what Eisen would probably call “the dirt sheets” since I was fourteen, and while I’d allowed my subscription to WrestleWorld Magazine expire during college in favour of extra beer money, the yearly “Who’s Hot, Who’s Not” edition was reason enough for me to join back up and bill it to the company. I tore it out of the plastic and noticed a pretty large picture of Remo spinebusting the crap out of Roberts that took up a good chunk of the cover. So far, so good. I flipped to the good stuff. TCW – hot. They’d been selling out arenas left and right, and the move to Fridays had helped them more than it had hurt them. SWF – not. That’s gotta stick in Richard’s craw. Their recent lackluster TV offerings had gotten them ripped on the Internet and people were wondering if the can-do-no-wrong booker Sam Keith had lost his Midas touch. It was also noted that Eisen was becoming increasingly disinterested with the creative aspect of SWF, instead focusing almost entirely on the business side of things. I skipped to the next page for our review. After a pay-per-view that people seemed to really appreciate, it was time for the magazine to put us over as a national promotion, since that was the vibe people had been giving us. “[I]SCAR – lukewarm.[/I]” It said that while we had put on some impressive shows, our roster wasn’t very deep and we had yet to distance ourselves from the SWF’s product. It called us “[I]at the moment, nothing more than a cult phenomenon[/I]”. They were probably right too. Though I had viewed us as having a nationwide presence, the standards for what this meant were always changing. We were cult, for now. But hopefully, the addition of the Body Count Championship to the fold, and some other initiatives I had planned, would help us create some differentiation from Eisen and the gang. I closed the magazine but before I put it down, the back cover grabbed me and changed the game. A huge glossy shot of SWF’s Runaway Train with an entire baseball team in a headlock. “[I]SWF Big Leagues – Starting Sundays in March[/I]”. They had a second TV show? And on Sundays too, when once a month, we held our Pay Per Views. The tag line read, “[I]Why experience the alternative when you can’t get enough of the best?[/I]” This was definitely a ploy to give fans a choice on Sunday—SCAR for money, or SWF for free. Maybe this would be the thing that finally lit the fire under their “not” asses, or screwed us over royally. I finally put the magazine down. Good stuff, very informative, but a little too nerve-wracking for my tastes. Next time, I’m making the intern read it.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, February 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]THE COUNTDOWN IS ON[/B][/COLOR] After winning their semi-final matches last week, Angry Gilmore and Remo are on a collision course for the SCAR Championship at Road to the Gold. Both men will be at Irvine Hall this week—will we get a preview of what’s to come in California?
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/KidToma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]TOMA GETS HIS (BIRD) MAN[/B][/COLOR] Just two days before they are part of the ten man Body Count Gauntlet, Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow will duke it out to try and settle their heated rivalry. Will they find a resolution or will they merely hurt each other’s chances of tasting gold on Sunday?
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BROTHER’S KEEPER[/B][/COLOR] Since moving to SCAR, Bart Biggz has developed an unhealthy obsession with Zimmy Bumfhole. He has sabotaged his matches and implored the Bumfhole brother to join him, saying that both men have something to prove to their siblings. In their last match, Biggz stole a victory, but they’ll go at it one more time on the last edition of Live Feed before Road to the Gold. Will Zimmy rebuff Bart once and for all?
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 107) Aired on Friday, Week 3, February 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at Irvine Hall (Mid South) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] The show began with [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] in the ring with[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Enforcer Roberts [/B][/COLOR]standing nearby, looking menacing. Sexy took out a microphone. “Last week, DaVE’s messenger boy was left in a heap, and that entire garbage dump of a company learned just what happens when you step into Joe Sexy’s ring! And it’s all thanks to this man.” He clapped Roberts on the back, who smiled. “Enforcer Roberts hates those washed-up wannabes and no-talent losers just as much as I do. Danger and Violence Extreme is a federation that is desperately trying to leech off of our popularity so they can save themselves. Be honest, when’s the last time you heard someone talk about DaVE doing something new and innovative? At Road to the Gold, we’ll get in there against Big Cat Brandon and Eric Tyler, and send them back to the East Coast where they belong.” ([I]Fry: It’s been booked! DaVE will have a chance for revenge.[/I]) Sexy was going to continue, but [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR]’s theme cut him off which popped the crowd. ([I]Fry: Remo has arrived! But why?