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I never really figured Cherry for anything much when I play TEW, but since you've signed her on and transformed her into Cherry Eisen, it's hard to believe she was ever anything else. Great pick for the role. The touch with Alicia Strong's voicemail was top draw as well. Liked the last show. Nice to see Laramee fed to Triple B. I've always prefered Laramee as "king of looking up at the lights" rather than "king of the street". Solid main event too with the SCAR originals picking up the win, the only thing that makes me somewhat disappointed (not your fault) is that SWF just seem to fall into decline in almost every game, making them fairly substandard opposition. Just as well Cornell's around with TCW. [QUOTE=Jehovah;224416]That’s all for this edition. Remember, if it’s no good on your fries, it’s not Fry’s![/QUOTE] Oh and I love this line. ;)
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, May 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]REMO’S NECK WON’T KEEP HIM FROM ROCKWELL[/B][/COLOR] After a brutal assault by Chris Rockwell, [COLOR=Red][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] has suffered an injured neck, as was crystal clear during his main event tag match last week. Remo has refused to take any time off though, and seven days later, he’s been told to report for duty on Sports America where he’ll face an old enemy in a non-title match—Angry Gilmore! Will this weaken him even further for his date with Rockwell, or is it the SCAR Champion who will be softened up for Jack Giedroyc?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BRUCE VS. BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] If [COLOR=Red][B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] hopes to continue his undefeated streak at SCAR's first Pay Per View event on USA Free Choice, he’ll have to overcome the mental block of hurting the cousin who brought him to SCAR, Jack Bruce. Cherry Eisen will be watching with glee, and also tuning in will be manager to the stars Emma Chase, who's shown interest in SCAR’s rookie monster. What will the mood be when both Bruces appear on Joe Sexy's talk show?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]ALICIA, ROBERTS GET TAP-OUT TUNE-UP[/B][/COLOR] Before they play the pain game at Above The Law, [COLOR=Red][B]Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] and Enforcer Roberts will both have separate submission-style matches this Thursday. We know that Roberts is a submissions master, but Strong is largely unproven in this area. Can she get herself prepared for the onslaught she faces at the Pay Per View?
**** [quote=sebsplex]SWF just seem to fall into decline in almost every game, making them fairly substandard opposition. Just as well Cornell's around with TCW.[/quote]Very true. The obstacle in this game is probably that there's three main companies at the same level as opposed to two, spreading the talent pool even thinner. Plus, since we're all cult, as the biggest names' contracts come up, they won't want to sign with any of us (the Runaway Train Effect). So whoever can climb up to National first will get a crack at all of them. The company that might be most terrifying is NOTBPW with that mountain of a talent pool. I am very glad that a) I've got a working agreement with them, and staying cool with Dan Sr. by giving his kid some exposure, and b) that they lost their US show so they can't expand to International just yet.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 111) Live on Thursday, Week 3, May 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Irvine Hall (Mid South) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 1 ULTIMATE PHOENIX, INSANE MACHINE and CALAMARI KID vs. AIR ATTACK WEASEL, FUMIHIRO OTA and KAZUMA NARATO[/B][/COLOR] Just three days from Above The Law, the members of the winning team here would be entered into the Six Way Body Count Championship match. It was Ota who got cornered and blasted with the Squid Buster for the win, as Phoenix, Machine and Calamari Kid punched their tickets for the Pay Per View. ([I]Fry: They’ll join Mainstream Hernandez, the champ Duane Stone, and one more man![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Calamari Kid, Ultimate Phoenix and Insane Machine at 6:44, D+[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Green] ---------- Chris Rockwell[/COLOR][/B] cut a promo backstage, dressed in his now-trademark track suit. “[I]Why you, Remo? It's because you, more than anyone, don’t deserve your spot. I’ve had to scrap, claw and politic for whatever small fame I could get in my fifteen years in the business, and all I got saddled with was a dumb costume and a dumb name.[/I]” A small “Where’s—your—crab—hat” chant flared up here. “[I]Meanwhile, look at you, Remo. Twenty-four years old, an SWF homebrewed prodigy. You never had to ache with pain for months on the indies because you were too poor to go the hospital, or eat peanut butter sandwiches because the ten-dollar payoffs didn’t buy filet mignon![/I]” “[I]No—you got handed a huge, six-figure contract when you were nineteen. I’m still waiting for that, Remo! And if I hurt you, and embarrass your undeserving ass live on Pay Per View, then I’m one big step closer to the respect I deserve. Keep your neck in one piece tonight, because at Above The Law, I’m going to make sure that the only paycheck you'll be recieving... is a pension![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B ----------[/B][/COLOR] In another area, [COLOR=Green][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] came upon [COLOR=Green][B]Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR], who was attempting to feed his plastic parrot bird seed, but wasn't having much luck. Toma eyed him warily. ([I]Fry: He probably wants answers for why the Bird Man helped him last week![/I]) Sparrow looked up quickly, then back to the parrot. “[I]Birdie told me to.[/I]” Sparrow held it closer. “[I]Birdie likes you.[/I]” The short-on-words Toma raised an eyebrow before stalking off. Sparrow heard something from the bird, and followed Toma off. ([I]Fry: Uh… huh.[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D ---------- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 SUBMISSION MATCH FRANKIE PEREZ vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Fry: Who did Frankie tick off to draw Roberts again?[/I]) Enforcer showed not only his breadth of submission holds, but his propensity for breaking them too. Perez was stretched like nobody’s business, and finally got locked in the RCT, which he tapped out to before he slipped into unconsciousness. ([I]Phunk: Alicia Strong’s next in line for that thing![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Enforcer Roberts at 7:52, C+ ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] addressed the audience from her office, and stated that due to recent “[I]unprofessional[/I]” interjections into key matches, that if anyone on the active roster were to interfere on the behalf of Jack Giedroyc, Remo or Alicia Strong at Above The Law, they would be suspended without pay for three months. ([I]Fry: Notice she didn’t say anything about people who interfere on the behalf of their opponents![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] approached [COLOR=Green][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR], who looked to be trying to warm up for his main event match with Gilmore, but was causing himself more harm than good. “[I]Hey Remo… look, don’t sweat Rockwell tonight. I’m gonna have the curtain staked out so he can’t come down and interfere.