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Antitrust - The End of a Monopoly

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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Blue]SCAR Crashing the Border - Live on North American Prime Select[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Blue] Sunday, Week 3, April 2007[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Blue] Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Blue] Held at the Michigan Statewide Arena (Great Lakes) [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Blue] Attendance: 10,000 (sell-out) [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B][COLOR=Blue] MATCH 1 ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. ALICIA STRONG[/COLOR][/B] Strong shot out of the gates, likely surprising her opponent who didn’t think much of her. Roberts began to dominate, using variations on the backbreaker to soften her up. After driving her with a sidewalk slam, he sat up and smiled, thinking things were in the bag. But he took far too long on his backside, and Strong recovered enough to worm her legs around his waist and hook his shoulders down. ([I]Fry: Look at that, Strong the cover, three! Oh my God, she beat him![/I]) She smartly rolled out as Roberts jumped up and shook the referee by the shirt, incredulous. ([I]Phunk: That's a huge win![/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B] Winner: Alicia Strong at 11:41, C+ [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=Blue][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] was trying to pump himself up, but seemed anxious. His cousin, [COLOR=Blue][B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR], approached him. “[I]Hey cuz. Listen, I don’t care what kinda match Cherry booked; I’m gonna have your back out there. I’ll come down with you and—[/I]” Jack cut him off. “[I]No, B—it’s career suicide to contradict her, and your future’s too bright. I can make it out of this one.[/I]” The younger Bruce didn’t seem to believe him, but wished him luck. [COLOR=Blue][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR] Bruce’s opponents, [COLOR=Blue][B]Bart Biggz[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Blue][B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR], were with the interviewer and said that tonight was important. “[I]Tonight, we take out one of wrestling’s biggest stars and prove to our families and the world that we are the next big thing in this business.[/I]” Zimmy playfully slugged Bart on the shoulder. “[I]Let’s go get him, brother.[/I]” ([I]Fry: Not brothers not brothers not brothers.[/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B]B- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B] MATCH 2 HANDICAP MATCH THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Bruce was a house of fire off the start, knocking Zimmy from the corner and blasting Bart with the New York Minute. But Bumfhole sprung in with an axehandle drop to end it at the last second. Bruce was surprisingly able to weather the storm of both men, and when Zimmy went up to try for a 450 Splash, Bruce met him and tried for a superplex. But Biggz came in from behind and put Bruce on his shoulders, then dropped him backwards just as his partner dove off with a huge legdrop. ([I]Fry: They call it Brotherly Love, and they aren’t brothers, but it gets the pin! Phunk: Bruce lost! What an upset! Fry: Against two men?[/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B] Winners: the Brothers from Different Mothers at 7:39, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][B] Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] was seen leaving the building. When questioned, he said, “[I]I came here to talk to Gilmore, and I can’t even get an audience with the king himself. He’s too busy to talk to me. If he’s gonna keep the belt tonight, he’ll have to do it without my help. I’m finished with him.[/I]” [COLOR=Blue][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B] MATCH 3 JACK GIEDROYC vs. CHRIS ROCKWELL[/B][/COLOR] This one could’ve swung either way. Rockwell consistently erased Giedroyc’s momentum; after Jack would hit a few moves, Rockwell would poke his body out of the ring and get a clean break. Rockwell reversed a suplex to hit his Rock Tumbler ([I]Phunk: There—bam![/I]) but Giedroyc got a shoulder up at the last second. Rockwell slammed his fists on the mat, and tried another unsuccessful cover. He pulled Giedroyc up and got roped into a small package, but broke out. ([I]Fry: Giedroyc almost got him![/I]) Rockwell continued his beatdown, but was slung into the ropes and missed a clothesline. Giedroyc caught him around the neck and dropped him with Crashing On. ([I]Fry: Rockwell’s jaw got jacked, and that’s three! Giedroyc wins! Phunk: And Rockwell’s little streak is done![/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B] Winner: Jack Giedroyc at 14:59, B- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] cut a promo with John Greed pacing in the background, looking worried. The champion was either very confident, or putting up a brave front. “[I]It might be Sunday, but right now, it’s Friday. It’s getaway day. I’m going to deny Kid Toma, I will deny loco Matt Sparrow and I will definitely deny whichever international competitor SCAR flew in. And when it’s all said and done, I’m the one that flies because I will be granting myself a well-deserved vacation.[/I]” [COLOR=Blue][B]D ---------- MATCH 4 FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP DUANE STONE vs. MATT SPARROW vs. KID TOMA vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (C) (w/ John Greed)[/B][/COLOR] When Dan Stone’s younger brother burst through the entrance, there were more than a few fans that needed clueing in to his identity. ([I]Fry: That message board fan knows his stuff! Duane spent years in Japan as Black Cobra, and he’s probably logged more time on the top rope than a lot of SCAR wrestlers have spent in the ring! He can still go![/I]) Stone had his way in the early-going, dispatching Toma and Sparrow with hard knife-edge chops, and when Hernandez slid out to confer with Greed, Duane sprung up to the top rope and crossbodied the both of them to the crowd’s delight. This left Toma and Sparrow to lock up once again, and they wasted no time battering each other with loud shots that had the crowd anticipating each one. Toma went for his patented throat kick but had it caught, and was pulled into the Bird Brain Buster! ([I]Fry: There it is! THIS COULD BE IT—[/I]) But Stone came back in with a textbook moonsault on top of the cover to break it up. Sparrow rolled out and Stone put Toma in a double underhook, but took a LOUD superkick to the jaw by the champ that felled him. ([I]Fry: Good Lord![/I]) Toma was spiked for a DDT, and Hernandez climbed to the top rope for what had to be Mainstream Dreams. ([I]Phunk: He’s punchin’ his plane ticket, Fry![/I]) As he leapt off and began turning backwards, Toma rolled out of the way and Duane Stone jumped into place to hit Hernandez with a facebuster on the way down, popping the crowd. ([I]Fry: That was huge![/I]) A tired Stone covered Hernandez as Toma tried to rise... two… three! ([I]Fry: I can’t believe it! Duane Stone has waltzed in here and won the Body Count Championship![/I] [I]Phunk: He ain't even working for us![/I]) Stone had his arm raised and clasped the belt to his chest. ([I]Fry: Is he going to be just the first Stone to win gold here tonight?[/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B] Winner, and new Body Count Champion, Duane Stone at 9:42, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] had an answer to that: no way. “[I]This farce has gone on long enough. Tonight will be the end of a dream, Junior. You will learn that much like perogies and the comedy of Tom Green, there are some things that only matter to Canadians, and you are one of them. If you truly, honestly think that you can take my belt from me in my adopted homeland, then it’s my pleasure to put your hopes under my boot and crush them like a bug, because those bitter Canadian winters have clearly frozen your brain.[/I]” “[I]You should have left it as a dream, Junior…[/I]” [COLOR=Blue][B]B+ [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Cameras went back to the ring, and specifically the high press boxes where a long shot slowly zoomed in on an attractive woman. ([I]Fry: Is that—it is! [COLOR=Blue][B]Emma Chase![/B][/COLOR][/I]) Seeing the camera, she quickly left the box. ([I]Fry: What is she doing here at a SCAR show? Phunk: Clearly, scouting talent, genius![/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 5 FIRST BLOOD RULES KURT LARAMEE vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] It didn’t take long for Laramee to bring a steel chair into play, and he stopped Remo with a low blow before braining him with it. However, it wasn’t enough to draw blood. Remo fought back, plowing him with a humongous clothesline and trying to bust Kurt open by ramming his head into the ring post. Laramee held on and hit the Switchblade Powerslam back inside the ring before folding the abused chair out and climbing on top. He pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and fitted them on. ([I]Phunk: He’s gonna come off there and open up his eyebrow from an angle! That’s how he do![/I]) Laramee waited for Remo to get to one knee, and jumped off, but Richardson caught him and snapped off a quick Remo Buster that crushed the back of Laramee’s head into the chair. The crowd gasped and Remo fell to his back like it was the last ounce of strength he had. The referee extracted the chair from under Laramee’s head and saw it was stained with his blood. ([I]Fry: That’s all! Laramee’s head is bleeding and Remo has beaten Cherry Eisen’s thug at his own game![/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B] Winner: Remo at 14:56, C [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] A