[/I]) “Guys, I’m not here to get involved in your business, because at Road to the Gold, you’re going to get your asses kicked just fine. But I’ve got a match at that same event for the SCAR Championship, and I could use a warm-up match here tonight.” The crowd roared. “Roberts, I’ve already beaten you twice, so I don’t need to do it again. Joe—that’s where your big mouth comes in! You say it’s your ring? Wrong—it’s a SCAR ring. If you want it, come out here later and take it from me.” Sexy looked upset as Remo left. ([I]Fry: Just two days out form Road to the Gold, and Remo will face Joe Sexy! Phunk: Why would Remo risk facing a pro like Joe when the biggest match of his life is on Sunday?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- MATCH 1 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. BART BIGGZ[/B][/COLOR] With all the stops pulled out, and Zimmy wanting Biggz to leave him alone for good, the action was intense. But Zimmy was thrown off by Biggz trash-talking his brother Randy as he beat him down. Bumfhole simply couldn’t get into a groove and was beaten with the same lungblower finisher as in their last match. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Bart Biggz at 11:03, C+[/B][/COLOR] Remo met up with [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] backstage, and said that it sucked how he was beaten by Angry Gilmore last week. “But man, when I pin him for the belt, the first shot is definitely yours.” Remo went on his own way, but Bart Biggz took his place as he came through the curtain. Biggz slagged him, and said that his dance card was wide open for Road to the Gold, and the veteran accepted his challenge. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B- MATCH 2 FRANKIE PEREZ vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B][/COLOR] Perez wasn’t much of a match for Gilmore, but got some licks in anyway. His hard kicks just seemed to fire Gilmore up, and P-Dawg took a hell of a beating before being decisively ended with the Anger Management. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 10:37, C[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore took a microphone, and put one foot on Perez’ chest as he spoke. “Remo… the clock’s ticking. In forty-eight hours, it’s me and you, and the winner is SCAR’s new alpha male. I’m walking out as champion, Remo, but I’ll give you one reprieve. I’ll allow you to lay down for me, so you can lose without getting hurt. But if you want to do things the hard way…” Gilmore stomped hard on Perez’ stomach, hurting the rookie. “That’s cool too.” Gilmore left with a grin. ([I]Fry: He’s barking up the wrong tree if he thinks Remo will lay down![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ MATCH 3 “THE BIRD MAN” MATT SPARROW vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] Toma and Sparrow finally got a chance to tear into each other, and probably took enough out of each other to make them less than 100% for the Body Count Gauntlet. Sparrow tried to bring his pet parrot into play, but Toma kicked him in the throat to put him down. Toma launched from the top turnbuckle for his flying headbutt, but Sparrow put the parrot in the way and Toma’s head connected with it. With Toma slightly dazed, Sparrow was able to drive him with the Bird Brain Buster and collect three. ([I]Fry: Sparrow got it! Is he going to be as successful with the new Body Count Championship on the line on Sunday?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Matt Sparrow at 11:49, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Lobster Warrior [/B][/COLOR]was backstage with[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR]. Warrior said that he wanted him to copy his performance from last week and do whatever it took to win his match this week. Calamari Kid didn’t seem to want to cheat, so Lobster Warrior said he’d go to the ring with him to make sure he’d do it. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C MATCH 4 CALAMARI KID (w/ Lobster Warrior) vs. INSANE MACHINE[/B][/COLOR] The wily Machine had Kid wrapped up with various holds, and Warrior implored his partner to ball-kick his way out of them all. Lobster took the ref’s attention so he could, but Kid got away his own way by springing off of the moves and whipping Insane Machine away. Disgusted, Lobster Warrior left ringside and went to the back. It didn’t matter to Calamari, who finished things off with a Squid Buster. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Calamari Kid at 6:44, B-[/B][/COLOR] Kid’s theme played as his arm was raised, but it quickly turned into the hard rock of [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR]’s theme. They were led out by [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] and looked angrier than ever. ([I]Phunk: Time to pay! Fry: But Calamari Kid didn’t do a thing![/I]) They got into the ring and quickly overpowered Kid, driving him with a huge tandem powerbomb that actually bounced him off of the mat. ([I]Fry: Where was Lobster Warrior there? He hung his partner out to dry![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) JOE SEXY (w/ Enforcer Roberts) vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Remo battled Sexy while keeping an eye on Roberts at ringside. Sexy staved off being pinned by keeping Remo on the mat, and applying a surfboard that he calls Sexy Results. Roberts slid in a chair but when Sexy went for it, he got killed by a clothesline from Remo. Roberts got up on the apron as Sexy was set up for the Destroyer, but instead of hitting the move, Remo launched him into Roberts and both men toppled to the floor. Sexy was trapped under Roberts and couldn’t make the ten count as Remo and the crowd counted him out. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner, by count-out: Remo at 15:36, B[/B][/COLOR] Before Remo could celebrate his win, Angry Gilmore came in through the crowd and hit a lightning-quick Anger Management. ([I]Phunk: Bam, daddy! Didn’t even see him comin’![/I]) Gilmore slid right back out and walked up the aisle, soaking up the crowd’s hatred. ([I]Fry: There is no running or hiding in two days, who will be our champion?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B Live Feed Overall Rating: B [/B][U][COLOR=Black]Post-show Notes[/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black]: - This is the second straight show where the main event saved the rest of the show. To make it back up to National, it needs to be a team effort. - Pay Per View on the way. [B]Fast Results: [/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Remo [/B]def. Joe Sexy [B](B)[/B] [B]Calamari Kid[/B] def. Insane Machine [B](B-)[/B] [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] def. Kid Toma [B](C)[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Frankie Perez [B](C)[/B] [B]Bart Biggz[/B] def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B](C+)[/B][/quote][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=4]Network Difficulties[/SIZE] I was summoned to D’arcy Arnold’s office early Saturday morning. Yes, we have to work the Saturday before a Pay-Per-View, one of Darce’s initiatives that made him real popular with the office workers. Usually, I tried to avoid the guy. He was the type who would come in on a beautiful sunny day and not stop complaining about how much his shoes were bothering him. He was never in a good mood, but on this day he had a good reason for it. “Jim, the network just called us. America-Sports-1 isn’t happy with our ratings and is demanding an improvement.” That was funny. I had already seen last night’s rating, a 12.44 with half-hours of 21.68, 7.82, 7.83, which was right in the middle of what we’d been doing since the beginning. A great first thirty minutes, followed by getting clobbered by Cornell at nine o’clock. What was the big problem all of a sudden? “They don’t like how we’re perceived as a ‘cult federation’, especially when they’ve got two SWF shows on the bill now. We need a ratings boost, or we’re history.” Man, that issue of WrestleWorld Magazine really got around. I was honest with Darce—I told him that our plan wasn’t to blow our load at once for a big gain that might leave us with nothing left in the tank. The plan was slow progress, and building show-by-show for a very strong future. “Remember, this is TV, Jim. Shows get cancelled after two episodes! If next week’s rating is about the same, that might be it for Live Feed. It’s probably time to come up with a backup plan.” Dismissed, I sleepwalked back to my desk, deep in thought. This smelled strongly like another Eisen time bomb that had been ticking ever since I shook his hand. Yes, he’d set us up with a time slot, but it was against TCW, and Richard had been dealing with his friends at America-Sports-1 for a long time. He must have known that after almost two months of one of their shows getting piledriven by a GNN Total Sports show, they would be getting trigger-happy. And we were in the crosshairs. That kinda sucked the fun out of doing our second Pay Per View the next day. Not really though. Let’s get some champions going.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Final Preview – SCAR Road to the Gold[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Live from the V. Thompson Arena in the South West[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Sunday, Week 3, February 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/Remo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=darkred]Main Event[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Road to the Gold Tournament Finals[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]For the SCAR Championship [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Remo[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]vs. Angry Gilmore[/COLOR][/B] Gilmore benefited from shifty victories over Lobster Warrior and Jack Bruce to get here, while Remo had the tougher road, plowing through Enforcer Roberts and Kurt Laramee in hard-fought matches to prove he’s deserving of this opportunity. The winner will be the Antitrust Rebellion’s first champion. Of these two men who have been tipped as potentially-legendary world champions, whose destiny will be fulfilled on Sunday?[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/EricTyler.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=darkred]Special Interpromotional Tag Match[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Enforcer Roberts and Joe Sexy[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]vs. Big Cat Brandon and Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] Two stars of Danger and Violence Extreme will enter a SCAR ring for a sanctioned match to try and get revenge on Joe Sexy and newfound friend Enforcer Roberts. Big Cat and Tyler will have to play by the rules if they hope to win, but will they stand much of a chance on enemy turf?[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkred]Also![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]The First Ever Body Count Gauntlet[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]For the SCAR Body Count Championship[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Including Kid Toma, Matt Sparrow, Ultimate Phoenix, Frankie Perez, Mikey James, Ota, Narato, and More![/COLOR][/B] The rules are simple: draw a number and survive! Two wrestlers will begin, and when one is pinned, another will enter the ring. The last man standing will be the Body Count Champion! The reasoning for this new title seems to be to highlight the most dangerous offense and wild action SCAR has to offer, so ladders and tables will both be in play! There’s also buzz surrounding surprise entrants that may be involved. Who will prevail in this unheard-of war of attrition?