[/I]” “[I]No—you don't get it. I [/I]want [I]that b**** to get in there and try me. I might have him on Sunday, but I ain’t feeling patient, and I want his blood on that mat.[/I]” “[I]Gotcha. I got other things to take care of anyway. You seen the ticket booth anywhere?[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B+ ---------- MATCH 3 BART BIGGZ (w/ Zimmy Bumfhole) vs. MATT SPARROW (w/ Birdie and Kid Toma)[/B][/COLOR] Sparrow appeared to be coming to this fight alone, unless you count Birdie, but Toma trailed behind him at a distance, repaying his debt to the Bird Man. ([I]Fry: They need to watch each other’s back, because they’ll take aim at the tag champs this Sunday![/I]) It was scrappy, with Sparrow fighting Biggz with vigour. He hoisted him for the Bird Brain Buster when Zimmy jumped onto the apron to protest. Toma quickly brought him down and wasted him with a headbutt between the eyes, but Bumfhole's distraction was enough. Biggz saw the opening for an eyerake while suspended upside-down, and fell behind Sparrow to hit his lungblower for three. Biggz quickly dragged Zimmy to the back as Toma and Sparrow gave chase. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Bart Biggz at 10:28, C ---------- Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] brought out [COLOR=Green][B]Brandon[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] for another edition of Sexy Time. He claimed that the elder Bruce wanted nothing to do with his younger cousin, “[I]because I've fought him, and he’s a runaway freight train out of control, Jack. You’re simply too old and have partied too hard to keep up with him.[/I]” Jack countered, “[I]Joe, man, I’m not scared of anyone or anything—especially not my cuz, because at Above The Law, we’re going to go all out in the name of competition. Maybe I’ll beat Bran, or maybe he’ll beat me, but either way, the Bruces are gonna rock the joint.[/I]” Sexy smiled. “[I]So I get to be the bearer of good news. Cherry just made your match… a number-one contender’s match.[/I]” Jack and Brandon traded glances, clearly uncomfortable with this new stipulation. ([I]Fry: Wow! That's a lot on the line!) [/I]Sexy continued. “[I]You know, I think these people want a preview of Above The Law! They want to see you guys kick some ass![/I]” Bulldozer snatched the microphone away. “[I]You know, Joe… I think you’re right.[/I]” He quickly grasped Sexy around the waist and drove him with a gigantic belly-to-belly suplex. Sexy climbed to one knee, coughing, and Jack jumped to plant him with the New York Minute as the fans roared. Jack and Brandon grabbed hands for a job well done, but both seemed unsure of the other. ([I]Fry: Things are good now, but in three days, these family members will go at it! Phunk: For the number-one contendership![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- ---------- MATCH 4 SUBMISSION MATCH ALICIA STRONG vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B][/COLOR] Zimmy quickly strode to the ring, looking over his shoulder, worried that Toma and Sparrow were trailing him. Alicia slapped on a variety of painful holds before he turned the tides by dirtily tripping her neck-first onto the second rope. He worked over her knee but, to her credit, she didn’t seem ready to give up. After Zimmy sat back on a figure-four leglock, the crowd looked to the entranceway as Bart Biggz stumbled through, soon followed by Toma and Sparrow, both taking chunks out of him. Sparrow slammed Biggz into the barrier near the entrance, and the referee scrambled to try and break it up. As this occurred, Toma scaled the top rope and dropped a Long Range Headbutt onto a helpless Zimmy, who was KO’d. Alicia painedly turned it over into a lock of her own, and as security separated Toma, Sparrow and Biggz on the outside, the referee slid back in to see Zimmy was out cold. He dropped his arm once and called the match. ([I]Fry: Alicia did it! One more submission win to go on Sunday![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Alicia Strong at 13:24, B- ----------[/B][/COLOR] Strong asked for a microphone, and hobbled to the ropes to take it. “[I]Some people seem to think I don’t belong in this ring,[/I]” she declared with a wince, “[I]because I’m a woman. But I’m not here because of my sex. I’m here because I’m a Strong. Wrestling is in my blood, and in my soul, just like it was in my father’s. He wrestled because it was his calling. And it’s mine too. Win, lose, or draw on Sunday, I’m not going anywhere, because I belong here, and I know it.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) NON-TITLE MATCH ANGRY GILMORE vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Remo was aggressive, but clearly banged up, Gilmore danced circles around him to lace in shots to the neck. After taking a beating for most of the match, Remo caught the champ on a Lou Thesz press attempt and threw him backwards with a violent Remo Buster that launched Gilmore across the ring, clipping the referee. ([I]Phunk: Can we buy a referee that stays on his damn feet?[/I]) Remo fell to all fours, looking like his neck had finally stopped supporting him. That’s when Chris Rockwell sauntered down the aisle, rubbing his hands together. ([I]Fry: Here comes Rockwell to pick apart the carcass! This is sick![/I]) Rockwell rolled in but was met by Remo on his feet, now able to stand. Remo smiled. ([I]Fry: Played possum! He lured Rockwell down here![/I]) Rockwell froze in his spot and Remo blasted him with a few right hands and a kick to the stomach before wiping him out with a Destroyer. ([I]Fry: Rockwell got rocked![/I]) Chris curled up in the corner as Remo was dirtily rolled up from behind. ([I]Fry: Here comes another referee, that’s three! Gilmore stole it![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 15:09, B+ ---------- [/B][/COLOR] Gilmore raced up the aisle and through the curtain, taking his belt with him as cameras followed. He thought he was safe, but ran right into Jack Giedroyc. “[I]Angry—can I call you Angry? Are we on first-name terms?[/I]” “[I]Look, Jack, let’s just leave it for—[/I]” “[I]Sunday! About that… see, I’m so happy to be in the main event that I snagged the last front row seat for a new friend of mine. I think you know him. We’ve actually been talking a lot of strategy. Do you want to see him?[/I]” Giedroyc looked off camera. “[I]Hey—hey, Ray![/I]” Crippler Ray Kingman walked into the conversation to Gilmore’s dismay. Giedroyc put an arm around Kingman. ([I]Fry: Gilmore’s former mentor![/I]) “[I]You got your ticket, Ray?