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Ultimate Combat Ring

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Right, I've never used the Cornellverse for more than a short time so don't know much about it. Decided to do a mini-dynasty to get me playing the game again, so I have no idea how long this will last...probably as long as it takes Mr DOTT to release something. Anyways, here goes...shoddy back story included... Back Story: The real world of Scottish professional wrestling had finally gotten rid of me, me...their own father too! How could they...oh they'd be sorry. I decided to look in the wardrobe for my championship belt, but as I reached for it a blinding light crashed through the cupboard and I lost my bearings as the world seemed to spin aimlessly out of control and I found myself...no, not in the Cornellverse yet...laying in a heap on the floor, the torch I'd inadvertently switched on still shining away and my cupboard laying across the bedroom and resting on my bed. I breathed a sigh of relief...I've only just moved into the flat afterall...then cracked my head off of the cupboard as I attempted to get up. It's during the resulting concussion that I now find myself in the Cornellverse as Booker of a promotion named Ultimate Combat Ring. As I delved into the inner workings, a fantastic Power Rangers style TV show format began to form in my mind. Fun characters that any child would love, a goofy story that ends with a wrestling match inside a volcano, cave or giant eagle's nest. But, for now, back to why I'm here and why you're all started reading...WRESTLING. So, sit back and enjoy the anticipation as it's all poorly pieced together bollocks from here on in.
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[SIZE="4"]UCR Week 1[/SIZE] Well, interestingly enough UCR [B]International Wrestling Superstars[/B] had it's first Wednesday showing before I'd taped anything. So, the best of 06 show saw a viewing figure of 0.14. No news other than the first TV taping, which went as follows: The night began with Byron looking to make 2007 his Sergei Kalashnov had other ideas and both men eventually agreed to a steel cage match. Byron stating the title was NOT on the line. First match of 07 saw Anna Ki defend the Female Title in an elimination match versus Speedy Marie, Geena The Warrior Princess and The Alpha Female. Both heels were eliminated, with Geena graciously offering Anna the victory on the 12:13 mark. The next portion of the card began with Doctor Insane's mock funeral for UCR, this was followed by The Princess and The Force announcing that they were keeping a watchful eye on proceedings. The next match saw The Evil Henchaman win the Tag Team Titles in an eliminaton match versus Double Dutch and The Force. With Ruud Van Anger down, Scheming Behemoth made his way down to the ring...his path was blocked by Captain Hero. Next up, Bam Bam Johansson displayed nothing but contempt for Geoff Borne. This contempt soon turned to disbelief as Borne took a victory in just under 12 minutes. A video played for Joey Beauchamp, who was unavoidably detained, following which we were shown the darker side of Bam Bam Johansson as disbelief turned to rage and he attacked Geoff Borne backstage. Finally, your maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain event of the evening. Byron and Sergei Kalashnov contested an excellent cage match under pinfall rules. Byron came out victorious, pinning Sergei at 15:48. Overall, the show received a D+ rating and excellent reviews in the media. A financial loss of around $12,000 but I'm fairly happy with that for a first show.
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