[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkred]For the SCAR Tag Team Championships[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Shock and Awe (w/ General Rodriguez)[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]vs. the Underwater Union[/COLOR][/B] A battle of two former championship duos is set for the V. Thompson Arena! General Rodriguez’ troops have been unstoppable as a team, but Lobster Warrior and Calamari Kid, despite their recent issues, have partnered up against the best. Who will walk out with the newly-minted straps?[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkred]Bart Biggz[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]vs. Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] It’s arrogant youngster against beloved fan favourite. Can Biggz continue his rapid ascent with a high-profile win?[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkred]Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]vs. “The King of the Streets” Kurt Laramee[/COLOR][/B] Just signed! After a rousing quarter-final showdown that ended with a win for Laramee, these two will meet again on Pay Per View. Will Zimmy turn his fortunes around with a win? [/CENTER] [U]Prediction Key[/U]: Remo / Angry Gilmore Big Cat and Tyler / Sexy and Roberts Toma / Sparrow / Phoenix / Perez / James / Ota / Narato / Surprise Entrant Shock and Awe / Underwater Union Biggz / Bruce Bumfhole / Laramee
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Remo / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [B]Big Cat and Tyler [/B]/ Sexy and Roberts Toma / Sparrow / [B]Phoenix[/B] / Perez / James / Ota / Narato / Surprise Entrant [B]Shock and Awe [/B]/ Underwater Union, and I smell a turn. [B]Biggz[/B] / Bruce Bumfhole / [B]Laramee[/B] And those are my predictions
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Remo / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] - Remo's too predictable, and I think your going to try and go against the norm. Big Cat and Tyler / [B]Sexy and Roberts[/B] - Got to put over your guys on the end match. Unless this isn't the end. Toma / Sparrow / Phoenix / Perez / James / Ota / Narato / [B]Surprise Entrant[/B] - Might be someone big! [B]Shock and Awe[/B] / Underwater Union - Don't like Underwater Union Biggz / [B]Bruce[/B] - Unless Biggz hasn't gotten massively over. [B]Bumfhole[/B] / Laramee - Zimmy could be your main guy, don't care if he's supposedly the weaker Bumfhole.
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[CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]SCAR Road to the Gold - Live on North American Prime Select Sunday, Week 3, February 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the V. Thompson Arena (South West) Attendance: 9,500 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] MATCH 1 TEN-MAN BODY COUNT GAUNTLET FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP[/B][/COLOR] After the opening gold-tinged pyrotechnics, Plague made his entrance and was soon followed by Fumihiro Ota. ([I]Fry: Here are your number one and two entrants! Phunk: Whoever gets the pin got a long way to go before number ten comes out![/I]) They traded aerial assaults before a Ninja Strike did Plague in, then #3 Mikey James was out. He ducked the Strike to hit a legsweep followed by a standing moonsault for three. #4 was Frankie Perez, and he and James laid in kicks so hard that the front row was cringing. Perez’ proved to be more potent, and Perfect Parity was enough to get James down. Before Mikey left, he extended his hand to Perez who gladly shook it as Ultimate Phoenix paraded down the aisle at number five. ([I]Fry: A little earned respect there? Phunk: No one’s lastin’ too long, are they?[/I]) Perez tried to kick his way through Phoenix, but he caught a boot to whirl Perez through the ropes to the floor, and followed it with a dazzling plancha. Phoenix put Perez back in and went under the apron for something that perked up the crowd. ([I]Fry: Phoenix is setting up a ladder![/I]) Phoenix climbed as Perez got to his feet in the ring, and leapt off for a flying hurricanrana that wiped him out. ([I]Fry: Perez is pinned, and he’s gone![/I]) Phoenix went to one knee and played to the crowd, but Kid Toma at #6 was already streaking down the aisle and scrambling up the ladder on the outside. ([I]Phunk: Turn around, dude![/I]) Phoenix turned and was nailed by a crossbody from the top that the crowd ate up. Toma got up and pulled a table in from the outside, propping it up in the corner. Phoenix stumbled up and was thrown against the table. Toma streaked across the ring and threw himself through Phoenix and the table to get the win. At #7 was a surprise entrant—Burning EXILE! ([I]Fry: He’s done some incredible things in Japan and now he’s number seven![/I]) He threw himself at Toma, but in rocketing off the ropes was back body dropped out of the ring and into the ladder, which toppled over and made for a poor crashmat. Toma finished him off with a thrust kick to the throat, and brought out #8, Kazuma Narato, who didn’t take long to go down either. #9 was someone familiar to Toma—“The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow. ([I]Fry: What a showdown! Can Sparrow stop Toma’s run?