[/I]” Kingman smiled and flashed it. “[I]Well then. Angry—we will see you on Sunday. Keep that belt warm![/I]” The two left, and Gilmore was left shocked at what he saw. ([I]Fry: In three days, the belt is on the line, and Kingman is in Jack’s corner![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B Survive or Die Overall Rating: B- [COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]:[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Black] - On to Above The Law. [B]Fast Results: [/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Remo [B](B+) Alicia Strong [/B]def. Zimmy Bumfhole in a Submission Match [B](B-) Bart Biggz[/B] def. Matt Sparrow [B](C) Enforcer Roberts[/B] def. Frankie Perez in a Submission Match [B](C+) Phoenix/Machine/Calamari [/B]def. Weasel/Ota/Narato[B] (D+)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;226109]A small “Where’s—your—crab—hat” chant flared up here. [/QUOTE] Best chant around. ;) Thoughts on the show: I liked Rockwell's promo... a lot. You did a good job of selling his envy of Remo's far easier route to stardom. Mmmmm... filet mignon. Someone needs to give Matt Sparrow light green tights with a chequered pattern down the side. Most of the matches pretty much did their job, with Roberts and Strong both maintaining their stride with regulation wins. Good plot twist involving the main event. Remo outsmarted Rockwell to lure him into the ring, yet he still took his eye off of the ball and got rolled up like a fool, so despite getting a pasting, Rockwell's intervention still paid some sort of divedends. Nice use of the mind games to close as well, unsettling Gilmore for Above The Law by pulling out his mentor. Basically a solid show that put all the final pieces in place for the PPV.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Purple][B]Final Preview – SCAR Above The Law Live from the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Sunday, Week 3, May 2007 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B]Main Event [/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple][B]For the SCAR Championship Jack Giedroyc vs. Angry Gilmore (C)[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore’s dominant three-month reign as the first and only SCAR Champion could come crashing down with one Crashing On. If the impressive newcomer’s talents aren’t enough to get him the win, he also seems to have Angry Gilmore’s former mentor, Cripper Ray Kingman, in his corner. Kingman may have given Jack a few pointers on how to defeat the champion he knows better than anyone. However, Gilmore has weathered everything that’s been thrown at him so far and stayed golden. In the building where the first SCAR Champion was crowned, could we see our second? [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_ChrisMorrissette.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple][B]Chris Rockwell vs. Remo[/B][/COLOR] Respect and pride are on the line. With Rockwell desperately seeking the former, he’s targeted Remo, someone he feels never earned his spot or gave back to the business like he did. It’s Remo’s pride that is in question, as he now has the chance to prove that he belongs where he is by defeating Rockwell in California. [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple][B]For the Number-one Contendership [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]Jack Bruce vs. Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] Neither cousin would like to hurt the other, but that may be unavoidable with a shot at the SCAR Champion the prize for the winner. Jack has a decade on his younger cousin, but gives up a decided size advantage to the undefeated “Bulldozer”. It could get ugly—and if it does, which Bruce is prepared for a fight? [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B]Also![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Six Way Mayhem[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] For the SCAR Body Count Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] vs. Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] vs. Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] vs. Bairei Yasujiro (WLW)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] vs. Duane Stone (C)[/B][/COLOR] The match’s sixth slot has been filled by a Japanese high-risk master—World Level Wrestling’s Bairei Yasujiro! With all six men, as well as all weapons, legal at all times, can the Canadian Stone continue his surprising run, will Mainstream Hernandez reclaim what he feels is his, or will it be someone new taking the win, such as the new international star? [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B] Submission Match Enforcer Roberts vs. Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] A battle of the sexes, a battle against authority, and a battle against tapping out. Alicia Strong enters the domain of Enforcer Roberts and will hope to leave with something to match her victory against him last month. With no holds barred, and no one to help Strong, can she make the Enforcer submit? [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B] For the SCAR Tag Team Championship Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow vs. The Brothers from Different Mothers (Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole) (C)[/B][/COLOR] Zimmy and Bart aren’t brothers, but they are bullies. Thinking that they could pick on the lifelong loner Kid Toma, they were shocked when a past enemy, Matt Sparrow, sprung to his aid. With the gold on the line, can one of the most unlikely teams in recent memory finally give the Brothers from Different Mothers some competition? [B][COLOR=Purple]Plus! A Special Appearance by Miami Beach's Most Easily-Coerced Girls![/COLOR] [/B]They're heating up Pay Per View with their upcoming special on USA Free Choice, and they'll heat up Above The Law! Whoo, baby! Breasts! [LEFT][U]Prediction Key[/U]: Jack Giedroyc / Angry Gilmore Chris Rockwell / Remo Jack Bruce / Bulldozer Brandon Bruce Hernandez / Calamari / Machine / Phoenix / Yasujiro / Stone Enforcer Roberts / Alicia Strong Toma and Sparrow / Bros. from Different Mothers Predictions definitely appreciated, and SCAR Fun Bux are up for grabs. PS, check out Giedroyc and Gilmore. That resemblence is uncanny. They could be long lost brothers... ooh! Sto-ry-liiiine! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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Jack Giedroyc / [b]Angry Gilmore[/b] - Giedroyc is good on the mic, but Gilmore is all that and more. I could see Giedroyc being a champ at DaVE but only barely... he's not quite over enough for what you have going. Chris Rockwell / [b]Remo[/b] - You know I don't much like Rockwell. [b]Jack Bruce[/b] / Bulldozer Brandon Bruce - Losing to a rook like Dozer would be a huge overness collapse for Jack Bruce. I know these two are headed towards a real collision so I could see the young'in getting the upset, but I'm still taking the safe pick. Hernandez / Calamari / Machine / Phoenix / Yasujiro / [b]Stone[/b] Enforcer Roberts / [b]Alicia Strong[/b] - Her stats are ridiculous. Toma and Sparrow / [b]Bros. from Different Mothers[/b] - Toma and Sparrow have been around the block too many times. I like your repackaging of the two as allies, but I think the BfDM gimmick is too solid to switch out.