short video aired, showing some grainy footage of Angry Gilmore from the late nineties in Canada, and then classic Dan Stone Jr. victories from his career in NOTBPW. It ended with multiple angles of Gilmore’s Anger Management on Stone last Thursday, and stated that now the fight has been taken to the United States of America for one night only. ([I]Fry: The saying is truer now than it’s ever been—this is gonna be a barnstormer![/I]) [COLOR=Blue][B]B ---------- MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP DAN STONE JR. vs. ANGRY GILMORE (C)[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore didn’t seem to miss his estranged mentor Kingman at ringside, and held his own in an opening brawl against his challenger. Stone wasn't going to be stopped, and had Gilmore reeling with forearms to the jaw. At that point Zimmy and Bart ambled their way down to ringside as the crowd booed. ([I]Fry: What the hell business do they have down here? Phunk: It’s Cherry’s business, I’m sure![/I]) Stone yelled at them, and when he turned to Gilmore, was almost hit with a leg lariat. However, he snapped him down and applied the Ankle Stretch. ([I]Fry: He’s made many men tap to this![/I]) Zimmy and Bart jumped onto the apron to protest, and Stone broke the hold to nail them both with hard punches. Gilmore was allowed time to recover, and hit Stone with a DDT when he turned. A pin got only two, and Gilmore continued the offensive. He tried for a German suplex, but Stone Jr. rolled forward and put his shoulders down. The referee counted two before he was pulled from the ring by Bart Biggz. ([I]Fry: Dammit, he might have had it that time![/I]) As the referee shook off the cobwebs on the floor, Biggz and Bumfhole mocked Stone. The rans roared as Remo and Jack Bruce ran down the aisle and attacked them from behind. ([I]Fry: Here’s some justice![/I]) Both men took whips into the barrier and were clotheslined into the crowd as Remo and Bruce dragged them away. ([I]Fry: Now it’s one-on-one, like it should be![/I]) Now ten minutes in, this match turned into the technical encounter that everyone hoped it would be. Gilmore locked Stone in a double-leg crab, thinking he had him beat, but Stone managed a version of the Ankle Stretch even as his face was buried in the mat. The stand-off ended when Gilmore finally broke his hold and stomped on Stone with his good foot. Many attempts at both Anger Management and Stone’s Tiger Danger Driver were reversed multiple times, and both men resorted then to roll-ups and small packages to try and get a win any way possible. ([I]Fry: This is like a war between two massive armies that are equally matched! Phunk: But in war, someone’s gotta be the loser![/I]) Stone Jr. tried for his patented back suplex but Gilmore landed on his feet and leapt forward with Anger Management. ([I]Fry: That’s it, Stone tried hard tonight but—what?! He kicked out![/I]) Gilmore couldn’t believe it either and buried his face in his hands. He pulled Stone up but was yanked down into the Ankle Stretch. Gilmore screamed as the fans chanted “TAP TAP TAP”. Gilmore clawed to the corner and grabbed the bottom turnbuckle as Stone maintained the hold. He climbed up until he had reached the top rope, and Stone followed him up, devastating him with hard chops. ([I]Fry: Gilmore has taken the beating of a lifetime![/I]) They sat on the top buckle, trading chop after chop. Gilmore was almost toppled to ringside by one last huge blow until Stone put him in a headlock. ([I]Phunk: It’s a big bulldog![/I]) Gilmore had other plans and turned it into an amazing Anger Management in the air. ([I]Fry: Oh my GOD, Anger Management from the top![/I]) Gilmore groggily covered, hooking both legs… two… three. [COLOR=Blue][B] Winner, and still champion: Angry Gilmore at 29:08, B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Blue]----------[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Gilmore ignored the referee who tried to raise his arm and dazedly rolled out to grab his belt. He backpedaled up the aisle, raising his title and smiling. ([I]Fry: He smiles now, but Stone almost had him beaten in that ring![/I]) Stone slowly got up to his knees, and looked out at the crowd. Many fans rose to their feet and applauded him. ([I]Fry: He didn’t win the belt, but you bet your ass he proved himself tonight to all these fans—hell, I'd say this whole country![/I]) Stone got up and raised an arm, showing respect back as the show faded to black. [COLOR=Blue][B]B Crashing the Border Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-match Notes[/U]: - Gilmore/Stone Jr. don’t go for an A, but do pull in a B+, enough to take us to a B and a popularity raise. That’s what I’m talking about. I expected a little more out of Remo and Laramee but going in I was aware that hardcore was not their strongest suit. - The buyrate was 3.88, our second-best yet. But was it good enough? - Thanks for the predictions, Jonny. You're still the unbeatable machine--you intimidated everyone away from trying! :) And no, neither of the Stones are under contract, they're both on loan. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Dan Stone Jr. to retain [B](B+) Remo[/B] def. Kurt Laramee [B](C) Duane Stone[/B] def. Hernandez, Toma, Sparrow to win the Body Count Championship [B](C+) Jack Giedroyc[/B] def. Chris Rockwell [B](B-) The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B] def. Jack Bruce [B](C) Alicia Strong [/B]def. Enforcer Roberts [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[SIZE=4]Sly and the Family Stone[/SIZE] I was feeling more than a little clever after the loaned Dan Stone Jr. and Angry Gilmore combined to battle to a great main event. That, and drunk. After the fans had filed out, and WrestleWorld.com had crowed on their live coverage that “this one was worth every cent”, I invited both Stone brothers out for a beer on me. Duane declined, but Dan was game, and proceeded to drink me under the table with beers two through seven, guzzling down our pitiful American beer like it was cream soda. He had me giggling like an eight-year-old girl by recounting his boyhood days of playing Canada’s national sport, lacrosse. I had no idea what this lacrosse s*** was but the idea of the entire Stone family swinging around sticks with nets on the end was enough to push me over the edge into Laughy Drunk Town. I was probably about to embarrass myself even more when Mr. Buzz Kill himself, D’arcy Arnold, worked his way towards me through the shoulder-to-shoulder sea of other patrons. “Jim, can we talk in private?” I excused myself with a stifled belch and we moved towards the washroom. “I just got a call from Prime Select. They told me that tonight’s show pulled the second-best buyrate we’ve had to date, but it’s still not good enough. They’re yanking us from the service.” I had trouble processing this information in my inebriated state. Wait--our PPV deal was over, even though we’d just put up a really solid number? How the hell does that work? I responded to D’arcy with the only thing I had to say. “Urghaaaa… lacrosse.” [I]Crunch[/I]. I fell backwards onto someone’s dropped beer glass, causing a waitress to gasp. This one was going to hurt in the morning. And I wasn’t talking about the glass.
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First, every time I open up this diary and see that it only has three stars, for some reason it really bothers me. Pound for pound, this is probably my favorite dynasty around. Second of all, sorry about the bad news regarding the PPV but I like how you wrote it up. Third, I'm glad Giedroyc beat Rockwell. I'm glad you took the mask off of him and I like his character, but I still want him to lose.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;209343]Have you ever tried lacrosse?[/QUOTE] Indeed I have, at a hockey camp actually. I apologize if you're a lacrosse player but I never got into it, I think I lost something in the explanation. "Take this stick with a net on it." I... alright. "Run around holding the net close to your head." Hold on a second-- "Wait for your teammate to hurl a hard thick ball at your head." Know what, I'm gonna go play a wrestling simulator. [QUOTE=Monkeypox]First, every time I open up this diary and see that it only has three stars, for some reason it really bothers me. Pound for pound, this is probably my favorite dynasty around.[/QUOTE] I really appreciate it, and you know how big a fan of yours I am. It would be nice if people who had complaints verbalized them like you did, rather than just rating the diary a 1, because not only am I left wondering what is missing, but the diary also exists in less of a bubble. I'll admit, when you posted that Stone Jr. would lose directly after his debut, it took away a little bit of lustre for me, but that's probably what a lot of actual fans would have said. Real companies adapt to the demands and qualms of their fans and this diary will be no different. I won't lie--the Duane Stone victory was a shock move to address that specific concern, and also to function in terms of, "Wow, anything can happen on PPV! I gotta order it next time." I would love people to get into this diary so much that they tell me what they love, but also what doesn't do it for them. As for the stars, I won't lose too much sleep. If people are reading, I'm on the right track. [QUOTE=MPox]Third, I'm glad Giedroyc beat Rockwell. I'm glad you took the mask off of him and I like his character, but I still want him to lose.[/QUOTE] I have really high hopes for Jack, so he had to go over Rockwell here. He's not stunningly skilled anywhere but good enough everywhere that he can work with a variety of people. My main problem right now is with three biggish companies, there's a lack of main-event talent everywhere. I can build some of it, but until I can manage to take some workers from TCW or SWF, Giedroyc is one of the guys who I think can take the ball and run decently with it.