[/I]) They battled to the outside where they brawled all the way up a second ladder. Sparrow was pushed off and fell hard in the middle of the ring, and Toma followed him in with a sky-high Long Range Headbutt for a three count. ([I]Fry: He has no regard for himself, and has just one more opponent to go through for the win![/I]) Some dance club music hit and out pranced a blonde youngster announced as Mainstream Hernandez, adorned with a surfer necklace and large sunglasses. ([I]Fry: Hernandez is debuting here and got number ten, what a draw![/I]) He almost got his head kicked off by a tired Toma as soon as he entered, but soon struck back with offense of his own. He was crotched on the top turnbuckle by Toma and set up for a superplex, but Sparrow jumped back up to the apron and guillotined Toma on the top rope to put him down. Hernandez quickly hit a shooting star press and covered for the shock victory. ([I]Fry: Mainstream Hernandez, whoever he is, is the Body Count Champion! Phunk: With help from Sparrow! Who is this kid?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winner, and new Body Count Champion: Mainstream Hernandez at 16:48, C+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] was already in his ring gear and seemed to be talking himself through a gameplan. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]A MATCH 2 JACK BRUCE vs. BART BIGGZ[/B][/COLOR] Bruce did a good job of controlling the flow and making Bart wrestle at his methodical pace, and Biggz started to get frustrated. When Bruce had him keeled over for his New York Minute, Bart nailed him in the groin as he charged for the DQ and rolled out, having had more than enough. [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winner, by disqualification: Jack Bruce at 8:03, B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] MATCH 3 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez) vs. THE UNDERWATER UNION[/B][/COLOR] Issues within the Union? What issues? Tank Bradley and Butcher Braun got the fight taken to them as Lobster Warrior launched a tumbling Calamari Kid into the both of them on the outside. Everything was rosy until Kid was isolated by Rodriguez’ men. Kid struck back with a dropkick that stunned Bradley, but instead of tagging out, he went for the Squid Buster. This seemed to bother Warrior who desperately wanted a tag. Bradley kicked out of the Buster at the last moment, and when Calamari went to tag Warrior, he pulled his hand away, shaking his head. ([I]Fry: What is that?[/I]) Warrior jumped down from the apron, and made his way to the back. ([I]Phunk: There goes his partner![/I]) Kid was grabbed from behind and blasted with a sloppy back-suplex/neckbreaker. Bradley covered for three as Rodriguez raised her arms. ([I]Fry: Probably not the way they wanted to do it, but Shock and Awe are the Tag Team Champs![/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winners, and new Tag Team Champions: Shock and Awe at 9:51, C-[/B][/COLOR] Cameras caught Lobster Warrior coming through the curtain. The interviewer stopped him. “Tough luck, Kid. There’s only so many times you can ignore someone before they walk away and leave you in the dust, and that's exactly what just happen. You might need me, little guy, but I don’t need you.” [COLOR=DarkRed][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR] As Lobster Warrior walked away with a smile on his face, we could see Bart Biggz stagger into view in the hallway behind him. A quick zoom showed Jack Bruce chasing him down and beating the crap out of him. ([I]Fry: Bruce is all over Biggz! Get some security back there![/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]C MATCH 4 JOE SEXY and ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. BIG CAT BRANDON and ERIC TYLER[/B][/COLOR] The DaVE invaders looked like they might’ve had it in the bag when Joe took a Big Cat Pounce that smashed him into Roberts on the apron, sending Enforcer to the floor. Tyler got on him as Sexy staggered backwards into Brandon. He got lifted in a full nelson but Sexy swung his leg backwards to nail him in the junk, which the referee missed. As Big Cat went to one knee, Sexy hit the One Night Stand and hooked the leg for three. [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winners: Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts at 15:31, C+[/B][/COLOR] Sexy gathered up Roberts and tried to make an exit, but Tyler blocked their path in the aisle and took out a barbed wire two-by-four. ([I]Phunk: Take that weapon away from him! This aint' DaVE![/I]) They tried to go the other way but Big Cat was there with a barbed wire weapon of his own. They were cornered in the middle of the ring and took brutal shots until the DaVE superstars finally let them roll out to safety and played to the crowd. ([I]Fry: Danger and Violence Extreme just got the last laugh on Sexy and Roberts![/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]C+[/B] [B] Angry Gilmore[/B] [/COLOR] was backstage, dressed in a button-up shirt and slacks. ([I]Fry: Why isn’t he in his tights? He should be match-ready by now. Phunk: You don't need to be ready when you're as good as Gilmore![/I]) Gilmore reiterated that he would let Remo lay down for him to save him a beating. He said if Remo didn’t, Gilmore would resort to other measures. ([I]Fry: What is he talking about?