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Jack Giedroyc / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Mentor involved or not, I can see Gilmore picking up the win here. Giedroyc's not yet in a position for a victory of this magnitude. [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] / Remo Rockwell is due to find out what Remo is all about and that's pretty much running through anyone unfortunate enough to get in his path.... bbbbuuuuut, for the sake of Rockwell's character (the direction of which I like a lot btw), I can just about see him sneaking some form of unjust win here. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] / Bulldozer Brandon Bruce For some reason, I can't stand Triple B, plus I think the SCAR original will have too much for him. Hernandez / [B]Calamari[/B] / Machine / Phoenix / Yasujiro / Stone Stab in the dark... Enforcer Roberts / [B]Alicia Strong[/B] Roberts seems to have underestimated Strong up until this point and I suspect he's in for a rude awakening. Toma and Sparrow / [B]Bros. from Different Mothers[/B] Plastic parrot or not...
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The SCAR World Prediction Champ is here! lol! Got to say, this card has me puzzled, not sure I'll win this time round. Jack Giedroyc / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] I think Jack is personally a safe worker to have as champion, he doesn't really have bad matches. But neither does Gilmore. And I don't think he's had the push to take the title. That and there's guys with more star quality about them in SCAR. [B]Chris Rockwell [/B]/ Remo I can't go for the obvious choices all the time, because I hate PPV's that have obvious winners. That's why I hated Wrestlemania. Apart from the ECW Originals vs. New Breed match, I knew who was going to win every match. So I'm going to say this is the surprise match, because Remo is seen as a star, and everyone wants to build a new star or two in their promotion. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] / Bulldozer Brandon Bruce If this was further down the road, I might have given this to Triple B, but I'm not sure if he's over enough to beat his older brother or have a title shot against Angry. Hernandez / Calamari / Machine / Phoenix / Yasujiro / [B]Stone[/B] I think you want me to go for Hernandez, because Duane is supposedly on loan. But I think your up to something. lol [B]Enforcer Roberts [/B]/ Alicia Strong Alicia is great an all, but Enforcer Roberts is one of the most underated stars in the Cornellverse and always has good matches. If this storyline continues a bit further, then Enforcer gets the win. Toma and Sparrow / [B]Bros. from Different Mothers[/B] Never go with a make shift tag team unless they are main eventers!
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Purple][B]SCAR Crashing the Border - Live on USA Free Choice Sunday, Week 3, May 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the V. Thompson Arena (South West) Attendance: 10,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 1 FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Right from the first bell, the sell-out crowd was forced to choose between a pair of fan favourites. They seemed to be decidedly more behind Jack, but there was a contingent of Dozer fans as well. It began cleanly, with Bruce attempting some roll-ups and small packages to win it without having to hurt his cousin, but the big man broke out of all of them. After one crossbody pin, Brandon threw Jack off violently, hurling him into the corner. Jack rushed out into a big clothesline. ([I]Phunk: The gloves are off! Fry: Of course they are! The winner gets a shot at the SCAR Champion![/I]) It got very rough and tumble, with Jack exchanging tense words with his cousin as he laid elbows in near the corner. Brandon blocked one, grabbed Jack and turned with a spinning overhead toss. Brandon rushed him but was taken down with a drop toe hold that put him on his hands and knees. Jack leapt up for the New York Minute but found nothing as his cousin avoided it. Brandon tried to whip Jack into the corner, but had it reversed and he went in. Bulldozer misstepped and had his head connect with the ringpost. ([I]Fry: Oh my God![/I]) A gash opened on Brandon’s forehead and Jack looked concerned. He went in and checked on Brandon with the referee. ([I]Phunk: Why ain’t he following up? Fry: He’s concerned![/I]) The referee jumped out of the way as Brandon rushed out and waylaid his cousin with a flying shoulderblock. Brandon got up with fire in his eyes. ([I]Fry: We know what he’s like when someone’s drawn blood on him![/I]) He yanked Jack up by the scruff of the neck and hooked him for a brutal belly-to-belly, then another, in a chain… ([I]Fry: That’s two![/I]) And a third. Bruce covered, and Jack’s legs kicked in vain as Brandon held him down. ([I]Phunk: Bulldozer won! That’s the biggest win he’s got yet! Fry: He’s the number-one contender—but I think Jack lost his nerve after he saw his cousin covered in blood![/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Smith at 12:12, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] After the match, Jack slowly got up in a daze, and seemed upset with Brandon. Bulldozer hung around, stalking the ring as he continued to bleed, but finally left. [COLOR=Purple][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] Outside the arena, [COLOR=Purple][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] showed up in a rented convertible, with [COLOR=Purple][B]John Greed[/B][/COLOR] in the passenger seat. Seeing the camera, he perked up and talked about his great chances of winning tonight. “[I]I hope you fans are watching this one on a stream—because I sure as hell wouldn’t pay to see a match with losers like Calamari Kid, Insane Machine and whatever his name is—this Japanese guy, Astro Boy. Call your cable providers, demand that money back, because the match won’t last long. I know Stone’s tricks now, and the rest of the guys are just filler. I will leave the champion. And hell—if I can’t, I won’t wrestle for the Body Count Championship ever again.