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;209615]Indeed I have, at a hockey camp actually. I apologize if you're a lacrosse player but I never got into it, I think I lost something in the explanation. "Take this stick with a net on it." I... alright. "Run around holding the net close to your head." Hold on a second-- "Wait for your teammate to hurl a hard thick ball at your head." Know what, I'm gonna go play a wrestling simulator. I really appreciate it, and you know how big a fan of yours I am. It would be nice if people who had complaints verbalized them like you did, rather than just rating the diary a 1, because not only am I left wondering what is missing, but the diary also exists in less of a bubble. I'll admit, when you posted that Stone Jr. would lose directly after his debut, it took away a little bit of lustre for me, but that's probably what a lot of actual fans would have said. Real companies adapt to the demands and qualms of their fans and this diary will be no different. I won't lie--the Duane Stone victory was a shock move to address that specific concern, and also to function in terms of, "Wow, anything can happen on PPV! I gotta order it next time." I would love people to get into this diary so much that they tell me what they love, but also what doesn't do it for them. As for the stars, I won't lose too much sleep. If people are reading, I'm on the right track. [/QUOTE] My only experience, was when I got to college as a freshman. It was a club sport, and I said cool, I get to knock people around and they give me a stick. I saw one guy get whacked over the back of the head and another get his forearm shattered. And to copy a phrase from Ron Simmons I said "DAMN", I don't need this so I didn't go back. As far as the stars go. Who knows what posses people when they vote. I don't put much stock in them. I'm with MPox, I rate yours right up there as one of the best C-Verse diaries going. There are a few I look for when I get on here, this being one of them. There are a couple real world ones I mark for. More so the ones set back in time. Anyway, as I said don't put much stock in them. Keep up the good work, we'll be reading!
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;210086]I finally had time to sit down and read this from the beginning. Awesome work, Jehovah. I would vote for this to be diary of the month!! Loved the backstory and the angle you took with it.[/QUOTE] God, I KNOW. Who wants to start the JEHOVAH IN APRIL write-in campaign? Most underrated dynasty on the net. GIVE IT FIVE STARS, ***HOLES! (whew)
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[SIZE=4]How We Won The Ratings War With The Lead-in of [I]Skateboarders Injuring Their Groins[/I][/SIZE] Call it Black Wednesday. Wednesday’s a work-at-home day, relax before a late plane trip to wherever-we-were-that-week. I was jarred from my sleep by a phone call from D’arcy, asking where I was on finding a new Pay Per View provider—I was nowhere, since none of them had responded to me. I jumped onto my email to see if we’d gotten any word from USA Free Choice, our ideal partner and the current home of TCW and DaVE’s Pay Per Views, but instead found a note from someone in marketing, directing me to a notice on GNN Total Sports’ website, hid away in a corner to minimize visibility. “GNN regrets to inform viewers that [I]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/I] will no longer be seen on this network. We wish Total Championship Wrestling all the best of luck, and thank them for an incredible working relationship over the past decade.” And there it was: TCW no longer had a TV show. The impact couldn’t be overstated enough, but as huge was that news was, I had a feeling there was still more to come. And it came only five minutes later. America-Sports-1 chose the best possible moment to make their announcement: when wrestling fans were already in shock. They issued a new draft schedule on their website, and stated that both [I]SWF Supreme TV[/I] and [I]SWF Big League[/I] were on “permanent hiatus”, a baffling oxymoron if there ever was one. BOOM—the dirt sheets exploded. WrestleWorld.com went down for a full eight minutes, and this was at seven-thirty in the morning! The Tuesday Night Wars had ended for good, the site said once they’d come back up, and it was hard to disagree. This morning, a nuclear explosion had ended that war and devastated both sides. I felt like we had narrowly avoided the mushroom cloud, shielded only by our relative lack of visibility on Sports America, a far less prestigious network which had more patience to dole out than the juggernauts who had just made their cuts. As much as it was a blow to them, it was a huge opportunity for us. We didn’t know how long the spotlight would be trained on us as the big two fumbled behind the curtain, trying to piece together a Plan B. But until SWF and TCW inevitably got back on the air, likely with lesser networks and far less promotional power, we would be the show to watch, to critique and to be discussed. Put more simply, we were THE show. After our show aired the next night, unless NOTBPW had an appearance by the Prime Minister in store, Survive or Die would turn in another high-five to be the highest rated wrestling show in North America. As far as ratings were concerned, we were somehow on top. But Eisen and Cornell would be back, sure as could be, and they’d be fresh. **** Thanks for the back-having, guys. You gave me the funny mental image of a walkout, a la the Radicalz. We'd have to find a new home though. "Bah Gawd, what's this? Jehovah, Monkeypox, Shipshirt and theoutlaw321, here, at the Cat Fancy Magazine message board?" Shippy, I nominate you to have to wear the weird Perry Saturn Leather Fez. Is it weird that the thing I remember most about that front-row debut is that his hat looked like it was made out of a chunk of a Lazyboy? [URL]http://youtube.com/watch?v=SMIXG5iMWEY[/URL] Seriously, look at that hat!
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 4, April 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]ANGER MANAGEMENT[/B][/COLOR] True to his word, SCAR Champion [COLOR=Red][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] defeated his Canadian rival Dan Stone Jr., using a never-before-seen top rope version of his finisher. It wasn’t without some controversy though; Dan had the match in hand when Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole came down to ringside to provide a distraction, presumably at the request of SCAR's owner, Cherry Eisen. Now that he and Eisen control the number-one contendership, who will be his next challenger? And when will that happen?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]A STONE GROOVE[/B][/COLOR] Crashing the Border wasn’t without success for the Stone family. Dan’s brother [COLOR=Red][B]Duane Stone[/B][/COLOR], a seasoned international competitior, was the surprise choice from internet contest winner JonnyV1 to compete in a match for the Body Count Championship. He reversed the champion’s Mainstream Dreams into a unique facebuster to take the gold home to Canada. He won’t be present on this week’s Survive or Die, but the man who lost the belt will, and it’s difficult to imagine he’s taken the loss well.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BULLDOZER GETS SEXY ON THURSDAY[/B][/COLOR] Joe Sexy took it personally when SCAR’s undefeated rookie, [COLOR=Red][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR], turned down a chance to appear on his talk show, Sexy Time. One plate smash later, and the hulking ex-pigskin player has requested a showdown on Sports America. Will his streak stop at the hands of a man who has a decade of experience over him?