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]B MATCH 5 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. “THE KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE[/B][/COLOR] Both men seemed to be playing it safe for some reason, and Zimmy didn’t go to the top rope once. Fry indicated that Zimmy’s losing streak might be filling him with doubt about his abilities, and this match only added to his trouble as the Switchblade Powerslam from Laramee did him in. Afterwards, Zimmy seemed angry with himself, swearing as he walked up the aisle. [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winner: Kurt Laramee at 9:27, C[/B][/COLOR] A quick video highlighted Remo’s path to the main event, and Gilmore’s decidedly-easier quarter and semi-final wins. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) ROAD TO THE GOLD TOURNAMENT FINALS FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP REMO vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B][/COLOR] Before the match, Crippler Ray Kingman who seeded the tournament came down to ringside with his cane for a nice ovation. He held the SCAR Championship, which was partially made up of a buzzsaw blade. When the bell rung, Remo laid down on his back and Gilmore’s face lit up. ([I]Fry: What, Remo’s going along with this?[/I]) Gilmore gladly covered him, but before the referee could count one, Remo press-slammed Gilmore over the top rope to the floor. ([I]Fry: I didn’t think so![/I]) A battle erupted on the outside where Gilmore was tossed into both sets of stairs but Angry slid into the ring before Remo and caught him with a boot to the ear before he could stand up. The match lasted almost thirty minutes with many near falls between the two, and Remo kicking out of the Anger Management to the shock of Gilmore. He tried for another, but Remo switched it into the Destroyer position. Remo was shoved backwards into the referee, but took it in stride and charged back at Gilmore to hit the Remo Buster. ([I]Fry: Wham bam! But the referee’s hurt![/I]) The ref rolled to the outside where Kingman tried to help him up. Crippler Ray called Remo over, who stuck his head through the ropes. ([I]Fry: Kingman trying to restore order--[/I]) Kingman broke the wooden cane over Remo’s head to put him down. ([I]Fry: WHAT? Phunk: DUDE![/I]) Remo was busted open and a woozy Gilmore helped Kingman into the ring. Gilmore took Remo up and dropped him with a big Anger Management as Kingman got down to one knee. Gilmore covered and Kingman counted three as the fans booed loudly. ([I]Fry: What the hell just happened?! Phunk: We got a World Champion is what happened![/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Winner, and new SCAR Champion: Angry Gilmore at 28:19, B+[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore embraced Crippler Ray who raised his arm and gave him the title, which he clasped to his chest. Gilmore presented himself to the fans with the belt around his waist. ([I]Phunk: Remo got screwed over, big-style! Fry: What would make Ray Kingman do this? Why did he do that?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]B Road to the Gold Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - The buyrate was a solid 3.85, down from our previous 4.21, but not by too much. However, North American Prime Select didn’t like it; they’re putting us on notice and expect improvements. That’s no good. - Rocking the predictions with 5/6 was JonnyV1. Please PM me if interested in some kind of prize. Ping takes home the “swing and a miss” award and adds to the fabled Von Erich Curse. Thanks to everyone who predicted! [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Remo for the SCAR Championship [B](B+)[/B] [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B](C)[/B] [B]Sexy and Roberts [/B]def. Big Cat and Tyler [B](C+)[/B] [B]Shock and Awe[/B] def. The Underwater Union for the SCAR Tag Team Championships [B](C-)[/B] [B]Jack Bruce[/B] def. Bart Biggz by DQ [B](B-)[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] won the Body Count Gauntlet for the SCAR Body Count Championship [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[B][SIZE=4]Conference Call[/SIZE][/B] In my office, there was me and there was a speakerphone. And I feared that after I had used it, some people weren’t going to like me anymore. The last week had been full of crisis for us; ever since I’d read that issue of WrestleWorld Magazine, everything had started to skid downhill. First, America-Sports-1 had threatened us with cancellation unless our ratings took a huge jump this week, which basically wasn’t going to happen, and then our Pay-Per-View carrier, North America Prime Select, told us our numbers weren’t good enough either. Near the end of each month, we were to have a conference call to talk to various segments of our company and also distributors of our merchandise. Last month Darce handled it, but he was now undergoing bunion surgery (damn, I guess his feet really were bothering him) so it became my duty. In his absence, I’d made a couple of decisions that I hoped he would be happy with. If he wasn’t, he would have to live with them. “Hello folks,” I said into the speaker. “We’re going to keep it short and sweet this time around. You’ve probably heard about our problems with the network, but those have been resolved.” I heard a couple of sighs of relief. “Because we have cancelled our contract with them.” One voice cut through the rest of the rabble. “What? There was another season left on that!” “True, but if they cancel it one day into March, then we’re stuck without television because no one will sign anything until the summer. That’s why we’ve struck a deal with Sports America to start on Thursdays in March. The show will be called Survive or Die.” By the sounds coming through on my end, they seemed pretty convinced that we were destined