[/I]” Greed protested, saying that was a bad idea, but Hernandez got out and flipped him the car keys so Greed could park it. [COLOR=Purple][B]D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 2 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP KID TOMA and MATT SPARROW (w/ Birdie) vs. THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (C)[/B][/COLOR] Biggz and Bumfhole got more than they bargained for, with their makeshift opponents showing tons of cohesion. Zimmy was nailed with a flying splash from Sparrow and a Long Range Headbutt from Toma that Duane Fry was sure spelled the end, but Biggz broke it up by pulling the referee out. The match was wild until the champions buried Toma under a table and some cables at ringside, and re-entered the ring to hit their finisher on Sparrow. [COLOR=Purple][B] Winners: The Brothers from Different Mothers at 8:08, C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] Backstage, we saw three of [COLOR=Purple][B]Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls[/B][/COLOR] hanging by the catering table, all of them on cell phones, and wearing only a bra and Daisy Dukes for some reason. ([I]Fry: Those must be Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls! They’re making their Pay Per View debut here on USA Free Choice this month on Friday of Week 4! Ugh… I feel so dirty.[/I]) Wherever possibly-underage girls are, [COLOR=Purple][B]Joe Sexy [/B][/COLOR]isn’t far away. He picked up the scent and introduced himself. “[I]Hi, ladies. Joe Sexy—three-time SWF Heavyweight Champion.[/I]” ([I]Fry: I don’t think that’s right.[/I]) Sexy looped an arm around one of the girls to the back of their bra. “[I]Let me just help you get that off.[/I]” Shocked, she slapped him. “[I]Too forward? You seventeen-year-olds crack me up. I was about to invite you to the casino with me. What do you say?[/I]” They turned their interest back to their cells. “[I]Alright, have it your way. But will you at least blow on my dice?[/I]” He pulled his belt out a bit, and the second girl slapped him. “[I]Come on, it’s good luck![/I]” Slap number three. “[I]My face is really starting to hurt, so I’m out. Take ‘er easy![/I]” [COLOR=Purple][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 3 SIX WAY MAYHEM FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX vs. CALAMARI KID vs. INSANE MACHINE vs. BAIREI YASUJIRO vs. DUANE STONE (C)[/B] [/COLOR] First fall to a finish. Stone entered last as all five other men eyed him. Hernandez, true to his word, turned it way up, hitting his Mainstream Dreams from the top rope onto all five men on the floor. Not to be outdone, the visiting Yasujiro emerged from the wreckage and launched himself off of the barrier with a twisting press to put them all back down. The ladders and tables were broken out, with Stone and Yasujiro largely working together to fell their SCAR adversaries, before Bairei hit a handspring elbow on the Canadian for a near fall. Hernandez threw Yasujiro to the outside so he could work over Stone. With Ultimate Phoenix laying on a table near the announcers, Calamari Kid tried to hit a version of his Squid Buster on Yasujiro and Machine through him, but Phoenix moved at the last minute to avoid the move. Stone had a ladder slingshotted up into his groin by Hernandez before the former champion climbed to the top rope. ([I]Fry: He stops, poses—Mainstream Dreams![/I]) Hernandez covered and smiled, one, two… ([I]Fry: Ultimate Phoenix—Firebird Splash onto the whole thing![/I]) Hernandez rolled off in pain, and Phoenix wrapped up Stone. ([I]Fry: Two! Three! What a shocker, Phoenix is the champion![/I]) Phoenix got up, and holding his stomach was presented with the title. ([I]Fry: This also means Hernandez can never challenge for the belt again! Poetic justice for Phoenix, who got attacked by Mainstream a couple of weeks ago![/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner, and new Body Count Champion: Ultimate Phoenix at 10:14, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, not seeming as concerned as he was at the conclusion of Survive or Die. “[I]Jack Giedroyc, you can enlist the help of Crippler Ray to help your chances. Hell, while you’re at it, you can talk to my youth hockey coach, my third grade teacher and my chiropractor. Because whatever secrets they give you aren’t going to be enough, the reason being that there’s no secret to defeating excellence. You just… don’t.[/I]” [COLOR=Purple][B]B+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 4 SUBMISSION MATCH ALICIA STRONG vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B][/COLOR] Strong, from the word go, outmanuevered Roberts, who didn’t even bother to wear tights and had a dress shirt and slacks on. He was locked in a crossface chickenwing that appeared to be taking its toll, but he pulled himself up by the ropes and dropped back onto her. He applied some holds of his own, all of which she resisted and clawed to the ropes during. He got fed up and stood, taking off his belt and looping it back through. ([I]Phunk: Time for a whippin’! Fry: I don’t think so…[/I]) He wrapped it around Alicia’s neck and sat on her back, pulling hard. ([I]Fry: This is sick! That’s no submission—he’s choking her like a dog! He’s waiting for her to pass out! Phunk: And there’s no DQ—only way to win’s with a submission![/I]) He yanked back more as Strong struggled to jam her fingers through the belt to create some room. As she started to fade, a woman with blonde hair slid into the ring, and as Roberts turned, blasted him with a lethal roundhouse kick. ([I]Fry: That woman just saved Alicia! Phunk: What a kick![/I]) Roberts was knocked loopy, and as Strong slowly got to her feet, she locked him in an elevated crab. ([I]Fry: Alicia’s got him right in the middle![/I]) He struggled and grabbed, but as Strong sat back, he finally tapped to the crowd’s pleasure. [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner: Alicia Strong at 12:31, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] Strong fell backwards, and was helped up by the mystery woman. They walked together to the back as trainers attended to Roberts. ([I]Fry: Who is that woman? Phunk: A hottie![/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B]C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 5 REMO vs. CHRIS ROCKWELL[/B][/COLOR] Rockwell looked very ready, and Remo was prepared too, though still hurt. He powered through Rockwell in the early moments, dispatching him to the floor several times. Rockwell picked a moment when the referee forced a break, and laid in a filthy clubbing blow to Remo’s hurt neck. From