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 108) Live on Thursday, Week 4, April 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Missouri State Armoury (Mid West) Attendance: 4,492 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/COLOR] The show began in [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR]’s office, where it was lit only by candles placed sparsely around the room, and one which she was holding. She was dressed in black with a veil that covered most of her face. “[I]Tonight we mourn something that was beloved to myself and wrestling fans everywhere. We mourn something that changed the industry into what it is today. Tonight, we mourn… Supreme TV.[/I]” “[I]It has aired its last episode, and its impact will not soon be forgotten. Its death was not in vain. While Supreme TV is dead, SCAR lives on.[/I]” She threw the veil back with one hand. “[I]That company is a, pardon the phrase, runaway train, out of control. We mourn Supreme TV because of prima donna superstars and a lack of control at the top. SCAR will not follow the same line—that is my promise.[/I]” “[I]So tonight will begin a seizure of control by me, for the good of every worker in SCAR. I’ve been hearing a lot about Founding Fathers recently… but Jack? Remo? George Washington… is dead. John Adams is dead. Thomas Jefferson is dead. So if you’re going to call yourselves that, prepare yourselves for the same figurative fate. You act like you’re at the fore of a revolution, but you walk alone. No one in their right mind would follow you two into battle—they value their jobs, they want to provide for their families. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it.[/I]” “[I]Tonight, you’ll face a golden trio! The Tag Champions, the Brothers from Different Mothers! And their partner, SCAR’s triumphant champion, Angry Gilmore! It will be a three-on-two match. But since handicap matches don’t seem too fair, I’ll allow you to bring a partner… if you can find one. But I doubt you’ll find another soul in that locker room who is willing to throw their career away for a lost cause.[/I]” “[I]Supreme TV is dead…[/I]” She placed the veil back down and lowered her head. “[I]But supremacy is in my hands.[/I]” She blew out the candle. Opening credits. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- [/B][/COLOR] Down in the arena, [COLOR=Green][B]Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] walked down to the ring in a track suit, not looking too pleased. ([I]Fry: He lost on Sunday in a match he promised he’d win![/I]) “[I]It’s time for me to get some damn respect! For years, I worked for that other company and slaved my ass off—I didn’t miss a single Pay Per View! When you fans plunked your money down, I delivered, and still I get s*** all over every week![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] interrupted him to the fans’ pleasure. “[I]Hey, crab hat—respect isn’t requested, it’s earned. The day you stop whining and start showing people you’re worth their respect is the day you start getting it. But since I doubt you’ll ever shut your mouth, I’d love to do it for you right now.[/I]” The fans cheered. “[I]Look, it’s Mr. Disabled List. Jesus, Fred, how many times have you been on the shelf since you got here? Gilmore hurt you, Roberts hurt you, and now I’m gonna hurt you, because you’re on, bucko.[/I]” [B][COLOR=Green]C+ [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Green] MATCH 1 CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. “OUTCAST” FREDDIE DATSUN[/COLOR][/B] Rockwell seemed to think the match would happen later in the right but Datsun stormed the ring and started it abruptly. This one was disjointed at times and both men had trouble working the way they wanted to. Datsun had Rockwell reeling from some powerful rights but was slowed down with a stungun across the top rope. Rockwell took the advantage and nailed him with his Rock Tumbler for three. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Chris Rockwell at 13:35, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Back in Cherry’s office, the lighting was normal, and she had an interesting visitor—[COLOR=Green][B]General Rodriguez![/B][/COLOR] She wasn’t dressed in her normal tight leather, merely a tank top and jeans. “[I]Thanks for coming, Joanne.[/I]” Rodriguez asked what she had been summoned for. “[I]You should be in an unemployment line right now. Your team was fired, and since you were their manager, you should be fired as well. But I blocked that.[/I]” Cherry rose. “[I]Because I have a use for you.[/I]” “[I]I want you to do two things, Joanne. One—agree to be my assistant.[/I]” Joanne didn’t look impressed. “[I]I can do more for you than any other person in this business can; come on, we’re both women here![/I]” Rodriguez finally nodded, still unsure. “[I]And two—this one’s easy—watch what happens in that ring out there tonight. All you have to do is watch.[/I]” Eisen put her hand out, and Rodriguez shook it. [COLOR=Green][B]D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 JOE SEXY vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Sexy’s gameplan was to injure Brandon’s knee. He took Bruce down and wrenched on his right knee, trying to pop it out of place. Sexy went for a figure-four leglock but Bruce pushed him away to the corner with his powerful legs. Sexy rushed out into a huge clothesline that turned him inside out. A few moves later and a tiger bomb spelled defeat for Sexy. ([I]Fry: The Bulldozer rolls on![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 6:15, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Mainstream Hernandez [/B][/COLOR]came out to the ring with [B][COLOR=Green]John Greed[/COLOR][/B] trailing him, looking even less happy than his client. “[I]This is gonna be short and sweet. Duane, you got one fluke win over me. But drag your butt back here, because next week, rematch clause, enacted. Sorry, Stone, but lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same spot, and I’m getting my gold back.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (w/ John Greed) vs. PLAGUE[/B][/COLOR] Plague came out of the gates strong but Hernandez overpowered him, not cracking a smile. Greed urged him on and he completed a decisive dissection of Plague with Mainstream Dreams. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez at 7:57, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Three men, three belts—[COLOR=Green][B]Gilmore, Biggz and Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] came out to the ring to hype the main event. The champ wasn’t done dwelling on his last victory though. “[I]Seriously, did any of you fools think that Junior was going to become the champion? Get serious! This is SCAR, and this thing on my shoulder is the most prestigious championship in the world today! You never stood a chance, Stone, so have fun beating up on the same ten guys in Canada for the rest of your career![/I]” “[I]As for naming my next opponent… everyone can keep waiting. I get to pick who it is this time, and I’m going to deliberate very hard on that one.[/I]” He passed the mic to Zimmy. “[I]I’d say that that tonight we’re going to prove ourselves against SCAR’s Founding Fathers, but we proved everything last night by beating Jack! Tonight’s just about fun—beating Remo and Bruce’s asses, and showing them their new place at the bottom of the pecking order.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 JD MORGAN (w/ Jean Cattley) vs. ALICIA STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Hot off a win against Enforcer Roberts, she was full of fire in grappling with the master technician Morgan. She definitely held her own, but these two also failed to click, so a few spots that could have been dazzling were pretty shaky. Morgan being spiked with the Angel Driver looked mighty fine though; it would have been the pin if the referee hadn’t been distracted by Enforcer Roberts stalking down the aisle, followed by Cherry Eisen. ([I]Fry: What’s the deal here?[/I]) He climbed into the ring and beelined for Strong. She fired off a high kick which he caught, and Roberts decked her with a brutal lariat. ([I]Fry: Good God![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winner by disqualification: Alicia Strong at 9:37, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Roberts stood over her as she held her head, but Cherry Eisen climbed in and directed him to pick her back up. ([I]Fry: What does Cherry have to do with any of this?[/I]) At her behest, he slapped on the RCT and brutally choked her out. Eisen sprouted a huge grin as Roberts threw her unconscious body to the mat. ([I]Fry: Something very sinister has just taken place, and I don’t like it! Phunk: Is this what Cherry wanted Rodriguez to see?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ANGRY GILMORE and THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS vs. REMO and JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore and the tag champs had some great strategy. Bruce was isolated and his elbow was weakened, with Gilmore diving from the top rope with a legdrop across the joint. Bruce finally made the tag, but rolled to the floor, hurt. Remo came in as a house of fire but basically faced a three-on-one. After five minutes of brutality, he took Biggz Up from Bart and was set up and driven with Anger Management. ([I]Fry: That’s about all it should take.[/I]) Gilmore covered, one, two, but it was broken up—by Jack Giedroyc! ([I]Fry: What? Phunk: Get him outta here, ref! Fry: No way—he’s their partner![/I]) They swarmed him, but Giedroyc fought them off. Gilmore was hit with a right hand and smartly powdered. The tag champs double-teamed Jack, but Biggz was shoved away right into a gigantic Remo Buster. Zimmy tried for a neckbreaker on Giedroyc but got whirled around and jacked with Crashing On. ([I]Fry: Hammered! Two! Three! They did it![/I])[COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Jack Giedroyc, Remo and Jack Bruce at 16:53, C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Giedroyc and Remo got their arms raised, and Bruce rolled in to join them. Jack slapped hands with his partners, who seemed genuinely surprised that anyone had come to help them. ([I]Fry: Giedroyc has shocked us all by taking Remo and Jack’s side! Phunk: But how wise is that? He just gave Cherry Eisen another target to shoot at! His career is over![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+ [/B][U][COLOR=Black]Post-show Notes:[/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black] - Well, that turned out bland ratings-wise. Not a B match in sight. But also no D's. Just kind of wishy-washy. Next week we can hopefully raise back up to our normal standards. [B]Fast Results:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Remo/Bruce/Giedroyc [/B]def.Gilmore/Biggz/Bumfhole [B](C+) Alicia Strong[/B] def. JD Morgan by DQ [B](C) Mainstream Hernandez[/B] def. Plague [B](C-) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. Joe Sexy [B](C) Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Freddie Datsun [B](C-)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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Hey! I had your back too! I wanna go to the Cat Litter website or whatever too! Don't leave me here! I'm still digging Cherry Eisen as an authority figure, partially because I'm absolutely sure it isn't anything that anyone has done before. But man, can Plague get a break anywhere? I know he's small fry for a fed like SCAR, but I mark out for him and it seems like he gets jobbed on every fed here, even if people do say "Man, I love Plague" right before they job him. Anyhow, good to see you posting! Seven stars for SCAR!