to do the latter. I wasn’t done though. “I also have news on the release of Road to the Gold on DVD. That has been cancelled.” “What? Why?” “Because as of now, all our events are going to be uploaded, free, to ViewTube.com.” Now they really weren’t happy with me. “That’s flushing easy money down the toilet!” “We made a healthy enough profit that much that we can stand to do a bit of flushing. The truth of the matter is, right now, we need to reach as many fans as possible. Let’s prove to them that we’re superior to SWF and TCW, and give them a taste, then sell them the goods.” “I hope you know what you’re doing.” I hoped I did too. When the call ended, I leaned back in my chair towards the window and gazed out at the foamy San Diego surf. Our new deal with Sports America wasn’t the ideal one, or even a very good one, but it was a stable one. They weren’t prestigious; in fact, the only programming of note that they offered were the national cheerleading championships, toughman (read: fat man) fights, and two USPW offerings, both of which were rumored to be ending soon due to low ratings. Thursdays at eleven was the best they could do, and we would have to make do. I really believed that if we were on where someone could find us, we’d continue to grow, and our internet exposure would hopefully do the rest of the job. For now, all there was to do was end Live Feed’s run on a high note at the end of the week. And send a muffin basket to ol’ Darce and his bunions.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 108) Aired on Friday, Week 4, February 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] walked out beside [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR], and held his SCAR Championship high in the air. ([I]Fry: These two have a lot of explaining to do, especially Kingman! Remo was screwed, plain and simple![/I]) Gilmore called for a microphone, but Kingman took it first to his surprise. “People say they want answers… well I got ‘em. Why did I help Tom here win the belt, why did I count that three? It’s simple: he reminds me of what wrestling used to be… what wrestling should be. When I could still go, the sport—and I mean SPORT—was about getting in the ring and doing anything you could to win, even if it meant hurting someone, making them bleed, breaking their bones. It wasn’t about posturing, or being a musclehead, or trying to get yourself into the movies. This man here—” He put a hand on a proud Gilmore’s shoulder. “He’s a shining example to rest of that locker room of wrestling’s proud past, and its purest form.” Gilmore was next to speak. “You’re exactly right, Ray, except I’m not just wrestling’s past… I’m also its future, and fans, the future… is bright.” He patted his belt. “I gave Remo a chance to do things the easy way, but he chose the hard way, and luckily, I love doing things the hard way. I promised some other measures, and they came through. I’ve had Crippler Ray in my back pocket all along, as a mentor, as a friend. And with his guidance, there’s no stopping me. Welcome to your reality, SCAR. You can accept it, or you can fight it like Remo, and go down like Remo.” He looked into the hard camera. “I hear you want another shot. Well, who doesn’t? This time, you’ll have to impress me. I’ll be watching your match with Enforcer Roberts later very closely. I hold all the cards, and since there’s no semblance of authority here in SCAR, I’ve got all the power because of what’s wrapped around my waist. Lay a finger on me, Remo, and you can kiss any shot you want goodbye.” ([I]Phunk: He speaks the truth! We ain’t got no Commissioner, no General Manager, it’s every man for himself, and Gilmore’s got all the stroke ‘cause he the champ![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, another new champion, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR], was backstage being interviewed. “I think I need to introduce myself. My name is Mainstream Hernandez and I’m here to take SCAR straight to the top. Of all the things this federation lacks—entertainment, excitement, intrigue—it lacks star power the most, and I’ve got it to spare. For too long, I’ve wasted away on the indy scene, playing in front of a handful of drunk hicks and their toothless children, but now, I’m right where I belong… the spotlight.” He walked away with a smug grin. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ MATCH 1 FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP ULTIMATE PHOENIX vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (C)[/B][/COLOR] Both men pulled out all the stops with the belt being defended for the very first time, and Hernandez wowed the crowd by busting out a sky-high shooting star press that Phunk informed the viewers was called Mainstream Dreams. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner, and still champion: Mainstream Hernandez at 12:47, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Remo[/B][/COLOR] stalked towards his dressing room with his head down. The interviewer tried to get a comment from him, but was merely shoved away. ([I]Fry: I don’t think he wants to talk about it.[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+ MATCH 2 LOBSTER WARRIOR vs. BIG CAT BRANDON[/B][/COLOR] Big Cat fills out his loan obligation by locking up with Lobster Warrior, who wore his trademark red tights but not the hat or claw gloves. He had the DaVE superstar on the defensive and got him to submit convincingly to the Lobster Pick. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Lobster Warrior at 8:59, C+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] said that Bart Biggz would pay tonight for his actions at Road to the Gold, but now he was going to make the beating twice as worse. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C+ MATCH 3 JACK BRUCE vs. BART BIGGZ[/B][/COLOR] Biggz took it from a fired-up Jack Bruce and couldn’t get in much offense of his own. When he finally slipped a knee in and took control, Zimmy Bumfhole walked down the aisle looking angry. ([I]Fry: Uh oh, here comes one pissed-off looking Zimmy! Phunk: Why would he be happy? He’s been losing like crazy, Biggz been getting in his head.[/I]) Biggz slammed Bruce down and backed away into the corner seeing Zimmy. Bruce staggered to his feet, getting between the two of them, and without warning, Zimmy reverse DDT’d him down. ([I]Fry: What?! Zimmy just dropped Jack Bruce![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner, by disqualification: Jack Bruce at 12:47, B[/B][/COLOR] A shocked Bart stepped forward as Zimmy began to lay boots in on Bruce. ([I]Fry: Bart Biggz is just as surprised as everyone in this arena! What is Zimmy doing?[/I]) Bruce was pulled up and driven with the Bumfhole Buster. Zimmy looked at Biggz and then hugged him. Biggz seemed pleased. ([I]Phunk: If Biggz wanted Zimmy to join him, looks like he succeeded, man![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C MATCH 4 KID TOMA vs. BIG SMACK SCOTT[/B][/COLOR] This one wasn’t good for a whole lot more than for Toma to dominate Scott, and for Fry and Phunk to once again plug that SCAR Survive or Die begins next Thursday! Toma polished off the big lug with a huge Long Range Headbutt. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Kid Toma at 4:34, D+[/B][/COLOR] Toma was given a microphone afterwards, and he glared at the entrance angrily, panting and snorting. “Sparrow… you’re… mine!” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D+ MATCH 5 ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Roberts took the brunt of Remo’s anger, and though they’ve had competitive matches in the past, this one definitely swung Remo’s way in a hurry. With Roberts struggling to hold on, Gilmore invaded the ring and nailed Remo with the belt from behind. ([I]Fry: For God’s sakes! Is this what he meant by watching him closely?[/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner by disqualification: Remo at 14:47, B+[/B][/COLOR] Remo went down and Gilmore stood over him, holding the belt high. Remo started to get back up and Gilmore brought the centerpiece down onto his head again, this time drawing blood because of the buzzsaw blade. ([I]Fry: Gilmore can make all the sneak attacks he wants, but he’ll have to face Remo eventually, and that won’t be pretty![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]A Live Feed Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Goodbye, America-Sports-1. I’d say we’ll miss your impressive coverage, but… you were beginning to get on our nerves. [COLOR=Black][B]Fast Results[/B]:[/COLOR] [quote][COLOR=Black][B]Remo [/B][/COLOR]def. Enforcer Roberts by DQ [COLOR=Black][B](B+)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] def. Big Smack Scott [COLOR=Black][B](D+)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] def. Bart Biggz by DQ [COLOR=Black][B](B)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] def. Big Cat Brandon [COLOR=Black][B](C+)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]def. Ultimate Phoenix to retain the Body Count Championship [COLOR=Black][B](C)[/B][/COLOR][/quote]
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[B]End of Month Operational Report To: D’arcy Arnold CC: Marketing, Advertising, Talent Relations, Creative[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- Month two was another big one for us. We came out with our second Pay Per View event, Road to the Gold, that drew a comparable number to Open Wounds. Here is the whole month’s breakdown. [B] SWF Nothing to Lose[/B] (NAPS) – [B]5.84[/B] [B] SCAR Road to the Gold [/B](NAPS) – [B]3.85[/B] [B] TCW The War To Settle the Score[/B] (USAFC) – [B]2.47[/B] We can attribute the lower number to our branding as a non-national company by the influential WrestleWorld magazine, and a bit of lost curiousity that the first PPV had going for it. We also had problems with the America-Sports-1 network that led to us canceling our contract with them, and moving to Sports America, which will begin airing Survive or Die in March. We’re not the only company having TV troubles; DaVE recently had their Danger Zone TV contract expire, and NOTBPW got dropped by National Pride TV, leaving them to air only in Canada. Our Pay Per View carrier, North American Prime Select, is also unhappy with our performance, and they don’t need to have a lick of patience with us, since they’ve got the SWF events as their prime concern. We’ll get a chance to up our number with March’s event, but we may end up having to downgrade to a lesser carrier if they cancel our contract. We reaped the benefits of a working agreement with DaVE, which brought Big Cat Brandon, Eric Tyler, and Chris Caulfield to a SCAR ring. We will likely continue this relationship and also try to create new promotional pacts, whether it be to Canada, Japan or somewhere else. Our Internet distribution of events seems to be working; while it took a big bite out of our merchandise sales, we’re seeing a lot of site traffic from areas like Japan, Europe and Mexico where there was almost none before. We turned a healthy profit, and should do so again in March. - Jim Jehovah
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