there, an almost-uninterrupted ten minute beatdown on the neck ensured, with Rockwell stepping, kneeing, stomping and sitting on it. The referee looked like he wanted to end things, but Remo kept fighting and grabbed him by the shirt at one point to prove that he was still in it. Rockwell laid him on his stomach, and went up top for presumably a legdrop across the neck, but Remo got to one knee and caught him with a high-velocity Remo Buster. Rockwell writhed in pain, but Remo fell to his ass and stayed there, nursing his neck. Rockwell slowly pulled himself together and approached, but Remo hooked him into a Destroyer attempt. Rockwell turned it into a single arm DDT. ([I]Fry: Cover, two, three—no! No! Remo got out! I can’t believe it![/I]) A quick follow with the Rock Tumbler couldn’t do it either, and Rockwell was incredulous. He crotched Remo on the top rope but then pulled his body forward. ([I]Fry: What’s he—no! Super DDT! Right on the neck! Phunk: I… ugh…[/I]) Rockwell covered… two… three. He pumped his arm into the air furiously, and applauded himself. ([I]Fry: Rockwell has done it! Phunk: Justice, man! You have to give it to him for the way he targeted Remo’s weakness! He was right, Fry—he is better than Remo! Fry: I don’t know about that.[/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner: Chris Rockwell at 19:18, A [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] Before the main event, Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls came out to the large indifference of the crowd, and put together a poorly-choreographed dance routine, complete with music and lasers. ([I]Fry: Remember! Friday of Week 4, it’s Miami Beach’s—ah, forget it.[/I]) Their show was cut off by Cherry Eisen walking down the aisle holding two buckets of paint. ([I]Phunk: Alright, Cherry’s gotta dance too! Fry: I wouldn’t bet on it.[/I]) Eisen faced the girls. “[I]I know we’ve got an agreement with Free Choice to give you girls some free advertising, but I’ve have enough of this demeaning, objectivifying crap![/I]” ([I]Phunk: I could use a little more.[/I]) “[I]Women don’t belong in a wrestling ring, whether they’re fighting in it, or shaking their ass in it! Sorry, ladies, you look nice and all but… you need a paint job![/I]” Eisen threw a can of blue paint all over them as they screamed, and followed it with some yellow. She laughed. “[I]Now get out of my ring, so our SCAR Champion can defend his title![/I]” The girls left, very shook up and very green. ([I]Fry: Cherry just did a terrible thing, but on the other hand, it did get the Miami Beach girls the hell out of SCAR![/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B]D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] As Cherry took a seat near the timekeeper, another person sat down—[COLOR=Purple][B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] in the front row. [COLOR=Purple][B]C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B] MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP JACK GIEDROYC vs. ANGRY GILMORE (C)[/B][/COLOR] Kingman had a few words for Giedroyc before the bell, and when he got in with Gilmore, shot out of the gates. He locked the champion in a side headlock on the mat, and when Gilmore went to reach his legs around his head, Giedroyc slipped out and dropped an elbow on him. ([I]Fry: Think he saw that coming?[/I]) After some more offense from the challenger, Gilmore slipped in a knee and prepared for Anger Management, but Giedroyc went with it and turned the momentum into a jumping bulldog on the champion. ([I]Fry: I’ve never seen Gilmore’s finisher defended that way! Phunk: Or Gilmore getting figured out this bad![/I]) Giedroyc had him reeling when he went for Crashing On, but was pushed backwards into the ropes, and bounced out into a leg lariat. Rather than follow up, Gilmore went to the outside to jaw with Cripper Ray Kingman, who wasn’t interested in him. As Cherry conferred with the referee, Gilmore snatched away Crippler’s cane and slid in with it. Gilmore reared back to nail Giedroyc, but Jack kicked it up into the air and grabbed it himself. He wrapped it around the champ’s neck from the side and used it to hit a version of Anger Management. ([I]Fry: The champion’s own move! Phunk: No! No![/I]) Cherry could contain the referee for no longer as he slid in and Giedroyc made the cover… two… three! ([I]Fry: My God! My God, Giedroyc won! He’s the SCAR Champion![/I]) Giedroyc got up and quickly fell to his knees, overwhelmed. [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner, and new SCAR Champion: Jack Giedroyc at…[/B][/COLOR] Wait a second. Eisen grabbed a microphone. “[I]No! No! Referee, he used a weapon. Look up at the screen![/I]” A still of Giedroyc with the cane around Giedroyc’s neck showed up. “[I]Now if you want to keep your job, you’ll continue this match![/I]” The referee threw his hands up and as Giedroyc protested, he poked his head through the ropes to instruct the timekeeper. Gilmore quickly scooped up the cane and hit a mighty golf swing to Giedroyc’s balls. ([I]Fry: Dammit, no![/I]) Giedroyc went to one knee and was left wide open for Anger Management. The referee turned around into a cover, and registered three. ([I]Fry: For God’s sakes, Gilmore takes one of the screwiest matches I’ve ever seen![/I]) Gilmore took his belt and embraced Cherry Eisen on the outside as the fans let him have it. ([I]Fry: No one’s ever going to take the belt as long as the odds are so stacked against any challenger![/I]) [COLOR=Purple][B] Winner, and still SCAR Champion: Angry Gilmore at 20:26, B+ Above The Law Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - Remo/Rockwell and Giedroyc/Gilmore freakin' BROUGHT IT. They helped raise a show that seemed destined for a C+ or B- rating. I was surprised by the tag match’s quality, given that neither team has been together too long, but overall I’m pleased. - The buy rate fell WAY down to 1.87 from 3.88 for Crashing The Border. Free Choice simply isn’t the advertising juggernaut that NAPS was, so we’ll have to work harder to get those big numbers. - The winner is Sebsplex, with 4/6. 5,000,000 SCAR Fun Bux for you, my friend. Don't spend it all in one diary. A million to Pox and Jonny too, what the hell. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Jack Giedroyc to retain [B](B+) Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Remo [B](A) Alicia Strong[/B] def. Enforcer Roberts [B](B-) Ultimate Phoenix[/B] wins Six Way Mayhem to become SCAR Body Count Champion [B](C) The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B] def. Toma/Sparrow [B](C+) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. Jack Bruce [B](C)[/B][/quote]