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[quote=Gozer;213158]man, can Plague get a break anywhere? I know he's small fry for a fed like SCAR, but I mark out for him and it seems like he gets jobbed on every fed here, even if people do say "Man, I love Plague" right before they job him.[/quote]I'll slip into Jim Ross Blog mode for a minute here. "Plague is a superb talent who's got a great mind for the business and is invaluable to this company. He merely needs to work on his all-around skills before he can make it to that next level." In layman's terms, I got no ideas for him. **** [B][SIZE=4] Not Much Of A Free Choice[/SIZE][/B] I was to meet with a representative of USA Free Choice, and things looked good. Really good. They had expressed a ton of interest in an email, and sent me terms, which were completely reasonable. Six-month contract, with a chance for renewal after that. Perfect for us. So I was going to meet him at a restaurant to sign the thing. After some hot eats, he brought out the package. I reached over to take it. “Just a second, Jim. There’s been one change. You’re going to notice a promotional clause on the third page.” Promotions, great. The more advertising for us, the better. “Not exactly. It’s promotions… for us. See, we’ve got an event coming up called Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls. It’s softcore jubbly-flashing. We want this thing to do a huge number, so with your consent, we want you to feature them on your next event, Above The Law.” My instincts cried no. [I]No[/I]. To advertise a softcore flesh show was not only against what I believed belonged on our show, but would threaten to cheapen the entire event. People pull out the plastic to see Tom Gilmore, and get Blonde Fillmore? But this cat was slick. The Free Choice rep had us over a barrel, and he knew it. If we said no, we’d also be saying no to hundreds of thousands of Pay Per View dollars every month by moving on to a poorer provider. Tough decision. But I knew I’d regret it most if I went back to the boys and told them this had kept them off Pay Per View. “I’ll sign it.” And I did. My soul didn’t flutter out of my body, nor had I doomed myself to an eternity of fiery damnation. But now I had to wonder how to work a bunch of girls that were nothing more than t**s and ass into the show. Essentially, what wrestling promoters had been doing for a decade. Thank you, thank you, tip your waitress. Dammit—I knew I forgot something.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 1, May 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B][COLOR=Red]THIRD MAN IN[/COLOR][/B] When Remo and Jack Bruce were in desperate need of assistance against SCAR’s Champion and its Tag Champions last week, they got it from a surprising source: [COLOR=Red][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR]. With his aid, they were able to win the six-man tag match and undoubtedly infuriate SCAR’s owner. With a new revolutionary on the Founding Fathers' side, has the tide now turned in their ongoing war against Cherry Eisen?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]HERNANDEZ GETS HIS REMATCH[/B][/COLOR] Duane Stone will step off of a direct flight from the Canadian Maritimes onto Puerto Rican soil this Thursday to face [COLOR=Red][B]Mainstream Hernande[/B][B]z[/B][/COLOR], who has enacted his rematch clause for Survive or Die. Hernandez believes it will be a cakewalk, and that with just the two of them in the ring this time, nothing will stop him from becoming a two-time champion. Can the NOTBPW veteran make lightning strike twice in the same ring against a SCAR superstar?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_usafc.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]SCAR RETURNS TO PAY PER VIEW WITH ABOVE THE LAW[/B][/COLOR] SCAR is proud to announce a new partnership with USA Free Choice who will now be providing our Pay Per View events, beginning with [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Above The Law[/B][/COLOR] in May! Not only that, but it will feature an appearance from Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls, who also air on Free Choice at the end of this month! With these babes, the world’s hottest wrestling promotion just got a little hotter!
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[B][COLOR=Green]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 109) Live on Thursday, Week 1, May 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the President’s Hall (Puerto Rico) Attendance: 3,506[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 1 REMO (w/ Jack Bruce and Jack Giedroyc) vs. BIG SMACK SCOTT[/B][/COLOR] Remo was followed down to ringside by old friend Bruce and newfound friend Giedroyc. ([I]Fry: They’re running in a pack tonight! Phunk: They need to, the owner is cheesed![/I]) Remo didn’t need any help in deflating his overpuffed bodybuilder opponent—a powerslam and Destroyer did it. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Remo at 4:45,[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]B- ---------- [/B][COLOR=Black] Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/COLOR] took a microphone as he and Giedroyc joined Remo in the ring. “[I]I seem to remember some redheaded chick saying something, and I can’t get it out of my head… she said that Remo and I walk alone, and no one would be crazy enough to go to war with us.[/I]” Bruce draped an arm over Giedroyc’s shoulder. “[I]Well, Cherry… it looks like crazy’s contagious.[/I]” Giedroyc slapped his hand jovially and took the microphone. “[I]If anyone needs to know why I helped these guys out last week, you gotta know me to know why. I never liked the teacher who gave out free grades for sucking up, or the boss who rewarded people for keeping their mouth shut toeing the company line, and I don’t like Cherry Eisen.[/I]” ([I]Phunk: He’s diggin’ his own grave![/I]) “[I]I’ve always lived my life on the edge, and I’m not ready to stop now. Cherry, tell your men if they want a fight…[/I]” He was cut off by an unscheduled appearance by [COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] and his SCAR Championship. “[I]Blah blah blah—big whoop, you’re their friend! The only difference now is that they’ll have one more grave to dig at the Career Cemetery when I’m through with you three! Which brings me to Above The Law and my next title defense. I get to choose the opponent, and I’m choosing him now, so listen up and listen good.[/I]” He pointed at Remo. “[I]Baldy, you’re s*** outta luck. You had a ton of chances and couldn’t get it done, so it won’t be you.[/I]” Next was Bruce. “[I]Rock star, I’d pick you, but quite frankly, if you had help from your buttbuddies, the stars aligned just right and you stabbed me, you might just win. So it’s not you either.[/I]” Gilmore pointed out Giedroyc between them. “[I]New kid! You don’t have the experience, you don’t have the talent, and you’re not even close to being in my league. And that’s precisely why I’m picking you for Above the Law.[/I]” ([I]Fry: How about that?![/I]) “[I]I don’t feel like exerting myself like I did against Stone last time. I feel like breezing into that arena, hitting my moves and making it an early night. So Jacky Boy, watch what I do to Datsun later on, and count your blessings—feel real lucky that I’m allowing you to main event with me.[/I]” Gilmore left with a smirk, but Giedroyc was patted on the back by Bruce and Remo, who were building his confidence. ([I]Fry: At Above the Law, our first event on USA Free Choice, it’s Gilmore, and it’s Giedroyc![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B+ [/B]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (w/ John Greed) vs. DUANE STONE[/B][/COLOR] A classic back-and-forth encounter, with Hernandez always being thwarted when he went up top for Mainstream Dreams. When finally dove off with it, Stone scrambled to his feet and turned it into a facebuster just like at Crashing the Border. ([I]Fry: No way! He could pin him—no! Nearly three![/I]) Greed nearly had a heart attack at ringside. Hernandez tried desperately to turn the tides his way, but got rolled into a small package. Greed jumped up on the apron to take the ref’s attention, but missed that Hernandez rolled the whole thing back over into a pin of his own, complete with a handful of tights. By the time Greed got off the apron, Stone had wriggled out. ([I]Fry: Mainstream might’ve had him there![/I]) Hernandez yelled at Greed to pay attention, but when he turned back to Stone, couldn’t find him. Looking around, he was too late to avoid a huge missile dropkick. ([I]Fry: Right on the kisser, two, three! Stone did it—again![/I]) Duane rolled out and hugged his belt as Hernandez dazedly held his head. ([I]Fry: Lighting just struck twice, as Mainstream Hernandez might put it! Phunk: Stone still don’t work here! What happens now?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, and still champion: Duane Stone at 15:49, C+ ---------- Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] burst into [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR]’s office, pushed her assistant [COLOR=Green][B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] aside and nearly jumped over the desk at the owner. “[I]Listen up! None of the guys in that locker room respect me, and I want that to change! In fact, Cherry, I don’t even think you respect me, because you didn’t even book me a match this week![/I]” She stood up to face him. “[I]You want respect? You want to be noticed? I’ll give you a chance for that, and a chance to win my favour. Go out there tonight, and pound Jack Giedroyc into the mat like a railroad spike. Beat him, beat him bad, and then you’ll have my respect.[/I]” He licked his lips and nodded feverishly before taking off. [COLOR=Green][B]C [/B]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Zimmy and Bart[/B][/COLOR] came down to the ring after a commercial break and began bragging about the lack of competition. [COLOR=Green][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR]’s music hit and he made his way out, seemingly oblivious to them. ([I]Phunk: What’s he doing out here? Fry: His match is next, and they’re in the ring![/I]) He got in to face them, but they only trash-talked him with the mics down. Toma thought about the situation, and hit Zimmy with a lethal throat kick. Bart quickly blindsided him with the microphone and the Tag Champs poured on the beatdown. ([I]Fry: So they’re picking on loners like Toma now? Phunk: If there ain’t no teams left, what else are they supposed to do?[/I]) Toma was hurt so badly that he had to be helped to the back. [COLOR=Green][B]C [/B]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 FRANKIE PEREZ vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS (w/ Cherry Eisen)[/B][/COLOR] SCAR’s owner followed in Roberts’ shadow as he came down to the ring. She urged him on as he painfully dissected the young sensation Perez, finally hitting a rough German suplex and chaining it into an RCT. Perez tapped only moments before he lost consciousness. Eisen looked like she enjoyed every minute. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Enforcer Roberts at 6:50, C+ [/B]----------[/COLOR] Cherry came in and shook his hand. “[I]Another week, another victim! Nice job.[/I]” She turned to the hard camera. “[I]Alicia Strong, I want to wish you well in your ongoing recuperation. Some people have been claiming that I was responsible for commanding Roberts against you, and they would be absolutely right. So from your hospital bed, you cry, for no one to hear, ‘Why? Why me, Cherry?’ It’s what’s between your legs.[/I]” “[I]I’m a businesswoman, Strong. I carved out a spot for myself in a field dominated by men. When there’s only one spot for a woman to take at the top, she has to eliminate the competition. And every other female here in SCAR is a threat to my dominance, whether you believe it or not. I learned a little something from my uncle, Alicia… women don’t belong in the ring. Time to accept it. And if you can’t, I’ll force you to. At Above The Law, even if you have to drag yourself there in your little hospital gown, it’s you and Enforcer Roberts in a Submissions Match![/I]” “[I]You’ll learn just like Rodriguez has, back there getting my coffee and pressing my blouse, and any other woman who thinks she belongs in the ring. You will quickly learn your place because… I am SCAR’s Alpha Bitch![/I]” She patted Roberts on the shoulder and left with him. ([I]Fry: Alpha Bitch! Phunk: Things don’t look good for pretty little Alicia![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C ---------- MATCH 4 NON-TITLE MATCH ANGRY GILMORE vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore had Freddie’s number, and as always Datsun made his offense look like a million bucks. Gilmore took control after some brief brawling and at the ten minute mark nailed Anger Management. ([I]Fry: Ring it up, the champ’s—[/I]) Gilmore pulled him up, and hit another, then laughed and counted “two” out loud. He brought him up again three more times, laughing and counting with each one, finally ending things at the fifth. ([I]Fry: That was disgusting! He could have hurt him badly, just to prove a point to Jack Giedroyc! Phunk: Datsun gets hurt doing everything! He gets hurt putting his socks on in the morning![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 11:48, B+ [/B]----------[/COLOR] Remo and Jack Bruce were standing backstage with the interviewer, and claimed that next week, they’d strike a huge blow into the heart of Eisen’s recruits by beating Gilmore and Roberts in a tag match. They said if they couldn’t beat Gilmore for the belt, then by God, Giedroyc would, and that they’d soften up the champion for the big match at Above The Law. [COLOR=Green][B]B [/B]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. JACK GIEDROYC[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore didn’t leave ringside after his match; rather, he just pulled up a chair and waited for Giedroyc to come out. Rockwell was on fire, desperate to get Jack’s shoulders on the mat. Giedroyc struck back with Crashing On but Rockwell got his foot on the ropes at the last moment. The match broke down when Jack was shoved into the referee. Rockwell snuck in a low blow and set his opponent up for the Rock Tumbler. Gilmore jumped up and slid the chair in to where Giedroyc was set to land. ([I]Fry: Jack’s going to have a hard, hard landing![/I]) Giedroyc blocked it with a knee to the stomach, and lifted Rockwell, struggling but driving him with a falcon arrow suplex that drove Chris’ back down onto the steel. ([I]Fry: It backfired![/I]) As Gilmore stewed on the outside, Rockwell was prey to Crashing On and a three count. ([I]Fry: Rockwell can’t get any respect, and Giedroyc makes it two in a row![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Jack Giedroyc at 17:47, B- [/B]----------[/COLOR] Giedroyc posed on the turnbuckles as Gilmore backed up the aisle, vowing that he still hadn’t proven a thing.[COLOR=Green][B] B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Survive or Die Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - That's better. Nothing below C+, even Frankie Perez getting dominated by Roberts brought it. And Datsun/Gilmore rocked again thanks to their chemistry. Good group. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] def. Chris Rockwell [B](B-)[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Freddie Datsun [B](B+)[/B] [B]Enforcer Roberts [/B]def. Frankie Perez [B](C+)[/B] [B]Duane Stone[/B] def. Mainstream Hernandez to retain [B](C+)[/B] [B]Remo[/B] def. Big Smack Scott [B](B-)[/B][/quote]
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[quote][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE=4]WORLDWIDE NEWS ALERT: Runaway Home! Train To Depart Ahead of Schedule… And Go Where Exactly? (Friday, Week 1, May 2007)[/SIZE][/U][/B] Just when this year couldn’t get too much worse for Richard Eisen, his company cornerstone, Runaway Train, has told sources that he will not be signing a contract extension. A person close to the SWF World Heavyweight Champion said, “He’s not happy. Business is down, every company is falling, and he needs a break. And for God’s sake, SWF doesn’t even have TV anymore. He doesn’t want his legacy to be 'the guy who was on top when SWF was in the pits'.” The same source indicated that the dominant superstar doesn’t plan on signing for SWF’s main rivals, SCAR and TCW, either. What could this mean? Is the big man ready to retire? Maybe just taking a long break to let his value accrue? Will he take his act to Japan where powerful brutes are worshipped like gods? Or even Canada? The Stones have the ability to sign Train to a lengthy written deal—the only question is if both parties are interested. This leaves the Supreme Wrestling Federation in a bind. Only six days out from Master of Puppets, they must reshuffle their plans and figure out who will be the man to take the belt. It could presumably be the last match Runaway Train wrestles in North America, or anywhere, for a long time… maybe forever. Unless this is an elaborate publicity stunt to pop the buyrate, we might be witnessing one of the most interesting scenarios in recent years. [/quote] [quote][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4][U]SUPER GRAPE-FLAVOURED ALERT: Cornell reaches deal with Pop!, TCW to Return to Airwaves[/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][U](Saturday, Week 1, May 2007)[/U][/SIZE][/B] Not wasting any time with a new TV season looming, Tommy Cornell has reached an agreement with the Pop! Network for a show that will air in their summer season, beginning in June. Cornell has been telling those close to him that the network wasn’t his first choice but that he’s desperate for any kind of exposure, as he knows that his company will wither pretty quickly without a way to reach the audience. Pop! is known mostly for its music video content, so it’s currently not known how TCW will fit into the mix. No day or time has been made public, but it’s unlikely that they will air on Thursdays against SCAR, as they wouldn’t want to split that already-slim audience. The show has been rumored to be titled “[I]TCW Unplugged[/I]”. They’re going to have a tough time producing a television show without any electrical equipment, I’ll tell you that right now. Tommy’s backstage demeanor is said to have been a little tense recently. He’s been putting on a brave face with TCW’s recent downturn in fortunes, but is said to be paranoid about losing his big stars like the SWF has. [/quote] ---------- Busy newsweek. But right there in "NEWZ" version is everything you need to know about how TCW and SWF are handling their respective falls from grace. While Tommy jumped on the first deal he could get, desperate to just get back on the horse, Richie went the other way. From what I've heard, he's completely ignoring the smaller channels and trying to get back in with America-Sports-1. What more would it take outside of his biggest star, his greatest creation, saying he was going home to Tampa to chill for a while, before Eisen realized that he couldn't dictate his own market value anymore? So TCW scores, SWF takes a huge blow, and SCAR? Baby score. We learned that Q-TV, airing in Quebec, Canada, would be picking up Survive or Die. We were back on the air in the Great White North, or at least a chunk of it. This could give us a foothold to finally make some serious expansion outside of the States. Wait a sec. Any French translators in the house? Ah, screw it. It's guys in their undies whaling on each other. They'll figure it out.