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Blow on my dice! :eek: I'm amazed and dismayed that Rockwell is getting your best numbers - I still don't like the guy. But Gilmore is a logical choice for champ right now, especially if Giedroyc is really stretched that thin. Good show, all around. This Ultimate Phoenix guy looks like good news... and for the 1000th time, I regret having started that DaVE diary with hiring restrictions on, because they just... don't... make... no... sense, no matter how I write them. The real question - assuming that you've ended the Gilmore/Giedroyc collision (and that's a big if), who do you send at the champ next? It has to be a face, I'm guessing, and Alicia isn't ready yet.
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*rolls around in mountain of SCAR Fun Bux* Very good show. I am surprised at the rating hit that Remo vs Rockwell proved to be. I don't know what plans you had for their or how extended their feud is to be, but with that sort of score, it might be worth rethinking it. The screwjob style twist in the main event was also well done, Gilmore is definitely the man right now to carry the SCAR gold... please have him roll of Bulldozer Brandon Smith in the near future, I just can't take to the worker. Also, I thought it was a nice touch to use Enforcer Roberts attire to demonstrate his over confidence... it's only a minor detail, but things like that are great for capturing the mood and story behind a bout. I do have one major complaint about the event though... Cherry Eisen's paint cans could have easily been substituted for cans of... I don't know, sulphuric acid. ;)
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[B][SIZE=4]Jim Burn, Nevada[/SIZE][/B] It was a town of about six hundred, and more than an hour from any major city. Named after a cowboy who had saved a prize cow from being rustled, that probably explained why it wasn’t any kind of tourist destination. Jim Burn wasn’t a place where you could hope to find anything unless you knew what you were looking for. And I did. I was looking for one of the most well-known pro wrestlers of the last decade. And as it happened, he was within a month of finishing his contract with one of our two competitors. He was also my friend. It was one of those relationships between a huge terrifying guy and a smart-mouthed pipsqueak that, formed out of mutual respect, seemed to defy probability. And now I was hoping to use it to my advantage. Leaving the vicinity of the V. Thompson Arena on Monday morning to head back to San Diego, I took a small detour to Jim Burn—or a big one. More specifically, I was looking for a ranch that, for my friend, had only farmed solitude. I had few directions to work from, nor was I expected, so it was fate, I thought, that he happened to be out on his front porch sipping iced tea as I creeped by. I stopped with a crunch, and he lifted his tinted sunglasses to take a look at me. “You’re a long way from the surf.” He shook my hand with a smile, and once again overestimated how much of his meathook I could handle. I turned down an offer of a cool glass of my own. “What brings ya?” “I need a reason?” He replied with a blocky chuckle. “People don’t come to see me for much more than business.” “If you weren’t my friend, I wouldn’t have gone off the interstate about five hours ago.” He nestled back into his deck chair. “Talk, Jim.” “You first. Is your contract up?” “Soon. They sent me home with twenty days on it. They’re not giving TV time to someone who’s leaving.” “So twenty days. And then what?” He gestured to his ranch house. “Then I’m here for good. I don’t know if I could have done another six months, or even one. That place is falling apart and my deal ran out at the right time. The business is in my blood, but things are so different now from when I broke in… I think that’s it. I'm tired.” I watched as the sun glinted off of his head. He didn’t seem bitter. He didn’t seem angry. He seemed satisfied. He wasn’t the guy who needed to soak up a dimming spotlight to feed his ego, or who craved adulation. He was really going to enjoy some peace and quiet, some decades, to himself. Now how was I supposed to pull him away from that? “You know that I’d like you in the fold. This would be a partnership—you can have as much creative control as you want, and we’ll really take your character back to how it once was.” He stirred his tea intently so I kept going. “Don’t you want to go out on top? With a bang that everyone’s going to remember? You deserve it, and, hell—you’re my friend. I want to give it to you. I won’t lie and say it’s not a hell of a gain for us. But this feels like it could really—” “Pass.” He wiped his head and sniffed. “We’re bros, Jim, but… pass. I’m finished.” I stammered. And I’d tried. After some small talk and reminiscing, I made my way back to the car. He wished me a safe trip and asked that next time I come for pleasure, not business. I leaned out of the window. “Come to SCAR, and I can promise you both.” With a salute, I was back on the road. Goddamnit. This time, I thought I had the answer. All those who had been left the big two were staying on the sidelines—waiting, retiring, investing—and I thought my friend would be the exception. The top of our roster was on the verge of being stagnant; some new additions like Chris Rockwell and Alicia Strong seemed like they may pan out but needed time, while others like Bulldozer Brandon Smith were still wobbling and reeked to some of "too much too soon". In my eyes, we needed one more undeniable star to bolster our ranks and let people know they were watching the right show. But it wasn’t happening today; not in Nevada and not on this old dirt road. Much later, it got dark, and I was alone, nearing my home, back aching. That’s when my cell phone beeped with a text message. It could have been anything—a reminder from D’arcy, probably. But it wasn’t from him. It was from a man in Nevada. [B] maybe i got another year in me[/B] I didn’t think he had a P.O. Box, much less a cell. But now there was this. An opening. He showed an inclination, much as I suspected, to brave the creaks and pains to finish his career on top, rather than being forgotten, watching the clock tick on a ranch. And now, I had to think what I could give him what he’d never had before. Then I'd have what I was looking for.