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 2, May 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]REMO AND BRUCE GET “ASSIGNMENTS” THIS WEEK[/B][/COLOR] Reports from head offices have stated that [COLOR=Red][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] will announce on Sports America who Remo and Jack Bruce will face in singles matches at [COLOR=Purple][B]Above The Law[/B][/COLOR]. The two have been thorns in her side since she purchased SCAR, and she will likely put a ton of thought into her decision. With her two deadliest weapons, Gilmore and Roberts, already booked for the event, who will she turn to? Remo and Bruce will have more than this on their minds, as they’ll take on that pair in Survive or Die’s main event.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KurtLaramee.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BULLDOZER MEETS THE STREETS[/B][/COLOR] Brandon Bruce has been on an untouchable tear since joining SCAR, but may stop dead in his tracks when he collides with [COLOR=Red][B]Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] on Thursday. Will the King of the Streets’ toughness be enough to decommission the bulldozing bruiser?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KidToma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]EASY TARGET[/B][/COLOR] Apparently having judged the rest of the tag division to be beneath them, the Brothers from Different Mothers have moved on to picking on singles wrestlers, namely [COLOR=Red][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR]. After beating him down last week, Zimmy Bumfhole will try and finish the job this week. Can the scrappy Toma fight his way out of a heap of trouble?
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[B][COLOR=Green]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 110) Live on Thursday, Week 2, May 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Lowe Ballroom (North West) Attendance: 4,159[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B]MATCH 1 JACK GIEDROYC vs. JEAN CATTLEY (w/ JD Morgan)[/B][/COLOR] The new number-one contender was brought to the mat by the wily Cattley, but took the fight to him on the outside. When his partner Morgan tried to help him, Giedroyc barreled through them with a flying double clothesline off of the apron. Cattley was brought back in and ate Crashing On for three. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Jack Giedroyc at 6:01, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] Giedroyc took a microphone. “[I]Gilmore, I know you’re here tonight… you can try to bring me down, and you can give me a title shot, whether you think I deserve it or not. The only thing that matters is that you’ve given me one chance, and that was the biggest mistake you’ll ever make. In two weeks, we will step into the same ring, and though you’re enjoying the view from your high horse, I will bring you back to earth!”[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] ushered [COLOR=Green][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] into her office, practically giddy. “[I]Phil, Phil, listen to this![/I]” She pressed a button on her phone and a voicemail began to play. The voice on that mail was unmistakably that of Alicia Strong—a distraught Alicia Strong. “[I]Cherry, I can’t do it! I know you told me to be at TV this week for a match, but I just can’t! If I have to wrestle Roberts at the Pay Per View, I’ll do it somehow, but please, don’t make it a submission match! Just let me lay down—I promise not to wrestle again![/I]” Eisen hung up the phone, smiling from ear to ear. “[I]I love it! She knows who the Alpha Bitch is, and it’s me! She’s scared of me, Phil, and she’s especially scared of you. At Above The Law, make sure that it’s the last match she wrestles—choke her out! Show no mercy to that little weakling. And do the same thing tonight in the main event. But please excuse me until then… I have a meeting scheduled with… a Founding Father.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B]---------- [/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] Toma was hot-headed and fierce in slapping, biting and torpedoing into Zimmy on the floor. Bumfhole struck back with a picture-perfect Asai moonsault that had them both struggling to break the count. When things looked bleak for Zimmy and Toma was poised for his Long Range Headbutt, Bart Biggz ran down the aisle and shoved Toma off into a lethal superkick. ([I]Fry: How did the ref miss that?[/I]) Zimmy covered for the count, and Biggz jumped right in to stomp down the loser. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole at 12:41, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] The Tag Champs gleefully kicked at Toma in a flashback to last week, but the crowd rose for the arrival of his saviour who brought a parrot friend—[COLOR=Green][B]Matt Sparrow?[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Fry: The Bird Man swoops in! Phunk: What the hell? Why?[/I]) The Brothers from Different Mothers took elbows to the jaw and then got plunked with Sparrow’s plastic parrot that sent them to ringside. ([I]Fry: Matt Sparrow just helped out a guy who he’s been tearing the crap out of for months![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Mainstream Hernandez [/B][/COLOR]was backstage, and extremely unhappy. He told the interviewer that Duane Stone had fluked him out again, and that just wouldn’t do. He announced that he’d talked to Cherry Eisen, and Stone’s belt would be on the line in a six-way match at Above The Law, with one of Stone’s opponents being Hernandez himself. “[I]So why do I look so sour? Because I have to wait two weeks to take what is rightfully mine.[/I]” He promised a preview against [COLOR=Green][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] tonight, who was just happening to be walking by. “[I]Ah, s***—why wait?[/I]” Hernandez threw the interviewer into the masked luchadore and stomped on him until he was satisfied. [COLOR=Green][B]D [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 “KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Laramee brought the streets to Bruce, not showing his command of technical grapples but rather cornering him and doing his best to open him up with unguarded shots to the face. Laramee was unsuccessful in doing that, but successfully pissed off the big man. He got hurled to the other post and crushed with a running clothesline. Bruce drove in some rights that spread blood on Laramee’s forehead—not Kurt’s own, but Brandon’s, as he had busted his knuckle open on his opponent’s face. Bruce flew into a fury and continued to rampage on Laramee. He finally hit a belly-to-belly suplex… held on and brought Laramee up for a second ride, then a third! Nearly flattened, Laramee had no chance of kicking out, and Bruce got the win before stalking to the back, unapproachable to the referee. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 8:10, C [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]Remo [/B][/COLOR]was situated across from Cherry in her office, staring her down. “[I]What… do you want?[/I]” “[I]Drop the attitude, Richardson. This is just your performance evaluation.[/I]” She flipped open a folder. “[I]Hmmm… says here you made a run at the title but got schooled by Angry Gilmore… made the foolish move of spitting blood in the face of SCAR’s owner, that sure was a mistake… and then things went way downhill when you got attacked and injured in her office.[/I]” “[I]What?[/I]” At that moment, Chris Rockwell burst into the office and blindsided him with a steel chair to the back. Remo went down after a couple of shots and Eisen cleared herself from the area. Rockwell grabbed her large leather-back office chair and rammed it down onto Remo’s neck. He screamed out in pain and held it as Rockwell laid in kicks. Eisen stopped him. “[I]Leave just a little for the main event. And Rockwell…[/I]” She put out a single fist. “[I]Respect.[/I]” They both left in a hurry, with Remo struggling to move. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX[/B][/COLOR] No sign of John Greed, or a c*cky Hernandez—merely an angry one. Though disjointed at times, a few high-flying spots led to a convincing performance by Hernandez. He won not with the flashy Mainstream Dreams but a hard jumping piledriver. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez at 12:50, C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] Brandon Bruce was still seething with anger as a trainer bandaged up his hand. He had wound the tape around it for the last time and snapped it off when a soft, manicured hand laid a business card into it. Bruce looked up to [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]find [/COLOR][B]E[/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=Green]mma Chase[/COLOR][/B]. “[I]Brandon, you looked great out there. Simply phenomenal. You’ve got so much potential. But all you need is someone with your best interests in mind. Emma Chase.”[/I] “[I]You can bulldoze anyone you want, but as long as you’re Jack Bruce’s cousin, you’ll never get a whiff of a title shot. But if you allow me to manage you, take care of your career, give you a new image… I promise you’ll be on top of SCAR.[/I]” She turned. “[I]My number’s on the card—but I’ll be watching.[/I]” Bruce looked overwhelmed as she left. [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) REMO and JACK BRUCE vs. ANGRY GILMORE and ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B][/COLOR] Remo could barely drag himself to the ring to join Jack, who was extremely concerned for his well-being. ([I]Fry: I’d like to see a trainer bold enough to tell Remo he can’t compete![/I]) On the other side of the ring, Enforcer Roberts was brimming with confidence, no doubt due to Alicia Strong’s terrified voicemail message. Bruce started it off, and even though he faced a tandem beating from his opponents, he refused to tag Remo in and further endanger his partner. Remo threw a fit on the apron and the ref was constantly having to hold the hurting big man back. Bruce was quickly worn down and locked in the RCT. ([I]Fry: You don’t escape from that, it’s simple![/I]) Jack flailed and kicked to get out, and in the process knocked the referee, Jay Fair, through the ropes. Frustrated, Roberts threw Bruce down and called for a chair from Gilmore. The SCAR Champion grabbed one, and bashed Remo as he hobbled towards him to try and block his way. As Gilmore prepared to throw it in to the waiting Roberts, he was stopped by someone who threw the chair into the audience. ([I]Fry: Giedroyc! Out of the crowd![/I]) Giedroyc nailed Gilmore with some rights and they battled into the crowd. ([I]Fry: There they go![/I]) Roberts blasted Bruce with a huge reverse DDT inside the ring as another referee finally legged it down the aisle. Roberts covered as he—no, wait, she—entered. ([I]Fry: One, two…[/I]) The referee threw Enforcer Roberts off to break the count. ([I]Fry: Do you know who that is? Alicia Strong![/I]) A dazed Roberts was pulled into an Angel Driver as the crowd roared. ([I]Phunk: She ain’t look too scared! Fry: The owner and Roberts got fooled, big time![/I]) Bruce made a confused cover and Strong pulled Jay Fair back in and left so he could count the three. ([I]Fry: Against all odds, the Founding Fathers won![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winners: Remo and Jack Bruce at 17:39, C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] Jack rose to his knees, battered but victorious and happy. Cherry Eisen’s mug on the big screen blew his buzz. “[I]Sorry to interrupt, rock star, but I realized I haven’t announced your opponent for Above The Law. Jack, you’d better be ready for… your cousin, Bulldozer Brandon Bruce![/I]” Jack swore under his breath as Eisen smiled and walked out of frame. ([I]Fry: Cousin versus cousin! Jack Bruce against the dominant, unstoppable Bulldozer! Phunk: What a move! Checkmate, dude, checkmate![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Aaaand Q-TV pulls the Saguenay Fakeout on us. We asked for a week to make sure a bigger… BETTER station wouldn’t carry us (they wouldn’t), and by the time we got back to Q-TV, they’d filled the midnight timeslot with cheap, French pornography. So no Survive or Die in Canada. But they will still be able to catch the Pay Per Views on the Internet. And all that sweet pornography. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Remo/Bruce [/B]def. Roberts/Gilmore [B](C+) Mainstream Hernandez [/B]def. Ultimate Phoenix [B](C-)[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce [/B]def. Kurt Laramee [B](C) Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] def. Kid Toma [B](B-) Jack Giedroyc[/B] def. Jean Cattley [B](C)[/B][/quote]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ketc.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Greetings[/B][/COLOR] from underneath the extra-large foam novelty cowboy hat! (I went to the fair.) Welcome to the new site for [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Fry’s Ketchup[/B][/COLOR]. I’m taking a Fry family recipe and putting it on the market for all to enjoy, so feel free to head to the FrysKetchup.com store and buy one of ten varieties of top-quality ketchup—my personal favourite’s the mustard ketchup. I’m also going to be periodically checking in on this site with the inside scoop on the world of wrestling, so let’s get to it. Current rumours making the rounds have [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] leaving the Antitrust Rebellion. While I have heard that his contract is up for renewal, I have no reason to believe that the talented vet is packing his bags as some reports have stated. He was given the ball when he main evented the first Pay Per View, and in my view he has run it all the way to the end zone. I think his match with [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] at [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Above The Law[/B][/COLOR] will be another corker, and I also have trouble picturing a return to the SWF. Speaking of which, I was one of many who was surprised to see [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Runaway Train[/B][/COLOR] successfully defend his title against [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Enygma[/B][/COLOR] at Master of Puppets, with him poised to leave the company at any moment. I’m guessing it was an act of goodwill by my former employer to let their big star leave with his head held high. But when the title is inevitably vacated, who will take his place? Train has been “the man” for so long now that it will be strange to see the belt around a new waist. Yes, it’s true fact that [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] will soon be touring with [COLOR=DarkRed][B]INSPIRE[/B][/COLOR] in Japan. Add some more to the plate of a man who is not only challenging [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] for the [COLOR=DarkRed][B]SCAR Championship[/B][/COLOR], but who is remaining loyal to [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Danger and Violence Extreme[/B][/COLOR] by competing for them as well. Jack has a lust for learning that is difficult to satisfy, and so a round in one of the toughest federations on earth should teach him a few valuable lessons. To those who have suggested that this development will see him go down to Gilmore at [COLOR=Black]Above The Law[/COLOR], I would believe the opposite. Why wouldn’t you want your champion to get worldwide exposure on someone else’s dime? [COLOR=Black] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] Buy my ketchup!![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] Remo[/B][/COLOR] taking on [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] should be a barn-stormer to be sure. Remo always brings his A-game for the biggest stages, and Rockwell has been one of our most reliably-impressive performers since hanging up his crab hat for good. If it’s respect from the audience that he craves, nothing would turn more heads than a clean win over Remo Richardson. The six-way Body Count Championship match is going to difficult to follow with the bodies sure to be flying, and even harder to call. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Duane Stone[/B][/COLOR]and[COLOR=DarkRed][B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] have been locked in for it, and so has another international star, a big name from [COLOR=DarkRed][B]World Level Wrestling[/B][/COLOR]… but you didn’t hear it from me. I’m not one to speculate on another company’s business tactics, but the fact that [COLOR=DarkRed][B]my old company[/B][/COLOR] has no TV deal, and isn’t scrambling to get one, is strictly baffling. Great to see [COLOR=DarkRed][B]TCW[/B][/COLOR] back on the horse and returning to the airwaves. To those who have claimed to find [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR]’s “Alpha Bitch” persona sexy, it’s probably best to let that dream die. Unless your last name is [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Gates[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Jobs[/B][/COLOR] or [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Stallings[/B][/COLOR], she isn’t interested. Plus she doesn’t just keep her men on a short leash, she uses an electrified collar! Time to direct your attention elsewhere—perhaps to her sumptuous assistant, [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Joanne Rodriguez?[/B][/COLOR] That’s all for this edition. Remember, if it’s no good on your fries, it’s not Fry’s! - DF
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