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 4, May 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]ONE AND ONLY: GILMORE RETAINS[/B][/COLOR] After some interjection from SCAR’s owner, a restarted match and the use of a cane, [COLOR=Red][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] did as he promised and defeated upstart challenger Jack Giedroyc to remain the only Champion in SCAR's history. He’ll appear on Survive or Die this week, but will Jack be there to greet him?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]FULL STEAM AHEAD[/B][/COLOR] In a unique cousin vs. cousin bout, [COLOR=Red][B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] defeated Jack Bruce in a bloody rage to capture the number-one contendership. With SCAR’s next Pay Per View event a scant three weeks away, will the undefeated rookie cash in his chips for a shot at Angry Gilmore?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]A RISE FROM THE ASHES[/B][/COLOR] On a night where pundits pegged everyone [I]but [/I]him to have a shot at gold, flashy luchador [COLOR=Red][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] gained a measure of revenge and vindication by not only capturing the SCAR Body Count Championship from Duane Stone, who has since returned to Canada, but also by locking rival Mainstream Hernandez out of any future title shot. He’ll defend his championship for the first time this Thursday; is Phoenix for real?
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I unfortunately have some very disappointing news as it pertains to this dynasty. While updating my laptop, the process locked up halfway through and I had to power down. When I powered back up... well, it didn't (kids, stay away from Service Pack 2). In short, my entire hard drive got ruined including a lot of scripts and the SCAR save game. I'm not sure how to proceed. It seems possible to rebuild the database from scratch and keep going but I'm not sure how much work that would entail--likely a whole lot, and I don't know if what I came up with could match what I had. On the other hand I would hate to end this diary as it's been so fulfilling, and I have so many ideas left for it. I really don't want this to be over. Anyhow, I wanted to update everyone so I wasn't pegged as a deserter. The first thing is getting back up and running with a new computer and then figuring out some other stuff, like who's gonna pay for it. Thanks for reading, and if this is the end of SCAR, then your support has meant so much. No matter what, I will still be around to read these awesome diaries.
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Man, this is really disappointing. This was one of the diaries I was up to date with, and read every time you put up a new post. Definately going to miss this dynasty. But thanks for the good times, and SCAR will live in the memory!
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That's a shame to hear Jehovah. I lost a modified dataset I made as well as a good save game (not in the same circumstances) and know how frustrating it can be. Personally I think I'd try to recreate the current setting as closely as possible then maybe skip ahead a month or two in the future. Maybe make a couple of tweaks here of there and use the time gap to (in your dynasty) explain any inconsistancies, changes in momentum, overness, etc from you last updates and go from there. I definitely think SCAR is worth pursuing.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;233487]That's a shame to hear Jehovah. I lost a modified dataset I made as well as a good save game (not in the same circumstances) and know how frustrating it can be. Personally I think I'd try to recreate the current setting as closely as possible then maybe skip ahead a month or two in the future. Maybe make a couple of tweaks here of there and use the time gap to (in your dynasty) explain any inconsistancies, changes in momentum, overness, etc from you last updates and go from there. I definitely think SCAR is worth pursuing.[/QUOTE]Thanks for the advice Sebs. I'm definitely not letting this one go without a hell of a fight. I'm going to pursue all avenues of getting the ship back in the water.
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I'm going to venture out on a limb. It took a while but I eventually read through and enjoyed the hell out of this diary. If you bring it back, I say you use it to make some changes. Eisen can have reacquired SCAR or he's pushed you out of the booker chair due to you succeeding and him failing. Rather than try to resurrect it as is, use it to shake things up once more. Something along the lines of After the Antitrust comes another Monopoly. Or... Relapse... when a SCAR gets infected. Finally, if you want to wrap up the diary as is, just give yourself free reign to write out one last PPV with a skimmed section for the storyline lead-ups to the PPV. Continued success.
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I know this will sound really obvious - but have you checked the backup file that TEW creates for every game? I think it's created at the end of each in-game week, so if its intact, maybe you can recreate from there. I'd hate to see this diary close when I'm just getting into it :(
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[QUOTE=James Casey;234925]I know this will sound really obvious - but have you checked the backup file that TEW creates for every game? I think it's created at the end of each in-game week, so if its intact, maybe you can recreate from there. I'd hate to see this diary close when I'm just getting into it :([/QUOTE]Unfortunately the entire hard drive the game was on is inaccessible. My techie friend couldn't pull a single thing off of it. I have a whole new computer, and I'm currently attempting to recreate the game where I was, and also trying to find solutions to run the game on Vista. So far it's going well apart from freezes here and there. Keep your eyes to the skies...
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